How to deal with hairy alenka. Hairy deer is a flower beetle in the garden and flower bed. Chemical methods of combating hairy deer

How to deal with hairy alenka.  Hairy deer is a flower beetle in the garden and flower bed.  Chemical methods of combating hairy deer
How to deal with hairy alenka. Hairy deer is a flower beetle in the garden and flower bed. Chemical methods of combating hairy deer

This spring appeared in Ukraine malicious pest- Alenka hairy beetle (Olenka volokhata or bronze beetle). It destroys all the color on fruit trees and bushes in a matter of hours, thereby leaving gardeners without a future harvest.

The fight against Alenka furry is difficult.

Scientists suggest that the homeland of this pest is Asia. Due to the change climatic conditions Recently, the habitat of the hairy Alenka has become huge: the southern region of the European part of Russia, then its movement is observed in the northern part ( Voronezh region), Kazakhstan, Ukraine and others.

In Ukraine, the invasion of hairy Alenka was noticed to a greater extent in the steppe and forest-steppe zones.

Biological information about Alenka hairy beetle (bronze beetle)

Bronze beetle of the genus May beetles. In winter it lives in the soil, sleeps there at night and hides from rain and cold. Does not eat plant roots. It feeds on plant residues and humus.

Hairy Alenka is only 8-13 mm long and 6-8 mm wide. The body is covered with hairs and white spots on the elytra. When you touch a bug, it will appear bad smell from the secreted yellow liquid.

What does Alenka furry like?

“To feast on” (to cause significant harm) Hairy Alenka comes to the surface during the flowering period of dandelions and coltsfoot. Then it begins to eat the petals and stamens of tulips, irises, daffodils, magnolias, and peonies. And when apple, apricot, cherry, sweet cherry, pear, peach and other stone fruit trees begin to bloom, strawberries fly to them.

Fight with Alenka furry

The fight should begin even before the garden blooms - treating the soil with chemicals under the trees.

However, it is worth recognizing the fact that there is still NO “magic pill” in the fight against Alenka furry; the pest can be compared to Tatar-Mongol yoke(they swooped in, ate them, flew away).

Hairy deer (hairy bronze beetle) is a beetle slightly smaller in size than a bee, 8-12 mm long, 6-8 mm wide, gray-black in color with light spots, the body is covered with thick hairs.

Hairy honey fungus damages buds and flowers, eating away the stamens and pistils of flowers, not only on fruit trees and bushes, but also on garden strawberries and most flowers. At the end of flowering fruit trees and plants, the bronzeback switches to its traditional diet - it feeds on flowers and pollen of cereals. I remember the first time I saw these beetles was on ears of wheat and rye. Local residents called them “living beetles.”

Now for us gardeners, the beetle is an even bigger problem than the flower beetle, since the beetle climbs almost halfway into the blooming flower and eats it completely. The beetle flies, which complicates the fight against it; new individuals arrive to replace those caught and dead. In one day, a deer can eat the flower on an entire tree, leaving the gardener with his nose.

Last spring, before the garden bloomed, I carried out two sprayings: the first as soon as the snow melted (with urea and copper sulfate), and the second - with a pink cone (calypso preparation) against the flower beetle and other pests. The flower beetle was practically invisible, but these sprays turned out to be harmless for the fawn, because it appears precisely during the flowering period, and it is undesirable to spray chemicals at this time, because the bees will also die with the bronco beetle.

I tried spraying strawberries with Actophyte before flowering - I didn’t notice any effect, the deer continued to sit on the flowers. Probably because there was a lot of it.

So far the most effective method- collect the beetle First I tried to collect it manually, like Colorado potato beetle, in a jar of water, but this is very long and ineffective. But I noticed that the beetle quickly drowned in the water, and didn’t even flounder. That same evening, I tied a water sprinkler to an armature about 1.80 m long, installed it between four trees and turned on the watering. I immediately noticed how the wet beetles almost immediately began to fall to the ground.

I spread the film under the trees, turned on the watering for 5-7 minutes, then moved the sprayer further. And while the watering was working in another place, I shook the honey fungus from the branches onto the film, and then into a bucket of water. In the process, I noticed that the beetle itself flies to the water and drowns. Then he placed buckets and various plastic boxes with water throughout the garden. Of course, this is not the most effective method, but still 20-50 beetles per day were collected in a container with water.

The fawn hibernates in the ground at a depth of about 5 cm. To kill it, I was advised to treat the area with chemicals. But new beetles will arrive, and the poison will remain in the ground, so I immediately rejected this option. The deer have not yet discovered any natural enemies. Even the birds don't peck at it. So the search for control measures continues.

How do you fight this scourge? If you have any ideas, write below.

Biology, lifestyle and nutritional patterns

On warm sunny days, beetles feed mainly on flowers. various plants- weeds, wild shrub species, gnawing out the pistil and ovary. Among perennial herbaceous plants prefer the borage family. These are all types of honeydew - medicinal, soft and dark. Luxurious flowers honeydews are collected in curls at the tops of the stems, they are clearly visible, with bell-shaped cups. Lungworts vegetate from the third decade of March and attract Alenka adults well.

Intensively attract phytophage and flowering bushes rose hips, in particular may, apple and wrinkled. Rosehip flowers are large, with five pink petals in the middle of which there are a large number of stamens It is often possible to observe the accumulation of 3-4 phytophage adults on one flower during 2-3 weeks of flowering (May), since some of the rosehip species are used in cultivation to obtain valuable fruits and create green hedges.

Pictured is the pest Alenka Mokhnataya

Natural enemies of Alenka Mohnatay

During the diapause period, 34–65% of the population of Alenka Mohnatay dies. Reason - low temperatures, flooding, as well as intense predator activity. During the period of development of the Alenka population, it is destroyed primarily by predatory turuns and rove beetles (28–60% of eggs, larvae and pupae). Alenka larvae and pupae are integral part diet of vertebrates such as moles, dormice, field mice and other rodents.

The photo shows the larva of Alenka Mohnatay

In some years, a fairly significant proportion of larvae, pupae and adults die as a result of infection with entomopathogenic fungi - white, pink and green muscardine. With prolonged soil moisture and sudden temperature changes, it is affected by fungal pathogens and 9–26% of the Alenka population dies.

The mass indicators of the imago predetermine the physiological state, which determines the choice of optimal places for diapause and wintering. The effective part of the Alenka population is concentrated on the soil surface and in the soil at a depth of 5 cm, which is 66.1%. This is where they are created optimal conditions for overwintering beetles. It is also obvious that physiologically weakened populations, and this is more than 19%, as a rule, die under the influence of various stress factors throughout long period diapause. This is a kind of prey for numerous populations of predatory arthropods.

Protection in small areas

There is perhaps only one, quite effective technique mass destruction of Alenka, which is based on such a feature of its biology as the intensive pubescence of the imago with thick hairs. The essence of the technique is that during the period of mass colonization of bushes or plants by Alenka, they are sprayed with clean river water throughout the day, when the beetles are most active. Drops of water concentrate on the hairs, as a result of which the beetles lose motor and flight activity.

After a few minutes they are shaken off plastic film, collected and destroyed. If the pest population is high, this technique must be carried out several times a day. It is clear that this method can only be used in private and country farms.

Farm protection

Specific ecological conditions of the research sites - significant species diversity of wild shrub and herbaceous nectar bearers, plantings of cultivated plants, with a predominance of berry plants - all this together the necessary conditions for the development and spread of Alenka. The peculiar natural landscape that took place in the research area (the presence of steep hills and lowlands) excluded active economic activity. Maximum solar insolation also contributed to the spread and development of the pest population.

Long-term studies were carried out mainly in black currant agrocenoses. It has been experimentally established that the spread of a pest is a typical example of the species' development of ecological niches, the biotic potential of which is limited only by a trophic resource.

In private and country farms, it is necessary to destroy Alenka wintering areas - row spacing, field edges, by loosening and digging the soil and raking the leaf layer with its subsequent disposal.

As operational measures aimed at protecting, first of all, berry fields, garden plantings and vegetables, the use of domestic entomopathogenic drugs Boverin 3.0% w.c. is proposed. With. and Pecilomina 3.0% c. with... An aqueous solution of drugs is used to treat areas of mass accumulation of Alenka adults. The drugs affect oviposition, larvae, pupae and diapausing adults of the pest.

The results indicate that biological products were the main cause of death of almost all stages of pest development. Long-term contact (over 6 months) of entomopathogenic fungi from Alenka adults led to the death of 74–83% of the population. Sharp changes in temperature and air humidity destabilized the physiological state of the population, which caused its mass infection by entomopathogens.

Since during growing season Only one generation of Alenka develops; treatment with drugs is carried out once during the period of mass migration of adults into the soil. The method is quite technological, the preparations are characterized by an indifferent effect in relation to entomophages, and are non-toxic for entomophages and pollinating insects. This is evidence of the promise of using this technology to protect berry fields and vegetables from Alenka Mohnatay.

Video "Alenka Mohnataya - a way to fight"

Hairy deer - the name of the beetle sounds harmless and even funny, but in fact it is one of the most dangerous and harmful flower beetles, which is capable of as soon as possible destroy all the flowers of fruit trees and subsequently lead to complete loss of the harvest.

It is almost impossible to completely destroy this beetle, but its numbers can be significantly reduced.

The hairy deer is native to Asian countries. Thanks to climate change and international transport, this beetle has significantly expanded its habitat. In Ukraine, the southern and central regions suffer most from deer.

The hairy deer belongs to the group of bronzes. The larva lives in the soil, feeds on plant debris and humus, without causing harm to the roots. In the fall, the beetles pupate and overwinter in the ground, at a depth of 15-40 cm, without coming to the surface. In the spring, when dandelions bloom, deer wake up and raid the buds of fruit and berry crops. At night they hide in the ground from the cold and rain.

The dimensions of the hairy deer are 7-13 mm in length and 6-8 mm in width. The body is covered with hairs and white spots on the elytra. If the beetle is disturbed, it secretes an unpleasant-smelling yellow liquid.

The hairy deer loves dandelion flowers, but does not disdain cultivated plants- causes particular harm to daffodils, tulips, magnolias, and peonies.

The hairy deer causes great damage by eating fruit flowers: apple trees, pears, apricots, cherries, cherries, peach, etc. Flowers also suffer from its invasion garden strawberries and even young seedlings.

Ecological methods of combating hairy deer

Measures to combat hairy deer can be divided into environmental and chemical.

  • The most environmentally friendly and effective is massive and large-scale support for the population of birds that eat pests - rooks, magpies, starlings, hoopoes. Make houses for birds, feed them winter time, create them in the garden favorable corners for life - and they will thank you for your care by protecting your plants from voracious pests.
  • Manual collection of hairy bronze is effective only for small quantities of the pest.
  • You can spread a tarp or plastic sheeting under the trees and shake off the beetles on them, then destroy them. It is recommended to douse the tree trunks before this procedure. cold water to make it difficult for beetles to climb up the trunk.
  • Through research, it was found that furry deer exhibit an irresistible craving for blue color. This is the basis for the method of catching pest beetles in blue bowls filled with water with the addition of an insecticide (Aktara, Calypso, Enzhio, Decis pro). Blue containers (disposable plastic ones are possible) with insecticide diluted with water are placed under the tree crowns and periodically cleaned by adding fresh solution.

Chemical methods of combating hairy deer

If manual collection and manipulation of blue bowls does not produce results, you can use “heavy artillery” against the hairy deer:

  • Before flowering begins, treat the soil under the trees with pesticides: , . This treatment has a detrimental effect on the larval stage of pest beetles (hairy bronze beetle, beetle).
  • In the 50s, hexachlorane dust was used to combat hairy deer. The pesticide was embedded in the upper part of the soil under the fruit trees to a depth of 5 cm. When a beetle burrows into the ground to roost for the night after a “working” day, it dies from the effects of the poison. However, this method of fighting also poses a threat to humans, so it is currently prohibited.
  • Permitted methods of combating deer include treating buds and flowers with preparations and Mavrik. These products act on deer, but do not harm bees, bumblebees and other beneficial insects.

Have a good harvest and beautiful flowers!

About three years ago I came across a new species of beetle for our area (Ukraine, Kiev region).

Alenka shaggy (Bronzovka) is slightly smaller than a bee, but much thicker, its size is 12-14 millimeters, its color is gray-black with light spots, its body is covered with thick hairs.

Hairy alenka is a beetle that eats buds and flowers, eating out the stamens and pistils of flowers, and on almost everything that blooms...(((((

Fruit trees, bushes, strawberries and even some flowers…. At the end of flowering of fruit trees and plants, the bronzovka switches to its traditional diet - the color of wheat, rye….

Now, this is an even bigger problem for us than the flower beetle, since Alenka fits almost halfway into a blooming flower and eats it completely. This beetle flies, which complicates the fight against it, since new ones arrive to take the place of those caught and dead...((((

I have already sprayed the garden twice: the first was as soon as the snow melted (with carbamide with copper sulfate), and the second was on the blossoming pink cone of a flower bud, against the flower beetle and other pests, with the drug "Calypso". The flower beetle is practically invisible, but for Alenka these sprayings are practically are not very scary, since Alenka appears precisely during the flowering period, and it is undesirable to spray it with chemicals at this time, because with bronze the bees will also die.

I tried spraying strawberries with Aktara before flowering, but it was not very effective, since Alenka continues to sit on the flowers...(((((

So far, the most effective way is to collect the beetle. At first we tried to collect them with our hands, according to the principle of the Colorado potato beetle, in a jar of water - but this took a very long time. But I noticed that the beetle quickly drowns in the water, doesn’t even flounder... And that same evening, I tried to turn on the water sprinkler (sprinkler), and immediately noticed that the wet beetle almost immediately falls to the ground, that is, it doesn’t like moisture very much... .

I spread the film under the trees, turned on the waterer for 5-7 minutes, then moved it further. And while the sprinkler is working elsewhere, we shake Alenka from the branches onto the film and then into a bucket of water. I also noticed that Alenka drowns herself in water, so they placed buckets and various plastic boxes with water around the garden.

Well, I have sad news...((((

So, be careful!

Best regards, Chuiko Sergey.