How to store peeled apples. Delicious greetings from summer. How to properly keep apples fresh for the winter? How to store apples in plastic bags and bags

How to store peeled apples. Delicious greetings from summer. How to properly keep apples fresh for the winter? How to store apples in plastic bags and bags

Apples are wonderful fruits, tasty and healthy. In order to enjoy them all year round, you should know how to store apples for the winter. There are several secrets that relate to harvesting, selecting certain fruits and, directly, to storage itself. This is what this article will be about.

How to store apples for the winter: choosing the right varieties for storage

The first right step towards storing apples for a long time in winter is choosing a variety. This will determine how long they can last, retain all the nutrients and not rot.

There are autumn and winter varieties. Each should be laid out separately, since the first should be eaten quickly (their shelf life is approximately two months), and the second can be stored a little longer (from four to seven months).

Suitable and popular varieties for this:

  • Antonovka vulgare;
  • hero;
  • northern synapse;
  • knight;
  • lighthouse;
  • Zhigulevskoe;
  • Orlovskoe winter;
  • Cortland;
  • chosen one;
  • Jonathan;
  • Simirenko;
  • Crimean aurora;
  • Olympic;
  • starking.

What apples to use for bookmarks

For stacking, apples must be picked from the tree if you want to keep them longer. Those that fell to the ground can, of course, lie there for a while (only if they were whole), but you need to eat them first.

So what to note about those apples you pick from the tree:

  • apples are harvested when the first healthy and ripe apples begin to fall (this is called the moment of removable ripeness);
  • Apples should only be picked from a tree in dry weather;
  • be sure to preserve the stalk;
  • You should not wipe the apples - the natural coating will help them last longer;
  • those apples that have already been picked should not be thrown away so as not to damage them;
  • You need to pick apples from the tree from the lower branches, and then move to the upper ones.

After picking, apples need to be kept in a cool place for two weeks to identify possible defects and remove such fruits. Then they are looked through again, sorted and sorted. Only after this can they be stored for long-term storage.

How to stack apples for long-term storage

There are several ways to store apples in winter. Each of them is good in its own way, so you can choose the one that suits you best:

  • The easiest way to store them is to simply stack them. It is carried out in one row with the stalks up; there is no need to rearrange the apples. You can also simply put apples in a box or basket, filling it completely. But this method is the most short-lived; the fruits must be checked constantly to prevent rot.
  • A good method that does not require regular checking is paper wrapping. Apples for such placement must be carefully selected, then wrapped in paper or a paper napkin, then placed in rows in a box. Fruits should be laid out with the stalks facing up.
  • Another way is to pour layers. To do this, you need to take a box into which you pour clean and dry sand along with ash. This layer should be about three centimeters. Then you need to place apples on it, but so that their barrels do not touch each other. You also need to pour sand and ash on top. Thus, you can put two or three layers in the box. Instead of sand, you can also use other materials. For example, buckwheat husks, flax tosses, onion peels, husks, peat, moss, tree leaves, tree shavings, sawdust.
  • Or you can even store apples in plastic bags. You need to put two or three kilograms of apples in a bag, make small holes in it (four or five pieces will be enough). The temperature for storing apples in this way is zero, with a tolerance of one degree in one direction or another.
  • You can also store apples in the ground, especially if you don't have a basement. We dig a hole, which should be about fifty centimeters deep; we need to put juniper or spruce branches on the bottom so that mice don’t eat the apples. Then pack the apples in bags of five or six kilograms and put them in a hole during the cold period (about minus five or minus seven degrees). The top of such a hole can be sprinkled with fallen leaves. You can also put up a sign so that the cache can be found after snow falls.

If apples are stored in the basement, then you should know that it needs to be processed before storing. For the floor, use a solution of iron sulfate (450-500 grams per ten liters of water). For the walls, use a mixture of freshly slaked lime and vitriol (1.5 kilograms of lime, 150 grams of vitriol and ten liters of water).

If we talk about storage temperature, the most optimal will be from -1 degree to +1 degree. But if it is a little higher, up to +4 degrees, then this will also be normal. The main thing is not more, otherwise the apples will spoil faster.

Storage humidity should be 85-95%. If the humidity becomes lower, the apples will become limp.

Now that you know how to store apples for the winter and follow them religiously, you can preserve these delicious fruits until early spring.

It often happens that a good harvest of apples has been harvested, we have treated all our friends and relatives, made jam, but there are still a lot of them left. And then you think: “How to keep apples fresh for the winter, so that you can not only enjoy them in the fall, but also crunch on homemade fruits in the spring?” This is not so difficult to do, the main thing is to choose the right variety and prepare the fruit for storage.

Choosing the best variety

Apple variety "Moscow winter"

Almost all winter and spring, apples of winter varieties, characterized by increased shelf life, do not lose their taste and aroma. They ripen in late September - early October.

Unlike their early counterparts, winter ones are not eaten immediately after picking. A freshly picked apple contains a fairly large amount of protopectin and starch, but already during the storage process they ripen. The aromatic and coloring substances in apples gradually increase, and it acquires its optimal taste. To do this, the fruit must lie for at least a month or even several.

The Winner variety is one of the most famous varieties, stored until December

When choosing apples, it is worth considering that their keeping quality depends on the variety:

  • early winter stored until January;
  • winter- February March;
  • late winter- April June.

Early winter varieties include:

  • Antonovka, Winner - mid-December;
  • Auxis, Lobo - until December;
  • Pepin Saffron, Mackintosh - until January.

Winter varieties:

  • Idared - April;
  • Veteran, Kastel, Red Delicious - February;
  • Sinap Orlovsky - March;
  • Wales, Imrus - mid-January.

Late winter:

  • Olesya, Verbnoye - May;
  • Banana - June;
  • Dawn Alatau, Seruel - April;
  • Champignon - March.

But choosing the right variety is just the beginning. Before storing them, they must be carefully collected and prepared.

Preparing apples for storage

During harvesting, you should be careful not to cause mechanical damage to the fruits.

Apple picking is the first stage of preparation for winter storage of the crop. If it is carried out incorrectly, then even a variety with good keeping quality will quickly lose its presentation and begin to deteriorate.

Before you start harvesting, you need to properly prepare the container in which it will be stored. Usually the fruits are collected in wicker baskets. If metal or aluminum containers are used for collection, then it is better to put a bag or cloth inside. The containers in which the harvest is collected must be clean and dry.

Apples are harvested in dry weather. They are torn off by hand; it is not recommended to shake the tree. A fallen fruit may look good, but after contact with the ground, bacteria and viruses may appear on it, which will reduce its shelf life.

They begin to remove the fruits from the bottom, gradually rising to the top. This will reduce the number of falls. Apples with stems are stored for storage. To do this, do not pull the fruit down, but clasp it with your hand and scroll it counterclockwise. On apples that are stored for storage, the waxy coating must be intact.. Therefore, you need to collect them using cotton gloves.

The second, no less important stage of preparation for storage is the sorting and rejection of fruits.

Sorting apples

It is necessary to begin rejecting low-quality apples at the harvesting stage. Healthy and not deformed fruits are placed from the tree into a storage basket. Wormy, damaged, deformed, or without stalks specimens are placed separately. After harvesting, you need to sort the fruits by size and variety. It is not recommended to store different varieties in the same box..

We create optimal conditions

Storing fruits in wooden boxes is the most common method

In order for apples to store well, they need to cool. To do this, the fruits sorted into packages are left in a cool place for 2-3 days and then placed for storage. It is best if no other vegetables are stored there.

Advice! After cooling, you can sort the apples again. And remove those that have begun to rot.

The room where apples are going to be stored must be well ventilated. The optimal temperature at the storage location is recommended not lower than 0 C and not higher than + 7 C, and humidity up to 95%. You can store fruits for the winter in wooden, plastic, cardboard containers, plastic bags, even in wicker baskets, but wooden boxes are considered the best option.

How to store apples

Of course, if there is a cellar or underground, then ideal conditions can be created for storing the crop. But if you do not have such an opportunity, then this can be done in an apartment, and even in the ground. Here are some common ways to store apples.

Putting apples in boxes

Laying the crop in one layer for storage in boxes

The easiest storage method is considered to be placing apples in containers. To do this, they are placed with the stalks up in layers, without spacers between the layers. Usually make 1 or 3 layers. It can be placed in both wooden and paper boxes. The main disadvantage of this type of storage is that if the apple spoils in the lower layers, it will be difficult to get it out. And if one thing rots, then the rot quickly begins to spread to all the others.

Sprinkle apples for storage

  • dry sawdust;
  • sand mixed with soot or ash;
  • peelings from onions, buckwheat;
  • peat and moss.

Before laying, a layer of filling 3-4 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the box, and apples are placed on it so that they do not come into contact with each other. Then a new layer of filling is poured, which should completely cover the fruits.

Wrapping an apple in paper

When wrapping with paper, it is important not to damage the fruit.

This method is more labor-intensive, but your crop will be better protected and will last longer than with conventional installation. Soft paper, such as napkins, paper towels or toilet paper, works best for wrapping. It is not recommended to use newspapers for these purposes, because they have sharp edges and you can accidentally damage the skin.

Only dry apples are packaged, and you should try to wrap them completely, and the paper should fit tightly enough. The wrapped apples are placed in the container placed in place with the stems facing up.

We store apples in polyethylene

You can also store the harvest in simple plastic bags. Only new packages are suitable for this. It is recommended to place no more than 3 kg of harvest in each bag. The bags are placed in storage areas and kept untied for the first 2 days so that condensation does not form in them due to temperature differences. Then they can be tied and a few punctures made for ventilation. Apples can be stored in bags both in the cellar and in the apartment.

Where can you store apples?

The easiest way to store the harvest is in the cellar. The fruits will retain their aroma and taste for a long time, and even in spring they will be as fresh. For this purpose, the cellar is well prepared. To prevent mold, it is recommended to treat the walls and floor with a solution of copper sulfate before storing. The room must have good ventilation.

Boxes with fruits are placed on a wooden floor on top of each other. The main thing is that there is access to air and ventilation at all levels.

If space allows, the harvest can be well preserved by placing it on shelves. It is better if the racks have drawers. The apples are placed in one layer; they should not touch each other. The distance from the floor to the bottom rack should be at least 25 cm, from the ceiling to the top - 35 cm. Apples that have a short shelf life are laid out on the top racks, and those that last longer are laid out on the lower racks.

We store apples for the winter in the apartment

Of course, an apartment is not the best place for long-term storage of crops. But if there is no other place, then you can still keep it fresh for two months.

Before putting homemade apples into a container, wrap it in cling film or soft paper. Then carefully place the apples in a cardboard or wooden container and place them in the coldest, well-ventilated room. Experienced gardeners advise pre-treating the fruits with beeswax, which is pre-melted. Apples can also be greased with glycerin and treated with a solution of acetylene acid.

It’s also a good idea to store the harvest for the winter in the refrigerator, after putting it in plastic bags or wrapping it in paper. The fruits prepared in this way are packaged in small cardboard boxes and placed in the refrigerator.

If you have an insulated balcony, then apples can be stored there. At the same time, on frosty days it is best to cover the container with fruit with warm clothes. Apples will be preserved even more reliably on the balcony in a special thermal box. It's very easy to make. Take two cardboard boxes of different sizes. Insulation is laid between them, and the outside of the thermal box is sheathed with foam plastic.

You can store fruits in the ground in a wooden box

If you do not have a basement or cellar, then you can store apples directly in the ground. To do this, a few days before harvesting, trenches 60x45x45 cm are dug. The bottom is covered with spruce or pine paws and juniper branches.

Collected and sorted fruits are placed in plastic or canvas bags, which are tightly tied. The bags are pierced with a needle in several places to allow ethylene to escape. Then they are laid in a trench at a distance of 25 cm from each other in one layer. When the hole is filled, it is covered with earth and covered with dry leaves and branches on top.

It is recommended to pour apples for storage from a bucket into a box, rather than transferring them one by one. The fruits must be carefully poured out of the bucket, practically lowering it into a storage container. In this case, they are practically not damaged.

Periodically inspect the crops you have stored and remove any rotten fruits.

To make it easier to find and retrieve a bag of apples buried in the ground, tie it to a long stick, the end of which should protrude above the ground.

To kill microbes on the surface of the fruit, place the apples under an ultraviolet lamp for half an hour.

Of course, your untreated fruit will not last as long as commercially stored apples. But homemade ones are much healthier than store-bought ones. Therefore, it is worth making a little effort in the fall in order to enjoy tasty and aromatic fruits in winter and spring.

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In reality, figuring out how to store Antonovka is quite difficult, since this variety of apples does not have good shelf life. When they are grown on an industrial scale, special chemicals are usually used to better protect these fruits from premature spoilage. In addition, in this case, the technology for collecting apples and storing them is strictly observed.

With the right approach, the fruits can be preserved almost until the end of winter, even at home. However, there are a number of subtleties in this matter that must be taken into account. How long apples are stored largely depends on how they were picked and packaged, as well as on the temperature and humidity in the room where they will be located. Without taking into account all these features, it will be extremely difficult to ensure that the fruits do not rot.

Collection of Antonovka and its packaging for storage

Almost all varieties of apples have a special waxy coating on the surface. It protects fruits not only from pathogenic bacteria and many types of pests, but also from atmospheric phenomena. This is a very important point that you should pay special attention to. In order for Antonovka to be stored at home for as long as possible, the fruits must be collected before they become overripe and very carefully so as not to damage the existing waxy covering.

Collection technique

It is best to start picking fruit from the lower tiers of the tree. You should not pick them up with your hands. It is best to unscrew the apples while keeping the stem intact. Fruits should be collected only when there is no rainfall. It is necessary to begin work in the middle of the day, when the existing dew has completely dried. Apples picked wet don't last long. It is also not a good idea to place fruits on the ground while picking them, as they will most likely begin to rot in the future.


It is best to immediately set aside all fruits that have defects or were crushed during picking, as they are not suitable for storage. Next, the entire harvested Antonovka crop must be sorted by size. It is known that large fruits emit more ethylene, which contributes to faster ripening of small ones. To avoid this, apples of different sizes must be sorted into separate containers.

What to store in

To store apples, you must prepare cardboard or wooden boxes in advance and, if necessary, make many holes in them; they should also be disinfected and dried in advance. It should be taken into account that after picking, it is recommended to store apples for 12-24 hours. The bottom of the container intended for storing Antonovka must be carefully covered with paper. The fruits are placed stalks down to avoid damage.

Some gardeners wrap each fruit in soft paper towels before storing them, or sprinkle them with hardwood sawdust after placing them in boxes. This really helps to avoid damage to the fruit when storing and in some cases improves the keeping quality of the fruit, since they do not touch each other. However, the effect of this method is not too significant, so it is quite possible to do without it.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that if the fruits are wrapped in soft paper or covered with sawdust, it is quite possible to use the remaining space in the box to form the next layer. This allows you to significantly save space if only deep containers are available. You cannot lay one layer of apples directly on top of another, as this will significantly reduce their shelf life and cause the fruit to quickly rot.

Chemical method

Some modern gardeners use chemical methods to increase the shelf life of Antonovka. For this purpose it is often used

  • alcohol solution of propolis;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • wax;
  • glycerin, etc.

The fruits are thoroughly rubbed with these substances before storing them. This method has its drawbacks. This treatment removes the natural waxy coating and increases the risk of damage to the apples. In addition, rubbing fruits with various chemicals can cause a deterioration in their taste and beneficial qualities.

Immediately before taking the boxes of apples to the room where they will be stored, you need to place the containers in separate transparent plastic bags. They need to be tied. This will prevent moisture loss and oxygen supply. In most cases, this method allows you to preserve the crop longer. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that if there is a fungus on the fruit, increased humidity may cause an increase in its population.

Creating conditions for storing Antonovka at home

This variety of apples usually does not last longer than 3 months, but if optimal conditions are created, it can be slightly extended.

The optimal temperature for storing Antonovka ranges from +2 to 0°C. The relative humidity in the room should be about 90-95%.

It is very important that such conditions are maintained in the cellar throughout the entire storage period of apples. This will prevent the fruit from gradually withering. You should not place these fruits next to vegetables, as the latter can be a source of fungal infection. If possible, you should periodically inspect the fruits and remove those that are affected by rot or mold. This will allow you to preserve the remaining ones longer.

How long an Antonovka is stored depends not only on how carefully the preparation for its laying was carried out, but also on the conditions in which it will be located. When preparing apples of this variety for the winter, you need to take into account that first of all you should eat large specimens. Such fruits never dry out.

Due to excess moisture content, large apples begin to rot as they spoil, which contributes to the damage to other fruits. Relatively small fruits can be preserved for 4-5 months if optimal conditions are created for them at home.

Gardeners' experience. Video

Having had your fill of fresh apples, you definitely want to save them for a longer period. In winter, it’s so nice to treat yourself to a crunchy fruit! Unfortunately, not everyone has a cellar, and many do not know how to properly store apples. This article provides basic rules, optimal temperature, and storage methods in an apartment on the balcony. The information is also useful for those who will store apples in the cellar. In addition, you need to know which varieties are best to prepare, and which of them will have to be eaten first.

First, decide how long you want to store the apples for. The variety that needs to be prepared depends on this. For example, late apple varieties will become loose by the beginning of winter, losing their density. The latest autumn varieties will last a very long time, maybe even until spring, but over time they will lose their juiciness and remain just as tough.

Advice. The Antonovka and Senate varieties are optimal for harvesting.

  • To harvest crops for storage, you need to choose suitable weather - no precipitation, normal air humidity, coolness.
  • Do not take early varieties for storage; they have thin skin and abundant juiciness; such fruits are susceptible to damage and will not be stored for long.
  • Choose fruits without damage (no scratches, “soft barrels,” bumps, cracks).
  • Pick apples with stems.
  • Do not wipe off the natural waxy coating. It protects apples from external damage.
  • Do not expose fruits to temperature changes. Condensation that appears will cause damage.

Late varieties of apples are suitable for storage
  • Do not store apples together with vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, and onions. With such a “neighborhood”, vegetables will begin to rot faster, and apples will take on a putrid smell.
  • Store fruit in wooden boxes with slits for ventilation.
  • Do not stack apples in a mound or mound. Maximum of two layers, stem side up and very carefully.
  • You cannot keep varieties collected at different times in the same container.
  • Observe temperature conditions. A favorable temperature is +3 – +5°C, in the absence of excessive humidity.
  • At least once a month you need to sort through the apples, removing even slightly spoiled ones. If this is not done in a timely manner, the damage will lead to other fruits.

Methods for storing apples in an apartment or on the balcony

Don’t be upset if you don’t have a basement; apples can be stored very successfully in an apartment. If there is no balcony or loggia, then you can store it on the windowsill, periodically opening the window for ventilation, or in the hallway-hallway on the floor. We offer several methods for storing apples:

Preparing apples for storage
  1. Thermal box It's easy to do. To do this, you need two boxes of different sizes and insulation material (foam plastic, polyurethane foam, sawdust). Place the smaller box in the larger one and fill the difference between them with insulation. It is desirable that there be at least 15 cm between the boxes. The bottom and top are also lined with insulation material.
  2. On paper. To prepare apples, you need to choose a box made of plastic, cardboard or wood. Before placing the fruits, wrap each one in thin paper. Newspapers, paper towels or regular printing paper are suitable for this.
  3. In plastic bags. You can store it this way by wrapping each fruit individually and placing it in a convenient container, or by packing the apples in one plastic bag. In the latter case, you need to put a piece of cotton wool soaked in vinegar on top of the bag. After this, seal the bag tightly.

Rules for storing apples in the cellar

Before filling the cellar with supplies, it is necessary to prepare it: insulate it, ventilate it, remove mold if any, whitewash the walls, treat the corners with a disinfectant solution.

Storing apples in the basement

Apples tend to release ethylene during storage and ripening. This is a plant hormone that accelerates the process of growth and ripening of vegetables and fruits. Therefore, if potatoes, carrots or other vegetables are stored next to apples, they will quickly begin to sprout and rot. It is advisable to make a separate compartment for apples in the cellar.

Attention! When placing fruit in containers, try to stick to the same size. Because large apples will ripen faster and, accordingly, will begin to spoil earlier.

Apples are capable of absorbing odors during long-term storage. If you don’t initially take care to cover them or keep them away from vegetables, then eventually the taste will become earthy, and even worse, putrid.
To prevent apples from shriveling, maintain the cellar level at 90%. Supply ventilation will reduce ethylene levels.

If you follow the instructions and do everything correctly, then in winter you will be able to please yourself and your family with your own hand-picked, juicy and sweet apples without chemical additives.

How to properly store apples: video

The best thing store apples in winter in a cool cellar, but not all summer residents have basements and cellars.

Therefore, after the autumn harvest, gardeners are wondering how to properly store apples in an apartment on the balcony, how to preserve apples longer.

Harvesting and preparation for storage

The first important condition for long-term storage - apples must be winter varieties with thick skin and a natural waxy coating.

It is winter varieties of apples that can be stored for up to six months. Autumn varieties can be stored for 1-2 months under the right conditions.

Second important condition for storing apples, maintaining a constant air temperature, without changes. That is, you cannot transfer apples from a cold room to a warm one and vice versa, or the condensation that appears on the fruit will cause spoilage.

When harvesting, try to collect apples with the stem intact. When storing apples, carefully select them, excluding fruits with scratches, cracks, or soft areas on the fruit.

Try not to erase natural waxy coating when storing apples in containers, since it is this that protects the apples from damage by fungus, spiers and mold.

Winter apple varieties It is recommended to remove them from the tree slightly unripe so that they ripen during storage. Removable maturity Autumn-winter varieties of apples begin from September 20 to October 10, the main period for harvesting.

Attention: Always store apples separately from other fruits and vegetables.

The ideal option for storing apples in an apartment is glass balcony. It is cool in winter, and the temperature for storing apples should be within 3-5 degrees.

But if you don’t have a glassed-in balcony, you can store apples in the hallway, pantry or on the windowsill with the window open for ventilation.

Let's look at the most popular ways to store apples in an apartment.

Okay apples store in plastic bags. Sorted apples are placed in plastic bags of 2-4 kg each. Tie tightly and use a toothpick or match to make 4-5 holes for ventilation. Store at temperature from -1 to +4 degrees.

Storing apples in paper bags

We wrap each apple in paper, and then put all the apples in a plastic bag. The bag will protect the apples from moisture loss. If it’s hot, the paper will absorb excess moisture, and if the apple starts to spoil, it will become a barrier and prevent it from coming into contact with other fruits.

Apple storage in dry fallen leaves. To do this, put the apples in a box and sprinkle them with dry autumn leaves so that they create a layer between the fruits. Choose leaves that are undamaged, clean and dry.

Also a good storage method is to pour apples wood ash mixed with sand in equal proportions.

Instead of foliage you can use buckwheat husks, onion husks, husks, peat, shavings of deciduous trees, sawdust.