How to quickly cover a roof. The best way to cover the roof of a house - how to choose roofing material. Corrugated bitumen sheets

How to quickly cover a roof. The best way to cover the roof of a house - how to choose roofing material. Corrugated bitumen sheets

What to cover with? People who built a house have this question. It must be covered so that the roof of the house does not leak, is durable, and has an aesthetic appearance.

In this text we will tell you which type of roofing material is best for you to choose.

Nowadays, the construction market is filled with a very diverse range of roofing materials and therefore it is very difficult to make a choice in favor of one material or another. And so on, we will talk about different materials that can be used to cover the roof.

In order to choose a material for roofing, you should consider some nuances:

  • Reliability;
  • Strength;
  • A price that will match your financial capabilities and the appearance of your home.

Roof selection

Professionals highlight several characteristics of the roof that need to be taken into account in order to get a good result.

Let's consider these characteristics:

  1. Colors;
  2. Form;
  3. Cost of work;
  4. Weight of material;
  5. Strength and reliability;
  6. Price of the item being purchased.

Before purchasing roofing material, it is necessary to take into account its weight, this is necessary in order to take into account the load on the rafter system when designing it.

Many consumers make a very big mistake by paying attention only to the external qualities of roofing materials and, as a result, other qualities of the materials are not considered. For this reason, the choice falls on materials of low quality and shorter service life.

To ensure that the roofing material lasts a long time and the functionality of the roof is not affected, experts give the following advice:

  1. and must be combined;
  2. There must be access to surface treatment;
  3. Weight of material;
  4. Material price;
  5. Appearance;
  6. The roof covering must meet all necessary requirements.

To cover a pitched roof, different materials are used, which we will discuss later.

Choosing roofing material

Metal tiles

This material was used more than a hundred years ago and in our time, thanks to new technologies, it has improved the appearance and quality

Advantages of the material

Ceramic tiles have the following characteristics:

  1. Durability;
  2. Reliability;
  3. Resistant to moisture;
  4. Strength;
  5. Durability;
  6. Does not transmit ultraviolet radiation.

Ceramic tiles have both positive and negative qualities. The negative quality is the heavy weight and price.


is a durable and reliable material, and experts often use it as a roofing material.

The better and cheaper way to cover the roof of a house The beauty of a house's roof depends on many factors, but the roofing deck plays a major role. The correct choice of roofing coating depends on how comprehensively the material has been analyzed and all its properties have been correctly assessed.


The beauty of a house's roof depends on many factors, but the roofing deck plays a major role. The correct choice of roofing coating depends on how comprehensively the material has been analyzed and all its properties have been correctly assessed. Only after a detailed study of the roofing materials market can you decide what is best to cover the roof of your house and which flooring will be cheaper.

The main characteristics of roofing decking that should be taken into account when purchasing building materials:

  • The compatibility of the configuration, color and texture of the roof with the façade cladding of the house and the style of the landscape;
  • Strength, durability, roof resistance to numerous external influences;
  • The mass of roofing modules, which affects the method of erecting the rafter system;
  • Labor intensity and cost of installation work when installing the roof;
  • Plasticity, the ability to form a roof of complex shape;
  • The degree of noiselessness of the coating under the influence of precipitation;
  • Price category of building materials.

Comparative table of properties and costs of roofing materials:

Roofing material



Price, rub./m2

Reasonable price.

Variability of shapes and color palette.

Ease of installation.

Mechanical strength.

Light weight.

Moisture and frost resistance.

Risk of corrosion.

Flexible tiles

Presentable appearance, variety of colors.

Easy to install and repair.

High heat and sound insulation.

Moisture resistance.

Susceptibility to deformation due to temperature changes.

Ceramic tiles

Noble appearance.

Excellent sound and heat insulation.

Durability is about 100 years.

Considerable weight. High price.

Labor-intensive installation.

1000 or more

Affordable price.

Durability (at least 30 years)

Lightness and strength.

Easy to install and repair.

Environmental friendliness and biosustainability.

Frost and moisture resistance.

Attractive appearance, wide range of colors.

High fire hazard.

Susceptibility to deformation from mechanical stress and temperature changes.

Budget cost.

Frost and moisture resistance.

Simplified installation diagram.

Low level of noise and heat insulation.

Low strength, especially along the edge of the roof.

Susceptibility to the formation of fungal and mold outbreaks.

Corrugated sheet

Low price.

Durability provided proper installation.

Simplified installation diagram, easy repair.

Moisture, frost, fire resistance.

Light weight.

Low level of noise absorption and thermal insulation.

Susceptibility to corrosion.

The need for a lightning rod.

Traditional tiles

Tiles are one of the oldest roofing materials known since ancient times. If previously it was made only from clay, now sand-cement and lime-sand mixtures are used, covered with colored glaze or engobe, achieving high wear resistance of the modules. The key advantages of classic tiles include their ideal durability (about 100 years) and environmental friendliness, fire, water and frost resistance, noiselessness and low costs during roof operation.

The fundamental disadvantages of traditional tiled roofing are fragility, high cost and massiveness, which requires significant strengthening of load-bearing walls and the construction of a powerful foundation. Among other things, when installing a tile roof, a steep slope is required for effective snow melting and storm water drainage, and installation of the decking is significantly complicated due to the piece nature of the material.

Metal tiles are made from profiled metal sheets (steel, copper, aluminum) with a protective zinc and decorative polymer coating. The beauty of the material is achieved through stylization to resemble natural ceramic tiles. High aesthetics and resistance to fading, reliability and durability, ease of installation and budget cost - these are the key advantages of a metal tile roof. In addition, the low weight of metal tiles can significantly simplify the rafter system and foundation design, reducing the cost of building a house as a whole.

The disadvantages of metal tile flooring include:

  • Susceptibility to corrosion, especially in areas with a damaged polymer layer, in places where sheets are cut and along the contour of mounting holes.
  • High noise level, the need for thorough sound insulation of the roof.
  • Increased thermal conductivity, requiring high-quality thermal insulation of the coating.
  • The metal creates a cold bridge, due to which condensation forms in the under-roof space of a metal tile roof - the installation of a sealed membrane is mandatory.

Flexible roofing (bitumen shingles) is made from fiberglass, impregnated with bitumen and enriched with colored stone coating. This roofing decking is moisture resistant and not subject to corrosion processes. Flexible tiles are plastic, which allows them to be used for arranging spherical and dome-shaped roofs, as well as roofs of complex geometry. Light weight, variety of shapes and shades, noiselessness are the cardinal advantages of the material. The main disadvantage is the high cost of installation, which requires the installation of a solid base flooring made of wood or plywood. In general, flexible tiles are cheaper than ceramic tiles, but more expensive than metal tiles.

A modern type of flexible tile is Onduvilla roofing material. This is a coating that maintains volume and color uniformity throughout its entire service life. Onduvilla perfectly waterproofs and does not make noise in the rain, does not heat up in the heat and does not crack in the cold. Condensation does not accumulate under such a roof, and installation and transportation of the material is simplified due to the small format of the modules.

Ondulin is a practical and budget-friendly roofing material that imitates slate. Light in weight, silent and moisture-resistant, durable and flexible, easy to install - ondulin has a lot of advantages - due to this, it has gained the love of many private developers.

Advantages of ondulin:

  • Reduced roof weight due to the low weight of the sheet and narrow end overlaps.
  • Easy installation without marking and aligning sheets due to convex guides and ready-made holes for hardware.
  • Excellent waterproofing parameters thanks to the locking system when installing overlapping.
  • Sheet fasteners are equipped with molded caps with an O-ring that completely cover the mounting holes.


Slate is a common roofing material for a wide range of homeowners, relatively durable (about 50 years) and cheap. It is sealed, mechanically stable and quite durable. Disadvantages - tendency to destroy edges, susceptibility to the spread of fungus and mold.

During the Soviet Union, there were no difficulties when choosing roofing materials. In all construction stores it was possible to purchase only slate and roofing felt. Today the situation has changed, and the potential client is offered a lot of options. The solution to the question of how to properly cover a roof directly depends on the choice of roofing material.

In this article

What parameters should you use to choose a roof?

Roofing materials are subject to fairly stringent requirements. They must meet the following criteria:

  • durability;
  • safety, first of all, for health;
  • strength;
  • attractive appearance;
  • the ability to clearly repeat the shape of the roof;

The main types of roof coverings: slate, metal profiles, metal tiles, ondulin. There are also more exotic types (tiles, ceramic plastic), but we need to figure out how to cover the roof of a house inexpensively and with the highest quality.


This roofing material has been used to cover roofs for decades. Over such a long period of operation, all the positive and negative aspects were identified.


Its main disadvantages include the following qualities:

  • toxicity;
  • fragility;
  • Moss may appear on the slate in shaded areas.


Nevertheless, this roofing material is still sold in many hardware stores. This means that there are also positive qualities that are in demand by consumers:

  • affordable price;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • ease of installation;
  • flat slate sheets can be used not only for roofing work, but also for the construction of some garden and outbuildings.

Sometimes sales consultants claim the “special” strength of the material. Anyone who has ever climbed onto the roof of a slate-roofed house as a child will respond to such a statement with a smile. Upon closer examination, it turns out that, other things being equal, the material compares favorably with its analogues only in price. For a private residential home, aesthetics is an important factor, and slate cannot boast of this. Therefore, this roofing material is a good option for a small country house or outbuildings. It is better to refrain from covering the roof of a private house with slate.

Metal tiles

One of the most common roofing coverings. Metal tiles are a material based on metals protected by a polymer coating and are distinguished by their aesthetic appearance.


The use of metal tiles is understandable due to its positive characteristics:

  • attractive appearance;
  • wide color palette;
  • working with metal tiles does not require special skills;
  • durability;

Many manufacturers and specialized organizations cite the low price of the material as an additional advantage. But for some reason they don’t take into account that related and consumable materials also cost money. One of the main drawbacks is the predisposition of the material to condensate; to neutralize it you have to purchase a special membrane, which also costs money.


Other disadvantages include:

  • low sound insulation;
  • during operation, a large amount of surplus remains (about 30%);
  • Corrosion may appear on metal tiles coated with a small layer of polymer materials.

In principle, it cannot be said that the negative aspects are of critical importance. Therefore, when deciding how to cover the roof, and most importantly, with what, metal tiles should not be discounted. This is one of the most common options. The price is a little confusing, but overall it’s a decent option.


The name of this roofing material is, as they say, “well-known,” but it’s unlikely that anyone will tell you what it is without preparation. Ondulin is a soft roofing material developed in France. In appearance it is similar to slate, and for its production the following materials were used: bitumen, cellulose fibers, mineral fillers and special resins. During the production process, ondulin fabric is impregnated twice with bitumen compounds, and at the final stage it is covered with acrylic paints.


The following circumstances speak in favor of choosing such a roofing material:

  • light weight, which facilitates transportation and installation;
  • ondulin is resistant to chemically active substances, sunlight, and temperature changes.
  • roofing material does not harm the environment and human health.
  • Mold and fungal diseases do not appear on ondulin.

Construction stores and companies, apparently, talk about “affordability” as advertising. A very controversial statement. Price tags for ondulin start at 300 rubles, excluding accompanying accessories.


On the negative side, ondulin is characterized by:

  • the material is susceptible to mechanical loads; after completing roofing work, it is better not to climb onto the roof;
  • The joints between the canvases require special attention.
  • Some types of ondulin fade when exposed to sunlight for a long time (a partial solution is to use brown or red material).

For use anywhere in France or Sochi, this is a fairly decent roofing material. In harsher climates, where snow is sometimes hauled away by the ton, the inability to withstand significant loads is cause for concern.

Another controversial point is the flammability of the material. Of course, any owner will say that his stove/boiler/chimney is installed taking into account all fire safety requirements. But no one will give the same guarantee about nearby houses. Therefore, when thinking about the best way to cover a roof, you need to consider ondulin as a roofing material for a private home with caution and taking into account the climatic conditions of the region.

Metal profile (corrugated sheet)

Metal profiles are produced not only for roofing work; there are also such options as wall (analogous to siding) and load-bearing (fences, outbuildings). Roofing corrugated sheeting has a higher corrugation, which increases its strength.

In addition, some manufacturers are experimenting with rolling machine rollers to achieve a great appearance. In some cases, corrugated sheeting is not inferior in design to metal tiles.


Metal profiles occupy one of the top positions in the ranking of roofing materials due to their positive qualities:

  • resistance to precipitation and climatic conditions;
  • long service life;
  • resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
  • does not react to direct exposure to sunlight;
  • safe for the health of the inhabitants of the house;
  • wide range of colors.

Pricing policy is, apparently, a disease of all sellers and managers. Every question is answered with the standard answer: profitable, affordable, discounts up to 70%. It seems that the retail outlet is operating at a loss. In fact, no entrepreneur has ever been seen to be altruistic. However, this applies to all construction materials and not only.


In addition to the price, the metal profile also has other disadvantages:

  • sound insulation leaves much to be desired;
  • condensation may appear (solved with a membrane);
  • Some companies' products fade in the sun.

There are disadvantages, but they do not greatly affect the performance characteristics. The material is equally in demand by owners of private houses, respectable country cottages and small dachas. The remains of corrugated sheeting can be used in the construction of outbuildings.


When analyzing the technical characteristics of materials used for roofing work, it turns out that almost all of them have an attractive appearance (the exception is slate), serve for a long time, do not require special skills during installation, and you can choose any color scheme. Therefore, in order for the roof to last for a long time, you need to choose the material for it carefully, considering all the pros and cons.

The main parameter influencing the initial choice is how much a particular roof covering costs. From this point of view, slate wins over all of the listed roofing materials, but this is its only advantage.

Metal profiles and metal tiles are approximately in the same price category. However, corrugated sheeting is superior to its counterpart in terms of practicality. When working with a metal profile, it is easier to calculate the required amount of material. It is believed that corrugated sheeting can withstand more severe loads than metal tiles. Their negative qualities are almost completely the same.

Compared to ondulin, metal profiles can be purchased at a more favorable price. Corrugated sheeting is more reliable than ondulin in terms of fire safety, and is more resistant to mechanical damage. In defense of ondulin, it can be said that, unlike corrugated sheeting and metal tiles, it has much less mass and is considered more aesthetic.

Before making a decision, you should carefully analyze the available roofing materials, their advantages and disadvantages, and only then choose the best option.

Of course, there are a lot of roof coverings offered today, and the final choice lies entirely with the owner of the house or cottage. But when considering this or that option, evaluate the roofing material from the following aspects: resistance to loads and damage, service life, design and price. The metal profile, by the way, fully meets these requirements, and a roof covered with it will last for decades.

In Russia, the construction of residential buildings made of wood is based on many years of experience and ancient traditions. It was no coincidence that our ancestors chose this reliable material. Wood is still valued for its light weight, ease of processing, low thermal conductivity and the healthy, healing microclimate that forms within the walls of a wooden house. Many people who rebuild timber and log country houses, country houses and even city houses are wondering which roofing is best suited for structures made from this material. In this article we will talk about the most successful roof designs and roofing materials suitable for wooden construction.

The roof is an integral part of the structure of a wooden house, the quality of which determines the service life of the structure, the safety of the people living in it, as well as the temperature regime in the cold and warm seasons.

  • The roof is considered one of the most difficult parts to construct, since it consists of many elements and its structure resembles a layer cake. A wooden house is characterized by two types of roofing:
  • Cold. A roof is called cold if its structure does not include thermal insulation material. Russian towers traditionally had this design. The attic of a cold roof was not used constantly, so it was not the slopes that were insulated, but the floors using backfill thermal insulation material, most often sawdust.

Warm. Warm roofing is a roof erected over residential attics or simply heated rooms. In this case, the composition of the roofing cake must include insulation and vapor barrier. Construction of a warm roof is more expensive, but it helps to significantly increase the area of ​​the house by using the under-roof space.

Important! Modern wooden houses can be built with a cold or warm roof, depending on the project and the needs of the developer. Experienced craftsmen believe that for structures with an unheated second floor or those used seasonally, it is better to choose a lighter and less expensive cold roof, which forms a natural air cushion that protects against overheating and hypothermia.

Varieties of forms

Note! When deciding which roof to choose for a wooden house, carefully consider the angle of the slopes. The choice of this indicator is based on the climatic conditions characteristic of the construction region. For areas with a lot of precipitation in winter, structures with a slope of 40-45 degrees are suitable, from the slopes of which snow easily rolls off. For windy areas, flat roofs are better suited, the angle of slope of which does not exceed 20-25 degrees.

Roofing material

The construction market offers a huge selection of roofing materials suitable for covering the roof of a wooden house. They are characterized by high weather resistance, durability, long service life and aesthetic appearance.

The roof of wooden structures should not interfere with their “breathing”, creating a greenhouse effect, therefore experienced craftsmen recommend choosing among the following coatings:

Please note that it is better to use light, durable and non-flammable materials for covering a wooden house that do not weigh down the structure of the house. If you choose according to these criteria, then the leaders are metal tiles and galvanized seam roofing.

  1. The construction of roofs for houses made of wood differs from the construction of roofs for structures made of other materials. An inexperienced craftsman may make some mistakes, which can lead to deformation or even collapse of the structure. To avoid problems when operating your home, the following factors must be taken into account:
  2. Shrinkage time. Please note that timber and wooden houses shrink during the first time after construction, significantly changing in size. Therefore, the roof for them is erected only after a year of construction.
  3. Use of movable fasteners. When humidity changes, wood changes in volume, which is why wooden houses are said to breathe. In addition, they shrink even five years after construction. Therefore, when constructing a rafter system, it is recommended to use movable and sliding fasteners.

Fire hazard. Wood is a highly flammable material, so it is recommended to treat the elements of the rafter frame with fire-retarding substances. It is better if the roofing covering for such houses is non-flammable, for example, metal tiles.

Important! To insulate the roofs of wooden houses, only vapor-permeable, environmentally friendly materials are used, which create a “greenhouse effect” inside, which leads to dampness or rotting of the wood.

One of these difficulties is the question of what is best to cover the roof of a private house.

Thanks to this article, this problem will no longer occur.

Everyone will choose what they like and can afford.

Materials for roof decoration

Currently, the roofing materials market amazes with its diverse, wide range.

All of them are distinguished by high technology and quality, but are suitable for certain architectural and design solutions.

Slate and Euroslate

Slate these days is a material that is made by mixing asbestos mass and cement.

The reasons for its enormous popularity are its unpretentiousness, excellent fire resistance, and durability.

A roof covered with this material does not require additional maintenance; this material is much cheaper compared to others.

Typically, sheets of 1130 by 1750 mm are used to decorate the roofs of houses.

Sheets are usually made with eight waves.

Laying a roof with such slate does not require any special knowledge; you can do it yourself if you have a good eye.

Euro slate looks practically no different from the good old corrugated slate made of cement and asbestos.

But, unlike the “classic” material, ondulin - the second name for Euro slate - is made from a different material: pressed bitumen, which is much more flexible and stronger.

Laying this material requires additional structures in the form of a valley, ridge, vertical planks, etc.

Metal tile roof

Metal tiles are roofing materials made from thin sheets of copper or stainless steel.

To improve the protective properties, each plate is profiled and coated with a layer of polymer.

In appearance, metal tiles resemble ceramic tiles.

This material is very common, since its use is advisable for any climatic zones.

Metal tiles are usually used to cover roofs with varying numbers of slopes.

The only drawback of this material is its poor corrosion resistance.

If the polymer layer is destroyed under the influence of the environment, then the metal of the tile is subject to corrosion from the influence of snow or rain, and temperatures.

For protection, when laying, it is necessary to additionally treat the joints of metal tiles with varnish or a thin layer of mastic.

Folded paintings

Seam roofing is one of the most reliable types of covering, which ensures complete tightness at the joints.

Seam plates, which are called paintings, are made of thin galvanized steel.

Each slab can be coated with a polymer layer, but there are slabs without them.

The plates are connected to each other by seam locks, the design of which is a groove on one plate and a sliding groove on the other.

At the top, both grooves are hidden with a rebate lock. .


  • tightness, which is achieved by connecting using a rebate and slabs that are laid overlapping;
  • very long service life: enormous resistance to corrosion is increased by the use of polymers and copper plates;
  • very convenient installation: Seam roofing is perfect for any type of roof, it is very easy to install, the slabs are easily adjusted to each other.

Roll roofing

Roll roofing is the most common and simplest type.

This is explained by the ease of installation and its absolute low cost.

As a rule, roll covering is used on a flat roof.

Such a roof can easily be laid on reinforced concrete coverings of outbuildings.

The canvas is usually made no wider than a meter and seven to nine meters in length.

The thickness of the canvas varies from 2 to 5 millimeters depending on the length: the longer, the thicker.

Roll roofing is not used for roofs with a slope of more than 30 degrees, and in other cases this type of roofing can easily outperform difficult-to-install and expensive types of roofing materials.

Mastic roofing

This type of roofing is soft, similar to roll roofing, but in this case roll materials are not used.

Special mastics and additional reinforcement are used as “raw materials”.

The positive properties of mastic roofing are its low cost and easy installation process.

The main thing in the installation method is to lay all the mastic in an even layer, reinforce it with a thin wooden or metal sheathing and pour it again with an even layer of hot mastic.

A roof that is filled with mastic is a combination of quality, functionality and low cost.

There are two types of mastic roofing: without reinforcement and with additional reinforcement.

Non-reinforced roofs using mastic are made in two layers: a layer of silicone emulsion, which does not allow water to pass through, and a layer of mastic is poured onto the emulsion layer.

Everything is done “hot”.

Mastic roofing has one positive property: there are no seams when pouring, but it is necessary to maintain uniformity of pouring, except for the seals under the ridge or in the places where joints or corners of the roof are attached.

Roof type

Set-type roofs are usually made using ceramic tiles.

Over a long period of use by different generations, such a roof has passed many tests.

The stacked roof is very resistant to precipitation and temperature.

Its texture is sufficiently flexible, which greatly facilitates installation.

Recently, inlaid roofing has been very popular in the construction of country cottages and houses.

There are three types of tiles:

  • from clay of different properties;
  • a mixture of sand and polymer dust,
  • a mixture of sand and Portland cement.

This roofing is very suitable for roofs with different numbers of slopes, but it must be remembered that at an angle of inclination above 50 degrees, the tiles are additionally secured with screws.

Stacked roofing is the most expensive type of roofing, therefore it is used as a “finishing” type of roofing for important buildings.

The main advantages include excellent aesthetic appearance, fire resistance and strength.

Because tiles are heavy, the roof requires an additional rafter system and sheathing.

Video about how to cover a roof.

Reviews from buyers and developers

StroyTrest LLC, on the market since 1992. We actively use seam roofing in the construction of roofs. This material has proven itself to be excellent in quality, consumer demand, and excellent strength characteristics. The invention of the seam is a new word in roofing. Currently, our company has stopped dealing with other types of roofing, since seam slabs make up 90% of our income. In addition to installation, we recommend this material to both private individuals and developers.

Egor, 42 years old. Recently I decided to rebuild my country house. I poured and laid the floors, raised the walls, erected a hipped roof, but the funds limit was exhausted. The question arose about how to make a roof, but at a cheaper price. In order to stay within the budget, I decided to make the roof from roll material. It turned out great. It is very easy to lay, cut with a regular knife, the cost also satisfied me. Excellent, affordable and high quality material.

Semyon, 27 years old. I moved with my wife to a two-story building. Such houses are still found in urban settlements; they lived there for the whole summer, and in the fall it turned out that the roof was leaking. I had no doubts for a long time and decided to re-cover the roof at my own expense. The roof is flat. I thought for a long time about what to do and finally decided to fill the floors with mastic. For an area of ​​40 square meters, only 80 liters of mastic were enough, which cost several thousand rubles. We are still living, 4 years have passed, and we are not complaining. An excellent material for making a roof.

Sergey Novozhilov is an expert on roofing materials with 9 years of practical experience in the field of engineering solutions in construction.