Making brushes for cleaning chimneys. What type of chimney brush is used, and how to make one yourself? How to clear a blockage - an overview of current methods

Making brushes for cleaning chimneys.  What type of chimney brush is used, and how to make one yourself?  How to clear a blockage - an overview of current methods
Making brushes for cleaning chimneys. What type of chimney brush is used, and how to make one yourself? How to clear a blockage - an overview of current methods

Stove heating not only does not lose ground, but is also experiencing its rebirth. For this reason, issues of proper operation and maintenance of solid fuel units are no less pressing than they were several centuries ago. Owners of private households do not have any difficulties with how to light a stove and what kind of firewood is best to use. Problems begin when the draft disappears and smoke begins to flow into the room. And the whole reason is a smoke duct clogged with soot and soot. Today it is difficult to find a chimney sweep, so you will have to carry out maintenance of the chimney yourself. All you need for this is a chimney brush, which you can make yourself.

What causes clogged chimney pipes?

The advantages of stove heating, such as efficiency, autonomy and the ability to create a special, homely atmosphere, cannot be surpassed by any modern heating device. Thanks to this, stoves and fireplaces are still widely used in both rural areas and cities. However, the use of solid fuel has many disadvantages, one of which is the need to regularly clean the smoke channels. But the frequency of their maintenance can be significantly reduced if you know where so much soot and soot comes from.

Deposits in the chimney can completely block the smoke exit channel

So, the main factors that contribute to chimney clogging are:

  • burning of waste, which consists of high-carbon materials (all types of plastic, polyethylene, polystyrene foam, cardboard, etc.);
  • use of wet firewood;
  • violation of the operating mode of the heating device;
  • heating with wood that contains a large amount of resin (pine, spruce, fir, etc.);
  • ash is rarely removed from the working chambers of the furnace;
  • violation of the fuel supply mode;
  • ingress of third-party debris.

In addition, rapid contamination of the chimney can be caused by increased roughness of the walls of the flues and their incorrect configuration. For this reason, it is better to entrust the construction of the furnace to an experienced craftsman.

Dangers of soot accumulation

It is impossible not to notice problems with the chimney. Most often they will be indicated by the following signs:

  • craving decreases;
  • firewood does not light well when kindled;
  • smoke is coming into the room;
  • reduction in the thermal efficiency of the furnace.

All these factors indicate that the gas duct is so clogged that only a narrow hole remains for the combustion products to escape. Using a heating device in such conditions is prohibited, as this often leads to tragic consequences:

Chimney cleaning equipment

Deposits can be removed from the chimney using chemical and mechanical methods. The first involves burning substances in a furnace, the combustion products of which soften soot deposits and promote their combustion and removal naturally. The second is to remove soot from the walls of the chimney using various scrapers, brushes, etc.

Chemicals for cleaning the chimney allow you to do without mechanical devices, but are quite expensive

Practice shows that mechanical cleaning is best done with a hard brush, like the one used for washing dishes with a narrow neck. A wide variety of materials are suitable for the manufacture of such a tool:

  • steel rope;
  • plastic bottles;
  • pieces of steel wire;
  • thick fishing line or plastic rods;
  • springs;
  • thick rubber;
  • metal chain or strong rope;
  • various weights and sinkers.

The choice of a particular material for making a brush for cleaning chimneys depends on how persistent soot deposits will have to be removed. For regularly maintained chimneys made of steel or asbestos-cement pipes, a tool with soft bristles is suitable, while brick flues with many years of soot deposits can only be cleaned with a metal wire brush. It is best to have in your arsenal several devices of varying degrees of rigidity or make one combined tool.

How to make a stove maker's tool

Before you start making a device for removing soot deposits, you need to consider its design and dimensions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account:

  • length of the chimney;
  • flue diameter;
  • quantity and persistence of deposits.

Based on the input data, conclusions are drawn about the length of the cable, the mass of the load, the size of the brush and its rigidity.

Design of a device for removing soot mechanically

The length of the rope or cable used to hold the brush is taken with a margin of 2–2.5 meters. This will allow you to hold the device more firmly in your hands, and, if necessary, make a loop around the chimney so as not to drop the tool into the chimney. Any weight can be used as a weight - from a specially cast lead blank to some heavy nut or a worn-out automobile part.

Making a plastic brush

A budget brush for removing soot from a chimney can easily be made from available materials. To make a plastic brush you will need:

  • broom made of polypropylene rods;
  • plumbing cable of the required length;
  • metal pin with a diameter of 8 mm with an eye;
  • nut with a diameter of 8 mm with an eye;
  • washer with a diameter of at least 50 mm with a hole of 8 mm;
  • 2 carbines;
  • load 0.5–2 kg.

If you can't find a stud and lug nut, don't despair - a regular bolt will do. Loops for attaching the cable and load can be made of steel wire.

Materials needed to make a plastic chimney brush

The diameter of the brush made of plastic elements should be slightly larger than the cross-section of the smoke channel. This will provide increased pressure on the individual rods on the walls of the chimney and increase the cleaning speed.

The work is performed in the following order:

  1. The stem of a synthetic broom is cut off or unscrewed - it will not be needed in the future. To make it more convenient to work, the remaining part is clamped in a vice.
  2. The bristles of the round broom are bent to the sides. To make the material more pliable, the brush is dipped in boiling water or heated with a hair dryer.

    The rods of the plastic broom must be straightened

  3. If there is no hole inside the holder, then drilling with a diameter of 8 mm should be made.
  4. On the side where the handle is attached, a steel pin with an eye is inserted into the hole.

    The hairpin allows you to fix the bristles in the desired position

  5. From the side of the rods, install a washer on the stud and press it with an eyelet nut.

    The eyelet nut allows you not only to fix the rods of the brush, but also to attach a load and a cable to it

  6. The rods are cut based on the diameter of the chimney.

    Excessively long rods should be trimmed

  7. A loop is made on one side of the cable, securing the metal edge with a knitting wire.
  8. Using carabiners, a cable is attached to one eye and a load to the other.

    You can make a chimney brush yourself

In addition to a synthetic broom, plastic soda water containers are a good material for making a soft brush. To make a “lush” brush, you will need 5-6 such vessels and a sharp knife. It is necessary to cut off the bottom of all bottles and dissolve the walls into strips with a width of 3 to 10 mm. After this, the neck of all containers, except one, is cut off, leaving a hole slightly larger than the diameter of the neck. Assembly into a single structure is carried out by pushing the parts onto the remaining threaded part and securing them with a lid. After this, drilling is done for the pin and the brush is attached to the cable and weight in the manner described above.

To make the bristles from a plastic bottle more rigid, they are heated with a torch or a hair dryer. The same method can be used to give the brush the desired shape.

How to make a metal brush

To make a cleaning tool from metal, you can use pieces of steel wire (cable) or use a wire brush for an angle grinder. In the latter case, the angle grinder device is simply mounted on a cable with a load and secured with wire. If using a working tool for purposes other than its intended purpose is unacceptable to you, then you can make a metal brush with your own hands. For this you will need:

The technology for making a metal brush is not complicated:

The simplicity of this method makes it extremely popular among home craftsmen. And at the same time, there is another very interesting tool that combines both a brush for removing soot and a weight. In addition to the tools and materials described above, for its manufacture you will need:

  • steel pipe with a diameter of more than 50 mm;
  • electric drill;
  • high carbon steel core;
  • a metal drill whose diameter corresponds to the cross-section of the wire or cable;
  • sand-cement mortar.

To make a brush, exactly the same as in the previous case, prepare the required number of flexible elements. Then proceed like this:

  1. Through holes are made in the walls of the steel pipe. The density and uniformity of the bristles depends on the accuracy of this work and the step between drillings, so this stage should be treated as responsibly as possible.
  2. Wire elements are threaded into the holes, placing their edges symmetrically with respect to the pipe.
  3. A steel bar is installed in the center, to which the holding cable will later be attached.
  4. The inner surface of the pipe is filled with mortar, which will ensure fixation of the flexible elements and make the device quite heavy.

The tool can be used only after the cement-sand mixture has set and acquired the necessary strength.

Video: how to make a brush to remove soot from a chimney

What you need to know before lowering the tool down the chimney

The chimney should be cleaned not at the end of the heating season, but at the very beginning. This will allow you to have complete confidence that there is no bird's nest, cobwebs, leaves or other debris in the chimney. The best time for this is one of the warm and windless days in early autumn.

When cleaning a chimney, you should take care of the appropriate equipment and insurance.

Before you change into a chimney sweep suit and begin chimney maintenance, you must close all stove dampers and doors. Soot is tiny particles that can seep into any cracks and pollute the room and objects that are in it. If you have to service the chimney of a fireplace with an open firebox, then it is sealed using plastic film and tape.

The process of cleaning a chimney is not difficult. The brush is lowered repeatedly into the smoke channel, knocking deposits off the walls. To enhance the effect, alternate reciprocating movements with twisting the cable in different directions. The soot falls down. You can remove it through the inspection hatch using a dustpan, poker and broom.

There are situations when a device encounters an insurmountable obstacle halfway through its journey. This can be any voluminous object - some kind of rag, a bird's nest, or a piece of brick that has fallen out of the masonry. In this case, the brush is unfastened and the resulting jam is knocked out with just a weight, in the expectation that the cork will fall into the stove. After this, the brush is returned to its place and cleaning activities are resumed.

Regular soot removal will be required even where the latest, high-tech solid fuel equipment is used. The brush, which you can make with your own hands, will cope with even the most stubborn deposits with dignity. It is just important not to put off the work of cleaning the chimney indefinitely - not only the thermal efficiency and economy of the stove, but also the safety of your family depends on this.

A chimney brush is a tool with a long handle, a working element with metal or polymer bristles and an addition in the form of a weight. Manufacturing requires a minimum of time and physical investment, resulting in a universal design for high-quality maintenance of the chimney system.

Clogging of the smoke exhaust duct is caused by a number of reasons:

  1. Soot accumulates due to the settling of solid particles of combustion products on the inner surface of the shaft.
  2. Condensation forms, the cause of which is the lack of proper thermal insulation of the chimney, which increases the effect of soot and soot sticking.
  3. Poor quality fuel is used. For example, prolonged burning of raw wood leads to intense clogging of the chimney system.
  4. Resinous fuel resources are used - firewood, lumber and briquettes from spruce, fir, and pine.
  5. Waste with a high hydrocarbon content in the form of household waste made from polymers - plastic bottles, polyethylene, rubber products - is burned in the furnace firebox.
  6. The heat generator is operated in an incorrect mode, fuel is added in violation of the rules, and the ash pan is rarely cleaned.

Another possible reason for a clogged chimney lies in the design of the heating device, the essence of which is errors in the construction or installation of the heat generator, or incorrect structure of the chimney.

A clogged smoke line is fraught with negative consequences:

  • the passage for discharging the gas-containing flow becomes clogged, traction deteriorates;
  • The energy efficiency of the heat generator decreases, which is associated with insufficient traction force;
  • the presence of significant accumulations of soot contributes to the formation of reverse draft, and carbon monoxide can leak into the room.

The most dangerous situation is when soot in the chimney duct ignites with the formation of a large number of sparks, this can cause a fire in the roof or neighboring buildings. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to promptly remove carbon deposits and soot in the gas outlet channel, using chemical compounds or homemade devices for mechanical cleaning of the chimney.

Features of mechanical cleaning of a chimney from soot using a brush

Before starting work, the preparatory stage is performed:

  • close the vent, firebox door, and cleanout hatches;
  • all of the above points are equipped with an elementary filter in the form of a dense damp cloth;
  • open all the valves and views of the furnace completely.

The vertical part of the chimney is processed using a brush with a core to weight the tool. The structure is equipped with a long cable or a rope, rope or strong cord is used. It is recommended to choose a rope 2-3 m longer than the height of the pipe in order to secure the outer end to the base of the shaft, otherwise there is a risk of dropping the device into the channel due to the gravity of the core.

To clean the vertical section of the chimney, the device is lowered down the channel, pushing and rotating with a rope in different directions. After the structure with the load and the brush is at the bottom of the shaft, they lift it back up, making the same movements using a rope. If the tool does not pass due to dense layers of soot in a certain area, the cable is lifted and sharply lowered into the pipe to break through the blockage.

Cleaning the horizontal channels of the flue is carried out using a brush with a rigid handle. Most often, the device is equipped with a solid or stacked rod, the length of which is selected in accordance with the parameters of the plane being processed. Since the rotary chimney units have special doors, moving along them, it is easy to clean all horizontal sections. If there are no turning openings, use a brush with a cable. Performing circular and rotational movements, the structure is pushed deep into the channel and back.

How to make a ruff yourself

Although a chimney brush is not a product in short supply in Moscow and other regions of the country, most owners of private houses prefer to make this device with their own hands.

A homemade brush for cleaning chimney pipes is made taking into account the specifics of the application. To service metal and asbestos-cement smoke ducts, you should make a brush with a polymer brush. To clean a brick chimney shaft clogged with years of soot, you need to make a solid device from metal raw materials.

Steel wire manufacturing options

To make a brush for cleaning a chimney with your own hands, you need the following materials and tools:

  • a coil of spring steel wire with a cross-section of 1-2 mm or a piece of steel cable with a diameter of up to 10 mm;
  • threaded pin – 60-80 mm length, 1 pc.;
  • washers for bolt – d50 mm, 2 pcs.;
  • nuts – 2 pcs. regular, 2 pcs. cap with ring;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • chisel;
  • wrench 14.

Sequence of work:

  1. The wire is cut taking into account the cross-section of the chimney. In the case of a cable, blanks are made 10% shorter than the diameter of the pipe.
  2. At the center point of each element, the fibers are pulled apart to make a hole and placed on a pin. The wire is simply wrapped around the rod.
  3. The stud is equipped with steel nuts and washers, clamping the structural elements.

For greater strength, flexible elements can be secured by welding.

When deciding how to make a chimney brush with your own hands, you can choose another product option in the form of a spiral brush. In this case, you will need a lathe or a homemade rigid structure to tension the rod. To make bristles, steel wire d1-2 mm or cable is suitable, and a twisted rod is made of steel wire with a cross-section of 6 mm.

Steps for making a spiral brush:

  1. The required number of pieces of the required length are made from the cable.
  2. Steel wire d6 mm is folded in half, one end of which is welded, and a loop is twisted on the other.
  3. The structure is fixed in the machine. It is necessary to tightly tension the rod between the chuck and the tailstock and give the correct position to its veins.
  4. Next, the blanks are placed in the gap between the cores, evenly distributing them along the entire length of the tensioned rod, and fixed with hot-melt adhesive.

When the spindle rotates, the rod twists into a spiral, firmly clamping the wire bristles between the wires.

How to make a homemade brush from a plastic broom

To do this you will need the following materials and tools:

  • nylon broom, cord;
  • hairpin – up to 10 mm;
  • washers – d5 cm 2 pcs.;
  • nuts – 2 pcs., one of them with a ring.

Remove the broom from the handle, bend the bristles to the sides, fix the position of the product, heating it with a hairdryer. Make a hole in the center of the broom holder with a drill or a hot nail, thread a pin through it, and secure it on both sides with nuts and washers.

Brush made from plastic bottles

You need to prepare:

  • plastic bottles with a volume of 1.5-3 l;
  • cable, metal wire d2 mm;
  • knife, scissors.

Cut off the top of one bottle; this will be the base of the polymer brush. The bottom part of several containers is removed, the body is cut into strips vertically up to the neck. The blanks are placed on the base, and the strips are secured in several bundles using wire. The base is fixed to the cable.

The nuances of using brushes

To clean the horizontal cavities of the chimney, the brush is equipped with a long rod. A device with metal bristles is recommended to be used for removing soot and soot in vertical pipes. If you have to work on processing horizontal or inclined channels, you should use a brush with a polymer brush.

When raw wood and household waste are burned in a stove, a large amount of soot is released, which... Because of this, thrust decreases and the intensity of fuel combustion decreases. The result of this phenomenon can be poisoning of people with carbon monoxide, which ceases to be removed from the room. A chimney brush can solve the draft problem. This device is considered the most effective way to eliminate such problems. Let's look at what it is, its structure, types, advantages and disadvantages.

Boilers and stoves are installed in almost all private houses and cottages, bathhouses and garages. As a rule, firewood or coal is used to fire them. But, quite often, fireplaces are used to dispose of old tires, household items and construction waste. These objects emit thick smoke, which settles in the form of solid particles on the inner walls of the exhaust pipe. Gradually thickening, the soot completely blocks the exhaust duct.

In addition, chimneys become clogged for the following reasons:

  • ingress of branches, leaves, small animals and bird nests;
  • partial or complete destruction of the channel due to wear or improper assembly;
  • , which upon contact with combustion products forms a viscous and sticky substance.

Signs of a clogged chimney include the fallout of soot fragments into the firebox during boiler cleaning, poor combustion of fuel when the ash pan is open, poor draft and heavy soot when burning fuel.

How can you clean a chimney?

In order to clean the pipe coming from the boiler, stove and fireplace, there are many ways and means.

They are divided into the following categories:

  1. Thermal. The essence of this method is to destroy the blockage with high temperature. An object is placed in the firebox or directly in the chimney, which produces intense heat when burned. Termite sticks, anthracite and aspen firewood give good results. The carbon deposits are burned off manually with a gas burner.
  2. Chemical. They are available in the form of tablets, granules and powders. The funds are placed on smoldering coals. Under the influence of heat, ingredients are released that turn soot into dust, which completely crumbles into the firebox within a few days.
  3. Mechanical. To remove blockages, scrapers, brooms and brushes are used. Foreign objects are removed with a hook or crowbar. Flexible garden hoses, hoes, logs and weights on a rope, poles and telescopic fishing rods, and other improvised means are used as auxiliary tools.

There are also folk remedies for cleaning chimneys. Carbon deposits are removed by burning potato peelings in a firebox, pouring water over it, and immersing compacted snow in a heated pipe.

Advantages and disadvantages of a brush

The most difficult thing to remove is soot that has filled almost the entire volume of the channel. In addition, the length of the chimney also plays a role. In some buildings it can be ten meters or more. It is simply impossible to work with poles of such length.

A brush on a cable has the following advantages:

  • light and compact, easy to carry and transport;
  • no restrictions on pipe height, shape and section size;
  • the ability to adjust the weight of the load and, accordingly, the applied force.

The disadvantages of this device include its inability to break through solid blockages, remove condensation and remove foreign objects.

How the ruff works

The brush for cleaning chimney pipes consists of the following parts:

  1. Head. It is a hard pile fixed to the base, made of metal or plastic.
  2. Weighting agent. It is made in the shape of a ball or cylinder, made of iron or lead.
  3. Cable. It is the basis for fastening all parts. Made from iron or synthetic fiber.
  4. Hook. Located on the cable between the head and the load.
  5. Tubes They are mounted on a cable and are designed to create a dynamic force when pushing the brush down.
  6. Replaceable nozzles. Performed in the form of a pike or hook. Designed for breaking through obstacles and extracting dense objects.

To clean pipes of certain shapes, brushes with different parameters are used.

Types of ruffs

The selection of these devices is made according to the following criteria:

  1. Diameter. It can be small (up to 100 mm), medium (100 -250 mm) and large (more than 250 mm).
  2. Material of manufacture. Heads are made of copper, iron and polymer plastic.
  3. Form. Round, polygonal, oval, square.
  4. Type of cable. The working part is attached to a rope, plug tubes or cable located inside the tubes.

You should also pay attention to the weight of the sinker. It varies between 5-20 kg.

Make it yourself or buy it

This question invariably faces owners of property heated with coal or wood. If you have the skills to handle household tools, making a brush will not be difficult.

But this will require spending time, which everyone is sorely lacking. It is much easier to purchase a finished product from a factory. Fortunately, today retail stores offer a wide range of similar products, and their prices are quite reasonable.

When purchasing chimney cleaning devices, you should not focus on their cost. A cheap purchase may not be effective and will sit in the pantry for years.

The following factors need to be taken into account:

  • can be processed with any material;
  • To clean ceramic pipes, only a plastic brush may be used;
  • steel chimneys can be cleaned with heads with bristles made of copper or brass;

It is better to purchase a weight with two eyes so that you can tie a rope to it and pull it down if it gets stuck.

The most popular brushes are from the following manufacturers:

  1. PCC (Poland) - plastic and metal, with a diameter of 120-400 mm;
  2. Hansa (Lithuania) - universal 150-400 mm;
  3. Chimney sweep (Russia) - set with replaceable nozzles.

Making a ruff with your own hands

This is a creative and interesting activity that you can do in your free time from working in your garden or in the off-season. Before you start work, you need to prepare everything you need for this.

Required materials and tools

To make a chimney brush with your own hands you will need:

  • hacksaw or grinder;
  • pliers;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • steel washers;
  • hard wire;
  • hairpins;
  • bolts and nuts;

If you are cleaning a ceramic pipe, you will need scissors for cutting plastic bottles.

Drawing and diagrams

To make the brush convenient, durable and functional, its design needs to be carefully thought out. As a basis for planning, you need to take a scale drawing of the chimney. Based on the available data, diagrams of individual components of the brush and the entire product as a whole are drawn up.

The following details are displayed in detail on paper:

  • shape and size of cargo;
  • carabiner for attaching it;
  • head device;
  • carabiner loop;
  • cable configuration.

After checking the schemes, final calculations are carried out.

Size calculation

The following table will help you make a design for a brush for cleaning a stove chimney:

How to make a ruff

Let's look at how a brush is made from plastic bottles.

  1. We take 5-6 containers of the same size, remove the lids from them and cut off the bottom at the same distance.
  2. Using scissors, cut strips 4-5 mm wide from the bottom to the neck.
  3. We join the resulting blanks together. We fix them with wide washers, a nut and a bolt with a head made in the shape of a loop.
  4. We make a weighting agent from an iron can, lead and a thick steel pond. We attach a durable carabiner to the ring.
  5. We string thin steel or aluminum tubes 80-100 cm long onto a plumbing cable. We screw the cable to the head using an adapter with internal thread.

The chimney brush is ready.

Production video

Frequent mistakes and problems when making brushes

The main difficulty in making a brush is finding a suitable material. The most difficult thing to make is the head of the device. At this stage, precision and considerable effort are required.

Most masters make the following mistakes:

  1. Short cable length. As a result, the brush does not reach the end of the pipe. As a result, the most inaccessible area near the firebox remains clogged.
  2. Poor tightening of the wire between the washers. This leads to the destruction of the homemade brush during the process of cleaning the chimney.
  3. The pole or plugs are not strong enough. When loaded, these parts bend, preventing the brush from advancing. In the worst case, the handle breaks and its fragments get stuck in the pipe.
  4. Selecting a cleaning material that does not match the internal surface of the chimney. Thus, a metal brush can hopelessly ruin ceramics.
  5. The head width does not match the channel parameters. The head either does not fit into it or does not reach the walls.

Rules for cleaning a chimney with a brush

Since the pipe can only be accessed from the roof, special attention must be paid to safety measures. The worker must use a safety line; it is advisable to set up a temporary barrier.

  1. Before starting cleaning, tightly close the firebox and vent.
  2. Check the tool for serviceability. Test all parts for strength.
  3. After passing each meter of pipe, remove the crumbled soot from the firebox.
  4. After completing the passage of the pipe, use a hard brush to replace it with a soft one for final polishing of its walls.

Professional chimney sweeps know the secrets of quickly and efficiently removing blockages of any complexity.

Furnace heating systems require regular maintenance. One of the mandatory procedures is periodic cleaning of the chimney, which becomes clogged over time and becomes overgrown with soot.

For this task, a special brush can be used to clean the internal walls of the chimney.

What is a cleaning brush, what does it look like and what does it consist of?

Structurally, the brush consists of the following parts:

  1. Brush. ABOUT main elementalmost always has a round shape. It is he whocleans plaque from the internal walls of chimneys.Can be made of metal, plastic or nylon.
  2. Sinker. Only used if the brush is attached to a cable. If it is attached to a telescopic pole, then a weight is not needed.The approximate weight of the weight is 2-3 kg.Its purpose is to add weight to a light brush. Without additional weight, a brush on a cable simply will not properly clean off even a light layer of plaque.
  3. T rose or pen. A brush is attached to this element, and on it it is lowered into the chimney.

The main quality characteristics include:

  1. D length of the cable (handle).Cables are usually used 10-15 meters long, handles 1-1.5 meters long.
  2. Brush diameter (rectangular products are found, but less common than round ones).Can be from 20 to 250 mm.The most common range is 150-200.

Types and products by material and type of design

ABOUT The main differences between all products are 2 nuances:

  1. The material from which the brush is made.
  2. The method by which the brush will be lowered into the chimney.

By material- the following options are currently used:

  1. Metal. These brushes last longer, are more durable and reliable. The disadvantages include less convenient use: if the metal bristles get caught on something, it will be more difficult to “free” it. In addition, metal products are more expensive than plastic ones (but since the cost of any brushes rarely exceeds 2000 rubles, this is not critical).
  2. Plastic. It is easier to make such products yourself - it is done quickly and easily (we will describe how exactly below). Plastic brushes wear out and break easily and quickly. In addition, they cope much worse with complex and old blockages.
  3. Nylon. A relatively new option, essentially an intermediate solution between plastic and metal.

By method, with which the brush is lowered into chimney:

  1. On a cable/rope. Can only be used from above - the brush is lowered into the pipe under the weight of the sinker. The option is relatively simple, but Badly Suitable for cleaning horizontal areas.The cable can be metal, nylon or rope.
  2. On a flexible cable (as for cleaning sewer pipes). Pros: can be used both from above and below, and on horizontal areas.
  3. On a rigid handle (rod).Universal and morean effective option - allows you to quickly clear accumulated soot, can be used in both vertical and horizontal areas.The length of the handle is usually adjustable - for this they are made telescopic, and if necessaryfolded or unfolded.

How to choose the right chimney brush?

Let's summarize the basic selection rules:

  1. Rigid handle or cable? Ideally, you should have both options on your farm: they are inexpensive, and it will be much more convenient to work.If you need to choose one thing, and there are no hatches in the chimney, then it is better to take a cable. If the chimney has hatches and is not high, then it is more convenient to use a rigid handle.
  2. Which brush material should you choose? For stainless chimneys, you need to choose only plastic - it will not scratch the stainless steel. For brick and asbestos chimneys, it is better to use a metal or nylon brush.
  3. What diameter should the brush be?for round chimney? Selected according to the pipe diameter.
  4. What brush diameter should be for a square/rectangular chimney? To make the right choice, you need to measure the length and width of the chimney, and choose a brush with a diameter equal to the larger side.
  5. What should be the length of the cable/handle? Selectedto the length (height) of the chimney. It is not necessary to take the cable/handle to its full height: cleaning is carried out not only from above or below (from the fireplace or stove), but also through hatches that are located in different parts of the chimney.

Where is it sold and how much does it cost?

E Rigs of various types and sizes are sold in stores that sell equipment for fireplaces, stoves, and baths.

A tool like this is relatively inexpensive:

  • polypropylene brush, diameter 100-120-200 mm: cost - about 700-1000 rubles;
  • plastic brush, diameter 200-250 mm: cost - about 1700-2000 rubles;
  • metal brush, diameter 150-200 mm: cost - about 1500-1800 rubles;
  • metal brush, 250 mm in diameter: cost - about 2200-2500 rubles.

Please note: the amounts given are only for the brush itself and the load. The cable or telescopic extension is usually sold separately. The approximate cost of an extension cord for 1-1.5 meters is about 400-600 rubles, a cable (for 10-15 meters) is up to 100-200 rubles.

A ready-made kit (the brush itself, a cable or extension cord and a weight) will cost around 1500-2500 rubles.

Among the manufacturers on the market of the CIS countries you can find:

  1. Hansa.
  2. Sitecn.
  3. Biltema.
  4. Ragar.

How to make a homemade brush?

To clean the stove pipe, you don’t have to go to the nearest store. A homemade brush is quite simple and quick to make. True, the effectiveness of such a product will most likely be lower than a special purchased one. Therefore, it is suitable for cleaning a not very dirty chimney.

There are many ways to create a ruff with your own hands. Below we provide 5 step-by-step instructions:

  1. From a plastic bottle for a round chimney.
  2. From a plastic bottle and plywood/board for a rectangular/square chimney.
  3. From a broom.
  4. From a metal brush from an angle grinder.
  5. Made of metal cable.

In all cases we will need:

  1. Metal cable (about 2-3 mm thick, longer or at least as long as the height of the chimney) with a carbine.
  2. A weight weighing about 3 kg - such a size that it can easily pass into the chimney. For example, it could be a small metal rectangle, or an old dumbbell plate, or a plastic bottle with sand.
  3. A coil of wire with a diameter of about 2-4 mm, or a metal pin (length about 10-12 cm, diameter about 5 mm), with unscrewing eyes on both sides.
  4. A product from which we will make a brush with our own hands.

Problematic point: on the farm there is a bottle, and a wire, and something for the load, and the rope can be purchased at the nearest store if you don’t have it at home. But finding a suitable hairpin will be more difficult. Therefore, it is easier to take wire instead. It will need to be twisted several times to get a rope 5-7 mm thick and 10-12 cm long (that is, used instead of a hairpin).

From a plastic bottle for a round chimney

In this case, we will make a brush from an empty plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5-2 liters (suitable for cleaning a chimney with a diameter of up to 200 mm).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. A hole is burned, drilled or punched in the lid and bottom of both bottles. Its diameter should be equal to the diameter of the stud.
  2. The sides of both bottles are cut through. It is necessary to make slits not reaching the neck and literally 1-2 cm to the bottom. Between each slot, make a distance of approximately 1.5-2 cm.
  3. A pin is inserted into the holes made, “pulling” the 2 parts of the bottle together. The cut sides are bent, forming a circle of bent ribbons. It is their edges that will remove soot from the walls.
  4. Eyelets are screwed onto both sides of the stud. A cable is attached to the upper eyelet. On the bottom there is a load.

From a plastic bottle for a round chimney (video)

From a plastic bottle for rectangular/square chimney

The instructions are suitable for those who have a square or rectangular chimney.

To create a brush for such a ruff we will need:

  1. Sheet of plywood. Plywood that is not very thick will do; a small sheet 6-12 mm thick will be enough.
  2. Plastic bottle, volume from 5 liters.
  3. Screws (such that they can fasten both pieces of plywood together) - 5-10 pieces.

Cut plastic protrudes between the plywood sheets, this is not very clearly visible in the photo

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. You need to cut 2 identical sheets out of plywood, 1-2 cm smaller in size than the size of the chimney. Example: a rectangular hole with a size of 260x130 mm - we cut out 2 pieces of plywood with a size of 240x120 mm.
  2. The neck and bottom of the bottle are cut off, after which a cut is made on the side.
  3. The plastic is unbent (a rectangular sheet is obtained).
  4. A piece is cut out of a bent plastic sheet, 3-6 mm larger than the chimney opening. Example: the chimney hole has a size of 260x130 mm, we cut out sheet 26 from plastic 5x135 mm.
  5. Along the perimeter of the plastic sheet, using scissors (or a knife) with a distance of 1-1.5 cm, makecuts 5-10 mm long. It is these narrow parts that will remove plaque from the walls.
  6. P the eraser sheet is placed between 2 cut pieces of plywood - so that the “bristles” stick outat the same distance on each side.
  7. Pieces of plywood and a plastic sheet between them are bolted together.
  8. A hole is drilled in the center into which a pin or coil of wire is inserted.(or any Another part on which the cable and weight can be attached - it’s easier to do this with plywood).

This option can be improved. To do this, you need to cut not 2 pieces of plywood, but 3, and 2 sheets of plastic with small cuts. In this case, we will have 2 layers of “bristles” (and 3 layers of plywood).

From the broom

WITH You can make a brush from an old broom. An important nuance: a round broom with synthetic (polypropylene) dense bristles is suitable for us.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The broom tip is removed (or cut off).
  2. The bristles are straightened so that all the fibers stick out in different directions (like a toilet brush).
  3. In the part where the bristles are collected, a hole with a diameter of about 5-7 mm is melted or drilled (for a hairpin or wire).
  4. A pin with unscrewed eyes (or twisted wire) is inserted into the hole.
  5. A cable was attached to the eyes (or to the wire) on one side, and a weight on the other.

From a metal brush for an angle grinder

IN This option is suitable if you have a disc brush for an angle grinder lying around, and its diameter matches the chimney.

In this case, a load is attached to one end of the axle, and a cable to the other.

From a metal cable (complex option)

The instructions are suitable for those who have a welding machine. Using this scheme, you can make a fairly effective brush with your own hands that will not yield

To create a brush you will need:

  1. Metal cable, about 10-15 mm in diameter.
  2. Welding machine.
  3. Saw for metal.
  4. Pliers.
  5. Wire cutters (optional).
  6. A threaded stud, about 8-12 cm long (or better yet, a fully threaded bolt, 8-12 cm long).
  7. Nuts for a stud (or bolt), 5-7 pieces or more (depending on how dense the bristles need to be obtained).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. 2-5 pieces are cut from the metal cable. The length of each piece is approximately 5-10 mm longer than the diameter of the chimney. You can take more, and then, if necessary, trim off the excess with pliers.
  2. The trimmings are unraveled with pliers.
  3. A nut is screwed onto one end of the stud (so that the thread protrudes slightly from it). This will be the bottom “support” for the first row of bristles. If you use a bolt, there is no need to screw on the nut: the head will play the role of “support”.
  4. A piece of wire (from an unbraided cable) is placed on top of the nut and twisted crosswise (so that it wraps around the pin). The pieces of wire should protrude
  5. More pieces of wire are taken and wound in the same way so that the result is a round layer of bristles. An important nuance: the bristles should stick out evenly, forming an even circle.
  6. A nut is screwed on top and the twisted wire (brush bristles) is tightly pressed to the first nut (or bolt head).
  7. Several more layers of bristles are made in the same way. Each subsequent layer is secured with a nut. It will be enough to make 3-4 rows.
  8. Eyelets are welded at the bottom and top - to secure the load and the cable, for which the brush will be lowered into the pipe. As an option, they can also be mounted on a thread.

From a metal cable (video)

What you need to know and do before starting cleaning: Basic Rules

Before you start working, you need to know (and follow) the basic rules:

  1. Cleaning is carried out before the heating season (ideally before each one, at least for the purpose of prevention). This way, you can prepare your furnace pipe to operate efficiently and ensure there are no clogs, leaves, debris, soot build-up, or bird nests.
  2. The work is best carried out on a windless and dry (and ideally also warm) day. Therefore, at the beginning of autumn it is worth paying attention to the forecast when choosing a suitable date for cleaning.
  3. Work on the roof must be carried out with safety harness (safety belt) and comfortable non-slip shoes.
  4. Prepare a more powerful flashlight - with its help you can see the condition of the chimney and the results of your work.
  5. For work, it is better to change into closed clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. Even with the most careful cleaning, soot will still end up somewhere.
  6. Use eye and respiratory protection: wear goggles and a respirator. Naturally, the soot will not cause much harm, but sneezing or washing your eyes from it is not very pleasant.
  7. Since all the debris and soot will fly down, all the openings on the chimney (hatches), as well as the firebox, must be closed. If you are cleaning a fireplace with an open firebox, it should be covered with plastic wrap.
  8. The cleaning process is carried out from top to bottom. If you clean the bottom part of the chimney first (through the firebox), then when cleaning the top part, falling debris can again contaminate the already clean bottom.

How to properly clean a chimney with a brush: step-by-step instructions

Cleaning the chimney with a brush is carried out as follows:

  1. Wear special clothing, work shoes, gloves, goggles, and a respirator.
  2. Before starting work, you can look into the chimney by illuminating it with a flashlight. This way you can assess its condition in advance and see where it is heavily contaminated.
  3. All chimney hatches and the firebox are closed, except for the hole through which cleaning will be carried out.
  4. The deflector (or spark arrestor), if any, is dismantled.
  5. The brush (it does not matter whether it is on a cable or on a handle) is lowered from above, through the outlet of the chimney. Cleaning is done using up and down movements. If there are blockages in the process, it is better to use a weight on a cable (without a brush).
  6. Periodically evaluate the result of the work by looking into the pipe.
  7. When the top of the pipe is clean, go lower to the hatch and work through it.
  8. Upon completion of cleaning, the firebox is opened and the debris poured into it is removed.

Ideally, it is worth combining two cleaning methods: mechanical and chemical. First, clean the chimney with a brush, and then use any of the means that are set on fire in the firebox.

Cleaning process (video)

Advantages and disadvantages of use compared to other cleaning methods

If we consider existing methods of cleaning a chimney and compare them with using a brush, then this option has a number of disadvantages:

  • with a brush you have to work independently, while chemical cleaners only need to be set on fire in the firebox;
  • even the most careful work does not guarantee that all deposits will be removed;
  • the work takes quite a long time, even if the chimney is straight and low;
  • the work is inconvenient, unpleasant, physically difficult, and if you have to work on the roof, it is also dangerous;
  • It is safe to clean only in dry (and ideally calm and warm) weather to reduce the risk of falling from the roof.

Periodic cleaning of the chimney pipe is an important point in the maintenance of heating equipment. It is needed even when using high-quality, expensive firewood and modern stove installations. Small particles of combustion products gradually accumulate on the walls of the smokers and impair the operation of the system. Even a person who does not have special skills and experience in such a matter can clean the chimney.

The main tool to help will be a cleaning brush, which you can make yourself. This tool helps keep the smoke exhaust system clean, and therefore maintain draft for quick removal of gases, and ensure efficient operation of the furnace device.

The use of solid fuel for stove heating has many advantages, such as efficiency, autonomy, and heat transfer.

However, if used incorrectly, the efficiency of the heating system can significantly deteriorate. It is recommended to clean chimneys at least once every six months. But first you need to identify the main causes of clogging and try to reduce them to a minimum.

Interesting! When wood burns, gas and smoke are produced. The smoke released may be white or black. The first is a consequence of water vapor evaporating from wood or coal, and black comes from coal and soot. It is the second type of smoke that leads to the settling of the smallest soot particles and contamination of the chimney.

In addition to this natural process, the following can lead to pipe clogging:

  • Burning in a firebox various waste containing a large amount of hydrocarbons (plastic, polyethylene, polystyrene foam, rigid paper, cardboard).
  • Use of wet and resin-containing firewood or briquettes.
  • Incorrect placement of firewood in the firebox.
  • Rare cleaning of pipes from ash.
  • Malfunction of the heating boiler.

The accumulation of soot and ash inside the outlet pipe leads to the following consequences:

  • The passage for smoke narrows, which can cause backdraft when carbon monoxide enters the apartment.
  • Large soot particles fly out of the chimney, creating a fire hazard.