How to quickly remove smoke from an apartment. How to remove the smell of burning in an apartment. How to eliminate the smell of burning in an apartment: natural flavors, folk remedies

How to quickly remove smoke from an apartment.  How to remove the smell of burning in an apartment.  How to eliminate the smell of burning in an apartment: natural flavors, folk remedies
How to quickly remove smoke from an apartment. How to remove the smell of burning in an apartment. How to eliminate the smell of burning in an apartment: natural flavors, folk remedies

06/08/2017 7 4,693 views

They didn’t take care of the stove and now the whole room smelled of burnt food. Not everyone knows how to quickly get rid of a burning smell in an apartment, so the tips listed below will come in handy more than ever.

How to deal with the smell of burning in an apartment?

Even after one small burnt pan in the apartment it can remain for a long time bad smell, if you don't start fighting it. Therefore, immediately after the incident you need to start acting, otherwise this smell will become embedded in the walls, towels and curtains, and then the cleaning process will become longer.

Depending on the chosen method, the degree of purification of the room and the surrounding air will be different:

To get the most best result, it is recommended to combine the methods.

Ventilate the room

The first thing you need to do is open access to fresh air. It is very important that there is a draft, then the smell of smoke will go away faster. You need to open not only the windows, but also the doors. If the incident occurred in the summer, then you can open the window wide, so more fresh air will enter the room.

If the kitchen has a hood, turn on the fan. If you have an air conditioner, you should use it, then the windows and doors should, on the contrary, be closed.

Humidify the room

The smell of smoke will linger longer in a room with completely dry air, so it is very important to humidify it. There are several ways to do this.

If your apartment has a humidifier, then temporarily place it in the kitchen.

Another way is to use a pan and water. Place the container with the liquid on low heat and leave to simmer for several hours. In order for the smell of smoke to change to more pleasant aroma, can be added to water fragrant herbs or essential oil. Melissa, lavender, and cumin are good for this. Condensation formed on surfaces must be removed regularly.

You can use damp towels to dampen the room. To do this, they need to be hung in different parts of the room. You can also soak them in a fragrant composition. After completely dry they are washed and re-hung, and so on until the smell of burning and smoke disappears from the room.

When the above methods are not effective enough, you can use the following method:

  1. Fill a large saucepan one-fourth full.
  2. Add 500 ml of vinegar to the liquid and place on the stove.
  3. Bring water to a boil and reduce heat.
  4. The evaporating vapors will literally absorb the stench.
  5. During this air purification, it is advisable to go for a walk, because the smell may not be very pleasant.
  6. After a few hours, remove the pan from the stove, and you will notice that the air has become much cleaner, and the unpleasant stench from burnt food has practically disappeared.

Carry out general cleaning

When a large-scale incident occurs in the house, it is impossible to do without general cleaning.

The process can take a long time, so there is no time to hesitate.

  • First you need to remove the curtains. They definitely need to be washed;
  • all surfaces in the apartment must be wiped with a vinegar solution to remove odors and eliminate dust;
  • if you have washable wallpaper, they also need to be carefully wiped with a fragrant composition;
  • things that were in plain sight must be sent to the wash;
  • The carpet can be sent to dry cleaning, because it is not always possible to rid it of foreign odors on your own;
  • floors are wiped with special substances or folk remedies.

What means can you neutralize the burning smell?

If there is a fire or something burns in the kitchen, then to neutralize possible consequences will fit various means, including those that are in everyone’s home. You can remove the smell using the following means.


You can use vinegar, which needs to be mixed with water and brought to a boil, or used to clean hard surfaces.


Ammonia acts as an adsorbent. To do this, a few drops of ammonia are applied to the starch, which are placed in different parts of the room.


Instead of starch, you can use soda, apply a few drops to it ammonia and the resulting pulp is placed on a newspaper or small plate in different corners. This method is effective when the smoke was insignificant. After a fire, soda will have little effect.

Activated carbon

Activated carbon is also used to absorb unpleasant odors. Several tablets are crushed to fine crumbs. Pour onto newspaper or any other convenient surface and leave for several days. After which the coal is replaced with fresh one. This way you can eliminate the smell of smoke from a burnt pot or pan.


You can add a pleasant aroma to the room using a candle, onto which a few drops of pine essential oil are dripped. As the wax burns, it will give off a pleasant smell and it will become easier to breathe in the room.

Video: how to quickly get rid of the burning smell in an apartment?

How to remove the smell after a fire?

The situation is quite serious if there is a fire in the room. Conventional means will no longer be effective and drastic action will have to be taken.

  • You should not try to save burnt furniture or clothes; they will emit an unpleasant odor for a long time;
  • most likely you will have to replace the wallpaper, ceiling and flooring;
  • the windows will need to be painted;
  • if only the upholstery of the furniture is damaged, but the frame itself is intact, then it must be replaced with a new one;
  • After completing all the work, place bags of aromatic herbs around the entire perimeter of the room. It removes extraneous odors from coffee, namely its beans. They are placed in bags in different corners of the room;
  • You can purchase an air freshener that needs to be used to periodically spray the air.

One has only to sit too long in front of the TV or computer, and it turns out that the pie in the oven has already turned black, and the meat on the stove is burnt. And instead of having dinner with your family, you get reproaches that it smells like burning and the kitchen is full of smoke. And now you have two questions on your agenda: what to feed your household and how to remove the burning smell in the apartment after a burnt pan of meat or a frying pan of eggs. There are several methods that will help get rid of the unpleasant odors of burnt food. The main thing is to act quickly before things become saturated with a pungent aroma.

What should you do first?

If your kitchen is captured by the smell of smoke and burning, then first of all, you need to do the following.

Ventilation of the room:

  • First, remove the cause of the burning - throw away the burnt food. Take the burnt pot or pan out onto the balcony.

Important! Don't throw burnt food into the trash can in your kitchen, rather take it to a trash can located outside the house.

  • Open all windows and doors to create a draft and properly ventilate the room.
  • Turn on the fans and place them in different corners of the kitchen. If you have an air conditioner, turn it on for half an hour.
  • Be sure to turn on the hood if you have one in your kitchen.

Humidity increase:

  • Open all taps with hot water and leave for half an hour.
  • Place containers of water on all gas burners and turn on the gas. Boil them for as long as possible. As the water evaporates, it will absorb all the unpleasant odors.

Important! Pinch citric acid or a couple of tablespoons of vinegar will enhance the effect. You can add fragrant herbs to the water: lemon balm, cloves, mint.

  • To absorb the burning, you can hang wet rags and towels around the kitchen. This will also help to quickly get rid of smoke and fumes. To enhance the effect, soak rags in a water-vinegar solution.

After we managed to ventilate the room from the unpleasant odor, we move on to the next stage.

Wet cleaning:

  1. Wipe everything in the apartment with a wet cloth soaked in a weak solution of vinegar or ammonia.
  2. In the kitchen it is necessary to treat all the furniture, floors and even walls.
  3. Carpets and rugs will also have to undergo this procedure.
  4. All things that were in the affected area will have to be washed.

If the dish was prepared in the oven, then you need to put a pan of water in it and let it simmer for a while.

Special means

Unfortunately, the measures described above cannot always help remove the burning smell, especially if it has been absorbed more deeply.

There is a product that will help get rid of the burning smell from both hard surfaces and textiles. will help you get rid of burning smell effectively.

Before processing begins, it is necessary to prepare the room:

  1. Raise the temperature in the room to 25-30 degrees and increase the humidity using the methods described above.
  2. Avoid drafts and ventilation of the room.

When processing a room, you must:

  1. In order to treat hard surfaces, it is necessary to clean them of soot, soot, carbon deposits and dry them well. Before processing textiles, they also need to be cleaned of soot, etc., but by washing. After which, be sure to dry them well.
  2. Apply SmellOff generously by spraying onto all surfaces. For convenience, when processing surfaces with large area, you can use a roller. All hard-to-reach places must be treated.
  3. Allow the neutralizer to completely absorb into the surface and dry.
  4. Ventilate the room.

Traditional methods of removing burning smell

In the fight against burning smell, all means are good, especially if they are popular and proven.


Activated carbon is always ready to come to our aid. This excellent adsorbent will easily absorb everything unpleasant consequences bad dinner.

Important! It can be combined with soda and salt and placed in the corners of the apartment to remove the burning smell after a burnt pan of meat.

Live needles

If you have the opportunity to get live pine needles, then be sure to take advantage of this opportunity. It has a strong aroma that overpowers all other odors. In addition, it disinfects the air.


When it comes to removing the burning smell from a burnt pan in an apartment, the citrus family is indispensable. Place orange and lemon peels throughout the house.

Important! To enhance the effect, you can grate the zest and lightly fry it in a frying pan. This little trick will help eliminate unpleasant odors and fill the kitchen with the aroma of citrus.

Fragrant herbs

Can be dried indoors for long lasting effect aromatic herbs- lavender, cumin, mint, sage are suitable. Pick a variety of herb that you like in its aroma and place it in different places on newspapers. As they dry, the herbs will share their wonderful aromas with you and fill the room with them.

Ammonia plus starch

You can try to remove the nasty smell with ammonia and starch. Place a few drops of ammonia on the starch and place containers with this mixture in the corners of the apartment.


The aroma of freshly brewed Turkish coffee neutralizes any odors well. Pour it and put it on different angles premises. You can simply sprinkle freshly ground coffee powder or spread out coffee beans.

Lemon water:

  • Place a pan of water on gas and boil the water. Cut the lemon into slices and throw into boiling water and leave on the fire for 10-20 minutes.
  • Fill a spray bottle with water mixed with lemon juice in equal proportions. Spray this mixture throughout the room that needs to be refreshed.

Onion water

Chop the onion and place it in a container of water. Leave this container in the kitchen overnight. Onion water will quickly absorb all unpleasant aromas. If necessary, you can install not one, but several containers.

Bread and vinegar

How else can you eliminate the smell of burning in an apartment after a burnt pan? Use bread and vinegar:

  1. Fill the pan with water.
  2. Pour two glasses of vinegar into it.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave to simmer for 15 minutes.
  4. Take some bread and dip it in this solution.
  5. Place the bread on a plate. It will absorb all excess aromas.

Important! You can also place containers of vinegar throughout the house, which absorbs all odors.

Freshener with essential oils

To prepare this freshener:

  1. Take a glass of water, add two tablespoons of alcohol, vodka, and add 20-30 drops of any essential oil you like.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly and pour it into a spray bottle.

The air freshener is ready! Just spray it in the right places.

Scented candles and other household chemicals

Candles purchased for a romantic evening are perfect as a fragrance. Store-bought chemicals will cope with this task perfectly, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Important! It will be better if residents leave the premises during treatment, especially for small children.

Aromatherapy should be carried out several evenings in a row, then the smell of burnt meat can be removed forever.

Video material

Of course, it’s sad that you weren’t able to surprise your loved ones with another culinary masterpiece and had to throw away a piece of far from cheap meat, but you can easily cope with the consequences of this force majeure. And with these simple measures, you’ll just figure out how to replace the unsuccessful dinner. If a pot or pan is burnt, use our tips!

The cutlets or pie burned, the children got carried away with burning on the board, or there was a fire - if the apartment survived, a heavy smell of burning hangs in it, which does not go away even after daily airing. The unpleasant “aroma” is caused by a special, heavy substance that settles on furniture, curtains, and interior items. A draft and water will help get rid of the burning smell, and improvised products and flavorings that can be found in any housewife’s cabinet will restore freshness.

First actions

To get rid of the burning smell, you need to start acting immediately after it appears. The sooner, the easier and more reliable. Otherwise, the “aroma” will be absorbed into furniture, curtains, wallpaper, textiles and will for a long time poison life.
How to remove the burning smell:

  1. Eliminate the cause. First of all, put out the fire, turn off the smoldering device, burner or soldering iron, turn off the fire on the stove, remove the dishes and cover tightly so that the smell does not spread further. Throw away charred items after a fire or burnt food remains (as soon as the dishes have cooled down) - they are a source of stench.
  2. Create a draft. Open the windows on opposite sides of the apartment or open the windows and front door, turn on the hood to remove the main burning smell. To increase air flow, use an air conditioner or fan.

Advice! If the accident is minor and you have an air conditioner or air purifier, close the doors and windows and turn the unit on at maximum power.

After a fire, increase the humidity in particularly badly affected areas. For example, open the hot water tap in the kitchen and bathroom. Remove condensation that forms on surfaces from time to time.

Less labor-intensive is to hang wet towels and sheets. It is better to moisten them not with plain water, but with a solution of vinegar (4 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). The laundry will pick up burning particles and an unpleasant odor; improvised filters will most likely have to be replaced with fresh ones once or twice. After all, be sure to wash the laundry thoroughly.

Place pots of water in the rooms or boil water with herbs (cloves, lavender, lemon balm, cumin, mint) over low heat for some time.

If after carrying out such activities an unpleasant odor is still felt, then other, more effective, methods should be used to remove fumes from the apartment.

General ways to get rid of burning

Even if the cause of the stench is burnt food, the amber spreads throughout the apartment. There is no need to resort to wet sheets, but ordinary air fresheners will not be effective. Smaller but more effective measures should be used.

Handy remedies for burning smell:

  1. Citrus. If you have dried orange or lemon peel on hand, you can simply put it on a saucer and burn it. Cut fresh lemon or orange into slices and place in boiling water. Cook for a quarter of an hour over low heat.
  2. Vinegar. Neutralizes and breaks down the smell of burning. Pour in large capacity 3 l cold water, add vinegar (1 l) to it. Place the pan with the solution on the stove and boil for two hours over medium heat.
  3. Natural coffe. The soluble product does not absorb odor; natural grains are required. Pour them onto plates and place them around the rooms, this will remove the smell in about 12 hours.
  4. Cinnamon or cloves. Absorb the unpleasant “aroma” of burning. Pour one and a half liters of water into a saucepan and put 20 cloves or cinnamon sticks. After boiling, cook over low heat for about half an hour.
  5. Salt. The product easily absorbs foreign odors. To eliminate the smell of burnt milk or any other food, pour salt on a plate and leave it overnight. With more serious problems make a concentrated solution (10 tablespoons of spice per 1 liter of water) and leave, without covering the container, overnight in a room where there is a smell of burning. In the morning, the brine solution should be cloudy and dirty.
  6. Herbs.

Mint, wormwood, and sage will help remove fumes if the problem occurred in the summer. In winter, use spruce or pine needles. Lay out plants or pine needles on paper and place them throughout the apartment. Gradually the grass will dry out, emitting a pleasant aroma.

Advice! It is advisable to use herbs or pine needles if the smoke was not strong. The method works gradually and over a long period of time.

How to get rid of burning after a fire

If there is really heavy smoke, more serious measures will be required. Hang wet sheets and towels or use other absorbents. At the same time, remove all carpets, bedding and preferably upholstered furniture from the affected premises, and, if necessary, from the entire apartment.

  1. Then start general cleaning:
  2. Create a draft (it will be more effective without furniture and carpets).
  3. Throw away burnt items, as they will be a source of smoke and burning odors.
  4. Wash the furniture, walls, floors and other surfaces as thoroughly as possible, adding a little vinegar to the water.
  5. Don't skimp, use enough water and replace it with fresh water regularly.
  6. Wash yourself or take carpets and upholstered furniture to be cleaned (for example, beat through a damp cloth, then wash with a damp brush with vinegar, salt or a special detergent).

Wash clothes and other textiles; it won’t hurt to add a little vinegar to the drum or basin. It's good if there is cleaning the final stage

. Often after a fire, even a small one, repairs have to be made. Paint the ceiling, wallpaper and replace the floor covering. Advice! The sooner after the fire it will be done spring-cleaning

, the less likely it is that the fumes will be deeply absorbed into the surfaces.

Products for high-quality general cleaning Special means household chemicals

will provide high-quality cleaning, but they act aggressively on surfaces, so care must be taken when working with them.

  1. Aerosols.
  2. They can be used if you plan to leave your home for several days, since such compositions are harmful to human health. They do not mask the smell, but act on it at the molecular level. Liquid. An example is a wash


+, which effectively removes traces of fire. Such cleaning compositions do an excellent job of removing odors coming from walls and ceilings. Before you start using the product, carefully read the instructions, as some of them can discolor the surface or cause chemical burns on your hands. A fire does not always lead to complete destruction of the coating on the floor, walls and ceiling. Sometimes the matter is limited only to significant smoke, after which an acrid fume remains in the house. They will help you get rid of it

  1. following tips and recommendations: Clear
  2. tiles Detergents containing bleach will allow this..
  3. It is effective to use conventional baking soda Remove curtains, ventilate thoroughly and wash at least twice. Most housewives say that they cannot remove the smell after the first wash. Set the maximum washing mode (if the material allows - with soaking and pre-wash) and additional rinsing. Dry curtains only
  4. outdoors , this will provide excellent ventilation. Use for cleaning windows special means, intended for washing glass. Plastic frames wash with soapy water and rinse thoroughly. On sale you will find detergents designed specifically for washing
  5. plastic windows . It's best to use them. Very long time retains a burning smell carpets And
  6. cushioned furniture . To restore things, sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda on their surface and leave overnight. In the morning, vacuum to remove any remaining baking soda. If this is not enough, then you will need to contact a dry cleaner. Eliminate odor in
  7. microwave oven

It will work by placing a glass with two or three tablespoons of soda in it for 24 hours. After this, remove the glass and wash the microwave. To restore the oven, preheat it to 90°C and place ammonia inside for at least 3 hours (preferably overnight). Finally, clean the oven. Getting rid of the burning smell is difficult task. It is necessary to ventilate the apartment, carry out wet cleaning. Smoke spreads throughout the house, absorbing into wallpaper, things, and furniture. Aroma oils, spices and herbs, and adsorbents will help you quickly remove the fumes.

If there is a fire in the kitchen or room and an unpleasant odor remains, ventilation will help eliminate it.

Stages of implementation:

  1. To let air into the room, open the doors and windows in the rooms.
  2. Remove furniture damaged by fire. Replace with new wooden furniture.
  3. Get rid of burnt plastic, wiring, finishing elements, and electrical appliances. Air out and wash equipment.
  4. Wash items in closets and hang them on the balcony to air.
  5. Remove ash and coal using brushes.
  6. Do wet cleaning with household chemicals.
  7. Use aerosols and home remedies to eliminate the burning smell.

To ventilate the house, use an air conditioner, a fan, or an air purifier. It is enough to turn on the device for several hours.

Using specialized products for wet cleaning

To eliminate burning, use the following methods and means:

  • A damp cloth will help remove the burning smell. Wet the towels and hang them around the apartment. The method will help remove smoke and fumes in 4-5 hours;
  • to enhance the result, remove the stench using basins of water placed throughout the rooms. Place the moistened material. When dry, moisten the towels;
  • wipe the surface with a damp cloth. Wash the floor washing vacuum cleaner, mop;
  • upload to washing machine towels, bedspreads, bedding. Wash with added conditioner. Pour a capful of product into the compartment with the powder. Apply double rinse mode.

Process cornices, lamps, floors, glass, mirrors and other surfaces using the following recipe:

  1. 200 ml water;
  2. 1 tbsp. l. 9% vinegar;
  3. 1 tbsp. ammonia alcohol.

Mix the ingredients and soak a damp cloth in the solution.

Specialized cleaning products:

  1. Mechanical means. Brushes, cleaning attachments for electrical equipment, emery tools. Provides an opportunity to reduce Negative influence from fire. The advantages of hard brushes are that the bristles remain rigid when in contact with boiling water, the bristles are fixed in a steel frame, allowing for effective cleaning of the room.
  2. Liquid formulations. Substances that eliminate odors absorbed into ceilings and walls. Requires careful use using gloves. Test the product on a small area first; there is a possibility of discoloration. Option - MAZBIT+ wash. Designed to remove the consequences of a fire. Penetrating deep into the surface, it eliminates unpleasant odors. The product is harmless to the user. Concentrate on water based with the addition of alkali.
  3. Aerosols. Fresheners that mask odors from fires destroy smoke at the molecular level. Harmful to the lungs. Can be used when there are no residents in the apartment. Option - "Odorgon", the drug is designed to eliminate smoke, burning, tobacco from furniture and walls. Wet cleaning is carried out. Sprayed over the surface closed windows. The duration of action of the substance is 24 hours. If the smell works, the procedure is repeated.

According to user reviews, effective means from the smell of burning:

"Smell Off" Operating principle:

  • carry out wet cleaning of surfaces where the product will be applied;
  • heat the apartment to 25-30C;
  • spray the substance over the surface with a spray bottle;
  • wait 24 hours;
  • ventilate the apartment.

If food or oil is burnt, an electrical fire occurs, or there is a tobacco aroma, the “Smell Off” product will help.

"Chist-Dezo". Operating principle:

  • the substance is applied with a spray bottle to the floor, walls, when cleaning carpets, sofas, armchairs, suitable for washing vacuum cleaners;
  • sanitary cleaning involves adding 1-2g per 10 liters of water;
  • does not cause irritation to the user or animals;
  • advantage - it breaks the burning molecule.

“Smokebusters” and “Home” Max products are designed for effective cleaning walls, wallpaper and other coverings. The effectiveness of using the compositions is equal to 90%. Minus - careful processing is required, covering the entire area.

Lifehacks when using products for various coatings, materials.

Cleaning what kind of coating or material? Recipe
Tile Cleaning is carried out with bleach according to the instructions on the manufacturer's packaging. Minus - possible damage to coatings. Substitute - soda.
Curtains, drapes, clothes Machine washable with powder. Add conditioner. Repeat 2 times. Dry outdoors.
Windows, glass, plastic, blinds Apply glass cleaners, dosage according to the instructions on the package.
Carpets, coverings, fur, leather Used thin layer soda Sprinkle onto the covered area. Wait 24 hours. Vacuum. Wipe the skin with a weak solution of vinegar. Place vanilla near the fur coverings.

If necessary, contact a cleaning company.

Kitchen appliances: refrigerator, kettle, microwave The following method will help remove the burning smell: 200 grams of water, 2 tbsp. mix soda. Close the appliance door and leave for 12 hours. After time has passed, wipe the inside with a damp sponge.

The action is carried out in the off state.

Oven Removing stink from the stove:
  • heat the device to 90°C;
  • put a plate with 200 grams of water and 3-5 drops of ammonia;
  • within 12 hours the container is inside;
  • Wipe with a damp cloth in the morning.
Wallpaper, drywall, plastic items Clean with a brush detergents for wallpaper. Full update if necessary.
Blanket, pillows Air it out and take it to the dry cleaner.

In the presence of steam cleaner after wet cleaning, you can turn it on for 2-3 hours.

Review of effective adsorbents

Adsorbents will help remove the burning smell in the apartment. They will eliminate the stench on linoleum and wallpaper.

  • Salt. Eliminate smoke using the following recipe: make a solution with 200 ml of water, add 2 tbsp. salt, leave in the kitchen for 12 hours. The result is that the liquid will change shade and become gray.
  • Soda. Pour the substance into several basins and place it on the floor during wet cleaning. Baking soda will change color and can remove aroma.
  • Ammonia. Take 0.5 tsp. starch and 2-3 drops of alcohol. Put the mixture on a newspaper, spread it in the corners, in the center of the rooms. The method will help get rid of the burning of burnt buckwheat and milk.
  • Vinegar. Folk method allows you to eliminate the stench of eggs burnt in a frying pan. A solution will help: the ratio of water to acid is 1:3. Apply simmering in a saucepan over low heat for 120 minutes.
  • Activated carbon. Crush 20-25 tablets and place them in bags in the corners of the rooms and in the center. Packages should be wide open. Change them at least once every 3 days. Capable of absorbing up to 70% of harmful odors.
  • Onion. Place on small plates onion, cut into slices. They must be placed near furniture, appliances, and damaged surfaces.

When using the vinegar method, remove everyone from the room. The fumes are harmful to the lungs.

Folk flavorings to eliminate burnt smell

Home methods effectively remove unpleasant odors from the room. A variety of means can be used.


The needles will cover the stench. Place it in the corners of your home. When the plant dries, it spreads the aroma into the rooms. This option is suitable for recent light smoke.

Crush mint, sage, lemon leaves and place around the apartment. The second way is to mix and boil the herbs for 20 minutes. low heat. The aroma from the herbs will spread throughout the apartment, eliminating the slight smell of smoke.

Aroma oils

Essential substances have an effect on air purification.

Place 5-10 drops of oil into a deep plate of water, moisten a cloth and wet clean metal, wood and upholstered furniture.

Wipe linoleum using the following method:

  • add lavender, fir, lemon oil to the vinegar solution, 18-20 drops per 200 ml of solution;
  • stir in a bucket of water;
  • water – room temperature;
  • wipe the floor with a rag;
  • do not wash off the product.

The effect is deep penetrating ability, elimination of burning and antibacterial effects.

You can use scented candles by placing them throughout the area. Light a cigarette aroma sticks and walk through the rooms. Repeat the action 4-5 times during the day.


Lemon will help remove the unpleasant aroma. To prepare the recipe: cut 1 lemon into slices. Place in boiling water. Wait 10-15 minutes and turn off the stove.

Use lemon zest and orange peels. Set the dry crust on fire and walk through the rooms.


Coffee can help remove smelly fumes at home. Grains are an excellent adsorbent. They take on unpleasant odors. Use this method to eliminate stench from the oven. Grind the beans in a coffee grinder and place in the oven for 12 hours. After time has passed, wipe the inside of the device with a damp cloth.

At whole grains vapors disappear in 10-15 hours, ground ones are eliminated in 2-3 hours.

If food is burnt, turn on the coffee grinder or Turk to prepare a drink. Pleasant vapors spread into the room and overcome the stench of burning.


Cigarette smoke indoors can be eliminated using bay leaf. Burn over an ashtray. The aroma from the cigarette will be overcome by the burnt leaf.

Using aromatic spices you can eliminate the burnt aroma.

  1. Pour 20 pieces of dried cloves into 800 ml of water. Boil over low heat for 1 hour. Pour into deep plates and place in corners of the apartment.
  2. Vanilla beads will help draw out the fumes. Place the product in rooms.
  3. The smell of burnt meat and pies from the oven can be ventilated with cinnamon. Place foil on a baking sheet. Add 1 tbsp. cinnamon, 1 tbsp. sugar, and 1 tsp. butter Preheat to 100C. Wait 120 minutes and turn off the oven. The pleasant aroma of baked dough will remain.

Special devices and devices for removing stench

Effective air purification and disinfection devices will help remove the unpleasant smell of burning and smoking from your apartment.

  • ozonator Cleans the air from burning, dust, and the consequences of fire. Place it on the surface and leave the room. Action time 15-20 minutes at closed door. Wait 30 minutes, ventilate the area. The effect is partial and requires repeated treatment after a while;
  • air purifier with HEPA filter. The air passing through the filters is purified by 80% of unpleasant odors and cigarette smoke. Minus - frequent filter replacement, once every 2-3 months;
  • ionizer, humidifier. Compact devices, by evaporating moisture, disinfect the air and enrich the room with oxygen;
  • air conditioner. The device helps eliminate unpleasant odors through constant air circulation in the apartment. The stench goes out into the street;
  • vacuum cleaner. Latest models The device helps to clean the air from burning and dust through a filter.

The efficiency of air purification devices is 25%.

It’s easy to get rid of burning with the help of aroma oil, ventilation, air purification devices and special chemicals. It is important to clean quickly so that smelly fumes are not absorbed into furniture, wallpaper and wardrobe items.

Something burned in your apartment and you want to get rid of the unpleasant smell? Are you afraid that it will only wear off in a few days? In fact, there is no need to worry at all; you can deal with this problem easily and quickly. To make it easy for you to do this, let’s figure out how to get rid of the burning smell.

How to remove such a nasty burnt smell? If it has just appeared, you should take the following measures:

  • To begin with, the room should be very well ventilated. Be sure to open all doors and windows for this; if possible, turn on the fan for intense airflow. If you do this right away, the burning smell will not have time to stagnate in the room and be absorbed into the surfaces.
  • Next, you should carry out a full wet cleaning of your premises. Curtains should be washed if possible, and it is also worth going over all soft surfaces with a vacuum cleaner, including sofas and armchairs. If you have a steam mop, be sure to use it for this purpose - it copes best with such troubles.
  • After this, you will need to use fragrances to ensure that the apartment has a fresh aroma again. You can use special products in the form of aerosols for this purpose, or simply spread the peel of a lemon or orange around the apartment - they will neutralize any unpleasant odors well.

The measures presented will help get rid of the burning smell in the apartment if something minor has burned. If you have any Emergency, for example, there was a fire in the apartment, more effective measures will have to be taken. Let's take a look at them in more detail.

If there is a fire

Removing the smell of burning from an apartment where there was a recent fire is much more difficult than simply getting rid of the stench from burnt food or an electrical appliance. Here we need to act more radically. To get rid of the stench, you will have to throw away all the burnt things, wash the curtains in the machine, and replace the burnt fragments of the floor and walls. If possible, you need to remove finishing coat from the floor and walls, replacing it with a new one.

After this, it will be necessary to carry out wet cleaning throughout the entire apartment. During such cleaning, it is recommended to add a few spoons of vinegar to the water - this will help you quickly deal with the unpleasant odor.

Video: removing odor after a fire:

Now you need to remove the burning smell that remains in the room. This can be done using various available means. Let's look at them in more detail.

Method 1 - activated carbon

How to quickly eliminate the burning smell after a fire in an apartment? You can deal with this problem by using regular activated carbon. To do this, you will need to take several small containers, place a mixture of ordinary baking soda and charcoal in them. equal parts and place them throughout the apartment where they won’t disturb you. The mixture in these containers should be changed from time to time, otherwise it will no longer absorb the burning smell.


instead of activated carbon you can use a mixture of sand and Provençal herbs. The operating principle of this product is the same.

Method 2 - air conditioning

If you have an air conditioner in your home, you can use it to eliminate the fumes. To do this, you will need to close all the windows in the apartment and turn on the device full power. After a few hours of work, you will be able to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

After the air conditioner removes the stench, you will need to spray a freshener in the air to create a pleasant aroma in the apartment. Just do not overdo it with this product, as in high concentrations it can harm your health or your pets.

Method 3 - sheets

How to quickly deal with the unpleasant smell in the house after a fire? Use ordinary sheets for this purpose. You will need to soak them for a short time in a weak vinegar solution and hang them in all rooms. They will quickly absorb all the unpleasant odors.


If you don't have enough sheets, you can do the same trick with large towels and unnecessary curtains. They will work just as well.

Method 4 - water containers

This method of removing the burning smell can be used immediately after extinguishing a fire, it is so simple to use. As part of it, it is enough to fill several deep pans with water and place them throughout the room. Such pans should be left for several hours, in which case they will be able to completely absorb unpleasant odors.

If you want to speed up getting the desired effect from this technique, you will need to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate instead of ordinary water - it usually works much better. This solution will also need to be updated from time to time, otherwise at some point it will stop absorbing fumes.


Boiling water also helps a lot to get rid of the stench. To use this method, you will need to collect several saucepans and place them on the stove to boil. Just remember to refresh the water in them so that the liquid does not boil away completely.

Method 5 - aromatic oils

This technique for removing stench should only be used when the apartment has already been cleaned and ventilated. It is used like this:

  1. Heat several pots of water.
  2. Pots are placed throughout the house.
  3. Add a few drops of essential oil (for example, pine needle or orange oil) to each container and leave it for several hours.


Be careful with this method if you have allergies in your home. Essential oils They can provoke a serious attack, so in this case it is recommended to use more harmless means, for example, containers with clean water.

You can also use instead aromatic oils ordinary pine needles. Just bring a few pine or spruce legs into the house and place them in all rooms. It won't take long and they will completely rid your home of the stench.

Method 6 - salt

This is another simple way to easily get rid of the burning smell. It is very simple to use: you will need to take salt (you can choose table salt, but it will also work regular salt for a bath without a strong fragrance) and pour it small slides in all corners of the apartment. It absorbs odor. You will only need to replace the salt slides with new ones from time to time, throwing away the product that has already accumulated soot.


remember that such salt very quickly absorbs various harmful substances. Under no circumstances should you use it in the future for cooking or any household needs, just throw it away.

If you want not only the unpleasant odors to disappear from your house, but also a subtle pleasant aroma to appear, use ordinary coffee beans instead of salt. All you need to do is pour it into small containers (you can take ordinary shallow jars or small bowls for this purpose) and place such containers throughout the apartment. After a few hours, the coffee will absorb the burnt residue and all you have to do is throw it away. Like table salt, this product cannot be used for any household purposes after such use.

Video: how to remove the burning smell?