What is the best way to keep a live Christmas tree at home? How to properly preserve a live Christmas tree at home longer? What should you do, what should you keep a live Christmas tree in, so that the Christmas tree at home lasts and smells longer? What solution can you use to put a live Christmas tree at home for the New Year: a recipe for growing

What is the best way to keep a live Christmas tree at home?  How to properly preserve a live Christmas tree at home longer?  What should you do, what should you keep a live Christmas tree in, so that the Christmas tree at home lasts and smells longer?  What solution can you use to put a live Christmas tree at home for the New Year: a recipe for growing
What is the best way to keep a live Christmas tree at home? How to properly preserve a live Christmas tree at home longer? What should you do, what should you keep a live Christmas tree in, so that the Christmas tree at home lasts and smells longer? What solution can you use to put a live Christmas tree at home for the New Year: a recipe for growing

Buying a Christmas tree

If you bought a Christmas tree ahead of time, keep it in the cold. Before entering into warm room, keep it for several hours on a cold balcony or loggia. To make dried needles fall off, tap the trunk of the tree on the floor.

If the tree is not stored in the cold, two days before installation, lower the end of the trunk into a bucket of water to which 3-4 tablespoons of glycerin have been added.

How to install a Christmas tree correctly?

To prevent the tree from falling off for as long as possible, it is recommended to install it:

  • into a bucket of wet sand. This perfect option. The sand must be fairly clean. You need to add about a liter of water to a bucket of sand, into which you put a little glycerin or gelatin, or an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. It is better to place the Christmas tree in such a way that Bottom part the trunk was covered with wet sand by at least 20 centimeters. The sand needs to be watered after 1-2 days.
  • A worse option is to put it in a bucket or tank of water. Add half a teaspoon to the water citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk.
  • and finally, you can simply wrap the trunk at the cut site with a damp cloth, which needs to be moistened periodically.

Whatever option you use, the bottom of the tree trunk needs to be cleared of 8-10 cm of bark and planed sharp knife to open fresh pores. The branches of the Christmas tree can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle, this will help the tree maintain its freshness longer.

To install the Christmas tree, you can use a special stand, or you can use any durable deep vessel. You can strengthen the trunk using stretch marks, wooden planks, ordinary rope. The top of the vessel is covered corrugated paper, tinsel or fabric.

How long can you keep a Christmas tree?

Don’t let the tree crumble, don’t be greedy. It’s better to throw it away early, without waiting for it to turn from a holiday symbol into a carrier of necrotic information.

If you love keeping a tree for months at a time - from Catholic Christmas to Chinese New Year - get an artificial one. High-quality Christmas trees will last a long time, and in appearance they will practically not differ from real ones. And two or three living pine branches will create a forest aroma.

Useful tips

Only a live spruce can bring a long-awaited, incomparable aroma and a wonderful New Year's mood to your home.

If you decide to buy a natural Christmas tree for the New Year, then we have prepared some tips for you on how you can preserve it for longer. long term so that it exudes aroma during all New Year's holidays and even after them.

Choosing a Christmas tree

As a rule, you can find spruce, pine or fir at Christmas tree markets. All these trees differ from each other both in smell and appearance, and in their lifespan after felling.

There are several general rules when choosing a tree. For example, the trunk must have needles, even sparse ones, and the cut tree must not have a tight border. You will learn about these and other tips for choosing and storing a New Year's tree here.

How to keep your Christmas tree longer

1. Bend the Christmas tree branch slightly. If it bends easily, but cracks, the wood inside is already dry. This means that very soon the needles will begin to fall off.

* A good spruce tree has all its branches very elastic and difficult to bend.

* If you rub spruce needles in your palm, you will smell the pine needles.

* A good spruce also has bright green needles.

2. If you plan to buy a Christmas tree for a period of less than 7 days, then it can be installed anywhere without much care. However, if you want the tree to stand for more than a week, you will have to take care of it.

How to keep a living Christmas tree

3. The Christmas tree should not be placed next to a heat source such as a radiator, fireplace or heater.

4. Humidify the air. Pour water into the stand or, at worst, wrap the tree with a wet rag. It is better to use melt water so that the wood does not absorb chlorine.

5. You shouldn’t put a newly purchased Christmas tree right into the room. Leave her for several hours in the hallway or on the balcony.

And if you bought a Christmas tree more than a week before the holiday, then it is best to store it wrapped in paper and in the cold.

Read also: 20+ ways to BEAUTIFULLY decorate your TREE for the New Year

How to care for a Christmas tree

6. Before installation, clear the tree trunk from about 10 cm of bark. It is also worth using a sharp knife to plan the spruce, thereby opening its fresh pores.

7. Spray the spruce branches with water from a spray bottle. This way the tree will retain its freshness longer.

8. The Christmas tree can be installed in a bucket of wet sand. Approximately 1 liter of water is used for one bucket of sand. Add a small amount of glycerin or gelatin. The bottom of the tree trunk should be covered with sand by about 20 cm. Add water to the sand every two days.

How to keep a Christmas tree at home

9. If you install the Christmas tree in a bucket or tank with water, you can add citric acid (0.5 teaspoon), 1 tsp to the water. gelatin and crushed chalk. You can also add 1 aspirin tablet, a little salt and 1 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Aspirin prevents the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria.

Salt and sugar provide the tree with some nutrients.

10. When you decide to get rid of the Christmas tree, to remove dried needles, simply knock the trunk on the floor.

*An artificial Christmas tree made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) must first be vacuumed. But you shouldn’t wash it, as there is a risk that the metal rods will rust.

How long will a Christmas tree last at home?

The spruce will last 10 days and will have a faint aroma.

Pine can last up to 14 days and will delight you with a strong aroma.

Fir can last up to 21 days with a medium aroma.

What to do with the Christmas tree after the holidays?

1. Give it for recycling. The Christmas tree can be turned into sawdust for boiler houses or fertilizer.

2. Take the Christmas tree to the zoo, where it will become food for the animals.

3. If you have a summer house, you can chop the branches and trunk to make protective layer for soil.

4. You can make a paste for colds:

* Grind 300 gr. pine needles

*Add 200 gr. honey.

*Add 50 gr. propolis

Store the solution in the refrigerator.

Use the solution 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals, washed down with warm water.

Ways to extend the life of a Christmas tree.

  • How to save live Christmas tree on the balcony until the New Year?
  • VIDEO: Save the Christmas tree

Many of us go to the market in December in search of an evergreen beauty. Indeed, freshly cut pine or spruce can significantly lift your mood and set you in a festive mood. In this article we will tell you what you need to do to make your Christmas tree happy for as long as possible.

There are several options. They will help prolong the life of the green beauty.

  • Sand. It is necessary to fill the tub with wet sand and immerse the barrel. In this case, the sand needs to be watered daily.
  • Water. IN in this case the cross is filled with water and the tree trunk is immersed. Water also needs to be added. To prevent it from rotting, place a piece at the bottom copper wire. It will prevent water from rotting.
  • Damp cloth. You can simply wrap the lower part of the barrel with damp rags. Moisten the fabric daily and do not allow it to dry out.

What should you do, what should you keep a live Christmas tree in, so that the Christmas tree at home lasts and smells longer?

There are ways to extend the life of a Christmas tree. To do this, you can use not ordinary water, but a special solution. Additives prevent water from rotting and improve the nutrition of the forest beauty.

Additives for the Christmas tree:

  • Aspirin. You need to crush the tablet and throw it into 500 ml of water. This solution is poured into the cross. The absorbed liquid is added daily.
  • Sugar and salt. It is necessary to dissolve 50 g of sugar and 20 g of salt in a liter of water. You need to water the sand with this solution.
  • Special fertilizers. They can be purchased at a flower shop. They are called “For coniferous plants”.
  • Often water for the Christmas tree is fed with ammonium nitrate.
  • Gelatin. It is necessary to dissolve half a bag of gelatin, a teaspoon of citric acid and 10 g of crushed chalk in 3000 ml of water.
  • Potassium permanganate. Nowadays this reagent is quite difficult to obtain. But if you have potassium permanganate lying around somewhere, feel free to use it to prepare a nutrient solution. Add a few crystals of potassium permanganate into the water and immerse the barrel.
  • Acetic acid. It is necessary to cut off the edge of the trunk, updating the cut. Immerse the barrel in boiling vinegar. As a result, you will get rid of bacteria and increase the period of freshness of the tree.

What solution can you put a live Christmas tree in at home? New Year: solution recipe

Unfortunately, not everything depends on you. There are many factors that affect the safety of the Christmas tree. This includes the time of felling, as well as storage and transportation conditions. The fact is that forest beauties are cut back in October. That is, the tree has been waiting in the wings for more than a month. It affects her appearance and freshness. At proper care and provided you purchase fresh wood, there is a chance that it will last at home for about a month.

How long does it cost and how long does a live Christmas tree last at home?

There are several rules that will allow you to save your Christmas tree.


  • After purchasing, do not rush to bring the tree into your apartment or warm room. We recommend keeping the forest beauty on the balcony for a couple of days.
  • This is due to the fact that the temperature increase should be smooth. After this, you can bring the Christmas tree into the apartment.
  • Don't keep her near heating devices. This will speed up the drying process of the needles.
  • After purchasing, it is advisable to cut off the bark at a distance of 10 cm from the cut site. This will provide better nutrition to the tree.
  • It is advisable to cut off the lower branches. They can be used to weave a Christmas wreath.
  • It is advisable to wrap the barrel in paper. This will prevent the trunk from freezing.

Initially, the tree was a symbol of Christmas. But in Soviet times everything changed. In Russia, the Soviet government at first, in the 20-30s, completely banned the Christmas tree as a “priestly-bourgeois” relic, and then still allowed it, but as a “New Year tree” with Santa Claus instead of Christ. Most residents of Russia still perceive decorating the Christmas tree this way, in the Soviet way and without any Christmas meaning.

How long should a tree stay up after Christmas?

In the Vatican, the Christmas tree is removed on January 12th. This is a kind of tradition. But in our country we are used to cleaning up the forest beauty after baptism and the old and new year, reports the Rosregistr website. That is, after January 19.

In general, it’s up to you when to remove the Christmas tree. The main thing is that it does not crumble, but gives happiness to the household. It is usually very difficult for children to part with the tree.

How long should a tree stay up after Christmas?

2 4 899 0

Well, what would New Year be without a Christmas tree? This wonderful and magical holiday cannot be imagined without the main attribute - the thorny tree. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s spruce or pine. Everyone is looking forward to the New Year holidays and wants them to last as long as possible. And I want the “forest smell” of winter to beckon for more than one week. And it will be a real shame if the New Year’s beauty turns yellow in a few days and the needles begin to fall off.

Buy a week before the holiday

Remnants of past years have ingrained the fact that there may not be enough Christmas trees for everyone. And that’s why we start chasing New Year’s beauties a month before the holiday. Nowadays a beautiful pine or spruce of any size (tall, small) can be found in any market, and not only.

On New Year's Eve there is every chance to buy a fresh Christmas tree. Check the date on the chip located on one of the tree branches. It is this item that indicates the date the tree was cut down.

But if you take the process of decorating the Christmas tree very seriously, then buy it a few days in advance, select your favorite New Year's toys and decorations. And already plunge into the atmosphere of New Year's magic in advance.

The tree needs cold

After purchasing a Christmas tree, do not rush to install it immediately (if it was purchased not an hour before the New Year). The thorny tree needs cold. Find the coolest place in the house (perhaps it will be a garage or balcony) and place the spruce there for a while.

It is best to immerse the tree (if size allows) in a container with cold water, with the addition of glycerin (3-4 tablespoons).

Appropriate place

Choose a place convenient for you where you want to see the tree, with the exception of drafts and radiators. These won't be the most good places to install a New Year's tree.

Follow safety rules, especially if you have small children. In this case, the tree should be located on high level off the floor so that children cannot reach it. As a rule, the Christmas tree sparkles glass toys and garlands, and it can be dangerous if the tree falls.


One of the most popular ways to install a Christmas tree is using a cross. There are many varieties of it. You can buy a Christmas tree with a ready-made cross (it will be attached to the tree trunk). But a “completed” tree may not always catch the buyer’s eye. Such simple devices are sold separately. As a rule, these are hardware stores, supermarkets, or construction-type stores.

We will also share advice on how to make a Christmas tree cross yourself:

You will need: a pair of bars that are fastened perpendicular to each other. Next, a large self-tapping screw is installed at the intersection of the bars and screwed into the tree trunk.

Many people remember and still use the old, proven method for installing a New Year's tree - pour sand into a bucket. But it’s not always possible to find sand so quickly in the middle of winter. There is such a way good alternative- bucket with water. You can add nutrient mixtures to the water, which are used to extend the life of cut flowers. Such additives will also be useful for spruce. For example, "Plym". The product is added to the water (according to the dosage specified in the instructions for use). It extends the life of flowers by 75%, and is ideal for wood. You can buy it at a flower shop.

There are also water additives that are easy to make yourself:

  1. Activated carbon or aspirin (one tablet per liter of water);
  2. A pinch of citric acid crystals (lemon juice is ideal);
  3. Boric acid (1 tsp per 1 liter of water);
  4. Salt (1 tsp per 1 liter of water), alcohol, acetic acid, glycerin and glucose solution (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water, all methods are different).


Christmas tree, like anything else, it needs water. In one day it can consume up to two liters of water. In this case, if you want to admire your fluffy and green Christmas tree for a long time, do not forget to water it regularly.

Typically, Christmas tree markets open a week before the holiday. But with today's technology, you can buy a Christmas tree as early as mid-December. To forest beauty could please you for as long as possible, there are several recipes and rules, which we will tell you about today.

1. Choose the right Christmas tree!

The longevity of a Christmas tree largely depends on its health. Therefore, when choosing a forest beauty, you need to pay attention to its trunk: it should be thick and, like the branches, covered with needles, and the branches on the trunk should grow quite densely. At good condition Christmas tree, its branches are elastic, the needles are prickly and have a dark green color. The yellowish color of the needles should alert you and you should refuse to purchase such a spruce.
It is important that the branches of the Christmas tree bend well, and do not break or fall off, since even a tree recently brought from the forest can be dry. Another factor by which you can determine a healthy tree is specific smell forests. It is very important to preserve the tips of the branches and especially the tops, therefore, when transporting the tree, it is necessary to carefully and carefully secure it to the trunk, and strengthen the branches with wide twines.

2. Christmas tree at home.

It is not advisable to keep the Christmas tree in warm room before decorating it. If you bought a Christmas tree ahead of time, keep it in the cold. Before bringing it into a warm room, keep it for several hours on a cold balcony or loggia. To make dried needles fall off, tap the trunk of the tree on the floor. If the tree is not stored in the cold, two days before installation, lower the end of the trunk into a bucket of water to which 3-4 tablespoons of glycerin have been added.
Having brought the Christmas tree into the house from the balcony, you should not immediately unwrap it. It is necessary to gradually warm it to room temperature to prevent the needles from falling off. The bottom cut of the tree is made smooth.

In a bucket of wet sand. This is ideal. The sand must be fairly clean. You need to add about a liter of water to a bucket of sand, into which you put a little glycerin or gelatin, or an aspirin tablet plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. It is better to place the Christmas tree in such a way that the lower part of the trunk is covered with wet sand by at least 20 centimeters. The sand needs to be watered after 1-2 days.

A worse option is to put it in a bucket or tank of water. You should add half a teaspoon of citric acid, a spoonful of gelatin and a little crushed chalk to the water.

And finally, you can simply wrap the trunk at the cut site with a damp cloth, which needs to be moistened periodically.

Whatever option you use, the bottom of the tree trunk needs to be cleared of 8-10 cm of bark and planed with a sharp knife to open fresh pores. The branches of the Christmas tree can be sprayed from time to time with a spray bottle, this will help the tree maintain its freshness longer.

To install the Christmas tree, you can use a special stand, or you can use any durable deep vessel. You can strengthen the trunk using guy ropes, wooden planks, or ordinary rope. The top of the vessel is covered with corrugated paper, tinsel or cloth.

4. So that the tree does not crumble until the Old New Year...

A freshly cut Christmas tree can stand for quite a long time even in ordinary water. The water is first left to stand in the light so that the chlorine evaporates. The bark on the tree is removed from the bottom of the trunk, at the butt, about 10 cm and the cut is refreshed, making a new one at an angle of 45 degrees. Make sure that the water level is always above the place where the bark was removed. By using the nutrient solution formulations described below, you can achieve significantly better results.

So that your tree can stand without crumbling until the old New Year, place it in a bucket or jar of water to which a little glycerin has been added (2 tablespoons of glycerin per 10 liters of water). If you don’t have glycerin on hand, you can replace it with 0.5 teaspoon of urea. If you do not want to put the tree in water, split the bottom of the tree trunk and put a woolen rag soaked in the solution prepared according to the recipe below.

For 1 liter of water - 3 tablespoons of the drug for window glass and 1 tablespoon of glycerin. The solution is valid for 10 days, then it is replaced with a fresh one, and after another 10 days - clean water.

Another recipe that will help preserve your Christmas tree for a long time. To 3 liters of water you should add 5 grams of citric acid and gelatin, as well as an incomplete tablespoon of chalk. This nourishing and preserving solution will help your beauty stay fresh for a longer period of time. As the water evaporates, it must be added to the required level.