What kind of fruit is pineapple? Is pineapple a delicious fruit, a ripe berry, an exotic vegetable or an unusual herb? How can you replace pineapple in dishes?

What kind of fruit is pineapple?  Is pineapple a delicious fruit, a ripe berry, an exotic vegetable or an unusual herb?  How can you replace pineapple in dishes?
What kind of fruit is pineapple? Is pineapple a delicious fruit, a ripe berry, an exotic vegetable or an unusual herb? How can you replace pineapple in dishes?

Is pineapple a fruit, berry or vegetable?

For years now there has been debate about what a pineapple is. The most common belief is that it is a fruit. But many claim that it is a berry. The most exotic guess is that juicy sweet fruit is a vegetable. But all the opinions of pineapple lovers on this issue differ from the conclusions of scientists.

Structural features

To correctly answer the question of what a pineapple is, it is necessary to find out what this plant and its fruit are. After all, scientific classification is always based on certain characteristics.

Important! Pineapple has a good effect on digestion and helps the body absorb fatty foods. Its juice is used in weight loss diets.

The plant is relatively small and stunted. Its leaves rise from the ground like a bush of grass. But they are quite dense, have a length from 30 cm to 1 m, and in some species they grow up to 2 m. The edges of the leaves are decorated with spines, like the top of the fruit. Another feature that makes pineapple similar to cacti is the ability of the leaves to accumulate moisture.

The strong, elastic leaves grow in a rosette that produces many adventitious roots. This allows you to absorb more moisture during the wet period, so that you can safely survive the drought. There are few underground roots: they go into the soil only to a depth of 25-30 cm. Such a bush can be conveniently grown in greenhouses.

An inflorescence up to 60 cm long appears at the top of the rosette. About 10 small buds bloom on this stem every day. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks, then mini-fruits begin to ripen. Subsequently, they grow together and the familiar pineapple is formed. Its peel is the keratinized remains of the petals.

In the wild, flowers are pollinated and seeds mature. But pineapples with seeds are considered less tasty, so for gastronomic purposes they are protected from pollination.

Advice. Buy only ripe pineapples. Greens have a pungent taste and can cause digestive upset.

The plant reproduces not only by seeds. When the fruit is ripe, the bush throws out shoots to vegetative propagation. Can be grown by rooting the tuft.

What type of plant does all of the listed features of pineapples resemble?

Berry, vegetable or fruit?

In everyday life, pineapples are most often called fruits. But from a scientific point of view they cannot be called that. In botany, fruits include the fruits of trees or shrubs. Pineapples don't grow on trees. The crop also cannot be classified as a shrub. Thus, the hypothesis about the relationship of this juicy delicacy with fruit disappears.

Scientists call berries fruits with thin edible peel, juicy pulp and seeds. Very similar, but not completely. The prickly delicacy does not fit into this category due to its hard skin.

The last of the common assumptions states that the beautiful golden fruits with a prickly tuft are vegetables. Scientists call fruits, tubers or greens vegetables. herbaceous plants. Therefore, the statement that pineapple is a vegetable is closest to the truth. Botany actually classifies it as a herbaceous plant. However, scientists do not call pineapples vegetables. They claim that it is a grass, just like the banana. This is the correct answer to the question “What is a pineapple?”

How to grow pineapple: video

Pineapple has a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole body, improves mood no worse than chocolate and also muffles the feeling of hunger. We are used to seeing it on the shelves of shops and supermarkets, it is a decoration festive tables and is included in many delicious salads, but probably not everyone knows what kind of fruit it is and how it grows. Pineapple is a perennial herbaceous fruit crop grown in many tropical countries. It loves sun and warmth, but the most patient amateur gardeners can successfully grow it in their greenhouses and even at home.

What is Pineapple?

The large-tufted pineapple (from the Latin Ananas comosus) is a prominent representative of the Bromeliads. A feature of plants of this species is the ability to accumulate liquid in leaves, internodes and rosettes. This helps them endure long dry seasons, and shoots during vegetative propagation retain the ability to take root when stored for 2-4 months.

Pineapple is a perennial herb fruit crop, which, however, does not apply either to trees (palm trees), or to fruits, or to berries or vegetables.

A rosette of leaves about 60-80 cm long grows near the ground, the flower can be one and a half meters high. The fruit, weighing 2-15 kg, consists of fused, faded peduncles. On the long side this “oval” can be up to 30 cm.

When grown at home, the size of the pineapple will not be so impressive: up to 70 cm in height, and the fruit is 300-1000 grams.

How it blooms

Pineapple, in the case of self-pollination, does not form seeds, and it is these fruits that are valued as a food crop and grown in many tropical countries of the world. The flowering period lasts about 10-22 days, and after the formation of the fruit, a pappus is formed at its top - additional (vegetative) leaves.

Just about the complex structure of Pineapple leaves

The main ones are unique in their own way - teeth with spines are formed along the edges, inside them there are air channels for taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, as well as special cells for storing moisture. Due to its ability to withstand drought, this grass is classified as a succulent, like. To obtain water, in addition to the main root system, there are adventitious roots in the rosettes of leaves, similar to the aerial roots of orchids.

Let's determine where it grows and find out its history of distribution.

The tropics of South America, regions of Argentina, the territory of Paraguay and Brazil are considered the birthplace of Pineapple. It was discovered to Europeans by Christopher Colubus in 1493, who described it as looking like cones. In the 16th century, there were attempts to cultivate it in the Mediterranean, tropical regions of Africa and in India. After two centuries, this representative of the Bromeliads migrated to Europe. During the reign of Peter I, they tried to grow pineapples in Russia, in the royal greenhouse and winter gardens of St. Petersburg, but with the development transport communication It became more rational to import them.

Pineapple as an industrial crop

The volume of annual production of pineapples in the world at this hour is 3 million tons, and the leaders in export are Thailand, the Philippines, the USA, and the Hawaiian Islands. They are mainly imported to Russia from India and China.

About the history of the name and BONUS historical note

The name pineapple comes from the Indian language, where “ana-ana” is translated as “smell of odors.”

From the history. April 30, 1881 by the All-Russian Emperor Alexander III the Manifesto on the inviolability of autocracy was adopted, which was popularly nicknamed the pineapple, thanks to the turn of phrase contained in the text “... and entrust to Us the Sacred duty of Autocratic Rule”

Useful properties and contraindications of Pineapple. Recommendations for pregnant women, lactating women and weight loss

Pineapple can both cure and cripple. Let's take a look at all its properties.

About the beneficial properties of Pineapple

Pineapple has a positive effect on the entire digestive system, sanitizes the intestines, thins the blood (reduces the likelihood of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis), reduces swelling, and facilitates the functioning of the heart and kidneys. The chemical elements contained in pineapple affect the synthesis of serotonin in the body, which in turn improves mood and muffles the feeling of hunger.

Sanitation – cleansing from harmful and pathogenic microorganisms that interfere proper operation organ.

Be careful, acid!

The fruit has high acidity. Its frequent use destroys tooth enamel, and may be contraindicated for people with hypersensitive teeth. It will be useful to rinse the mouth area to remove active substances.

Bromelain and Papain, what kind of chemicals?

Papain and bromelain (bromelain), which are part of Pineapple (mainly in the outer shell), are chemicals that break down proteins, therefore, in case of acute diseases of the digestive system, pineapple is prohibited for consumption. On the contrary, for a healthy body, it helps the absorption of decomposed proteins and fats, facilitating the work of the pancreas.

It is worth noting that pineapple promotes the absorption of fats, and not their breakdown, therefore, it is not suitable as a product for weight loss.

Vitamin cocktail

Pineapple is distinguished by the presence of vitamins A, B, C, the PP group of vitamins, microelements thiamine (B1), pyridoxine (B6), riboflavin (B2), pectin, minerals. Vitamin B12 is absent from pineapple, contrary to misconception.

B1 – Normalizes carbohydrate metabolism, intestinal function, central nervous system(CNS), vascular activity.
B2 – Regulates protein metabolism. Improves the functioning of the liver, nervous system, nourishes nails, skin and hair.
B6 – Promotes the absorption of proteins, fats and amino acids. It has a positive effect on the immune system, the central nervous system, and promotes healthy teeth and gums.

Vitamins A and C are good antioxidants that bind free radicals that are excessively present in the body.

Free radicals in too large quantities are harmful to the body because, trying to fill the lack of their electrons, they take them away from healthy cells of the body. Thus, the cellular structure is disrupted, which leads to overall rapid aging of the body. By disrupting the ability of cells to correctly transmit hereditary information to newly appearing cells in the body.

Beneficial features

Due to vitamins C and B, pineapple has an anti-inflammatory effect on human organs, in particular, it relieves swelling from muscles and joints, and alleviates diseases such as tonsillitis and pneumonia.

Pineapple juice has a beneficial effect on human memory; it is recommended for people who have constant mental stress. Risk reduced by 65% oncological diseases. Also, constant consumption of juice cleanses the blood vessels in the body and is good remedy prevention of diseases such as stroke, cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.

In cosmetology, due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, it is used to combat acne, also reduces skin oiliness, accordingly evens out its color and reduces oily shine.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Three large substances in pineapple: water >80%, ~5-6% sugar, and fractions of a percent lemon acid. Magnesium and potassium are released from minerals, which are necessary for proper functioning heart and kidneys. The energy value of pulp is 52 kcal/100 g, juice 48 kcal/100 g. Fiber gives pineapple its satiety, and coarse insoluble fiber greatly facilitates the functioning of the digestive system.

During pregnancy

Use with caution. Specific substances in unripe fetuses can lead to premature birth due to uterine contractions. Should be halved daily norm consumption of pineapples.

While breastfeeding

Once a baby is born, no one can say with certainty whether he has a food allergy or not. Therefore, a breastfeeding mother is strongly recommended to adhere to a strict diet in the first month of the baby’s life and completely exclude a number of highly allergenic foods from the diet, including pineapple. This does not mean that you will have to give up your favorite treat for a long time: mom’s diet will expand. However, it is worth remembering that New Product must be administered once every 3 days to check allergic reaction at the baby's.

Mothers whose babies suffer from food allergies will have to give up pineapples during breastfeeding.

You can serve Pineapple to the table in any form.

It can be consumed raw, in the form of freshly squeezed and reconstituted juice, heat-treated, canned, frozen, as part of salads, first and second courses.

It can also be processed into fabric thanks to its strong spinning fibers.

How to easily choose the sweetest Pineapple, and how does it grow on plantations?

Only the ripest pineapples have a rich, sweet taste. Let's figure out how easy it is to choose them and how they grow.

5 signs of a first-class fruit

  1. When buying a pineapple, you can determine the ripeness of it by trying to pull out the leaves at the top: they should be easy to remove.
  2. Darkening, watery formations, and softening on the surface of the fruit indicate that they are spoiled.
  3. The presence of thick and dense leaves indicates a juicy fruit.
  4. During the ripening process, the color of the pineapple changes from green to brown; when purchasing, it is better to choose something in between.
  5. Try to apply a little pressure on the fruit, it should be slightly soft and weighty when lifted (heavier than expected).

Peel a pineapple in 4 easy steps

The easiest way to peel a pineapple is in the following sequence:
cut off a layer one centimeter thick from below to form a stable platform;
holding the top of the head, cut off the skin (as if peeling a potato);

clean the remains of inflorescences in the form of black dots on the surface of the fruit;

remove the crown with leaves.

How to grow pineapple and how long does it take?

From planting to harvest, pineapple goes through several stages of growth:

  1. A period of active growth for 12 months - a set of green mass in the form of a thick trunk at the base and dozens of leaves around it;
  2. The second year of life begins with a flowering period - flowers of both sexes are red, yellow or purple collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence about 60 cm high and “live” on the plant for no more than a month (10-22 days); during cultivation, the pineapple is protected from cross-pollination by insects so that seeds do not form in the berries;
    ripening lasts 3.5-4 months - each flower produces a small berry with a diameter of up to 1 cm;
  3. Fruit formation - the berries on the inflorescence are located so close that over time, growing larger, they close and even grow together. The outer skin darkens, the veins of the flowers disappear, the center of each flower becomes overgrown with pulp and becomes flat, the fruit acquires a specific pleasant aroma;
  4. Vegetative propagation - 2-4 shoots grow from the axils of the leaves, which are used to propagate the plant. A tuft of additional leaves is formed at the top of the fruit; in the future it can also be used for planting
  5. Harvesting - the fruit is cut off, and the leaves with the trunk and roots remain in the soil for repeated fruiting.

Growing pineapple in a cramped pot stimulates the formation of lateral shoots in an adult plant after the flowering period has ended.

To get larger fruits, pinch the top growth point of the pineapple “tuft”; this will prevent nutrients from going to the development of additional leaves, and they will be spent on the growth of the fruit.

More than two harvests are not collected from one plant, and after the second it must be dug up.

If you allow insects to pollinate a pineapple, the berries will produce many seeds suitable for sowing, but the fruit will be much smaller in size and the taste will deteriorate. The second condition is the presence of a second flowering pineapple nearby, because the plants are cross-pollinating.

The requirement for constant improvement of taste, fruit size, and resistance to pests forces breeders to use clonal selection for vegetative propagation of pineapples - only the best specimens from the crop harvested last season are selected for planting.

Some gardeners ask the question: “Is it possible, and if yes, then how, to grow pineapple at home?” In fact, there is nothing complicated here, but there are a number of subtleties, ignorance of which can ruin the entire process. Let's look at them in detail.

We choose a propagation method and determine the basic requirements for planting

The seed method is not suitable for propagation at home due to its complexity and labor intensity. A disadvantage is considered to be poor heredity of parental characteristics; in the case of vegetative propagation, this disadvantage simply does not exist. The size of the berries of pineapples grown from a tuft is often much larger than those grown from seeds or lateral shoots.

For growing at home, in the vast majority of cases, a tuft of leaves cut from the fruit is used. Planting material must be free of pulp, foreign inclusions and rot. It is dried for about a day, and the cut is treated with diluted manganese potassium or crushed coal.

I place the cut and dried pineapple tuft in a glass of water for germination. The water in the glass must be changed every 2 days to prevent rotting. When roots appear on the shoot, you can start planting it in the ground.

Planting or replanting a pineapple must be done in the warm season, when during the day the temperature at the future location of the pineapple will not fall below 25 degrees Celsius.

Choosing a cozy potty

Since when grown at home, pineapple has a compact root system a small pot is enough for him:
for planting up to 0.5 liters in size;
during active leaf growth 1.5-2.5 liters;
by the beginning of flowering and fruit formation, i.e., an adult plant needs 3-4 liters.

The diameter of the die should be much greater than the height - this is important for aeration of the root system, which is mainly located near the surface of the earth.

Under natural conditions, pineapple forms 3 levels of roots:
surface - located in the upper layer of soil 10-20 cm thick;
deep - going to a depth of one to one and a half meters;
axillary - formed between the lower tiers of leaves, rooting in the upper layer of the earth.

Due to the difficulty of providing pineapple with a large volume of soil, due to the lack of its depth, the fruits of the plant are room conditions significantly fewer fruits grown in greenhouses or open ground.

Soil selection

It prefers acidic soil with a pH reaction of 4 to 6. The composition of the soil, regardless of the age of the pineapple, is recommended as follows: two parts of leaf humus and one part each of peat, sand, and turf soil. If available, you can add one part there sawdust. To maintain soil moisture, the upper part can be sprinkled with sand, and for feeding during watering, leaf humus can be placed naturally on the surface. If desired, these two components are mixed in equal parts and form a layer 2-3 cm thick on the soil surface.

An important quality of the substrate for planting: looseness and lightness, and therefore enriching it and the root system with oxygen.

At the bottom of the pot there must be drainage made of expanded clay or pebbles with a layer of 2-4 cm. To be safe from infection of the pineapple with diseases, as well as to destroy possible pests, the prepared soil is steamed or heated in the oven.

To plant, a 2-3 cm depression is made in the center of the pot, at the bottom of which it is advisable to place pieces of coal (double drainage). The cut rosette should be 1-1.5 cm below the soil level. If necessary, a rosette of leaves is secured to several sticks inserted into the same container (or lying on its edges) where the plant is located.

Growing conditions

After planting, it is necessary to create greenhouse conditions:
air and soil temperature 25-27 degrees Celsius (in winter, placement on a board on a heating radiator is possible);
air humidity 65-80% (achieved by covering with film or flask, jar);
daily soil moisture;
daily ventilation of the greenhouse for 5-10 minutes;
bright diffused lighting.

IT IS NOT ALLOWED for the covering material to touch the leaves. young plant, so as not to provoke stagnation of condensation in this place and rotting of the leaves. When using film, use wooden sticks as stops.

The appearance of new light green leaves after a month or two indicates the beginning of the formation of a new root system, but you should not rush to abandon the greenhouse; the new plant is covered with film for another 2 months after the formation of roots. Over time, old leaves seem to fall off, losing their elasticity, this is normal.

During the flowering period, pineapple should be protected from pollinating insects in order to prevent the formation of seeds in the fruit.

We propagate pineapple

After the fruit ripens, lateral shoots may form on the stem of your plant; you can also try to root them like a rosette of leaves from a pineapple fruit, using the method described above. The difference will be in the separation of the shoot and tuft from the main plant: the tuft is cut off, the children are broken off. Young shoots are considered ready for separation from the mother plant when they become more than 15 cm in length.

Before planting, the shoots, just like the cut tuft, must be dried and treated with insecticides, such as potassium manganese. You can dry it in any position, horizontally or with the cut hanging up, but not in the sun, for 3-7 days until a hard crust forms.

Replanting is carried out once a year in early spring using the transshipment method with a depth of a couple of centimeters lower, without clearing the root system of the old soil. Plants of the bromeliad family do not have a clear root collar, which allows the pineapple to be buried during replanting. In his second year as nutrient it is possible to use rotted manure.


Bright, for an adult plant, direct sunlight is possible. In winter, daylight hours must be increased by artificial lighting until 14-16 hours. Indoors, pineapple can and should be placed on south sides. Good lighting necessary condition for flowering, fruiting, health and beauty of leaves. It is not recommended to rotate the pineapple around its axis, so as not to change its position relative to the light source.

Content temperature

Can reach 30-32 degrees. In summer it is allowed to keep on outdoors, but provided that at night the temperature does not drop below 18 degrees Celsius. Due to the roots being sensitive to low temperatures, pineapple should NOT be kept on cold windowsills or drafts in winter. Flower stands that are placed near heating sources are suitable for wintering.


Perform with soft water with an acidity of about pH 6. At home, citric or oxalic acid is used for this. Better water prepare in advance by first letting it settle and then acidifying it. A special tester or litmus papers (quite cheap) will help you check the acidity. It will be easier if you prepare about 30 liters of water at once, thus saving yourself from frequent fuss with its preparation. Before watering, bring the water temperature to 29-31 degrees, and water on top of the leaves, this will allow the rosette of leaves to fill 2/3 of its volume with water. The frequency is set by the ambient humidity after upper layer When the soil a centimeter thick dries out, you can start watering.

It is better to dry out the soil in which the pineapple is planted than to let the water stagnate, because bromeliads can accumulate it in the leaves, and stagnant moisture leads to rotting of the root system.

Spraying is carried out daily with warm acidic water. Once every 2-3 days it will be useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. A warm shower benefits pineapple in particularly dry weather.


Performed every 2 weeks from mid-spring to early autumn by universal mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are also used; an infusion of horse manure is suitable for these purposes.
The use of alkaline fertilizers is PROHIBITED due to pineapple intolerance to alkali.

To prepare the infusion:
mix manure with water in a ratio of 1:2, stirring for the first 5 days;
leave in dark place for 2 week;
The resulting concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

When can we expect the first fruits?

At home, the period of flowering and fruiting occurs in the 3rd, sometimes 4th year. It is possible to stimulate flowering; for this it is necessary to shut off the oxygen supply to the flower and give it maximum amount carbon dioxide. At home, this condition can be met by fumigation: place a pineapple and a couple of unextinguished coals under a plastic bag for 8-12 minutes. After a week and a half, the procedure is repeated. As a result, an inflorescence should appear in 2-3 months.

For safety reasons, fumigation is carried out outdoors fire safety and eliminating the possibility of strangulation.

Diseases and pests

Most dangerous pest- false shield. Manifested by the appearance of yellow and brown spots on pineapple leaves. The size of the flat shell varies from 0.5 to 5 mm in diameter. For mild infestation, it is enough to treat the pest’s attachment points with alcohol or soapy water using a brush. For extensive lesions, chemicals such as Aktary, Aktellika, and Bankola are used. Favorable conditions infection and spread: warm and dry air.

One way to fight with chemicals is to dilute 2 percent karbofos at the rate of 7 grams per liter of water and spray the affected areas. The validity period of malathion (it is included in most insecticides) is 7-10 days, so the treatment must be repeated after a week.

A dangerous disease for Pineapple is root rot. Reason for appearance low temperature and excessive watering, especially in winter. Slow growth, yellowed, watery or blackened leaves indicate the need for urgent resuscitation. In this case, the pineapple must be re-rooted with complete removal damaged roots. As you grow lower leaves will fade and must be removed from the soil of the pot. At the point of contact it is possible to establish high humidity, which is a favorable microflora for the development of mold and fungi. Use fungicides to control pests.

If the Pineapple is located too close to heating devices, the tips of the leaves may turn yellow. Be sure to change its location in the room.

Also, with excessive watering, mold may appear on the surface of the soil and the walls of the pot. It's being removed warm water soaked in potassium manganese, iron sulfate or using fungicides. Suitable for these purposes and Apple vinegar. Remember, use alkaline agents harms the plant due to incompatibility.

Less common pests are spider mite and mealybug. Purchased medications will still be a reliable means of combating them.

Signs and superstitions

Ancient Indian tribes used pineapple, its leaves, stems and even roots in rituals. Even then they knew that its beneficial properties help in the treatment of various diseases.

As a plant in the home, pineapple is considered a harbinger of good luck and good fortune.

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  • A pineapple- a tropical fruit that came to our region from Paraguay and Brazil. The man who brought pineapple to Europe is considered to be H. Columbus. This fruit, being not only tasty, but also having a peculiar shape in the form of a cone (see photo), immediately won the love of the local population. The pineapple fruit has a dark skin and a yellow-orange color. The weight of the fruit can reach from 2 to 15 kilograms. Pineapple has a pleasant aroma and its taste is unique.

    Where and how do pineapples grow in nature?

    Where and how do pineapples grow in nature? Every fan of this product has asked this question at least once. The answer can be easily found by reading the label on a can of canned food or on the tag attached to each fresh fruit. But this information concerns only the country of origin. But you can read about exactly how pineapple grows in this section of the article. And not only read, but also see the process with your own eyes in the attached video.

    Most often on the shelves you can see fruits brought from Thailand. But it happens that the product is imported from other countries, climatic conditions which allow the cultivation of pineapples. In nature, pineapples grow on herbaceous plants, the name of which is similar to the name of the fruit. The plants are perennial and quite large in size. The height of some bushes can exceed two meters, and the width of the plant can occupy an area of ​​up to three square meters.

    Pineapple fruits ripen a short distance from the ground, forming in the axils of the leaves. The leaves themselves are dense and, when cut, have a fairly large thickness and juicy flesh. Along the edges they are dotted with thorns, which in appearance may resemble a plant familiar to us, popularly called agave.

    In tropical countries, whose economy is tied to agriculture and the cultivation of all kinds of exotic fruits for us, pineapples are cultivated in huge plantations. In addition, it should be noted that the climate of these regions allows for two or even three harvests of this product per year, because the ripening time of pineapple in nature ranges from three months to six months. All kinds of technologies help pineapple farmers get the maximum number of ovaries and fruits big size.

    Like any other area of ​​agriculture, growing pineapples cannot do without pesticides and various complex fertilizers. It is the latter that allows you to obtain the product highest quality, which will not only be sweet and large, but will also be able to withstand long-term transportation.

    Many farms, whose climatic conditions and location are not so favorable for growing this exotic plant, cultivate pineapples in conditions close to natural. For this purpose, greenhouses with a special microclimate are built. The harvest in such agricultural farms can also be harvested two to three times a year.

    Having learned about this, some summer residents also try to grow the plant on their plot, and many successfully grow pineapple in a pot on a windowsill in conditions ordinary apartment. Undoubtedly, this will require a lot of effort, as well as creating the conditions of the plant’s native climate of the tropics, but many still manage to do this. On big harvest Of course, you can’t count on it, but getting a small pineapple, and also showing children how much and how it grows in real life (and not just in pictures), will definitely work out!

    Plant species

    There are many types of pineapple plants, but below we will talk about the most common ones.

    • Large-tufted pineapple is a plant with a rosette of linear leaves. After flowering, it produces a golden yellow fruit. Brazil is considered the birthplace of this plant species.
    • Pineapple bract - this type of plant is considered the most beautiful; it has bright greenish flowers with yellow and white stripes. The fruits of this plant are very beautiful Pink colour. Rarely bears fruit at home.
    • Dwarf pineapple – dwarf variety, its leaves reach a length of only 20-30 cm. This plant is not used for gastronomic purposes, but is grown as an ornamental plant. It can be used in flower arrangements.
    • Pineapple is practically not grown as an ornamental plant.

    You can get acquainted with each of the types of pineapple mentioned here in more detail and look at its photos in the photo gallery at the end of the article.

    Is pineapple a vegetable, fruit or berry? Scientists have not yet found an answer to this popular question. And all this happens because the plant combines a large amount various properties, based on the assessment of which, pineapple can be attributed equally to many types of plants. Although scientists, having analyzed the similarities and agreed, decided to classify the product as “pineapple fruit”. We usually add the definition “exotic” to this name.

    How to identify and select a ripe pineapple?

    How to identify and select a ripe pineapple? The question is far from simple and relevant, because every buyer wants to receive an exceptionally high-quality product.

    The main criterion for the quality of pineapple for the consumer is the ripeness of the product, and many people have doubts about this issue. This is due to the fact that the fruits are harvested some time before they are ripe. They ripen during transportation to the final consumer. The dense scaly peel that covers the pineapple segments allows the product to withstand long flights, but it is not resistant to various shocks and temperature changes. Improper conditions can affect the taste of the fruit.

    The first thing a buyer should pay attention to is appearance fetus A high-quality product will have a brown skin color and will also be very dense to the touch. Such a fruit will definitely be sweet and tasty.

    Other criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing a pineapple in a store are shown in the table below.

    Tapping sound

    Must be exceptionally deaf. A ringing echo inside the fruit indicates that the pineapple is not fully ripe.

    Peel defects

    None. Stains and scratches, as well as all kinds of violations of the integrity of the shell indicate improper transportation of the product.

    Should be green. Slight yellowing of the tips is acceptable. The leaf rosette itself should be easily separated from the fruit. If the leaf separates with force, then such a pineapple is not worth purchasing.

    Well defined, sweetish, but very subtle. An overripe fruit may have a cloying smell, which may be too soft inside. If the pineapple has no smell at all, then this indicates that the fruit is unripe.

    It is aromatic, has a sweet taste, shaded with sourness, and is pleasantly crispy.

    Quality pineapple doesn't come easy. If the fruit is large in weight and does not reach half a kilogram, then you should definitely refuse to purchase it. When cutting such a pineapple, you will see clearly defined fibers and feel a slight juiciness. And it’s not worth talking about the density of the pulp at all.

    The cost of a properly grown pineapple brought from warm countries cannot be low. Although this criterion should not be followed without considering all the above indicators.

    Where and how to store and how to ripen fruits at home?

    Where and how to store and how to ripen fruits at home? You will find the answer to this question in this section of the article.

    Buying this exotic fruit, housewives often ask themselves this very question. This is because the product may not be fully ripe or very large in size, which is why it is not always possible for even a small family to eat a pineapple in one sitting.

    First, let's solve the problem of product safety. Some housewives recommend storing the fruit in the refrigerator, well packed in a plastic bag. But this is not a completely correct approach, and you shouldn’t do it that way.

    The following are the correct storage conditions for pineapple:

    1. The air temperature is not lower than room temperature. The fruit does not tolerate sudden changes in humidity and should not be exposed to the cold. Store the pineapple exclusively in a warm place and under no circumstances turn it upside down with the leaf rosette.
    2. Separate storage due to the high degree of absorption of foreign odors. A container with a membrane for air access will be the best solution.
    3. Protecting the fetus from bright light. A secluded place with good ventilation and constant air temperature is suitable for storage.

    If the above is observed, ripe peeled pineapple can retain its quality for ten days.

    In the case when a fruit of improper ripeness was purchased, many housewives are tormented by the question: “What should I do to ensure that the pineapple ripens?” Let's try to answer that too. Having tried many methods from our own experience, we offer the best of them.

    First, provide the fruit with a favorable environment and be sure to cover it with a thick terry towel. It’s good if the “neighbor” is a second pineapple, but if this is not possible, then red apples, ripe bananas or juicy oranges are quite suitable.

    The secret of the process lies in ethylene, which is released by plant fruits when ripe. Science knows that plant fruits have the ability to ripen when there are other fruits next to them and the flow of fresh air is limited. This is how bunches of bananas and even tomatoes, taken from the plants greenish, ripen. Ripening may take up to one week.

    Secondly, you can resort to more simple way: Wrap the pineapple in several layers of newspaper or regular thin writing paper, and then place it on the windowsill with sunny side For a three days. Turn the fruit periodically to ensure more even heating.

    To determine whether the fruit is ripe, carry out a simple test every day: gently pull leaf rosette up. If it gives in easily, let alone separates, then you can safely eat pineapple!

    Growing and care

    You can grow this exotic plant at home. The plant is a light-loving plant; if there is a lack of sunlight, it will require the installation of artificial lighting, especially in the autumn-winter period. It is recommended to use fluorescent lamps as an artificial light source.

    Pineapple is very light-loving. It should receive sunlight for 8-10 hours a day.

    When growing pineapple on a windowsill, you need to create all the conditions for it. It is not recommended to rotate the pineapple as this will slow down its growth. One-sided lighting will be sufficient for the plant. If the pineapple has large leaves with light crimson colored tips, this means that it receives enough sunlight. With a lack of sunlight, the leaves of the plant become pale. If a pineapple grows in conditions of insufficient humidity, its leaves turn brown and dry out.

    The soil for planting pineapple should consist of humus and sand. You can also use soil designed for orchids. Pineapple - very moisture-loving plant, in the warm season, its outlet should be filled 2/3 with water. The soil must have time to dry between waterings. The plant should be watered with soft rainwater; you can also use boiled tap water, slightly acidified. Pineapple needs constant spraying; in summer it is sprayed twice a week. The plant is fed with nitrogen fertilizers.

    Beneficial features

    Pineapple has a fairly extensive composition of vitamins and minerals, which cannot be compared with any other fruit. It contains vitamins C and A - guardians of our immunity, as well as B vitamins, which take care of the nervous and digestive system.

    A pineapple considered a dietary product, so it is approved by many diets. It has special enzymes that burn fat.

    Pineapple is actively used in cosmetic care. It is used for facial skin care. A pineapple has antibacterial properties, fights oily skin, it is used as an exfoliant.

    Pineapple diets for weight loss

    There are many diets based on pineapples for weight loss. Nutritionists testify that this product perfectly breaks down fats and can help you get rid of two to three kilograms in three days.

    Many people are interested in the question of how true this statement is, and whether pineapple is really miraculous.

    Regarding truthfulness, it should be noted the proven impact active substance pineapple on body fat. Bromelain is able to actively break down proteins and fats, but this will only be possible if their formation process in the body is not associated with hormonal changes. This suggests that a person prone to obesity or with a history of this disease cannot rely only on the “magical” effect of this fruit. The pineapple diet will only help those who do not have a significantly higher BMI and do not have diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

    I would also like to draw attention to the fact that in order to actively work in terms of burning fat, a person losing weight in this way must consume a fairly large amount of the product in his daily diet. You will need at least two kilograms of fresh pineapple and about two liters of natural juice of this fruit per day. The canned product does not have a positive effect on the body and is just a delicacy.

    Here are a few examples of fasting diets of varying durations. For convenience, we systematize the data in a table.


    General weight loss

    Daily consumption

    Methodology and principle of nutrition


    Pineapple – 2 kg;

    pineapple juice – 1 l.

    The peeled pineapple is divided into four parts, and then eaten instead of four meals at equal intervals. Between meals, drink pineapple juice in equal parts. Other foods and water are not consumed on this day.


    Pineapple – 2 kg;

    pineapple juice – 1 l;

    boiled beef or chicken breast – 100 grams;

    low-fat cottage cheese – 100 grams;

    wholemeal or rye bread – 30 grams.

    All products are divided into four parts and eaten after an equal period of time. Pineapple juice is used to quench thirst. Take it no earlier than an hour after eating.


    Pineapple – 0.5 kg;

    still mineral water, herbal tea or compote without sugar – 2 liters;

    dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese) – 150 grams;

    boiled lean meat or fish – 100 grams.

    Allowed in the diet are bread baked from wholemeal flour, boiled soft-boiled chicken eggs, cereals (oatmeal, rice), as well as non-starchy vegetables in small quantities. You can also eat vegetable broths. Mustard, horseradish, seasonings and herbs are not prohibited. You can eat mushrooms.

    It involves eating a certain combination for breakfast: 100 grams of pineapple pulp, whipped in a blender, 100 ml of yogurt and 30 grams of dry oatmeal. You cannot violate the first breakfast menu. The second breakfast must be protein. Lunch should be exclusively one-component. It can consist of grains or protein, and it is recommended to alternate them throughout the diet. Dinner should consist exclusively of vegetables. You need to add 100-150 grams of chopped pineapples to each meal.

    Pineapples are not prohibited in the diet and in many other food systems. This is all thanks to their low calorie content and rich composition, including a large number useful substances. It should always be remembered that only healthy people who do not have persistent digestive or metabolic disorders and allergic reactions can resort to food restrictions based only on personal desires.

    Use in cooking

    The use of pineapple in cooking is very extensive. This king of tropical fruits will not only be a wonderful decoration for any dish, but will also add a delicious taste to it. A pineapple used for making jam, sweets, canned food, drinks, desserts, cocktails, jelly. In many restaurants, pineapple serves as one of the ingredients for salads (both fruit, vegetable, and meat), sauces, seafood, soups, meat marinades, chicken dishes and other types of meat. Very often, pineapple is added to dishes that are cooked in the oven; it adds a special aroma.

    How to clean and cut?

    You will learn how to peel and cut a pineapple in this section of the article. There are several ways to do this. Let's start with cleaning. This process can be done in at least two ways.

    The first is to turn the fruit into a “cylinder” without sparing the pulp. Further cutting will depend on the wishes of the cook.

    The second method is more labor-intensive. It is made as follows: a pineapple fruit cut into rings is carefully and thoroughly peeled using a sharp knife with a short blade. The result is a “flower”, from which the center is removed by pressing a round hole. The last action is performed not only for aesthetic purposes. Few people know, but the middle of the pineapple is very hard and at the same time has a rather bitter taste..

    How to beautifully cut and serve?

    There are several ways to beautifully cut and serve pineapple. The simplest and most familiar of them is cutting and serving in pieces. To do this, the peeled fruit is cut into even circles of equal thickness, and then each of them is crushed into cubes. It is in this form that many people are accustomed to canned pineapple.

    The second serving method is no less known for the canned product. These are rings. The slicing method is described in the previous section.

    The chef will show you how pineapple is served in restaurants in the attached video.

    How can you replace pineapple in dishes?

    According to some chefs, you can replace pineapple in dishes with sour apples. This, of course, will not be a full-fledged replacement, but to some extent it will help emphasize the taste of the other components.

    For those who still do not intend to do this and love experiments, we offer an interesting recipe.

    You will need a liter jar and a lid, as well as:

    • 2 cups peeled and diced zucchini or squash;
    • a glass of yellow cherry plum with a pit;
    • half a glass of granulated sugar;
    • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
    • water.

    The latter needs as much as will fit into a jar filled with food. There are recipes that combine water with pineapple juice, but, in our opinion, it is better not to do this. It is difficult to purchase natural pineapple juice from us, and if you find a similar product, it will most likely be flavored nectar. Don't risk your health and use only natural products!

    Let's get back to cooking. Place the zucchini in a sterile jar, and sprinkle the cherry plums on them. After this, fill the contents of the jar with boiling water and cover the container with a lid. Now wrap the workpiece in a terry towel for twenty minutes. After the time has passed, drain the water into a clean ladle and heat. Dissolve granulated sugar in it and boil the syrup. At the end, just before the liquid boils, add lemon. Pour boiling syrup over zucchini and cherry plum. After this, roll up the jars with lids and wrap them in a warm blanket.

    Leave the workpiece overnight, and after cooling completely, transfer it to a cool room. You will be able to evaluate the taste of the product within two months after canning, and such preparations can be stored for a calendar year. Homemade “pineapples” will definitely please everyone as an independent dessert, and will also be an excellent replacement for the real fruit indicated in salad recipes!

    Benefits of pineapple and treatment

    The benefits of sunny fruits are very great. Thus, pineapple is rich in magnesium and potassium, so this fruit is very useful for patients with arrhythmia, hypertension, as well as people with other heart and kidney diseases. Also this fruit removes excess fluid from the body, which protects the body from excess swelling. Pineapple is also recommended for consumption by those people who are at risk of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, as it thins the blood.

    Also beneficial properties of pineapple help with atherosclerosis of blood vessels, since he relieves muscle and joint pain. Thanks to the content of vitamins B and C, pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties. He helps to overcome arthritis, sore throat, pneumonia. Pineapple helps quickly get rid of wounds and restore metabolic functions.

    Eating pineapple promotes the normal functioning of the digestive system and pancreas. Due to its properties of burning excess fat in the body, it is also used in the fight against cellulite.

    Research is currently underway on positive properties pineapples for the treatment of cancer, due to the content of beneficial enzymes in them, but so far this is just speculation.

    For women

    For women, eating pineapple is very beneficial. This is due to the chemical composition of the product. Thanks to trypsin contained in pineapple fruits, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. This allows you to optimize the process of removing toxins and promotes overall cleansing of the body. In women, this manifests itself as healthy skin and beautiful hair. Nails are also strengthened. Bromelain also contributes to this. This enzyme not only makes the skin healthy from the inside, but also promotes its rejuvenation.

    Eating a sweet exotic fruit will be useful in case of loss of strength on critical days, as well as in complex conditions directly related to PMS. The product can relieve pain and reduce the amount of discharge.

    But pregnant women should not eat pineapple in order to avoid undesirable consequences: in this interesting situation, the vitamin fruit will bring only harm, because it can cause contractions and start the process of childbirth, including premature ones.

    For men

    The beneficial properties of pineapple for men are due to the same factors as for women. But, based on the fact that organisms and processes in them differ slightly, I would like to note that pineapple has a beneficial effect on the sexual function of men and increases potency.

    Many representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not think about the benefits of this fruit, and also do not understand why there is it, except for gastronomic pleasure. But in fact, men have a lot of reasons to eat pineapples! It is worth noting that, for example, bromelain, which promotes (as described above) the burning of fats and the breakdown of proteins, triggers many other processes in the male body. This is to counteract the development of insidious male diseases associated with the genitourinary system and fertility.

    Pineapple is also useful for men involved in active sports. Eating an exotic fruit has a positive effect on testosterone levels, and also helps stabilize cardiovascular activity and reduces the risk of stroke. For men exposed to frequent power loads, eating pineapple helps repair damaged muscles.

    Harm of pineapple and contraindications

    Pineapple in large quantities may cause harm. It should be consumed in moderation by patients with ulcers, gastritis, and those who have increased acidity stomach. Pineapple itself is acidic above normal, which can become an irritant to the digestive tract and mucous membranes. People with sensitive tooth enamel also need to be extremely careful when eating pineapple, due to the various acids and sugars it contains.

    If there are prerequisites for allergies, then you should still reduce your consumption of pineapple, as it is a strong allergen.

    A woman's pregnancy is most often a contraindication to eating pineapple. Pregnant women should approach the issue of introducing it into their diet very wisely, since unripe fruit can lead to uterine contractions.

    Is pineapple a fruit, berry or vegetable?

    For years now there have been debates about what it is. The most common belief is that it is a fruit. But many claim that it is a berry. The most exotic assumption is that the juicy sweet fruit is a vegetable. But all the opinions of pineapple lovers on this issue differ from the conclusions of scientists.

    Structural features

    To correctly answer the question of what a pineapple is, it is necessary to find out what this plant and its fruit are. After all, scientific classification is always based on certain characteristics.

    Important! Pineapple has a good effect on digestion and helps the body absorb fatty foods. Its juice is used in weight loss diets.

    The plant is relatively small and stunted. Its leaves rise from the ground like a bush of grass. But they are quite dense, have a length from 30 cm to 1 m, and in some species they grow up to 2 m. The edges of the leaves are decorated with spines, like the top of the fruit. Another feature that makes pineapple similar to cacti is the ability of the leaves to accumulate moisture.

    The strong, elastic leaves grow in a rosette that produces many adventitious roots. This allows you to absorb more moisture during the wet period, so that you can safely survive the drought. There are few underground roots: they go into the soil only to a depth of 25-30 cm. Such a bush can be conveniently grown in greenhouses.

    An inflorescence up to 60 cm long appears at the top of the rosette. About 10 small buds bloom on this stem every day. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks, then mini-fruits begin to ripen. Subsequently, they grow together and the familiar pineapple is formed. Its peel is the keratinized remains of the petals.

    In the wild, flowers are pollinated and seeds mature. But pineapples with seeds are considered less tasty, so for gastronomic purposes they are protected from pollination.

    Advice. Buy only ripe pineapples. Greens have a pungent taste and can cause digestive upset.

    The plant reproduces not only by seeds. When the fruit is ripe, the bush throws out shoots for vegetative propagation. Can be grown by rooting the tuft.

    What type of plant does all of the listed features of pineapples resemble?

    Berry, vegetable or fruit?

    In everyday life, pineapples are most often called fruits. But from a scientific point of view they cannot be called that. In botany, fruits include the fruits of trees or shrubs. Pineapples don't grow on trees. The crop also cannot be classified as a shrub. Thus, the hypothesis about the relationship of this juicy delicacy with fruit disappears.

    Scientists call berries fruits with thin edible peel, juicy pulp and seeds. Very similar, but not completely. The prickly delicacy does not fit into this category due to its hard skin.

    The last of the common assumptions states that the beautiful golden fruits with a prickly tuft are vegetables. Scientists call vegetables the fruits, tubers or greens of herbaceous plants. Therefore, the statement that pineapple is a vegetable is closest to the truth. Botany actually classifies it as a herbaceous plant. However, scientists do not call pineapples vegetables. They claim that it is a grass, just like the banana. This is the correct answer to the question “What is a pineapple?”

    How to grow pineapple: video

    PINEAPPLE (Ananas), a genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the family. bromeliads.

    The short stem bears a rosette of succulent, spiny-toothed leaves (up to 90 cm long), at the base of which numerous shoots develop. The flowers are collected at the top of the stem in a dense capitate inflorescence. It produces many juicy, aromatic fruits - berries, which then grow together into a single whole, forming a tasty pineal fruit with a diameter of 15-20 cm.

    Surprised? Still would! In this respect (in structure) the pineapple fruit is similar to the raspberry fruit. The main axis of the infructescence continues to grow and forms a rosette of leaves (crown) at the apex.

    The practically inedible part of the fruit remains only the scaly, rather thick peel, which is formed from the corollas and calyxes of the flowers.

    The fruit, which is always formed from more than a hundred berries, has a cylindrical or pin-shaped shape. The weight of a pineapple ranges from 0.8 to 4 kilograms, but among them there are also giants weighing up to 15 kilograms. Looking at it, you think that it is a big green cone that grew on some big coniferous tree. It’s not for nothing that pineapple is called “pineapple” in English.

    That is, "pine apple".

    The pulp of the fruit is white or yellow, aromatic, sweet and sour in taste. There are pineapples with red and even purple flesh. The pulp contains up to 15% Sugars (on average two-thirds sucrose, the rest is monosaccharides), 0.5-0.8% acids (citric, malic, tartaric), provitamin A, vitamins B and C.

    Pineapple fruits are mostly eaten fresh. They store well and withstand long-term transportation.

    Fine fabrics are made from leaf fibers.

    Cultivated varieties of pineapple do not produce seeds, but after collecting “wild” seeds, pineapple can be sown. To plant a cultivated pineapple, just carefully cut out the top of the fruit and plant it in moist soil; it will take root and produce a new plant. Some call the pineapple a predator because it is not averse to feasting on small aquatic organisms that live in rainwater accumulated in the axils of its leaves.

    The birthplace of the pineapple is most likely Brazil, where it still grows wild.

    8-9 species, in tropical America. Pineapple has been cultivated since antiquity, in the 16th century. has spread to most tropical countries. The cultivated pineapple belongs to the species Large-tufted pineapple (Ananas comosus), with non-thorny leaves and large seedless fruits up to 2-15 kg, growing wild in Southern Brazil. Propagated vegetatively - by suckers or apical cuttings.

    The largest plantations are in the Hawaiian (about 1/3 of the world's harvest) and Philippine islands, Malaysia, Mexico, Brazil, and Cuba. In Europe, it has been grown in greenhouses and greenhouses since the mid-17th century.


    Watermelon is a berry, and pineapple is a herb (I think I heard so)

    no not a berry

    Watermelon - pumpkin. Pineapple is a complex fruit.

    There is no clear answer to this question. Some people consider it a berry. Some argue that it is a fruit or perhaps even a vegetable. I even heard that it is something like a cereal.

    The pineapple fruit is complex, representing a large fleshy cone of numerous juicy fused fruitlets located on a central fleshy core (core). At the top of the fruit there is a rosette and a bunch of leaves - a plume. The average fruit weight is from 1.5 to 3.0 kg. The edible pulp accounts for up to 67% of the total mass of the fruit, the rest is inedible peel, plume, stem and axis (core) of the fruit

    Perennial herbaceous fruit plant bromeliad family. Its homeland is semi-arid areas in the northeast of South America, Brazil, Guiana, and Paraguay. It is currently grown in many tropical countries, and in Holland they have learned to grow it in greenhouses.

    Pineapple is a heat-loving, light-loving and drought-resistant plant. Its linear leaves are collected in a rosette, reach 90 cm in length, are hard, usually with spines along the edges. The inflorescence is on a fleshy peduncle, simple, of flowers densely and spirally arranged on an axis. The flowers are bisexual. The structure of the pineapple fruit is similar to that of a raspberry. It consists of individual succulent fruits sitting on a central rod that pierces the fruit from the base to the apex, on which a bunch of leaves is located. The color of the fruit, depending on the variety, can be yellow, golden, red and even purple.