Insulating materials for walls and floors. Thermal insulation materials for floors. It all starts with the foundation

Insulating materials for walls and floors.  Thermal insulation materials for floors.  It all starts with the foundation
Insulating materials for walls and floors. Thermal insulation materials for floors. It all starts with the foundation

The construction industry offers many different types of heat insulating materials. Despite their diversity, they can be divided into several main types. The most used materials for thermal insulation:

  • mineral wool insulation;
  • expanded polystyrene and its extruded modification;
  • foamed polyethylene with metallized coating;
  • polyurethane foam.

Each of the listed insulation options has its own strengths and weak sides and optimal area of ​​application.

Properties of mineral wool insulation

Mineral wool is a modern modification of glass wool and does not have many of the disadvantages of the latter. It is made from waste from the metallurgical industry with the addition of processed basalt rocks. Available in the form of mats and rolls of various sizes.

The disadvantages of mineral wool insulation include significant specific gravity, gradual subsidence under the influence of its own gravity and “dusting” during installation.

These thermal insulation materials have the following advantages:

  • high thermal insulation ability;
  • good noise absorption;
  • fire resistance;
  • low cost.

Widely used for insulation of floors, walls, roofs, attics and basements. Used as a heat insulator for ventilated facade systems.

Expanded polystyrene - insulation characteristics

Is a foamed polymer material with high thermal insulation characteristics. It is used, like basalt insulation, when processing all structural elements Houses.

Positive differences:

  • light weight;
  • high sound insulation;
  • good vapor barrier and compression resistance;
  • resistance to moisture, chemical and biological factors;
  • ease of installation.

Disadvantages: fragility, low fire resistance and the ability to release toxic compounds upon fire.

There is an extruded analogue of PPS on sale, which has best characteristics in terms of density, plasticity and moisture resistance. Extruded polystyrene foam – modern insulation ny material. It is more durable and stable, easy to process, but its cost is higher than conventional foam. The areas of application of both varieties are similar.

A modern heat insulator consisting of foamed polyethylene and aluminum foil. There are many varieties available, varying in thickness, availability self-adhesive film and the number of reflective layers (there may be one or two).

Advantages of insulation:

  • Low thickness with high thermal insulation ability. A sheet of penofol corresponds to the efficiency of a mineral wool board, which is 20 times thicker than it.
  • Good vapor barrier;
  • Protects from external influences of moisture and wind;
  • Versatility. Thanks to the reflective ability of the foil, it protects against all types of heat loss: convection, thermal conductivity and radiation;
  • Environmental cleanliness;
  • Easy to cut and install.

It is successfully used wherever materials for thermal insulation are in demand: in construction, industry, automotive, and defense. In the residential sector it is used as insulation of any elements of buildings, water supply and sewerage pipelines, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Indispensable as a reflector installed between the heating radiator and the wall.

Polyurethane foam for thermal insulation

A progressive insulation method consisting of spraying liquid composition onto the insulated surface. The hardened and expanded polymer creates reliable protection from the cold. Thermal insulation materials such as polyethylene foam and polyurethane foam are the most effective technical solutions.

The advantages of PPU include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • seamless technology that does not form cold bridges;
  • good adhesion to most building materials;
  • accessibility of the most difficult places;
  • anti-corrosion properties;
  • resistance to moisture, fungi and mold;
  • noise protection properties;
  • durability.

Weak point is instability to direct action sun rays. This can be prevented by painting or using polyurethane foam as a heat insulator in curtain facades. Therefore, polyurethane foam is used everywhere where the materials listed above are used.

Polyurethane foam is applied using sophisticated equipment operating under high pressure, and using expensive components. Only qualified specialists can carry out this work. This explains the high cost of this method.

The technologies presented above are not all options for insulating residential buildings. There are other materials for thermal insulation: expanded clay, insulating plaster, foam rubber, perlite, insulation made from recycled hemp and flax, non-woven insulating fiber, foam glass and others. They account for less than 5% of the total volume of heat insulators used. The main types of materials used were discussed above.

Thermal insulation materials are products for construction that have low level thermal conductivity. They are intended for insulation of buildings, technical insulation and protecting cold chambers from heating.

To decide on the choice of material for thermal insulation, you need to know its properties and characteristics. It is important that the material has low thermal conductivity. The latter is ensured by the movement of molecules that transfer heat. Thermal insulation materials help slow down their movement.

Important properties of insulation materials

Thermal insulators are called Construction Materials with a low thermal conductivity coefficient. If thermal insulation is used to retain heat internally in a building, the materials are called insulation.

Materials for thermal insulation must have a number of properties:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • porous structure;
  • density;
  • vapor permeability;
  • water absorption;
  • biosustainability;
  • fire resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • temperature stability;
  • heat capacity;
  • frost resistance.

Common types of insulation

There are quite a few types of materials for thermal insulation, one of them is insulation with a fibrous structure, which includes mineral wool. It has high porosity, approximately 95% of its volume is air. That is why mineral wool has good thermal insulation properties and is often used to insulate buildings. Its production is quite affordable, and therefore the price too. The advantages of mineral wool include:

  • does not retain moisture;
  • does not burn;
  • provides sound insulation;
  • long service life.

It is worth noting that when moisture gets on the material, it loses its thermal insulation properties. When installing mineral wool, it is necessary to use a hydro- and vapor barrier film.

Glass wool is made from fibers that are obtained from quartz sand, soda, and lime. Materials for thermal insulation can be purchased in the form of a roll, plate or shell. According to its characteristics, it resembles mineral wool, but is a little stronger and dampens noise to a greater extent. The disadvantage is the low level of temperature stability.

Foam glass is made by sintering gas-forming agents with glass powder; it is produced in the form of slabs or blocks. Its structure has a porosity of up to 95%, which provides excellent thermal insulation properties. Foam glass - quite durable material for thermal insulation, having the following characteristics:

  • frost resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • incombustibility;
  • strength;
  • long service life.

Disadvantages - high price and vapor tightness

Cellulose wool is a wood fiber material with a fine-grained structure, which consists of 80% wood fibers, 12% fire retardant and the remaining 8% antiseptic. Thermal insulation material is laid using two methods: dry and wet. For the wet installation method, a special installation is used, with which wet cellulose wadding is blown out. Thus, the adhesive properties of pectin are activated. The dry method can be done manually or using special equipment. Cellulose wool is poured in and compacted to a certain density. Cotton wool is quite affordable and has good insulation properties.

Materials for thermal insulation are quite varied, so it is necessary to study the properties in order to make a choice. After all, each building requires a certain material.

Choose from a variety of materials for home insulation the right option it can be quite difficult. Each of them is often divided into several types with its own unique characteristics. Comparative analysis can take a long time, so an idea of general properties choosing one or another insulation will help, if not finally decide on the choice, then at least tell you in which direction to move. The article will focus on building thermal insulation materials.

Thermal insulation materials types and properties


One of the most popular thermal insulation materials for walls is polystyrene foam. It belongs to the category inexpensive insulation materials and firmly occupies a leading position in it. I must say that this is completely justified. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by a sufficient number of buildings for both residential and industrial purposes.

So, among him positive characteristics especially stands out:

  • price. Production costs are minimal. Material consumption (in comparison with popular mineral wool) is one and a half times less;
  • ease of installation. Polystyrene foam will not require the construction of lathing and guides. It is mounted on the wall by gluing;
  • versatility. A correctly selected type of insulation will allow you to create a reliable heat-protective barrier for the floor, facade, walls, floors between floors, roof, and ceiling.

It effectively protects residents from the cold frame houses, laid inside hollow brick walls.

It is most convenient to view the indicators depending on the classification in the table. The division is based on an indicator such as density.

Characteristics Foam brands Notes
PSB S 50 PSB S 35 PSB S 25 PSB S 15
Density (kg/m³) 35 25 15 8 Types PS - 4, PS - 1 have increased density
Fracture resistance (MPa) 0,30 0,25 0,018 0,06
Compressive Strength (MPa) 0,16 0,16 0,08 0,04
Moisture absorption capacity (%) 1 2 3 4 At full immersion for a period of 24 hours
Thermal conductivity (W/μ) 0,041 0,037 0,039 0,043
Self-extinguishing time (sec.) / flammability class 3 1 1 4 Provided there is no direct contact with open flame

Normally flammable

Vapor permeability coefficient (mg) 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05

All described types can be used at temperatures from - 60 to + 80°C.

PS class material is produced using pressing, which gives it increased density (from 100 to 600 kg/m³). It is successfully used as insulation cement floors and where significant loads are expected on the base. Rest specifications generally coincide with the above data for other types of foam.

Of course, according to some figures and coefficients, polystyrene foam has discrepancies, for example, with more modern foamed polystyrene or penofol, but the difference is so insignificant that it will be absolutely not noticeable to the residents of the house.

That's why strengths foam plastic are rightfully considered:

  • a small coefficient of thermal conductivity, which allows you to retain heat in buildings made of any type of material from brick to gas silicate blocks;

  • The cell structure of polystyrene foam is closed, so it absorbs liquid extremely poorly. For insulation this is extremely important indicator, because when water is added, it loses its heat-saving properties. Cellars, ground floors having direct contact (or the threat of such) with groundwater successfully insulated using polystyrene foam;
  • sound insulation goes well nice addition to the function of reducing heat loss. The air hidden in the sealed cells of the material successfully extinguishes even the most intense sound waves, transmitted in space. In order to create a barrier to impact noise, foam plastic alone will not work;
  • resistance to alcohol, alkaline and saline solutions, water-based paints this material is “developed” at a high level. In addition, it is not chosen as a worthy habitat for fungi and mold. It is worth noting that rodents, on the contrary, are very fond of polystyrene foam and often prefer to live in it. Fight them any way available means will not allow uninvited neighbors to spoil the insulation;
  • environmental Safety. Polystyrene foam does not emit any harmful substances. The modern standard of this insulation is full compliance with sanitary standards;
  • as additional protection from combustion, at the production stage, fire retardants are added to the main ingredients, designed to increase the fire resistance of the foam. And if there is no direct contact with the fire, then it goes out on its own in a short period of time. But, in fairness, it is worth noting that it is still considered a flammable material;
  • loss of the above properties will not occur, even if there is short-term contact with a heat source up to 110°, but prolonged exposure to more than 80° C will lead to deformation and loss of characteristics.

Described temperature conditions are classified as anomalies and do not occur with regular frequency, so making them the main reason for refusing to use polystyrene foam is inappropriate.

Penoplex plates

Foamed polystyrene, expanded polystyrene, extruded polystyrene - all this is the name of the same material, sold in construction stores as penoplex insulation. It is a “relative” of the familiar polystyrene foam, but is considered a material one step higher.

The main difference begins already at the production stage, where extrusion plants are used. As a result, the fine-cell structure of the material has greater strength than its “brother” foam. It is also distinguished by excellent hydrophobic properties. Air is securely sealed in the scarlet cells, preventing warm air leave the room, and cold, on the contrary, penetrate inside.

Main properties of thermal insulation material:

  • strength. It is achieved due to a unique homogeneous structure. Under heavy loads, the slab does not deform, distributing the weight efficiently, but is easy to cut construction knife into pieces of the required size;
  • environmental friendliness The material has been proven by multiple studies, it is resistant to the formation of fungus and mold, and rodents do not like it. Some types of organic solvents can soften penoplex and disrupt the shape and structure of the slab. Therefore, when working with this insulation, it is recommended to avoid contact with such liquids;
  • low vapor permeability requires strict adherence to installation technology and recommendations for use so as not to create a greenhouse effect in the room;

  • lifetime for penoplex slabs the lifespan is at least 50 years. This is a guaranteed period of time during which the material will have its original characteristics;
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity - main indicator, according to which foamed polystyrene is considered good insulation. Low values ​​of this indicator indicate that the house will be reliably protected from heat loss.
  • The types of thermal insulation material penoplex and the directions for their use are quite diverse (previously used and modern names material).
  • Insulation of facades (PENOPLEX 31 or “Wall”). It is made with the addition of fire retardants. Well applicable for plinths, internal and external walls, partitions, facades. Its density is 25-32 kg/m³, compressive strength is 0.20 MPa.
  • Foundation ( PENOPLEX 35 without additives for fire resistance or “foundation”). In addition to the application option implied by the name, this type is widely used in the arrangement of basements, blind areas and plinths. Density is expressed in terms of 29-33 kg/m³, and compressive strength is 0.27 MPa.
  • Roofs. ( PENOPLEX 35 or “Roof”). Pitched or flat roof any type can be insulated using this type of polystyrene foam. It is dense enough (28 - 33 kg/m³) to create a usable roof.
  • Country cottages, saunas, houses. ( PENOPLEX 31 C or “Comfort”). Universal insulation. Houses, roofing, walls and plinths in small private buildings - this is the scope of its application. Density indicators - 25-35 kg/m³, strength - 0.20 MPa.

Foamed polystyrene occupies a worthy position in popularity due to its good performance indicators.

Thermal insulation material glass wool

Insulation, known to more than one generation of builders, has today undergone some modifications. But, in essence, it remained the same material made from molten glass. Sand and recycled glass materials are drawn at temperatures above 1400 °C into thin fibers, which are formed into small bundles (with the participation of binding components), and then heated and pressed into a felt-like product. Glass wool reaches the consumer in mats or rolls and is intended for insulation of both horizontal and vertical surfaces.

She belongs to the category mineral materials and is still produced in large volumes, and this indicates the demand and the presence of a significant number of positive characteristics that are worth getting to know a little closer.

  • Fragility refers rather to significant shortcomings. To prevent glass wool from scattering into its component parts during operation, mats and canvases are stitched. But no reinforcement can save you from small particles flying in all directions. Therefore, the equipment of a person working with glass wool must be serious: clothing that covers the body well, a respirator mask, goggles and gloves.
  • The thermal conductivity of the material is low, but in comparison with other materials for similar purposes, it is considered high.
  • The cost of glass wool remains competitive. Due to its availability, it is in demand, especially since it really reduces heat loss.
  • Ease of transportation and use. Rolls and mats of material weigh little and the packaging is compact enough to bring the entire volume for home insulation in one go. Laying it out is also easy. The only caveat is that when insulating vertical bases, it can fall out of the frame, because it is quite flexible and low-elastic. The problem is solved by constructing guides with a smaller distance than the width of the mat. It is easy to cut the material to size.
  • Safety. Glass wool can cause certain inconveniences and harm to health only at the installation stage. But when proper organization labor troubles will not happen. And after the material is laid in the base and covered with plasterboard, chipboard sheets or other finishing materials, it will not cause any harm to humans.
  • No rodents. Due to the specific nature of the material, mice and rats will not choose this insulation to create cozy burrows in it.
  • Glass wool is a non-flammable material.
  • Sound insulation when used is also ensured.

Thus, it is most convenient to use glass wool for insulating floors and ceilings. You can also show skill when decorating walls. The main disadvantage remains the harmful dust that is inevitable when cutting and rolling, but for some consumers the low cost more than offsets this disadvantage.


Continuing the conversation about mineral insulation, it is worth mentioning slag wool. It is produced from blast furnace slag. Since this is a kind of production waste (when cast iron is smelted in blast furnaces, a glassy mass remains), the costs of its production are low, and therefore the price of the finished insulation is quite affordable.

Slag wool is capable of blocking heat well in rooms, but it has enough disadvantages and limitations on use to negate its low cost and good thermal insulation.

  • So, slag wool is afraid of moisture. It is not justified to use it in bathrooms or on facades. At the same time, it is capable of oxidizing various metal parts and structures with which it comes into direct and prolonged contact.
  • To top it all off, it is scratchy and requires the use of special protection during operation. Against this background, glass wool looks much more attractive, so slag wool is modern construction used extremely rarely.

Mineral thermal insulation material

Basalt, stone, mineral wool, rockwool - these names most often hide the same material.

  • Its fibers are the same size as slag wool, but they do not cause discomfort during installation. Safety in use is one of the first distinctive properties This insulation is from the mineral category.

  • The thermal conductivity coefficient of this material is calculated from 0.077 to 0.12 W/meter-kelvin. Basalt wool is called the best in all respects. It does not contain additional harmful impurities and can withstand prolonged exposure to extremely high and low temperatures, easy to use.
  • Both ordinary stone and basalt wool are resistant to combustion. The fibers will only melt and sinter together, but will not allow further spread of the fire.
  • Any building can be insulated with stone wool, both when built from scratch and those that have been in operation for quite a long time. Basalt insulation does not interfere with air microcirculation, which means it can be used in buildings where forced ventilation not functioning properly.
  • Certain inconveniences for some builders may arise with the need to erect a false wall. Without it, it will not be possible to install insulation. But in fact, the construction technology is very simple; not so much space is “eaten up”.
  • The material is environmentally friendly, good for insulation wooden houses. It is strictly forbidden for it to get wet, so the waterproofing layer must meet all requirements.
  • Recommended thickness of thermal insulation material for middle zone is 15-20 cm, in the southern regions a 10 cm layer is sufficient.

  • Stone wool absorbs sound well. This is achieved due to the fact that its fibers are located chaotically, and between them in large quantities air accumulates. This structure perfectly dampens sounds.
  • The described insulation is chemically passive. Even if it is in close contact with a metal surface, no traces of corrosion will appear on it. Rotting and infection by fungi or mold stone wool also not typical. Rodents and other pests are not attracted to the material.
  • The only really negative aspect of its use is the rather high cost.

Characteristics of thermal insulation materials


Ecowool is insulation made from waste paper and various residues from the production of paper and cardboard. In addition to these components, antiseptics and a fairly powerful fire retardant are added to the composition. It is extremely necessary, because judging by the fact that 80% of the material is flammable cellulose, the level of flammability of such a heat-insulating product is quite high.

Ecowool is not without its drawbacks.

  • One of them is hers natural decrease in volume. It is capable of settling, losing up to 20% of the original filling level. To prevent this, ecowool is used in excess. Creating a “reserve” will replenish the volume that decreases during operation.
  • The insulation absorbs moisture quite well. This directly affects the ability to retain heat. The material needs the ability to release moisture external environment, therefore the thermal insulation layer must be ventilated.
  • In order to carry out installation, special equipment will be required. It is a device that pumps insulation with uniform density, eliminating its further shrinkage. In this regard, you will need the help of hired specialists with experience working with this type of insulation. Wet method application, which involves such difficulties, also opens up the prospect of a break in construction work until the ecowool dries (from two to three days).

There is, of course, a method of dry insulation, but the installation option described above still has a better result. If horizontal surfaces can be insulated without using special equipment, then creating a layer of thermal insulation on the walls will be difficult to do without. There is a risk of uneven shrinkage of the material and the creation of uninsulated cavities.

  • Features of the material itself do not imply its independent (frameless) use when insulation is carried out using a screed. Unlike polystyrene foam boards, ecowool does not have sufficient strength for this.
  • Considerable precautions will be required during installation.:
    • carry out work away from open flames;
    • Avoid contact of the material with any heat source that could lead to smoldering. That is, when insulating a surface next to a fireplace pipe or chimney, they will need to be separated from the insulation basalt mats with foil covering or asbestos cement barriers.

It would seem that against the backdrop of such difficulties, one can immediately abandon the use of ecowool, but it positive sides for some people they can become a powerful incentive to use it.

  • The material (even taking into account the increase in shrinkage) is quite economical.
  • This insulation is environmentally friendly and safe for health. An exception may be material where it was used as a fire retardant. boric acid or ammonium sulfates. In this case, ecowool will have a sharp and unpleasant odor.
  • It is a seamless insulation that does not have cold bridges. This means that heat loss in winter period will be reduced to a minimum.
  • The material is inexpensive, while allowing for good thermal insulation.

As a soundproofing material, ecowool can compete with many of the materials described above.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Polyester with the addition of water, emulsifiers and active reagents, when exposed to a catalyst, form a substance with all the signs and indicators of a good heat-insulating material.

Polyurethane foam has the following characteristics:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient: 0.019 - 0.028 W/meter-kelvin;
  • applied by spraying, creating a continuous coating without cold bridges;
  • the light weight of the hardened foam does not put pressure on the structure;
  • ease of use without any fasteners makes it possible to insulate surfaces with any configuration;
  • long service life, including resistance to frost and heat, any precipitation, rotting;
  • safety for humans and the environment;
  • does not destroy metal elements structures, but on the contrary, creates anti-corrosion protection for them.

Walls, floors and ceilings - its application is available everywhere. Polyurethane foam will adhere to glass, wood, concrete, brick, metal and even painted surfaces. The only thing you should protect polyurethane foam from is exposure to direct rays of light.

Types of thermal insulation materials

Reflective thermal insulation materials

There is a group of heat-saving materials that work on the principle of reflectors. They function quite simply: they first absorb and then release the resulting heat.

  • The surface of such insulation is able to reflect more than 97% of the heat that reaches its surface. This is available through one or a couple of layers of polished aluminum.
  • It does not contain impurities, and is applied to a layer of foamed polyethylene for ease of use.

  • The thin-looking material can surprise with its capabilities. One or two centimeters of reflective insulation creates an effect comparable to using a 10 to 27 cm thick fibrous thermal insulator. Among the most popular materials in this category are Ecofol, Penofol, Poriplex, Armofol.
  • In addition to heat and sound insulation, such insulation creates vapor barrier protection (and is often used in this capacity).

The conclusion is quite simple: ideal insulation does not exist. Depending on the means, the goals pursued and personal preferences (including ease of use), everyone can choose for themselves optimal material to create a warm and truly cozy home. But we must remember that when using each of the above-described insulation on the roof, mandatory waterproofing of the heat-insulating material is required.

The choice of thermal insulation material is a responsible process. Today, many manufacturers have begun to produce insulation that can perform several functions at once. It not only makes the surface warm, but also creates reliable protection against wind, moisture, steam and corrosion.


If you decide to insulate the walls, then going to hardware store, you can see that the assortment is quite wide outside. Each of the available insulation materials differs not only in its thermal insulation qualities. Let's look at the main ones.

Liquid materials

Several years ago, builders actively used solid thermal insulation materials to insulate walls. But not so long ago construction market new ones began to appear, having a liquid consistency. In appearance and consistency, such products are similar to paint, which is why they are often called insulating paint.

In the photo - liquid thermal insulation materials for walls

By composition liquid thermal insulation presented in the form of small capsules made of ceramics and glass. They are filled with air or inert gas. The role of the binding component is performed by acrylic polymers. The finished product is a thick dough.

Hard materials

To insulate walls, rigid insulation materials can be used, the installation of which is much simpler. They represent geometrically correct slabs, thanks to which you can get ideal flat surface. Then simply plaster or veneer it various materials. For the most part they fit like .

The photo shows rigid thermal insulation materials for walls:

Solid insulation does not shrink or wrinkle. Installation of solid insulation does not require lathing, frames or other structures. The materials are highly durable and their service life is more than 50 years.

Warm plaster

Among the advantages of this material are high strength indicators. This suggests that the surface is very difficult to damage, which cannot be said about previous materials. Warm plaster is a liquid heat insulator. This is nothing more than a cement-sand mortar with the addition of natural and polymer fillers.

In the photo - warm plaster

Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce the thermal conductivity of the original composition. The thermal conductivity of walls with a heat insulator will directly depend on the fillers used. When laying out a thin layer 1-1.5 cm thick, you can replace 50 ml of polystyrene foam. But you can understand what warm plaster for the facade looks like and how it is used by looking at the photos and information

Gas-filled plastics

This material for thermal insulation of walls is considered one of the most effective. To obtain it, the foaming method is used different materials. The result of this process is a sheet foam insulator.

Photo-gas-filled plastics

Its installation is simple and convenient. Expanded polystyrene can easily be considered one of the leaders among all produced foam plastics. You can use a heat insulator to insulate walls from the outside. But what they are and where exactly it is used is described in this article.

Liquid foam

This is another option for liquid insulation. Its name is penoizol. Its filling is carried out using hoses between the walls, in the cracks, and in the formwork at the time of construction. This insulation option is a budget option, since its cost is 2 times cheaper compared to other analogues.

The photo shows liquid foam for walls

Liquid foam is able to resist microbes, is breathable, does not burn well, and has a long service life. But what kind of liquid thermal insulation for walls from the inside exists, in addition to the above, is described in this

Extruded polystyrene foam

Polystyrene granules are used to make this material. They are melted under high temperature. The material is then extruded from the extruder and foamed. This is what gives such .

Photo-extruded polystyrene foam for walls

Thus, it is possible to obtain strong, durable and breathable insulation. It has excellent contact with various wall coverings.

Glass wool

This material is a type of mineral fiber. Glass scrap is used to make it. The release of glass wool occurs with different densities and thickness. If you need thin fiberglass, then you need to choose a material with a thickness of 5 cm. This is enough to replace a meter-long brick wall.

In the photo there is glass wool for the wall

Fiberglass has high fire resistance and elasticity. Characterized by excellent performance heat and sound insulation. But when installing fiberglass, you need to take care of your safety by wearing a respirator.

Election criteria

When choosing a thermal insulation material for insulating external and interior walls, a number of requirements must be taken into account:

  1. Thermal insulation performance. The higher this indicator, the better material will retain heat.
  2. Weight. The lighter the heat insulator, the less complications occurs during the installation process.
  3. Vapor permeability. If this indicator is high, then excess liquid will drain freely.
  4. Flammability. In this case, the indicators can determine how fire hazardous the material is and whether it poses a threat to the house and its occupants.
  5. Eco-holic purity. When purchasing modern insulation, you can be sure that it consists exclusively of natural raw materials.
  6. Lifetime. It is necessary to select insulation that has a long service life, so as not to waste extra effort and money on repeated work.
  7. Price. And although the price of a heat insulator is indicated as the last criterion, for many it is the most important. Of course, you must understand what more expensive material, the higher its technical characteristics.

When working with walls, it is useful to know the difference.

Thermal insulation of walls is responsible work, which requires the choice of high-quality insulation. Today there are enough options on the construction market, each of which has its own technical characteristics and is suitable for insulating walls outside or inside the house.

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A positive factor in modern construction is the use of new tools and technologies. Currently, some insulating materials have proven themselves to be excellent.

Thermo Reflex insulation overview

Thermo Reflex is a new generation construction product. It is used to insulate ventilated roofs, floors, walls, attics and attics. Thermo Reflex consists of reflective multi-layer thermal insulation sheets. The layers of these fabrics are foamed polyethylene, polyester wadding or sheep's wool. The layers are separated from each other by metallized films made of polyester material.

As a result thermal radiation Indoors overheat in summer, and in winter a significant part of the heat is lost. With Thermo Reflex insulation material, these transfers are largely eliminated, as the principle of reflecting heat waves works. Thus, the comfort of housing is maintained throughout the year.

When constructing ventilated roofs of new buildings, as well as when reconstructing old ones, the use of insulating material helps to reflect heat radiation and protects against convection and heat loss. Thermo Reflex is used in a heated floor system. The aluminum contained in the material is an effective vapor barrier. If insulation is used for a non-heated floor, a protective screen is created that prevents radon gas from entering the room.

Application of insulating material in attic spaces and attics prevents heat transfer from the roof. Thermo Reflex is installed quickly and easily, no need to remove tiles or slates, no installation required plastering works. IN in this case, good finishing material will be plasterboard slabs or wooden lining. To make better use of the reflectivity of the insulating material, when finishing works you need to leave a small air gap.

Insulating the internal walls of the house along the perimeter provides maximum heat retention in the room in winter and maintains optimal temperature in summer without the use of air conditioners. Spacer strips are mounted on the walls, onto which Thermo Reflex sheets are fixed. The panels are connected to each other using special glue. The insulating material is secured with plasterboard. In this case, air gaps of at least 2 cm are also left.

This material is effective at any time of the year. It can be used on all bases and shapes. Thermo Reflex is waterproof, fire-resistant, non-irritant and non-toxic. It has a small thickness, which almost does not affect losses internal space living space. Thermo Reflex is durable in use.

Another effective insulation product for large-scale construction is Tefond. This material is a polyethylene membrane having high density. Tefond reduces deformation road surface, reduces the thickness of the layers of the road “pie”, reduces the mechanical effect on the road base. This material is safe to use, provides reliable protection, tightness and insulation of construction sites.

Tefond insulation review

Tefond can be installed with vertical installation, with a waterproofing joint, with a two-lock waterproofing system and with a standard system. Tefond is the first insulating membrane that can be installed vertically during operation. According to this system, the material is fixed only in the upper part. Drilling holes in walls is not allowed. Tefond can be used without horizontal joints on walls of any height.

A mechanical sealing system is used if Tefond is used for protection only. The end seal is sealed, making the seams watertight. Such a system is best protection from water and steam.

The material has a precise joining point, thanks to which it is possible to obtain excellent sealing by simply overlapping the edges. Even if the membrane is subjected to strong tension, there is virtually no possibility of the material rupturing. Tefond is available in rolls standard sizes. Their height is 2.07 m. This reduces material costs during installation.

The insulation membrane is used to protect walls, foundations and roofs. This material covers surfaces in contact with the ground. Tefond is used in the construction of tunnels, roads and railways, in hydraulic work. The use of insulating materials in construction is a requirement of today.

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Heat loss, especially in winter time, negatively affects the health of apartment residents. 30% of the heat escapes through cracks in windows and doorways, and 20% is lost through the floors, mainly on the ground floor, where the heated room is in contact with the ground, if there is no thermal insulation layer. Floor insulation makes your life more comfortable: you can walk on the floor barefoot at any time without fear of catching a cold. The heat in the apartment is maintained thanks to the thermal insulation of the floor. The question arises: “Which floor insulation should you choose?”

Today we will tell you about what types of floor insulation exist, what are their advantages and disadvantages. We will introduce you to the criteria for choosing a thermal insulation layer, tell you which insulation is best for retaining heat in the house, and how to install it correctly in a particular room.

Criteria for choosing floor insulation

To choose the right material for floor insulation, you should pay attention to the following criteria.

The insulation must be:

Types of floor insulation

To choose the right thermal insulation material, you need to know what types the industry offers and what their advantages and disadvantages are.

There are several types of insulation:

  • mineral;
  • polymer;
  • wood-chip.

Expanded clay

Expanded clay is baked clay in granules.

Despite its advantages, there are also minor disadvantages.

Expanded clay takes a long time to dry and slowly releases absorbed moisture. Expanded clay produces dust, so you need to wear a respirator when working with it.

Otherwise, expanded clay is a convenient and high-quality insulation material. Expanded clay is used to insulate walls, floors, and roofs of houses.

Polymer insulation of houses

These include:

  1. expanded polystyrene foam;
  2. polyurethane foam;
  3. foamed polyethylene on a foil base;
  4. penoizol-liquid foam.

Expanded polystyrene

One of polymer insulation The floor is polystyrene foam. This is a foamed plastic mass. Consists of individual granular cells.

  • This is a durable material that, despite its light weight, can withstand high loads.
  • Due to its low weight, foam itself creates minimal load on the walls and foundation.
  • It is moisture resistant, so it can be used in places with high humidity on the balcony.
  • Polystyrene foam retains heat for a long time, almost without absorbing it. It surpasses many insulation materials in terms of thermal insulation.
  • When insulating floors, you can get by with a small thickness of polystyrene foam.
  • The price of polystyrene foam is low, which is important advantage of this material and attracts the attention of buyers.

An important disadvantage of polystyrene foam is that when burned it emits harmful substances which are poisonous and dangerous.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam differs from polystyrene foam in its manufacturing method and characteristics. Polystyrene foam is produced by exposing the granules to steam. At high temperature the cells increase in size and fill the entire form. A foam element is added to extruded polystyrene foam when high blood pressure and temperature, which is extruded through the extruder.

The thermal insulation properties of extruded polystyrene are much better than conventional polystyrene foam. But extruded polystyrene foam has lower vapor permeability. Another disadvantage is high flammability.

Foamed polyethylene on a foil base

Foamed polyethylene on a foil base is one of the best floor insulation materials. It is obtained by melting polyethylene in a special container with the addition of liquefied gas, which acts as a foamed reagent. A foil film is applied to one side of the polyethylene foam, which reflects heat. Foil-coated polyethylene is supplied in rolls, sheets, and slabs.

  • The closedness of the cells contributes to high hygroscopicity. The water resistance of the material allows you to insulate floors and walls in baths and saunas.
  • The material is resilient and elastic, durable: it can withstand significant loads and does not deform.
  • Caustic acids, alkalis, gasoline and other petroleum products do not affect polyethylene.
  • Laying foil polyethylene is easy and simple by hand, because it weighs little and is quite thin. Foil insulation is designed in such a way that it reflects heat back into the room. It does not transfer heat to the external environment. Therefore, it should be laid with the reflective side up.


Penoizol-liquid foam.

It is good because it is poured into all the cracks and hard to reach places.

Insulation is especially necessary when building a house, because it fills all the air voids and thereby retains heat.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is one of the best floor insulation materials of our time.

Wood-based insulation materials include:

  • plywood;
  • cellulose wadding;
  • sawdust.


Ecowool is a loose material made from cellulose. It is filled automatically or manually, covering the most inaccessible places. The cotton wool is poured into special pumps, and it passes into the room through thick pipes. Ecowool is not liquid.

The disadvantage of ecowool is its fear of moisture, so it is not recommended to use this material in rooms with excessive humidity.

Sawdust materials

Sawdust itself is not used for insulation because it does not meet fire safety requirements. Mainly used for insulation:

  1. sawdust pellets;
  2. wood concrete;
  3. wood blocks.

Wood blocks are sawdust with the addition of copper sulfate and cement.

Sawdust granules are obtained by adding antiseptics to them, making them resistant to the appearance of microorganisms. Sawdust granules have low thermal conductivity and high sound insulation properties.

Arbolit-wood concrete.
It is fire resistant. It has increased strength and can quickly restore its shape after excessive loads. Absorbs sound waves perfectly and retains heat.

Its disadvantage is low moisture resistance. If you want to make insulation from wood concrete, then the humidity in the apartment should not exceed 75%. A finishing protective layer should be laid on top of the wood concrete.

One of popular insulation materials is cork. This is the best insulation for linoleum, but also the most expensive. Cork fiber is obtained by processing oak wood. The wood is crushed, the particles are glued together with suberin, which is part of oak. They are steamed and pressed to form cork fiber. The material is completely natural, it does not contain any polymer additives. The material is durable, moisture-resistant, lightweight. Due to its structure (consists of cells, each of which is filled with a gaseous substance) it is considered the best heat insulator.

Cork fiber can be used as a substrate and as an independent floor covering.

How to lay insulation on the floor

Different insulation materials need to be installed differently.

Mineral wool is laid between the joists. But the glass wool should be properly insulated so that when it wears out, dust does not get into the apartment. It is very important to leave a ventilation gap.

Laying ecowool

Ecowool is laid mechanically or manually. Small particles of ecowool pass through the hose, and the operator uses air to direct the material with glue added to it onto the wall or floor. Sticking. ecowool particles create a thermal insulation layer. Cotton wool is applied to the floors manually, both liquid and dry. It just falls asleep between the lags. Placed on top vapor barrier membrane, and then wooden floors. The price of ecowool insulation along with work is 2200 per cubic meter using the dry method and 2800 per cubic meter using the wet method.

Laying expanded clay

There are 3 options for laying insulation such as expanded clay:

First you need to sweep the floor and remove construction debris. Need to make a bed PVC film or a special vapor barrier layer. Mark the level of the screed. Then apply 10cm wide edge tape to leave a gap from the walls. Fill the floor with expanded clay, level it, and fill it with screed on top. You can separate the screed with a waterproofing layer;

Laying foam

Expanded polystyrene is laid and then filled with cement or concrete. This is a floating screed.

Logs are placed under wooden floors, and foam plastic is laid between them.

The third way to lay polystyrene foam is to lay it on a concrete floor, and on top of them are sheets of plywood.

Polyurethane foam application technology

First you need to prepare the base: remove debris. Unevenness of the base does not matter when laying polyurethane foam. The main thing is that there are no oil stains on the surface, otherwise there will be no reliable adhesion of the insulation to the base in this place. You should pay attention to the humidity of the floor; it should not exceed 5%. The air temperature must be maintained at least +10 degrees. Polyurethane foam is applied through a special nozzle. Components A and B are mixed and sprayed. The material must be evenly distributed using special equipment over the surface of the base. The specialist himself regulates the thickness of the polyurethane foam layer. The insulation dries within 24-48 hours. If the insulation is laid between wooden joists, then after the material has dried, installation can be done finishing coating. If polyurethane foam is placed on concrete base, then you need to fill it on top cement-sand screed, which will protect the thermal insulation layer.

Today we told you about floor insulation. We revealed the advantages of each of them and reported on the features of their installation. And which one is better is up to you to choose. We hope you make the right choice.