Why are you in a bad mood? How to deal with blues? What to do if you are always in no mood

Why are you in a bad mood?  How to deal with blues?  What to do if you are always in no mood
Why are you in a bad mood? How to deal with blues? What to do if you are always in no mood

Bad mood

After reading this useful article, you will know how to cope with a bad mood and learn to gradually let go of unresolved problems from your memory.
Bad mood- this is irritated psychological condition, which is caused by a decrease in the quality of life and internal dissatisfaction with everything that is happening.
Surely you have noticed more than once that absolutely nothing can contribute to a bad mood. So you woke up in the morning and felt like something was indignant inside. But in general there are no objective factors for this. This phenomenon is called spontaneous activity and can manifest itself regardless of a person’s will.
Without going into the jungle of scientific formulations, we can say with confidence that a bad mood makes a person offended by himself. You try to deal with it, but to no avail.
So what to do if you feel constant or chronic malaise from a bad mood. Of course, you don’t have to guess at the tea leaves, but as soon as possible turn to a knowledgeable doctor who will boast to you of his deep knowledge in the field of psychology. But why don’t you try to cope with a bad mood yourself, using the techniques suggested below in practice.

1). If you feel in the morning that you don’t want to do anything, first of all, take this situation under strict control. At this very moment, you will feel how something inside desperately resists interference and tries to fill your essence even more with deep sorrows. From point of view church canons, a bad mood is nothing more than dissatisfaction with something that should give pleasure. Try to smile forcefully, instilling in yourself that you can still feel how everything around is moving. Remember the harshest moment that ever happened in your life. Play it over in your head, wishing it would never happen again. Psychologists say that this technique is very helpful in coping with a bad mood, even in moments of monstrous grief.
2). When you leave home for your work shift, look around and try to determine what you lack for complete happiness. You walk, hear sounds and observe beauty. If you are irritated by a certain fragment, then try not to get angry at it, gradually forming within your soul an accommodating attitude towards objective reality. Chronic irritability is the main cause of bad mood in most people. The ability to restrain yourself is the key to tolerance and Have a good mood, which is directly dependent on strong-willed qualities person. Don’t get irritated over trifles, then you won’t have to shed tears without understanding what caused them. Constant dissatisfaction with life is precisely what forms a chronic loss of strength and resentment towards the entire world around us.
3). If the bad mood syndrome is caused by objective factors related to unresolved problems, then understand one thing: problems will be solved as they arise, and impatient waiting will only unwind the already shaky nervous system. Sit down at the table and try to clearly define the so-called risk measure in the event that an adverse event occurs. What do you have to lose? And what can you realistically do to solve the problem at this time? If you are powerless, then again, using the method of self-hypnosis and strict internal control, declare to yourself the inevitability of what will happen anyway. Remember that constantly in a bad mood observed in people who are no longer able to enjoy what they so persistently strived for.
4). Fight bad mood with the so-called forced separation from the traumatic factor. Never dwell on deep sorrows so as not to go away ahead of schedule to the grave. This is one of the most powerful arguments that force a person to switch to something else. Force yourself to think in purely positive categories and with the help of scientific philosophical works.
5). Look around again. Not to be happy again that someone failed. This technique helps you cope with a bad mood by comparing your difficult life with those who have it doubly difficult. Observe those who are truly grieving, then you will be able to feel that a bad mood is just a slight fatigue that requires closer observation of your inner world.
6). If a bad mood is a bereavement, then believe that any grief cannot forever keep you under a tight rein. The moment will come and you will accept the situation as a fatal inevitability, which is designed to make you a more resilient person.

I really hope that Bad mood You will be able to calm down with your endless optimism, which seems to Eternal flame burns somewhere in my soul.

The morning sun is annoying, all objects fall out of your hands, and those around you, as if out of spite, do everything differently than you would like. All these are signs of a bad mood. Usually in this state they say: “I got up on the wrong foot.” But why does our vitality sometimes fall below the baseboard? And how to cope with a bad mood if it suddenly overtakes you? Let's find the reasons together and look at ways to get rid of them.

Irritability and bad mood - reasons

Lack of mood is an extremely insidious thing. In such a state, a person not only does not want, but also cannot do anything. Any little thing, such as the absence of a necessary item in the wardrobe, a sandwich falling on the floor or spilled coffee, can lead to extreme irritation. What can we say about those around us? If a manager comes to work in a bad mood, then, as a rule, the entire team suffers from this. What if such a boss is in a bad mood every day? In this case, it will definitely not be possible to avoid conflicts.

To learn how to cope with negativity, first of all, it is important to know what mistakes lead to loss of spirit. There are several reasons why a person is constantly in a bad mood:

  • frequent going to extremes, typical when resolving any conflicts. In other words, this is a person’s inability to compromise and find golden mean in assessing the situation;
  • negative forecasting of the future. Those. the tendency to constantly expect only negative developments in the future;
  • negative thinking. It lies in a person’s tendency to perceive information only in a negative way, completely ignoring it positive sides;
  • inflated demands on oneself. Such people constantly tell themselves that they “could” or “should.” Living within such rigid boundaries, they do not stay positive and quickly turn to negative thoughts;
  • speculation. They involve trying to guess the thoughts of others and what they meant. Usually such people are sure that they are right and do not check their guesses, being absolutely sure of them.

Frequent bad mood has another important reason. Daily stress and overwork almost inevitably lead to a person having problems in life, insomnia, poor health, fatigue, and, as a result, a bad mood. It is possible to defeat him. The main thing is to notice in time that negativity is increasingly coming to the forefront and urgently begin to get rid of it.

How to deal with a bad mood?

So, you noticed that irritability began to increasingly replace a smile, people suddenly transformed and began to strain you with their mere existence, and the world suddenly became black and white, and positive thoughts were replaced by a bad mood. What to do? You can set yourself up for positive emotions with the help of special exercises. Considering that our mood in life depends on external circumstances and our thoughts, we need to clear our minds of negativity and tune in to a positive mood. Two methods will help with this:

These exercises should be repeated several times a week. A little later, you can use a way to get rid of a bad mood by simply closing your eyes and again imagining yourself with the remote control of the TV.

In addition to using these exercises, it is important to constantly work on yourself in real life. Try to increase your physical activity and get out in the sun more often, meet with good friends, do all the things that have been weighing you down for a long time, and sometimes just smile at the world around you for no reason. Your positive attitude will return to you with a vengeance, and you will never again ask yourself why you were in a bad mood in the morning.

This type of human condition is quite common in our time and is on everyone’s lips. Depression can be determined by a person’s appearance and behavior - fatigue, apathy, almost complete lack of motivation and faith in oneself and the future.

We have all experienced the blues, boredom and apathy. And if you feel this condition for only a few days, then it does not pose a danger and is generally considered normal. This is a bad mood. You can wait it out, collect your thoughts and move on with your life. Bad moods happen to everyone.

But if this condition drags on for weeks, months and years, then you need to pay attention and consider this condition in more detail. And the first thing you need to start with is to find out the reasons for its appearance. Here we can already talk about affective disorder, which requires psychological and medicinal correction.

Why does depression occur?

Divorce, separation and separation from loved ones, death of relatives, illness, long-term stay in critical difficult situations, constant failure in business and personal relationships, condemnation of a person by relatives and significant people, lack of love and care, burdened heredity, fears - these are the causes of the disease.

Depression can come during adolescence. During this period, there is an active reassessment of values, strong internal changes, a change in worldview and worldview.

Sometimes a person does not have enough resources to cope with such a period, and he gives up. A person creates the belief that he will never succeed in anything else in life, the world is too aggressive and cruel, he is stronger, there is no point in fighting. The world becomes dangerous, there is a feeling of powerlessness and a basic distrust of people and everything that happens. A person feels inferior, unnecessary, lonely, useless.

At some point, somewhere deep inside, a breakdown occurs, a breakdown in faith in oneself and the future, deep disappointment sets in, a loss of the meaning of existence and the desire for success. This means that along with the disappearance of faith, the future also disappears. Depression is a loss of faith and a break with the future. No future - no life. There is a stop in development and a slow decline of personality. The energy tone drops so much that it is difficult for a person to leave the house.

Against the background of a depressive disorder, phobias and panic attacks may worsen.

This is the most difficult condition, which requires not only drug treatment, but spiritual. I have met many people who have been on medication for depression for years. The pills only numbed the pain, temporarily relieving the symptoms, but did not eliminate the cause of depression, which was hidden in the person himself: in his thoughts, feelings, beliefs. Therefore, if you are faced with this problem, do not try to solve it only with medications. This requires high-quality and deep work psychologist specialist.

How to help yourself get out of depression?

1) You should know that there is, always has been and will be a way out of depression and other life crises. And if you don’t see a way out, it doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Human resources are enormous, you just need to be able to get to them and discover the source of life.

2) Go deep into your inner world. The solution is hidden there. You are not just a piece of meat with legs. You are something limitless, multidimensional. Inside a person there is his Intuition, the Higher Self - the very power that can lift you from your knees. It is she who gives a burst of inspiration, helps a person to dream and create what he really wants, to make breakthroughs and feats, to discover a “second wind”.

Allow yourself to believe in the existence of this power. Remember those moments when you had insights, sudden premonitions, prophetic dreams, signs of fate and much more when you just did something knowing it was right. And you didn’t look for any evidence, there wasn’t a single drop of doubt.

The state of harmony and integrity is contact with the Higher Self, with that source of life within.

Children come into the world in contact with intuition, the higher self, but in the process of development, saturated with the negative atmosphere of fears and beliefs of the social environment, they forget their deep source of guidance, losing their inner core and support. But it can be returned. Because you know the way back, you remember that state of serenity and deep faith, you remember it not only consciously, but also unconsciously. Your body and senses hold this healing state, waiting for you to tap into it.

3) Throw away your logical reasoning and eternal regrets about the past. Sit down and think about what you really want in life? What does your soul want? Because desires coming from the heart will lead you to success! Only then will your source of strength open and help you achieve your goals. There is a future - there is life.

4) Write a letter to your Higher Self. And read it every day with love and faith. For example: “Thank you for existing, for loving me and helping me find harmony. Thank you for taking care of me and helping me find a path to health. I give you the freedom to develop and make me happy. I love you!" You can write your own letter, but it must come from the heart and evoke warm feelings. I wouldn’t be surprised if from this moment on, small, and maybe even big, miracles begin to happen in your life.

5) Plan for tomorrow. What will you do, how will you feel, what will you think about? Write it all down in your diary. Every evening, sit down and write down what positive happened today. Describe it in all colors, as brightly and lyrically as possible, only about the good! Create a daily routine. This will make it easier for the body to distribute and save resources.

6) When you look at yourself in the mirror, greet yourself kind words and wish you success. Let it be a ritual at first until you feel yourself experiencing joy from your own kindness and wishes.

7) Optimize your space. Do more than that what you want and less than that, what you don’t want. Seek pleasure. Start with the little things. Fulfill even the smallest and strangest desires, for example, to buy summer shoes in winter, or a pineapple at two in the morning, etc.

8) Create your own image of health and try to try it on, that is, feel it with your whole body and soul. Imagine that you are already out of the crisis. How are you feeling? What are you thinking about? What do you want to do? Try it on every day and wear it with pleasure.

9) Let sleep be your assistant. Give yourself permission to sleep more. Sleep will naturally restore you.

10) Seek help from a specialist.

And now I turn to family and friends who want to help people with depression.

Rules of communication and behavior with people in depressed states.

1) Do not demand from a person what he cannot do. In a state of depression, it is very difficult to move a person, because there is no desire to even take care of oneself, you don’t want anything, nothing makes you happy. Therefore, do not scold him, do not make him guilty, do not put pressure. Otherwise, you will only develop in him an even stronger sense of guilt and self-loathing.

2) Always try to talk about the near bright future. For example: “Tomorrow you and I will go buy curtains and hang them in the kitchen. It will be cozy and beautiful in the house. All your relatives will be happy and you will like it too, you’ll see.” “At the weekend we all go to the countryside. Let's take a walk in the forest. There are such pleasant smells there now, squirrels are running under your feet, you can feed them. They will be glad to see you." Since a person does not have his own future, he lives only in the present, your task is to help him see the future, at least tomorrow. These seem like small things, but this is where the way out of the crisis begins.

3) Help the person be needed. Turn to him for help, ask for advice, praise him to raise self-esteem and switch thoughts to activity.
Bring something new into the room where the depressed person lives, give this person small gifts, offer to update their wardrobe. Go on a trip.

4)Believe in the person. With your confidence you will give him the strength to live on and rise from his knees.

I would like to highlight situations when depression is so deep that a person withdraws into himself, can go into illusions, dreams, unrealistic fantasies, for example, computer games. People quit their jobs, forget their family, children, friends. They don’t want to hear anything, change anything, they are comfortable in their illusory world. The requests of relatives go unheeded; the person does not want to go to a specialist. In this case, it is practically impossible to help. The only thing that can save you in such a situation is prayer.

If you still understand that the person is listening to you, then all is not lost. You need to instill in a person the belief that he will succeed. And for this he needs to be offered a choice. “You have two options. Or you move down very quickly and easily. There's nothing down there, just emptiness. Or now we are moving upward together with you. You will have to work a little hard on this path. But everything awaits you - a new harmonious future, new people, love, success. I will always be by your side, we will walk together. We can handle everything. I know for sure it's worth it. Trust me. Many people have risen from their knees, and you will succeed.” One way or another, these paths prescribe the future that a person must choose. If there is even a drop of hope within him, he will choose the path upward. Perhaps this conversation will be repeated. But one way or another, words of support must be spoken with strength, with deep faith, so that your feelings are transferred to your opponent.

And so, here I reflected exemplary actions in a situation of depression.

But I ask you not to forget that in addition to instructions for action, it is advisable to contact a specialist and make the exit process more fruitful and faster. Because the work requires special techniques and professional approaches.

If you have been diagnosed mild degree depression is not a problem. It is easy to handle without using special means and medicines. A few steps will relieve you of an obsessive pessimistic mood.

Step 1. Sports and exercise. During exercise, the level of endorphin in the body increases. This, in turn, has a positive effect on the psycho emotional condition. Experts also recommend starting your day with exercise and a contrast shower.

Step 2. Healthy sleep . Sleep disorders are the most common reason the occurrence of sudden depression. Try to normalize your routine. Fall asleep earlier, putting all gadgets away. In sleep, thoughts are cleared of negativity.

Step 3. Change of scenery. Maybe you are not satisfied with your place of work? Don't be afraid, change it! A job you don’t like is another common reason that causes stress, and along with it, protracted, difficult-to-treat depression. Find what you like. Spend more time outside, discover new places, fill your life with pleasant memories and impressions.

Step 4: Reading. Good literature is not only development intellectual abilities, but also great way get rid of depression on your own! The book distracts from obsessive thoughts, helps to gain new energy and vitality.

Step 5. Creativity. Scientists have long proven that during creativity a person throws all negativity aside, and his thoughts are completely cleared. Drawing, music, writing, sports... Find a hobby that you enjoy.

Step 6. Walking with friends. Close people are capable of creating real miracles with just their presence. Even if depression progresses and you don’t want to see anyone at all, overcome yourself: this will be a huge step towards healing.

How to get rid of depression on your own: traditional methods

You can fight depression with improvised means. Few people know, but many of the available products have a stimulating effect, and some, on the contrary, have a calming effect. We present to your attention several simple ways, which will help you get rid of obvious symptoms of depressive disorder in a matter of days.

Nuts+dried apricots+honey. All ingredients will need an equal amount - 100 grams each. Grind the nuts and dried apricots through a meat grinder, then add honey. This mixture must be taken for a month, one teaspoon 2 times a day before eating.

Herbal drink. Take one tablespoon of lemon balm, peppermint and currant leaves, one teaspoon of thyme. Add two tablespoons of ordinary long tea to this. Mix. Pour a teaspoon of this “tea” with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Strain. By taking a glass of the drink 3 times a day, you can get rid of depression, lethargy and apathy on your own.

Healthy breakfast. Take a banana, a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of pine nuts (or walnuts), as well as sprouted wheat grains. Grind everything in a blender, adding a glass of milk. Drink this cocktail every day as breakfast, and within a month you will notice how your emotional state has begun to stabilize.

Depression is not a death sentence. Correct diagnosis and the right treatment method can correct the situation in a matter of days. You can get rid of it yourself, but you should not neglect the advice of specialists. After all, no matter how trivial mild symptoms depression, they can always progress, developing into a severe form.

Every person, at any age, experiences moments of deterioration in their mood. Everything seems to be the same as always, but somewhere the inner spirit and desire to do something disappear. And when the question arises: what to do if you are not in the mood, then not everyone knows how to behave and how to act.

First of all, you need to find out the reason for the lack of mood. There can be many circumstances that influence its deterioration, these can be minor troubles and large, big problems.

Reasons that influenced the deterioration of mood

  • Quarrels and conflicts
  • Failures at work
  • Stressful situations
  • Ailments
  • Resentment towards others
  • Financial position

Of course, this is an incomplete list of reasons. But, you need to remember that every problem can be solved, there is a way out of any situation, the main thing is to find it. And 50% of the fact that there is a bad mood is a person’s personal perception of the problem, that is, you can reconsider some of your qualities and views on a particular situation. Treat the problem with some ease and try to solve it at the root.

Ways to solve problems

If the reason is a quarrel, then you just need to talk with the person, clarify all the misunderstandings and come to a common compromise. If you are offended by a person, talking to him and expressing the essence of the complaints will also help. You shouldn't keep it to yourself, because accumulation negative emotions can lead to disappointments and unfulfilled hopes.

If these are failures at work, it’s worth understanding the problem, why this happened or why something didn’t work out. You should not delay in solving problems, since the accumulation of small failures will ultimately lead to a lack of desire to work.

At stressful situations It's worth taking a break. Walking helps a lot fresh air, entertainment and relaxation.

The doctor and the remedy he prescribed will relieve you of your ailments.

When facing financial difficulties, you need to remember that earning money means working. If there is no place to work, then find one. If you have it, but are not satisfied, then change jobs. And if you have a job and are happy with it, you can look for additional sources of income.

Every person is capable of cheering himself up. In any situation it helps:

  • Source of joy and smiles (children and animals)
  • A good deed (any, in relation to others)
  • Creativity (crafts, drawing, singing, dancing, etc.)
  • Food (favorite dishes)
  • Fresh air (walk and rest)
  • Sport
  • Pleasant music
  • Funny movie
  • Meeting and communicating with loved ones

There is often a lack of mood on significant holidays, such as birthdays or holidays. New Year. Experts have proven that this is due to several factors:

  • Age (every year, becoming older, a person begins to reflect on the past years, forgetting about the holiday)
  • Disappointment in the behavior of others (lack of desired congratulations and gifts)
  • Fatigue (physical, from preparing for the holiday and moral, from increased attention from others)

There is nothing scary about this, you just need to switch to the holiday and have a good time.

People around you can also help improve your mood. If there is a gloomy person around you, you should help. Find out why you are not in the mood and try to cheer him up. Phrases to lift your spirits will help: compliments, words of encouragement and willingness to help. After all, sincere sympathy and empathy does not cost material costs, it is priceless, and many people need it.

What if depression?

You should know that a lack of mood that lasts for weeks, months or even years is depression, and only specialists and pills will help you get rid of it. The reasons for depression are more serious circumstances than minor grievances.

  • Serious illness
  • Poor relationships with family
  • Parting and separation from loved ones
  • Death of relatives
  • Lack of love
  • Divorce
  • Difficult critical situations
  • Constant failures

Adolescents are often exposed to depression; it is at this age that a change in worldview and views, internal changes and a reassessment of values ​​occur. If a child is noticed: a constant lack of mood, reluctance to do homework, communicate with peers and everything irritates him. You shouldn’t leave him alone, alone with his thoughts. Help is definitely needed. You can work with a teenager on your own if you have enough knowledge and strength, but it is better to seek help from specialists.

If depression is not treated, it can become very serious. The course of the disease occurs gradually: from a state when you often want to cry, to a state of belief in powerlessness, inferiority, uselessness, loneliness, uselessness and distrust of people. At the moment of such a state, you don’t want to do anything, then an internal breakdown occurs, a breakdown occurs, faith in yourself and the future disappears, the desire to simply live disappears. With this condition, only specialized doctors and psychologists can help. You should not try to cope with severe depression on your own, at the risk of only making the condition worse.

Whatever your mood, bad or depressed, you shouldn’t give up. It is necessary to work on the inner world, bringing it to better condition. A positive attitude definitely leads to success and the realization of any dream.