How to make charcoal with your own hands. We make charcoal with our own hands. Distinctive properties of charcoal

How to make charcoal with your own hands.  We make charcoal with our own hands.  Distinctive properties of charcoal
How to make charcoal with your own hands. We make charcoal with our own hands. Distinctive properties of charcoal

The coal that is mined in mines is also charcoal, the path of its formation is very long, it takes many millions of years until it becomes the coal that we see it. Until industry began to mine coal, only charcoal was used everywhere. The first metallurgy worked on it, samovars were melted with it, and every real blacksmith knew how to make charcoal with his own hands. The technology is quite simple and interesting.

Where is charcoal used?
Today, some areas of production cannot do without charcoal. It is used, for example, for the manufacture of: electrodes; glass and crystal products; some paints; gunpowder; a number of plastics; filters; for grinding parts; as insulating material... Activated carbon tablets are known to every adult and not only; they make fertilizer from it and use it as an additive to livestock feed. And from the resins that are released in parallel, rosin is made, acetic acid, turpentine, solvents and methyl alcohol.
Among the population, this type of fuel has become famous mainly in three areas: Blacksmiths highly value it (you can get better quality steel). Charcoal is environmentally friendly clean way heat a bathhouse, a cottage, light a fireplace. For picnics, for grills, barbecues and bonfires. The quality of the coal used completely determines the taste of the food you are planning to cook at the fire. Charcoal is ideal for cooking over a fire.

It has many advantages in high temperature, the heat of charcoal is even, no smoke and open flame, does not ignite itself. Charcoal does not emit carbon monoxide, this makes it possible to use it in enclosed spaces.
If you take a portion of coal and firewood at the same time, it will flare up faster than firewood and will burn longer. When burned, charcoal does not release sulfur or phosphorus. After combustion there is practically no ash, it takes up little space during storage, and the heat transfer per kilogram is 31 thousand kJ. Coal can only be bought by paying a lot of money, and charcoal can be obtained from ordinary waste branches (boughs, roots, dead wood - that is, production waste).

Packages of charcoal are sold on the market, and their prices are not low. But you can produce quite a lot of such fuel yourself, and the costs will be negligible. To prepare fuel, it is better to use hardwood (yes, I forgot, coal can be grades A, B, C.) To obtain grade A coal, birch wood gives rapid heat transfer and intense heat.
Oak gives uniform heat and a long burning process, beech, elm, hornbeam, pine, fir, spruce - we get grade B. Softwood (poplar, aspen, willow and linden... will give charcoal grade B.

Let's look at two “artisanal” production methods.
First method Cooking charcoal at home is cooking in a barrel. The following requirements are imposed on it: the walls of the barrel itself must be thick enough; if you have a barrel in which petroleum products were stored, then it must be burned out; if it contains toxic chemicals, such a barrel cannot be used. The barrel must have a lid made of non-combustible materials and so that it closes the container tightly. Well, the size depends on the amount of raw material available and the availability of the barrel itself. What will it be?
Sequence of work:
In order for gas to escape from the barrel, several holes need to be made in the lid, but so that they can be closed. We lay a sheet of metal on it to make a mini oven from several bricks, then we place the barrel on these bricks. We fill it to the top with waste from which we will make coal, and close it with a lid. We make a fire under the barrel in a mini stove, when our barrel gets very hot, gas begins to come out of the waste wood, all this lasts from 2-3 hours. After this time, we put out the fire and close the holes in the lid. Then we leave the barrel alone for two days. This method of producing charcoal is convenient, inexpensive, and difficult to control the process itself. If this mining process is done for the first time without experience, it is possible to overburn or underburn the coal.

Second extraction method charcoal in the pit. This mining method is more open, which means there should be fewer errors. Choose open place preferably closer to the forest, where there are many branches and twigs. Dimensions of the pit: it should be cylindrical and have a diameter of about 80 cm, clay 50 cm. We dug a hole, now we compact the base (bottom) well. Such a pit will yield about two bags of coal.
Sequence of work.
First, we prepare the raw materials, clear everything of bark, and cut it into logs, they should be no thicker than 7 cm and up to 30 cm long. We build a fire along the entire bottom of the pit, big fire. Then we throw the main raw material tightly, but try to compact it so that it can still flare up. After two and a half, three hours, when the hole is full, add a layer of leaves or green grass on top, and then a layer of earth. We tamp it firmly and leave it for two days, during which time our fire along with the coal will cool down. Remove the layer of soil, select the coal and sift it.

Furnaces for the production of charcoal
The market offers special furnaces for the production of coal without oxygen. The burning process in such furnaces is carried out in several stages. First, the raw materials are tightly placed in retorts, then they are sent to the drying compartment, after which they are moved to the pyrolysis compartment. The firebox is ignited and the temperature is brought to certain parameters, the pyrolysis process begins. After the process is completed, the retort is removed and cooled, and another from the drying compartment is fed into the pyrolysis compartment and so on along the chain. Such a furnace does not stop; the process continues continuously as long as there are raw materials and the need for further extraction of charcoal. Lastly, the final stage is the packaging of coal. The stove is not dependent on power supply; it only needs room lighting.

In conclusion, I would like to note that as a business, charcoal mining is a troublesome and time-consuming business. You can do it for yourself just for fun.

Charcoal is a porous mass of shiny black color with a blue tint. You can make your own charcoal if necessary. This unique material, most ancient look fuel. But besides this, it has a lot of useful qualities.

Properties of charcoal

Areas where charcoal is widely used:

  • Household sphere
  • Chemical industry
  • Metallurgy
  • Agriculture
  • Blacksmithing

And this list is not complete yet.

Important: All over the world, charcoal is considered the main source of energy.

Coal is able to perfectly absorb moisture; it rids the room of unpleasant odor and poisonous chemical compounds; cleans water from unnecessary impurities; protects products from spoilage. Activated carbon, which everyone often buys freely at pharmacies for stomach problems. In a word, this is truly a useful product in almost all respects.

How to make charcoal yourself

In fact, making charcoal with your own hands is a rather multifaceted process, with many nuances and methods. But there is one, the simplest and most accessible to absolutely everyone, and therefore universal. We are talking about burning wood in a pit.

It is very important to find here appropriate place for the pit. In the city, near the house you should make allowances for the wind, the presence of trees around and anything that could accidentally catch fire. In the forest it is enough to simply find an open place, in country house- the same.

Important: firewood should be small in size.

A hole is dug with a simple shovel round shape. Its depth is directly dependent on the amount of raw materials. The walls need to be made as vertical as possible. The bottom must be compacted so that the earth does not mix with coal.

Then a fire is made from twigs at the bottom, gradually adding fuel until the hole at the bottom is completely ablaze. Now you can throw the prepared firewood. It is better to pack them more tightly as the fire burns. It will take about 2 to 4 hours for everything to burn through. The type of wood, humidity, and thickness of the logs matter here.

When everything has burned out and the fire has gone out, the pit must be closed tightly. Some people lay it with a sheet of metal, others with turf, the main thing is to ensure tightness. You can open everything in about a day, when the coals have cooled. Unnecessary impurities are removed by sifting the coal through a sieve.

Charcoal for barbecue and flowers

Few people don't like meat cooked on the grill. In addition to the correct marinade and other tricks, there are also nuances associated with coal. Although you can buy charcoal in briquettes for a long time, it never hurts to learn how to make charcoal for the barbecue with your own hands.

The main thing here is to have enough material at hand. Coal can be burned in a pit, as described above, or you can take a galvanized barrel. By the way, getting coal is only half the battle. You need to be able to light it up. To do this, place coal on the bottom of the grill in a thin, even layer and pour over it with lighter fluid. Then you can add coal, sprinkle it again and wait a little for the liquid to dissipate. Now you can set it on fire.

And this is far from the only place where charcoal can be successfully used. For example, you can make your own charcoal for flowers. This is excellent drainage, which saves plants from death due to overwatering. A natural antiseptic, it absorbs salts and prevents roots from rotting. It is usually placed in a pot at the bottom with a 2-centimeter layer.

And since it is always better to see more than once than to hear a hundred times, for clarity it is suggested to watch different variants preparing coal yourself. DIY charcoal video

Usually, there is no question of how to make charcoal for barbecue. In stores everywhere you can find bags of charcoal for sale. It's enough to cook on the grill. And for those who want to do everything themselves, you can prepare coal at home.

Charcoal was used everywhere: in metallurgy, the chemical industry and medicine. But we are unlikely to start doing Activated carbon or create gunpowder. We are interested in charcoal as a fuel. Fuel for barbecues, grills and roasters with cozy warmth.

Preparation of material

Charcoal does not come from every piece of wood for cooking. This fruit trees(pear, apple cherry), deciduous trees(alder, oak, maple) and the common birch. Coniferous species are not suitable at all. Such raw materials contain resins (this will ruin the taste of the meat).

Construction scraps are not used to make coal for barbecues: impregnations and adhesives will leave carcinogenic substances in the coal during combustion.

Birch is not the best the best option, but the tree is common. The coal turns out a little hotter than necessary. Although, knowing this feature, you can adapt and make great barbecue.

The second requirement is dry firewood. Moisture is harmful for pyrolysis. IN industrial production the raw materials are dried in special ovens with gases up to 150 ° C, and when burning “for yourself” you need to either let the wood dry or use drying material.

Rotten wood cannot be burned into charcoal.

The bark degrades the quality of the coal and, if possible, should be removed from the firewood.

Burnt charcoal

The essence of the process is to ensure that the wood does not burn completely.

When raw materials are heated with limited oxygen access, a carbon frame remains, replicating wood. This process is called pyrolysis. Operating temperature wood pyrolysis will be 350 °C. During pyrolysis, cellulose undergoes thermal destruction, which results in the formation of coal and pyrolysis gases.

A large number of pores contributes to the rapid burning of charcoal.

Mass fraction of carbon in charcoal is 50%.

Burn coal away from buildings and forest plantations. Follow fire safety regulations.

There are several ways to prepare charcoal for a barbecue.

In the fire

One of the simplest ways to make coals for a barbecue at home. All you need is an old bucket with a lid, or some other non-flammable container.

  1. Light a fire. Without using ignition products.
  2. Let it burn out.
  3. Use a poker or tongs to place large firebrands that have almost burned down to coals into a bucket and cover with a lid. Finally, collect the coals and add them to the bucket.
  4. There will not be enough air for combustion and smoldering will stop. A couple of hours is usually enough.

With experience, the amount of unburnt wood in your coal will be less.

In the hole

This method is old, one might say historical.

  1. First of all, you need a hole. The volume of the pit determines the amount of coal required. To make it convenient to work, the bottom should not be smaller than a circle with a diameter of 0.8-1.0 meters. Another thing to consider: making a hole in a low area is a bad idea: it will fill with water.
  2. So, the hole is dug, the walls and bottom are compacted.
  3. Light a fire in the pit. And fill the hole one third with firewood. Firewood should be medium in size.
  4. When the firewood almost burn out, fill the coal pit with firewood to the very edges.
  5. Make sure all the wood is occupied. And cover the hole with a sheet of iron, and fill the cracks with earth.
  6. After a couple of days, you can remove the lid and take out the coal.

Be careful at the edge of the pit: making your own charcoal is not worth the risk of falling into the fire pit.

In a barrel

When making charcoal at home, you want to reduce the risk. And this method is just one of those.

You don't need a hole. You will replace it with a 200 liter barrel.

There are two ways: with a difference, make a fire outside or inside the barrel.

In any case, place the barrel on 4-6 bricks so that it does not touch the ground.

The first method: a fire inside a barrel.

In order for the wood to burn in the barrel at the very bottom, you need to punch several holes. Some people advise fixing the hose fitting and pumping air in the first stage (for example, with a household vacuum cleaner), but this is at your discretion.

  1. You need to start with a fire in a barrel.
  2. When the fire flares up, fill the barrel a third with wood and let it burn out.
  3. Fill the barrel completely with wood. When all the wood is consumed, close the lid. Artificial boost, if any, should be turned off.
  4. When the barrel has cooled down, you can take out the coal.

Second method: fire around a barrel.

  1. Immediately fill the barrel with firewood and close the lid.
  2. Light a fire under the barrel and keep it going until the pyrolysis ends. If you have a thermometer, then the intensity of the fire should ensure a temperature of 350 ° C inside. Without a thermometer, you will have to rely on your eye.
  3. Watch the smoke from the barrel. Blue transparent smoke indicates the end of the process. Put out the fire and let the barrel cool for 2 hours.

If everything was done correctly, I burned 200 wood liter barrel will take about 12 hours.

When opening the lid, take care of your face: gases and coal dust may ignite.

In the oven

A regular home oven can help you make charcoal for your barbecue.

  1. Light the stove, load the wood.
  2. Wait for the logs to flare up and turn into red firebrands.
  3. Transfer the smut into a ceramic or metal container with a suitable sized lid.
  4. Close the lid and take it out of the house.
  5. When it cools down, you can check the quality of the coal.

Carbon monoxide comes from smoldering coals in a closed container.

As a business

Industrial production of charcoal for barbecues is built a little differently. The volumes processed are important here. It is necessary to reduce labor intensity and it is necessary to prepare raw materials (mainly dry).

The process itself can be divided into 4 stages:

  1. Cutting into logs and drying the raw materials at 150 ° C (the humidity of the wood will interfere with the process).
  2. Heating with a lack of oxygen to 350 °C – pyrolysis.
  3. Calcination – heating to 500-550 °C. The remaining resins are burned off.
  4. Cooling and packaging.

The drying chamber and the pyrolysis furnace are combined so that the gases from the furnace dry the raw materials for the next batch.

Handicraft production of equipment for the production of charcoal is a non-trivial task. Here, for example, is the UVP-5B pyrolysis furnace, developed by TsNIIME.

Charcoal production as a business, although expensive, is a promising area. Demand is growing steadily and coal prices are not falling. Substandard and coal chips can be processed into fuel briquettes or burn when producing a new batch of coal.

Interesting to know: do you buy charcoal for barbecues or make it yourself? The answer can be given in comments.

Today, charcoal is quite in demand - it is bought by restaurants and cafes for cooking, chemical and metallurgical plants for production processes, people for cooking shish kebab and grill. Charcoal production as a business - perfect solution, if you live in wooded areas. The procedure does not require serious investments and quickly pays for itself the right approach. In this article we will look at how to open your own charcoal making business and give an example of calculation.


Charcoal is a high-carbon material that is obtained by pyrolysis of wood. different varieties with limited air flow. To produce it, you need a special furnace, which can be placed either in own garage, and under open air or in a specially equipped workshop.

Charcoal is a profitable business

As of 2017, there is an average market saturation of these products in Russia, so any businessman can easily start production and find sales points finished products. The main thing is to calculate and think through everything correctly, analyze the consumer market, and think about where it is more profitable to sell products in bulk. Compose detailed business plan

and stick to it when implementing your idea.

Types of coal

  1. Many people think that all charcoal sold in supermarkets and gas stations is the same, but in fact there are many varieties. It can be divided into: Red. It is made from coniferous species By special technology
  2. by soft charcoaling.
  3. White. To create it, hardwood is used, such as oak, birch, elm, hornbeam, etc.

Black. To create it, soft wood is used: linden, aspen, poplar, alder, willow, etc.

Many entrepreneurs produce only classic black coal, but if you want to capture the market, the range should be expanded. You should focus on what kind of raw materials you can get: if oak forests grow in your area, then you will have to use this particular material, etc. You should also know that there are three grades according to GOST 7657-84 A, B and C. The higher the grade , the higher the quality of the coal and the more willingly they will purchase it, so try to make only a high-quality product. Note: a large number of entrepreneurs use various waste from woodworking and furniture companies

, as well as rotten logs and bars. This is not recommended, since the quality of coal from such raw materials will be extremely low.

Of course, you can earn more this way. But customers will not like your products and in the end this will damage the image of the young business. You should also consider in what packaging to sell the product. It is usually packaged in paper bags and plastic bags

capacity from 2 to 50 kg. The most popular among the population are bags weighing 5-10 kg, while restaurants and enterprises buy it in 50 kg bags to reduce the cost of raw materials.

How to make charcoal

Next, we will analyze the technology for producing charcoal. There is nothing complicated about it - the process is based on the principle of pyrolysis. The finished raw material is burned at a given temperature without access to air and turns into coal. The production algorithm is as follows:

  1. Raw materials are manually loaded into the oven.
  2. The oven turns on, burning occurs.
  3. The coal is unloaded, cooled, packaged and sent to the warehouse.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure, but during production you should strictly monitor safety precautions. Be sure to follow fire safety, install an alarm and have several fire extinguishers on hand so that if a fire occurs, it can be quickly extinguished.

The best raw material for making coal is wood in lumps, cut into pieces of 40-60 cm. If you plan to purchase logs, you will have to hire a special person who will grind them to a given size. The cheapest way to buy raw materials is from a supplier or at woodworking plants - they are available in almost all regions of Russia. Agree with them about wholesale supplies - The cheaper you can buy raw materials, the greater your profit will be.


Let's consider whatmust be purchased. Today the market offers entrepreneurs a wide range of specialized equipment ranging from inexpensive ovens with manual loading to automated lines capable of producing tens of cubic meters of finished product per shift. The main equipment for production is a pyrolysis oven. We do not recommend starting a business with professional ovens- first, buy a small one, master the process, find clients, and then calculate how much coal you can sell, and based on this, select a new device. When choosing, consider the following factors:

  1. Available area. Entry-to-mid-level ovens take up about 40 m2, so consider whether you can place it on your site or in a workshop.
  2. How much raw material can you load at one time? Keep in mind that to produce 1 ton of coal you need 7-9 tons. The higher quality the loaded wood is, the better the product will come out.
  3. Duration of pyrolysis. On average, one cycle lasts about 50 hours, but it all depends on the type of wood, the selected equipment and the volume of the furnace.
  4. Power of the pyrolysis furnace. Power is how much coal can be created in one cycle. There are models on the market with a capacity from 100 to 2000 kilograms of finished products.

Pyrolysis oven for manufacturing

What you need to get started

Next we will consider charcoal production technology and equipment , which is needed to start. The main thing in this matter is the oven. The price depends on its power - in 2017, a small 100-kilogram stove can be bought for 50,000, a full-fledged 2-ton stove for 1,000,000 rubles. Thanks to this division, you can choose the option that suits you both in terms of price and performance. Many entrepreneurs start their journey with a 300-500 kg stove, after which, if necessary, they buy a second one or exchange it for a more powerful one. Note that there are not only pyrolysis ovens on the market, but also retort ovens, but they are of worse quality, so they should not be considered as an alternative.

  1. To get started you will also need:
  2. Electronic scales 5-7,000 rubles.
  3. Packaging device - 100-150,000 rubles.

Chainsaw - 10,000 rubles.

This is the minimum set of equipment to get started - it is quite enough for beginners and small workshops. In the future, you may need separators for grinding, dryers to improve the quality of raw materials, dispensers to automate the process, special supply lines, etc., but this equipment is usually used in large enterprises, so you shouldn’t think about it yet. You can save even more by purchasing not a ready-made stove, but by ordering the manufacture of a barrel for pyrolysis from local craftsmen, but this is an option for those who have a seriously limited budget - it is better to immediately buy a high-quality and specialized stove.

How profitable is it? Universal business plan for charcoal production no - it all depends on where exactly you will purchase raw materials, what the price will be for it, how you will organize sales, etc., but on average, the industry figures are known. We recommend that you do not contact retail sales

, as a last resort, you can simply sell bags in the workshop without organizing your own retail outlets.

Quality charcoal

  1. Look for those who will purchase products in bulk:
  2. Supermarkets or local retail chains.
  3. Gas stations.
  4. Restaurants and cafes.
  5. Wholesale stores and bases. Various industrial enterprises

Practice shows that in almost any region of Russia there are places where coal from the manufacturer will be popular and can be sold in bulk. Therefore, before you start, think about where you can rent it out, try to communicate with potential buyers to determine their expectations and the required volumes. It often happens that an entrepreneur works with one wholesaler, handing over to him all the products he produces.

  1. Registration with the tax authorities - 15,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of a set of equipment - 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Renting premises, renovation work- 400,000 rubles per year.
  4. Purchase of wood for processing - 300,000 rubles.

In total, to open a business you will need approximately 1,700,000 rubles. Note that in in this case we're talking about O professional equipment and a medium-sized workshop producing about 20 tons of coal per month. If there is no such budget, then you can get by with a cheaper set of equipment and a garage - this will require an investment of approximately 300,000 rubles with a productivity of 2 tons per month. Also, for the delivery of finished products, it is advisable to have a car - even an inexpensive GAZelle, capable of carrying about a ton of cargo, will do.

Next, let's calculate the profit. The selling wholesale price of birch charcoal in 2017 is 100 rubles per kilogram, while its cost is approximately 60, taking into account all expenses. On 1 kilogram you earn 40 rubles, on 2 tons of products sold ( home workshop) - 80 thousand rubles, for a full-fledged enterprise producing 20 tons per month - 800,000 rubles. Thus, the investments made pay off in 2-4 months, although in practice the full payback occurs in 4-6 months (additional costs inevitably arise).

In contact with

Charcoal has a high carbon content and is therefore considered very effective look fuel. It is produced using wood pyrolysis technology and is used both in everyday life and in industry. A special oven is used in production. It can also be placed in domestic conditions, for example in a garage or in the courtyard of a private house. Therefore, many people consider charcoal as a way to earn money.

Scope of use

Wood heats up to extreme temperatures in the absence of oxygen temperature regime. The result of pyrolysis is coal, which can be used in enterprises or sold in trading network. For domestic purposes, packaged coal is purchased. It will replace firewood when you need to light the stove or cook a dish on the grill.

The finished product can be seen in the photo of charcoal. Its advantages include:

  • minimum atmospheric pollution by combustion products;
  • absence of sulfur and phosphorus impurities;
  • slight formation of ash after combustion;
  • high calorific value parameters;
  • renewability of raw materials.

Charcoal, due to its advantages, can be used in various fields:

  • in the manufacture of filters;
  • in the technology of producing crystalline silicon;
  • in the metallurgical industry and agriculture;
  • for the production of food dyes and activated carbon;
  • for the production of paint, glass and plastics;
  • when lighting stoves and fireplaces.

Types of coal

Available for sale various classes charcoal, as well as its types. He can be:

  • red, produced through a soft charcoal process using softwood;
  • white – oak, beech and other hardwoods are used;
  • black - from raw materials soft looking(aspen, linden, alder).

The most common option is black coal, but if you decide to produce it yourself and sell it to other buyers, then it is advisable to focus on the type of wood that is common in a particular area.

It is also important to take into account the requirements of GOST 7657-84. According to the standards, coal is divided into classes:

  • “A” - hardwood species are used.
  • “B” - a combined approach is used with a mixture of hard and soft material.
  • “B” - coniferous, hard and soft raw materials are mixed.

As the grade and quality of fuel increases, its popularity will increase.

Production Features

In industrial settings, wood waste is used to make coal. Therefore, such installations are installed on the territory of wood processing plants. To organize the process, a special oven is required.

The best coal production technologies are associated with solving the main problem - obtaining the most pure carbon from raw materials. Therefore, it is important to remove all other components of the organic or inorganic type.

The pyrolysis reaction is used, and the sequence of actions is as follows:

  • Drying wood. The temperature reaches 150ºС. Pyrolysis under conditions high temperatures assumes the need for low moisture content of the raw material mass.
  • Pyrolysis reaction with the decomposition of substances under the influence of high temperatures in the range of 150-350ºС. Coal is formed with the simultaneous release of gases.
  • Combustion stage. This requires more heating - up to 500-550ºС. Resins and residues of other components are removed from the resulting coal.
  • Recovery stage requiring cooling.

How to make coal at home

Despite all the apparent complexity of the production technology, there is nothing special about it. It is important to build a metal stove or other device that replaces it. Experienced craftsmen They offer the following methods of coal production:

  • charcoaling in a metal barrel;
  • use of pits in the ground for burning wood.

Using a barrel

This technology uses the same pyrolysis reaction, although the purity of the product will be slightly lower compared to fuel produced in industrial conditions. It is necessary to prepare a metal barrel with thick walls. If there were previously petroleum products in it, then they must be burned out.

The volume of the container is determined by the required amount of processed raw materials. Usually they take a 200 liter barrel. It is important to remember that when using a storage container chemical substances, it cannot be used.

This option is more convenient and technologically advanced. If you want to know what is needed to produce charcoal using this technology, then our instructions will help you:

  • Fire-resistant bricks are placed at the bottom of the container. They are placed on the edge. Number of bricks 6 pcs. per barrel of 200 liters.
  • A fire is lit between the bricks. To do this, use a variety of kindling materials, such as wood chips or paper.
  • Wood is gradually added in small lumps. It is important that the resulting coal fills the space between the blocks.
  • A metal lattice is laid on the bricks.
  • Wood blanks are placed tightly on top of it to the very top. Their recommended size is 40-60 cm.
  • After the barrel is filled, you need to wait for the flame to reach the surface.
  • The container is closed with a lid made of iron sheet. The air flow should be minimal. To do this, leave a very small gap at the edge.
  • When wood burns, blue smoke appears.
  • The barrel is then completely closed and allowed to cool.
  • The product is unloaded.

To speed up combustion, you can add air from below. To do this, make a small hole in the bottom of the barrel in advance, and then use a blower.

Charcoaling in a pit

It is also not an overly complicated option for making a wood product. Instructions on how to make charcoal at home are as follows:


  • A hole is dug in the ground. It should have a cylindrical shape. Try to keep the walls vertical. If the length of the pit is 50 cm and the diameter is 80 cm, then as a result of combustion you can get several bags of coal.
  • The bottom is compacted. Remember, soil should not get into the fuel.
  • A fire is started in a dug hole using kindling material.
  • The wood is placed in the pit, adding more as it burns.
  • A mass of leaves and grass is placed on top, and then sprinkled with soil. Everything should be compacted.
  • You can remove the coal after 2 days. To do this, the fuel is removed and then carefully sifted.

Fuel produced at home will differ in quality from that produced at a factory. However, you will be able to save on your expenses and also earn a little extra money by selling.

It is important to choose the right raw materials for charcoaling. Freshly cut or excessively damp wood should not be used, and the bark should be removed from the logs. As a result, you will receive fuel with high level calorific value for domestic use.

Photo of charcoal

