Why don't they hire you? Why don't they hire us? Negative reviews about previous work

Why don't they hire you? Why don't they hire us? Negative reviews about previous work

“If you don’t know the rule, you won’t find an exception to it.”

(Valentin Borisov)

Traders who make the most profits take the most risks. They are rule breakers who go their own way. They are looking for new approaches to trading.

They don't think like everyone else. Many legendary traders, from Jesse Livermoor to Paul Tudor Jones, made huge fortunes by doing what they believed in, not just what they taught. Traders who lost their initial capital remained on the sidelines of success because they lacked discipline.

But before you start breaking the rules, you should learn them. If you are new to trading, it is important for your survival to learn to pay attention to the traditional common sense and discipline. When you're just starting out in the market, it's helpful to follow some basic guidelines.

For example, it is important to manage risks and follow the developed trading plan with clearly defined entry and exit strategies.

It is equally important to use tools such as protective stops to insure yourself against large losses. It is necessary to incorporate techniques that have become traditional into your system developments.

These should be remembered useful tips How to: Avoid trading during the first hour after the market opens or refrain from trading ahead of rate hikes or important economic reports.

Of course, traditional trading techniques are only good when they are justified. But as a new trader, you don't know when their use is justified. Don't underestimate the importance of experience. The more experience you gain, the more you will be able to intuitively predict market behavior and plan your actions.

Some gems of traditional trading wisdom are almost always applicable, and it is useful to know these pieces of wisdom. Don't try, like a restive horse, to gallop quickly, increasing profits, until you have confidence in what you are doing. Look at the situation from a broader perspective.

The current deal is just one of many deals. But this is only true when the financial risk is relatively small. If you risk 50% of your deposit in one trade, this means that with such risk you cannot afford even several such trades, let alone many. It can have fatal consequences for you. Managing risk will help you survive. This old wisdom is always relevant for everyone.

Unlike novice traders, professionals know what to do and when to do it. They know when they are on a hot streak and when to increase their position sizes and number of trades. They may be breaking the rules in doing so, but professionals know when it is permissible. They have sufficient skill and experience, and even if a significant part of the deposit is lost, they can restore it.

For a beginner, on the contrary, it will be very difficult to win back his losses. If he has suffered large losses, it is better for him to stop trading and replenish the deposit with his own money.

Traditional wisdom is useful to follow, but sometimes it can fail. The market is changing. Any behavior securities depends on time. Prices do not move in a vacuum; they are influenced by media reports, economic news, international politics and many other factors. Trading strategy, which has been profitable for a long time, may become unprofitable as market conditions have changed.

A professional trader is constantly looking for new strategies and trying to work in the market taking into account changing situations. The work of a professional requires constant creativity. He tries to find a fresh perspective on the market, develop a strategy that would fit the unique market conditions. As a result, masses of traders who use old techniques lose their money.

Unlike beginners, masters can afford greater risks and unconventional behavior. Unconventional moves - no The best way work, especially if you have just started trading. But that doesn't mean you should avoid creative approach. You will need it if you want to become a successful trader. But at first, caution is necessary. Only she will help you ascend to a new level.

If you work the market and gradually increase your profits and position sizes, and take more risks, you are honing your skills, which brings you closer to the point where you can afford to break the rules. 6.4.

Reality and forecasts: the choice is yours

“The most difficult thing is to know yourself, the easiest thing is to give

advice to others." (Thales)

1 Each of the traders constantly wonders about

but the reality of their forecasts. Many trading systems and almost all analytical calculations regarding market direction seek to forecast or, if you like, predict the future behavior of the market. It does not matter whether the trader uses fundamental or technical analysis. If his opinion is formed, then the trader is trying to predict the behavior of the market.

Some use Elliott wave theory, some rely on economic forces, but the main goal is to determine where the market price will be at a certain point in the future.

These types of analyzes can, at times, be quite accurate, but not always.

Traders, like everyone else, always have opinions and ideas based on beliefs about what they have already experienced. No matter how hard they try not to be influenced by other people's opinions, they cannot avoid outside influence.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand how these opinions, forecasts and beliefs can be used. This is very important question. Since markets don't care about anyone's opinion, the first and most important thing is to

What is clear is that all opinions or forecasts about the markets are nothing more than fantasies, because at the time that has just come they are no longer adequate to reality.

Do you want to trade fantasies? Obviously not! But how can you use these forecasts to help and not hurt yourself in trading? Here are some examples and analogies of how forecasts can help (or harm).

Let's say you believe, based on a forecast made by Elliott Wave Theory, that a stock is about to begin an uptrend. Even MACD shows positive divergence. You say to yourself: “I will buy here and wait.”

But time passes and instead of starting an upward trend, this market instrument goes down. You tell yourself that you entered the market too early, but you are confident that the market will go up very soon, so you decide to hold the position for a while longer.

With the next bar the market instrument goes even lower and now you are really worried. The bullish divergence on the MACD is still present and the Elliott wave analysis remains the same, but it looks as if this is the last move down. “Market noise,” you reassure yourself. At the same time, you think: “The market can’t go much lower,” and therefore you hold the position further.

Then the price of the market instrument drops sharply, you panic, close your position and ask yourself how could this happen? The answer is that it happens all the time to traders who trade based on a forecast rather than actual market action!

In this example, the trader was holding on to his fantasy based on his forecast. His faith in his forecast led him to not place a protective stop order, which is typical for traders locked into this type of forecast trading. After all, their ego also plays a role.

Now take that same example and see how you can and should use a market forecast to your advantage. Instead of immediately buying a market instrument at the current price this moment price, based on our positive forecast, we wait for the market instrument to show signs of actually changing its downward trend.

You feel that, based on your forecast, this market instrument will soon reverse, but current reality shows that this is not happening yet. This way, you don't buy right now, but instead wait until the market instrument shows signs of actual strength. You, like traders, “trade the market, not the forecast.” However, you use the forecast to prepare and keep the stock on your list of likely future opportunities.

It is advisable that you look at forecasts as an aid to your trading, and not as a direct instruction to action. Let's just say this should be one of the tools in your tech arsenal.

Use the following analogy when thinking about forecasts. You are planning a sailing trip for the day. You find out the weather forecast, and it is not very good: heavy rain and wind are expected. You have a big boat, you are an experienced sailor and you decide to take your trip anyway.

As you leave the marina, the weather, contrary to the forecast, is magnificent: sunny and only a light breeze. Answer this question: Even though the forecast is for heavy rain and wind, would you put on your rain coat right now or would you wait until the weather changes? It seems that most of us would wait for the weather conditions to actually change.

Being without a job is stressful, but starting to look for a new one is even more stressful. Endless interviews, zero responses from companies, complaints about the economic situation in the country and “evil” HR specialists - all this drives people into depression. Job seekers blame recruiters for everything and ask one single question: “Why won’t they hire me?”

What to do to become a successful and well-paid specialist in 2018? And why are the crisis and HR not as scary as they are made out to be? She spoke about this and much more in an interview with a MIR 24 correspondent. HR Director of the real estate agency "BIG Realty" Alla Remzova.


The ranking of the most sought-after specialists in Russia today is headed by marketers and SMM/SEO specialists. Cold sales managers, real estate agents, personal assistants and the same HR specialists do not lag behind them.

“Today there is a very high demand for marketers and Internet promoters. This is due to the fact that business is gradually moving to the Internet. And these specialists know well how to promote a product using social networks, tagging and Internet technologies. They work online and not in the office, but at home or anywhere in the world. As always there has been and will be a demand for good sellersgood managers by sales. A person who knows how and loves to sell will always be valuable. In addition, good personal assistants, office managers and secretaries are also in demand,” says the expert.

But the rating of those who will find it extremely difficult to find a job in 2018 is headed by lawyers, production managers and bank employees. Moreover we're talking about not about entry-level positions in the banking sector, but about middle and management levels. The point is that finding vacancies with wages, to which they are accustomed, even in a related field, is not easy. Today, the difference between the requirements and what the market offers them is about 70-150 thousand rubles.

“The banking sector is now sagging, and older professionals who held the positions of senior managers and project leaders are at a disadvantage. With the money they are already accustomed to, it is now difficult to find anything. There are many people who want to stay in the banking industry, but there are much fewer offers. The difference in money is now about 70-150 thousand rubles. It is difficult for such a specialist to go to work as a regular sales manager, both physically and psychologically. The only thing that remains for him is to develop and acquire competitive skills in a related field. Thankfully, it's now short time you can get new ones basic knowledge“Remzova is sure.

In general, the demand for development in the labor market today can be considered basic. Professionalism in your field alone is not enough for successful employment, but a set of additional skills will significantly distinguish you from the crowd of applicants. They need to be acquired, developed and presented beautifully. Foreign education, even online, will be a plus, especially for employers who cooperate with European companies.


Most often, HR specialists search for employees in three stages: resume selection, phone call and interview. And no matter how much anyone talks about the most obvious things, applicants constantly make the same mistakes, the expert believes.

At the stage of resume selection, companies pay attention to three components: the resume form, photograph and portfolio, which, by the way, is what applicants most often forget about.

“A lot depends on a properly written resume. For example, often in a resume there is a list job responsibilities copied from his job descriptions at his previous place of work and to us, as specialists, this quickly catches our eye. Some don't even change cases. If you don’t understand, turn to specialists. If you look at sites that search for vacancies, there are only a few people who post portfolios. And this should always be done. And it is very important to attach a competent photograph. For example, today a young man of 27-30 years old sent a resume with a photo of terrible quality with his tongue hanging out. Girls often post photos of themselves in swimsuits, and at the same time apply for the position of office manager,” says Remzova.

A potential employer calls, and you answer on the run, casually, and ask to call back in five minutes? Be prepared for the fact that they may call you for an interview, but they won’t hire you. A telephone call, which applicants generally view as an invitation to an interview, is in fact a test of adequacy and professionalism, so it must also be approached responsibly.

“We call everyone for an initial interview, and if the person is adequate, we schedule a meeting. We value time, both ours and that of applicants, so a telephone interview is important stage. This is a kind of test of a person. There is a difference, for example, between a person saying “good afternoon” to you and a sloppy response. Therefore, if a person missed the moment of greeting, then there is no point in communicating with him further. This doesn't mean I hang up immediately. Of course, I will continue to communicate and ask questions, but the chances of getting workplace are falling rapidly. TO phone call applicants need to be taken seriously,” the expert believes.

During the interview, it is important to express yourself, but not to adopt a “friendly tone”, not to talk about the difficulties of your personal life and not to complain about previous employers. It would seem that these are obvious facts that have already been mentioned more than once, but this happens almost every day, says Remzova.

“During the interview, you must adhere to a classic-creative position. You need to try to prove yourself, but you don’t need to sing, dance, tell jokes and details of your personal life. I encounter this very often. In my practice, the applicant even cried once. After the interview, we pause and give both ourselves and the applicant time to think. The next day we call the employee we like, and if he is ready to work, we introduce him to his immediate supervisor. The mentoring system in the real estate business is very important. Our company gives preference to people without experience in real estate, because it is easier to teach than to retrain. On initial stage“In order not to injure anyone, we try to select people so that the applicant and the employer fit each other like husband and wife,” says Remzova.

The proverb says: “You are greeted by your clothes, but you are seen off by your mind.” Even if you go to apply for a job in the summer, and it’s +30 outside, shorts, T-shirts and flip-flops are not an acceptable appearance for an interview. You can wear jeans, but in this case the top should be complemented by a shirt or blazer.

“One day a girl came to apply for the position of office manager wearing leggings and a short top. When I asked her the appropriate question, she replied: “I didn’t come in sweatpants.” Appearance and neatness are very important. You can come in jeans, but in a shirt or polo, but not in tights, a T-shirt and flip-flops. The same way a person came for an interview is how he will go to work. Rather, even more simplified,” the expert added.

Based on complaints that most often come from applicants, a MIR 24 correspondent together with the hiring director Alla Remzova compiled portraits of market participants who find it most difficult to find work.

Alexander Grigorievich is 47 years old. I have 25 years of working experience behind me. Of course, for the first five years he managed to work both here and there - there was no time for a career then. It was necessary to study and earn extra money. But after 25, I was steadily involved in finance in private companies and enterprises, so experience, including major projects, and knowledge foreign language available. When Alexander turned 46, the company closed, and for a year now he has not been able to find a job in his field. I asked my friends: some have lost their business, others are holding on to their jobs. What to do?

“The question of age is illegal; it cannot be indicated in a vacancy. Once there was a case when an applicant, who was not hired because of his age, sued the company and won one million rubles. But young people aged 35-40 already have complaints. This is a very sad trend, because in the West the picture is different - there experience is a plus, but here it is only a minus. Employers believe that after 45 people are already tired of life. Another important factor why an employer prefers employees 25-27 years old is that they can be asked more and paid less,” says Remzova.

The expert assures that there is nothing wrong with lowering your age on your resume to see how the market reacts to your candidacy. The main thing is to honestly admit this during the interview. If an HR specialist sees that you are a cheerful and active specialist, then you will be forgiven. But if at an interview you say: “I’m 55, and they won’t hire me anywhere else,” you can’t count on the favor of your superiors. In addition, Remzova advises all specialists over 45 years of age to pay attention to the real estate sector, but not because “they take everyone there,” as has recently been the common belief, but because an experienced older person inspires trust.

“In our business, age is a plus, since the client trusts not a young boy who is actively fussing, but an older person. I can’t say that this trend is present in all areas related to communication, but we have it,” says Remzova.

Alena is 30 years old, she worked for five years as an engineer in construction company, her bosses celebrated her successes, her salary grew. At 26, she met Mikhail, fell in love, the young people got married, and their daughter Sveta was born. Lovely baby, now my daughter is already going to kindergarten. When Alena came out maternity leave, the company's management has changed. They did not want to keep an employee with a small child and told Alena that the company’s profits had fallen, so the salary was being cut by almost half. This influenced Alena's decision to leave and find new job. They react well to Alena’s resume, but when they find out at the interview that the girl has a child, they say that they will call back, but they don’t call back. How to return to the profession?

“A woman who has returned from maternity leave is a young mother who has just placed her child in kindergarten, this means sick leave, a complete inconvenience for the employer. Such a mother needs to find someone who can always sit with the child: mother, sister, nanny. The employer must say: “I gave birth to a child, I love him very much, I gave him to kindergarten, and now I'm all yours. Even when we are sick, I have a mother/sister/aunt Klava who will take care of it, and I want to work, build a career, earn money and self-realization.” You need to be firm in your answers and immediately convince the employer that the child will not bother you,” the expert is convinced.

38-year-old Maxim had his own taxi service, and before that there was a store, and even before that a workshop. He started doing business at the age of 18, it was both good and bad, but he could feed himself. Four years ago the man got married. The wife gave birth to twins unplanned. Income from the business had recently been too unstable, and the wife demanded not only financial support, but also help with housework. Maxim started looking for a job, but for some reason they wouldn’t hire him anywhere.

"Only 5% of the population globe can run a business successfully. Successful business– this is profit, not endless startups that close every six months. Recently, there have been a lot of former entrepreneurs who come to companies to get a job. But it is very difficult for them to start working for someone, to follow the rules and regulations. The most important thing for them is to come to the interview, show their flexibility and ability to adapt. It is very important that the employee is loyal already during work. If you start scolding the company on the sidelines or at lunch, then in the end it will backfire,” Remzova is sure.

Until the age of 37, Alexander worked as a personal assistant to the head of a large automobile company. Everything was fine for 15 years, and then the manager retired. And the new one arrived along with his secretary. Alexander sends out his resume, but he is rejected, and in most vacancies they even write that a girl is needed for the position. How to get a job?

“Every employer selects a personal assistant for himself. For some, it is important that a person is not burdened with a family; for another leader, this is, on the contrary, a plus, since having a family means that the person is reliable. Of course, everyone is considering higher education. Not everything is clear about experience. Some people want to find an assistant and train them to suit themselves, while others want the applicant to already have some experience. But if we are talking about a man over 35 years old, then it is better for him to look for himself in another field. For example, get narrow direction, say, complete SMM or negotiation courses. By the way, the idea that long-term experience working for one company is bad is a myth. I think it’s the other way around – a plus. We pay attention when the resume is full of beautiful employers for whom he worked for only 3-6-8 months. In this case, I always have a lot of questions,” says the expert.

The specialist added that when looking for a job, applicants need to take the initiative, especially if a person takes a position related to communication. When a specialist calls and asks about the results of his interview, employers most often view this as a plus. Of course, if this happens within the framework of a culture of communication.

A young lady or a dapper young man has come to you for an interview, and his mother, grandmother or aunt is waiting for him in the reception area, throwing questions at her child after the interview? Throw these applicants out: this is not a school or a kindergarten. You don’t have time to wipe your snot and pat your head: you have a business project, not a center for exemplary preschoolers.

2. Bonus lover

He (less often, she) asks not so much about responsibilities and requirements, as he asks about vacation pay, sick leave, insurance, promotion career ladder, free trips to the orthodontist and the opportunity to hang a separate sign with your name on the door general office. Drive away too .

3. Fanatic athlete

If in your resume a person indicates from what distance he can hit a curveball, that he will join the ranks of your football team or is ready to join you in golf or air hockey - refuse. There is no point in taking on someone who believes he knows you better than you know yourself and also believes that team sports are more important than teamwork.

4. A person with a guilt complex

“You know, I haven’t been able to find a job for 18 months, but I read your advertisement, and I hope that I will fit into your team, when could we meet in a way that would be convenient for you?” Humiliated and pleading tone - what is it? You are looking for a winner in your company, not a person who will beg and create complexes. Refuse such an applicant for his own good.

5. A fan of “slowing down”

As a rule, such an applicant does not bother to read more about your company, asks questions inappropriately or not at all, and when you invite him/her to clarify or ask something, he/she blankly looks at you with a blank expression. Perhaps this is nervous stiffness in an unfamiliar environment, or perhaps it is ordinary natural stupidity. In any case, you can’t make a mess with this: you don’t have to assemble telephone booths, and you don’t have to hire a cashier to accept checks, but a person who will communicate a lot with the team and with the outside world. There is simply no time to “slow down” here.

6. “Mouth won’t close”

A joker, a wit and a lover of telling all the stories in one interview - this is, of course, a very entertaining and colorful character. But now imagine that it will be like this every day. From day to day. They also get so carried away that in the process of answering they forget what they actually have to answer. A chatterbox is not only a godsend for a spy, but also a personnel valuable only in the field of telemarketing. In all other cases, drive them into the garden.

7. Silent minimalist

Monosyllabic “yes” and “no” are all that can be extracted from such an applicant for all questions. Listening is an invaluable quality. But we’re not at an interrogation: should we start pulling teeth out of him so he can talk? It’s good to remain silent during a dentist appointment; and you will need people who are more talkative (within reasonable limits, of course).

8. Storyteller

A woman/girl who likes to slightly embellish her story even in her resume - and the end result is not “slightly”, but a real Alice in Office Wonderland. If you catch her in lies and exaggerations, she will quickly slide down to modest real achievements - and then it turns out that she cannot become a superstar in your company’s team. That doesn’t stop her from boasting about her achievements in sports, special luck and some transcendental adventures. Don’t believe me: we kindly smile goodbye and refuse.

9. Chameleon

He is ready to accept any job in any division or department. Openness and desire to learn is OK. But it’s not at all OK when you can’t understand what a person really likes to do. Wherever you put it, it will be like that. You cannot please everyone and be able to do absolutely everything; it is for this reason that you will have to say goodbye to the masters of career mimicry.

10. King Lear / Drama Queen

He loves drama, even tragedy: barging into your office at a different time than he was assigned - and demanding an interview IMMEDIATELY. Aggressive behavior before the interview and during it, tragic breaks in the hands, pathos and all kinds of attracting attention to your person - understand that this will be repeated with different variations every day. Oh gods, let's better not take him: he belongs on the stage, not in your office.

11. Master of improvisation

He uses a bunch of meaningless filler words, doesn't bring a resume, makes up stories on the fly, and isn't willing to provide references from a previous employer. In general, it seems that this person will not suit us. And you?

12. Illiterate miracle

Such a person writes and speaks with terrible mistakes as if I had never been to school. Anytime and anywhere. He doesn’t just make typos, he “travels” to conferences, “catches” luck by the tail and uses “their” new products. His speech, both written and oral, is replete with vernacular, mixed together with “rumored insights” and verbs like “try.” Even without being a grammar Nazi, I want to kick such an applicant out of sight.

13. Smartphone addict

Does the candidate sit with her head glued to her smartphone even during the interview? Is the candidate distracted by calls? Get them out of the waiting room as quickly as possible. Yes, gadgets are cool, but attention deficit disorder and manic addiction to a smartphone will not help you and your company in any way. normal operation. The main thing is not to love smartphones as if they were your liver; The main thing is to be able to communicate within the team and beyond. What kind of communication can we talk about if the applicant sits in a chat or calls somewhere all the time?

Do you have your own particularly unpleasant types of applicants?