Goat willow wintering. Decorative properties, description and planting of goat willow. Characteristic signs of willow

Goat willow wintering. Decorative properties, description and planting of goat willow. Characteristic signs of willow

Goat willow, otherwise botanists call it Bredina (Selix carrea), and in common people it is simply Rakita, a plant belonging to the Willow family. Europe is considered its homeland, but it grows successfully in Western Asia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. The average life expectancy is 150 years. During this time, the height of the plant can reach 10 m and 0.75 m in trunk diameter.

Many gardeners wonder whether goat willow is a tree or a shrub? Everyone calls it differently, but in general classification it is a deciduous tree, sometimes a tree-like shrub. Based on the name, we can conclude that sheep and goats like to feast on the plant.

Short description

The plant loves light, however, it has shade-tolerant qualities. Favorite growing areas: fertile, rich, sandy or gravelly soils. At the same time, they should not be very wet - this can destroy the tree. How's the conclusion? Watering should be moderate. Broom is found along roads, houses, in forest clearings, and clearings. Formed seedlings are used for planting. If you need to propagate, then cuttings, seeds or a grafting method are suitable for this.

The characteristic features of the plant are:

Beauty and form

Goat willow in landscape design (photo can be seen below) is very common. And all thanks to its beauty and shape. Moreover, the appearance of the plant greatly depends on the soil in which it grows and the light level.

Most often, broom is planted when landscaping private houses and estates. At first glance, the willow seems unprepossessing, but thanks to its weeping forms, grafted onto the trunk, it acquires a very attractive appearance.

Willow also looks great in rocky gardens, as well as on the edge of ponds. It is worth appreciating another advantage of the plant - the ability to hold the soil together with its roots, so it is not surprising that it is often planted on slopes.


Most often, gardeners pay attention to such varieties of willow as “Silberglanz”, which has a height of up to 8 m and a spreading crown, “Pendula”, the main advantage of which is a weeping crown and standard form, and “Mas”, which has a wide spreading crown and reaches a height of up to 10 m.

Goat willow Pendula

This is a deciduous tree, reaching a height and length of up to 2-3 m. As a rule, it lives no more than 30 years on soils of any moisture content. The variety is shade-tolerant and light-loving. For normal growth, abundant watering is required. But to avoid overflowing, a fairly high drainage layer should be laid. The plant is frost-resistant, but it is recommended to cover the trunk for the winter.

The advantage of the plant, we repeat, is the tent-shaped weeping crown. Goat willow looks great on a trunk. Of the many varieties, pendula can be identified by its dark green oblong-elliptical foliage up to 8-10 cm long. In autumn, the color turns yellow.

In April-May, flowering begins (lasting 15 days) with the release of flat golden-yellow catkins. Subsequently, the fruit is formed in the form of a box.

In landscape design, pendula is planted as a single tree or in decorative groups. Looks great in rock gardens and near ponds. It goes well with dwarf trees of coniferous varieties, young plants, moisture-loving plants and ground covers. As for reproduction, the procedure is performed by grafting onto a standard.

The most difficult to care for is pruning the goat willow variety Pendula. If the crown is not formed correctly during the first year, the branches will fall to the ground and the decorative value will be lost.

In young animals, all branches are pruned, leaving a length of only 15 cm. In this case, a bud should remain, looking to the side or upward. But not inside the crown. This haircut achieves a shape similar to an open umbrella.

If the plant is mature, then pruning is carried out after flowering, shortening the branches by 2/3 of the entire length. This achieves dense branching of the crown.

Goat willow Kilmarnock

This variety is distinguished by its miniature size (maximum 1.5 m in height). The tree is standard and resembles an open umbrella with branches reaching to the ground. The plant is frost- and wind-resistant, light-loving. It has no soil requirements and grows well on low-calcareous, loamy soils. The only drawback is sensitivity to moisture, so you need to be careful with watering.

The variety can be identified by its foliage. It is green, oblong-elliptical in shape, slightly wrinkled, turning yellow in autumn.

In April, flowering begins with the release of numerous catkins with silvery and fragrant flowers.

Goat willow: planting and care

Planting is carried out with the onset of spring. The cuttings are placed in water in advance and wait until the roots appear. Afterwards, they should be transplanted into open ground, after digging a shallow hole. The extracted soil is mixed with compost, and after planting the cuttings are poured into the hole and the soil is pressed down a little. Afterwards, water the plant well. Subsequently, watering is performed 2-3 times/week. For adult specimens, regular watering is not necessary. If the weather is dry and hot in the summer, the seedlings should be watered more often.

As for feeding, in the spring-autumn period it is carried out twice using complex means. In autumn, give preference to potassium sulfur or superphosphate. If there are a large number of weeds around the tree, mulch with sawdust, peat, expanded clay, paper, and crushed pebbles.

If the soil near the goat willow dries out quickly, loosening should be carried out, and if cracks appear, the soil should first be watered and then loosened.

Don’t forget about timely and regular tree trimming.

Proper planting, watering control, and pruning will help you form a beautiful plant that will add grace to the landscape design of your home.

Getting to know goat willow - video

Goat willow is an interesting tree that has been growing in my yard for 15 years. At one time, I spent a long time understanding all the features of planting and care - I read specialized reference books and consulted with specialists. I will share my experience with you.

5 features

Description of the variety:

  • height - up to 10 meters, crown width up to 8 meters. But there are other options, most often small; I’ll tell you about the most popular varieties below;
  • willow bark is gray-green when young. Then the surface becomes brown, and cracks appear over time;
  • frost resistance - good. The tree grows throughout most of Europe and is suitable for temperate latitudes. Therefore, the plant can withstand cold winters well and does not require additional insulation;
  • the tree begins to bloom in April, when there are no leaves yet. Due to this, the site looks elegant for two whole weeks;
  • the plant is widely used in landscape design. Due to its compact, dense crown, willow is suitable for limited space and blends seamlessly with almost all shrubs and trees.

Willow varieties

Goat willow spherical
  • most often it is a shrub no more than 2.5 meters high and the same diameter;
  • has a dense oval crown that does not require shaping;
  • Great for building hedges or creating property boundaries

Goat willow Mas
  • this variety is a tree up to 8 meters high and a crown up to 8 meters in size;
  • most often it is a tree, although it can also be a shrub;
  • tolerates urban conditions well and is planted along the roadway

Goat willow Pendula
  • most often a standard tree with a height of no more than 3 meters and a diameter of up to 2.5 meters;
  • In order for the crown to form correctly, it must be formed at a young age. The appearance of the tree depends on this;
  • can also be formed into a compact version, no more than one and a half meters in size;
  • requires insulation for the winter. The grafting site is especially sensitive; this is the most vulnerable part of the plant.

Goat willow Kilmarnock
  • a small tree with weeping shoots hanging down to the ground. Maximum height - up to 2.5 meters, crown diameter up to 2 meters;
  • requires protection of the grafting site in winter, so the stem is insulated for the winter. Simply wrap a piece of cloth around the barrel;
  • the plant lends itself well to shaping, so this variety is very popular among those involved in landscape design

Video review from Greensad: Goat willow “Pedula”

Willow planting

Stage 1. Preparation of planting material
  • step 1. If you decide to grow the regular version of goat willow, propagation involves taking cuttings and placing them in water for a couple of weeks, then planting them in pots to allow the young shoots to take root. If you need a seedling on a standard, it is best to purchase it from a nursery to be sure that the graft has taken root;
  • step 2. Select the optimal disembarkation time. Early spring is best, when the soil has warmed up and the buds have not yet opened. You can plant it in the fall, but in the summer the tree may take root poorly and get sick due to the heat

Stage 2. Preparing the landing site
  • step 1. Choose a location for the willow tree. This should be a moderately shaded area. But this variety grows well in the shade, although it develops more slowly without sunlight. The distance to the fence and neighboring trees depends on the type and size of the mature tree;
  • step 2. Dig a hole for the seedling. The diameter should be about 60 cm, the depth - about half a meter. Place a drainage layer 15–20 cm thick at the bottom. Use expanded clay or crushed stone

Stage 3. Plant the plant
  • step 1. Prepare a nutrient mixture of 2 parts humus, 2 parts turf soil and 1 part sand;
  • step 2. Fill most of the hole with the prepared mixture. Carefully remove the seedling from the container, try to damage the earthen ball as little as possible;
  • step 3. Make a small hole and plant the plant at the desired level. Fill the nutrient mixture to the top of the hole;
  • step 4. Compact the surface. There should be a depression around the trunk so that water collects there and the root system does not suffer from lack of moisture

Stage 4. Water the seedling correctly
  • step 1. Pour 1-2 buckets of water and wait until it is completely absorbed;
  • step 2. If the moisture was absorbed slowly, add another bucket of water, if quickly, then at least 2 more buckets. Mulch the surface with black soil or peat so that water evaporates more slowly;
  • step 3. Water the plant 2-3 times a week for a month after planting

Goat willow care

Tip 1. Periodic watering
  • spring and autumn. If there is no precipitation, water the plant once every 2 weeks. If it rains periodically, there is no need for watering;
  • summer. In hot weather, watering is done twice a week. If it rains from time to time, the frequency of watering decreases.

Tip 2. Proper feeding
  • spring. Fertilizing is carried out immediately after the soil warms up. Any complex fertilizer suitable for willow is applied. If it can be diluted with water, then do so, as the nutrients will reach the root system much faster;
  • summer. Feeding is done in mid-June. It is not worth doing it too late, since this type of willow intensively sends out young shoots and if they grow until autumn, they will not have time to get stronger and may freeze in winter.

Tip 3. Periodic loosening and pruning
  • spring. The trunk circle is loosened and the shoots are cut to approximately 2/3 of the length. This allows you to form a thick and neat crown;
  • summer. Loosening and pruning are carried out as necessary;
  • autumn. After loosening in October, it is advisable to mulch the soil with a 10 cm layer of peat to protect the roots from the winter cold

Tip 4. Treatment for diseases and pests
  • diseases. The most common spots found on goat willow are white and black spots. This is a fungal disease that can be prevented by treating the crown with fungicides twice per season - in spring and autumn;
  • pests. Most often, willow is damaged by the flower fly shown in the photo. To combat it, use special compounds sold in flower shops. And to kill the larvae, treat the tree trunk circle with a solution of potassium permanganate

Properly protect the plant from scab

  1. From heavy rains in spring or autumn, willow can become infected with scab.. It’s easy to identify the problem - the crown looks like it’s been burned by fire. You need to fight the disease like this: all damaged shoots are cut off and burned, and do the same with fallen leaves. Treat the damaged areas with copper sulfate and cover with oil paint.

Natalia Semenova:

Stone_Pine, it looks like a fungal disease. It might be willow scab. Many types of willows are susceptible to it, especially weeping forms. Rains in spring and autumn contribute to the disease. With massive scab damage, the crowns of diseased trees take on the appearance of being scorched by fire.

In the spring, after the leaves bloom, a dark olive coating forms on the upper side of the leaf blades, consisting of mycelium (mycelium) and sporulation of the pathogen. Affected leaves turn black and die. From here the mycelium penetrates into the shoots. They turn black, become deformed and die.

Now remove all affected branches and burn them. In the fall, collect all the foliage and burn it. After removing diseased branches, be sure to treat the wounds with 1-3% copper sulfate and then it is advisable to cover them with oil paint based on natural drying oil. Spray the plant with fungicides now and in early spring. And in the spring, starting 10–14 days after the leaves bloom, with an interval of 2–3 weeks, spray the willow with fungicides 3–5 times.

  1. Do not plant goat willow on a trunk in regions with cold winters. Only the usual unvaccinated options are suitable there.

Dune HD:

Please tell me, will the goat willow Pendula (Kilmarnock) live on the trunk in Novosibirsk? Or is it better not to try and not torment the plant?

What to remember

  1. Goat willow is an unpretentious plant, which grows in the shade and does not tolerate standing water in the roots.
  2. The landing consists of selecting a seedling, preparing a hole, filling it with a nutrient mixture and abundant watering.
  3. Care consists of periodic watering, fertilizing, pruning shoots, loosening the soil and treating against pests and diseases.

Video: goat willow on a trunk. Kilmarnock

One of the most common willows is bredina, or goat willow. The tree got its name due to the fact that it is a favorite delicacy of goats. Willow grows in all forests of Eurasia: in mixed forests, in taiga zones, in oak forests, in wetlands, in lowlands.

Goat willow bark contains salicylic acid.

Natural unusualness of the tree

The main difference between goat willow is its leaves. On top the leaf has a smooth surface and a dark green color, and on the bottom it is velvety with small hairs and a silvery tint. Goat willow is a small tree or shrub and belongs to the willow family. Young trees have a green-gray bark color, while older trees have a brown surface with small cracks. The shrub has large leaves up to 15 cm in size with round, ovoid and other shapes.

The tree begins to bloom even before the leaves appear. The color of the flowers is yellowish-gray, collected in small brushes resembling earrings. The fruit of the bush is a capsule in which uneven grayish seeds are formed.

Goat willow is widely used in medicine. The collection of bark and tree shoots is carried out at different periods.

Goat willow is an excellent cure for many diseases. Willow bark must be collected in early spring (March-April) before the tree blooms and buds open. After collecting the bark, the material should be dried so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. When completely dry, the plant bark should crack when bent.

In April, inflorescences are collected from the male forms of the plant and dried in well-ventilated areas. The flowers contain the same components as the bark, only in smaller quantities, and they are also rich in vitamins, lipids, and organic acids.

Features of planting and caring for shrubs

Bredina is a moisture- and light-loving plant. When planting in a summer cottage, you should choose a sunny place. The plant is propagated by grafting and seeds. The tree is rarely propagated by cuttings, because they hardly develop a root system. The shrub undergoes special pruning after flowering, this is especially important in the first years after planting. Good care of the dwarf tree will ensure the rapid development of the original shrub.

For the correct formation of the tree crown, pruning is carried out in such a way that the buds on young shoots rush upward and to the sides. With this pruning, young shoots will grow in the shape of an umbrella.

Planting a decorative tree is carried out according to the following rules:

  • it is necessary to prepare a hole about half a meter long, wide and deep;
  • add fertilizer by mixing compost, peat and humus;
  • add mineral fertilizer and mix;
  • plant a tree in the resulting mixture;
  • water thoroughly.

If everything is done carefully and correctly, then decorative willows will easily take root. Trees are planted in almost any month, with the exception of winter, provided the root system is closed. Otherwise, it is better to plant a tree in early spring or autumn.

Caring for goat willow does not require much effort or special skills. The main thing is to provide thorough watering for the delirium.

If the soil dries out and cracks form, it is necessary to loosen the soil to obtain minerals and air circulation.

Dangerous diseases of a miniature tree

Nevertheless, sometimes the decorative beauty is attacked by the following pests and diseases:

  • leaf roller - harms the tree in the caterpillar stage, which can be gotten rid of by spraying the shoots with chemicals;
  • flower fly - often removed after watering the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • powdery mildew is a fungal disease that spreads quickly; to get rid of it, it is necessary to remove the affected leaves in a timely manner;
  • black spotting occurs when leaves come into contact with water; To avoid disease, the tree should be planted in a windy place.

Types of goat willow and their characteristics

Different types of willows. Goat willow: 1a - branch with leaves; 1b - branch with male earrings; 1c - women's earring; 1g - male flower; 1d - female flower; 1e - earring with open fruits; 1g - opened box; 1z - seed. Five-stamen willow: 2a - branch with leaves and male catkins; 2b - branch with leaves and female earrings; 2c - male flower. Willow twig-shaped: 3a - branch with leaves. 4 - Willow grassy.

Miniature trees have found their place both in urban planting areas and in private plots. Each species is preferred for a certain area. There are several varieties of goat willow:

  • Pendula;
  • on the trunk;
  • Kilmarnock;
  • spherical.

Due to its beauty and resistance to frost, the Pendula variety is one of the most popular. The crown of the willow consists of branches falling down, and during flowering wonderful golden catkins appear, which are formed before the first leaves appear. The flowers of the shrub attract insects with their high nectar content. The shoots of this variety are brown-red in color, they slowly grow upward and quickly grow in length. The foliage is matte green, elliptical in shape, covered with fibers on the bottom. Willow Pendula is unpretentious and grows in a variety of soils, provided it is well watered.

Weeping goat willow lives in the coastal zones of rivers and ponds, in the lowlands of rivers, and on well-moistened soils. Owners of summer cottages plant willow on a male-shaped trunk. This variety reaches a height of 2 meters, and sometimes 3, and gives the garden impressiveness and brightness. The tree consists of a trunk - a smooth, bare trunk with cuttings grafted onto it. The branches of the plant hang down to the ground. These weeping standard willows can be used to create arches in the garden. Both owners and neighbors will admire the nonsense and its beauty.

The next variety - Kilmarnock - will decorate any garden with its branches hanging to the ground and attractive catkins. Like all varieties, the tree is light-loving, but can easily tolerate slight darkening. The flowering period of the ornamental shrub lasts about two weeks; the nectar of willow flowers gives a slightly bitter taste to honey.

The decorative goat willow is characterized by an understated dwarf appearance. The tree differs from other varieties in its spherical crown with thin shoots hanging to the ground. The leaves of the shrub have a grayish felt cover on the lower part, and a dark green color on the upper part. The flowers of the plant appear long before the foliage appears and last for about 20 days. The yellow earrings are fluffy and attract insects with their aroma. The globular willow is resistant to frost and drought, grows actively and decorates park alleys and green areas with its appearance.

The use of decorative wood in medicine

A decoction of willow bark reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Bredina bark contains many tannins, alkaloids, and flavonoids. Such substances can also be found in willow foliage. For external use, infusions are excellent for treating wounds and treating dermatitis.

A decoction of tree bark is used to treat rheumatic diseases and fever. The beneficial components of the plant cope well with headaches and neuralgic problems. It is good to use the infusion for bleeding, because... willow has a hemostatic effect. A powder is made from the bark of the plant and used as a powder to treat ulcers and boils.

For people with problems normalizing the sweat glands, experts recommend taking infusions of the plant orally or making lotions in areas of increased sweating.

Less commonly, decoctions of delirium are used for colds and flu for a general strengthening effect, which promotes rapid recovery. Having a sedative effect, goat willow has a good effect on the cardiovascular system and treats tachycardia. Natural medicine helps a person in treating obesity. The valuable substances of goat willow help maintain weight and improve the health of the body as a whole.

Goat willow is useful for constipation.

To prevent many diseases, it is recommended to drink tea or kvass from bredena. This procedure must be carried out for a month twice a year. Health courses help reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Tea made from tree bark has a beautiful color. By drinking the drink, you can enjoy not only a pleasant taste, but also receive great benefits for the body. But healing tea is contraindicated for people suffering from constipation. In such cases, to saturate the body with valuable substances, medicinal kvass can be made, which has a positive effect on the entire body, helps thin the blood and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The power of goat willow is extraordinary! It is also useful for males to use delirium to improve potency. The components of the plant will help cure prostatitis with antibacterial properties, and will also have a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the genital area.

English researchers have discovered that goat willow can cure fatal diseases. The bark of the ornamental tree contains salicylic acid, which has a strong effect in the fight against cancer. But delirium decoctions also have contraindications:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • low blood clotting;
  • individual intolerance to substances;
  • pregnancy;
  • childhood.

Bredina is a real find for garden decoration!

With regular tree pruning, you can create an original crown or hedge on any site.

A charming tree with a small weeping crown and shoots hanging to the ground. Will serve as a real decoration for any garden!

Crown diameter of an adult plant: 1.5 m

Form:Umbrella, weeping, with drooping branches
Needles/Foliage:Dark green, shiny above, covered with gray-white hairs below.
Bloom:Blooms 7-13 days (before leaves appear) with yellow-gold fragrant catkins (male clone)
Requirements:Prefers sunny places, but tolerates partial shade. It is not picky about soil and grows on any soil. Does not tolerate flooding. Completely frost-resistant.


A tree with a small weeping crown and shoots hanging to the ground. The height depends on the level of grafting. The leaves are dull green covered with gray and white hairs. Yellow-golden catkins appear on last year's shoots before the leaves appear; the flowers are fragrant. Decorative due to the shape of its crown, and also in the spring - during flowering, when the flowers emit a delicate aroma.

Care Guide

Special pruning is necessary, especially in the first years, otherwise the plant will not be able to develop properly and will not show its decorative qualities. A weeping branch, if it is not formed correctly at first, will simply “fall” to the ground in one season and it will be almost impossible to correct the situation. Pruning should be done after flowering - i.e. in late spring - early summer. For the correct formation of the crown, it is necessary to cut short all young shoots (up to 15-20 cm) in the first years, but so that at the end of the shoot there remains a bud looking to the side and upward, then the crown will look like an equilaterally developed umbrella. This is a candelabra-shaped method of pruning. Another way of pruning is to remove the apical buds of young shoots during the summer, i.e. pinch them as soon as they reach a size of 15-20 cm. This awakens the side shoots to grow and the crown becomes dense.

It is also necessary to remove the strapping or label from the grafting site on young plants. If rootstocks have formed below the grafting site, they must be ruthlessly removed.

Planting/care: It is better to buy Kilmarnock goat willow seedlings grown in Ukraine with a large lump in burlap, so the plant is guaranteed to take root after planting. All plants purchased from the PROXIMA nursery are provided with long-acting fertilizers with the latest formulas from the best European manufacturers and can be sold in your garden center without additional fertilizing for a whole year. But the greatest advantage of buying potted plants is that they can be planted, without purchasing additional fertilizer, from March to December - even on the hottest days of summer.

Kilmarnock willow requires minimal pruning. Remove any broken, diseased or unwanted branches in late fall or winter. It also requires regular removal of lawn grass from the tree trunk and mulching with a thickness of at least 7 cm. Feed with granular long-acting complex fertilizer in early spring. We fertilize as usual with balanced NPK + Me in the spring - nitrogen, in the summer - phosphorus, August - September - potassium. Do not forget about improving the soil structure with organic matter (humus, compost), and regular foliar treatments with mineral and organic fertilizers with adhesive.

Pests and diseases: Kilmarnock goat willow is pest and disease resistant. An untreated plant can be affected by powdery mildew, green leafworm, fruit cap moth, necrosis of branches and trunks. To protect the plant from diseases and fungal infections, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicides (Skor, Switch, Maxim, Ordan, Horus, Quadris, Radomil Gold, etc.). Of course, it is better to have a specialist make the “diagnosis”. But, as a rule, a modern gardener, using the Internet, can independently identify the enemy and choose the right methods and means of protecting the plant. To protect the tree from the pest, preventive spraying with insecticides (Aktara, Enzhio, Aktellik) is carried out in the spring. Compared to the voracious larva of the May beetle, other pests are rare on a well-groomed plant. Over the past 10 years, Khrushchev, especially on humus-rich, weed-free soils, has become the most dangerous pest of garden plants in Ukraine. One beetle larva can gnaw the root system of a young 10-30 cm seedling in 1 day, completely destroying it. From mid-April, when we see the first flying beetle, we URGENTLY treat the crown with any of the numerous preparations based on imidacloprid, for example Prestige (Bayer), Antikhrushch, while part of the solution must get onto the trunk (10 cm above the ground) and the root collar and not spill to the side . We repeat similar treatments every 40-50 days of the growing season. We pour it into the soil according to the instructions, Aktara is also effective (active ingredient - 240 g/l thiamethoxam; 250 g/kg thiamethoxam). Treatment along the crown and topping up the root collar into the soil from late April to September once every 40-60 days.

Buygoat willow KilmarnockIn Kyiv at low prices you can visit the PROXIMA plant nursery.