How to wash the floor using the right hand rule. Positive aspects of mopping. Features of cleaning floors with different coatings

How to wash the floor using the right hand rule.  Positive aspects of mopping.  Features of cleaning floors with different coatings
How to wash the floor using the right hand rule. Positive aspects of mopping. Features of cleaning floors with different coatings

Dear housewives! How much time and effort does it take us to clean our apartment? And every housewife wants it to take less time, save costs from the family income, and so that as a result everything shines and shines with cleanliness. But what products are best suited for this, since there are so many of them offered in specialized stores and supermarket departments? Moreover, advertising talks about the miracles of using certain products.
This review is all about floor care, or more precisely, what and how to wash floors correctly.

What you need to know about floor cleaners

There are many such means. They are even grouped according to their main characteristics: manufacturing method and composition of components; the types of surfaces for which this or that product is intended; the way it affects human health, and so on. Among the variety of products, there are: antibacterial, antistatic, disinfectants, natural, folk. And there are just home remedies (from grandma’s advice). Among all these means there are the least or most safe.

Which method should you prefer? What is the best floor cleaner to quickly remove dirt, make the floor shine, and prevent the skin of your hands from getting damaged? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. It all depends on the material with which your floor is covered and on the financial capabilities of the user. Well, in which room you are going to wash the floor is also important.
Why should the coating material be taken into account? The answer is simple - so as not to spoil the floor. And it is important to know the room in order to correctly select, if necessary, effective and less safe detergents.

Now a few words about the types of floor cleaning products.

Antibacterial agents - these products are good, cleanliness will be sterile, but keep in mind that they can harm health, because when they are used, particles of substances with which the product is filled get into the air, onto the surface, and also onto our skin and mucous membrane. Of course, Mapa Professional rubber gloves and a gauze bandage can protect you from this.

Antistatic agents are mainly used where static electricity occurs, which can be a fire hazard. This applies more to hospital premises, individual industries, in which the quality of floors is subject to special requirements. At home, such products may be needed if, for example, your floor is covered with plastic or an antistatic polymer coating.

Disinfectants are needed for effective destruction infectious agents: bacteria, fungi, influenza viruses and others. Such funds in household are simply necessary, especially if there are small children in the family. In this case, of all the floor cleaning products, you should choose the safest one. Some housewives prefer some kind of floor cleaner with chlorine to disinfect their homes, especially if they have pets. But for small residential premises it is better not to do this, because you will have to breathe chlorine until the room is ventilated, and this is already harmful.

And remember, no matter what floor cleaner you choose, read the ingredients. Do not buy:
disinfectants with sodium hypochlorite – the floors will stop shining over time;
floor detergents that resemble regular washing powder, and even with optical brightener - make cleaning more difficult for yourself. An ideal floor cleaner contains less than 5% nonionic surfactants (surfactants), preservatives and fragrances. This is enough to keep the floor clean.
All of these products contain professional products household chemicals and for the most part they are not harmless. But there are others that are safe and quite effective. Housewives love them for their simplicity and cost-effectiveness of use. This:
natural remedies for cleaning the floor. They are environmentally friendly, without chemical products. Such means provide good result cleaning and safety at the same time. These include mixtures of water with vinegar, medical alcohol, and essential oil. Sometimes mustard and lemon are added;
folk remedies for cleaning floors are similar to natural ones. These are the same mixtures of water with vinegar, baking soda, and ammonia. Laundry soap is the main component in folk mixtures. These products have been tested for many years, but for modern materials, such as laminate, it is not advisable to use folk remedies for cleaning the floor;
home remedy for cleaning floors is a product prepared at home by the housewife herself. It can also be prepared from simple available ingredients: laundry, baby, coconut or other harmless soap, borax, soda ash or baking soda, dry mustard powder and so on. All these components in different proportions diluted with water.

General rules for cleaning floors

Now let’s talk more specifically about how to properly wash floors, although, at first glance, this task does not look difficult.
For cleaning you need to prepare the appropriate equipment: rags, mops, brooms, a set of dustpans + a brush for manual floor cleaning, a single-bucket cleaning cart, a holder for MOPs, brushes, dustpans, buckets or basins, rubber gloves, detergents for cleaning the floor (about some of the they are also in the article).
Tip: Spend your money and buy a MagicSweeper mop. With it you won’t need a broom and dustpan, and cleaning the floor in your home will be easy, quick, and pleasant. For comfortable floor cleaning, it is preferable to have a good squeezing mop.
In general, choose equipment that is comfortable, so that your back hurts less later and fatigue does not spoil your mood. For example, a floor cleaning kit consisting of a double bucket with a vertical spin, a folding plastic flounder, a fiber nozzle, a microfiber mop, a professional aluminum handle, and a side container.

Now remove dirt from the floor using a broom or mop. Lightly moisten the tip of the broom with water so that dust does not rise and fly into different sides. Start this activity in a corner away from the door. Of course, you first need to remove dust from the corners under the ceiling and from all pieces of furniture, and put the scattered things back in their places. Otherwise, only mopping the floors will not bring the desired cleaning effect. So that nothing gets in the way when washing the floor, remove unnecessary things from it: flower pots, floor lamps, chairs, stools, small tables and other pieces of furniture that can be easily rearranged.

Don't forget to wear rubber gloves - your hands and manicure won't be damaged. Well, when you finish cleaning, do not forget to wipe the floor with a dry, clean cloth so that some floor coverings do not become deformed. Now you can relax a little and start new household chores or take time for yourself and your household.

Popular floor cleaners

Of course, the list of floor cleaning products offered by manufacturers is not limited to this list. The choice always remains with the housewives and the priority they give to the desired cleaning result. But if there are small children in the house, choose floor cleaning products that are safe for children.

The best cleaning products for different types of floors

Carpet floor cleaner – dry foam (sold). It should be lightly rubbed, left for a few minutes, then walked over the coating with a damp vacuum cleaner. This is the most quick view cleaning. It’s even better to first clean the carpet with shampoo, for example “SANO CARPET SHAMPOO SPRAY, 750ml”, then collect everything with a vacuum cleaner.
Cleaning products for ceramic floors - “SANO POLIWIX”. The product has pleasant fresh aromas (lemon, orchid, lotus).
"PassionGold 1.5 l" - effectively cleans ceramic surfaces in the house. Has a fresh, subtle aroma.
These products are gentle on the skin of the hands, so gloves are not needed. Used for cleaning floors in diluted form. If the floor is heavily soiled, you may not need to dilute the product. Apply them to dirty spots using a sponge. There is no need to rinse off the products. Floor surfaces are given a noticeable shine.
Tile floor cleaners - "HG: Tile" - one of the best, specially developed products for cleaning glazed tile floor surfaces, as well as granite tile floors. Can also be used on tiled floors. Advantages - does not leave any streaks, removes any dirt, stains, and shoe marks well.
In general, the global industry produces many such products: “Passiflora”, “Spare” (SANO Polivix), “5in1 Orchid 1l”, “ATTITUDE, 1040 ml (419 rub.)”, eco-friendly floor cleaner from “Attitude”. Each of these products leaves your tile floors looking clean and shiny.
Wooden floor cleaner – “Pronto”. One of the best means! Judging by the reviews of housewives, “Pronto” has no drawbacks. The product is relatively inexpensive, does not irritate the skin of the hands, and has a pleasant light smell. The floor is easy and quick to clean.
Tile floor cleaner – “Glorix” (already written about it). This tile floor cleaner is one of the best. The main advantage of the product is that there are no streaks left on the floor.
Marble floor cleaner – alkaline solution. It easily removes dirt from the coating and does not damage the marble surface of the floor. The most recommended folk remedy for such floors is a mixture of water and 20% hydrogen peroxide (20%) plus a few drops of ammonia.
Parquet floor cleaner – “Denkmit”. A unique product with carnauba wax that allows you to carefully care for parquet. The floor surface treated with the product is protected from wear, influence ultraviolet rays. The floor is wiped with a diluted mixture (5 caps in 10 liters of water). The rag should be wrung out well.
Well, about how to clean dirt from the tiles on the floor? - “Silit” or “Duckling”. Both products allow you to clean dirty tiles on the floor. Just after spraying the product, let it sit for a while so that the dirt absorbs the product and softens.

If you want to use a folk remedy, here are some tips on how to make a floor cleaner at home.

1. Steam (even boil a little) spruce branches in two liters of water. Strain the broth and add 3-4 tablespoons of salt, soda and soap shavings (for 6 cups of broth). Stir this mixture for 15 minutes. keep in a water bath. Add the cooled mixture (6-7 tablespoons) to 10 liters of water and wash the floor. For tile floors, you can squeeze the juice of one lemon into the mixture. The floor will shine.
2. Coarsely grate dark laundry soap and add water. Add this solution to water for washing floors. To freshen up the color of your tile floor, you can add vinegar to your cleaning water.
3. If you mix 4.5 liters of warm water and 1/8 cup each of liquid soap and white vinegar, you will get an environmentally friendly detergent for the floor.
4. Washing floors, disinfecting, do-it-yourself products - a bucket of water plus half a glass of table vinegar. You can add a little liquid soap. Wash the floor with this mixture and then wipe with a solution of 5% vinegar. Why vinegar? – This is one of the components of cleaning products that destroys viruses, as well as bacteria and mold. By the way, research from the Heinz company Michael Malen proves that 5% vinegar kills about 100% of bacteria and about 80% of mold and viruses.
If you are wondering how to clean dirty floors, this product is ideal for such floors.
5. How to clean the kitchen floor? - spray cleaner: a glass of water plus half a glass of vinegar and vodka (diluted alcohol) and half a teaspoon essential oil orange Warm solution soap and soda are also suitable for linoleum floors.
As you can see, making your own floor cleaner is not at all difficult.

Cleaning the floor after renovation

Many housewives practice starting a small redecorating your home (painting, whitewashing) during the vacation period. It seems understandable, because you need a lot of time, and with work it’s barely enough for everyday household chores, and even on weekends it’s not possible to redo everything planned. But how every good housewife wants to renovate her home, at least appearance ceiling, walls, to change the boring environment, make it more attractive, more modern.

Well, cleaning the floor after renovation is, to put it mildly, not a very pleasant pleasure. And a lot of questions arise: how to clean the floor and how to clean the floor after renovation more efficiently and quickly, and so that there are no dirty spots left? Do you agree (read and shake your head)?

Let's try to help you with some tips from the experience of housewives.

1. In addition to the previously described equipment, you may need: metal and rubber spatulas, brushes with metal bristles, sandpaper. Ordinary blades can also come in handy.
2. When starting the renovation, don’t be too lazy to cover the floor with at least something (film, paper). True, this will not save the entire floor, but problems with cleaning the floors will certainly be reduced, because you won’t have to put in much effort, and the financial costs will be less.
3. What and how to remove paint from the floor?
Latex paint (water-dispersed) is best removed with acetone or White Spirit (solvent). But the second remedy is more delicate compared to acetone. If decorative flooring allows, but the stain is old, you can use a brush with stiff bristles.
For nitro paints, as well as for water-dispersion paints, the solvent White Spirit is preferable. You can try removing the stain with nail polish remover.
For withdrawal oil paint take regular liquid intended for cleaning household appliances.
To quickly clean paint stains on linoleum, pre-treat them vegetable oil. The paint will become more amenable to cleaning and the surface of the linoleum will be more intact.
And most importantly: first check the effect of your preferred product somewhere on an area of ​​your floor covering that is hardly noticeable to the prying eye, so that exposure to solvents does not damage its surface and protective layer.
4. How to remove water-based paint from the floor?
This type of paint for renovation has recently become the most popular. Stains from water-based paints Usually, if they are fresh, you can simply wash them off with soapy water and then wipe them dry. If the stain is old, it must first be softened with water or the same soap solution (min. 20-30).
In addition, there are chemicals that are safe and quickly degradable, for example, formic acid or isopropyl alcohol. But why take the risk, especially if you have children living in the house?
5. How to clean the tiles on the floor after renovation?
Of course, you must first, as before washing any floor, remove dust from the surface of the tile (vacuum or sweep) and remove mechanically stuck lumps of solution. Then treat these areas with solvent. If the tiles are simply covered with construction dust, wash them with detergent, ammonia or 9% vinegar, testing the product on one tile. Instead of detergent, you can use regular soap solution. Then I wash the floor clean water and wipe dry with a soft cloth and rub with paper. Now you know not only how, but also how to clean the tiles on the floor after renovation.
6. How to remove lime from the floor?
Lime that has hardened on the floor can be easily washed off. You can first carefully remove the layer with a spatula, then wash the floor with a mixture of vegetable oil (100 g) and a bucket of hot water, and again with clean water, adding a little dishwashing detergent or vinegar.
7. How to clean whitewash from a floor?
Cleaning the floor from whitewash is usually a labor-intensive procedure for the housewife. But the same solution (read the previous advice) will speed up this procedure and the result will please you. But you will have to wash it more than once, or rather, 3-4 times.
8. A few crystals of ordinary potassium permanganate added to water also answer the question - how to clean the floor after whitewashing? True, finding potassium permanganate today is problematic. You can also try a saline solution (a bucket of water plus half a glass of salt).
And lastly: when using these tips, do not forget about the type of flooring. Not all materials are equally resistant to moisture, so consider the recommendations of flooring manufacturers.
9. Well, if you are doing more than just cosmetic repairs, you are cleaning the premises after construction is completed or overhaul, it is important to remember that construction dust is harmful to health.

First, you should think about your protection. To do this, protect your eyes with special safety glasses.
Second, wear overalls that cover most of your body, with lightweight cotton or linen clothing underneath. You should also not forget about the respiratory tract; they can be protected with thick gauze bandages or special respirators.
Have you defended yourself? Now you can clean up construction dust, which, for sure, has accumulated a lot. First, you need to slightly moisten the floor surface and use a broom to remove the dirt. It will curl into pellets and can be easily assembled. But you can’t overdo it, otherwise stains will form on the floor. Now wash the floor using the most suitable or preferred detergents. Of course, you need to familiarize yourself with their choice in advance.

Let's sum it up

After reading the article, you learned about different means for cleaning the floor. Now you don't have any questions:
how to clean a wooden floor;
how to clean a greasy floor;
how to clean tiles on the floor;
how to wash it floor tiles(what to wash floor tiles);
How to clean tiles on the floor after renovation?
If you still have questions and you didn’t like all the products discussed, look for advice from cleaners on forums on the Internet, and write your reviews. Maybe they will be useful to someone. And if you took advantage of our advice, we will be very glad.

Several Yet useful tips In conclusion, I would like to give some advice regarding removing stains on the floor:
How to remove oil from the floor?
Sprinkle more onto freshly spilled oil regular salt or potato starch and wait until the oil is absorbed. Then collect everything with a paper napkin, wipe the stain with dishwashing detergent and wash the floor.
How to clean brilliant green from the floor?
You can remove brilliant green stains from the floor, if the floor surface is not varnished, using nail polish remover.

Do you want to know about flea floor cleaner?

Fleas cause a lot of trouble (it’s better not to know this). But if they appear, which is quite possible, because this can be caused by pets, dichlorvos is usually used, which is used to treat the home: the floor, walls (a meter from the floor), cracks, corners for at least a few hours. Then you need to thoroughly wash the floor with products such as Domestos and Belizna. And “Mr. Muscle” will do, or you can moisten the furniture and floor with wormwood infusion.
This concludes the advice on cleaning floors. You learned about the most popular and folk remedies for removing dirt and stains from floors different types. The choice is yours!

Such a common procedure as washing floors can lead a housewife to a dead end if the coating has absorbed stains, various dirt and traces of repair. Not every person knows how to properly clean floors covered with carpet, laminate or tiles. As stated in the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, cleanliness of the floor is associated with positive energy in the home.

Wet cleaning and general floor cleaning are different concepts. Wet cleaning of the premises is carried out regularly; general cleaning of the painted surface with detergents is carried out infrequently so as not to damage the surface.

There are no specific rules describing how to properly mop floors or how often it should be done. For example, in a hospital, cleaning is carried out several times a day, and in a residential area, the frequency of the procedure depends on the family’s lifestyle, coverage and time of year. In the room where a family lives: mother, father and child, linoleum floors are washed every other day in the summer, and several times a week in the winter.

Cleaning specialists recommend washing the children's room, kitchen and hallway every day, regardless of the time of year or surface. To wet cleaning passed quickly, equipment should be at hand. To prevent dirt from accumulating in the house, you need to teach family members to always clean up after themselves: wipe dirty shoes after coming from outside, wash dishes, put things in their places.

Necessary cleaning equipment

Before cleaning, the room is prepared in advance. You also need to acquire special equipment. What you will need for this:

How to quickly wash floors: for this it is preferable to use rags made from natural and synthetic material. Cotton or woolen rags are used to rub parquet. It is better to take a larger bucket and fill it halfway with water.

Before starting cleaning, put on old unnecessary clothes. It is better if the “outfit” is soft, does not restrict movement and is practical. Before the procedure, the soles of the slippers are wiped so that after washing there are no dirty marks left on the floor. What else needs to be done:

  1. Before quickly washing the floor, remove large debris from it using a vacuum cleaner or broom.
  2. It is necessary to remove all dirt, such as hair and dust, from the legs of the furniture.
  3. All objects that interfere with cleaning are removed.
  4. Carpets are rolled up, chairs are raised, furniture is moved aside.

Dust is shaken off the furniture and the room is ventilated.

After preparatory stage The room is divided into several sections. Various detergents are used, for example, it can be liquid “Mr. Proper” or “Pronto”. After using cleansing cosmetics, it remains at home pleasant aroma, and it also helps to cope with stubborn dirt.

Cleaning often starts with hard to reach places eg under the bed, closet and in corners. Washing is done from the window towards the door, this is necessary so as not to stain the clean floor later. The coating is washed until clean. The water is changed immediately after becoming cloudy until, after wrung out the rag, it remains clear. After wet cleaning, the parquet is wiped dry with a dry cloth. This will help avoid deformation of the flooring and stains.

After the procedure, the floor cloth is washed with powder, and the bucket, attachments and mop are also rinsed. At the end, the cleaning equipment is dried on the balcony or other convenient location. All rules must be followed regardless of how the floor is washed: with a mop or with your hands. Purity is achieved in both cases. Many girls do not know how to achieve the best effect when washing the floor - by hand or with a mop. You need to evaluate the pros and cons of both procedures to decide which one is better suited. . Washing floors by hand, advantages:

  1. Stubborn stains can only be removed with your hands and with the application of certain physical efforts.
  2. The result is better.
  3. It is convenient to wash baseboards, walls and corners.
  4. There is no need to spend money on purchasing cleaning equipment.
  5. Useful for maintaining a normal figure; washing the coating with your hands burns a lot of calories.

In addition to its advantages, the manual method has several disadvantages: a large load on knee joints, hands and back, cleaning with gloves is uncomfortable, and without them the manicure will spoil. And without a long mop handle, it is difficult to deal with dirt under the bed, table and cabinets. At manual way more time is spent.

Positive points when cleaning with a mop:

  1. If the mop has an automatic push-up mechanism, then the manicure will remain intact.
  2. Hygiene.
  3. You can easily reach hard-to-reach places.
  4. The process is faster.

Flaws: high price quality mop; corners, baseboards, and stubborn stains will have to be scrubbed by hand.

If cleaning is carried out to refresh prominent areas, then it is difficult to wash the areas between furniture and carpets with a large mop.

Use of folk remedies

Often in modern home Different coatings are used, with different colors, for example, there are tiles in the bathroom, parquet in the bedroom, laminate in the living room, and linoleum in the hallway. How to clean a floor depends on the coating; not only modern cleaning cosmetics are used, but also folk remedies. For spring cleaning You can’t do without an arsenal of cleaning products. Housewives often use the following:

  1. Mastic.
  2. Glycerol.
  3. Turpentine.
  4. Ammonia.
  5. Salt.
  6. Vinegar.
  7. Laundry or liquid soap.
  8. Lemon acid.
  9. Cleaning or laundry detergent.

Unpainted plank flooring is an environmentally friendly coating that has good characteristics. This kind of flooring is only called unpainted. In fact, it is treated with wax, varnish or oil - they are classified as dyes, only “invisible”, due to this it is achieved natural look flooring You can remove stubborn stains from this coating using the following methods:

  1. 3 tbsp. spoons of soap shavings or 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar are diluted in 7 liters of cool water.
  2. The floor is washed using a stiff brush.
  3. After cleaning is completed, the floor is wiped with a soft cloth.
  4. Then wipe it dry with a dry cloth.

If you need to disinfect the room, then use Whiteness, take 5 tablespoons of the product per 7 liters of liquid. In this case, it is not necessary to use physical force when rubbing. To protect the unpainted coating from dampness and the formation of fungi, the surface is treated 3 times a year with a rag soaked in turpentine.

Painted plank flooring - this coating is not afraid of moisture. If a high-quality dye was used, then it is not afraid of powerful detergents. You can easily remove stubborn dirt from such flooring. When cleaning, special attention is paid to the shine of the boards. In that an indispensable assistant it will turn out to be ammonia. How to properly wash the floor in an apartment with a painted wooden floor:

  1. 3 tablespoons of ammonia are diluted in 7 liters of liquid.
  1. The resulting composition is used to thoroughly wash the flooring.

This composition does not require additional washing. If in some places the paint has worn off over time, then this part is rubbed with parquet mastic the desired shade. This little trick allows you to delay renovation work, maintain the beautiful appearance of the floor.

Tile, ceramic tiles and laminate

Laminate and parquet are considered demanding floor coverings. To clean them, it is strictly prohibited to use steam cleaners, powerful cleaning products or abrasive substances. Do not allow moisture to get between the boards - this will cause the floor covering to swell. To clean the flooring use purchased funds eg Denkmit. This cosmetic product for cleaning floors contains wax; in addition, it cares for the floor covering and protects against exposure sun rays and premature wear.

If you do not use detergent cosmetics, then when washing with plain water, do not wet the rag too much. Before cleaning, the floor is vacuumed, then wiped with a damp cloth, then the remaining water is carefully removed. Finally, the flooring is rubbed with a soft cloth until it shines. Get rid of stubborn stains with washing powder. How to do it:

  1. A creamy paste is made from 2 tablespoons of detergent and water.
  2. The composition is applied overnight.
  3. In the morning, stubborn dirt is wiped off warm water, the remaining moisture is soaked with a soft cloth.

If parquet is used as flooring at home, glycerin is used when washing it. To do this, 5 tablespoons of the product are diluted in a liter of liquid. The resulting solution is used to wipe the floor covering. For laminate flooring, you can use the following method: dilute a small amount of vinegar in hot water. In this case, the floor is wiped with a well-wrung out rag so that there are no wet stains left.

The easiest way to clean tile flooring is. How to clean:

  1. 7 drops of ammonia are diluted in 8 liters of water.
  2. To give the tiles a shine, add a small amount of dishwasher-safe shiner.
  3. The flooring is thoroughly washed with the resulting mixture.
  4. At the end of the process, the floor is wiped dry.

If the flooring is laid with rough tiles, then clean it with a brush or sponge, using a soap composition or commercial cosmetics such as Glorix, Mister Proper or Sif. If there are heavy pollution, then you can get rid of them with Pemolux universal soda powder.

Cleaning carpet and linoleum

Linoleum cannot be wiped with ammonia, powder with soda, hot water, bleach and hard brushes. It is advisable to wash linoleum flooring quickly so that the pattern is not damaged. Correct actions:

  1. Eight liters of water are diluted with 3 tablespoons of laundry soap shavings.
  2. The floor is washed with the resulting solution.
  3. After this, the floor covering is wiped with cold water.
  4. If the linoleum is soft, then a rag is moistened with a mixture of linseed oil and water and the resulting product is rubbed on the floor.

If there is any on the floor dark spots, then you need to prepare a paste of chalk and water. The brilliant green is wiped off with nail polish remover or foam from laundry soap. You can achieve gloss using a mixture of water and milk. Once every 4 months, the linoleum coating is wiped with drying oil, and immediately after that it is polished with a silk cloth.

Wet cleaning is not allowed for carpet. To clean it, dry foam is used, which is removed with a vacuum cleaner. Or specialized preparations are used to clean such coating. Acceptable to use washing vacuum cleaner or steam cleaner. If possible, carpet in winter time cleared by snow. How to get rid of stubborn stains:

  1. Three tablespoons of medical alcohol are mixed with two tablespoons of vinegar.
  2. The stubborn stains are moistened, a cleaning composition is applied, and the stain is left untouched for 30 minutes.
  3. Then the solution is removed with a sponge.

Universal methods against stubborn stains

Every housewife has ways to clean the flooring that are suitable for any type of floor. These include:

According to the ancient Slavic tradition, floors should not be washed in the evening; it is better to do this during daylight hours. Thus, a woman brings positive energy, prosperity and prosperity into the house.

Attention, TODAY only!

Great recommendations!
Great solutions!
I'll just add to this post.
When you don’t have the strength to wash a rag with a brush, you need to buy 10 rags on sale.
I can't help but wear street shoes at home.
No forces!
No time!
There is no health in bending over and changing shoes.
If I just popped home for a minute.
If I forgot something.
If everything doesn’t fit in your hands and you need to go back.
I'll wear street shoes!
Therefore, my floor is not as clean as in the photo from the post. He's dirty. And I wash it with clean rags and detergent. But! The rags will be rinsed and washed by the washing machine. I hand over the rags to her for responsible rinsing, and then for washing, and I go off about my business. The machine will wash rags from dust, soil, and dirt better and cleaner than I can.
I wash the floor with a rag and throw it in the machine. I put a clean rag on the mop and continue cleaning. So a whole bunch of rags with sand, dirt, grease, and dust get into the machine. The machine will figure it out!

Original taken from olhanninen How to clean the floor quickly and cleanly

The weekend is coming, many will be washing the floor, and some will be upset that they didn’t wash it clean enough, and even spent the whole day cleaning it. But there is a way to wash the floor cleanly and quickly, and not get tired at all.

When washing the floor, you need to rub along the floorboards, without straining, and you don’t need to do any stupid circular movements. But to achieve a high-quality result, you need to follow several simple conditions. I'll show you how to clean the floor perfectly clean and quickly using step-by-step photographs.

80 percent of the quality of the floor cleaning depends on how you vacuum the floor before washing.

We lift chairs and everything that can be lifted from the floor onto tables and sofas. At the same time, we clean the legs of the raised furniture from dust.

After vacuuming, if it is relatively clean, remove the dust with a broom; if dirty, use a microfiber cloth. If the surfaces are very dirty, we first clean them with a wet microfiber cloth, then wipe them with a dry one.

Use a broom to remove dust from the baseboards. You can use a special narrow attachment for a vacuum cleaner, but a broom is faster.
Don’t despise a broom as an ineffective tool: if you sweep away dust from surfaces at least every other day, your house will always be clean, and it won’t take much time.

To wash the floor we will need the following tools: a bucket, three floor rags, two brushes, detergent. Pour the detergent into a bucket in accordance with the specified proportion and dilute it with warm, but not hot water.

We wash it under the sofas. I never buy furniture that I can’t get under with a vacuum cleaner and mop. All these perversions with thin rags and sticks are not for me.

But still, use a stiff brush to wash the rag with floor cleaning solution and rinse it until clean. And we only wet the clean rag again in order to wash the floor in the following rooms.

There is no use in cleaning the floor with a dirty rag.

Wash with the same water you used to wash the rag to no avail.

The floor cleaning solution must always be clean.

The rag should be washed in a pre-washed sink, and the garbage should be thrown into the trash.

Only after the floor has dried do we move the furniture back to where it usually stands.

Now I wash the floor where nothing stands, that is, the space on which we walk.

There is no need to make any circular or raking movements: you have just thoroughly vacuumed the floor.

After each room, wash the rag as shown above. The rag should always be clean. 15 percent of the quality of floor cleaning depends on this.

We wear slippers with clean soles to avoid spreading dirt. Or wash the sole and wipe it dry.
Look at the soles of your slippers if you wear them at home. It is often not clean enough, because we can go out onto the stairs or onto the balcony, and simply forget about it.

You need to wipe the washed floor dry so that there are no traces or drops left at all, and the floor looks perfect.

If the dry cloth becomes damp but remains almost clean, the linoleum has been washed well.

If necessary, remove dirt from a fluffy polishing cloth with a brush before washing it.

We wash slippers, brushes and rags in the sink.

Then immediately wash the sink.

We wipe and replace the trash can, putting a bag in it. To save space, I don’t use a special bucket to wash the floor. if you use a garbage can, then the bucket is washed and extra space does not require.

If you have . Just don’t forget to wipe it dry after washing. It's easy and pleasant, but effective.


We dry clean rags on the balcony or radiator, so that we can then put them in the compartment for rags, and we put our mop and attachments in the closet in the place reserved for cleaning tools.

Everyone knows that they need to clean their home every week: treat surfaces with a vacuum cleaner, wipe off dust and wash the floor. But not everyone knows how to properly wash floors, which can be made of different coatings that require special handling. There are many proven and effective recipes about how to wash the floors in the house without leaving streaks or damaging the floor covering, and also (which is very important) your health.

Use the recipes below and you will know how to properly clean your floors quickly and efficiently.

Wooden floors can often be found in apartments and houses. There are two types of wood floors - painted and unpainted.

  • If you want to properly clean an unpainted wooden floor, then it does not need any special care. You can simply wash the cover weekly using the following method:
  • Take a bucket and fill it with warm, but not hot, water.
  • You need to add a little soap (preferably laundry soap) to the water.
  • Wash the floors in the house.
  • Afterwards, fill a bucket with clean water and run the mop over the floor surface again.

Then you need to wipe everything with a dry cloth so that there are no streaks left. In the case where the wooden floor is covered with paint, you can clean it from dirt in this way ( this method

  • Suitable for regular cleaning of wooden floors):
  • Take warm water and add a couple of tablespoons of detergent or regular laundry detergent (not too active) into the container.
  • Wet a piece of soft cloth with water and wipe the floors.
  • Wring out the cloth periodically and change the water when it becomes dirty. This way you won’t spread dirt across the floor and leave streaks.

If necessary, go over the surface again.

Please note that it is not necessary to wash the floor only with your hands; you can also use various mops that have a spin function, or soft brushes.

How to clean a parquet floor?

  • Method No. 1
  • Dilute a little glycerin in it in the ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 glass of water.
  • Soak a cloth or soft brush in water and walk over the surface of the parquet.

Method number 2

  • Take warm water and dilute a little soap in it (you can use regular laundry or liquid soap).
  • Lightly dampen a cloth in water and wash the floors with it.
  • To avoid marks and streaks, after drying, rub the parquet with mastic using a brush.

Attention! It is better not to wash the parquet with hot water, so as not to damage the varnish and the wood itself.

How to effectively wash tiles?

If your home has floors made of tiles, then they also do not require special care. Whenever you want, you can wipe them with a damp cloth. For regular, for example, weekly care, this method is suitable:

  • Dilute in warm water washing powder or laundry soap (per 5 liters you will need no more than 4 tablespoons).
  • Take a rag, soak it in the solution and wash the tile floor.
  • Pour it out dirty water and type clean.
  • Go over the floor again to remove any remaining detergent. This way there will be no streaks left on the tiles.

How to clean the grout between tiles?

After some time, the seams between the tiles may darken. This is due to the fact that the seams between the tiles actively absorb dirt, moisture, dust and dyes. To prevent the floor in your home from looking sloppy, you need to regularly bleach the seams between the tiles.

If you want to whitewash the seams between tiles, use a regular hydrogen peroxide solution. This detergent will be safe for tiles and joint grout, but may cause allergic reactions. Therefore, it would be a good idea to wear rubber gloves while working with it.

To prepare a solution that will help clean the grout between tiles, add a small amount of water to a container. Add a mixture of dish detergent, hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to the water in a ratio of 1´1´1. The resulting solution will remove grease from the seams between the tiles, and baking soda and peroxide can whiten them. Rub them with a toothbrush and leave them to work for several hours. Rinse the floor with clean water. This procedure is recommended to be done periodically, for example, once every few months.

Using the tips above, you can clean your flooring properly without leaving streaks.

Is it possible or not to wash the floor in the evening?

This sign has long taken root in our families. But, really, why can’t you wash the floors in the evening? Some people still believe in old sign, which says that cleaning and taking out the trash in the evening or at night means sweeping money and prosperity out of your home. It is also quite possible that earlier in the old days, when everyone still lived in huts, the floors were not washed in the evening due to the fact that the stove cooled down overnight and in the morning the house could thus be damp and cold (especially in winter).

Today you can’t wash the floor at night because the use of most detergents requires airing the apartment after use. However, doing this at night can be quite problematic. Of course, most detergents are not toxic, but breathing them for a long time is still harmful. It is better to try as much as possible not to inhale fumes from household chemicals. In the case when the floors are washed in the evening, you and your loved ones have to inhale harmful fumes emitted by various chemical compounds, which are contained in cleaning products.

Cleaning the floor during pregnancy

Many young women during pregnancy are often interested in the following question: can they wash the floors safely and without harm to themselves and the health of their unborn child? Of course, if you are pregnant and are not bothered by toxicosis and various unpleasant sensations during pregnancy, then you can do wet cleaning. Remember that you will breathe better in a clean, tidy home. Daily wet cleaning prevents dust accumulation.

However, wet cleaning is not recommended after the first semester of pregnancy. After all, after this the belly increases, which also increases the load on the woman’s spine. During this time of pregnancy, do not refuse the help of loved ones and protect yourself from hard physical labor.

  • Do not put the life of your unborn baby in danger. It is best to avoid cleaning during pregnancy, especially if it involves lifting heavy objects.
  • During pregnancy, you can only wash the floor with a mop. Moreover, the mop must have a spin function.
  • Buy synthetic cleaning products (rags, mops), as they are easier to care for.
  • Use a detergent that does not contain chlorine and does not have an unpleasant strong odor.
  • Do not bend or squat under any circumstances. You can only get down on one knee.
  • As you rise, lean on your hips.
  • If absolutely necessary, wash the floors while sitting on a chair or stool.
  • Buy a special washing vacuum cleaner, which will become an indispensable solution during pregnancy.

Cleaning the house is always a “holiday”. In a figurative sense, of course. This procedure takes a whole day, and after a few days it becomes dirty again. In a word, the work is thankless, but necessary. Well, the dirtiest and most difficult surface to clean is the floor. Therefore, many housewives often face the question of how to wash the floor so that there are no stains on it, so that it sparkles and does not get dirty. The latter is, of course, difficult to accomplish: all people need is to fly. But on the first two points, some recommendations can be given.

General rules

Before you decide to wash the surfaces you walk on, you need to familiarize yourself with general rules for this manipulation. These rules apply to all types of floors. Regardless of how you plan to wash the floor, with your hands or with a mop, you must first remove all objects that you can from the surface. This way, the area will be free, and cleaning will become much easier.

It is very important to clean the floors with a broom before cleaning. Thin twigs will help pull dust out of far corners and crevices. You just need to work with a slightly wet broom: in a bucket of water, slightly moisten the tips of the rods, then lightly tap on the edge of the bucket to shake off excess droplets.

Now you can start cleaning the floors. This is done from the most distant corner of the room, gradually moving towards the exit. This general recommendations, and now let’s figure out how to use a mop, which detergents are suitable for which types of surfaces, and how to make surfaces clean without using a mop.

Type of floor and rules for cleaning it

Modern floor coverings can be made of laminate, they can be parquet, they can also be covered with linoleum and tiles, unpainted and painted wood. Every type of floor needs special means for cleaning and has its own specific processing.

Laminate flooring can only be washed once a year. The rest of the time, just wipe it with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water.

Parquet flooring is cleaned in the same way as laminate, only after wet wiping it should be rubbed with mastic.

You can completely wash the floor with soap only if it is covered with linoleum. The water should be warm, and cleaning should be done regularly.

Every day you can wash wooden ones. It is especially important to do this in the hallway and kitchen, where they get dirty the most. Such coatings are not afraid of moisture. Stains can be removed with ammonia.

If your home has a wooden floor, but not painted, then you are allowed to wash it only once a week. To do this, use hot water and soap. Then you need to rinse the coating well and wipe it with a dry cloth.

The easiest to clean floors are tiled floors. You can even wipe them daily with a damp cloth.

Choosing a detergent

It is incredibly important to choose the right floor cleaner. There are a huge number of products on the market today various means for washing floor surfaces, but there is a different product for each type of coating. So, for parquet it is necessary to choose a delicate composition that will not damage the floor.

Cleaners that contain alcohol are not suitable for linoleum. Powdered cleaning products are also not recommended. Such concentrates will darken the coating or leave whitish streaks.

Floor tiles cannot be cleaned liquid soap. It is better to rub a little laundry soap into the water or find a detergent containing acid. This product will remove dirt and destroy germs.

For laminate flooring, try to buy a detergent with a neutral pH level. Abrasive substances must not be used to clean floor coverings made of this type of material.

Washing with a mop

How to wash the floors at home, with a mop or with your hands, is up to each housewife to decide for herself. If you need to do everything quickly, then a mop is, of course, better. But if, at the same time as cleaning, you also want to do exercises, then you should work with your hands. But if you decide to use only a mop, then you should first familiarize yourself with modern types this tool. In stores you can find the following mops:

  • rope;
  • butterfly mops;
  • with microfiber:
  • with sponge;
  • steam;
  • flat.

Which product to choose is also up to the user. The only important thing here is that the mop is as comfortable as possible for you.

Now let's look at how to properly handle this simple tool. The mop needs to be thoroughly moistened in water and squeezed a little for the first time. Wash the floors, as mentioned above, from the far corner of the room to its exit. From time to time the mop needs to be re-wetted with water. In heavily soiled areas, you need to mop more thoroughly, pressing lightly.

When mopping rough tiles or other textured flooring, use a mop motion as if you were drawing a figure eight. Thanks to this, you will perfectly wash away dirt from the floor.

When everything is done, you need to rinse in clean water mop, wring it out and set it to dry upside down.

Washing floors by hand

Many housewives are interested in the answer to the question of how to wash the floor with their hands. Everything is very simple here: choose a suitable rag and cleaning product. Add cleaning liquid to a bucket of water and dip a rag into it. Soak it well and squeeze it out. Now, just as in the case of a mop, you need to wash the coating from the far corner to the middle of the room. Rinse the rag, wring it out and wash the second half of the room. If necessary, wipe the washed surface with a dry cloth.

Which rag is better?

We have already found out which floor detergent to choose. Now we have to figure out which rag is best for washing floor coverings by hand. Previously, old T-shirts and T-shirts were used for this purpose. Today, in stores there are entire departments in which all kinds of rags are presented. Let's look at their most popular types.

Viscose fabric. This material perfectly absorbs and retains moisture. But when wet, it loses its strength. In addition, twisting and hot water. Therefore, it is better to purchase not natural viscose, but a rag made of viscose with the addition of synthetic fibers. A viscose rag combined with polyester perfectly absorbs moisture from the floor and wipes it dry. This is an excellent solution for washing surfaces by hand.

A rag containing cellulose has increased absorbent properties.

Synthetics (polyester) cope with dirt better than any natural materials. These rags dry quickly and are durable.

Microfiber is considered a new generation material for cleaning floors. It consists of microscopic fibers of polyester, cotton and others. Such miniature fibers can penetrate into the smallest and most distant crevices and wash away dust and dirt.

Steam cleaner for cleaning floor surfaces

Modern housewives are increasingly wondering whether it is possible to wash floors with a steam cleaner. If you have linoleum floors in your house, then, of course, you can use this unit to clean it. Its use on any other surfaces is prohibited.

The steam regulator must be switched to mode “Two” or “Three”: this way the steam temperature will become lower and will not spoil the coating. After such cleaning there will be no traces left on the floor.

Folk remedies

Readers will also be interested in learning about how to wash the floor folk remedies. If there are children in the house, then it is possible that the floor covering can be painted with felt-tip pens. To wipe it off, you need to soak a small rag in gasoline and lightly rub the “image”. Then wipe the area with a damp, clean cloth and wipe it dry. The same method is used to remove traces from sneakers.

To make the flooring shiny, it is recommended to wash it with a solution of milk and water. Liquids must be mixed in one to one proportions. A freshly washed floor can be oiled linseed oil, which forms protective film and thus protects the surface from damage.


Remember: the dirtiest place in any room is the flooring. Sometimes you can wash the floors every day, or even several times a day. No matter how clean you wash the surface, after a day or two dust, pet hair and other debris will still begin to accumulate in the corners. Whatever way you decide to clean your floors, you need to do it with joy, perhaps even love, and then the flooring will not just be clean, but sparkling. Your family will appreciate it, and you will be pleased to enjoy the results of your work.