How to decorate the ceiling of an apartment. Ceiling decoration: choosing interesting design options. Finishing that requires high-quality surface preparation

How to decorate the ceiling of an apartment. Ceiling decoration: choosing interesting design options. Finishing that requires high-quality surface preparation

Modern cosmetic renovation of any room is not complete without decorating the ceiling, be it a simple city apartment, an elite cottage or a country house. But not every average person has an idea of ​​how to decorate the ceiling in a room, using simple materials, as well as a minimum of financial and physical costs.

Besides, the ceiling does not have to be made in a classic style– if you wish, you can even create a map of the starry sky above your head.

Main ceiling design options:

  • whitewash;
  • coloring;
  • wallpapering;
  • pasting with ceiling tiles;
  • liquid wallpaper;
  • suspended ceiling;
  • suspended ceiling.

Each of these options has its own characteristics. So, not every ceiling can be suitable for painting due to its uneven surface. In such cases, it is better to resort to using tension or hanging fabric, which will hide all the constructive shortcomings of the builders.


  • Our grandmothers used this method of finishing the ceiling. when they were setting up their homes. In modern homes and offices, in corridors and in the hall, you can often find whitewashed ceilings, because the necessary finishing materials are quite inexpensive.
  • However This finishing option can only be used for perfectly flat surfaces. Otherwise, the result may be the opposite of what you want.
  • The main disadvantage of using whitewash as a finishing material is dirt. Firstly, it is not recommended to wet the whitewashed surface, which is a serious limitation for choosing this method of finishing the ceiling in rooms such as a kitchen, bathroom, or boiler room. Secondly, whitewashing leaves difficult-to-remove stains on all surfaces where the solution gets in contact.

To avoid lengthy post-repair cleaning, the following whitewashing technology is recommended:

  1. Cover the floor with cellophane film or newspapers.
  2. Remove furniture from the room, and if this is not possible, cover it with cellophane film or special covers.
  3. Prepare whitewash (chalk or lime).
  4. Whiten surfaces with brushes one or more times.

Advice! No matter how carefully the whitewashing is carried out, splashing is inevitable, so it is recommended to cover the floor and use gloves and work clothes.


This finishing method is becoming increasingly popular. As with the whitewash option, in this case a perfectly flat ceiling is required - almost anyone who has performed this procedure at least once can tell you how to finish it with paint.

Painting technology:

  1. putty and sand ceiling;
  2. prime surface diluted with water-based paint;
  3. carry out coloring surfaces 1-2 times.

Painting the ceiling, compared to other methods of finishing it, has several undeniable advantages:

  • special paint is not afraid of water, so painted ceilings can be safely washed and even use special products;
  • if desired you can easily change the color scheme of the room, just repaint the ceiling;
  • this option is quite cheap and accessible.

Pasting ceilings with wallpaper and slabs


When choosing a room design option, many still stop at the usual wallpaper. This material is the best you can use to decorate the ceiling in residential premises yourself.

Wallpaper is great even for covering not too smooth and cracked surfaces. This procedure is inexpensive and does not require large costs for materials.

The disadvantage of this method of finishing ceilings is high labor intensity. It is necessary to carefully ensure that air does not accumulate under the wallpaper.

This problem is especially acute for rolls with large widths. In addition, it is better to carry out gluing work together - this should be taken into account before finishing the ceiling yourself.

Ceiling tiles

As with wallpapering the ceiling, ceiling tiles do not require a perfectly flat surface. They easily hide all minor imperfections, including small cracks and not very prominent irregularities.

Carefully! The ceiling tiles have a soft texture. It should be glued very carefully, otherwise traces may remain in the places of pressure that will be impossible to remove.

Before you finish the ceiling in a room by covering it with special slabs, you need to decide where the so-called starting point will be. It is recommended to place it in the most visible corner and start gluing the ceiling from there.

The second option is to start gluing the slabs from the center of the room, cutting them evenly along the edges near the walls. Irregularities in the joints of walls and ceilings are perfectly hidden by ceiling skirting boards.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper or silk plaster– an excellent alternative to other methods of finishing the ceiling. They are able to give the ceiling special features of royal luxury and amazing grace, turning it into a real work of art.

In order to finish the ceiling with liquid wallpaper:

  1. Thoroughly clean the surface from dust and dirt.
  2. Drain the ceiling completely.
  3. Prime the surface.
  4. Apply silk plaster to the ceiling using a specially designed trowel.

However, applying this type of plaster is very complicated procedure and requires certain skills. Therefore, before finishing the ceiling, it is better to consult a specialist.

Suspended ceiling

This option is very popular when decorating city apartments, residential buildings, and office premises. The suspended ceiling is a metal frame, attached to the ceiling and lined with removable panels.

Much is known about how best to finish a ceiling using this method. The main task is the choice of material.

Best used for kitchens and small spaces plastic panels. This material is easy to clean and interacts well with cleaning agents, and is resistant to constant exposure to moisture and steam. It is often used to decorate bathrooms and toilets.

But in ordinary rooms you can use panels from any materials. The most common is drywall.

It is easy to cut and therefore is excellent for decorating figured suspended ceilings, which is often practiced in large halls and living rooms. Among the disadvantages of plasterboard boards, we can highlight them instability to leaks.

The main disadvantage of a suspended ceiling is that it significantly reduces the height of the ceilings. Therefore, this method is not suitable for decorating low rooms.

Advantages of suspended ceilings:

  • the ability to change individual slabs (in case of leaks or cracks in the slabs, you will not have to change the entire ceiling);
  • the ability to hide any ceiling imperfections, including deep cracks and relief that cannot be eliminated;
  • the ability to hide any ceiling communications (pipes, wiring, etc.).

Many apartment owners decide to do the renovations themselves. This, of course, requires a lot of effort, but the savings are more than noticeable. Most of the funds are spent on construction materials and tools. If the work is done on your own, then no one needs to pay for it.

However, you should take into account the fact that not all of your dreams about a new apartment interior can be realized without using the services of professionals. Some materials sold in construction stores require specific skills, work experience and certain dexterity. If you are not confident in your own abilities and are doing repairs for the first time, then it is better to use “proven methods” that are easy for even a beginner in such a difficult area as repairs.

In this article we will look at types of ceiling decoration with your own hands. Some are suitable for absolutely everyone; only people who already have experience in finishing work should pay attention to others.

DIY ceiling made of plastic panels

The main advantage of this method is that you will not need to prepare the ceiling for finishing. No lengthy leveling, puttying, plaster or primer is required. You can even leave the wallpaper on the ceiling if it doesn't come off.

In order to secure the plastic, you need to make a frame to which the panels will be attached. The cost of plastic is low, the speed of installing panels depends on your skills. The first 2-3 panels may require more time, but you will install the next ones very quickly. An excellent option in terms of time spent and price of materials.

Another advantage of plastic panels is moisture resistance. That is why ceilings in bathrooms, utility rooms and toilets are usually finished with plastic. A wide selection of colors and textures is also an advantage of this method.

The only (doubtful) disadvantage of this method is that plastic is not considered an environmentally friendly material. But different people have different opinions on this matter.

Bottom line: you can make a ceiling from plastic panels with your own hands not only quickly, but also inexpensively.

DIY plastic ceiling - video

DIY ceiling decoration with wallpaper

Wallpaper has long been used not only for wall decoration. Depending on what wallpaper you choose, renovations can be quite cheap or quite expensive.

The obvious disadvantage of this method is the need for preparatory work. You will need to remove the previous ceiling covering (if any), then level the ceiling, putty it, prime it and only then proceed to wallpapering.

When calculating the costs, do not forget to include plaster, putty and primer in the estimate. Also, the preparatory stage will take time, because each layer must dry.

It is rare to find perfectly smooth ceilings, and making them so without experience is not easy. If you stick even the most beautiful wallpaper on an uneven ceiling, it will not look very good, since the joints, gaps and bends of the ceiling will become noticeable.

The advantages of this method include relatively quick and easy installation, a huge assortment and quick replacement if necessary (if the wallpaper fades, it can be replaced with others without repeating the preparatory stage).

Bottom line: it is best to use wallpaper to decorate the ceiling with your own hands if there are no defects on the surface. A quick method suitable for any budget.

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling - video

DIY plasterboard ceiling

If the ceiling in your apartment is far from ideal, then finishing with plasterboard is an excellent solution. First, you will need to mount a frame to which the drywall will be attached. This building material is one of the most popular on the market, since it is easy to work with even for beginners, and more experienced apartment owners can create real works of art from plasterboard. Multi-tiered plasterboard ceilings will help to visually highlight a certain area of ​​the room or simply decorate your ceiling.

We do not recommend that you use multi-layer structures in small rooms and in rooms with low ceilings. To visually enlarge the room, use “concave” ceilings. And ovals and radii will help to give a large room coziness.

Another advantage of this material is that it can be used in damp rooms (exclusively moisture-resistant drywall): bathrooms, toilets, pantries.

The only obvious drawback is the need for additional work after installation. You will need to thoroughly putty the entire surface to hide the joints.

Bottom line: an inexpensive but labor-intensive way to decorate the ceiling with your own hands.

There is also a finishing option such as suspended ceilings. However, the process of installing a stretch ceiling is quite labor-intensive and requires certain skills. Therefore, you are unlikely to be able to install a suspended ceiling yourself. It is better to contact a specialized company that carries out both tailoring and installation of suspended ceilings. For residents of the south of Russia, we recommend buying suspended ceilings in Rostov from the RostovPotolok company, since it has established itself as a team of professionals in its field and has been on the market since 2006.

How to make a plasterboard ceiling - video

DIY ceiling painting

This option has been used in apartment decoration for many years and does not lose its relevance. The main advantage of this method is its durability and reliability. You don’t need to be afraid of a “flood” caused by your neighbors above; a painted ceiling can easily cope with such a misfortune.

However, painting the ceiling requires the most serious preparatory stage. If you want your ceiling to look great, then it should not only be perfectly flat, but also perfectly smooth.

To do this, you will have to remove the existing coating, cover the ceiling with putty and carefully bring it to perfect smoothness using sandpaper (or a special mesh). This is a difficult job that requires not only time, but also accuracy. If you “remove the excess” in some place, then you will have to putty the ceiling again. It will be very difficult for a non-professional to achieve an ideal ceiling.

The advantages of painting the ceiling yourself is that you are not limited in the choice of colors and textures. There are paints with different effects: matte, glossy, pearlescent, fluorescent (glow in the dark). You can even find paint that creates the effect of suspended ceilings.

Bottom line: a great way to finish a ceiling with your own hands if you have a ready-made, flat surface. Otherwise, repairs will require a lot of time, effort and money.

How to paint a ceiling with your own hands - video

Uneven ceilings with crumbling whitewash and cracked plaster are a thing of the past. Today's ceiling repair options allow you to get a fairly smooth coating with any result.

The most difficult thing is to choose the best option from a variety of methods and settle on one of dozens of finishing materials.

When choosing, you should take into account almost everything: room humidity, room height, interior design style, as well as the renovation budget.


There are different options for decorating the ceiling with your own hands, but wallpaper has not lost its popularity even today. In fact, any type of this material is inexpensive, and preparing glue and gluing canvases can be done by an inexperienced craftsman.

When you work with wallpaper, you need to consider the following facts:

  • Their advantage is a wide range in comparison with whites and paints. You can choose wallpaper with the desired color and structure. In addition, photo wallpaper will help you apply a variety of images and paintings to the ceiling.
  • In order to quickly change the design of a room, you can buy wallpaper that is not afraid of paint. This will create a real canvas on the ceiling where you can depict virtually anything. These types of ceilings in apartments are very popular today.
  • You should not use paper wallpaper, because there are many problems with it even when covering walls. The ceiling always complicates the process itself significantly. The best option for wallpapering the ceiling is non-woven material, which is much denser than paper and is not afraid of moisture.
  • If you want to use some unusual variations in the design of the ceiling in your apartment, you should think about liquid wallpaper for the ceiling. The latter are applied to a pre-dried surface with a special gun. Then they are smoothed out, creating a special relief. On the other hand, the patterns will be of the same type, and dirt is the eternal companion of this option.

Paper wallpaper

This material is used very rarely. A ceiling decorated with paper wallpaper will not last long, but it will take a lot of time and effort to arrange it.

Currently, this wallpaper is used to decorate children's rooms and other rooms where frequent cosmetic repairs are necessary.

Paper wallpaper hides significant defects in the ceiling, is cheap and does not “steal” excess space.


  • Short service life.
  • The need for careful preparation of the ceiling surface.

Liquid options

Liquid wallpaper hardens very quickly, is easy to apply, and does not fade when exposed to the sun. In addition, they are highly wear-resistant. In addition, it is possible to replace any damaged area without completely removing the entire coating. This makes them very popular.

It should be remembered that all these properties relate only to materials that are manufactured using precise technology. Various handicraft wallpapers may not have them. The key disadvantage is the high price. Also, this coating is very poorly resistant to moisture.


How can you currently decorate the ceiling so that it is completely different from everyone else? For all lovers of the original, there are the following options for finishing the ceiling: covering with chintz, silk, linen, tapestry and special furniture fabrics. In addition, even burlap is suitable for finishing the ceiling.

These ceiling design options will appeal to all creative people who will choose their own combinations, patterns, colors, and so on. And if you involve professionals in the matter, the price of the project can turn out to be quite high. The key advantage is the exclusive appearance.


  • Short service life.
  • The fragility of this coating.

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings are a structure whose main element is the canvas. The latter is mounted directly under the ceiling on plastic or metal profiles. Options for stretch ceilings: films made from PVC (matte canvas, glossy or satin ceilings), as well as fabric canvases.

Characteristics of modern stretch ceilings:

  • Excellent hydro- and thermal insulation. With this ceiling, a flood suddenly caused by neighbors above is no longer a problem at all, since the coating will retain water, which can then be drained.
  • They don't take up too much space. Therefore, the height of the room will not be affected.
  • You can choose shapes and colors to suit every taste.
  • They are afraid of any sharp objects.
  • High price.


The very name of this type of finish already says a lot. Whitewashing is the decoration of ceilings with a lime or chalk composition, which gives the ceiling a snow-white texture (provided the base is properly prepared).

The key words here are “prepared base”: before starting such ceiling finishing, it is necessary to do a number of labor-intensive and troublesome works (plastering, leveling), the quality of which will certainly affect the final appearance of the coating.


  • Low price of materials.
  • Technological simplicity of all work.


  • Labor intensity.
  • The need for good protection during whitewashing the walls of furniture, as well as one’s own person.
  • Quick loss of the beautiful appearance of ceiling finishing in direct contact with water (if the neighbors above cause a flood in their own apartment, then you will have to refinish the ceilings).


This method of decorating ceilings is very familiar to the eye. The painted ceiling looks attractive, and the cost of finishing it is low. In addition, you can paint the ceiling in a variety of colors, guided only by its harmonious participation in the interior of the room, as well as your own tastes.


  • Low price of materials.
  • Practicality of the coating in everyday life.


  • The dependence of the decorative effect of the coating on the professionalism of the finisher.
  • Tendency to cracks.
  • Fragility (service life - no more than two years).
  • Labor intensity of preparatory work.

Dropped ceilings

This ceiling design option has gained popularity due to its simple installation system. During installation, fastening profiles must be used, which are fixed to the ceiling surface and walls. Therefore, no preliminary leveling is required, and the work proceeds quite cleanly.


Finishing with plasterboard is the most popular type of ceiling design in an apartment. Using gypsum board slabs you can make not only an ordinary ceiling, but also an amazing multi-level structure or niche. The plasticity of this material allows you to create the strangest and most bizarre shapes for different interiors.

Among the advantages, it is necessary to note the ease of installation - even an inexperienced person can sheathe the ceiling with plasterboard. In addition, the material is inexpensive.

The main disadvantage is the “fear” of water. When exposed to moisture, such a ceiling quickly collapses. Before covering the ceiling with plasterboard, it is necessary to consider the thermal insulation layer and lighting system. Another drawback is the need for subsequent finishing of the coating with putty and paints.


This method of finishing the ceiling is one of the most affordable and budget-friendly. That is why it is often used in hospitals, office spaces and other buildings where practicality is a priority and an attractive appearance is not necessary.

The installation of the material is carried out as follows: a special frame made of mesh is fixed on the main covering, where sheets of mineral fiber of various shapes are fixed.

The main advantage of this type of ceiling design in an apartment is the ability to disguise all utility lines under the slabs. In addition, the product is very easy to replace if damaged. Tiles today are produced in a wide range. Therefore, finding the right texture and color is very simple.


  • Not the most beautiful appearance.
  • Fragility of the material.
  • The tiled construction reduces the height of the walls.


This type of ceiling design is similar to the previous one. True, instead of fragile mineral sheets, durable cassettes made of plastic or metal are used here. The advantage is that there is insulation between the metal sheets. Due to this, the entire installation does not last long. The disadvantage is the price.

Rack and pinion

If a difficult dilemma arises about what to make ceilings from in the kitchen or bathroom, it is advisable to pay attention to this option. In this case, it is no longer tiles that are installed on the frame, but special long slats made of wood, plastic or galvanized aluminum. The result is a beautiful imitation of lining, although this finish costs much less.

Another advantage is the quick installation and easy repair of the material. Among the disadvantages is the rather short period of use of the coating - usually five years.


Currently, when creating a project for a home, designers often use several design options and two-level ceilings. Stretch and suspended ceilings are often combined. Sometimes a mirror is installed in a niche of a plasterboard structure, or a suspended ceiling is used as a border, and the main surface is leveled with plaster and then painted.

Glued ceilings

Here we are talking about a ceiling that is covered with tiles with one adhesive side. These products are very easy to install and have good moisture resistance. In this regard, they have gained popularity among Russian users. In addition, with the help of adhesive tiles you can save a lot on expensive stucco molding.

The main disadvantage of this ceiling design option is the need for careful leveling of the coating. In addition, such tiles are very fragile.

Ceilings made of natural materials

Recently, natural ceiling finishing options have become increasingly popular. Every year, more and more new methods of impregnation and processing of products are invented, increasing their performance characteristics.

Wooden lining

Wooden lining - thin wooden boards or MDF boards. The latter are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws, clamps or nails.

The main advantages of these materials:

  • Attractive appearance.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Durability and strength.


  • Limited color range.
  • The need to use wood impregnations.

Timber ceiling

This type of ceiling is more suitable for a country house or cottage. It will look somewhat out of place in an apartment. However, some lovers of natural materials find use for it here too. The timber has all the characteristics of lining, but lasts much longer and is particularly durable.


  • Quite a complicated installation.
  • The need for ventilation.
  • Before finishing the ceiling with such material, it will have to be impregnated for a long time with special compounds.

Cork covering

Cork ceilings, alas, are not widely used. However, this material has certain advantages: the presence of a wax coating reliably protects the surface from the deposition of dust and water, and also increases its service life.


  • Difficult installation.
  • High price.

Plastic lining

When finishing the ceiling on the balcony, it is advisable to pay attention to PVC lining. The resulting coating will be durable and strong enough; a thermal insulation layer and utility lines can be hidden under it.

In addition, the material is available in a wide range, it is resistant to the development of fungi, mold and bacteria, as well as ultraviolet radiation. At the same time, this ceiling is very fragile and can be easily damaged by light mechanical impact. There will definitely be a special smell in the room for a couple of days after installation.

Multi-level structures

This ceiling can be decorated using any of the finishing materials listed above. However, it differs in its installation technology. In this case, we are talking about a variety of suspended structures that will be installed at different distances from the ceiling surface, multi-level stretch ceilings, plasterboard niches and their combinations with plaster and paints.

In order to choose the right finishing method, you first need to think carefully about the overall concept of the interior of the room, and then think over the budget for purchasing materials and paying for the work.

As for choosing a supplier, it is advisable to work with proven and reliable companies that can confirm their business reputation with numerous positive reviews from their clients.


We really hope that this article was useful to you and significantly expanded your knowledge about possible options for finishing the ceiling in an apartment or house when renovating it. By applying the important knowledge gained here, anyone will be able to choose one, the most optimal and suitable only for them, method of finishing the ceiling of their home.

The hemmed ceiling is more popular today than in Soviet times - the bleached one. Today, when answering the question of what can be used to cover the ceiling, you don’t have to suffer, since there is a wide variety of finishing materials on the construction markets.

In this article we will review the most popular materials, so that you will know exactly what is best to cover the ceiling in your own house or apartment.
Regarding installation technology, you need to look for answers in other reviews; here we give only the characteristics of the materials, advantages and justification for the choice.

General information about sheathed ceilings

The technology for their installation is not the pinnacle of development by modern engineers. That is, these are not even tension structures, which are problematic to create with your own hands.

You don’t need any special tools or equipment or high professional knowledge. And you don’t even need skills in working with building materials - most of them are all cut with a knife or easily sawed, have a low specific gravity, are simply marked, and are attached through (or along the edges provided for this) with ordinary self-tapping screws, or with specially designed hardware.

There are many videos on the technology of installing different ceiling coverings on our website - after choosing the material, you can familiarize yourself with the procedure of work, “without leaving the checkout.” It will also tell you how the wiring and communications are laid inside - this is one of the common advantages of suspended or sheathed ceilings.

Another common advantage is that there is no need to thoroughly prepare the main surface for installation. There is a rough finish, the frame will hold up normally - all surface irregularities and defects will be hidden behind the cladding.


Let's start with the market leaders.

Drywall is dominant

The most common material for cladding ceilings and walls today is plasterboard. It is suitable for ceiling and wall mounting. It is actively used in private construction and in the renovation of public buildings. It can be found both in a huge, rich mansion and in a country house - the material is incredibly versatile.

Pros of plasterboard ceilings:

  • Easy to install;
  • Inexpensive;
  • Does not require maintenance;
  • Can serve for a very long time, if there is no constant contact with moisture, since the surface is easily repaired;
  • Installation of such structures is very simple;
  • An additional advantage is that, under the skillful influence of steam or when moistened, it takes bent shapes, which is very convenient when installing curved structures.

This same property of drywall is also considered a disadvantage: with excess humidity or under the influence of intense moisture vapor (for example, in the kitchen over a gas stove), gypsum plasterboard loses its strength and becomes deformed, until it completely crumbles. This means that the kitchen and bathroom are no longer needed due to the technical characteristics of the material.

Advice! If you still have a liking for gypsum plasterboard, then there are also moisture-resistant options that are labeled gypsum board. They have a green cardboard shell and can be installed in rooms with high humidity. At the same time, its cost will be slightly higher than that of a simple one, but the difference is not critical - for a sheet you will overpay, on average, about 50 rubles, and the price, in general, is 300.

GCR is a fairly heavy material (1 sheet of 3 m2 weighs about 25 kilograms) compared to other competitors, so you need to use a metal profile made of galvanized steel for frames.

  • The metal frame is assembled quite quickly, and has all the necessary fittings for this, which are purchased separately.
  • Sometimes you can see drywall being installed on wooden slats or beams. This option does exist, but it is not without certain disadvantages. Wood is a slightly more “living” material than metal; it periodically expands and contracts due to differences in temperature and humidity.
    Therefore, such situational deformations negatively affect weak gypsum board fastenings, reducing the service life of the structure.
  • As a result, cracks may appear. It is also worth noting the non-ideal geometry of the slats, in contrast to the rolled profile.
  • Multi-level plasterboard ceilings with curved inserts are the standard of modern design in the house!

PVC panels

This is also not a very expensive material that meets the standard requirements for false ceilings. They don’t look so attractive, and, as they say, the renovation smacks of cheapness, but with a skillful combination of materials, it can sparkle in a special way. The material is great for lining baths and kitchens, and here's why.

Among the advantages:

  • Easy to assemble structure;
  • Lowest specific weight of the structure;
  • Easy to care for;
  • The material does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • Durability and complete resistance to fungi and mold;
  • Wide range of textures and color shades.

Plastic products can be divided into panels and lining. The first ones have a large width and are not painted in bulk, but only on the front side.

The plastic lining, like its wooden counterpart, is about 10 cm wide, but it is uniform in color, more durable and resistant to temperature changes, which is why it can be used not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Advice! It is advisable not to use rough materials when washing ceilings made of PVC panels, since the surface is not scratch-resistant. Do not use abrasive detergents; the surface can be easily wiped off even with plain soapy water. You can use kitchen detergents.

To the ceiling, PVC panels and lamellas are hemmed onto profiles, also made of PVC, or onto a very ordinary wooden strip, which is what you see most often. In conditions of high humidity, instead of wood, you can purchase metal profiles, like for drywall.

You need to be careful during installation, as the material is fragile.

If PVC is not properly maintained, the lifespan of your ceiling will be short. With normal installation and proper care, the original appearance of the material is guaranteed to be preserved for more than 15 years.

Metal slats

One of the types of hemming surfaces is. “Metal-look” or real metal slats are also a popular type of cladding for a fashionable ceiling in a home.


  • The material does not require additional processing, and the base surface does not require preliminary preparation.
  • There are no flammable polymers in the cladding, fire safety is absolute. Spraying to give color to the lamellas (slats) can be ignored; it is no more than a few micrometers thick.
  • All such metal structures weigh practically nothing, they can be mounted on any ceilings.

There is a big disadvantage - there is no sound insulation, like all metal coatings. Therefore, installation must be carried out immediately with a soundproofing layer.

Advice! Metal slats can be mounted on the ceiling in different directions, and even select individual elements with different colors. It turns out very stylish, and most importantly – original!

Metal slats are quite easy to clean, but you need to be careful in their care, as scratches from abrasives and even rough materials easily remain on the surface. This is what the instructions say, read carefully.

MDF panels and boards

Wood fiber is also an excellent material for fulfilling your cherished dream of covering the ceiling in a house or apartment.


  • It holds sound and heat well for a thin material (of course, everything is relative);
  • Certain types (moisture-resistant, impregnated) can be used for rooms with high humidity - although the idea is questionable, and it is better to make do with more suitable products;
  • Lamination allows long-term use and easy cleaning;
  • Easy assembly;
  • Low own weight, allowing the installation of lightweight frames.

Disadvantage: most commercially available MDF ceiling tiles do not withstand moisture in any way, are easily flammable, and are not an environmentally friendly material. They also have an easily damaged front side.


All materials – material allocated to a separate group. This also includes lining, including “Euro” types of cladding.

It is enough to look at numerous photos of ceilings covered with wood to understand the charm, comfort and beauty of the finish. Wood has a huge number of benefits, including durability.

But the main thing is absolute naturalness and the property characteristic exclusively of wood to create a favorable microclimate in the room.


  1. Wood retains heat better than artificial counterparts.
  2. The material is “breathable”, as they say. That is, it allows air to pass through normally and promotes ventilation of the above-ceiling space.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The properties of the cladding will depend entirely on the type of wood chosen;
  • It follows that you will have to pay a decent price for quality;
  • For the most part, wood is afraid of moisture, which requires you to regularly treat its surface with protective compounds.
  • The material is flammable and we require special precautions when installing electrical wiring.
  • Insects can settle in the wood, which will quickly render the cladding unusable.

Advice! The last two shortcomings are also eliminated through chemical treatment.

Here are brief answers to the problem of how to cover the ceiling in a house. The installation technology and characteristics of each design must be looked at depending on the selected material.

Ceiling decoration is the first stage of finishing work. Today, there are various types of ceilings in an apartment or private house, each of which differs in the materials used and the methods of their application or installation. In addition, the available ceiling finishing options vary in cost and complexity of the work.

Decorating ceilings with paint is the simplest and most affordable finishing method. Most often, water-dispersed compositions are used for this purpose. Their cost is relatively low. In addition, such materials demonstrate excellent resistance to water and temperature changes. It will only take a few hours for the paint to dry. Water-dispersed compositions do not emit harmful substances, and their range allows you to choose a shade that will harmonize with the interior of the room. The material can be applied to any surface except metal, due to the risk of corrosion.

The main disadvantage of this method of finishing ceilings is the need to completely remove the old coating, for example, whitewash or plaster layer. A high-quality preliminary leveling will also be required, since any defects on the painted surface will be visible. The paint coating regularly requires updating, that is, it will have to be tinted annually. This is especially true for ceilings in kitchens, where grease will settle during cooking.


Decorating the ceiling with plaster mixtures is also a fairly popular procedure. Using this material you can not only decorate the surface, but also level it. In addition, plaster compositions do not burn and do not support combustion, do not emit toxic substances, and are relatively inexpensive.

Important! Such work requires two people, as well as some experience - it will be difficult for a novice home craftsman to do everything perfectly smooth.

Finishing the ceilings in an apartment with plaster is impossible if the ceiling is more than 5 cm thick. Too large a layer of material can significantly reduce the service life of the coating. In addition, the plaster “steals” the height of the walls a little.

Previously, the ceiling in the house was finished only with whitewash, but now other, higher quality ceiling coverings and their types have appeared. Nevertheless, this option is still in demand due to its versatility. The white surface will fit into any interior. In addition, the cost of whitewashing is the lowest of all finishing materials. The finishing process itself is also very simple, so you can save on the services of specialists. Among the disadvantages, it is worth noting the need for careful surface preparation. Also, whitewash tends to constantly crumble, so the surface needs to be renewed regularly.

There are different options for finishing ceilings in an apartment, but wallpaper has not lost its popularity to this day. Almost any type of this material is relatively cheap, and even a novice craftsman can prepare glue and hang wallpaper.

Paper wallpaper

This type of material is used extremely rarely. A ceiling decorated with paper wallpaper will not last long, but it will take a lot of effort and time to arrange it. Currently, these types of wallpaper are used to decorate children's rooms and other rooms where regular cosmetic repairs are required. This coating hides minor defects in the ceiling, is inexpensive and does not “steal” excess space. Disadvantages: short service life, the need for careful surface preparation.

Liquid options

These types of ceiling finishes are more preferable in the modern world. Liquid wallpaper hardens quickly, is easy to apply, does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and is wear-resistant. In addition, it is possible to replace the damaged area without removing the entire coating. It is important to remember that all these qualities apply only to materials manufactured using precise technology. Handicraft wallpaper may not have them. The main disadvantage is the high cost. It also does not tolerate moisture well.


How can you decorate the ceiling so that it is not the same as everyone else’s? For lovers of everything original, there are the following options for finishing the ceiling: covering with chintz, linen, silk, tapestry and special furniture fabrics. Burlap is also suitable for decorating the ceiling surface. Such methods of finishing ceilings will appeal to creative people who will independently select combinations, colors, patterns, and so on. If you involve professionals in the matter, the cost of the project can be very high. The main advantage is an exclusive appearance, the disadvantages are a short service life and fragility of the coating.

The finishing of the ceiling in an apartment can also be done using textile or PVC products, which are stretched over installed baguettes. The main advantage of such designs is the wide range: the market offers matte and glossy coatings, plain and with various pictures, drawings, photographs. Such ceilings last an average of 10 years.

Another advantage of this finish is that there is no need for careful leveling. The fact is that the products are mounted on the wall with an indentation, so irregularities will not be visible. You can install the material yourself.

On a note! The ceiling, which was finished using PVC film, will protect the apartment in the event of flooding by neighbors or a roof leak, which is especially important for residents on the upper floors.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted the need to pre-arrange the lighting system, which may not be within the power of a home craftsman. In the summer, due to extreme heat, the coating may sag and burst in the winter. In addition, such a structure is easily pierced by sharp objects and slightly reduces the height of the ceiling.

Dropped ceilings

These ceiling finishing options have gained popularity due to their simple installation system. Suspended types of ceiling finishing are mounted on profiles fixed to the walls and ceiling surface. Therefore, no preliminary leveling is required, and the work is relatively clean.


This is the most common type of ceiling decoration in an apartment. Using gypsum board slabs you can design not only a regular ceiling, but also a multi-level structure or a niche. The plasticity of the material allows you to create fancy shapes for various interior options. Among the advantages, it is worth noting the ease of installation - even an inexperienced craftsman can sheathe the ceiling with plasterboard. In addition, the material is relatively inexpensive.

One of the disadvantages is the “fear” of water. When exposed to moisture, the product deteriorates very quickly. Before covering the ceiling in an apartment with plasterboard, you need to think about the lighting system and the thermal insulation layer. Another disadvantage is the need for subsequent finishing of the coating with putty and paints.


This ceiling finishing option is considered one of the most affordable. For this reason, it is used in hospitals, office buildings and other buildings where practicality is primarily needed, and an attractive appearance is not at all necessary.

The material is installed in this way: a mesh frame is fixed on the main covering, onto which sheets of mineral fiber of various shapes are fixed.

The main advantage of this type of ceiling finishing in an apartment is the ability to disguise utility lines under the slabs. In addition, the product is easy to replace if damaged. Tiles are produced in a wide range, so finding the color and texture you need is quite easy.

Among the shortcomings, it should be noted that the material is not the most attractive appearance and fragility. Like any other suspended structure, a tiled one reduces the height of the walls, so in small apartments the presented ceiling finishing option is rarely used.


This type of ceiling decoration is similar to the previous one. Only instead of fragile mineral sheets, durable cassettes made of metal or plastic are used. The advantage is that there is insulation between the sheets of metal, so the entire installation process does not last long. The disadvantage of this type of ceiling is its high cost.

Rack and pinion

If you have a dilemma about what to make ceilings in the bathroom and kitchen from, it is recommended to pay attention to this option. In this case, not tiles are installed on the frame, but long slats made of plastic, galvanized aluminum or wood. The result is an imitation of lining, although such finishing costs much less. Another advantage is the quick dismantling and easy repair of the material. Among the disadvantages, one can note the relatively short service life of the coating - on average 5 years.


Modern designers usually use several design options when creating a project for a home. Suspended and suspended ceilings are often combined, but any options are acceptable. Sometimes a mirror is installed in a niche of a plasterboard structure or a suspended ceiling is used as a border, and the main area is leveled with plaster and painted.

Glued ceilings

In this case, we are talking about a ceiling that is covered with tiles with one adhesive side. Such products are easy to install and are moisture resistant, which is why they have gained popularity among domestic users. Also, using adhesive tiles you can save on expensive stucco molding. The main disadvantage of this option is the need for careful leveling of the coating; in addition, the tile itself is very fragile.

Ceilings made of natural materials

Natural ceiling design options have recently become increasingly popular. The fact is that every year new methods of processing and impregnation of products are invented that improve its performance.


Wooden lining is thin wooden boards or MDF boards. They are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws, nails or clamps. The main advantage of such materials is environmental friendliness, attractive appearance, durability and strength. The disadvantages are the need to use wood impregnations and a limited range of colors.


This type of ceiling is more suitable for a summer house or country house. It will look out of place in an apartment, although some lovers of all things natural find a use for it here too. The timber has all the features of lining, but lasts longer and is durable. Disadvantages: difficult installation, need for ventilation. Before finishing the ceiling in an apartment or house with this material, you will have to impregnate it with special compounds for a long time.

Cork ceilings are not widely used, but this material has some advantages: the presence of a wax coating protects the surface from water and dust accumulation, and also increases the service life of the products. Disadvantages include rather complicated installation and high cost.

When deciding how to decorate the ceiling on the balcony, it is recommended to pay attention to PVC lining. The resulting coating will be strong, durable, and utility lines and a thermal insulation layer can be hidden under it. In addition, the material is available in a wide range, it is resistant to the development of bacteria, fungi and mold, ultraviolet radiation and so on. At the same time, such a ceiling is quite fragile and can be easily damaged even by light mechanical impact. There will be a specific smell in the room for several days after installation.

Multi-level structures

Such a ceiling can be decorated using any of the above finishing materials. It differs only in the installation technology. In this case, we are talking about suspended structures that will be installed at different distances from the ceiling surface, plasterboard niches, multi-level stretch ceilings and their combinations with paints, plaster, and so on.