Quality of natural gas supplied to consumers. What determines the calorie content of natural gas. What is this about

Quality of natural gas supplied to consumers. What determines the calorie content of natural gas. What is this about

The calculation of gas calorific value is required, as a rule, by the owners of houses and cottages for settlements with gas suppliers. Blue fuel in this case is used to maintain heat in the room and heat water, and these utilities are priced in Gcal.

You will need

Gas meter, gas calorimeter, gas consumption standard.

Variations according to supply pressure

The largest places of consumption of companies, local governments and condominiums are served with more than high pressure delivery: for 300 mbar, the following average conversion factors. Regardless of which supplier and offer you choose, the coefficient will be identical in this place and at a certain point in time. The government's response has been particularly evasive on a matter that remains unclear to the vast majority of consumers.

Conversion factor, alignment tool?

The conversion rate allows all French people to boil one liter of water at the same price at the same temperature and can therefore be considered as a leveling tool. consuming gas cancels this leveling effect. Coal is the main primary energy resource used during the industrial revolution of the late eighteenth century. They will continue to play a major role in the energy scene for the next 150 years. It was not until the twentieth century that petroleum products and natural gas gradually displaced coal from different areas industry.

Sponsored by P&G placement Articles on the topic "How to convert gas to Gcal" How to calculate the volume of gas How to find the volume of gas under normal conditions How to find the internal energy of gas


Take readings from the gas meter. Write down the obtained data on the used cubic meters. To find out how much energy you consumed, you need to multiply taken readings on the calorie content of the fuel. Natural gas is a mixture of propane, butane and other compounds. Therefore, in different regions specific heat combustion of its cubic meter can range from 7.6 thousand to 9.5 thousand kcal. According to the order of the Federal Tariff Service, a value of 7900 kcal is used for gas produced by Gazprom. For bulk purchases, recalculation is provided for deviations from the norm. Convert the received calories to larger units. Gigacalories are 10 to the ninth power of calories. Or one followed by nine zeros. If you consumed 1000 cubic meters, then, taking into account possible fluctuations in gas caloric content, you should get from 7.6
9.5 Gcal. But such a significant consumption for residential buildings With individual boilers not typical. Accordingly, the owner of the cottage will pay only for some part of the gigacalorie. Use a gas calorimeter to exact definition energy intensity of blue fuel. It is reasonable to do this with large volumes of consumption. Manufacturers of such devices are primarily focused on large enterprises in the field of energy, ferrous metallurgy, oil production, oil refining, etc. It is required not only for calculations, but also for optimizing the gas-air ratio in heating burners and for controlling large gas flows. Make an approximate calculation of the calories spent on gas in the absence of an appropriate meter. In this case, you are charged according to the standard, which is the amount of fuel set for various kinds consumption. Multiply its value by the average caloric value of 7900 kcal / m3. Get the amount of energy used. How simple

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Today, the area of ​​natural gas is constantly expanding, despite the gloomy forecasts of its global depletion. The main reason for imposing natural gas as a source of energy is its environmental friendliness. At a time when the general trend in the development of world industry is focused on investment in environmentally friendly clean technologies production, natural gas is becoming the preferred source of primary energy. Of course, when it comes to global gas market, we must not forget about another trend, which is not only a short-term, but also a long-term aspect, which consists in the constant increase in its price.

Because the internal energy gas is the sum of all kinetic energies its molecules, then it is not possible to measure it directly. Therefore, to calculate it, use special formulas that express this value in terms of such macroscopic parameters as temperature,

AT last years gas meters are installed not only in private houses, but also in most apartments, so residents must correctly read the gas meter and pay for the consumed natural resource in accordance with them. P&G Placement Sponsor Related Articles "How to Shoot

The widespread use of natural gas is responsible for the development of the entire industry, not only for the production, storage and transportation of natural gas, but also for. Measurement of parameters and quantities. For example, studies in Germany show that if the measurement accuracy of natural gas increases by only 1%, the macroeconomic benefits for the industry will be in the order of millions of euros.

This article aims to provide you with a systematic overview of the main methods used to determine the heating value of natural gas. The reason for this is the fact that in recent years natural gas has been increasingly used both in industry and in the domestic sector.

The standard unit for measuring volume is the cubic meter. However, in everyday life, a smaller non-systemic unit is often used - a liter. Knowing the volume of a substance in liters, it is easy to convert it to cubic meters, and vice versa. But when measuring the volume of gas, liters are usually used for liquefied

Payment for utilities in accordance with the actual amount of gas consumed per month becomes possible if you install a gas meter in your house or apartment. This option of settlements in the housing and communal services sector turned out to be more acceptable for many than the usual tariff payment. However, to

What is a calorie content? It is known that natural gas burns environmentally friendly to the formation of carbon dioxide and water. By definition, calorific value includes all the energy that is unloaded during the combustion process. Typically, automatic calorimeters and process gas chromatographs are used to calculate the natural calorific value. In principle, the maximum allowable error in determining the calorific value of natural gas is 8%. To ensure the correctness of the measurements, it is necessary to provide for specially defined conditions for the measurement process.

Every month the owners of houses and apartments pay utilities: for electricity, water, gas and other services. In this regard, the question arises: how to correctly calculate the consumption of gas consumed? You will need a counter, calculator, subscriber book. P&G Placement Sponsor Related Articles

To calculate the volume of gas that is in a certain vessel or room, find their volume using geometric methods. This is due to the fact that gas always occupies the entire volume provided to it. In the event that the amount of a substance or the mass of a gas under normal conditions is known, find the volume

There are also requirements for the installation and periodic testing of calibration gas meters. The normal volume of natural gas is determined to compare the results obtained. The principle of calculation. Regardless of their design differences, all calorimeters operate on the same physical principle. circuit diagram The design of the calorimeter is shown in Fig. Generally speaking, a strictly defined amount of natural gas is burned in the combustion chamber of the calorimeter. The heat released during the combustion of natural gas is transferred through a heat exchanger to a certain amount of heat carrier, most often air or gas.

Gas is a valuable source of energy. It is necessary for a person at work and at home. It is distinguished from other types of fuel and raw materials by its low cost and high production efficiency, heat combustion and heat output, complete combustion and the absence of carbon monoxide, which

When receiving utility bills, it is quite difficult to understand many aspects of the calculations and understand: where did this or that figure come from? One of clear examples similar "difficulties of translation" - payment for the supplied heat. If a single heat meter is installed on your house, then the bills for you

The calorific value of the fuel is determined by the change in the temperature of the refrigerant. Or, more precisely, there is a direct relationship between the temperature of the refrigerant and the calorific value of the fuel. Although the principle of calorimetry has not changed since their inception, functionality modern appliances for measuring the calorific value of fuels have undergone significant development. Modern calorimetry is more accurate with increased processing, storage and analysis of measured values ​​and with more great opportunities connections.

Gas chromatographs measure the calorific value of gas mixtures. This type measuring instrument used to determine the calorific value of gas mixtures based on the calorific value of the individual components of the mixture. Of course, a prerequisite for studying the calorific value of gas mixtures using a gas chromatograph is preliminary information about their composition. The gas chromatograph is a well-known gas analysis tool among metrologists. It has been used for decades in laboratory research.

gas distribution

Gas meters with a measuring diaphragm (diaphragm gas meter) are the most common type of gas meters for measuring the volume of gas consumption (to pay for gas household consumers and small industries).

The principle of operation of a gas meter with a diaphragm

In the gas meter, a measured volume is made, separated by a flexible diaphragm - two measured volumes are obtained: gas enters volume A, gas is squeezed out of volume B by the diaphragm. In the next cycle, gas enters volume B, and is squeezed out of volume A.
The principle of operation of a gas meter with a diaphragm is to count the number of gas extrusion to the consumer.

The main disadvantage of gas chromatographs is their manual operation, which limits their scope as a function of the calorific value of natural gas. With the development of process chromatography over the years, accurate measurement of the calorific value of natural gas based on this principle has become a reality. It is known that the main structural element of a gas chromatograph is a separation column filled with granular material. The individual components of the gas mixtures pass over a varying period of time from the base to the top of the separation column.

Obviously, the gas meter does not count the mass of supplied-sold combustible gas, but the volume of gas.

Reduced gas pressure automatically increases the price of gas

Reduced gas pressure reduces the density of the gas supplied to the consumer, and hence its mass in cubic meters. That is, the price of natural gas per kilogram increases.

By measuring the time during which individual substances, which are part of the gas mixture, reach the sensor installed at the outlet of the separation column, measure the amount of substances participating in the composition gas mixture. The calorific value of the gas mixture is calculated on the basis of the calculated calorific values ​​of the individual components.

On the gas meter you consume natural gas in m3 but the invoice is loaded in kWh. How do you calculate this difference? However, the transition to the new method did not affect the method of measurement - it is still measured in m 3, and the method of taking readings also remains unchanged. How, however, do you convert this data to kWh, in which gas company charge you for full payment?

A, apply seasonal correction factors? In winter, in cold weather, is it considered that gas is denser?
This is exactly why in winter, when the consumer burns more gas for the sake of heat, it is beneficial for the gas distribution company - "gorgaz" - "oblgaz" (in general, national fuel gas distribution corporation) that gas in gas pipe was under reduced pressure.

Do you have information about what gas enters your home?
For example, I did not find natfuel.com on the National Fuel Gas Company website (Western New York and Pennsylvania - natural gas supplier). The site has everything - how to pay for gas, how to read the gas meter, about gas household appliances, even about work in the company.

Gas conversion: with a coefficient easy

However, even without knowing the exact conversion factor, you can constantly recalculate the approximate payment for natural gas consumption. Household from mountainous areas where gas is used for cooking and heating water. A household from the Olomouc region, where gas is used for cooking, water heating and heating. Household from Prague, where gas is only used for cooking.

We know how much electricity and gas is measured in kWh! What is the cost of water and petrol? Energy flows around us. It pulsates in the wind, in the water, on the Earth, and ultimately, within us - living organisms. To calculate how much money is worth money, we need to know its final form and quantify its amount. For example, electricity has a different market value than wood or gas, although this may give us some consolation.

But I did not find a description of the subject - for what the gas company collects money from consumers, that is, a description of the gas itself - how much is its calorie content in a cubic meter according to the meter: pressure, gas composition.
Are they hiding?

The gas meter counted 100 cubic meters of gas.
And how much heat did the gas company actually supply to me?

Such "household gas meters SGBET G6 "Pegas" (with electronic thermal compensation) ITRON (Germany), made in the city of Engels"...
By the way, verification of meters (checking the accuracy of the meter) of natural gas is carried out with air, according to the verification methodology.
Or American Meter AC-250 Diaphragm Gas Meter from IMAC Systems, Inc. (Tullytown, PA).
Imported Chinese mechanical diaphragm gas meter G series "company" Hangzhou Beta Gas Meter Co. has even a more frank description - it is intended to measure the volume of gases: natural gas, LPG and all non-aggressive gases:
Total pressure loss ≤ 200Pa
Working pressure in the range of 0.5 ~ 50 kPa
Cyclic volume 1.2 dm3 (liters).
Yes, gas meters measure the flow of a certain gas, but this makes the consumer warmer by an unknown number of degrees.

The most used unit of energy is 1 kWh, which is what you use when a 1 power tool works for you for an hour. AT Everyday life the physical nomenclature should not be deeper. Each electrical appliance has a nutrition label where it can be found daily or yearly. For maximum comfort, we are watching you how much kWh of energy costs!

How much does electricity, gas and heat cost

How much is kWh physical work a person that a machine can do? About 380 times more than electricity. The name of the cheapest fuel competes with coal and wood. Both raw materials are loaded in units of mass or volume. How much is their energy per kWh, after calculating the calorific value. The price is near crown per kWh, we expect the surcharge to be imported and we will spend some time manually putting traditional views fuel into the oven. Self-sufficiency designed modern boilers, which refer to a similar price ratio as coal and fuel wood.

And a storage manometer, according to the readings of which one can judge the density of natural gas, that is, the mass of purchased gas, is completely absent in the gas meter. That is, the principle pay for an unknown amount of gas (calories) and be satisfied.

The price of gas (natural household gas, propane, fuel gas, fuel gas, natural gas, propane) is determined by the gas supplier in money (euro, dollars, etc.) per cubic meter of gas.
A consumer (subscriber, apartment) gas meter measures the volume of gas, but heat-calories are given to the consumer by the mass of burned hydrocarbon-natural gas.

Most households are more interested in how much they cost and on heating installation. However, the price of natural gas and electricity depends on the selected one, which you can find in! The following table might scare the post by averaging how much it costs. However, unlike fossil fuels, we can have electricity and therefore have a brighter future.

The wholesale exchange reacts to countless variables, usually capricious, like the proverbial weather. The key position, however, is oil, which sometimes determines the value of other commodities. We process, for example, oil, asphalt or gasoline. How much does kWh of energy cost at the end of the process? Quite a lot, the domestic gas power plant generates about 15 kr kWh of energy! Out goes gasoline for a classic car.

The higher the pressure - the higher the density of the gas, the mass of a cubic meter of gas - the greater the calorific value of a cubic meter of gas.

Here is the main way to deceive natural gas consumers equipped with a gas meter - to supply gas with lower pressure.

Cubic meters of gas are considered under standard conditions (pressure 0.101325 MPa, temperature 20 ° C), but gas is supplied from the gas distribution station to the house wiring under pressure - gas pipelines low pressure have overpressure before 0.005 MPa. And under what exact pressure gas is supplied to the consumer is a total mystery.

We pay for a few liters, and this is not ordinary fuel, we only measure it in units of volume. So let's ask ourselves how much kWh costs. However, the water molecule has a place in discussions about storage. Excess electricity can be separated from oxygen by hydrogen and then used for fusion. The test method received the English name energy into gas, freely converted energy into gas. "Water is the carbon of the future", Jules Verne dreamed of the same technology. Theory is far from practice. However, the thirsty person tells us that water has the most high value all the energy listed, regardless of the reality of how much a kWh of any stock costs.

Selling gas by cubic meters is the same as selling gasoline by liters, only ten times more profitable. Gasoline is supplied to the gas station in tons, and they sell it in liters. Naturally, a kilogram of gasoline is more expensive in summer than in winter - due to different density depending on temperature.

The composition of the gas and the heat of its combustion

For the example of the composition of natural gas in various gas pipelines of the Russian Federation, see (1), the average composition of natural gas, its calorific value, and density.
Gas composition, in percent by volume - CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, CO2, N2, H20, He
density of natural gas - kg / m3 (kilogram per cubic meter at atmospheric pressure- normal conditions) - from 0.712 to 1.036.

Since the younger Stone Age, when our ancestors mostly abandoned nomadism and started farming in the fields, people can effectively use the energy of wildlife. From the "Industrial Revolution" we can effectively transform the power of minerals. But how much is our own physical effort worth without the help of coal and oil?

Since then, the number of cubic meters of this fuel has been reported on the natural gas accounts. And now the number of kilowatt-hours supplied in the form of gas will be indicated. And how to convert m3 of gas per kWh of energy into fuel? Let's start with this topic. Representation on the gas consumption account, expressed in terms of cubic meters, makes it difficult to compare usage bills gas appliances with electric. Although it is possible to compare the cost of heating two different houses with gas and electricity, it is difficult to judge which is more energy efficient.

A cubic meter of gas is how much heat?

The calorific value of a cubic meter of gas is from 45.85 (10950) to 28.30 (6760) MJ/m3 (Kcal/m3).
And domestic tariffs for gas supply do not indicate how much heat the consumer will receive for the purchased cubic meter of gas, which was counted by the gas meter.

LPG, LPG (propane) - liquefied gas has the same problem, but to a lesser extent: if propane, then propane, if methane, then methane; with a very specific heat of combustion of a kilogram of "gas". Besides, liquefied gas is sold in specific kilograms, and not in conditional cubic meters of gas. It is not a conditional cat in a poke that is bought, but specific heat. Question: which is more profitable? Network gas or gas cylinders / gas tank?
Answer: it is not profitable to buy either one or the other, but it is more profitable not to buy gas for fuel at all - see about self-home

Quality of natural gas - this is the correspondence of the values ​​of its physical and chemical indicators to the established regulatory documents.

According to the interstate GOST 5542-87 “Flammable natural gases for industrial and municipal purposes. TECHNICAL CONDITIONS”, in terms of physical and chemical parameters, natural combustible gases must comply with the requirements and standards specified in the table.

Name of indicatorNormTest method
1. The lowest calorific value, MJ / m 3 (kcal / m 3), at 20 ° C 101.325 kPa, not less31,8
GOST 27193-86
GOST 22667-82
GOST 10062-75
2. Range of values ​​of the Wobbe number (highest), MJ / m 3 (kcal / m 3)41,2-54,5
GOST 22667-82
3. Tolerance Wobbe number from the nominal value, %, no more5 -
4. Mass concentration of hydrogen sulfide, g/m 3 , no more0,02 GOST 22387.2-83
5. Mass concentration of mercaptan sulfur, g/m 3 , no more0,036 GOST 22387.2-83
GOST 22387.3-77
6. Volume fraction of oxygen, %, no more1,0 GOST 23781-83
7. Mass of mechanical impurities in 1 m 3, g, no more0,001 GOST 22387.4-77
8. The intensity of the smell of gas at a volume fraction of 1% in the air, points, not less than3 GOST 22387.5-77

Determining the quality indicators of gas entering Ukraine, that is, determining the compliance of its physical and chemical indicators (hereinafter - FHP) with those stipulated by contracts, is carried out at gas measuring stations and gas flow measurement points (GIS and PIRG), which are located at the inlet main gas pipelines to Ukraine. GIS and PIRG are equipped with modern main and backup automated gas metering systems with a fiscal non-volatile archive of quantity and component composition gas as well as interventions. Determination of the FHP of gas entering the territory of Ukraine is carried out daily in chemical analytical laboratories and using flow chromatographs installed on the hot water supply.

Work control measuring complexes and the supply of gas to the Ukrainian GTS is carried out by representatives of the National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine,
which are permanently located on each DHW. FHP of gas coming from the gas transmission system to gas distribution networks are measured and controlled at gas distribution stations (GDS), which are installed at the outlet of the gas transmission system. 69 chemical-analytical laboratories, accredited and certified by Gospotrebstandart, have been set up in DC Ukrtransgaz to analyze the quality of gas. All chemical analytical laboratories comply with sanitary standards, rules and requirements of labor protection and fire safety, equipped modern equipment- chromatographs, photocolorimeter, moisture meters, hygrometers, analytical balances, etc…..

Checking the quality of gas supplied from the gas transmission system to gas distribution networks is carried out once a week. The results of the gas FHP analysis are drawn up in the form of a gas quality protocol, which is approved by the head of the linear production department of the AC "Ukrtransgaz", one copy of which is provided to enterprises operating gas distribution networks.

Relationships between gas supply organizations and consumers, legal entities,
are conditioned by the “Rules for gas accounting during its transportation by gas distribution networks, supply and consumption”, approved by order of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of December 27, 2005 No. 618 and registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 26, 2006 under No. 5.19. The parties to the agreement may exercise control and be present during the performance of work to determine the physical and chemical parameters of the gas.

Checking the quality (calorie content) of natural gas used by the population can be carried out at the request of citizens,
under the conditions stipulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of December 9, 1999 No. N 2246 and Decree of the NERC of Ukraine dated December 29, 2003 No. 476 “On Approval of the Procedure for Compensation for Losses Caused to a Natural Gas Consumer Due to Violation by a Gas Supply or Gas Transportation Organization of the “Rules for the Provision of Gas Supply Services to the Population”.

That is, in case of doubt, the consumer can independently order an additional analysis of the FHP gas.

In addition, the analysis of the quality of natural gas in the oil and gas industry of Ukraine has been carried out for almost 20 years by UkrNIIgaz, which since 1999 has been entrusted with the functions of the branch Center for gas quality control of the National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine.

According to the results of the analyzes of this Center, the calorific value lower than (calorific value) of natural gas on the territory of Ukraine varies within 8,000-8250 kcal/m3, which exceeds the value of gas calorific value established by GOST 5542-87 - not less than 7600 kcal/m3.

gas distribution

Gas meters with a dimensional aperture (diaphragm gas meter) are the most common type of gas meters for measuring the volume of gas consumption (to pay for gas by household consumers and small industries).

The principle of operation of a gas meter with a diaphragm

In the gas meter, a measured volume is made, separated by a flexible diaphragm - two measured volumes are obtained: gas enters volume A, gas is squeezed out of volume B by the diaphragm. In the next cycle, gas enters volume B, and is squeezed out of volume A.
The principle of operation of a gas meter with a diaphragm is to count the number of gas extrusion to the consumer.

Obviously, the gas meter does not count the mass of supplied-sold combustible gas, but the volume of gas.

Reduced gas pressure automatically increases the price of gas

Reduced gas pressure reduces the density of the gas supplied to the consumer, and hence its mass in cubic meters. That is, the price of natural gas per kilogram increases.

Do seasonal adjustment factors apply? In winter, in cold weather, is it considered that gas is denser?
This is precisely why in winter, when the consumer burns more gas for heat, it is beneficial for the gas distribution company - "gorgas" - "oblgaz" (in general, national fuel gas distribution corporation) that the gas in the gas pipe be at reduced pressure.

Do you have information about what gas enters your home?
For example, I did not find natfuel.com on the National Fuel Gas Company website (Western New York and Pennsylvania - natural gas supplier). The site has everything - how to pay for gas, how to read the gas meter, about gas household appliances, even about working in a company.

But I did not find a description of the subject - for what the gas company collects money from consumers, that is, a description of the gas itself - how much is its calorie content in a cubic meter according to the meter: pressure, gas composition.
Are they hiding?

The gas meter counted 100 cubic meters of gas.
And how much heat did the gas company actually supply to me?

Such "household gas meters SGBET G6 "Pegas" (with electronic thermal compensation) ITRON (Germany), made in the city of Engels"...
By the way, verification of meters (checking the accuracy of the meter) of natural gas is carried out with air, according to the verification methodology.
Or American Meter AC-250 Diaphragm Gas Meter from IMAC Systems, Inc. (Tullytown, PA).
Imported Chinese mechanical diaphragm gas meter G series "company" Hangzhou Beta Gas Meter Co. has even a more frank description - it is intended to measure the volume of gases: natural gas, LPG and all non-aggressive gases:
Total pressure loss ≤ 200Pa
Working pressure in the range of 0.5 ~ 50 kPa
Cyclic volume 1.2 dm3 (liters).
Yes, gas meters measure the flow of a certain gas, but this makes the consumer warmer by an unknown number of degrees.

And a storage manometer, according to the readings of which one can judge the density of natural gas, that is, the mass of purchased gas, is completely absent in the gas meter. That is, the principle pay for an unknown amount of gas (calories) and be satisfied.

Gas price (natural household gas, propane, fuel gas, fuel gas, natural gas, propane) is determined by the gas supplier in money (euro, dollars, etc.) per cubic meter of gas.
A consumer (subscriber, apartment) gas meter measures the volume of gas, but heat-calories are given to the consumer by the mass of burned hydrocarbon-natural gas.

The higher the pressure - the higher the density of the gas, the mass of a cubic meter of gas - the greater the calorific value of a cubic meter of gas.

Here is the main way to deceive natural gas consumers equipped with a gas meter - to supply gas with lower pressure.

Cubic meters of gas are considered under standard conditions (pressure 0.101325 MPa, temperature 20 ° C), but gas is supplied from the gas distribution station to the house wiring under pressure - low-pressure gas pipelines have excess pressure before 0.005 MPa. And under what exact pressure gas is supplied to the consumer is a total mystery.

Selling gas by cubic meters is the same as selling gasoline by liters, only ten times more profitable. Gasoline is supplied to the gas station in tons, and they sell it in liters. Naturally, a kilogram of gasoline is more expensive in summer than in winter - due to different density depending on temperature.

The composition of the gas and the heat of its combustion

On the example of the composition of natural gas in various gas pipelines Russian Federation see (1), average composition of natural gas, its calorific value, density.
Gas composition, in percent by volume - CH4, C2H6, C3H8, C4H10, CO2, N2, H20, He
density of natural gas - kg / m3 (kilogram per cubic meter at atmospheric pressure - normal conditions) - from 0.712 to 1.036.

A cubic meter of gas is how much heat?

The calorific value of a cubic meter of gas is from 45.85 (10950) to 28.30 (6760) MJ/m3 (Kcal/m3).
And domestic tariffs for gas supply do not indicate how much heat the consumer will receive for the purchased cubic meter of gas, which was counted by the gas meter.

LPG, LPG (propane) - liquefied gas has the same problem, but to a lesser extent: if propane, then propane, if methane, then methane; with a very specific heat of combustion of a kilogram of "gas". Besides, liquefied gas is sold in specific kilograms, and not in conditional cubic meters of gas. It is not a conditional cat in a poke that is bought, but specific heat. Question: which is more profitable? Network gas or gas cylinders / gas tank?
Answer: it is not profitable to buy either one or the other, but it is more profitable not to buy gas for fuel at all - see about self-home

Economic calculations, comparison of indicators of fuel-using devices with each other and planning must be carried out on a single basis. Therefore, the concept of the so-called conditional fuel was introduced.

Conditional fuel is a unit of accounting for fossil fuels used to compare the efficiency of different types of fuel and total accounting. Usage reference fuel especially convenient for comparing the efficiency of various thermal power plants.

As a unit of standard fuel, 1 kg of fuel with a calorific value of 7000 kcal/kg (29.3 MJ/kg) is used, which corresponds to good low-ash dry coal. For comparison, we point out that brown coals have a calorific value of less than 24 MJ / kg, and anthracites and hard coals - 23-27 MJ / kg. The ratio between conventional fuel and natural fuel is expressed by the formula

V t \u003d (Q n p / 7000) V n \u003d E V n,

where V t is the mass of the equivalent amount of reference fuel, kg;

B n is the mass of natural fuel, kg (solid and liquid fuel) or m 3 -


Q n p - lower calorific value of this natural fuel, kcal / kg

or kcal / m 3.

The ratio E \u003d Q n p / 7000 is called calorie ratio, and it is accepted for:

Oil - 1.43;

Natural gas - 1.15;

Peat - 0.34-0.41 (depending on humidity);

Peat briquettes - 0.45 -0.6 (depending on humidity);

Diesel fuel - 1.45;

Fuel oil - 1.37.

The calorific value of various types of fuel, kcal / kg, is approximately:

oil - 10,000 (kcal / kg);

natural gas - 8,000 (kcal / m 3);

coal - 7000 (kcal / kg);

firewood with a moisture content of 10% - 3900 (kcal / kg);

40% - 2400(kcal/kg);

peat humidity 10% - 4100 (kcal / kg);

40% - 2500(kcal/kg);

2.4 Fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Belarus

Fuel and energy complex (FEC) The Republic of Belarus is a complex set of large, continuously developing production systems for the production, transformation, distribution and use of natural energy resources and energy of all kinds. In the Republic of Belarus, it includes enterprises for extraction (oil, peat, associated gas), procurement (firewood), purchase of missing minerals, transportation of gas, converting them into electricity or thermal energy and distribution to consumers.

The installed capacity of all energy sources in the country is more than 7.8 million kW. This is enough to provide consumers of the republic with electricity, which is produced by 23 power plants. The total volume of electricity and heat consumption, which reached its peak in 1990-1991. and amounting to 49 billion kWh and 112 Gcal, respectively, has been steadily declining over the past years, reaching a minimum (32 billion kWh and 72.1 Gcal) in 1996. Since 1997, there has been an increase in electricity and heat consumption (Table 5).

Table 5-Dynamics of electricity and heat consumption (according to the World Bank)

In 1999, more than 15% (5.2 million tons of fuel equivalent) of the republic's total demand for energy carriers was provided at the expense of local, renewable non-traditional and secondary resources.

The republican body of state administration, which implements the functions of state regulation for the provision of fuel and energy resources, is the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus (Minenergo).

The fuel and energy complex of the Republic of Belarus includes:

Ministry of Energy, to which they are subordinate:

Belarusian State Enterprise for Gas Transportation "Beltransgaz";

Belarusian State Energy Concern "Belenergo";

Belarusian concern for fuel and gasification "Beltopgaz";

The Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry Belneftekhim, directly subordinate to the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

The main tasks of the Ministry of Energy are:

Carrying out scientific and technical, economic and social policies aimed at creating conditions for the effective operation of organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Energy in order to meet the needs of the national economy and the population in electrical and thermal energy, natural and liquefied gas, solid fuels, their rational and safe use;

Taking measures in accordance with the established procedure to ensure the energy security of the Republic of Belarus;

Preparation, together with other republican government bodies of the regional executive committees and the Minsk City Executive Committee, of proposals on the formation of the energy policy of the Republic of Belarus and organization of the implementation of this policy;

Development and implementation of measures to improve payment discipline when paying for fuel and energy.

The main activity of the fuel and energy complex is the comprehensive development of local types and non-traditional energy sources, as well as the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies.

AT Concern "Belneftekhim" all oil and associated gas production is concentrated. The limit of oil production in the territory of the Republic of Belarus is set at 1,850.5 thousand tons per year. The Concern, together with the production association "Belarusneft", is actively working to participate in the development of Russian oil fields in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of the Russian Federation. For this purpose, the Nenets-Belarusian Oil Company was created on parity terms, which received a license for geological exploration of the Liginsky subsoil. The Concern provides all sectors of the Belarusian economy with liquid fuel and lubricants through production associations of oil products under his subordination. In addition, it controls all enterprises of the chemical industry, the largest of which are the Svetlogorsk Republican Unitary Enterprise "Khimvolokno", the Mogilev Republican Unitary Enterprise "Khimvolokno" and "Lavsan".

State Enterprise for Transportation and Supply of Gas - "Beltransgaz" was the legal successor of the Directorate of Main Gas Pipelines established in 1960 in the republic. In order to operate the main gas pipeline "Dashava - Minsk", which was commissioned in the same year, in 1973 it was transformed into the Western Production Association for the transportation and supply of gas "Zapadtransgaz", and in 1982 - into the Belarusian State Enterprise for the transportation and supply of gas "Beltransgaz" ". In 2001, it became the Republican Unitary Enterprise for the Transportation and Supply of Gas "Beltransgaz". For 40 years gas system on the territory of our republic has grown so much that it can transport up to 50 billion m 3 of gas through its main arteries. For comparison, we point out that in 1992 Belarus consumed 17.5 billion m 3 of gas, and in 1999 the republic received 16 billion m 3 of gas. In 2000, the volume transported by Beltransgaz through the system of main gas pipelines laid across our republic amounted to 41.8 billion m 3, of which 16.5 billion m 3 - to consumers of the Republic of Belarus. The rest is transport deliveries to Ukraine, Lithuania, Kaliningrad region, Western Europe.

Beltransgaz operates 6.4 thousand km of gas pipelines with a diameter of 100 to 1400 mm. The supply of natural gas to consumers of the republic is ensured by the operation of 6 linear compressor stations, 201 gas distribution stations, 8 reduction units. Sustainable gas supply is supported by 6 gas measuring stations, 632 stations cathodic protection. It manages two underground gas storage facilities: Osipovichskoye with an active gas volume of 0.36 billion m 3 and Pribugskoye, the first stage of which allows creating active gas reserves in the amount of 0.48 billion m 3 - to a certain extent ensure the satisfaction of uneven seasonal demand for gas business entities.

At present, natural gas makes up 74% of the country's fuel balance. The economy of the country and the life support of the population depend on the reliability of the state and functioning of the gas supply system. Gas has become a part of our everyday life and has become indispensable in the national economy. It is used as a fuel for household needs of the population in 92 administrative districts, and is the most important fuel resource for the production of electrical and thermal energy.

In addition, gas is a valuable raw material for the chemical industry, the production of mineral fertilizers, synthetic fibers, various types of plastics, and other modern materials that make up the bulk of the republic's export potential. It is used as a motor fuel for cars, for other purposes.

Great prospects will give our country and the completion of the construction of the Russian gas pipeline "Yamal - Western Europe", which will pass through our territory. After putting it into operation, our country will receive 18 billion cubic meters of gas from Gazprom of Russia free of charge for transit. In accordance with the forecast of electricity consumption, the demand for it in 2015 is expected in the amount of 41-45 billion kWh, or an increase by 22-23% compared to 1999, thermal energy - 83-89 million Gcal, or 14-22 %. The installed capacity of all energy sources, subject to self-sufficiency of the republic with electricity, should be 8.3-9.0 million kW by 2010, by 2015 - 8.6-9.4 million kW.

Concern "Belenergo" all republican unitary enterprises for the generation of electricity and heat are subordinated. In addition to them, a huge number of boiler houses are run by public utilities, enterprises and associations of various ministries and departments, and for the generation of electricity - CHPs of enterprises (Dobrush paper mill, Zhabinsky, Gorodetsky, Skidelsky, Slutsk sugar factories, etc.)

Beltopgaz Concern was established in 1992 to supply natural and liquefied gas, as well as solid fuel (peat briquettes, firewood) on the basis of the existing State Committee of the BSSR for gasification. He is also involved in the operation, construction, design of gas networks. It manages 20,000 km of pipelines, over 2,000 gas control points, and over 3,000 group liquefied gas installations. It serves more than 3.5 million apartments, more than 30 thousand social facilities, 3,700 industrial, energy, rural and municipal enterprises. The company is responsible for the production fuel briquettes, other types of fuel.

Despite the numerous problems and difficulties that material base The country's energy system will continue to be updated with the use of energy-saving technologies. In the coming years, it is planned to reconstruct Brestskaya (with a 4-fold increase in capacity) and two Minsk CHPPs (CHP-3, CHPP-5), Gomel CHPP-3. In the short term, part of the equipment at the Lukoml State District Power Plant will have to be replaced and Berezovskaya, which has been assigned a large role in the implementation of a special international project to export electricity to the West, will have to be reconstructed. Together with the Russians, it is planned to carry out a complete reconstruction of this second most important station in the next 7 years, as a result of which its capacity will be increased by 350 MW. At the same time, fuel consumption for generating electricity will be significantly reduced, which will become competitive in the world market.

The implementation of this project promises great benefits for both Russia and


Giving importance development of small-scale power generation, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus on August 10, 2000 adopted Resolution No. 1232 “On measures for the development of small-scale power generation in the Republic of Belarus”, which approved the Program for the Development of Electricity Generating Capacities Based on Steam Turbine, Gas Turbine and Combined-Cycle Plants with the Creation of Small CHP Plants in the Republic in 2000-2005 The purpose of the program is to ensure an increase in energy production on the basis of the development of small thermal power plants in the republic. There are three tasks:

Organization of work to identify the potential for the development of electricity generating capacities in the republic on the basis of steam turbine, combined cycle gas and gas turbine plants;

Determination of approaches and implementation of the existing potential, volumes and sources of investment in the creation of small CHPs;

Development of plans for the commissioning of electric power equipment in boiler houses for 2000 and the procedure for carrying out this work in subsequent years.

The program provides for the creation of highly economical small CHPPs equipped with steam turbine (STP), gas turbine (GTP) and combined-cycle (CCGT) units that provide electricity generation according to the heating cycle with minimal fuel consumption.

Projected indicators for the development of non-traditional energy and the use of secondary resources in the coming period:

The production of hydropower is economically feasible 250 MW with a generation of 0.8-0.9 billion kWh, which is equivalent to 250 thousand tons of fuel equivalent. tons / year;

Electricity generation at wind turbines, according to expert estimates, will not exceed 200-300 million kWh per year, and the economically viable level of energy production by this method requires additional research;

The use of biomass by 2015, according to expert estimates, can give 250-300 thousand tons of c.e. t.;

The potential of crop production waste is 1.5 million tons of c.e. tons per year;

Potential energy of municipal solid waste is equivalent

450 thousand tce t. The economically feasible level of their use by processing to produce gas is 100-120 thousand tce. t.;

The potential for the output of secondary thermal energy resources is 17.9 million Gcal per year, 2.7 million Gcal is used, technically possible - up to 10 million Gcal / year;

The total output of combustible waste is estimated at 0.8 million tons of c.e. t. per year, 277.5 thousand tce are used. tons per year, or 48%, by 2015 it is planned to bring the level of their utilization to 85%.

The volume of consumption of own fuel and energy resources in 2015 is estimated at 5.4 mmtce. tons, or 13.9% of the gross consumption of fuel and energy resources in Belarus. Of these, 4.8 million tons of c.e. tons are local fuels and 0.6 million tons of c.e. t. - non-traditional and renewable sources and secondary resources.