How to paint walls with bark beetle. Technology and methods of painting bark beetle. Getting various effects

How to paint walls with bark beetle.  Technology and methods of painting bark beetle.  Getting various effects
How to paint walls with bark beetle. Technology and methods of painting bark beetle. Getting various effects

Decorative wall plaster for the house "Bark beetle" has not in vain gained popularity among builders. Thanks to its clear textured pattern, an unlimited number of color options, shades, due to the play of light and shadow in the grooves, designers use it not only for plastering building facades, but also for decorating rooms. About all types in more detail later in the article.

Material Features

Before deciding on plastering work, you should know that " Bark beetles "are on various grounds:

  • cement with polymer additives and stabilizers;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • silicate (liquid glass).

Manufacturers provide a choice of dry or ready-made mixtures in buckets with granule diameters from 1 to 3.5 mm. "Bark beetle" based on cement can be used not only for facades, but also for decorative work inside buildings. It has a number of advantages that you need to pay attention to:

  • durable, resistant to mechanical stress;
  • frost-resistant;
  • not afraid of water, snow, hail;
  • inexpensive.

Disadvantage: dust accumulates in the grooves. Because of this, the facade loses its attractiveness. But it can be washed without fear of damaging or washing off the paint.

Due to its small thickness, low weight, it can be applied to any substrate, even to polystyrene boards. Let's look at the options and methods for applying this finishing material to the facades of buildings.

The larger the granule size, the greater the amount of plaster mixture needed per square meter.

Decorative finishing of external walls

The plaster mixture is intended for finishing such surfaces:

  • brick;
  • stone;
  • concrete;
  • old plaster.

It is also used for finishing heat-insulating layers of mineral, basalt wool, polystyrene foam boards on a reinforcing mesh. The only condition for a quality finish is a flat plane. Any recesses and irregularities will not allow decorative furrows to be applied to the surface.

There are some nuances in coloring, which will be discussed below.

What is better, paint the entire solution at once or paint a plastered wall with paints?

When planning decorative work, you need to deal with the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.

You can add color directly to the solution only in polymer compositions. Bark beetle based on white cement is best painted with water-based or acrylic paints after complete hardening. Theoretically, the first way is better. Once plastered and forgot. But it's not so simple.

If for finishing the facade it is necessary to paint 4-5 bags of the mixture at once, then what size dishes are needed and where can I get them? Only large construction organizations with the appropriate equipment can afford this. The second problem: how to calculate the exact amount of solution? What happens if one bucket is not enough? It is impossible to guess the exact shade right on the construction site. There is a risk of leaving a stain on the facade for many years.

In most cases, plastered walls are painted with water-based paints after hardening. It is economically justified.

Surface preparation

Preparation of stone, concrete, brick, and other surfaces for finishing is mandatory and requires careful execution. To do this, it is cleaned of dust, oil stains, cracks are patched, they are puttied with cement (for exterior) or gypsum mortar for interior work. Particular attention should be paid to the search for exfoliated old plaster. Such places must be removed and plastered again. H You can do the surface lookup:

  • manually with metal brushes;
  • brushes mounted on a drill or grinder;
  • sandblasting machine.

If brick, stone, concrete walls, old with shells more than 3 cm deep, then a reinforcing mesh is pulled onto the surface. It is plastered with cement mortar, leveled, puttied, primed.

Experienced Tips:

  • if an oil stain appears on the wall and it does not penetrate deeply, then it can be removed with a 3% solution of sulfuric acid. This is an ordinary electrolyte for filling batteries. You can buy it at an auto parts store. When diluting, it is necessary to pour the electrolyte into the water, and not vice versa! If confused, boiling of sulfuric acid with splashing is possible. This operation is best done with glasses;
  • primer for painting is required. If this is not done, overspending of paint is inevitable.

How to remove old plaster?


Check the quality by lightly tapping the wall with a hammer. If the sound is deaf, then the layer has lagged behind the brick base and will eventually fall off. Such areas must be removed, plastered again.

Plaster is removed in two ways:

  • manually with a chisel, hammer, cycles, spatula;
  • mechanical puncher or grinder with a diamond wheel.

In both cases, you need to get to the base. The final stage is cleaning with metal brushes by hand or grinder, removing dust with a wet cloth or vacuum cleaner.

Plaster mixture Bark beetle

Before starting plastering work, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the recommendations of the manufacturers for preparing the mortar. Pay attention to the expiration date. That is, how long the solution will be plastic and suitable for work. Please note that the recommendations indicate the approximate amount of water per kilogram of solution. Each batch may have some difference in the amount of water in one direction or another. Before starting work, it is necessary to make a small amount of the solution in multiples of a kilogram and weigh the amount of water.

The mixture must be stirred with a low-speed mixer or a drill with a speed controller. After the first stirring, leave it for 5 minutes to stabilize and stir again. Stir the mixture in such portions that it can be completely used.

In most cases, the survivability time is about 3 hours. In order not to be mistaken with the amount of mortar and not to make too much, measure how much it is needed per 1 m 2 or how many square meters can be plastered with one bucket.

If the area is large, then several people will have to be involved. Iron rule of plasterers: one wall must be started and finished without interruption in work.


When calculating the amount of the mixture, be guided by the manufacturer's data, but be sure to add 5-10% in reserve.

The technology of applying facade plaster

There is nothing complicated in the application technology. Granules of marble chips themselves will regulate the thickness of the application. To apply, you must have:

  • stainless steel grater or spatula;
  • plastic grater.

When applying the solution, the metal grater should be held at an angle of about 45 degrees. Each master chooses for himself the angle of inclination.


  • the solution should have such a consistency that it does not slip off the grater;
  • it is necessary to apply the solution without effort;
  • do not take breaks until you cover the entire wall with the mixture;
  • check from time to time that the mixture is ready for pitting with a plastic pellet trowel.

The drying time of the plaster mixture is at least two days.

Getting various effects

When the plaster decorative mixture begins to dry out, you can start drawing. Risks are applied vertically, horizontally, at an angle or in circular zigzag movements, trying to achieve resemblance to the moves of a bark beetle in a tree.


  • if you started making vertical stripes from top to bottom, then you cannot reverse the direction from bottom to top;
  • the same goes for horizontal, circular and zigzag movements.

You can start drawing a picture only after drying. It is difficult to determine how much time is needed to the nearest minute. But there is one caveat. When the mixture dries, it decreases in volume, and small granules protrude above the plane. As soon as the grout stops clinging to the entire surface with its sole, you can begin.

"Jets of Rain"

This is the simplest, but effective way of drawing a picture on the facade. It is done by vertical slides of the grater from top to bottom. The "length of the jets" is regulated by the plasterer. Here it is necessary to adhere to strictly vertical movements.

Method "Vertical rain"

The higher the house, the larger the size of the granules.

"Slanting Rain"

These are the same "Jets of Rain" only at a certain angle. This effect is more complicated than the previous one because it is necessary to strictly adhere to the once selected angle.

Oblique rain method

Before attempting to use this effect, you should first try it on a separate surface to determine whether this method of decorating is suitable for your object or not.

"Bark beetle"

This is the simplest effect, it is not difficult to perform. To do this, you need to move the plastic grater randomly in all directions.

For the home, you should not take a mixture with granules less than 3 mm. Too small granules will not give a good visual effect at height. The grooves will be hardly noticeable.

"Horizontal bark beetle"

Although such effects are most suitable for interior work, they are quite appropriate for the implementation of design ideas.

When using this effect, the main condition is not to deviate much from the horizontal.

bicolor bark beetle

This is a more complex and expensive way of applying plaster in two shades. There are two ways to achieve this effect.

The first. Adding color to the solution and preparing the color base in the first step. The next step is painting the protruding planes with a different color with a short pile roller.

The second way is to first paint the entire wall with a long pile roller. It is necessary to ensure that all recesses (woodworm paths) are painted. At the second stage, the protruding planes are painted with a short pile roller.

Thus, the recesses will be of one shade, and the general tone of another.

For finishing the facade of the house from the outside, "Bark beetle" fits perfectly. It should be noted that there is a rule when choosing shades for coloring. Flowers should be used no more than three. Exceptionally four. Moreover, the fourth shade should be no more than 5%. It can be window frames, protective strips on the roof.

The foundation must be in harmony with the roof. If it is not possible to match the color of the foundation to match the roof, then use contrasting or neutral colors.

His majesty neutral gray color is in harmony with almost all shades. See how the color scheme was chosen for decorating the walls of a residential building.

Pay attention to the almost complete coincidence of the shades of the foundation with the roof. Painting the walls in white and light green.

There are a lot of options for choosing decorative solutions. After finishing the finishing work, impregnate the facade with a water-repellent composition. This procedure will protect the walls from the damaging effects of moisture and low temperatures for many years.

Interior decoration of the house

For interior decoration, designers are looking for new ideas. "Bark beetle" is a textured plaster, characterized in that it:

  • has a unique textured pattern;
  • strong, durable;
  • can be repainted with different paints many times.

Great resistance to abrasion, the ability to wash the walls from dirt makes its use in rooms with a large number of visitors justified. Small pebbles of the same diameter create bizarre, unique furrows.

Decorative plaster under the stone is perfectly combined with wood and drywall. Small sections of the wall or a fully plastered bark beetle room is practical and modern. The use of matte paints, staining with two colors, create an imitation of the bark of different types of wood. Acrylic or gypsum compositions are suitable for decorating a bedroom, bath, nursery or living room.


For interior work, the industry offers ready-made mixtures:

  • acrylic;
  • silicate;
  • silicone;
  • polymer cement.

Only polymer cement compositions are sold in dry form. They must be prepared before use. To do this, you need a low-speed mixer, a bucket, water. The main condition for high-quality plaster is a clean and even wall. To work, you need a stainless steel grater, plastic grout.

hallway decoration

To create a unique interior, it is not necessary to plaster the entire room. It is enough to select one or more walls. In order for the room to look aesthetically pleasing, it must be remembered that the "bark beetle" is not suitable for every style. For a small hallway, the following should be taken into account: vertical stripes make the room higher, and horizontal ones lower.


When choosing colors, try to use no more than three. The hallway is where guests go. In most cases, it does not shine with large areas and natural light. Therefore, when decorating the hallway, it is recommended to use warm pastel colors: beige, light brown, light orange.

Hallway decoration in Loft style

This style of room decoration seems primitive, but in terms of the cost of decoration, it is one of the most expensive. The more the room resembles a workshop or utility room, the cooler the design. The texture of the wall with deep furrows is what Loft lacks.

Bathroom finishing

This plaster mixture is very resistant to wet conditions and its use for decorating a bathroom is fully justified. But it should be remembered that "Bark beetle" is not a ceramic tile. The bathroom must be well ventilated. Walls must be completely dry after wetting.

When plastering, consider the material of the base of the walls: stone, concrete, brick or drywall. If the walls are plasterboard, they must first be plastered with cement mortar over a reinforcing mesh. The bathroom has a lot of plumbing fixtures covered with chrome or nickel. Therefore, the Techno style is best suited. Walls covered in two tones with metallic shades accentuate the Techno style in the bathroom.

Bark beetle in the bedroom

In order to make the original design of the bedroom, it is enough to plaster one of the walls of the bedroom in a minimalist style.


Silicone is the most expensive, but its performance offsets the high price.. After drying, the surface becomes shiny and will last for decades.

Chalet style bedroom

To decorate a bedroom in a rustic style, it is enough to decorate one wall with a textured layer. Bark beetle in this case will be very helpful.

For the rustic style are inherent:

The wall of stone blocks near the fireplace looks interesting, the surface of which is eaten away by bark beetles.. Local illumination of the surface will cast bizarre shadows, emphasizing the relief structure.

In the living room

The living room is the central room in the house. Here the family gathers for the holidays, receive guests. This room should be the pride of the owners. Smooth, white walls are out of fashion for a long time. The textured surface of the walls will help bring zest to the design of the room.

Note the use of local lighting to highlight the plastered wall. The living room should have a festive look, so it is recommended to paint it in two colors. When painting, there can be two options: the base color is light or dark. It all depends on taste. The second color should be in contrast to the first.

Examples of small and large spaces

Plaster bark beetle in the corridor also has the right to exist. The corridors in the apartments are not very wide. Sometimes it is difficult for two family members to warm up in a narrow space. There is always a risk of wiping yourself against a wall. The bark beetle is so strong that for him repeated touching is nothing.


To keep this little space looking fresh, leave some paint on after finishing and touch up the worn spots on the walls from time to time.

Many were convinced by personal experience that it is in all respects an excellent and most optimal solution. This building material for decoration has many undeniable advantages that are appreciated by both builders and consumers. This universal coating can be seen not only on the walls of private houses and public buildings, but also on many other buildings.

Often, decorative plaster applied to the walls is painted with facade paint, which is very resistant to various environmental changes, has a long service life just like the bark beetle, they have a fairly short application period and do not need any special skills from the performers. However, like everything in our world, the coloring of facade decorative plaster has not only its many advantages, but also some disadvantages.


Such painting will allow you to achieve original ideas, give you the opportunity to experiment with a combination of different shades.

A surface treated in this way will provide a high degree of protection for the walls, and they will not be afraid of all kinds of temperature changes, precipitation and other natural phenomena.

The widest range of shades available to choose from to suit your preferences.

Cons of bark beetle coloring

On the one hand, the procedure for painting the facade bark beetle is not particularly complicated, but on the other hand, it takes a lot of time, since the surface of the bark beetle has many depressions and, in general, a rather complex relief, due to which the material does not lie on it perfectly. That is, it is rather difficult to paint such a facade evenly. The best option for this work would be the combined use of a roller with a brush, with which you can successfully paint hard-to-reach places on the surface. Or you can use a spray gun, it sprays paint on the facade.

Features of painting the rough surface of the facade "Bark beetle"

Interesting is the painting of the bark beetle in two color shades. A great idea is to paint the plaster in bulk in one color, and then apply a different tone to the finished facade. You can paint over individual areas more carefully to highlight them. This approach will bring you a spectacular and unusual result, which will be highly appreciated not only by you, but also by everyone around you.

Before with decorative plaster, it is desirable to know about some of the features of this work. So, for example, in order to facilitate the staining procedure, it does not hurt to add color to it during the preparation of the bark beetle, which will be used for coloring in the future. Now you can immediately order the paint with the desired shade. It is possible to paint the surface of decorative plaster only after its final drying, which on average is approximately 48 hours.

When painting, it is desirable to have several rollers and brushes of different widths. A non-standard color can be obtained if you use rollers with a short pile. They will help to achieve an unusual attractive ornament on the painted surface. In addition, sponges, soft rubber, mittens can be used to facilitate the coloring process. In order to give the painted surface antiquity, you can paint the protrusions with recesses with gold or silver paint. You can also combine the coloring of smooth and textured areas. With this technology, it is worth starting painting from the textured areas of the surface to be painted.

Facade paint consumption

In addition, before starting the process, it is important to know what consumption of facade paint per 1m2 is necessary for this work. To do this, you need to take into account every feature of the surface being chipped, the type of paint and varnish products, the number of planned layers and other nuances that can affect material consumption. For example, the consumption of different types of facade paint - water-based, acrylic, alkyd, oil, etc. - is different. On average, the consumption is in the range of 150 - 300 gm / m2. Look at the consumption of the paint you have chosen on the bank, this information is always indicated by the manufacturer. The minimum consumption of water-based paint, because. it is the least absorbed into the surface. To reduce the consumption of facade paint, apply a layer of primer to the wall, it increases adhesion, closes pores and eliminates dust. The paint lays down on the primed surface more evenly and is less absorbed into the surface.

From the use of an airbrush, there are only pluses: consumption is reduced, it is easy and quick to apply paint, the surface is evenly painted

For convenience, you should have on hand such accessories as:

  • lace for delimiting and distributing paint over the surface;
  • several facade brushes and rollers of different widths;
  • corrugated containers for holding and squeezing paint in them.

Paint should be applied in at least two coats. You can add a little water to it so that the mixture is not very thick. Further, it is desirable to cover the area adjacent to the structure with a film in order to exclude the possibility of contamination. Many experts recommend additionally applying varnish or protective wax, which will not only increase the service life, but also add saturation and shine to the surface. Paint with a golden or silver tint looks especially aesthetically pleasing, which, in, gives the house maximum expressiveness.

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Bark beetle - this is the name of the type of decorative decoration of the internal or external walls of the building. With the help of an unusual-looking plaster, you can paint any house, any room in an original way.

Decorative bark beetle plaster not only decorates the house, but also provides good protection of the walls from external influences.

A feature of the bark beetle is the textured coating. The solution that is applied to the wall contains small granules. In the process of grinding the mixture over the surface, they form characteristic grooves. Outwardly, the surface of the walls is, as it were, eaten by a woodworm.

There are various technologies for decorative finishing using the bark beetle method: rain, carpet, lamb. It all depends on the method of grinding the plaster.

Structural plaster will not only decorate the house, but also provide good protection of the walls from external influences. The prepared surface can then be painted in different colors. Note that there is a way to color the bark beetle by tinting the working mixture. To do this, a special pigment is added to the solution, which will determine the future. Let's find out in what ways the facade structural plaster of the bark beetle is painted?

Coloring of the working mixture

The first way, but not the only one. As mentioned, here the coloring matter is added to the working solution. This will help fill in the texture grooves with paint, which are more difficult to paint over with normal wall painting (when a roller is used).

Add the desired paint to the working plaster solution. Next, the walls are plastered and the mixture is rubbed over the surface according to the finishing technology. After the coating hardens, painting begins. The color scheme of the coloring mixture may be identical to that which was added to the plaster. You can choose lighter, or, conversely, darker shades of color.

The color of the paint may be identical to the color of the plaster

During staining, the roller should not be strongly pressed against the surface so that excess dye does not flow into the recesses. In this case, the structural feature will stand out better, forming a three-dimensional effect. Note that the consumption of the finish coating in this way will be relatively small.

Intermediate coloring

The second method involves another universal staining method - when paint-primer is used. This means that the pigment is added to the primer mixture. Note that it is recommended to apply a primer in any case. It not only increases the protective properties of decorative finishes, but also provides better adhesion (adhesion) of paint and plaster. The primer paint is more liquid in consistency, which will make it possible to paint over the deepenings of the bark beetle well.

Unfortunately, painting the walls with one painted primer will not end, and the house will not look very attractive. Therefore, a final color is required. Here, just as in the previous finishing method, you can use the same tone of paint or choose a different one that highlights the pattern.

Primer-painted walls are unsightly, so a top coat is required

Traditional coloring

Facade decoration with decorative plaster, followed by painting the walls, can also be done in a third way - with special paint of one color or several.

On such plaster you can paint:

  1. acrylic blends. Usually they are produced on a water basis (dispersions or emulsions), therefore they are environmentally friendly and safe. Suitable for all interior applications. However, there is also a facade acrylic dispersion. Of the obvious advantages, one can single out: moisture resistance and vapor permeability, strength and durability, an extensive palette of colors and shades.
  2. Alkyd mixtures. They can easily process the house from the outside, since the substance is as resistant to atmospheric influence as possible. But for work inside the house it is undesirable to use it. Organic solvents are present in the solution, which gives a characteristic odor.
  3. Oil mixtures. For lack of a better solution, at one time oil coloring solutions were very popular, despite their shortcomings. For example, the lack of vapor permeability prevents the walls from "breathing". Due to solvents, they smell and have increased flammability. And they are weakly resistant to alkaline exposure, heat and ultraviolet radiation. Modern, more effective paints and varnishes have practically forced oil suspensions out of the market.
  4. Note that there is a LKP "bark beetle" for sale, designed for metal. The metal is not plastered here, the characteristic textural effect is created by the coloring solution itself. The original uniform finish is obtained if metal and stone are present in the interior. It seems that the decorative coating "transitions" from one material to another. And the metal ceases to be like itself.

With the help of decorative plaster, you can paint any building in an original way.

An important point of purchase is to calculate the coverage expense. It is produced according to the following formula: the area of ​​the treated surface is multiplied by the average consumption of the selected product. And then the result is multiplied by the number of applied layers. You can find out what the average consumption is from the technical characteristics of paint and varnish products.

When the necessary materials are purchased, you can take on the work. For work, a roller and a brush are used. Under the roller you need to purchase a bath.

Open the package with the coloring mixture and stir well. If the substance is too viscous, it can be slightly diluted (with water or white spirit). It is recommended not to add more than 10% of the total mass of the suspension, as the paint mixture may lose its properties. Another point about viscosity: thinner mixtures have less consumption.

Pour a small amount of the substance into the bath. We dip the roller, scrolling around the entire circumference and blotting along the ribbed surface of the bath to remove excess. Let's move on to coloring.

It is better to start work from above the wall, so you can avoid drops and streaks on the painted surface. We paint once, take a break until the coating is completely dry, and repeat the coloring.

The technology of staining with the effect of a three-dimensional surface is produced as follows. First, with a brush, carefully paint over the structural recesses. We are waiting for it to dry. Then we apply the final decorative coating. For finishing work, you can choose a contrasting color. We drive the roller without pressure so that the mixture does not flow into the pattern.

When performing outdoor work, be sure to take into account the permissible atmospheric conditions. This applies to both plastering and painting. When the job is done, don't leave the painting tool dirty. Otherwise, it can no longer be used.

With the help of such original materials, you can unusually decorate the whole house, both inside and outside. Properly selected products and compliance with the technological features of the staining process will transform the house for many years.

Bark beetle is rightfully considered one of the most popular coatings for interior and exterior work. The fact is that it is quite easy to apply to the surface, and the resulting one is distinguished by its aesthetic originality. But in order to achieve a more significant effect, it is necessary to paint the bark beetle. This is done in various ways, each of which allows you to get the desired result.

A little about plaster

What is so attractive about this plaster? There are a number of undeniable advantages that distinguish this mixture from others:

  1. A very strong layer is created, which is also distinguished by safety. That is, the composition does not emit harmful substances.
  2. Minor load on the walls. This is due to the low weight of the material.
  3. Not afraid of temperature changes and high humidity. It can retain its properties for several decades.
  4. Does not shrink. Due to this, cracks and other damage to the coating do not form.
  5. Ease of use. In addition to the fact that professional skills and special tools are not required for application, subsequently, caring for it is not much of a hassle.
  6. Rich range of colors. In fact, the initial layer of material that allows for the manifestation of fantasy. Namely - use any shades.

What paint to choose?

It is the last point, which refers to the advantages of bark beetle decorative plaster, that can be considered the most significant when it comes to creating an individual interior.

On a note! It should be understood that a special bark beetle, which is designed specifically for such work, does not exist. Therefore, you need to focus on the available materials.

Preference should be given to the most common options.


This suspension allows you to create a very bright and saturated surface. But there are also numerous disadvantages. Among them are especially distinguished:

  • Almost complete lack of vapor permeability.
  • Fear of exposure to alkaline substances.
  • Slight fire resistance.

In principle, this option is already considered obsolete for this kind of work. Therefore, it is preferable to give preference to more modern compositions.


An excellent composition, but it is better to use it for work carried out outdoors. The reason for this is simple: this mixture has a very specific smell, which can be weathered (indoors) for many years. But there are also pluses:

  • Low price.
  • Neutrality to influence of temperature and humidity.


Many specialists who professionally paint bark beetle plaster prefer this particular suspension. She deserved this attitude for the following reasons:

  • Environmental friendliness. The mixture is completely safe.
  • The components included in the composition, namely acrylates, make the coating strong and very durable.
  • Variety of color shades. There is a lot of room for imagination.
  • Vapor permeability. That is, the wall will breathe and the structure of the coating will not be disturbed.

It can be concluded that this material is indeed the optimal solution.

What does staining

Naturally, staining is not the only solution. The color scheme is achieved in other ways: adding color to the mixture, waxing or applying varnish. But it is the paint that has a number of advantages:

  • It is possible to get a unique solution for creating an interior. There is an opportunity to create interesting design options. Especially if you apply several shades at once.
  • An additional protective layer appears.
  • Even a small room can be divided into several zones without using additional materials.

It seems that there can be no shortcomings. It's not entirely true, they exist.

  1. You have to put in a lot of effort. The fact is that the process itself is very laborious. It will take a lot of time, sometimes even more than the application of the plaster itself. This is due to the complexity of the relief, so the colorful composition is distributed unevenly. You have to work with several tools: a roller, a brush and a sponge.
  2. If you limit yourself to only one shade, it is difficult to get an interesting result. Although no one forbids applying everything in one uniform layer. But there is a high probability of getting a rather ordinary wall, devoid of any individuality. That is, the texture is simply leveled.

If you carefully compare the pros and cons, it becomes clear that the latter relate to the works themselves, and not to the resulting properties.

What else do you need to know

  • To get a surface that will differ in individuality, but reduce labor costs, do the following: the desired color scheme is initially added to the mixture, echoing the color of the paint.
  • When choosing a material in a store, pay attention to the manufacturer and the availability of the necessary certificates. It should be understood that the market is flooded with fakes. After applying them to the wall - there are many problems. Sometimes it comes to the fact that you have to completely remove the texture layer.
  • You need to wait for the plaster to dry completely. It often happens that you want to finish the work faster. The result of such a rush is stains, swollen and destroyed areas.

For more convenience, use the following tools:

  1. Roller with a medium pile (with a short pile - it turns out a great effect, but experience is needed).
  2. A set of brushes: wide and small.
  3. Sponge, but better mittens.

On a note! The roller with a long pile perfectly covers the wall, it is possible to immediately process large areas. But a lot of composition accumulates in the recesses, it dries for a very long time and poorly, cracks and swelling appear.

Various color options

To understand how to paint a bark beetle, you should consider several options, each of which is suitable for a specific situation. In principle, all methods are quite similar, they allow you to achieve an excellent effect, but differ in technology. Therefore, it is very important to follow the steps of each process.

The first option is the initial tinting of the mixture

It is considered the simplest option that anyone can carry out, even without building skills. But another problem arises - you need to correctly and in the right amount add the selected color to the mixture, and also combine it with subsequent coloring.

This event looks like this:

  • Kohler is applied at the initial stage of mixing decorative plaster. This is done by the amount of the prepared mixture.
  • work on applying the composition to the surface.
  • Waiting for complete drying. In terms of time - it is better to lay at least two days.
  • Now they are coloring.

You can achieve different effects:

  1. Same color range. To do this, use a light base layer and a darker final one (or vice versa). And also everything can be painted in one color, it will just be much brighter.
  2. Games of contrasts. This requires the use of a completely different final layer, markedly different from the base.

Advice! If possible, then tinting (plasters or paints) is best entrusted to special devices. This service is found in many hardware stores. You can get the best result.

The second option is double coloring

The method described above is really good, but an insufficiently reliable protective layer is obtained. Many grooves remain insufficiently well stained. Therefore, bark beetle painting in two colors is carried out in order to obtain a reliable and very high-quality coating.

The technology is:

  • The first layer is applied in a continuous thick layer. It is necessary to ensure that all the recesses are completely filled. Due to the fact that the paint turns out to be quite a lot, it begins to accumulate in the recesses and streaks appear. This is removed by using a sponge to blot the surface.
  • Wait until the first layer is completely dry. The time depends on the selected composition and temperature indicators. Now paint a second time. This is done with a small pile roller. They work quickly, covering predominantly convex structures.

The third option is to use a primer

This method is a bit similar to the first and second, but is used in cases where you need to work on an existing bark beetle that has not been tinted. So:

  • The selected color pigment is added to the primer solution. It is possible to fill all the pores and create the first colored layer.
  • But it turns out a rather unattractive surface. Therefore, a second layer is applied. Of course, the effect will not be so noticeable, but the result will be acceptable.

On a note! Before using the chosen method, it is better to conduct a small experiment first. To do this, paint an inconspicuous area in order to understand what result should be expected.

Coloring decorative plaster Bark beetle is a matter that requires a responsible attitude and labor costs. But this is more than offset by the result.

An excellent option to finish the facade is the use of decorative bark beetle plaster. The advantages of the coating lie primarily in its versatility - plaster can be applied to the walls of private houses and public buildings.

Facade paint responds well to environmental changes, it is easy and quick to apply without requiring special skills.

Coloring bark beetle plaster has its pros and cons. Let's start with the disadvantages.

Disadvantages of staining

  1. The process is quite laborious and time-consuming, given the complex structure of the plaster with numerous recesses and reliefs, on which the material is applied imperfectly. It will be very difficult to evenly paint the facade. The best option is to use a roller and brush to paint hard-to-reach places.
  2. Painting with two colors will be more effective, since it will be very difficult to achieve the perfect effect with one layer of paint. A great idea is to paint the façade in one color and then paint the walls in a different tone, paying special attention to potholes. It will turn out spectacular and unusual. About what is facade painting, including two colors, in more detail below.

We paint bark beetle - what you need to know?

To facilitate the task of painting the inside of the wall texture, you can add color to the plaster solution during its kneading.

If the material was not purchased on the market, then tinting can be ordered immediately. As a rule, experts provide assistance in choosing the right shade. Facade paint for painting is selected on the basis of water or organic solvents.

Good options are silicone, acrylic and silicate compounds, which are better applied and dry faster.

Painting the walls will be possible only after the bark beetle plaster layer has completely dried, which takes up to 48 hours on average, and the base has been prepared. For staining, you can use a wide brush, as well as a special mitten or roller.

An unusual effect can be achieved if a short pile roller is used for staining. Due to this, it is possible to achieve the formation of a contrasting “bark beetle” ornament on the wall. Facade paint added to the plaster and subsequent painting of the surface in the same color can soften the effect.

Process adjustment

In order to soften color contrasts as much as possible, the paint can be rubbed with a soft rubber sponge or mitten.

The same can be done in cases where it is important to give the walls a certain relief with a touch of antiquity. The recesses and ledges are painted with a touch of gold or silver, with barely noticeable brush touches of the elements of the facade, to avoid oversaturation.

Separately, it is worth describing the principle of painting walls with a combination of textured and smooth areas. Masters recommend starting to paint the facade with the design of textured elements.

It would be advisable to start painting a smooth surface only after the textured areas have dried. When re-staining, these rules are not necessary to follow.

Advantages of painting decorative plaster

The disadvantages of bark beetle staining have already been mentioned above, it's time to talk about the advantages of the procedure:

  1. By painting the facade, you can achieve the creation of individual original design styles, experimenting with a combination of tones. An additional plus is the paint applied in two tones, which looks especially unusual and elegant.
  2. Surface treatment in this way allows the walls to be reliably protected from external irritants, whether it be precipitation and changeable temperatures, or ultraviolet rays and wind.
  3. The choice of paint is not limited - depending on personal preferences, the owner of the house can choose both colored and white paint for finishing the bark beetle facade.

The right decision would be to analyze the photos of finished works available on the network and thematic print publications using different types and shades of paint in order to finally decide on the desired material option.

Paint application technology

So, when the choice of color and type of paint for finishing the bark beetle is over, you can proceed directly to the application of the material.

You should start with the preparation of the base, as, indeed, in all other cases of using decorative finishing materials. Clean the facade from dust and dirt, level individual sections of the facade and prepare the mixture for painting.

You can paint the facade in two ways. The first of these involves applying the material to the finished base. The second is adding color to the plaster mixture. In the first case, facade paint is used for outdoor work.

You can color in two colors, change colors using all sorts of techniques. In the second option, everything is simple - coloring pigments are added to the plaster and the mixture is applied to the walls already with a certain shade.

One way or another, but from improvised tools you will need:

  • cord for moving the container with paint;
  • facade brush and roller for applying material;
  • plate with studded surface.

Before starting work, it is necessary to cover the ground near the walls with a film in order to avoid their pollution.

In conclusion, we note that experts insist on using varnish or protective wax as the final coating layer, believing that in this way it will be possible to decorate the facade with a more intense shine.

Apply the coating in two layers, adding a little water to dilute the mixture. Additionally, it would be advisable to add silver or gold colors to the mixture, which will look especially impressive in certain lighting conditions.

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The modern market offers a fairly diverse selection ...

A wonderful thing, this decorative bark beetle plaster! Its convenience is that the cement base makes it possible to use it in places such as the facades of buildings and private houses. She tolerates the outside environment well. And if we take into account the apartment, then balconies and loggias, even glazed, even open, are an excellent opportunity to use this type of finish. Decorative bark beetle plaster is easy to use, no special skills are required for application, as is necessary when working, for example, with Venetian decorative plaster. But there are downsides. For example, painting bark beetle decorative plaster in two colors causes difficulty for many. Let's look at options and ways to solve this problem.

About the minuses of the bark beetle

Minus number 1. Difficult to color.

This is actually a bit of a challenge, as the texture is such that the finished surface has numerous indentations, similar to indentations in a tree eaten by a bark beetle. Here to paint over them - this is the biggest difficulty.

You need to take a thicker roller and soak it well with paint. The paint will flow into the depressions, then flow out from there, and accumulate ugly on the plane. You will have to collect it with a roller. And after all, in these recesses there will still be non-painting, which will have to be tinted with a brush. In general, suffer, and think about what would be better not to paint.

Minus number 2.

After painting in one color, you really understand that it was better not to paint, since a bark beetle painted in one color looks good only if it is made perfectly. And if you only once or twice tried to make decorative bark beetle plaster with your own hands, then you are still far from ideal.

But there is a way to fix everything. Paint the surface a second time with a different color. But with such a condition that only the plane is painted, and the stripes, furrows and potholes remain in their original color. It already looks quite original. So if that's the case, then go ahead. Paint with a different tone on top of the already painted one.

How to paint a bark beetle in two colors

But there is an opportunity to avoid the pain of painting the inside of the texture. The method is quite simple. It consists in adding color to the plaster solution when it is kneaded. Then, during the manufacture of the decorative layer, it will already have the original specific color.

Perhaps you have an idea how to ensure that the batch does not differ in color from the batch? It's actually quite difficult. But in fact it is not necessary. An approximate tone for each batch will be enough. At first, you will get a difference in the palette of different batches.

Project "Wet facade - installation secrets" - stage 20 application of decorative plaster "bark beetle"

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Many were convinced by personal experience that it is in all respects an excellent and most optimal solution. This building material for decoration has many undeniable advantages that are appreciated by both builders and consumers. This universal coating can be seen not only on the walls of private houses and public buildings, but also on many other buildings.

Often, decorative plaster applied to the walls is painted with facade paint, which is very resistant to various environmental changes, has a long service life just like the bark beetle, they have a fairly short application period and do not need any special skills from the performers. However, like everything in our world, the coloring of facade decorative plaster has not only its many advantages, but also some disadvantages.

Such painting will allow you to achieve original ideas, give you the opportunity to experiment with a combination of different shades.

A surface treated in this way will provide a high degree of protection for the walls, and they will not be afraid of all kinds of temperature changes, precipitation and other natural phenomena.

The widest range of shades available to choose from to suit your preferences.

Cons of bark beetle coloring

On the one hand, the procedure for painting the facade bark beetle is not particularly complicated, but on the other hand, it takes a lot of time, since the surface of the bark beetle has many depressions and, in general, a rather complex relief, due to which the material does not lie on it perfectly. That is, it is rather difficult to paint such a facade evenly. The best option for this work would be the combined use of a roller with a brush, with which you can successfully paint hard-to-reach places on the surface. Or you can use a spray gun, it sprays paint on the facade.

Features of painting the rough surface of the facade "Bark beetle"

Interesting is the painting of the bark beetle in two color shades. A great idea is to paint the plaster in bulk in one color, and then apply a different tone to the finished facade. You can paint over individual areas more carefully to highlight them. This approach will bring you a spectacular and unusual result, which will be highly appreciated not only by you, but also by everyone around you.

Before with decorative plaster, it is desirable to know about some of the features of this work. So, for example, in order to facilitate the staining procedure, it does not hurt to add color to it during the preparation of the bark beetle, which will be used for coloring in the future. Now you can immediately order the paint with the desired shade. It is possible to paint the surface of decorative plaster only after its final drying, which on average is approximately 48 hours.

When painting, it is desirable to have several rollers and brushes of different widths. A non-standard color can be obtained if you use rollers with a short pile. They will help to achieve an unusual attractive ornament on the painted surface. In addition, sponges, soft rubber, mittens can be used to facilitate the coloring process. In order to give the painted surface antiquity, you can paint the protrusions with recesses with gold or silver paint. You can also combine the coloring of smooth and textured areas. With this technology, it is worth starting painting from the textured areas of the surface to be painted.

Facade paint consumption

In addition, before starting the process, it is important to know what consumption of facade paint per 1m2 is necessary for this work. To do this, you need to take into account every feature of the surface being chipped, the type of paint and varnish products, the number of planned layers and other nuances that can affect material consumption. For example, the consumption of different types of facade paint - water-based, acrylic, alkyd, oil, etc. - is different. On average, the consumption is in the range of 150 - 300 gm/m2. Look at the consumption of the paint you have chosen on the bank, this information is always indicated by the manufacturer. The minimum consumption of water-based paint, because. it is the least absorbed into the surface. To reduce the consumption of facade paint, apply a layer of primer to the wall, it increases adhesion, closes pores and eliminates dust. The paint lays down on the primed surface more evenly and is less absorbed into the surface.

From the use of an airbrush, there are only pluses: consumption is reduced, it is easy and quick to apply paint, the surface is evenly painted

For convenience, you should have on hand such accessories as:

  • lace for delimiting and distributing paint over the surface;
  • several facade brushes and rollers of different widths;
  • corrugated containers for holding and squeezing paint in them.

Paint should be applied in at least two coats. You can add a little water to it so that the mixture is not very thick. Further, it is desirable to cover the area adjacent to the structure with a film in order to exclude the possibility of contamination. Many experts recommend additionally applying varnish or protective wax, which will not only increase the service life, but also add saturation and shine to the surface. Paint with a golden or silver tint looks especially aesthetically pleasing, which, in, gives the house maximum expressiveness.

They enjoy well-deserved popularity among developers for their positive qualities: high reliability, resistance to adverse effects and environmental friendliness of the composition. It is also impossible not to note the simplicity of the work, painting the house with bark beetle is possible even for those who have no experience in this area.

But if you understand better, then the process of applying and giving a certain color are different concepts, often you have to paint already applied, and it is this stage that raises the most questions.

The main types of staining

It should be noted right away that there are several ways to give the surface covered with bark beetle plaster one color or another. The choice of a particular case depends on the characteristics of your processing and the stage at which the paint is applied.

Painting in one color with a brush and roller
If you need to process an already applied coating, you will have to use traditional staining. Despite the apparent simplicity, this method is much more complicated due to the surface features.

Consider what devices should be used to achieve the best result:
You should choose a roller with a thick, long pile. A fur or thread version with a roller width of 18-25 centimeters is well suited. When choosing, special attention should be paid to the quality of the pile: the better it is, the easier the work will be.
You also cannot do without a brush, it is far from always possible for a roller to paint over all areas, especially if there are protrusions and various geometric elements on the surface. A brush with natural bristles 3-5 centimeters wide is best suited, if you need to paint various small elements, it is better to purchase a narrower version.
In addition, you will need a container for paint, a special tray is best suited for a roller, its price is small, but it is very convenient to work with it.

The staining process is carried out as follows:
The paint is distributed as evenly as possible over the surface. The difficulty lies in the fact that a feature of the bark beetle is the presence of numerous depressions on the surface, which are difficult to paint over if you press too hard, excess paint will leak and spoil the appearance, and if a little, then unpainted fragments will remain. Excess composition is collected with a roller, and poorly covered areas are best treated with a brush.
It is quite difficult to achieve a uniform layer and a uniform tone over the entire surface. Therefore, at least two layers of paint are most often applied, and the entire volume of the composition must be from one batch, and if you add the colorant yourself, then this procedure can be difficult. It is rather problematic to prepare a large volume, and it is almost impossible to make two batches with a perfectly matching shade.
Advice! Experienced artists use a very simple way to color all the recesses: the colorant is added to the composition that treats the surface before painting. The solution perfectly fills all the irregularities due to the liquid consistency, and smudges do not form from it. So you can paint over the most problematic areas and greatly simplify further work.

If you do not know how to paint the bark beetle, then choose the composition based on the characteristics of the surface to be treated. For facades, a composition for exterior decoration is suitable, and inside you can use inexpensive water-based and acrylic compositions.

Adding color to wall painting

This option is the simplest, so it should be used whenever possible.

It has the following features:
The main advantage is the factor that the colorant is added to the composition during its preparation. That is, you are already applying a color coating to the wall. But there is one big drawback: it is difficult to prepare several compositions with a perfectly matching shade, in such cases, coloring the bark beetle in two colors will be an excellent solution, but we will consider this option a little lower.
The application is no different from the usual, the uniformity of the color is checked after the surface has completely dried.
In order to color the solution with minimal deviations, it is better to mix the compositions in the same proportion. For example, with pigment plugs on a bag of composition.

Advice! The current trade offers an even simpler option: the composition is already painted in a certain color. It costs more, but you don’t have to worry about matching the shade and color - the coating will be uniform over the entire area. And it is much easier to use the composition is sold ready-made.

Two color house painting

Consider how to paint a bark beetle in two colors - this method allows you to make the surface even more attractive and smooth out the differences in shades in the recesses. Using this option, you can achieve excellent results with your own hands.
The work is very simple:
During processing, pigment is added to the bark beetle, and the coating already has a certain color. The proportions of use will be prompted by the instructions for use.
After the layer dries, paint of a different shade is taken, for example, with a dark base it is better to choose a light tone and vice versa - the contrast looks much more advantageous.
The solution is applied with a short pile roller so that the paint does not fall into the recess.

As you can see, in order for bark beetle treatment to be attractive, a few simple recommendations should be followed. Often, it is ignorance of all the nuances that leads to unnecessary difficulties in coloring. The video in this article will help you understand the issue even better.

A characteristic feature of this plaster is a textured surface, which depends on the type of grinding. has its own difficulties - due to the roughness of the base with typical grooves. It is important to process the wall in such a way that the three-dimensional effect is preserved - without filling in the texture pattern.

Why is bark beetle painting necessary?

Before painting the bark beetle, one must be aware of the difficulty of working with a specific porous texture, dotted with "wormholes". A dense layer, consisting of environmentally friendly components, is periodically updated with painting. This will help:

  • update the interior, giving novelty;
  • additionally protect the surface from excess moisture, temperature changes, and other destructive factors;
  • coloring with different colors is one of the simplest methods of functional zoning;
  • the transformation of the walls with the use of double and triple staining will add depth and volume to the characteristic texture.

A lot has been written and filmed on how to paint a bark beetle, but no special composition has been proposed for this type of decor.

Advantages and disadvantages of painting

The most important advantage of any repainting is the excellent aesthetics of the coating. After updating, you can forget about repairs for a long time, the paint will protect the surface from drying out and cracking of porous plaster.
When talking about shortcomings, they mention a time-consuming, laborious, protracted processing process:

  • it is difficult to choose a tool to fully fill the grooves;
  • it is necessary to have the skill to collect the solution on the roller so much that it is enough for a full renovation, but it did not fill the recesses in the bark beetle plaster when painting;
  • often you have to work with different tools, special roller nozzles for even distribution of the composition, removing excess with a sponge.

Those who have the patience to complete the painting process on their own will be lucky enough to see the excellent fruits of their labor.

What paint to choose

Construction companies use modern facade paints and water-based emulsions, proven by practice. Thanks to special equipment, they can quickly process large areas with decorative plaster.
For domestic indoor painting, alkyd or acrylic enamel is recommended. It is acceptable to use classic oil suspensions, as well as water-based formulations of the latest generation.

Note! Paints and varnishes with the effect of "bark beetle" are produced - painting will combine materials of different properties with a characteristic texture.


Older people are well aware of suspensions that were diluted with drying oil and painted everything in a row - from windows to doors. Until recently, this paint did not have a worthy alternative.

  • thick oily base with a typical solvent odor;
  • the coating forms a vapor-tight film;
  • the surface is transformed upon contact with caustic solvents, alkalis and acids;
  • ignites when heated;
  • under direct influence of ultraviolet rays quickly fades.

Although painting bark beetle plaster is very rare, with large household stocks it can be used for this purpose. Modern enamels have practically ousted this variety from the market.


Alkyd enamels are also suitable for painting bark beetle plaster, including outdoor work. The binder firmly protects the walls of the house from atmospheric factors and temperature changes.
Affordable cost is the most important advantage of this suspension among analogues.

Note! The building materials market is full of low-quality fakes - there is a risk of acquiring a fake for decent money. Do not purchase suitable paint without certificates.

The main disadvantage when used indoors is the characteristic smell of the solvent, which will be felt after repair for some time.


Aqueous dispersions based on acrylates are universal dyes for bark beetle plaster. They are widely used for interiors, as they are environmentally friendly compositions. Main advantages:

  • durable coating without persistent chemical odor (water base is safe for people suffering from allergies and asthma);
  • a huge selection of color variations - a great opportunity to experiment;
  • the ability to visually combine adjacent surfaces of different types with a common painting;
  • excellent vapor permeability - the walls "breathe", absorbing excess fumes, releasing it into the atmosphere when it dries out, without cracking.

Important! The color or its intensity can be enhanced with the next painting of bark beetle plaster. The paint and varnish composition must be compatible with the base, the color should be a tone darker than the previous coating.

Painting technology

There are several ways to transform a decorative wall in the interior:

  • repaint bark beetle plaster according to the principle of contrasting blocks;
  • slightly update the texture in the previous range;
  • paint with stripes or contrasting areas, outlining several functional areas in a studio apartment or combined living room;
  • paint the bark beetle plaster in two or three colors to enhance the feeling of depth and volume;
  • add luxury, thanks to additional processing (patina or gold leaf effect).

Note! The solution is prepared immediately before the walls are treated so that it does not lose its properties.

Preparatory work and tools

The best tool is a specialized spray gun for spraying water-dispersed paints on plaster. If possible, it is better to rent it for the duration of the repair. With a large amount of work, it is better to purchase an apparatus for water-dispersed tinting. When there is no experience - entrust a team of specialists.
A good result will provide the right tool:

  • roller with nozzles (short and medium pile for fur);
  • brushes (small, medium) for penetration into hard-to-reach areas;
  • sponge or special mitten to remove excess mixture.

In addition, you will need goggles, work gloves, overalls. Work in a ventilated area without drafts.
The fastest result with bark beetle staining is provided by a long pile roller. It is more convenient for them to work on wide piers. Hard-to-reach areas behind the battery, around pipes, sockets, switches are more difficult to open without errors with water-based whitewashing.
It is important to ensure that excess mixture does not accumulate in the furrows, which take a long time to dry. Too liquid composition can lead to cracking, swelling of the base.
When preparing the premises for repair, it is important to take out all the furniture, personal belongings, cover lamps, and other design elements with plastic wrap. It is recommended to vacuum the plaster to remove small crumbs, suspension, dust.

Paint application

Before you paint the bark beetle in two colors, it is recommended to make a test in a hidden area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. This will help make sure that both colors are in harmony with each other. The effect of depth can be achieved by choosing a darker color for the grooves, a lighter shade for the base.
The best preparation is to treat with a suitable primer, preferably the same brand as the main dye.

Important! The pigment can be added to the primer composition. It is applied with a spray gun, carefully working through all the decorative recesses.

Let it dry (time indicated on the package). For the finish coat, if it is a residential area, it is better to take imported acrylic or water-based paint. Processing starts from the top in order to have time to clean up the streaks. It is preferable to work with a roller, capturing wide areas, in difficult places - with a brush.


The easiest way to update the interior is to paint the plastered walls with a suitable composition. A competent choice of paint sprayed with a spray gun will facilitate the work. The best choice of paint is acrylic or water-based. Painting in two colors with spraying will significantly improve the appearance of the room.