Research of methods of motivation of labor activity of the personnel. Coursework: Study of the motivation of the workforce

Research of methods of motivation of labor activity of the personnel. Coursework: Study of the motivation of the workforce

Motivation of labor activity is the desire of an employee to satisfy his needs for certain benefits through labor aimed at achieving the goals of the organization.

For effective management of staff motivation, it must be investigated and evaluated. At the same time, the measurement of motivation is a complex methodological problem. The parameters are both employee assessments and specific measurable results related to labor behavior and labor efficiency.

An organized and controlled process of encouraging an employee to work determines his work behavior, and the productive use of human resources largely determines the company's competitive advantages.

The issues of formation of motivation to work are dealt with by specialists in the field of economics, sociology, psychology, etc., as evidenced primarily by the emergence of many theories. However, the joint efforts of researchers make us remember the parable of the three blind men who could not come to a common opinion about what kind of animal was in front of them. At the same time, they absolutely correctly described the elephant, feeling its different parts.

To solve these problems, the following main research methods motivation systems:

analysis of the problems of the organization;

analysis of documents;

Analysis of external factors;

sociological survey;


Organization problem analysis consists, firstly, in collecting information about the plans of the enterprise and current labor productivity, the movement of personnel, and secondly, in assessing the impact of these indicators on corporate results. The presence of organizational problems in the field of motivation is always indicated by:

The level of turnover, if its performance for a sufficiently long period (at least six months) exceeds 7-10%;

Decreasing during the specified period, the dynamics of labor productivity, if this trend is not associated with the seasonal nature of the organization's activities.

In addition, if the plans of the enterprise are associated with changes within the organization itself, then this directly indicates the need to improve the motivation system.

Document analysis. Company documents give official information about all elements of the motivation system. So the regulation on remuneration reveals the structure of the applied forms and systems of material remuneration, as well as the conditions for receiving them for employees; the regulation on certification determines the methods and procedure for determining the results and effectiveness of the work of personnel; internal regulations contain a set of requirements (rules) for the behavior of employees, as well as a list of disciplinary sanctions, etc.

Analysis of external factors is carried out in order to timely identify the conditions of the external environment (labor market, competing enterprises, labor legislation), which create both favorable conditions for the implementation of a particular motivation policy, and complicate its implementation.

Sociological survey aims to study the attitude of employees to the forms and methods of stimulation used, existing management styles, established relationships, etc., carried out either in writing (questionnaires) or orally (interviews) on predetermined topics and questions corresponding to these topics.

Observation consists in studying the reaction of employees to ongoing events, including the application or introduction of certain incentives. The collection of problems that employees face in their work makes it possible to specify the directions of research. For example, employees' dissatisfaction with the manager's inattention to their proposals may indicate the presence of active achievement motives, the implementation of which is constrained by the existing leadership style.

Assessment Methods and Tools

Perspective level. People have their own ideas about their motives. At this level, the subjective opinions, judgments and assessments of employees are recorded. Both motivation as a whole and its individual aspects can be assessed.

The main thing that interests us at this level (with any methods of assessment) is emotional condition employees, interest, attention, their assessment of motivational factors (relationships in the team, remuneration, career growth, professional development).

For feedback, you can use - questioning, testing, thematic questionnaires, essay writing.

Action level. Since we are talking about work motivation, we can designate it as a desire or unwillingness to comply with certain norms and standards. When we talk about "behavior" we mean results of behavior on workplace, that is, the fulfillment of corporate requirements. Therefore, at this level, it is important to assess how actions comply with the standards within the framework of professional activities, it should also be taken into account whether they are performed under the strict supervision of managers, or on their own initiative.

To obtain data on the implementation of established corporate standards, you can use informal methods (structured observation, video surveillance, keeping working diaries, beating time cards, etc.).

Productivity level. The organization invests in the development of motivation among its employees in order to: raise labor productivity and reduce costs.

It is possible to assess the impact of motivation results on improving the efficiency of the organization as a whole in various areas: finance; clients(marketing indicators); internal aspects(improvement of business processes); education(transformation of corporate culture, innovations, striving for personal growth).

To conduct this form of assessment, you can use such business indicators as - sales; quality improvement; reduction in the number of claims or complaints from customers, staff turnover, the number of conflicts; formation of new effective teams, etc.

As you move from the first to the third level, the assessment process becomes more complex and costly - in terms of both time and financial costs. However, its results are extremely important. Most often, the effectiveness of staff motivation is assessed only at the first level. This is the simplest type of assessment and provides the least valuable information. Measurement of results from the first to the third level provides an objective assessment of motivational impact.

A person is a very complex system, and there are no simple recipes in the field of motivation and stimulation and cannot be. To obtain practical results, it is not so much the number of tools used that matters, but the correct setting of research goals, understanding how the results will be used. It is important to understand the complexity of the "object of study" - motivation, to take into account the many indicators and data obtained both with the help of tests and as a result of practical observation, analysis of activities and labor results.

For effective management of staff motivation, it must be investigated and evaluated. At the same time, the measurement of motivation is a complex methodological problem. The article discusses the methods of its study, and also proposes the author's model for studying motivation, in which three levels of its manifestation are distinguished. The parameters are both employee assessments and specific measurable results related to labor behavior and labor efficiency.

The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people, efficient operation is possible only if the employees have the appropriate motivation, i.e., the desire to work.

An organized and controlled process of encouraging an employee to work determines his work behavior, and the productive use of human resources largely determines the company's competitive advantages.

The issues of formation of motivation to work are dealt with by specialists in the field of economics, sociology, psychology, etc., as evidenced primarily by the emergence of many theories. However, the joint efforts of researchers make us remember the parable of the three blind men who could not come to a common opinion about what kind of animal was in front of them. At the same time, they absolutely correctly described the elephant, feeling its different parts.

At the same time, each of the approaches suggests that in order to manage motivation, it must be investigated and evaluated. Despite theoretical research, the measurement of motivation is a complex methodological problem. Practitioners are forced to admit that they are measuring the “immeasurable”. . In the structure of personality, theorists have identified stable "generalized motives", it is these variables - how tendencies are diagnosed and taken into account when developing motivational activities. In reality, there are no motives. “Firstly, motives are not directly observable and in this sense they cannot be presented as facts of reality. Secondly, they are not facts in the sense of real objects accessible to our direct observation. They are conditional, facilitating understanding, auxiliary constructs of our thinking, or, in the language of empiricism, hypothetical constructs.

Motivation is the main link in the motivational sphere of personality. All definitions of motivation can be attributed to two areas. The first considers motivation from structural positions, as a set of factors or motives. For example, according to the scheme of V. D. Shadrikov (1982), motivation is conditioned by the needs and goals of the individual, the level of claims and ideals, the conditions of activity (both objective, external, and subjective, internal - knowledge, skills, abilities, character) and worldview, beliefs and orientation of the individual, etc. Taking into account these factors, a decision is made, an intention is formed. The second direction considers motivation not as a static, but as a dynamic formation, as a process, a mechanism. V. A. Ivannikov believes that the process of motivation begins with the actualization of the motive. Such an interpretation of motivation is due to the fact that the motive is understood as an object of satisfying a need, that is, the motive is given to a person as if ready. It does not need to be formed, but you just need to update it (cause its image in the mind of a person).

The motivational process begins with a physiological or psychological need that activates behavior or creates an impulse (motive) aimed at achieving specific purpose or rewards (unmet need). It all boils down to a more concise definition: a need is an internal motivator of activity.

Motives are actually formed on the basis of needs. Since the needs have a complex structure, differ in variety and varying degrees of severity, the motives formed on their basis are also complex in structure. Any action is based on not one, but several motives. Therefore, the behavior itself is sometimes called polymotivated.

Needs give rise to desires, aspirations, emotions, feelings, encourage the subject to activity. There are several classifications of needs on different grounds. It was proposed to divide the needs into material (in food, clothing, procreation, etc.) and spiritual (in music, friendship, work, reading books, etc.). The structure of the motivation mechanism is shown in Figure 1.

A. Maslow developed the concept of the hierarchy of motives, in which all needs are divided into 5 classes (5 hierarchical levels). V. McDuggal proposed to bring the set of needs to 18, and the Polish psychologist K. Obukhovsky - to 120. Some psychologists reduce all needs to 7 main types: 1) physiological (nutrition, sleep, breathing, etc.), 2) procreation (birth, upbringing, protection), 3) earning a livelihood (housing, food, clothing), 4) spiritual needs (requests), 5) communication (duties, rights, sympathies, etc.), 6) self-expression (in religion, sports, art, science, etc.), 7) self-affirmation (respect, vocation, power, etc.).

Motives considered as dispositions can be divided into types, the names of which are similar to the names of needs: organic, material, social and spiritual (Figure 2).

In situational disposition, incentives act as external motivators. In management activities, this is the area of ​​motivation and stimulation. In the process of motivation, the performers form internal, psychological motivations for work: interest in work, satisfaction with it. Interest in work is achieved by a number of administrative measures ( financial compensation, various systems of benefits, bonuses).

Satisfaction with work can be ensured only on the basis of the achieved results of labor. This means that the manager's efforts to create job satisfaction among employees should not be aimed at educating them of this personality trait, but at creating conditions for employees to achieve efficiency and high performance.

When building a system of motivation for employees of an enterprise, motivational factors are distinguished, which can be self-generated (internal) and created by management (external). At the strategic level, taking into account these factors, it is possible to distinguish three types of motivational policies for personnel management:

1) the predominance of external (stimulating) influences on personnel. In this case, the management of the enterprise focuses on the use of various incentives (material and moral incentives) to increase the interest of the organization's employees in the final results of their work (establishing a relationship between the results of work with wage increases, bonuses, bonuses, promotions, praise (social psychological encouragement of employees);

2) the predominance of internal (motivational) influences on personnel. In this case, the management of the enterprise focuses on the use of various management motives (responsibility, freedom of action, the ability to use and develop the necessary skills and abilities, personal development, interesting work). In practice, this approach often prevails in emerging (forming) organizations due to their lack of a material base as a basis for incentives;

3) a harmonious combination of a complex of stimulating influences and motivational personnel management (with a basic internal (motivational) one). This approach can be considered the most optimal, removing the extremes of the first two approaches. As a rule, such a motivational policy is implemented by organizations that are developed in all respects, in which a value-based corporate culture has already been formed, if this culture is supported by an effective mechanism for distributing material incentives for employees of the organization;

When developing and building a balanced motivational program of an organization, it is extremely important to take into account the stage of the organization's life cycle (formation, functioning, development) and the typology of the motivational orientation of employees (needs, motives, expectation systems, value systems, external conditions and incentives, etc.).

The main accents of motivation:

- with the individual-subject orientation of employees - the stability of material incentives; prospects for higher wages and social status;

- with the subjective orientation of employees - the guarantee of stability; organizational support; setting specific goals; approval of positive results in the presence of the team; openness of communication and trust;

- with the personal orientation of employees - stimulation of creative activity; delegation of responsibility in solving problems; support for initiatives; the assignment of a new unknown front of work; showing confidence in professionalism; collegial decision-making; support in conveying effective ideas and ways to implement them in the team.

It is possible to single out general strategic guidelines in building a motivational program at various stages of an organization's existence:

1) at the stage of formation of the organization, the following strategic motivational guidelines are inherent:

– leadership qualities, personal example and “infection” of employees with optimism, team spirit;

- the activity of the leader in resolving conflicts and contradictions in the team;

– encouragement of the active personal position of the employees of the organization;

- building and broadcasting by the leader of the picture "Development Prospects" of the organization;

- moral (if possible, material) stimulation of efficiency, etc.;

- distribution of tasks, functions, taking into account the predispositions of people (to give employees interesting work for them).

2) at the stage of functioning, the following motivational guidelines can be distinguished:

- stimulation of a clear correspondence to their functional tasks and norms of positional interaction (for subjective orientation);

- stable material incentives and salary increases in accordance with the results of work and the level of qualification (for all employees, especially for individual-subject orientation);

- Encouragement of improving the skills of employees (an incentive for an individual orientation is an increase in wages, for a subject - an increase in professionalism, for a personal emphasis - the possibility of self-development and a greater contribution to the activities of the organization);

- providing initiative in improving the ways of solving complex problems (for the subject) and problems (for the personal orientation);

- the introduction of a system of incentives that allow employees to “manage” their wages themselves while increasing the volume and quality of their work to receive more (for individual orientation).

3) at the stage of development of the organization, a significant motivational reference point is:

- moral and material incentives for employees to search for new, promising, original ideas to improve their activities and the organization as a whole (mainly for personal orientation);

- creation of a system of incentives for informal leaders who have realized the need for organizational changes and explain this need to others (mainly for personal orientation);

- explanatory work among the staff, aimed at confirming the stability of the organization's activities (for subjective orientation).

In organizations, there should be a direct relationship between employee satisfaction and the system for reaching agreement on goals. The more consistent this relationship, the more positive the dynamics of employee satisfaction. Recognition of individual results is reflected in the remuneration of the employee, depending on the level of his responsibility through the level of achievement of goals.

Improving the motivation system is one of the most important areas of personnel work. If we take into account the ratio of costs to the result obtained, then the return on investment in projects to improve motivation is one of the highest.

Studying motivation helps to save a lot of money. So, young and ambitious professionals are often willing to work for a small salary, just to gain the necessary experience, and changing the system of financial incentives for sales staff provides an opportunity to make a noticeable profit.

Despite all the advantages of studying the motivation of personnel, in Russia only foreign companies do this on a regular basis. True, large Russian organizations have recently joined them, adopting the Western style of work.

A leader for whom career growth and salary are important is usually sure that these factors are also an incentive for his subordinates. In addition, often the employee himself cannot accurately answer the question of what specifically motivates him. Therefore, it is better for management to trust not their own intuition, but methods developed and tested by practice. They allow you to understand what employees really expect from the organization.

Methods for studying motivation have been used in the West for more than a decade. According to experts, with the advent of the computer and the Internet, the cost of their development has decreased, and it has become easy and fast. However, fundamentally new technologies have not appeared for a long time.

Consider the methods for studying motivation that are offered to managers for the analysis of these stable personality attributes, “generalized motives”:

Polls— are used to assess the degree of satisfaction of the staff. Forms of surveys can be different: interview, questionnaire. As a rule, the subject is asked to choose (and evaluate) from the proposed list of motives, interests, needs those that most accurately describe him, relatively direct questions are asked about how much the employee likes the work itself, its conditions, relationships in the team, leadership style, etc. .P.

A diagnostic interview requires a significant investment of time and effort, therefore it is used to assess the level of motivation of managers. In addition, based on the opinion of the heads of departments, it is possible to draw up a generalized description of the situation by departments, assessing the overall level of employee motivation.

With the obvious accessibility of this method, it has disadvantages: not all motives are conscious, since understanding complex deep motivational formations requires developed reflection; the answers are often insincere due to the factor of "social desirability" (the desire to look your best, to meet certain social "norms" and "standards"). Nevertheless, surveys allow you to quickly collect mass material, find out how a person perceives his actions and actions, what he declares to the “world”.

Psychological tests. The test questionnaire contains a series of questions, the answers to which are used to judge the psychological qualities of the subject. A test task is a special kind of test, the results of which determine the presence or absence and the degree of development of character traits (personality properties), for example, an orientation towards success.

With the help of standardized tests, quantitative estimates are obtained, by which it is possible to compare the severity of the psychological properties of an individual with their severity in popularization.

The disadvantage of standardized tests is a certain possibility of the subject's influence on the test results in accordance with the approved personality traits. These opportunities increase if the test-takers know the content of the test, or the criteria for evaluating the behavior and personality traits being studied.

Projective methods. The main emphasis is on diagnosing the hidden motivation of an employee, and hidden, including for the employee himself. Often, projective methods include combinations of all kinds of methods - cases (situations), specific tasks, interviews that include questions that at first glance have nothing to do with the respondent (for example, “Why, in your opinion, do people work well in one company, and not so well in another?” trying?") It is assumed that the subject identifies key indicators for him.

The information obtained using such methods is less structured and standardized, it is more difficult to process it. These methods require skilled interpretation of the collected data.

Knowing the motivational components allows the manager to create a "motivational map" of the employee. Information about the identified driving motives and needs of the employee is used in the development of a set of measures to motivate employees.

However, often, motivational programs in organizations lead only to short-term changes and have almost no effect on production and financial performance. The reason is that "Generalized motives" are subject to diagnostics - dynamic formations that are updated under the influence of situational determinants, and "situational determinants" can potentially be a huge number of variables in a real situation, so it is impossible to take into account and measure them all.

Managers, emphasizing the employees' subjective assessment of their motives and "generalized motives" (without taking into account "situational determinants"), use a set of stimulating influences, which, despite its attractiveness, has practically no effect on business success.

The activities in question are often carried out as part of the development of a remuneration system, or the satisfaction of identified motivational factors. Some of these programs are focused on the analysis of what has been achieved: comparing employee satisfaction before and after the implementation of a motivational project.

Leaders welcome such initiatives in their companies, believing that their "correct" implementation will certainly allow them to achieve efficiency. All these programs are based on a fundamentally erroneous logic based on the confidence of managers that if you compare the subjective assessment of employees before and after the introduction of the motivational program, then in the case of positive changes, you can be sure that sales will increase and product quality will improve.

Consultants and HR professionals actively support the myth that in this case you don’t have to worry about the growth of indicators, since the results are optimized “by themselves”. As a result, top managers are firmly convinced that after some time these programs will pay off and that they made the right choice.

However, since there is no clear relationship between subjective assessments employees and work efficiency - improvements are rare.

In addition, statements about changing the level of motivation, based only on the self-assessment of employees, are not substantiated. To obtain an adequate picture, it is necessary to take into account the labor behavior in which it is reflected. It should be noted that in the domestic and foreign literature there are numerous scientific data stating the fact of a significant influence of motivation on the success and efficiency of a particular activity, therefore, it is also important to take into account the results for the company, for which, in fact, incentive measures have been started.

IN big companies, which employs tens of thousands of employees, a series of focus groups are held in addition to the copros. To do this, groups of several people are formed, representing different levels of organization management (top management, management, ordinary employees, etc.) and different professional interests. They are given the same topics for discussion as in the questionnaires. With skillful application, this method allows you to clarify all the subtleties of staff motivation.

Another method, a diagnostic interview, requires a significant investment of time and effort, and therefore is used to assess the level of motivation of managers. Also in this case, assessment centers are used.

To assess the overall level of motivation of employees, it is not necessary to talk to each of them. You can choose experts, for example, heads of departments, who are able to make a generalized description of the situation for their departments. Also, to study motivation, one can resort to organizational diagnostics, when conclusions about the degree of staff interest are made according to such indicators as staff turnover, average length of service in the company, attendance at corporate events, late arrivals, etc.

There are psychological tests that allow you to study the basic needs of a person. - All employees can be conditionally divided into "professionals", "neutrals" and "organizationists". Each group requires a special approach. So, for "professionals" it is important to delegate authority. "Organizationists" should be endowed with the opportunity to preserve the traditions of the company, feel like old-timers and mentors, and take an active part in public events. "Neutrals" especially appreciate the comfort of work. For them, a motivating factor can be, for example, the possibility of an after-school day off or the timely end of a work shift.

Currently, many specialists prefer innovative projective methods, which are implemented through interviews with employees at all levels.

Projective methods have proven to be the most effective tool for obtaining reliable results, competent systematization and adaptation of changes in the company. High reliability is achieved through a combination of various interview methods - case situations, specific tasks and such questions that at first glance are not relevant to the respondent (for example, “Why do you think people work well in one company, but not in another?” trying too hard?") A person involuntarily gives out answers with key indicators for him, so that a “fake” is practically excluded. In addition, such techniques are simple in terms of development and application, they can be used even by the head of the department.

The use of methods often depends on the goals set by the management, and in practice is largely determined by the price-quality ratio.

If we want to develop motivation for top managers, then here it is better not to rely only on a questionnaire or survey, but to conduct a diagnostic interview or individual assessment to understand what drives these people. If we are talking about a wider strata of workers, then polls or focus groups will be more effective, which provide less accurate information, but in a shorter time.

After conducting a survey and obtaining a more or less reliable picture of staff satisfaction, it is necessary to correctly analyze the data obtained. This requires knowledge of survey results from other companies.

A certain dissatisfaction is always characteristic of a person, and this manifests itself in the results of the survey, so some general universal psychological features should be taken into account. For example, questions about the degree of satisfaction with the level of pay always have a lower rating than other items. There are statistics according to which, even in well-known Western companies, almost half of the employees are not sufficiently satisfied with this indicator, although the wage system there is well balanced. If you do not know these statistics, then, based on the results of the survey, you can start changing something in the payment system, while this is simply a reflection of the general trend. But if the difference in this indicator compared to other companies is significant, then it is worth considering.

At the same time, the data obtained cannot be interpreted literally. Surveys are more helpful in assessing employee satisfaction, and studies show that there is no clear linear relationship between employee satisfaction and employee performance. That is, questioning makes it possible to solve the problem of retaining an employee, but not increasing his ability to work. Experts recognize that training programs that contain information on methods of assessing and motivating staff are in the greatest demand today. This suggests that HR managers want to be more competent in these matters and use existing methodologies on their own. The main thing is that the application of these methods is competent and timely.

2 Practical part

Develop a program and tools, conduct research and draw up conclusions on this topic.

Method of expert assessments

In the course of the development of social production, not only the complexity of management increases, but also the requirements for quality and efficiency of decisions made. In order to increase the validity of decisions and take into account numerous factors, a comprehensive analysis is needed, based both on calculations and on reasoned judgments of specialists familiar with the state of affairs and development prospects in various areas of practical activity.

A significant increase in the level of management efficiency is the use of mathematical methods and models in the preparation of solutions. However, a complete mathematical formalization of technical, economic and social problems is often not feasible due to their qualitative novelty and complexity. In this regard, expert methods are increasingly being used.

The use of mathematical programming and computer technology makes it possible to make decisions based on more complete and reliable information. However, choosing a rational (optimal) solution requires more than a good mathematical model.

Modern economic objects are rapidly developing. Planning and management of such facilities are always carried out in conditions of insufficient information about the future. In addition to the impacts envisaged by the plan, economic objects are influenced by various random factors. As a result, the economic patterns of development of such objects are mainly of a random, stochastic nature.

When making decisions, we usually assume that the information used to support them is true and reliable. However, for many economic, scientific and technical problems, which are qualitatively new and non-repetitive in nature, this is far from being the case.

The main "information" difficulties:

First, the initial statistical information is often not reliable enough. However, even if reliable data about the past are available, they cannot always serve as a reliable basis for making decisions aimed at the future, since existing conditions and circumstances may change in the future.

Secondly, some of the information is of a qualitative nature and cannot be quantified. Thus, it is impossible to accurately calculate the degree of influence of social and political factors on the implementation of plans, to develop formulas for assessing the behavior of people in production teams. But, since all these factors and phenomena have a significant impact on the results of decisions, they cannot be ignored.

Thirdly, in the practice of preparing decisions, situations often arise when, in principle, the necessary information can be obtained, but at the time of making a decision it is not available, since this is due to at great expense time or funds.

Fourth, there is a large group of factors that may affect the implementation of the decision in the future; but they cannot be accurately predicted.

Fifth, one of the most significant difficulties in choosing solutions is that any scientific or technical idea contains the potential for various schemes for its implementation, and any economic action can lead to multiple outcomes. The problem of choosing the best solution option can also arise because there are usually resource constraints, and therefore, the adoption of one option is always associated with the rejection of other (often quite effective) solutions.

And finally, when choosing the best solution, we often encounter the ambiguity of a generalized criterion, on the basis of which it is possible to compare possible outcomes. The ambiguity, multidimensionality and qualitative difference of indicators are a serious obstacle to obtaining a generalized assessment of the relative effectiveness, importance, value or usefulness of each of the possible solutions.

In this regard, one of the main features of solving complex scientific, technical and economic and social problems is that the application of calculations here is always intertwined with the use of judgments of managers, scientists, and specialists. These judgments make it possible to at least partially compensate for the lack of information, to make fuller use of individual and collective experience, and to take into account the assumptions of specialists about the future states of objects.

The pattern of development of science and technology is that new knowledge, scientific and technical information accumulate over a long period of time. Often in a hidden form, "latently", in the minds of scientists and developers. They, like no one else, are able to assess the prospects of the area in which they work, and to foresee the characteristics of those systems in the creation of which they are directly involved.

It is clear that the more streamlined and formalized the procedure for using expert judgments, the more reliable the information received.

Thus, the approach to making decisions depends both on the amount of information available and on how formalized all available information is.

The impossibility of complete formalization does not exclude, however, the possibility and necessity of using the mathematical-statistical apparatus and logical analysis of rational decision-making processes.

In solving many control problems, the simplicity of the mathematical apparatus is often more important than the expected accuracy of the results. Since the structure and process of solving such problems in many cases cannot be reliably determined, the accuracy of the solution results cannot be greater than that contained in the problem itself, and therefore, the use of a more complex mathematical apparatus does not guarantee a more accurate result.

Rational use of information received from experts is possible if it is converted into a form convenient for further analysis aimed at preparing and making decisions.

The possibilities of formalizing information depend on the specific features of the object under study, the reliability and completeness of the available data, and the level of decision making.

When the objects under study can be placed in a certain sequence as a result of comparison, taking into account any significant factor (factors), ordinal scales are used to establish the equivalence or dominance of objects.

The use of ordinal scales makes it possible to distinguish objects even in those cases where the factor (criterion) is not explicitly specified, i.e., when we do not know the sign of comparison, but we can partially or completely order the objects on. based on the system of preferences possessed by the expert (experts).

In solving many practical problems, it often turns out that the factors that determine the final results cannot be directly measured. The arrangement of these factors in ascending (or descending) order of some property inherent in them is called ranking. Ranking allows you to choose the most significant of them from the studied set of factors.

It happens that phenomena have a different nature and, as a result, are incommensurable, that is, they do not have a common standard of comparison. And in these cases, the establishment of relative importance with the help of experts facilitates the choice of the most preferred solution.

The accuracy and reliability of the ranking procedure largely depends on the number of objects. In principle, the fewer such objects, the higher their “distinguishability” from the point of view of an expert, and, consequently, the more reliably the rank of an object can be established. In any case, the number of ranked objects P should not be more than 20, and this procedure is most reliable when P< 10.

Program and description of the study

Number of problem areas (yi) - 6;

Number of experts (k) - 19.

The number of factors influencing the problem area (n) - 6.

The main task. Analyze the state of a (given) problem in an enterprise, industry, etc.

The area of ​​diagnostics is the features of the motivation of the labor activity of personnel in modern conditions

Diagnostics of the problem consists in assigning the real state of the system, described by the vector of values ​​of the characteristic variables Y = (y 1 y 2 , y 3 ... y m) to one of the known classes of states S m using a certain rule R.

1. The state space of the problem is introduced in which diagnostics will be carried out:

S+ is a developing system that expands the field of its activity;

S 0 - stable state;

S- is the state in which the system is at the stage of decay.

For our task, with m = 6, the areas of diagnostics of the problem “Peculiarities of the motivation of the work of personnel in modern conditions” may look like this

Table 1a Diagnostic areas "Peculiarities of motivation of personnel work activity in modern conditions"



Labor productivity


Psychological comfort

at 2

material satisfaction


Working conditions

at 4


at 5

creative level

at 6

Thus, through the introduced set of states, it is possible to determine the real state of the system.

2. An assessment of the state of the system is carried out using the method of expert assessments. The number of experts (k) is 19. Experts can be highly qualified employees of the enterprise, whose work experience is at least 5 years. For educational purposes, students who own the problem can be involved as experts.

The opinion of experts (evaluation of the state of the system) is realized by ranking the elements on an m-point scale. The results are entered in table 2.

Table 2a - Matrix of ranks



at 2


at 4

at 5

at 6


∑ Ri


3. For the matrix of ranks, the coefficient of agreement of experts is calculated:


Where: To– number of experts;

m is the number of elements.


Where: t– the number of regions that received the same rank;

R is the number of such cases.

T- is calculated for those cases when there are several elements that have received the same rank.


The expert agreement coefficient should exceed the value of 0.7. In this case, the opinion of the experts is considered to be consistent, and the survey data can be trusted. For educational purposes, when g > 0.7, it is necessary to draw a conclusion and you can continue further calculation.

S = (35-19*(6+1)/2) 2 + (31-19*(6+1)/2) 2 +(52 – 19*(6+1)/2) 2 + (91– 19*(6+1)/2) 2 + =

+ (93-19*(6+1)/2) 2 + (97-19*(6+1)/2) 2 = 306,25 + 462,25+0,25+110,25+1482,25+1640,25+1980,25 = =5981,75,

T \u003d 1/12 * ((2 3 - 2) + (2 3 - 2) + (2 3 - 2) + (2 3 - 2) + (2 3 - 2) + (2 3 - 2) + ( 2 3 – 2)+

+(2 3 – 2)+ (2 3 – 2)+ (2 3 – 2)) =5,0.

The expert agreement coefficient is equal to

g \u003d 12 * 5981.75 / (19 2 * (6 3 - 6) - 12 * 19 * 5) \u003d 71781 / (75810 - 1140) \u003d 0.961.

In this case, the opinion of experts is considered to be consistent, the obtained coefficient of agreement (g = 0.961), as it exceeds the minimum required (g = 0.7).

4. After analyzing the data of expert assessments of the state of the main aspects of the system, its diagnostic profile is built (for clarity). The state S 0 (zero axis) is determined by the expression:

S 0 = ∑∑Ri /m.

For our example, the calculation of S 0 is shown below, as is the diagnostic profile in Fig. 1.

∑∑R i = 35+31+52+91+93+97= 150

S 0 \u003d 399 / 6 \u003d 66.5

Based on the constructed diagnostic profile, a conclusion is made about the presence of favorable areas and problem areas of the system.

5. An extended description of shortcomings in problem areas is carried out, i.e. factors are identified, the change of which will reduce the problem (Table 3). Number of factors (n=6).

In our example, as established as a result of the above analysis, the most problematic area of ​​"Peculiarities of motivation for the work of personnel in modern conditions" is "Psychological comfort". Let us consider the factors influencing the provision of the psychological comfort of the personnel in order to motivate them to work (Table 3).

Table 3 - Factors affecting the problem area

Problem area


Psychological comfort

1. Raising wages

2. Increasing interest in the end result

3. Satisfaction with the incentives used in the organization

4. The level of consciousness of workers

5. Employee job satisfaction

6. Interaction of employees in the organization

6. A study of the influence of the selected factors on the problem area is being carried out. Using the method of paired comparisons, using a scale of relative importance, we will highlight the main problems. To assess the influence of factors, a scale of relative importance is introduced:

Table 4 Scale of Relative Importance

Relative importance


Minor importance

moderate superiority

Substantial superiority

Significant superiority

Very strong dominance

2, 4, 6, 8


Comparison of the influence of factors on the problem area is carried out in the matrix of paired comparisons (Table 5).

Table.5 Pairwise Comparison Matrix


∑ Ni





    In order to determine the relative importance of the problems, we calculate the weight coefficients

wi = dсрi / ∑dсрi,

dсрi = ∑Ni / n.

where ∑Ni — is the sum over the rows of Table 5.

n is the number of compared factors.

The results of calculating the weighting factors are presented in Table. 6.












dav1 = 24 / 6 = 4

w1 = 4 / 5.29 = 0.11.

Other results in table. 6.

7.Conclusions. Thus, employees of one of the Krasnodar enterprises with more than 5 years of experience were selected as experts. The maximum experience was 7 years and 6 months at this enterprise continuously. In the course of diagnostics, the features of labor activity motivation in modern conditions in the areas of labor productivity, psychological comfort, material satisfaction, and working conditions were studied. In the course of assessing the opinions of experts, it was found that the coefficient of agreement is greater than 0.7, therefore, the opinions of experts do not differ much. The most problematic area is the problem of providing psychological comfort and the problem of material satisfaction of workers. To a greater extent, the problematic system is to provide psychological comfort, management needs to provide a favorable psychological climate, influence the growth of employees' consciousness, increase their psychological job satisfaction, introduce a mechanism for the interaction of employees in the organization, introduce the "principle of participation" of employees in the activities of the enterprise, apply measures more widely not only material incentives, but ways of psychological stimulation of employees.


    Dundar M. Psychodiagnostic methods for studying human motivation // Personnel manager. 2008. No. 6,7.

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    Motivation and pay. - 2007. - No. 4. - P. 276-286 Methodology for diagnosing the work motivation of the organization's personnel Ozernikova TG Doctor of Economics. Sciences

    Hekhauzen H. Motivation and activity. v. 1. M., Pedagogy, 1986.

  1. Motivation Sources Inventory: Development and Validation of New Scales to Measure an Integrative Taxonomy of Motivation / John E. Barbuto, Richard W. Scholl // Psychological Reports.
    Personnel controlling as a functional element of organization management What is personnel adaptation? Organization of recruitment interviews



The relevance of research. Motivation as a complex, multifaceted phenomenon - necessary element personnel management systems. Creation of conditions for motivation of workers and its practical implementation allow to achieve the goals of the organization. Orientation of employees to achieve the goals of the organization is essentially main task personnel management. Due to changes in the content of labor in the context of scientific and technological progress, extensive automation and informatization of production, as a result of an increase in the level of education and social expectations of employees, the importance of motivation in personnel management has increased even more, the content of this type of management activity has become more complicated.

Changes in the principles of personnel management are aimed primarily at the implementation of the motivation policy, at the formation and development of a person's motivational structure.

Leaders have always recognized the need to encourage people to work for the organization. However, they believed that a simple material reward was enough for this. Currently, the problem of staff motivation requires combined approaches and methods based on the knowledge and use of both traditional theories of motivation and the latest achievements of the behavioral sciences.

In addition, in modern conditions, the main attention of managers should be directed to strengthening the motives of human actions that are desirable for the subject of motivation and weakening those motives that interfere with effective management. This type of motivation requires a lot of effort, knowledge and ability to implement it, but using it in practice helps to manage members of the organization more successfully and efficiently.

The motivation system is one of the main elements of the company's management system, which influences employees to achieve the main goal of the company. In practice, the motivation system is implemented through motivation programs, which include various methods employee motivation.

The relevance of the problems of motivation is not disputed by either science or practice, since not only the increase in the social and creative activity of a particular employee (manager, worker), but also the final results of the activities of enterprises of various organizational and legal forms depend on the clear development of an effective motivation system. property, production and non-production spheres of activity.

^ The purpose of the course work is to study the problems associated with the construction of an effective system of methods of motivation in the enterprise and the development of possible ways to solve them.

The goal is achieved by solving the following tasks:

The study of the basic concepts and aspects of personnel motivation in the enterprise;

Analysis of the experience of scientists studying the problems of personnel motivation

  • analysis of the personnel status of the studied object of the course work;

  • analysis and evaluation of the system of management methods;

  • proposal of measures to improve the methods of managing the motivation of employees of the object of study;
^ Object of study in the course work is OrenChay LLC, which is a distributor, i.e. an intermediary carrying out wholesale trade operations with products - well-known brands of tea and coffee. The subject of the study is the methods of motivating personnel to the activities of this enterprise.

^ Research methods motivation systems at the enterprise used in the course work: observation, documentation analysis, survey, questioning conducted among the employees of the enterprise under study, as well as analytical, statistical, graphic.

When writing this course work, special literature and periodicals were studied regarding the formation of an effective system of methods for motivating the activities of employees of an enterprise.

^ theoretical basis researches are the works of scientists and practitioners engaged in scientific and scientific-practical research in the field of personnel motivation: E. A. Utkin, A. Ya. Kibanov, A. Maslow, O.S. Bi-saisky, A.I. Naumov, V. V. Travin, V. A. Dyatlov, A. P. Egorshin, S. A. Surkov, Z. P. Popov, N. Kitaeva, I. Vardanyan et al.

^ Work structure. The course work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (23 titles), contains 2 figures, 2 tables.

^ 1 Theoretical foundations of motivation in the management system
1.1 Motivation: essence, content, basic concepts

Any human activity (physical or mental) is aimed at satisfying a need, achieving a certain goal, state, and it is this orientation and degree of activity in human activity that is the subject of the influence of the motivation system.

Translated from Latin"motivation" - "movere" - means motivation. In management, there are many definitions of the concept of "motivation". Let's take a look at some of them. So the motivation is:

  • “it is the process of stimulating (or inducing) oneself and others to
    activities aimed at achieving the individual and general goals of the organization” ;

  • “this is a combination of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, set the boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals” (in our opinion, the most interesting and correct definition);

  • "a state of the individual that determines the degree of activity and direction of a person's actions in a particular situation";

  • “this is the desire of the employee to satisfy needs (to receive certain benefits) through labor activity”;
- “a dynamic system of interacting internal factors (motives) that cause and direct human behavior. Internal factors are understood as needs, interests, desires, aspirations, expectations, perceptions, values ​​and other psychological components.

Motivation is a phenomenon of internal generation of motivation for certain actions and results. A person can decide for himself whether to be motivated or not. People often resist motivation in the workplace, except in those cases where a continuous factor of motivation is naturally present in their work.

The set of driving forces are outside and inside a person and make him consciously or unconsciously perform certain actions. At the same time, the connection between individual forces and human actions is mediated by a very complex system of interactions, as a result of which various people can react in completely different ways to the same influences from the same forces. Moreover, the behavior of a person, the actions carried out by him, in turn, can also influence his response to influences, as a result of which both the degree of influence of the influence and the direction of behavior caused by this influence can change.

Motivation is a set of internal and external driving forces that induce a person to activity, set boundaries and forms of activity and give this activity an orientation focused on achieving certain goals. The influence of motivation on human behavior depends on many factors, individually and can change under the influence of feedback from human activity.

In the concept of motivation, the following aspects are especially important:

  • determination that human activity is directly dependent on motivational impact;

  • identification of the ratio of internal and external forces;

  • correlation with the results of human activity.
The structure of motivation is characterized by a certain stability, but at the same time it is able to change, including consciously, within the framework of educating a person, improving his education, etc.

The mechanism of motivation is rather complicated. In order to comprehensively reveal the essence of motivation, let us dwell on understanding the meaning of the basic concepts and psychological phenomena that are in systemic interaction with each other - this is a motive, needs, motivation, goal, claims, expectations, interest, incentive.

Central to the theory of motivation is, of course, the concept of "motive".

In accordance with the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, “motive is a motivating reason, a reason for some kind of action; argument for something."

A motive is a predominantly conscious internal motivation of a person to a certain behavior aimed at satisfying certain needs.

The motive characterizes, first of all, the volitional side of behavior, i.e. it is inextricably linked with the will of man. We can say that the motive is the impulse and cause of human activity. It is predominantly a conscious urge. Despite the fact that many motives originate in the subconscious, nevertheless, they become the driving force, the determinant of behavior, only when they are more or less conscious.

Needs are a feeling of a physiological or psychological lack of something, this is something that arises and is inside a person, which is quite common for different people, but at the same time has a certain individual manifestation in each person. Finally, this is what a person seeks to free himself from, since as long as the need exists, it makes itself felt and "demands" its elimination.

In psychology, organic needs and personality needs are distinguished. Organic need - the body's need for something, the lack of something. The need of the individual is an experienced state of internal tension that arises as a result of the reflection in the mind of a need (a need, a desire for something) and encourages mental activity associated with goal setting.

IN general view All needs can be divided into two types: primary and secondary.

Primary needs are physiological in nature, such as the need to breathe, sleep, food, water. They are congenital, laid down genetically.

Secondary needs - psychological, for example, the need for success, respect, power, belonging to something or someone are acquired, realized with experience.

Behavioral manifestation of the need is - motivation. Motivation is desire, intention to act, energy charge. Motivation is a need that has a certain direction, goal.

When carrying out motivational activities, it should be borne in mind that although the needs of most people are the same, they satisfy them in different ways, since the behavior of an individual in different situations cannot be determined and amenable to external influence.

It should also be noted that often the motive expresses not one, but several needs at once. For example, the motive for getting wealth based on the need for respect and social recognition; on the needs 5 of safety and security in the future; on physiological needs.

The real, correlated with the environment, forms of manifestation of needs are claims and expectations (expectations). They are, as it were, the next link in the mechanism of motivation after the need. Claims are the habitual level of satisfaction of needs that determines human behavior. Based on the same need, different claims and expectations can be formed.

It is important to take into account the different levels of claims and expectations of employees in the process of motivation. So, for one worker who is accustomed to modest earnings, the establishment of a monthly salary of, say, $ 300 will be an effective incentive that motivates conscientious work. For another, previously highly paid employee, such a salary will cause dissatisfaction and become a demotivating factor.

Interest - special attention to something, the desire to delve into the essence, learn, understand; entertainment, significance; needs, needs; benefit, gain.

Interest (lat. "interes" - matters, important) - a form of manifestation of the cognitive need of the individual, aimed at one or another object, the attitude towards the object as something valuable, important, attractive for her (personality). The content and nature of interest are connected both with the structure and dynamics of the motives, needs of the individual, and with the nature of the forms and means of mastering reality. The interests of the individual are extremely diverse, the main thing in this concept is that, having shown interest in any subject, a person can make this interest a means of achieving his goals. Allocate direct interest caused by the attractiveness of the object for the individual, and indirect interest as a means of achieving the goals of the activity.

The next important concept of the theory of motivation is the incentive. It is widely believed that an incentive is a reward. This is not entirely correct, since the word comes from the Latin "stimulus" - a pointed stick, which was used to prick animals and gladiators in the arena, forcing them to fight, and has just the opposite meaning - coercion. Therefore, it is more correct to say that a stimulus is an incentive to act or a reason for human behavior. There are four main forms of incentives:

Compulsion. History testifies to a wide range of forms of coercion, from execution, torture and physical punishment to deprivation of property, citizenship and title. In a democratic society, the enterprise uses administrative methods of coercion: reprimand, reprimand, transfer to another position (with a reduction), severe reprimand, postponement of leave, dismissal from work.

  • Financial incentive. This includes financial incentives
    material form: wages, remuneration for results, bonuses from the profits of the enterprise, compensation, vouchers, loans for the purchase of a car, furniture, loans for housing construction and more.

  • moral encouragement. Incentives aimed at satisfying the spiritual and moral needs of a person: gratitude, certificate of honor, board of honor, honorary title, academic degree, diploma, publications in the press, government awards, and more.

  • Self-assertion. The internal driving forces of a person that motivate
    to achieve goals without direct external encouragement. For example, writing a dissertation, publishing a book, an author's invention, shooting a film, getting a second education, and more. This is the strongest stimulus, however, it manifests itself only in the most developed members of society.
Meskon M.Kh. in his famous work "Fundamentals of Management" uses the concepts of "motivation" and "stimulation" as synonyms.

Defining motivation in terms of incentives (and vice versa) is very common among management professionals. If we also take into account the fact that for many the incentive is identified with wages, we get a completely confusing picture in this aspect of personnel management.

Unlike the stimulus, the motive, according to Professor O.S. Vikhansky - inside a person. In other words, a motive is an ideal image in the inner plane of a person's consciousness. Secondly, this is not just an ideal representation, but an energetically saturated image of a necessary, need-significant object. Needs are the source of motive power. As the classic of the psychology of activity A. N. Leontiev rightly noted: “... only as a result of a meeting of a need with an object that meets it, does it for the first time become capable of directing and regulating activity. The meeting of a need with an object is an act of objectifying a need - filling it with content that is drawn from the surrounding world. This translates the need into psychological level”, that is, in a motive. So, motive formation is based on the human need system, in other words, it comes from within.

The system of labor motives and incentives should be based on a certain base - the normative level of labor activity. The very fact that an employee enters into an employment relationship suggests that he must perform a certain range of duties for a previously agreed remuneration. In this situation, there is still no room for incentives. Here is the sphere of controlled activity, where the motives of avoidance work, associated with the fear of punishment for failure to comply with the requirements.

The employee must know what requirements are imposed on him, what remuneration he will receive if they are strictly observed, what sanctions will follow in case of their violation. Discipline always carries elements of coercion, limiting the freedom to choose options for behavior. However, the line between controlled and motivated behavior is conditional and movable, since an employee with a strong work motivation has self-discipline, the habit of conscientiously fulfilling the requirements and treating them as own standards of conduct.

^ 1.2 Basic theories and models of motivation
Modern theories of motivation, developed in the last 40 years and based on the results of socio-psychological research, can be divided into two categories: content and process.

^ Content theories of motivation are based on determining the internal motives (needs) of a person that make him act in a certain way.

^ Process theories of motivation focus on the analysis and explanation of the processes of inducing a person to a certain behavior and its consolidation.

The definition of needs as the driving force of behavior is the subject of study of substantive theories of motivation.

Table 1 (Appendix) briefly formulates the main postulates of A. Maslow's theories. A- McClelland, F. Herzberg, D. McGregor, I.P. Pavlova; P. Jung.

Content theories of motivation are based on needs and related factors that determine people's behavior. These theories analyze how a person distributes efforts to achieve various goals and how a particular type of behavior is eliminated. Process theories do not dispute the existence of needs, but are based on the fact that people's behavior ge is as much determined by needs as it is a function of the perceptions and expectations associated with the situation and the possible consequences of the chosen behavior.

There are three main process models of the theory of motivation: the theory of expectations, the theory of justice and the complex model of Porter-Lawler.

^ The theory of expectations (B. Vroomm) is based on the fact that the presence of an active need is not the only necessary condition motivation of a person to achieve a certain goal. A person must hope that the type of behavior he has chosen will actually lead to the satisfaction or acquisition of the desired. Motivation depends on the following relationships:

Motive \u003d (3 - P) x (P - B) x Shaft,

Where, 3 - labor costs; R - results; B - reward; Shaft - valency, the expected value of the reward.

Since people have different abilities and different needs, they evaluate the specific reward in different ways. An important factor in this is valence- the degree of satisfaction of the need assumed by the employee as a result of the expected remuneration. Therefore, the management of the organization must compare the expected remuneration with the needs of employees and bring them into line (expectation "results - remuneration" (P - B).

Managers must set a high but realistic level of performance expected from subordinates and instill in them that they can achieve them if they put in the effort. The way employees evaluate their strengths largely depends on what management expects from them (the expectation of “labor costs - results” (3 - P).

Employees will be able to achieve the level of performance required to receive valuable rewards if the level of authority delegated to them, their professional skills are high enough to complete the task.

^ Justice theory (D. Adams). The theory states that people subjectively evaluate the ratio of the reward received to the effort expended and correlate it with the reward of other people doing similar work. If the comparison indicates unfairness, if a person believes that his colleague received a higher reward for the same work, he develops psychological stress. In this case, it is necessary to correct the situation and motivate this employee. Until people begin to believe that they receive a fair reward for the results of their work, they will strive in every possible way to correct their behavior in the following ways:

  • reduce results;

  • change attitude to work;

  • change the standard of comparison;

  • change the situation (quit, move to another department, etc.);

  • reduce the intensity or amount of effort.
L. Porter and E. Lawler developed complex process theory of motivation, including elements of expectation and fairness theories. Five variables appear in their model: effort expended, perception, results obtained, reward, degree of satisfaction. According to the Porter-Lawler model (Fig. 1), the results achieved depend on the efforts made by the employee, his abilities and qualities, as well as his awareness of his role. The level of effort expended will be determined by the value of the reward, the extent to which he is confident that his efforts will actually result in an appropriate and fair level of remuneration.

Reward value (valency)

The abilities and qualities of the employee

Fairness assessment

Internal reward

Effort (action)



External reward

Probability assessment (work - reward, expectation)

Evaluation of the role of the employee (recognition)

Fig.1 Comprehensive process theory of motivation

The main conclusion of the model is that performance is the cause of job satisfaction, and not its consequence.
^ 1.3 Methods of motivation in management

The central role in stimulating employees belongs to the system of remuneration, and in most cases the constant part of wages, wages (salary) is much less than its variable part (bonus payments for performance results). In modern conditions, the remuneration system is a decisive argument in favor of improving the efficiency of personnel.

Material incentives include not only wages, but also various benefits and incentives that have a material form: free lunches, the opportunity to buy company products at cost, company vehicles, payment for travel documents, payment for treatment and medical insurance, etc. These forms of rewards not only carry a charge of material incentives, but also refer to ways to meet the needs of a higher order - recognition of merit, ownership, pride, etc.

The monetary remuneration of employees, on the one hand, is universal, not only satisfies the needs of lower levels, but also ensures the process of satisfying higher needs, on the other hand, higher needs are largely satisfied through means of a higher order - creative activity, professional communication, etc. To be an effective incentive, wages should take into account the result of activity (labor productivity) and consist of three parts:

The first is related to the position (constant and equal at the level of the same positions);

  • the second is related to length of service (an equal value for everyone with the same length of service can be adjusted);

  • the third depends on the results of the work.
The higher the level of well-being of the employee, the more the salary loses its motivating value and goes into the category of providing factors.

In addition, the system of additional benefits is of great importance, which may include: profit sharing schemes, in capital (shares), vacation pay and sick leave, different kinds insurance, pensions, meals, tuition and course loans, child benefits, legal services, housing benefits, loans, various personal benefits.

It is possible for the management of the “cafeteria” organization to draw up benefits with ranking and determining the specific weight of a particular benefit and granting the staff the right to choose from these benefits based on points (points) earned according to various criteria for evaluating the performance of employees.

Social needs:

  1. give employees a job that would allow them to communicate;

  2. create a team spirit in the workplace;

  3. hold periodic meetings with subordinates;

  4. do not try to destroy the emerging informal groups, if they
    do not cause real damage to the work;

  5. create conditions for social activity workers outside of it.
Needs V respect:

  1. offer subordinates more meaningful work;

  2. provide them with positive feedback on the results achieved;

  3. Appreciate and encourage the results achieved by subordinates;

  4. involve subordinates in the formulation of goals and decision-making;

  5. delegate additional rights and powers to subordinates;

  6. promote subordinates through the ranks;

  7. provide training and retraining that enhances
Needs for self-expression:

  1. provide subordinates with opportunities for learning and development,
    that would allow their full potential to be exploited;

  2. give subordinates difficult and important work that requires them to
    full return;

  3. Encourage and develop creative abilities in subordinates.
Recommendations for group motivation include the following.

1) As the cohesion of groups grows and the team spirit strengthens, the importance of group motivation increases, and the individual motives of workers are partially replaced by group ones. This is reflected in the improvement of the psychological climate in the department and organization, the increase in labor efficiency and the simplification of group management. The levers and methods of group regulation and control of activities begin to operate, the group becomes self-governing.

2) In Russian conditions, one can trace the transformation of the modern model of motivation. Low wages are mainly aimed at meeting primary needs. A huge role in meeting higher needs - in recognition, respect, belonging, success, communication - is played by the group to which the employee belongs, therefore, the importance of effective management of both formal and informal groups is high. Here it is possible to create an "ideal" working group, which is characterized by the following indicators: openness within and outside the group; flexibility; balance of individual, group and organizational interests; careful attitude of the group to its individual employees; awareness of responsibility; initiative.

3) Methods of psychological influence are of great importance for modern management small and medium business. But due to the traditional inclination of many leaders to power methods of management, manipulative psychological games in the world of work should be excluded from everyday practice, if possible, and direct and honest methods of communication should be cultivated.

  1. It is recommended to establish regular feedback and highlight the personal contribution of each employee to the overall performance and, accordingly, the level of remuneration for personal contribution.

  2. Providing a climate of mutual trust, respect and support in the department.
6) Providing everyone with interesting work that encourages the development of knowledge and skills.

7) Establishing clear goals and objectives, as well as fair production standards.

  1. Giving everyone equal opportunity when hiring, certification,
    assessment, due only to the abilities of employees, their performance and accumulated experience.

  2. Formation of such standards of behavior that would encourage co-workers to unity, sincerity and honesty.
10) Recognition of the need for a balanced lifestyle, covering the areas of business, family, personal and group interests.

To assess and fairly distribute remuneration in a team, you can use the principles "fair compensation" formulated by Shapley - Arrow.

  1. Allocation of the share, the degree of participation of each in overall results(personalization of efforts).

  2. Absence of dictatorship of the head when the employee performs the tasks received (do not interfere!).

  3. Lack of envy. The manager must provide employees with adequate and necessary information. Envy arises when there is little awareness that any privileges, rights and rewards
    there are only consequences of increased productivity, intensity,
    the complexity and responsibility of the work.

  4. Remuneration - according to work (according to the degree of participation in the overall results).

  5. No possibility of side payments (revenues), i.e. equal conditions of remuneration.
Thus, the activity of the employee and the group is evaluated according to the following indicators:

  • achieved results of labor (economic efficiency);

  • the degree of coordination of actions in group work, cohesion
    (social efficiency);

  • the degree of satisfaction with the results of activities and relationships in the process of achieving these results.
2 Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel motivation methods of OrenChay LLC
^ 2.1 general characteristics enterprises

Full name of the research object: Limited Liability Company "OrenChay". Certificate of state registration dated March 11, 2003 No. 149322. The founder is Gafarova Alfiya Ibragimovna. The size of the authorized capital is 10,000 rubles.

The main activities of the company are:

  • trade and purchasing activities with the opening of stores and trade
    check of any type;

  • wholesale and retail trade.
The Society carries out the following types activities:

  • commercial, intermediary, commission activities;

  • food trade;

  • production, purchase, storage, processing and sale of agricultural products;

  • production and sale of food products;

  • supply and marketing activities;

  • production and sale of bakery, confectionery And
    semi-finished products;

  • organization Catering with the right to open cafes, canteens,
    bars, restaurants, etc.;

  • production of containers and packaging;

  • charity.
The Company carries out any activities not prohibited by law, in the manner prescribed by law. For certain types of activities, the list of which is determined by law, the company can be engaged only after obtaining a license.

OrenChay LLC is a distributor, i.e. an intermediary carrying out wholesale trade operations with products - well-known brands of tea and coffee. OrenChay LLC is not the owner of the products, it works on behalf of someone else and at its own expense. In accordance with the distribution agreement, the manufacturer (supplier) grants the distributor the right to sell its products in a certain territory (Orenburg and the Orenburg region) and for a certain period.

The supreme body of OrenChay LLC is the general meeting of its participants. Decisions on issues related to the competence of the general meeting of participants are taken by the participant of the company individually and are drawn up in writing.

In LLC "OrenChay" every two years, an executive body is elected - a director.

The main functions of the director: manages the current activities of the company on the basis of unity of command within the limits determined by the charter, decisions of the general meeting; manages the property and funds of the company, opens settlement and other accounts in banks; acts on behalf of the company without a power of attorney, including representing its interests and making transactions; issues powers of attorney for the right of representation on behalf of the company, including powers of attorney with the right of substitution; appoints officials and dismisses them, sets official salaries, applies incentive measures and imposes disciplinary action, approves the structures of the states; issues orders and gives instructions binding on all employees of the company; bears personal responsibility for the safety of personnel documents; makes decisions on the presentation on behalf of the enterprise of claims, lawsuits against legal entities and individuals.

The organizational structure of the management of LLC "OrenChay" is divisional, its construction is carried out according to the linear-functional principle and is formed according to the product and territorial basis (Appendix B).

Such a structure allows for the delegation of extensive powers by the top management (director) to manage activities related to the implementation specific product or a range of products (“General Price” and “Maheev”).

The advantages of this structure are: relatively large independence of product group managers (supervisors); cost savings achieved by localizing the commercial operations of the enterprise; greater coordination of actions; the widest possible use individual abilities and special knowledge of personnel; being closer to the buyers, the sales staff gets the opportunity to study their needs, market preferences and find out which market strategy will have the greatest chance of success; Responsibility for making a profit rests mainly with the heads of departments (product managers), who share responsibility for making a profit with other similarly organized groups, which gives the top manager the opportunity to evaluate the contribution of each to the overall profit of the enterprise.

The disadvantages of this structure include:

  • relatively high costs for coordination due to decentralization;

  • duplication of functions (supervisors, merchandisers, sales representatives are assigned to the territories - districts of the city: "Stepnoy", "Center + South", "Vostochny" and "Mayak", and perform the same functions)

^ 2.2 Analysis and evaluation of motivation management methods

Methods of personnel motivation management are aimed at changing the behavior of employees in the labor process in such a way that they can achieve maximum results. The purpose of analyzing the methods of managing the motivation and behavior of employees of Orenchay LLC in the process of labor activity is to create an idea of ​​its shortcomings, as well as the possibilities of its purposeful correction and holistic formation - from developing a motivation policy to determining methods, which includes yourself: material methods; moral and psychological methods; corporate culture; methods of social support; personnel assessment and control methods (Appendix 3).

To material forms of stimulation LLC "OrenChay" includes wages and sales of products to employees of the company at wholesale prices.

Let's consider the system of methods for managing the motivation of the personnel of OrenChay LLC. The remuneration of employees consists of several parts:

  • permanent part - official salary, the value of which is based
    on a single tariff scale and depends on the position;

  • variable part (for sales staff):
a) personal allowance depending on personal initiative in ensuring the goals of the enterprise (on average 1.5% of the volume of personal sales);

B) reimbursement of transportation costs;

C) compensation for cellular services;

D) bonuses for the implementation of the plan by type of product;

D) bonuses for fulfilling the goals of the action of the month

For temporary replacement;

Ural coefficient.

Material incentives also include gifts to sales personnel (small household appliances) for fulfilling the sales conditions for specially held promotions.

However, as a survey of employees of the enterprise showed, at present they are not satisfied with the level of wages.

Methods of moral and psychological stimulation are practically not used in OrenChay LLC, the most used management methods are orders, instructions, fines and other organizational and administrative measures.

Career planning can be attributed to moral and psychological methods of motivation. A career in OrenChay LLC is a prospect of moving from the lower status of a merchandiser to a traditional sales representative, to a network sales representative, then to a supervisor, commercial director or regional manager. Opportunities for all trade workers are the same, it all depends on their performance. Further growth is also possible, however, outside the company - at the regional level.

At OrenChay LLC there is a system of value orientations and norms common to all personnel of the enterprise.

The corporate culture of the enterprise is developing in several directions:

  • the use of a franchise in sales (single view of branded

  • corporate holidays, which include: trading day; anniversary (multiple of five years from the date of establishment of the enterprise); International Women's Day; New Year.

  • organization of trips of employees with families to recreation areas,
    visits to cultural and entertainment places, if possible, with monetary compensation up to 50% of all expenses.
As you know, good results are achieved by workers who have no social problems. Not only wages can serve as an incentive for effective work, but also the resolution of the whole range of problems related to the life, activities, families of those who work at the enterprise.

In LLC "OrenChay", in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employees are provided with the following types of vacations: annual; without saving wages; to care for a child until he reaches the age of one and a half to three years; maternity leave; temporary disability leave.

Annual paid leave can be used by employees during the year in installments.

In area social policy OrenChay LLC provides:

  • safety of employees during the operation of buildings, structures, equipment, the implementation of technological processes;

  • working conditions at each workplace, corresponding to the state ones;

  • sanitary services for employees;

  • providing employees with paid social leave in the following cases: weddings of children; the birth of a child; own wedding; seeing off to the Army; death of spouses, family members (children, parents, siblings);

  • issuance of New Year's gifts to children under 14 years of age;

  • medical and pension insurance.
The personnel assessment system is carried out to determine the compliance of an employee with a vacant or occupied workplace (position), including:

Assessment of the employee's potential, (professional knowledge and skills,
experience, business, moral and psychological qualities), health and working capacity, the level of general culture;

Evaluation of the individual contribution - allows you to set the quality,

The complexity and effectiveness of the work of a particular employee, and its compliance with the place occupied;

Personnel certification - takes into account the potential and individual contribution of the employee to the final result.

Personnel control - analysis of the use of personnel and the results achieved through this, is carried out by the director, commercial director and supervisors. Moreover, for not fulfilling certain goals, bonuses are deducted. Also, fines are levied on sales personnel for overdue receivables (more than 16 days) and being late for the morning meeting, from warehouse workers - for shortage or damage to goods in the warehouse.

Thus, the system of motivation of the personnel of the enterprise under study does not include a sufficiently diverse arsenal of methods and means. As with most small business ventures, moral, psychological and social methods are used minimally. Moreover, if motivation begins where the impact of the order ends, then we can say that the level of motivation of the employees of OrenChay LLC is low.
^ 3 Improvement of motivation management methods of OrenChay LLC

Based on the results of the analysis of the activities of OrenChay LLC, a study of the motivation of its personnel, we can conclude that the motivation system as a whole is ineffective, does not have a targeted focus, there are only basic incentive provisions that can be found at any enterprise . Poorly organized motivation does not allow to increase the efficiency of the work of employees of the company under study.

The analysis showed that the enterprise has great opportunities in terms of improving the system of material incentives. The first step that the enterprise must take in terms of improving the system of motivation and stimulation of labor. - this is the creation of an official document, which will include all the development and improvement of the motivation system. The advantages of developing such a document in an enterprise are obvious. Firstly, the employees themselves will be able to more clearly imagine the incentives that the enterprise offers them, to more fully feel the connection between their productivity and the remuneration they receive.

Secondly, the managers of the enterprise will have the opportunity to compare the existing motivation system at the enterprise with the motivation systems at other enterprises, compare and introduce new types of incentives, which will help keep employees at the enterprise.

Thirdly, this document will help the enterprise in the field of public relations, as it will be a good documentary evidence of concern for employees.

Subsequently, this document must be regularly reviewed, the employees of the enterprise must themselves take an active part in its preparation.

The results of the survey show the need to introduce a system of more

A variety of incentives, as well as a change in priorities in material incentives.

One of the innovations that help reduce the overall turnover of personnel may be the introduction of bonuses for seniority.

The enterprise needs to develop a short-term program of material incentives associated with a reduction in the cost of sales of products. The program should consist in the fact that each subdivision was asked to find ways to reduce the cost of sales of products and to allocate part of the saved funds for bonuses based on the results of the work done. This event will be useful in all respects. In particular, employees of the enterprise will have the opportunity not only to earn extra money, but also to prove themselves in the search for ways to increase sales efficiency.

Based on the results of the study of the motivation of the personnel of OrenChay LLC, one can note the great interest of employees in a good atmosphere in the team and the stability of the workplace.

It is also important for employees to be treated fairly by management. This is manifested in everything: the distribution of bonuses for work, the assignment of work and tasks. Confidence in a fair attitude from management stimulates employees to work more productively, as they realize that their efforts will be fairly appreciated.

The possibility of promotion, as well as relationships with colleagues, are also highly valued by employees.

The high level of interest of employees in good earnings reflects the distribution of priorities of the interviewed employees. More than half of the workers prefer to work in a not very interesting job that pays well, rather than doing creative work, which is more interesting, but does not bring sufficient income. Management should take this into account and make the work of their employees more interesting, if only due to the greater independence and creative nature of their work, as well as the opportunity to show initiative in their work.

The nature of relationships with managers largely shapes the internal behavior of the staff.

The behavior of personnel within the organization is undoubtedly influenced by the extent to which the organization allows the employee to achieve his personal goals. Therefore, in the process of work, the management of the enterprise should strive to learn as much as possible about the aspirations of employees, and help them achieve their aspirations and goals precisely in the process of working at the enterprise. In this case, a large role belongs to direct managers, who, in the process of managing their subordinates, must entrust them with work that best meets their wishes.

Today, when due to the difficult economic situation it is difficult to provide high wages, special attention should be paid to moral and psychological stimulation on the part of the manager, i.e. the leader should not order his subordinates, but direct their efforts, help reveal their abilities, form a group of like-minded people around him. It is necessary to instill in employees a sense of commitment to their enterprise. The measures of moral and psychological stimulation include: programs for the enrichment of labor and rotation of personnel; establishing a "feedback" system; encouragement of labor rivalry and observance of labor discipline; informal communication in the team.

The problem of professional promotion of specialists must be solved with the help of a scientifically based promotion system, when the movement of specialists is carried out in various forms, taking into account their individual contribution and taking into account the needs, preparedness and readiness of the workers themselves.

Career growth includes rotation - a mechanism for career planning and professional development, official relocation or a significant change in the employee's job responsibilities.

An employee who does not have violations of labor discipline should be encouraged with an additional day of rest, timed to coincide with the main vacation. This encourages employees to work harder, improve their skills and follow job descriptions.

It is necessary to organize various collective events, regular informal meetings of the team outside of work - joint trips to nature, organization of evenings of rest, competitions, etc. This unites employees and allows creating a favorable climate in the enterprise, increases the prestige of a formal leader.

Needs are constantly changing, so you can not expect that the motivation that worked once will be effective in the future. With the development of personality, opportunities and needs for self-expression expand. Thus, the process of motivation by satisfying needs is endless.

No organization will succeed if it does not have a well-modeled and developed motivation system, since it is motivation that encourages a particular person and groups of people to work actively and productively to achieve their goals.

The motives that stimulate a person to be active are quite complex. These include not only material remuneration, but also working conditions and the content of work, the possibility of professional growth, a sense of satisfaction from the results achieved, increased responsibility, independence and the opportunity to take initiative, relationships in a team, etc. Managers should know what factors are the main ones to improve the performance of performers.

All theories of motivation are based on the definition and understanding of the fundamental concepts: motivation, stimulation, motive, incentive, needs, interests and rewards.

In the theoretical part of the work, various points of view of the authors on the essence of motivation are considered. For a more complete disclosure of motivation, the basic concepts on which it is based are considered.

After analyzing the structure of the motivational complex of the OrenChay LLC team, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • the optimal ratio of motivational components is observed
    only for office workers, this causes their relatively higher performance;

  • despite the high group-wide assessment of office workers
    internal motives (“satisfaction with a job well done”, “social usefulness of work”), an assessment of external positive motives (“monetary earnings”, “desire for promotion”, “orientation to prestige and respect”) is not much more than an assessment of external negative motives ( “the desire to avoid criticism from managers, colleagues”, “the desire to avoid punishment or trouble”). This may indicate a decrease in motivation for further development, some "stagnation" and stagnation of this category of workers;

  • among sales personnel and warehouse workers, the predominance of positive
    some external motivation may mean their dissatisfaction with wages, the personnel policy of the enterprise, etc.
As recommendations and measures to improve the efficiency of the system of motivation of employees of the GUL "Orenburgagrosnabtechservis", the following recommendations were proposed:

  • to improve the methods of material incentives for personnel - the introduction of bonuses for length of service; development of a short-term program of material incentives associated with a reduction in the cost of sales of products;

  • to improve the methods of moral and psychological stimulation of personnel: conducting an annual certification of personnel; establishing a "feedback" system; encouragement of labor rivalry; encouragement of employees who do not have violations of labor discipline; development of informal communications in the team;

  • to improve methods for evaluating the activities of sales personnel.
The proposed measures will help reduce the loss of working time and unproductive labor costs and reduce staff turnover.
List of used literature

  1. Arestova, O.N. Influence of motivation on the structure of goal-setting [Text]. HE. Arestova // Bulletin of the Moscow University. - 2005. - No. 4. - S.23-27.

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  4. Vershigora, E.E. Management [Text]: textbook / E. E. Vershigora. - M: INFRA - M, 2000. -283s.

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  21. Shibalkin, Yu.A. Fundamentals of personnel management [Text]: study guide / Yu.A. Shibalkin. - M.: MGIU, 2007. - 87 p.

  22. Shaughnessy, O. J. Principles of organization of company management [Text]. O. Shaughnessy J. - M .: Progress, 2003.

  23. Internet resources: - Management of motivation in the company

1.2. Methods for studying the motivation of management personnel

Knowledge of the methods of studying motivation and their competent use will not only increase the return on management personnel, but will also provide an opportunity to better understand the people who manage the enterprise. The five most commonly used methods for studying motivation are:


Expert assessments;

observation. 9

Let us consider in more detail the essence of these methods.

A survey or questionnaire is one of the most widely used methods for assessing employee motivation. It allows you to get important information about the motivation of a significant number of employees in a short time. The survey may cover employees of one or more divisions of the company or some category of employees, or all employees of the company. The survey allows you to identify the features of the motivation of various categories of personnel (specific professional, seniority groups, groups of different ages, gender, educational levels, etc.), as well as assess the factors that affect their labor motivation.

To conduct a survey, a questionnaire is being developed containing questions designed to find out to what extent the organization meets the most important needs of employees, to what extent employees are satisfied critical aspects his work.

Questioning has a number of advantages: information is obtained quickly, the survey does not require large financial costs. However, this method is open to possible distortions of information, both conscious (socially desirable responses) and unintentional. There may also be errors in the development of the questionnaire, miscalculations in the very procedure for preparing and conducting the survey, leading to low reliability of the information received. Therefore, it is advisable to combine questionnaires with other methods of collecting information (document analysis, observation, interviewing experts), which can confirm the results obtained.

When analyzing the results obtained, one can consider both indicators of employee satisfaction with certain aspects of the work, and the total satisfaction index obtained by adding all assessments of their satisfaction with various aspects of the working situation.

If the study is conducted in different departments of the organization and covers employees of different professional groups, this provides managers with extremely important information that allows them to take timely steps based on the results obtained to improve job satisfaction for employees of specific departments and specific professional groups. 10

As a rule, the analysis of survey results, designed to assess the satisfaction of staff with their work in the organization, is limited to calculating and comparing the average values ​​of satisfaction of various categories of staff and percentages. The use of factor or correlation analysis can give a more accurate assessment of staff motivation and the factors acting on it.

The results of the survey should be communicated not only to management, but also to those employees of the organization who took part in it. In order for employees to continue to be ready to actively participate in surveys, they must be informed about the results obtained and see for themselves a real benefit from the very fact of participating in the survey. This assumes that the following steps will be taken after the survey is conducted:

Prompt communication to employees of information based on the results of the survey;

Communicating to employees the opinion of management on the results of the survey;

Preparation of a work plan based on the results of the survey and its subsequent implementation.

Consider such a method of studying motivation as testing. Tests are standardized tests to identify or evaluate certain psychological features person. Tests are being developed to determine the characteristics of the motivation of a particular person and the degree of severity of one or another of its characteristics. eleven

Test materials usually include question booklets and separate answer sheets. When using projective methods, that is, methods of indirect assessment of motivation, unfinished sentences, sets of photographs, drawings or pictures may be presented. Interpreting according to certain rules for evaluating the presented material, which implies multiple interpretations, a conclusion is made about the characteristics of the testee's motivation. The use of standard forms allows candidates to mark their answers with a pencil or pen, and the answer sheets can be processed using a scanner. Testing can be done on a computer. To make reasonable conclusions based on the results of testing is possible only with the participation of qualified psychologists.

The method of expert assessments proceeds from the fact that only people who know them well can accurately assess the motivation of employees. First of all, these are leaders and colleagues. Sometimes business partners or clients are involved as experts. As a rule, an expert assessment of motivation is one of the elements of a comprehensive assessment of an employee.

The main tool of an expert in assessing employee motivation is a specially prepared questionnaire. The accuracy of assessing employee motivation largely depends on the quality of this questionnaire. 12

To use the method of expert assessments, it is necessary to clearly define what requirements the persons included in the composition of experts must meet. In any case, the following requirements are imposed on the experts:

    Awareness. The assessor should be well aware of the most important aspects of the professional activity and work behavior of the employee being assessed.

    Objectivity. The expert should not be interested in the results of the assessment of a particular employee.

    Moral and ethical qualities. When choosing an expert, one should be guided not only by his knowledge, but also by his honesty and orientation to the interests of the company.

    Preliminary preparation. The assessor should have received prior training in evaluation methods and procedures in order to eliminate errors that may affect the accuracy of the conclusions.

In addition to the selection of experts, it is necessary to resolve the issue with the tool with which the experts will evaluate certain features of staff motivation. The most commonly used questionnaires.

The conversation is one of the simplest and most reliable tools for assessing the characteristics of the motivation of subordinates. After talking with a person, you can almost always get an idea about his attitude to the matter, about what determines the strength of his motivation.

During a conversation with a subordinate, the manager receives all the necessary information with the help of questions. The following types of questions are distinguished: - closed, open, indirect, suggestive, reflexive

Observation is the most accessible method for assessing the motivation of subordinates, which a leader can use. In order to obtain an accurate understanding of the characteristics of employee motivation through observation, it is necessary to clearly understand what exactly should be taken into account as observable signs of motivation. To develop your powers of observation and your ability to make sound judgments, you must distinguish observable signs of motivation from opinions and judgments.

Examples of observable signs of motivation can be:

    the number of employee proposals for the year to make improvements to work.

    employee behavior in emergency situations.

    the number of people late for work in the past month.

Examples of evaluation characteristics can be:

    the employee's interest in the work performed.

    high level of worker autonomy.

    responsible attitude of the employee to the work. 13

It should be borne in mind that according to such objective indicators as absenteeism for various reasons and staff turnover, it is difficult to draw unambiguous conclusions about the state of labor motivation, since it is often impossible to separate absenteeism or turnover caused by external reasons from those caused by the attitude to the work of the employee.

Using observation to assess the motivation of employees, you can choose the most effective methods of influencing their motivation. In practice, it is impossible to limit ourselves to using only one of the considered methods. The use of several methods simultaneously increases the reliability of the information received and improves the quality of decisions based on it. 14

Based on the results of the foregoing, we can conclude that the study of motivation allows us to determine the needs of the company's employees and their impact on the effectiveness of daily activities, which largely determines the state of affairs in the enterprise.

1.3. Methodology for managing the personnel motivation system

Because motivation is dynamic, more effort should be put into managing motivation. Experience shows that this strategy is more fruitful. In recent years, a huge number of studies have been published, showing that the motivation of employees can be successfully managed, achieving significant improvements in their work.

The goal of motivation management is to get the maximum return from the use of available labor resources, which improves the overall performance and profitability of the enterprise. 15

The main tasks of managing employee motivation are:

    encouraging staff to achieve the best results in achieving goals in accordance with the company's strategy;

    improving the personal and team performance of employees;

    establishment of a direct dependence of remuneration and other employee benefits on the achievement of specific results by them in accordance with the approved work plans;

    attracting and retaining employees needed by the company;

    positioning the company as "the best employer".

To understand the work behavior of subordinates and build an effective system of influencing their motivation, it is necessary to take into account the key principles that determine the relationship between work motivation and work behavior of a person. These are the following principles:

Polymotivation of labor behavior;

Hierarchical organization of motives;

Compensatory relationships between motives;

The principle of justice;

The principle of reinforcement;

Dynamism of motivation. 16

Numerous surveys of employees of various Russian organizations have made it possible to compile a list of the most frequently mentioned needs, the desire to satisfy which not only determines the choice of a job, but also forms a willingness to work with high returns. These are the following needs:

Decent wages;

Good working conditions;

Attractive career prospects;

Good climate in the work team;

Good relationship with management;

Interesting job;

Opportunities to show initiative and independence;

Opportunities for learning and professional development;

Confidence in tomorrow/ job security;

Good level of social protection.

An integrated approach to the management of staff motivation involves the use of the widest possible range of means of influencing staff motivation. In table. 1.5 provides a brief review of the main means of influencing the motivation of staff, which can be used taking into account the specific situation in different companies.

Table 1.5

Means of influence on staff motivation

Means of influence on motivation

Main components

Organization of work

Variety of skills required to get the job done; completion of tasks performed; the significance and responsibility of the work; granting independence to the employee; timely Feedback on the compliance of the work with the established requirements

The end of the table. 1.5

The most important type of labor incentives is wages - one of the tools to influence the efficiency of the worker. This is the pinnacle of the company's personnel incentive system. Remuneration in a broad sense is one form or another of remuneration for a certain quantity and quality of work performed.

Currently, the following motivational principles of remuneration are distinguished:

The amount of earnings of each worker should be determined, first of all, by personal labor contribution to the final result of collective labor;

Strengthening differentiation in wages depending on its complexity and quality, consumer properties of products;

Expansion of the stimulating wage zone by establishing optimal ratios of the minimum wage guaranteed by society, which ensures the reproduction of a skilled workforce, and the maximum possible earnings;

Changing the function and role of incentive systems, which are currently weakly stimulating labor activity, since they are used mainly to implement the power functions of the administration, and not as an incentive. 17

Recently, in the practice of personnel management in Russian companies, several trends have emerged towards non-material motivation of personnel, which can be called innovative, or even innovative. Four trends stand out among them:

Gender approach to staff motivation;

Cultivating good work as a special human dignity;

Study of the genesis of motivation;

Value management as an element of human resource management.

When creating a motivation management system in an organization or rebuilding it, it is necessary to take into account the different degree of sensitivity of different categories of personnel to the same incentives. An effective motivation system should selectively establish the principles of stimulating the work of various categories of personnel.

Any leader faces the variability of motivation: what suited the employee yesterday ceases to motivate him. People are getting older, more experienced, their marital status is changing, they are getting an education - all this has a consequence and changes in the motivational-required sphere. There are new requests, new requirements, new expectations; solving old problems becomes uninteresting. 18

The significance of a certain motive and its place in the hierarchy can change not only over time, but also from situation to situation. The very set of needs that people strive to satisfy at work may vary depending on the professional group, external conditions(market conditions, competition, government regulation), career stage and other factors. The situation in the country, on the labor market is also of great importance. If more recently, confidence in the future and social protection occupied the highest positions in the hierarchy of labor motivation of the Russian population, today the content of work and the possibility of professional and career growth have already begun to come to the fore.

As the results of surveys conducted in various Russian companies show, the hierarchy of the most significant needs (and corresponding work motives) for ordinary employees differs markedly from the similar hierarchy for middle managers, although there are some similarities (Table 1.6). 19

Table 1.6

Hierarchy of needs for different categories of workers

Ordinary workers

Middle managers

1. Decent pay

1. Decent pay

2. Good working conditions

The set of needs that people strive to satisfy at work can change not only depending on the professional group, external conditions, but also on the age of the employee, his marital status, career stage. If at the first stage of work in the organization for the employee, the motives associated with orientation in work, with the establishment of personal contacts with colleagues may come to the fore, then later, when the newcomer has fully mastered it, the importance of motives associated with the need for an official and professional growth. In the same way, an increase in wages and an improvement in social conditions can significantly affect the hierarchy of labor motives of workers. Comparison of the needs of workers at the beginning and in the middle of a career are given in Table. 1.7. 20

Table 1.7

Needs of employees at the beginning and in the middle of a career

What interests an employee at the beginning of a career

What interests an employee in the middle of a career

Watson-Wyatt, a leading compensation consulting firm, asked different groups of employees about the benefits they prefer. The results are presented in table. 1.8. 21

Table 1.8

Watson-Wyatt Preferred Benefit Survey Results

Preferred perks (top five places)

Total income above average

Salary above average

Mastery development

Opportunities for professional growth

Group benefits

As can be seen from the above data, for those who are over 50 years old, in the first place is the total income (salary plus bonus), which exceeds the average level. Those under 30 value professional growth opportunities, skill development and flexible working hours above all else. It can be seen that these preferences change over time, as well as depending on the economic and personal circumstances of workers.

Summarizing the above, personnel motivation management is based on a comprehensive consideration of the psychological principles of the motivational process of individual and group activities, as well as effective methods of motivating attraction, retention and effective work. Systems approach includes managing the motivation of employees at all levels using all types of motivation: material and non-material, monetary and non-monetary.

Conclusions to Chapter 1

    Motivation as a tool for personnel management is the process of creating a system of conditions or motives that affect a person’s behavior, direct him in the direction necessary for the organization, regulate his intensity, boundaries, encourage conscientiousness, perseverance, diligence in achieving goals.

    It is necessary to purposefully and consciously influence the motivation of all categories of personnel, clearly presenting the specifics of motivation in each individual case and thus achieving the necessary results or the necessary attitude to the matter.

    At present, in Russia, the basis of motivation is the level of wages and the satisfaction of social needs. Higher levels of motivation are open and public recognition of the achievements of specific employees, providing opportunities for their self-expression.

    Methods of effective incentives depend on the categories of workers. The most important motivating factors for managers are promotion, the type of work performed, the opportunity to be proud of their company. Factors such as pay, benefits, and working conditions are given fairly low ratings by executives. Consequently, in the end, money is not the main motivating stimulus for executives.

  • 7.3. Functions of a motive
  • 7.4. Characteristics of the motif
  • 7.5. Awareness of the motive
  • 7.6. Motivation, its psychological mechanisms
  • 7.7. What does "struggle of motives" mean?
  • 7.8. On the classification of motives
  • 8. Types of motivational formations
  • 8.1. Motivational states
  • 8.2. Motivational installation
  • 8.3. Dream as a kind of motivational setting
  • 8.4. Desires, Desires, Desires
  • 8.5. inclination
  • 8.6. habits
  • 8.7. Interests
  • 8.8. Personal orientation
  • 8.9. Motivational properties of personality
  • 8.10. Motivational sphere of personality
  • 9. Ontogenetic aspects of motivation and motive structure
  • 9.1. infancy
  • 9.3. Preschool period
  • 9.4. The period of primary school age
  • 9.5. Middle School Age (Adolescence)
  • 9.6. Senior school age
  • 9.7. Dominant needs in different age periods
  • 9.8. Age-related changes in personality orientation
  • 9.9. Ontogenetic development of interests
  • 9.10. Age features of representation in the mind of the structure of the motive
  • 10. Communication motivation
  • 10.1. What is the need for communication
  • 10.2. Goals of communication
  • 10.3. Shyness as a negative communication motivator
  • 10.4. Age features of communication motivation
  • 10.5. Classification of communication motives
  • 11. Motivation for prosocial behavior
  • 11.1. Motivation for normative behavior
  • 11.2. Motivation for helping and altruistic behavior
  • 11.3. Family life motivation
  • 11.4. Self Improvement Motivation
  • 11.5. Motivation of political choice by voters
  • 11.6. Motivation for reading activity
  • 11.7. Motives for intellectual migration
  • 12. Motivation for deviant (deviant) behavior
  • 12.1. General ideas about deviant behavior and its causes
  • 12.2. Motivation of aggressive human behavior
  • 12.3. Motivation for aggressive behavior
  • 12.4. Motivation of criminal (delinquent) behavior
  • 12.5. Motives for addictive behavior
  • 12.6. Motives for suicidal behavior
  • 13. Motivation for learning activities
  • 13.1. Motivation for learning activities at school
  • 13.2. Formation of motives for educational activity of schoolchildren
  • 13.3. Motivation of educational activity of students
  • 14. Motivation for professional activity
  • 14.1.Motivation of labor activity
  • 14.2. Motives of pedagogical activity
  • 14.3. Features of the motivation of scientific activity
  • 14.4. Features of business motivation and consumer motivation
  • 15. Motivation and performance
  • 15.1. Strength of motive and efficiency of activity
  • 15.2. Motivational potential of various types of stimulation
  • 16. Pathology and motivation
  • 16.2. Features of motivation and motives in various diseases
  • 17. Methods for studying motivation and motives
  • 17.1. Methods for studying motivations and motivators
  • 17.2. Observation and evaluation of the causes of actions and actions of a person
  • 17.3. Experimental methods for identifying motives
  • Application
  • I. Scientific dictionary of terms characterizing the motivational sphere of personality
  • II. Household dictionary of terms characterizing the motivational sphere of personality
  • III. Phraseological motivational dictionary
  • IV. Methods for studying motivation and motives
  • 1. The technique of "revealing the awareness of various components of the motive"
  • 2. Methods for studying the severity of various needs of the individual
  • 3. Methods for studying personal characteristics that affect decision making
  • 4. Methods for studying the features of communication motivation
  • 5. Methods for studying the motivation of behavior
  • 6. Methods for studying the strength and stability of the motive
  • 9. Methods for studying the motivation of professional activity "
  • 10. Methods for studying the motives of sports activities
  • Literature
  • 9. Methods for studying the motivation of professional activity "

    "Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire" (DDO)

    The technique was developed by E. A. Klimov and is designed to identify a propensity for a particular type of profession in accordance with the classification of types developed by him.


    Let's assume that after proper training you will be able to do any job. But if you had to choose between only two possibilities, which would you prefer?

    In each of the 20 pairs of proposed activities, select only one type (a or b), find the box on the answer sheet with the corresponding number (for example: 6a, 106) and put a “+” sign next to it.

    The answer sheet contains 5 columns. Each column corresponds to a certain type of profession, and it contains the numbers on the questionnaire related to this type.

    Name of profession types by columns

    "Man - nature" - all professions related to crop production, animal husbandry and forestry.

    "Man - technology" - all technical professions.

    "Man - man" - all professions related to serving people, with communication. “Man is a sign” - all professions related to calculations, digital and alphabetic signs, including musical specialties. "Human - artistic image”- all creative specialties.

    Questionnaire text

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    Answer sheet

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    Results processing

    For each “+” sign, 1 point is put down. For each column of the answer sheet, the scores are summed up.

    The number of points scored in the columns determines the propensity for a particular type of profession.

    Methodology "Research of cognitive interests in connection with the tasks of vocational guidance"38

    For the study, an interest map is used - a questionnaire that reflects the orientation of interests in 29 areas of activity, and an answer form, which is a matrix of 6 rows and 29 columns. Each column corresponds to one of the areas of interest.

    The answer sheet can be completed individually or in a group.


    To determine your leading interests, we offer a list of questions. Think before answering each question and try to give as accurate an answer as possible. If you are convinced that you really like the content of the question, then in the answer sheet in the cell under the same number put two plus signs (“+ +”) if you just like it

    - one “plus” (“+”), if you don’t know, you doubt it - zero, if you don’t like it - one minus sign (“-”), and if you really don’t like it - two “minuses” (“-”). Answer the questions without skipping any of them. There is no time limit for completing the form.

    Questionnaire text (map of interests39)

    Do you like? Do you like it? Do you want?

    1. Learn about plant and animal life.

    2. Geography lessons, reading books on geography.

    38 Rogov E. I. Handbook of a practical psychologist in education. - M., 1996. S. 237–244.

    39 Some questions in the methodology have been changed due to their inconsistency with the reality of today and due to the fact that schoolchildren do not yet perform professional activities in the workplace. - Note. E.I.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    4. Lessons and textbooks on human anatomy and physiology.

    5. Home economics lessons or home economics homework.

    and radio engineering.

    10. Meet with different metals and their properties.

    11. Learn about different types of wood and their practical applications.

    12. Find out about the achievements in the field of construction.

    15. Familiarize yourself with military equipment.

    19. Discuss current affairs and events in the class, school, city, country.

    22. Take care of things in order nice view the premises in which you live, study

    24. Study economic geography.

    25. Foreign language lessons.

    26. To get acquainted with the life of outstanding artists, with the history of art.

    27. To get acquainted with the life of outstanding artists, meet them, collect their photographs.

    28. To get acquainted with the life and work of outstanding musicians, with questions of music theory.

    30. Study biology, botany, zoology.

    31. Get to know different countries through books and TV shows.

    34. Visit light industry enterprises with excursions.

    36. Perform experiments in chemistry, study chemical phenomena in nature.

    37. Get acquainted with the latest advances in technology (read articles in magazines, watch TV shows).

    38. Attend radio engineering circles, be interested in the work of an electrician.

    39. Familiarize yourself with various measuring tools used in metalworking and work with them.

    40. Supervise the manufacture of wood products (furniture).

    41. Meet the builders, observe their work.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    45. Discuss current political events at home and abroad.

    47. Listen to the radio, watch TV news and thematic TV shows.

    48. Learn about the events taking place in the city, republic, country.

    49. Give explanations to comrades how to complete a training task if they cannot do it themselves.

    50. It is fair to judge the act of a friend, acquaintance or literary hero.

    51. Provide food for the family, organize meals for everyone during

    53. Interested in economic TV programs.

    55. Be a member of the editorial board of a wall newspaper, engage in its decoration.

    56. Go to the theater.

    57. Listen to opera or symphonic music.

    58. Visit sport competitions, listen and watch sports broadcasts.

    59. Attend biology class.

    60. Engage in a geographic circle.

    61. Gather a collection of minerals.

    62. To study the functions of the human body, the causes of diseases, methods of their treatment.

    63. Cook dinner at home.

    64. Conduct physics experiments.

    65. Help the teacher of chemistry to put experiments in the classroom.

    66. Disassemble and repair various mechanisms(watch, iron, etc.).

    67. Perform various measurements in electrical networks using instruments (voltmeter, ammeter).

    68. Craft various objects and details from metal.

    69. Artistically process a tree (cut, cut, burn).

    70. Draw sketches or make drawings of various buildings.

    71. Attend a circle of young railway workers, motorists.

    72. Engage in the section of parachuting, in the circle of aircraft modellers, in the aviation club.

    73. Engage in the shooting section.

    74. To study the history of the emergence of various peoples and states.

    75. Write essays on literature.

    76. Observe the behavior, life of other people.

    77. Perform social work, organize comrades for any business.

    78. Spending time with young children, reading books to them, helping them, playing with

    79. Establish discipline among peers and juniors.

    80. Play the seller, cook, waiter (for older ones - in the past).

    81. Engage in a math class.

    82. View economic reviews in newspapers and popular magazines.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    83. Listen to radio broadcasts in foreign languages, trying to guess from which country the transmission is coming.

    84. Visit museums, art exhibitions.

    85. Perform on stage in front of an audience.

    86. Play some musical instrument.

    87. Attend sports competitions.

    88. Observe the growth and development of animals, plants, keep records of observations.

    89. Collect books on geography, atlases.

    90. Visit a geological or local history museum with an appropriate exposition

    91. To delve into the work of a doctor, pharmacist.

    92. Attend a circle on cutting and sewing, sew for yourself.

    93. Engage in a physics circle or attend optional classes in physics.

    94. Engage in a chemistry circle, attend electives in chemistry.

    95. Engage in a technical circle.

    96. Get acquainted with the device of electrical equipment, repair it, assemble and repair players, receivers, tape recorders.

    97. Engage in locksmithing classes.

    98. Engage in a carpentry circle.

    99. Monitor the progress of construction, finishing work, help at home in the repair of the apartment.

    100. Help the police in working with pedestrians according to the rules of traffic.

    101. Participate in rowing and yacht clubs.

    102. Participate in military games.

    103. Visit historical museums, get acquainted with historical places.

    104. Engage in a literary circle.

    105. To study the manner of conducting broadcasts by television journalists.

    106. Speak in class about events at home and abroad.

    107. Manage a group for younger students.

    108. Find out the hidden reasons for the actions and behavior of people.

    109. Provide services to other people. BY. Solve complex math problems

    111. Keep track of your expenses accurately.

    112. Engage in a foreign language study group or attend paid

    113. Engage in an art circle.

    114. Participate in amateur art shows.

    115. Sing in a choir or attend a music school.

    116. Engage in any sports section.

    117. Participate in biology olympiads or prepare exhibitions of plants or animals.

    118. Travel.

    119. Take part in a geological expedition.

    120. Take care of the sick, alleviate their condition.

    121. Attend culinary exhibitions.

    122. Participate in Physics Olympiads.

    123. Participate in chemistry olympiads, solve complex problems in chemistry.

    124. Understand technical diagrams and drawings, draw them yourself.

    125. Understand complex radio circuits.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    126. Visit with excursions industrial enterprises, get acquainted with new equipment, observe the work of machines.

    127. Make something out of wood with your own hands.

    128. Help with construction work.

    129. Take part in the maintenance and repair of the vehicle.

    130. Dream about flying solo.

    131. Live according to a rigidly established regime, strictly follow the daily routine.

    132. Engage in a historical circle, make presentations on historical topics.

    133. To Work with literary sources, keep a diary of impressions about reading

    134. Participate in debates and reader conferences.

    135. Prepare and conduct meetings.

    136. Discuss issues related to the upbringing of children and adolescents.

    137. Help the police officers.

    138. Constantly communicate with different people.

    139. Participate in math olympiads.

    140. Try to understand the issues of pricing, wages.

    141. Talk with friends in a foreign language.

    142. Participate in exhibitions of children's art.

    143. Participate in a theater group.

    144. Participate in music competitions.

    145. Take part in sports competitions.

    146. Grow plants in the garden, in the garden or at home, take care of pets.

    147. Conduct a topographic survey of the area.

    148. Make long, hard hikes.

    149. Be interested in the work of familiar doctors.

    150. Sewing, cutting, creating models of clothes.

    151. Solve complex physics problems.

    152. Visit chemical enterprises with excursions.

    153. Participate in exhibitions of technical creativity.

    154. Collect radios.

    155. Make various parts and products on the machine.

    156. Carry out carpentry work according to the drawings.

    157. Work in youth camps at a construction site.

    158. Learn the rules traffic for drivers.

    159. Learn maritime business.

    161. Go hiking in the historical places of your native land.

    162. Write poetry, write stories.

    163. Write notes or essays in the wall newspaper of the class, school.

    164. Fulfill public errands.

    165. Organize games or parties for kids.

    166. Study legislative documents, study civil law at school.

    167. Provide people with various services.

    168. Perform mathematical operations using formulas.

    169. Be interested in the problems of the economy of the national economy.

    170. Participate in Olympiads in foreign languages.

    171. Visit art museums, art galleries, exhibitions.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    172. Play on stage in performances, act in films.

    173. Listen to classical music on the radio, watch TV shows about music and musicians.

    174. Assist the physical education teacher in conducting lessons.

    Results processing

    For each "+" sign in the answer sheet, +1 point is put down, for each "-" sign -1 point is put down, for a zero answer - 0 points. In each of the 29 columns, the number of positive and negative answers (points) is counted.

    The more positive answers in any column, the more expressed the student's interest in this occupation. It is necessary to pay attention not only to the leading interests, but also to those types of occupations in which there is no interest, that is, where there is the greatest number of "minuses".

    The assessment of the degree of expressiveness of interests has five gradations: "the highest degree of denial" - from -12 to -6 points, "interest is denied" - from -5 to -1, "interest is weakly expressed" - from +1 to +4, "expressed interest " - from +5 to +7 and "pronounced interest" - from +8 to +12 points.

    Methodology "Structure of work motivation"

    The technique was developed by K. Zamfir. The structure of work motivation includes three components: intrinsic motivation (IM), extrinsic positive motivation (EPM) and extrinsic negative motivation (VOM). Accordingly, the questionnaire contains 7 positions related to these components.


    Try to rate different types motives in the following four cases:

    1) How would you rate these motives if you were a leader?

    2) How does your manager rate them?

    3) How do you evaluate them in your own work?

    4) How do your colleagues rate them?

    Please use the following scale to answer.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    Calculate VM, RPM and PTO as follows:

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    Enter the results in the table

    The severity of different types of motivation is compared. The ratio is optimal: VM > VPM > PTO. The greater the shift to the right, the worse attitude the individual to the work performed, the less the incentive force of the motivational complex.

    Methodology “Defining a “workaholic””40

    The technique (test) is aimed at identifying the degree of "workaholism", i.e., the need for work, which becomes a mania.


    Answer the questions provided to you. If the answer is yes, put the sign "+" in the answer sheet, if the answer is negative - the sign "-".

    Questionnaire text

    1. Do you take your work home with you or when you go on vacation?

    2. Do you often think about work, for example, when you can't sleep?

    3. Do you work fast?

    4. Do you avoid mentioning how much you work in conversations?

    5. Do you feel an irresistible desire not to break away from the work you have begun and to work until you have enough strength?

    6. do you use any excuse to explain their tendency to work without measure?

    7. Do you tend to evaluate others by their labor contribution?

    8. Do you try to force yourself not to work from time to time?

    40 The technique is the second mini-test from the test "Stress of diligence", published in the book: Rogov E. I. Teacher as an object psychological research. - M., 1998.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    9. Do you have a tendency to remorse and constantly feel guilty towards loved ones because of your workload?

    10. Have you tried to go to work where the working hours are strictly regulated?

    11. Are you tailoring your entire lifestyle to the needs of your work?

    12. Have you noticed that you are losing interest in people who are not related to your work?

    13. Do you feel sorry for yourself due to being overworked?

    14. Do you notice a desire to "stock up" with work?

    15. Do you often work in the evenings?

    16. Have you ever worked continuously, literally day and night?

    Results processing

    The number of positive answers given by the subjects is counted.

    If the respondent gave five positive answers, then he is already struck by "workaholism." Positive answers to ten or more questions indicate that the person has become a victim of "workaholism."

    Methodology "Identification of attitudes" labor-money "

    This is part of the already fragmented methodology of O. F. Potemkina.


    Read the suggested questions carefully and answer “yes” or “no” to each on the answer sheet.

    Questionnaire text

    1. Do you agree that the most important thing in life is to be a master of your craft?

    2. Do you agree that people who do not know how to earn money are not worthy of respect?

    3. Is creative work your main pleasure in life?

    4. Are your friends wealthy people?

    5. Do you strive to keep everyone around you engaged in an exciting business?

    6. Are you sure that everything can be bought with money?

    7. Do you prefer to contact people with business qualities?

    8. Is money much more reliable than power and freedom?

    9. Do you get unbearably bored without your favorite job?

    10. Do you agree that it is better to have a high salary than an interesting job?

    11. Are you more pleased with the success in your work than the material benefits received for it?

    12. Is earning the most important thing in life for you?

    13. Would you stay in your favorite job if you were offered another, better paid, but not so interesting?

    14. Do you agree that money "does not smell" and no matter how a person gets it?

    15. Even when you are on vacation, you can't stop working?

    16. Do you find it difficult to limit yourself in cash?

    17. What is the most important thing for you to evaluate yourself as a specialist?

    18. Do you love to save money?

    19. Is labor the greatest value for you?

    20. Does the lack of money cause you the strongest experience?

    Answer sheet

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    Results processing

    For each positive answer, the respondent receives 1 point. Points are summed up separately for answers to even and odd questions.

    The sum of points scored for answers to odd questions characterizes the orientation towards the labor process, and the sum of points for answers to even questions characterizes the orientation towards making money.

    Methodology "Questionnaire of professional readiness"

    The questionnaire (method) was developed by L. N. Kabardova. Professional readiness is defined as a subjective state of the individual, meaning the desire and ability to engage in this type of professional activity. The questionnaire is based on a person's self-assessment of their inclinations and capabilities.


    Read all 50 statements of the questionnaire carefully. After reading each statement, answer the three questions below and rate your answers in points (from 0 to 2):

    1. How well do you know how to do what is written in the statement? I do, as a rule, well - 2 points; I do medium - 1 point; I do poorly, I don’t know how at all - 0 points.

    2. What feelings did you have when you did this? positive (pleasant, interesting, easy) - 2 points; neutral (anyway) - 1 point; negative (unpleasant, uninteresting, difficult) - 0 points.

    3. Would you like the action described in the statement to be included in your future work?

    yes - 2 points; anyway - 1 point; no - 0 points.

    Enter your scores in the "Table of Answers" (the cell number in the table corresponds to the number of the statement). In each cell, you must give points corresponding to your answers to all three questions. For each utterance, you rate first your ability (y), then your attitude (o), then your desire (g). In the same sequence, you put down the evaluation points.

    If you have never done what is written in the statement, then instead of points, put dashes in the cell for the first two questions (y and o) and try to answer only the third.

    When reading statements, be sure to pay attention to the words "often", "easy", "systematically", etc. Your answer should take into account the meaning of these words.

    If you can only do one of the actions listed in the question, then you are evaluating this action.

    Questionnaire text

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    1. Make extracts, clippings from various texts and group them according to a certain attribute.

    2. Perform practical tasks in laboratory work in physics (collect and draw up diagrams, troubleshoot them, understand the principle of operation of the device, etc.).

    3. For a long time (more than one year), independently perform all the work that ensures the growth and development of plants (water, fertilize, replant, etc.).

    4. Compose poems, stories, notes, write essays recognized by many as interesting, worthy of attention.

    5. Restrain yourself, do not “splash out” your irritation, anger, resentment, bad mood on others.

    6. Extract the main ideas from the text and build on them brief summary, plan, new text.

    7. Understand physical processes and patterns, solve problems in physics.

    8. Conduct regular monitoring of developing plant and record the observations in a special diary.

    9. Make beautiful products from wood, fabric, metal, dried plants,

    10. Patiently, without irritation, explain something incomprehensible to anyone, even if you have to repeat it several times.

    11. It is easy to find errors in written works on the Russian language and literature.

    12. Understand chemical processes, properties of chemical elements, solve problems in chemistry.

    13. Understand the developmental features and external distinguishing features of numerous plant species.

    14. Create finished works of painting, graphics, sculpture.

    15. Communicate a lot and often different people without getting tired of it.

    16. In foreign language lessons, answer questions and ask them, retell texts and compose stories on a given topic.

    17. Debug any mechanisms (bicycle, motorcycle), repair electrical appliances (vacuum cleaner, iron, lamp).

    18. Spend your free time mainly on the care and observation of any animal.

    19. Compose music, songs that are successful with peers and adults.

    20. Attentively, patiently, without interrupting, listen to people.

    21. When performing tasks for foreign language work without much difficulty

    with texts.

    22. Adjust and repair electronic equipment (receiver, tape recorder, TV, disco equipment).

    23. Regularly, without reminding adults, take care of animals: feed, clean (animal and cage), treat, train.

    24. Publicly, for many viewers, to play roles, to portray anyone, recite poetry, prose.

    25. To captivate with business, play, story of young children.

    26. Perform tasks in mathematics, chemistry, in which it is required to compose a logical chain of actions, using various formulas, laws, theorems.

    27. Repair locks, taps, furniture, toys.

    28. Understand the breeds and types of animals (horses, birds, fish, insects, etc.), know their characteristic external signs and habits.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    29. Always clearly see what is done by a writer, playwright, artist, director, actor with talent and what is not, and be able to justify it orally or in writing.

    30. Organize people for any business or activity.

    31. Perform tasks in mathematics that require a good knowledge of formulas, laws

    And the ability to apply them correctly in decision making.

    32. Perform actions that require good coordination of movements and manual dexterity: work on a machine, electric sewing machine, assemble products from small parts.

    33. Immediately notice the smallest changes in the behavior of an animal or the appearance of a plant.

    34. Play musical instruments, publicly perform songs, dance

    35. Perform work that requires mandatory contacts with many different

    36. Perform quantitative calculations, data calculations (according to formulas and without them), derive various patterns based on this, identify consequences.

    37. From typical parts designed to assemble certain models, products, design new, invented independently.

    38. Specially engage in in-depth study of biology, botany, zoology - read scientific literature, listen to lectures, scientific reports.

    39. Create on paper and in the original new, interesting models(clothes, hairstyles, jewelry), interiors, product designs.

    40. Influence people, convince, prevent conflicts, settle quarrels, resolve disputes.

    41. Work with symbolic information: draw up and draw diagrams, maps,

    42. Perform tasks in which you need to mentally represent the location of objects or figures in space.

    43. For a long time to be engaged in research work in biological circles, at biological stations, in zoo circles and nurseries.

    44. Faster and more often than others to notice unusual, amazing, beautiful in the ordinary.

    45. Empathize with people (even not very close ones), understand their problems, provide all possible assistance.

    46. Accurately and accurately perform "paper" work: write, write out, check, count.

    47. Choose the most rational (simple, short) way to solve the problem: technical, logical, mathematical.

    48. Dealing with plants or animals, perform hard physical work, endure adverse weather conditions, dirt, and a specific smell.

    49. Persistently, patiently strive for perfection in the created or performed work (in any field of creativity).

    50. speak, inform anything, express your thoughts aloud.

    Processing of results and conclusions

    Determination of inclination (highest preference) to any professional field is carried out on the basis of a comparison of the sums of points (vertically for each column of the table) on three scales (skills, attitudes, wishes). Zero indicators are not taken into account and can only be taken into account in a qualitative analysis. A combination is positively assessed, in which high marks in answering questions about and f correlate with the real skills of the subject, i.e. with a high mark on

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    the first scale (y). For example, the ratio of three assessments of the type 10-12 - 11 is more favorable than the ratio of 3 - 18-12, since in the first case the assessments are more justified by the presence of relevant experience in this field of activity.

    The statements that the subject rated with the highest score, i.e. 2-2 - 2, as well as statements in which the two highest marks are combined with the average, i.e. 2-2 - 1 or 1-2 - 2, are necessarily analyzed. This is necessary, firstly, in order to narrow the professional field to some specific specialties (for example, a propensity to work in the field of “man-sign system”: philologist, historian, editor, translator, journalist, etc.), secondly, in order to go beyond one sphere to professions that occupy an intermediate position between different spheres (for example, a mathematics teacher - “a person is a sign”, a fashion designer - “an artistic image is a person”).

    Answer table

    Designations: Ch-3 - "man - sign", Ch-T - "man - technology", Ch-P - "man - nature", Ch-X - "man - artistic image", Ch-Ch - "man - Human"; y - assessment of skill, o - assessment of attitude, g - assessment of desire.

    Methodology "Questionnaire of the cascade self-assessment of the economic manager"

    This technique was developed by E. S. Zharikov and is aimed at identifying preferences (inclinations) for one of the types of management activities. An abridged version is provided.

    Conducting an experiment

    The methodology is presented in the form of a questionnaire (questionnaire) with 61 statements continuing the statement “I would like to…” The subjects are asked to evaluate the strength of their desire to engage in the listed works on the answer forms on a 11-point scale (from 0 to 10). Moreover, the first statement - "I would like to be a leader" reveals the status attractiveness of leadership work for the subject. The next 60 statements serve to identify the propensity for various types of managerial work, which, for convenience, are conditionally named: “thinker”, “staff worker”, “organizer”, “personnel officer”, “educator”, “purchaser”, “social activist”, “innovator”. ”, “controller”, “diplomat”.

    An examination using this technique takes approximately 30 minutes.

    Questionnaire text

    The following statements are a continuation of the statement "I would like to..."

    1. Be a leader.

    2. Solve management problems.

    3. Work with administrative documents.

    4. Organize subordinates to complete tasks.

    5. Work with staff.

    6. Train workers.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    7. Carry out supply activities.

    8. Participate as a moderator in meetings and conferences.

    9. Engage in implementation scientific and technological achievements into production.

    10. Work to ensure the production of high quality products.

    11. Manage relationships with other businesses and institutions.

    12. Engage in identifying and formulating managerial problems(contradictions between tasks and opportunities).

    13. Do planning.

    14. Assign tasks to subordinates.

    15. Handle recruitment.

    16. Make priority lists of problems.

    17. Organize the service logistics.

    18. Organize meetings and sessions.

    19. Receive representatives of other organizations and enterprises.

    20. Identify factors that contribute to the production of high quality products.

    21. Be on business trips.

    22. Conduct meetings and conferences.

    23. Establish or improve a product quality control system.

    24. Participate in the decision social and domestic problems of workers.

    25. Prepare orders.

    26. Have "their" people in other organizations.

    27. Search effective methods problem solution.

    28. Search scientific and technical innovations for implementation.

    29. Instruct performers.

    30. Organize advanced training of employees aimed at acquiring the skills of defect-free work.

    31. Directly address the issues of "binding" new products to the conditions of production.

    32. Give commands and instructions.

    33. Enter into business contacts with representatives of other institutions and organizations

    34. Develop lists of necessary inventions and rationalization proposals

    35. “Get” what is needed to complete production tasks.

    36. Explain to employees the meaning and significance of policy documents.

    37. Carry out social planning for the development of the team.

    38. Directly participate in the discussion and solution of managerial problems.

    39. Represent your organization at meetings of other organizations and institutions

    40. To develop the interest of employees in improving the quality of products.

    41. Be convinced of the usefulness of innovations.

    42. Give advice to subordinates.

    43. Develop instructions.

    44. Establish sustainable relationships with suppliers.

    45. Handle (resolve) conflicts.

    46. Control the execution of tasks.

    47. Make speeches at meetings, meetings, meetings.

    49. Write reports.

    50. Incentivize employees.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    51. deal with distribution material and technical resources.

    52. Engage in establishing permanent relationships with employees of other organizations

    and enterprises.

    53. Engage in the search for and neutralization of factors that hinder the production of high quality products.

    54. Work to ensure that team members become supporters of innovation

    55. Work in the presidiums of meetings.

    56. Develop rational (economical) ways of spending resources.

    57. Engage in educational work among team members.

    58. Engage in the involvement of ordinary employees in management.

    59. Punish for negligence.

    60. Carry out business correspondence.

    61. Make decisions on problems.

    Processing of results and conclusions. The key to deciphering the answers

    The "thinker" is characterized by affirmative answers on the following positions (pp.)

    questionnaire: 2, 12,27,34,48,53; "staff worker" - according to paragraphs: 3, 13, 32, 43, 50, 61; "organizer" - according to paragraphs: 4, 18, 22, 30, 42, 58; "HR" - according to paragraphs: 5, 15, 25, 38, 49, 60; "educator" - according to paragraphs. 6, 29, 36, 45, 48, 57; "Supplier" - according to paragraphs. 7, 17, 21, 35, 44, 51, 56; "public figure" - according to paragraphs. 8.14, 24, 37, 47, 55, "innovator" - according to paragraphs. 9, 16, 28, 31, 41, 54; "controller" - according to paragraphs. 10, 20, 23, 40, 46.59; "diplomat" - according to paragraphs. 11, 19, 26, 33, 39, 52.

    The first statement - "I would like to be a leader" reveals the status attractiveness of leadership work for the respondent. According to the next 10 statements, the average score is calculated, which generally reflects the strength of the desire of the respondent to perform managerial work, which includes various types of managerial activities. The propensity for a particular type of managerial work should be judged by the amount of points scored on a particular scale.

    Methodology "Motive of power"


    For each statement of the questionnaire, select one of the answers that satisfy you and mark it in the answer sheet.

    Questionnaire text

    1. When choosing a field of work, I am primarily driven by the possibility of:

    a) make independent decisions, b) realize their potential more fully, c) manage people.

    2. I can take as a partner a person who has equal authority with me,

    a) to save time, b) to share the burden of responsibility, c) to have someone to consult with.

    3. Do you accept advice from subordinates: a) yes, b) I doubt it, c) no.

    4. Do you think that you have the right to manage other people and make decisions for them: a) yes, b) probably, yes, c) no.

    5. Do you know how to manage people's behavior so that they do not feel your pressure:

    a) yes, b) don't know, c) no.

    6. What attitude of your subordinates towards you would you like to see more: a) respect, b) fear, c) recognition of authority.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    7. Would you delegate tasks to others that you believe are your prerogative as the holder of power:

    a) no, b) don't know, c) yes.

    8. Would you consult with your deputy about your own actions:

    a) no, b) don't know, c) yes.

    9. Do you consider it necessary to inform subordinates about the intention to make a particular decision:

    a) yes, b) no, c) I don't know.

    Results processing

    For answers on the positions of the questionnaire 1c, 2a, 3v, 4a, 5c, 66, 7a, 8a, 96, 3 points are awarded; for answers - 1a, 2c, 36, 46, 56, 6c, 76, 86, 9c, 2 points are awarded; for answers - 16, 26, For, 4c, 5a, 6a, 7c, 8c, 9a, 1 point is awarded. The total score is determined.

    The more points the respondent scores, the stronger his desire for power is expressed.

    Methodology "Self-assessment of management style"41


    For each item of the questionnaire, answer, without thinking for a long time, “yes” or “no”, depending on whether you agree with the statement made in it, and make a note in the answer sheet.

    Questionnaire text

    1. In working with people, I prefer that they unquestioningly carry out my orders.

    2. In difficult situations, when making a decision, I always think about others, and then about myself.

    3. It annoys me when someone takes too much initiative.

    4. As a rule, I do not rely on my assistants.

    5. I can objectively evaluate my subordinates, highlighting among them strong and

    6. I often consult with my assistants before giving a responsible order.

    7. I rarely insist on my own, so as not to cause irritation in subordinates.

    8. I always demand from my subordinates the strict observance of my orders.

    9. I find it easier to work alone than lead someone.

    10. I ignore collective leadership in order to ensure the effectiveness of a single

    11. In order not to undermine my authority, I do not admit my mistakes.

    12. I try to react to the rudeness of a subordinate in such a way as not to cause a con-

    13. I do everything so that subordinates willingly carry out my orders.

    14. I always strive to be the first in all the undertakings of the team.

    41 The methodology given in the book: Agrashenkov A.V. Psychology for every day (M., 1997), was somewhat modified by me in order to reduce the number of items of the questionnaire (instead of 60, 33 were left) and exclude those of them that are very distantly related from diagnosed styles.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    15. It is easier for me to adjust to the opinion of the majority of the team than to speak out

    against him.

    16. I have to ask more often than demand.

    17. I provide good specialists great freedom in solving complex problems, I don’t have much control over them.

    18. I like to discuss and analyze team problems with subordinates.

    19. My assistants cope not only with their own, but also with my duties.

    20. It is easier for me to avoid conflict with higher management than with subordinates, who can always be "put in their place."

    21. I always get my orders done, even against the odds.

    22. To better understand my subordinates, I try to put myself in their shoes.

    23. The most difficult thing for me is to interfere in the course of people's work, to demand additional efforts from them.

    24. I am more concerned about my own problems than the problems of subordinates.

    25. I think that the management of people should be flexible: neither iron inflexibility nor familiarity can be used.

    26. I imagine managing people as a painful occupation.

    27. I try to develop cooperation and mutual assistance in the team.

    28. I am grateful for the advice and suggestions of subordinates.

    29. Sometimes it seems to me that I am an extra person in the team.

    30. Management efficiency is achieved when subordinates are only executors of the decisions of the boss.

    31. It is best to give the team complete independence and not interfere in anything.

    32. I am often accused of being too soft on subordinates.

    33. The main thing in leadership is to skillfully distribute your responsibilities between assistants.

    Processing of results and conclusions

    For each affirmative answer, 1 point is awarded.

    Key to decrypt data

    ABOUT propensity for a democratic style of leadership is evidenced by affirmative

    clear answers to items 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27, 28.

    ABOUT inclinations towards a liberal (permissive) leadership style are evidenced by affirmative answers on points 7, 9, 16, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33.

    The sum of points scored on each scale (for each style) is calculated. The severity of each style: 0-3 points - weak, 4-7 points - medium, 8-11 points - high. If the scores are low on all scales, then the style is not formed, if it is high, then we can talk about a mixed management style. The predominance of marks on one of the scales by 3 or more points indicates a greater inclination to the style characterized by this scale.

    Methodology "Tendency to a certain leadership style"

    The author is E. P. Ilyin. The technique is a questionnaire with which you can find out about the inclination of the subject to a particular leadership style. In this case, however, one must take into account that with real leadership a person can use a different style.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"


    Imagine that you are leading a team. You are asked to answer how you would implement this guidance in the situations described in the questionnaire. For each item of the questionnaire, out of three answer options (a, b, c), select the one that best characterizes your behavior as a leader, and circle the letter corresponding to the answer.

    Questionnaire text

    1. Upon acceptance important decisions you: a) consult with the team;

    b) try not to take responsibility for making a decision; c) make a decision alone.

    2. When organizing a task:

    a) give the team members freedom to choose how to complete the task; leaving behind only general control;

    b) you will not interfere in the course of the task, believing that the team itself will do everything right;

    c) you will regulate the activities of the members of the team, strictly defining how to do it.

    3. When exercising control over the activities of subordinates: a) you will strictly control each of them; b) entrust control to subordinates themselves; c) consider that control is not necessary.

    4. In an extreme situation for the team: a) you will consult with the team; b) take over all the leadership;

    c) Rely completely on the leaders of the team.

    5. Building relationships with team members: a) you will be active in communication yourself;

    b) you will communicate, mainly if you are contacted; c) maintain freedom of communication between you and your subordinates.

    6. When managing a team:

    a) will assist subordinates in their personal affairs; b) consider that there is no need to “meddle” in the personal affairs of subordinates;

    c) will be interested in the personal affairs of subordinates rather out of courtesy. 7. In relations with team members:

    a) you will try to maintain good personal relations even at the expense of business ones; b) maintain only business relations; c) will try to maintain both personal and business relationships in the same degree

    8. In relation to comments from the team: a) do not allow comments addressed to you; b) listen and take into account the comments; c) treat comments indifferently.

    9. While maintaining discipline:

    a) you will strive for unquestioning obedience of subordinates; b) be able to maintain discipline without reminding subordinates of it;

    c) keep in mind that maintaining discipline is not your “horse”, and you will not “put pressure” on subordinates.

    10. Regarding what the team will think of you:

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    a) you don't care b) you will always try to be good for your subordinates, you will not go to exacerbations;

    c) make adjustments to your behavior if the assessment is negative.

    11. Having distributed powers between yourself and your subordinates: a) you will demand that you be informed about all the details; b) you rely on the performance of subordinates; c) will exercise only general control.

    12. If you encounter difficulties in making a decision: a) seek advice from subordinates;

    b) you will not consult with subordinates, since you still have to be responsible for everything

    c) accept the advice of subordinates, even if they were not asked. 13. Controlling the work of subordinates:

    a) you will praise the performers, mark their positive results; b) you will first look for shortcomings that need to be corrected; c) you will exercise control from case to case (why interfere?). 14. Supervising subordinates:

    a) you will be able to order so that the tasks will be carried out unquestioningly; b) will mainly use a request, not an order; c) you don’t know how to order at all.

    15. With a lack of knowledge to make a decision: a) you will decide for yourself - after all, you are the leader;

    b) do not be afraid to ask for help from subordinates; c) try to postpone the decision: maybe everything will work out by itself.

    16. Assessing yourself as a leader, you can assume that you:

    a) be strict, even picky; b) be demanding but fair;

    c) unfortunately, you will not be very demanding. 17. With regard to innovations:

    a) you will be rather conservative (no matter what happens); b) if they are expedient, then willingly support them;

    c) if they are useful, you will achieve their implementation by order. 18. Do you think that in a normal team:

    a) subordinates should be able to work independently, without constant and strict control of the head;

    b) strict and constant control should be exercised, since it is not necessary to count on the conscience of subordinates;

    c) performers can be left to themselves.

    Results processing

    For each choice made, 1 point is awarded.

    Key to diagnosis

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    Note. The following designations are accepted in the table (key): A - autocratic leadership style, D - democratic style, L - liberal (permissive) style.

    Points are summed up separately for each style (A, D, L) of the guide.

    Since in a “pure” form there is practically no inclination towards one of the leadership styles, we can talk about mixed leadership styles with a tendency towards one of them. Respondents most often choose answers that characterize the democratic style of leadership. If there are more than 12 such answers, we can talk about a tendency towards a democratic style; if less and at the same time, elections A prevail by 3 points over L, we can talk about a tendency to an authoritarian-democratic style, and if elections L over A prevail by 3 points, a tendency to a liberal-democratic style.

    Methodology "Diagnostics of the structure of motives of labor activity"

    The methodology was developed by T. L. Badoev and is aimed at studying job satisfaction.

    Conducting a survey

    Respondents evaluate their attitude to various factors affecting job satisfaction on a seven-point scale: “very satisfied” (+3 points), “mostly satisfied” (+2), “rather satisfied” (+1); “both satisfied and not” (0); “rather dissatisfied” (-1); “mostly dissatisfied” (-2); "completely dissatisfied" (-3).

    Factors assessed

    1. The importance of the profession.

    2. prestige of the profession.

    3. Type of labor activity.

    4. Labour Organization.

    5. Sanitary and hygienic conditions.

    6. The amount of wages.

    7. Opportunity for advanced training.

    8. The attitude of the administration to work, rest and life of workers.

    9. Relationships with colleagues.

    10. The need for communication and teamwork.

    11. The need for the implementation of individual features.

    12. Possibility of creativity in the process of work.

    13. Job satisfaction in general.

    Processing of results and conclusions

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    An indicator of overall satisfaction is the sum of points scored (taking into account their sign).

    Methodology "Orientation to the type of engineering activity"

    The methodology was developed by O. B. Godlinik and considers the characteristic elements of 4 main types of engineering activities:

    1. Research activity.

    2. Design and engineering activity.

    3. Production (operational) activity.

    4. Organizational activity.


    Which of the following types of engineering activities are more attractive, preferable for you, more in line with your inclinations and interests? Make comparisons in pairs. From each pair, choose the more attractive type of activity and write the letter corresponding to it on the answer sheet next to the number of the pair being compared.

    Questionnaire text

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    Methodology "Motives for choosing a teacher's activity"

    The author is E. P. Ilyin. The technique is intended for a qualitative analysis by the teacher of the motivational structure of his pedagogical activity, to identify the most significant reasons for choosing the teaching profession.


    Questionnaire text

    1. Consciousness of the usefulness of their activities, the importance of training and educating young people

    2. Interest in teaching activities.

    3. The desire to communicate with youth, to be always with youth.

    4. The desire to transfer their knowledge, experience gained during the production or scientific activities.

    5. The desire for self-affirmation, to improve their status, prestige.

    6. The desire for self-expression, for creative work.

    7. The desire to be in an environment of intellectuals, educated people.

    8. Opportunity to engage in scientific work, get degree, rank.

    9. The ability to satisfy your desire for power.

    10. Forced by circumstances.

    11. Having a long vacation.

    12. No need to be at work from call to call.

    According to the degree of importance of each motive, expressed in points, a judgment is made about how pronounced the teacher's pedagogical vocation is (items 1-4, 6) and how much accompanying and secondary interests are expressed in him (items 5, 7-12).

    Methodology "Assessment of the professional orientation of the teacher's personality" 42

    The technique makes it possible to reveal the significance for the teacher of some aspects of pedagogical activity (a tendency to organizational activity, focus on the subject), his need for communication, approval, as well as the importance of the intelligence of his behavior.


    This questionnaire lists the properties that may be inherent in you to a greater or lesser extent. There are two possible answers to this:

    a) “true, the property described is typical of my behavior or inherent in me to a greater extent”;

    b) "false, the described property is atypical for my behavior or inherent in me to a minimal extent."

    After reading the statement and choosing one of the answer options, you should mark it on the answer sheet by crossing out the appropriate letter.

    Questionnaire text

    42 The technique is taken from the book: Rogov E.I. Teacher as an object of psychological research. - M., 1998.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    1. I could well live alone, away from people (a, b).

    2. I often overwhelm others with my self-confidence (a, b).

    3. Solid knowledge in my subject can make a person's life much easier

    4. People should more than now adhere to the laws of morality (a, b).

    5. I carefully read each book before returning it to the library (a, b).

    6. My ideal work environment is a quiet room with a desk (a, b).

    7. People say that I like to make everything mine original way(a, b).

    8. Prominent among my ideals are the personalities of scientists who have made great contributions to the discipline I teach (a, b).

    9. Others believe that I am simply not capable of rudeness (a, b).

    10. I always carefully monitor how I am dressed (a, b).

    11. It happens that all morning I don’t want to talk to anyone (a, b).

    12. It is important for me that there is no disorder in everything that surrounds me (a, b).

    13. Most of my friends are people whose interests have much in common with my profession (a, b).

    14. I analyze my behavior for a long time (a, b).

    15. At home, I behave at the table in the same way as in a restaurant (a, b).

    16. In the company, I give others the opportunity to joke and tell all sorts of stories (a, b).

    17. I am annoyed by people who cannot make a decision quickly (a, b).

    18. If I have some free time, then I prefer to read something in my discipline (a, b).

    19. I am uncomfortable fooling around in a company, even if others do it (a, b).

    20. Sometimes I like to gossip about those who are absent (a, b).

    21. I really like to invite guests and entertain them (a, b).

    22. I rarely speak against the opinion of the team (a, b).

    23. I prefer people who know their profession well, regardless of their personal characteristics (a, b).

    24. I cannot be indifferent to the problems of others (a, b).

    25. I always willingly admit my mistakes (a, b).

    26. The worst punishment for me is loneliness (a, b).

    27. The effort spent on making plans is not worth it (a, b).

    28. During my school years, I replenished my knowledge by reading specialized literature (a, b).

    29. I do not condemn a person for deceiving those who allow themselves to be deceived (a, b).

    30. I do not have an internal protest when I am asked to provide a service (a, b).

    31. Probably some people think that I talk too much (a, b).

    32. I avoid social work and the responsibility associated with it (a, b).

    33. Science is what interests me most in life (a, b).

    34. People around me consider my family to be intelligent (a, b).

    35. Before a long trip, I always think carefully about what to take with me (ah,

    36. I live for today more than other people (a, b).

    37. If there is a choice, then I prefer to organize extracurricular activity than to tell students something on the subject (a, b).

    38. The main task of the teacher is to convey to the student knowledge on the subject (a, b).

    39. I like to read books and articles on the topics of morality, morality, ethics (a, b).

    40. Sometimes I get annoyed by people who come to me with questions (a, b).

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    41. Most of the people with whom I am in companies are undoubtedly glad to see me (a, b).

    42. I think I would like a job related to responsible administration active economic activity (a. b).

    43. I am unlikely to be upset if I have to spend my vacation studying in advanced training courses (a, b).

    44. My courtesy is often not liked by other people (a, b).

    45. There were times when I envied the luck of others (a, b).

    46. If I someone is rude, then I can quickly forget about it (a, b).

    47. As a rule, others listen to my suggestions (a, b).

    48. If I managed to be transported for a short time into the future, then I would first of all collect books on my subject (a, b).

    49. I show great interest in the fate of others (a, b).

    50. I never said unpleasant things with a smile (a, b).

    Results processing

    Each answer is worth 1 point. Depending on the direction of pedagogical activity, all the statements of the questionnaire (taking into account the possible answer - a or b) are divided into groups (scales). A maximum of 10 points can be scored on each scale. The scales and their corresponding items of the questionnaire are listed below.

    "Organization" - 2a, 7a, 12a, 17a, 226, 276, 326, 37a, 42a, 47a. "Orientation to the object" - Za, 8a, 13a, 18a, 23a, 28a, 33a, 39a, 43a, 48a. "Communicator" - 16, 66, 116, 166, 21a, 26a, 31a, 36a, 41a, 46a. "Motivation of approval" - 5a, 10a, 15a, 206, 25a, 30a, 35a, 406, 456, 50a. "Intelligence" - 4a, 9a, 14a, 19a, 24a, 296, 34a, 39a, 44a, 49a.

    The scale, according to which the respondent scores more than 7 points, characterizes the pronounced orientation of pedagogical activity.

    Methodology "Study of teachers' satisfaction with their profession and work"

    The methodology was developed by N. V. Zhurin and E. P. Ilyin to identify the degree of satisfaction of teachers with their profession and various aspects of professional activity.


    We ask you to familiarize yourself with this questionnaire (questionnaire) and answer the questions contained in it; choose one of the answer options ("yes", "don't know", "no") that matches your opinion and put a "+" sign below it.

    Questionnaire text

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    Results processing

    For the answer "yes" + 1 point is awarded, for the answer "I do not know" - 0 points, for the answer "no" - 1 point is awarded. All scores are summed, taking into account their sign.

    The degree of job satisfaction (for all 17 positions) is assessed as high if the subject gains + 11 points and above, average - if gaining from + 6 to + 10 points, low - from + 1 to + 5 points. The degree of dissatisfaction with the job is assessed as low if the subject scores from -1 to -5 points, medium, if he scores from -6 to -10 points, and high - at -11 points and above.

    Methodology "Motivation for choosing a medical profession"

    The method is a modification of Hanning's study motives test, made by A.P. Vasilkova.


    The respondent must compare 9 statements written in pairs on separate cards (36 pairs in total) and give preference to one statement in each pair.

    Questionnaire text

    What prompted you to choose a medical specialty?

    1. Desire to heal people.

    2. The desire to alleviate the suffering of the seriously ill, the elderly and children.

    3. Opportunity to take care of the health of your loved ones.

    4. The prestige of the profession and family traditions.

    5. Desire to solve scientific medical problems.

    6. Opportunity to take care of your health.

    7. The ability to influence other people.

    8. Availability of medicines.

    9. material interest.

    Results processing

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    The tester assesses the degree of preference for one of the two statements from 1 to 3 points. The points are summed up for the same statements contained in all the cards.

    The more choices of one or another statement and the points scored on it, the greater the importance for the respondent of this or that reason when choosing a medical specialty.

    Methodology "Diagnosis of the level of emotional burnout"

    In the proposed version of V. V. Boyko's methodology, I have left only those scales that are related to the motivation of labor activity.

    Emotional burnout among professionals is one of the protective mechanisms, expressed in a certain emotional attitude towards their professional activities. It is associated with the mental fatigue of a person who has been doing the same work for a long time, which leads to a decrease in the strength of the motive and a lesser emotional reaction to various work situations (i.e., to indifference).


    You are offered a series of statements, for each express your opinion. If you agree with the statement, put a “+” sign (“yes”) next to the corresponding number in the answer sheet, if you disagree, then the sign “-” (“no”).

    Questionnaire text

    1. Today I am satisfied with my profession no less than at the beginning of my career.

    2. I made a mistake in choosing a profession or profile of activity (I take the wrong place).

    3. When I feel tired or stressed, I try to quickly “roll up” the case.

    4. My work dulls the emotions.

    5. I'm frankly tired of the problems I have to deal with at work.

    6. Work brings me less and less satisfaction.

    7. I would change jobs if given the opportunity.

    8. Because of fatigue or tension, I pay less attention to my affairs than

    9. I calmly perceive the claims of my superiors and colleagues at work.

    10. Communication with colleagues at work encourages me to avoid people.

    11. It is increasingly difficult for me to establish and maintain contacts with colleagues.

    12. The situation at work seems to me very difficult, difficult.

    13. There are days when my emotional state is bad for the results

    14. I am very concerned about my work.

    15. I pay more attention to my colleagues at work than I receive from them.

    16. I often rejoice when I see that my work benefits people.

    17. Lately I've been having trouble at work.

    18. I usually show interest in colleagues and besides what concerns the case.

    19. I sometimes catch myself thinking that I work automatically, without a soul.

    20. At work, you meet such unpleasant people that you involuntarily wish them something bad.

    21. Success at work inspires me.

    22. The situation at work in which I find myself seems almost hopeless.

    23. I often work by force.

    24. In working with people, I am guided by the principle: do not waste your nerves, take care of your health.

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    25. Sometimes I go to work with a heavy feeling: how tired everything is, I would not see anyone

    Andnot to hear.

    26. Sometimes it seems to me that the results of my work are not worth the effort that I spend.

    27. If I had luck with my job, I would be happier.

    28. Usually I rush time: I wish the working day would end sooner.

    29. When working with people, I usually put up a screen that protects from other people's suffering and negative emotions.

    30. My work is very disappointing.

    31. My requirements for the work performed are higher than what I achieve due to circumstances.

    32. My career has been successful.

    33. If given the opportunity, I pay less attention to the work, but in such a way that no one notices.

    34. I lost interest in everything that happens at work.

    35. My work had a bad effect on me - it pissed me off, dulled my emotions, made me nervous.

    Data processing

    The signs included in one or another symptom of "burnout" have different meanings in determining its severity. Therefore, in the process of developing the test, the highest score - 10 points - was received from competent judges by those signs that are most indicative of the symptom.

    The “key” to the methodology is given below - the symptoms and the numbers of statements (signs) corresponding to them are listed. The sign in front of the number means the answer is "yes" (+) or "no" (-); in parentheses are the points assigned for this answer.

    In accordance with the “key”, the sum of points for each symptom of “burnout” is determined, and then the sum for all symptoms, i.e. its final indicator.

    Symptom "Dissatisfaction with oneself":

    – 1 (3), + 6 (2), + 11 (2), – 16 (10), – 21 (5), + 26 (5), + 31 (3)

    Symptom "Caged":

    + 2 (10), + 7 (5), + 12 (2), + 17 (2), + 22 (5), + 27 (1), – 32 (5)

    Symptom "Reduction of professional duties":

    + 3 (5), + 8 (5), + 13 (2), – 18 (2), + 26 (3), + 28 (3), + 33 (10)

    Symptom "Emotional detachment":

    + 4 (2), + 9 (3), – 14 (2), + 19 (3), + 24 (5), + 29 (5), + 34 (10)

    Symptom "Personal detachment (depersonalization)":

    + 5 (5), + 10 (3), + 15 (3), + 20 (2), + 25 (5), + 30 (2), + 35 (10)

    The sum of points for each symptom is interpreted as follows: 9 or less points - an unfolded symptom, 10–15 points - a developing symptom, 16 or more points - an established symptom.

    Accordingly, the sum of points for all symptoms, equal to 45 or less, indicates the absence of "burnout", the sum of points from 50 to 75 - about the beginning of "burnout", the sum of 80 points and above - about the existing "burnout".

    E. P. Ilyin. "Motivation and motives"

    MBI Burnout Questionnaire

    The authors of this technique (questionnaire) are American psychologists K. Maslach and S. Jackson. It is designed to measure the degree of "burnout" in professions such as "person-to-person". This version was adapted by N. E. Vodopyanova.


    Please answer how often you experience the feelings listed below in the questionnaire. To do this, on the answer sheet, mark for each item the position that corresponds to the frequency of your thoughts and experiences: “never”, “very rarely”, “sometimes”, “often”, “very often”, “every day”.

    Questionnaire text

    1. I feel emotionally empty.

    2. After work, I feel like a squeezed lemon.

    3. In the morning I feel tired and unwilling to go to work.

    4. I understand well how my subordinates and colleagues feel, and I try to take this into account in the interests of the case.

    5. I feel that I communicate with some subordinates and colleagues as with objects (without warmth and affection for them).

    6. After work for a while I want to retire from everyone and everything.

    7. I can find the right solution in conflict situations that arise when communicating with colleagues.

    8. I feel depressed and apathetic.

    9. I am sure that people need my work.

    10. Lately, I've become more "hard-hearted" towards those I work with.

    11. I notice that my work hardens me.

    12. I have many plans for the future, and I believe in their implementation.

    13. My job is getting more and more frustrating.

    14. I feel like I'm working too hard.

    15. It happens that I really do not care what happens to some of my subordinates and colleagues.

    16. I want to retire and take a break from everything and everyone.

    17. I can easily create an atmosphere of goodwill and cooperation in the team.

    18. During work, I feel a pleasant revival.

    19. Thanks to my work, I have already done a lot of really valuable things in my life.

    20. I feel indifference and loss of interest in many things that made me happy in my life.

    21. At work, I calmly deal with emotional problems.

    22. Recently, it seems to me that colleagues and subordinates are increasingly shifting the burden of their problems and responsibilities onto me.

    Results processing

    The questionnaire has three scales: "emotional exhaustion" (9 statements), "depersonalization" (5 statements) and "reduction of personal achievements" (8 statements). The answers of the subject are evaluated: 0 points - "never", 1 point - "very rarely", 3 points - "sometimes", 4 points - "often", 5 points - "very often", 6 points - "every day".

    Key to the questionnaire

    The scales and the corresponding items of the questionnaire are listed below.