Irish rose or Eustoma perennial: planting and care, photos, rules for growing beautiful flowers with the most delicate and varied shades of petals. Perennial eustoma: planting and care, creating a dream garden How to develop a good root system in eustoma

Irish rose or Eustoma perennial: planting and care, photos, rules for growing beautiful flowers with the most delicate and varied shades of petals.  Perennial eustoma: planting and care, creating a dream garden How to develop a good root system in eustoma
Irish rose or Eustoma perennial: planting and care, photos, rules for growing beautiful flowers with the most delicate and varied shades of petals. Perennial eustoma: planting and care, creating a dream garden How to develop a good root system in eustoma

Among the many flowers, one cannot pass by a delightful flower, whose name is marvelous Eustoma. Noble and refined, gentle and mysterious, you can pick up a hundred more epithets to describe its beauty. In Eustoma there is something tender and at the same time stately and majestic.

The plant is native to North America. Local tribes claim that this flower is nothing more than the reincarnation of the soul of a girl, an innocent victim who refused to marry a warlike deity. Eustoma became widely known thanks to Mr. Bran, a famous botanist of Irish origin.

Beautiful Eustoma (the second name of the Lisianthus flower) appeared on the Russian market more than 20 years ago. For a long time, she was known only to a narrow circle of florists. Now the Eustoma flower is actively used in the wedding theme. Not a single elegant bouquet can do without it. His role does not end there - many lovers of outlandish flowers also prefer growing Eustoma not only in flower beds, but also in the house on the windowsills.

Short description

In nature, there are up to 60 varieties of Eustoma (Lisianthus) and all of them, like girls, are delightful and do not look alike. The Eustoma flower is capricious in growing, both in the garden and at home. He loves warmth and moisture.

  • The height of the stem, on average, is 80-90 cm, there are also varieties from 15 to 150 cm, with a bud up to 8 cm in diameter.
  • The leaves are dull, green, with a gray tint.
  • The stem is long, thin, incredibly graceful and at the same time strong.
  • The cup of the flower is funnel-shaped.
  • The color palette depends on the variety and varies from white to pink and even blue. Flowering is elegant and lush (from 20 to 30 flowers). One branch can be mistaken for a whole bouquet.
  • Varieties differ in terry and non-terry, the former are often confused with roses or poppies.

You are going to make friends with eustoma, but there is no dacha? Do not be sad - many flower growers grow it at home.

How to choose the right Eustoma for growing

One of the main factors for a successful acquaintance with Eustoma (Lisianthus) is the correct choice of variety. When choosing seeds for the first time, look for annual varieties. It was then that there were more chances not to face many difficulties and not to discourage the desire to look after this “capricious lady”.

If planning to plant in the garden, choose varieties: Echo, Aurora or Flamenco. Fidelity, Marmaid, or one of Russell's eustoma varieties - Florida or Little Bells are suitable for an apartment. At the peak of popularity among dwarf varieties is Mermaid, the smallest - from 10 to 15 cm, but no less beautiful variety, the palette of which, in addition to the usual colors, also includes lilac.

Eustoma is gaining more and more popularity in floristry. Delicate, at the same time simple and sophisticated flowers, which cannot go unnoticed and demand creates supply.

For this reason, many people grow Eustoma for sale. If you want to turn your hobby into a profit, check out these cut varieties.

  1. Aurora- a variety with terry cups, 100 cm in height. Differs in early flowering. Monochromatic, most often white and marine shades;
  2. Variety Echo- moderately high up to 70 cm, but has large cups and has more than 10 shades;
  3. Flamenco are not inferior to Aurora in growth, but have simpler flowers. The main advantage of this variety is easier care.

In a flower pot, Eustoma does not reach the peak of growth, it is always lower than in the garden. Restriction in the height of the stem create the parameters of the flower pot

If in the store you prefer a “ready-made” flower, then it makes no sense to focus on the variety - many flowers are treated with chemicals that do not allow flowers to grow taller.

The lifespan of the flower also depends on the choice of location. In an apartment, he is considered one-year-old, and in the garden you can extend his life to 5 years, but even with proper care, you should not count on more.

Eustoma is not frost-resistant plant. It is not suitable for long-term cultivation in the middle lane and regions with cold winters. The optimum temperature for wintering is from +10 to +13 degrees Celsius. Even when covered, it freezes.

Options for growing Eustoma at home

Experienced gardeners offer two options for growing eustoma. The first option is to plant in the garden, and then grow at home. The second option is primary home cultivation. Let's consider in detail each of the proposed options.

Growing in the garden with subsequent home maintenance

Seedlings are required for growing in the garden. You can buy it in stores or grow it yourself. For seeds, it is better to choose large-flowered eustoma - this is the least capricious variety. Plant height is from 90 to 120 cm, it begins to bloom 1-3 weeks earlier than relatives. It comes in white, pink, blue and blue shades.

The best time for planting adult seedlings in open ground will be the end of June or July. The choice of location should be approached responsibly. Despite the love of warmth, Eustoma does not tolerate direct sunlight, she needs diffused light.

It is worth planting flowers in increments of 15 cm. In mid-August, Eustoma is recommended to be cut. After that, in a month (subject to warm weather), she will delight everyone with new flowering, and cut flowers will remain fresh for up to three weeks.

In September, you should prepare the plant for wintering in the house. The root is dug up and transplanted into a flower pot. The ideal solution would be to move first to a closed loggia and only then to the house.

Wintering garden eustoma in the house

Eustoma loves stability. For this reason, the period of adaptation to new conditions in the house for her is delayed up to 1 month - the flower needs time to get used to the new lighting. During this period, limit watering, the plant will not be able to cope with the usual amount of moisture.

Many gardeners cut Eustoma almost completely before transplanting into a flower pot. There is an opinion that in this state it better tolerates changes in the environment.

In the conditions of the house, the window sill will be the best location for Eustoma. It must be a west or east window. On the north window, the plant risks dying from a lack of sunlight, and on the south from their overabundance.


In the daytime, Eustoma is demanding of light. For its comfortable cultivation, avoid direct sunlight, diffused and oblique sunlight is considered ideal. If there is not enough natural light, use artificial sources. A good solution would be ordinary fluorescent lamps. In this way, you can extend daylight hours and cheat winter. This is especially true for regions where the sun is a “rare guest” during the autumn-winter period.


Humidification for Eustoma is necessary constantly, to a greater extent this applies to the "room" varieties of Eustoma, when overdrying, the capricious flower will quickly die. The signal for the need for watering is the soil, it should not dry out more than 2 cm deep. It is not necessary to spray the flower when watering. Keep water out of the leaves. An explosive mixture in the form of moisture and cold will cause mold. For the same reason, eustoma is not sprayed.

Watering Eustoma must be carried out with soft water, at room temperature. Cold, chlorinated tap water, drafts, open windows in winter - all this is certain death for a flower.

Content temperature

Eustoma is demanding not only to light and moisture, it needs a certain temperature of content. During the flowering period during the day, the thermometer should not fall below + 20 C and not rise more than +25 C of heat. The ideal night temperature for the beautiful Eustoma is + 15C degrees. At the end of flowering, during the rest period, the flower needs a temperature of 2-3 degrees below normal.

Soil for planting home Eustoma

The theater begins with a hanger, and the landing of Eustoma with the right soil. Eustoma needs soil that is well-permeable and of medium humidity. There is a choice here - buy a ready-made mixture or make it yourself. The best purchase option is a mix for violets. In the manufacture of home soil, earth, peat and sand will be required. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions.

Another 2 types of substrates for growing seeds are popular - a mixture of sand and peat or peat and humus. Mix them in a 1:1 ratio.


One of the factors why Eustoma is considered an annual flower is its difficult transplantation. Its fragile roots have a negative attitude to any impact from the outside, often because of this reason, the Eustoma plant dies. The owner of such a delicate flower needs to know that transplantation must be done with a clod of earth, and best of all, “transshipment” - so the likelihood of damage to the root system is minimal.

top dressing

The first enrichment with mineral fertilizers and dressings is necessary 14-16 days after the flower transplant. If you want the flower to grow faster in the future, then feed it every 2 weeks. For Eustoma, a universal fertilizer "for flowering garden" is suitable.

You can feed perennial homemade Eustoma 1 time in 30 days. Fertilizers such as Plantafor or Kemira are suitable for her. For the latter, a lower concentration from that indicated on the package should be used.

Reproduction and cultivation of Eustoma seeds

Vegetative reproduction of Eustoma is almost impossible - the cuttings die before the roots sprout. The only method is to grow Eustoma from seeds.

Seed propagation is difficult. There are a lot of beautiful Eustoma hybrids on sale that do not produce seeds. You can buy suitable flower seeds at a flower shop or order online.

Usually there are a lot of seeds in a package, at first glance. However, it should be remembered that less than 60% of the total will germinate. Such a high percentage of loss of germination for Eustoma is due to special seed treatment before sale.

Buy seeds with a margin. Sow an extra container

A good time to plant Eustoma seeds is from January to February. Some flower growers, in order to obtain earlier flowering, plant seeds as early as November.

How to plant and grow Eustoma seeds at home

When planting in the ground, remember that you can not deepen the already small seeds of Eustoma. Sow and cover lightly with soil. Then spray the seeds with a spray gun. Next, the planting container should be loosely covered with cling film. A prerequisite is heat - from +20 to +25 degrees during the day and at least +14 degrees at night.

The main problem in germination is the lack of sunlight. Remember that the seeds need at least 10 hours of daylight, so you will have to resort to artificial lighting. It is very important to provide seedlings with ventilation and enrichment with oxygen.

There is no regular watering regime for germinating Eustoma seeds - you should focus on soil moisture. It all depends on the air temperature and lighting. If necessary, spray the soil and cover again with a film. Irrigation is best done in the morning. Seeds should germinate within two weeks. As soon as the first shoots appear, remove the plastic cover. It will not be superfluous to feed with a solution of phytospirin.

After the appearance of the first 3-4 leaves of Eustoma seedlings, watering should be reduced (to be carried out by watering only in the morning). This will help to avoid acquaintance with such an unpleasant phenomenon as the “black leg”

As soon as the number of leaves doubles, Eustoma seedlings should be planted. The best option would be pots up to 5 cm in diameter. After that, young seedlings need top dressing with a low nitrogen content. When the seedlings get stronger, add fertilizer with zircon and change the pot to a larger one - about 8 cm in diameter.

Transplanting room Eustoma in open ground

It is possible to transplant indoor Eustoma into open ground after 5-6 months from the day of planting. Under favorable conditions in the garden, it will show itself in all its glory. Transplanting home Eustoma to the street should be carried out together with a clod of earth when the threat of night cold has passed. The distance between the bushes should be at least 15 cm.

Experiments with the Eustoma flower have not yet brought positive results to anyone. Capricious Eustoma is not suitable for beginner gardeners and requires patience, knowledge and experience in growing

Pests and diseases

"Tender girl - Eustoma" is like a princess. It is prone to diseases and pests. Among them, the most common are spider mites, aphids and slugs. In the fight against them, Fitovera and home methods will become active helpers: soap solution, fumigation with sulfur, tobacco infusion, treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate, garlic and onion infusions.

Remember that the best prevention of Eustoma diseases is competent watering. In most cases, it is precisely because of an excess of moisture that powdery mildew and gray rot occur. If the plant is still sick, use a solution of foundationazole.


Eustoma, like a woman, is capricious, but with due attention and care, she will certainly respond with love and reciprocity, which means beautiful flowering. If you want to surprise everyone with an unusual flower in the house, then go for it! Home Eustoma is the right course.

Eustoma or Lisianthus is a perennial herbaceous plant with a strong stem reaching a maximum height of 1 m. It belongs to the Gentian family. About 35 stunning flowers bloom on one bush - a whole bunch. The most delicate petals have different colors: from snow-white to purple, it can be plain or combine several shades. The inflorescences are very beautiful: some look like roses, others look like bells or tulips.

The name of the plant is derived from two Greek words meaning a good (beautiful) mouth in translation. At home (in America), eustoma is called the Texas bluebell, tulip gentian, prairie gentian, is found under the name Irish rose.

Are eustoma roses annuals or perennials?

In open ground, eustoma is cultivated as a one- or two-year-old plant, and it grows well on the windowsill for several years.

Inspired by the charm of a flower, you certainly want to see it in your house or on the site. When growing eustoma, it is necessary to study all the nuances and follow them.

The plant reproduces exclusively by seed. Do not even try to propagate by cuttings - they will never give roots. Also exclude the method of dividing the bush. The root system is underdeveloped: you will destroy the plant.

Growing eustoma from seeds

A little about the quality of seeds

- hard work. Novice flower growers may be upset that germination is low or shoots did not appear at all. The reason for this is a violation of agricultural technology or poor-quality seed. Don't despair, analyze your mistakes and try again. The result is definitely worth it.

Purchase seed at specialized points of sale. The seeds are very small (about 20,000 pieces per 1 g of weight). By themselves, they have a germination rate of about 30%, their processing increases the rate to 40%. The package should contain information about the processing (untreated seeds should not be taken). As a rule, they are sold in the form of dragees (sealed with a special gel). This not only increases germination, but also makes sowing convenient.

The diversity of the genus is represented by 60 species, only a few of them are cultivated. For indoor cultivation, special compact varieties (about 45 cm high) are bred. Bushes 0.6-1.2 m high flaunt in the flower beds.

How to grow eustoma seedlings from seeds

When to plant

  • For the subsequent sowing of eustoma seeds for seedlings, proceed in February-early March. In this case, expect flowering in July-August.
  • If you want indoor flowering in winter, sow seeds in July-September.

How to sow eustoma seeds for seedlings

How to sow eustoma seeds photo

The optimal soil composition for growing eustoma seedlings is a mixture of peat and humus from the bark of deciduous trees (coconut chips are suitable) in equal proportions.

As a soil, it is best to use a universal mixture for growing seedlings, purchased at a flower shop. It has already been sterilized, the reaction is neutral or slightly acidic.

It is possible in peat tablets, which are pre-soaked for a day.

  • Moisten the soil slightly to make it soft in texture.
  • Gently spread the seeds over the surface at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other, only slightly pressing to the ground.
  • In no case do not sprinkle with earth.
  • Water by spraying with a fine sprayer so as not to flood and the seeds do not "fall through" into the soil.
  • Cover crops from above with a plastic bag or film. For air circulation, make several small holes (with a needle, toothpick).
  • Expect germination in about 15 days.

  • Remove the cover immediately as soon as the first sprouts appear.
  • Spray with a solution of phytosporin to prevent fungal and putrefactive diseases.

How to care for eustoma seedlings

Air temperature and lighting

It is important to ensure the correct one. During the day, keep in the range of 20-22 ° C, at night a slight decrease is recommended, but the temperature should not fall below 14 ° C.

Lighting stimulates the awakening of life processes. Daylight hours should be 12-14 hours. Use artificial lighting.

How to water correctly

Water periodically, but do not allow waterlogging of the soil. By evening, the leaves must be dry. Be sure to control the level of humidity, because when the black leg is damaged (rotting of the root system), eustoma sprouts are difficult to cure, they most often die.

After 1.5-2 months, the seedlings will reach a height of 4-5 cm. It should have several pairs of true leaves. At this time, spend in individual containers (pots with a diameter of about 6 cm). Proceed with caution. The soil mixture is the same as when planting seedlings.

  • Fill the containers with earth, make holes according to the size of the root system.
  • Cross over with an earthen clod.
  • The root neck should be at the same level as before transplantation.
  • Water the plants after picking with a solution of phytosporin to prevent the development of diseases.
  • If the root collar becomes bare after watering, top up the soil.
  • To adapt, cover the seedlings with a plastic bag.

  • Another intermediate transplant by transferring to larger pots contributes to the active growth of seedlings. Spend it when the plants completely fill the intermediate container with roots.

A couple of weeks before transplanting into open ground, it is necessary to accustom to street conditions. Take it outside for a few hours: do it only in good weather, protect from direct sunlight.

Planting eustoma seedlings in open ground

Should be based on weather conditions. The risk of return frosts should be over, in extreme cases, build a temporary film shelter.

  • Choose a secluded place for planting eustoma without a draft and direct sunlight.
  • First dig the soil, remove weeds, water.
  • The soil needs loose, nutritious, breathable, must freely pass moisture - stagnant water will destroy the plant.
  • Water the eustoma seedlings the day before planting so that the moisture softens the ground and the pot can be easily removed from it.
  • When transplanting, keep an earthen ball, the hole should correspond to the size of the root system. Water the soil before planting seedlings to make mud. Place the seedlings in this dirt, carefully filling the ground. After planting in the mud, the eustoma is not watered. The root neck should be flush with the earth's surface; it is allowed to plant in holes slightly recessed down. Between individual plants, keep a distance of about 15 cm, for tall varieties increase the distance by 5 cm.

In the future, water the eustoma regularly, but moderately, focusing on the amount of precipitation and air temperature. Mulch the soil to maintain optimal moisture levels.

Thin stems can lie down under the weight of inflorescences. Tie individual plants to pegs, for large plantings, stretch rows of twine or wire.

How to plant eustoma in the ground, look at the video:

Conditions for growing eustoma and proper care in the open field


For successful growth and development of eustoma, it is necessary to provide bright diffused lighting. Avoid direct sunlight. Sunlight is required only to stimulate the awakening of sprouts (during seed germination). Should not be grown in the shade, only slight shading is possible.


Soil acidity should be neutral. To check the acidity of the soil, take a handful of earth, drip table vinegar. If a chemical reaction starts (hissing, bubbles), then the soil is neutral or slightly acidic. In acidic soil, the reaction with vinegar will not occur. If the soil is acidic, it will need to be deoxidized: add wood ash, chalk or dolomite flour. You can sprinkle lime, but such preparation is possible only in the fall, in the spring it can harm the plants.

How to pinch eustoma

To stimulate branching (which contributes to further abundant flowering), at the stage of appearance of 6-8 true leaves, the top follows.

How to feed

Feed during the period of active growth. Potassium contributes to the development of the root system. It is good if there is ash, if it is not there, use purchased fertilizers. To strengthen the plant, focus on nitrogen-containing top dressing.

For eustoma to bloom profusely

The beginning of the flowering period is regulated not only by the time of sowing the seeds, but also by the time of transferring the seedlings to open ground. Sudden changes in temperature, even within the permissible limits, not only delay the onset of flowering, but can also cause the death of the flower. If the weather is changeable, it is better to build a temporary shelter. Install rods and cover with foil or geotextile.

After the end, you can stimulate a second wave. Cut off faded flowers and new buds will appear in 1.5-2 months. There are varieties that are resistant to the first frost - they will please flowering longer.

When growing eustoma for sale (cut flowers), the technology differs slightly. The mode of watering and top dressing is given close attention. In greenhouses, it is possible to create an ideal microclimate. The stem is cut at the root, waiting for a new generation of flowers.

Eustoma care at home

The level of lighting and watering are the same as for outdoor cultivation. Water with moderately softened water at room temperature.

  • Provide access to fresh air: ventilate regularly, avoid drafts.
  • In the warm season, the temperature regime is comfortable in the range of 22-24 ° C. In winter - 14-16 ° С.
  • During the period of active growth, apply top dressing for indoor flowering plants. Regarding the frequency and dosage, be guided by the recommendations of the manufacturer.
  • To prolong the flowering period in room conditions, it is necessary to provide a cool air temperature.

The main enemy of eustoma is an excess of moisture. Water only on top of the pot. Be sure to do the reclamation (mulch the soil surface with small pebbles, the layer is about 2 cm).

rest period

Such a beautiful flowering plant needs rest. By winter, the vital activity of eustoma is significantly reduced. After flowering, cut the shoots, leaving 2-3 internodes. With minimal watering and an air temperature of 14-15 ° C, keep the flower until spring. Lighting is required bright, but diffused. Eustoma that grew in open ground can be dug up and also stored until spring.

As soon as the first signs of resumption of vegetation appear, carefully into a slightly larger container and resume regular watering. The conclusion from the rest period is not always successful - let this not be a surprise to you. Have seeds in stock and in case of such trouble, start sowing.

Diseases and pests of eustoma

  • Possible diseases: gray rot, powdery mildew, fusarium. It is necessary to remove the affected areas and treat with a fungicide.
  • Indoor pests: spider mites, aphids.
  • Pests in the garden: whitefly, slugs.

Remove gastropods (slugs, snails) mechanically (collect by hand), use traps. Insecticide treatment will help get rid of other pests.

Eustoma (Irish rose) belongs to the Gentian family and is considered a perennial. Its homeland is Central America, where warm and humid conditions are observed all year round.

Widely distributed in Mexico and the Isthmus of Panama. This fact should also be taken into account if you grow this flower in your own garden.

Description of Eustoma perennial

Eustoma attracts attention with its bluish, waxy effect, leaves and large delicate flowers. In a large-flowered species, they can reach up to 8-9 cm in diameter. The color has a wide range of colors: white, lilac, purple, with a colored border, as well as other colors and ornaments.

Strong stems grow up to 0.9-1 m and actively branch from the middle. This structure is ideal for creating bouquets that can be obtained from a single plant. Almost all varieties of Eustoma have a long peduncle, which allows it to be successfully cut.

The plant is quickly gaining its popularity due to its decorative qualities and the good preservation of cut flowers. So in Holland, she is in the top ten when drawing up bouquets. In Poland, at the annual flower exhibitions, these flowers are valued quite expensively.

Varieties: perennials and annuals

If earlier the seeds of these flowers were in limited access, now they can be found on free sale. Before buying, you should know that the plant is low and tall. Sowing tall Eustoma is best done for its further cultivation in the garden or for cutting (bouquets), while undersized varieties are designed for indoor maintenance and are considered annuals. This plant belongs to the bush.

The seed packet will indicate its type (annual or biennial). If you are a professional gardener with a greenhouse, or the cultivation of Eustoma will take place at home, then it is better to choose perennial varieties. For beginners, it is preferable to use annual plants..

You will find all the information about growing Orbieta from seeds.

The seeds are quite small, therefore, for better sowing, they are sold in the form of a dragee. Popular varieties:

  • echo. Spreading Eustoma with large one- or two-color flowers. Differs in early flowering. The height of the stems is about 70 cm.
  • Aurora. An early flowering cultivar with double flowers. Grows up to 1.2 m in height. Flowers come in pink, white, blue and its shades.
  • Heidi. It grows up to 0.9 m in height and blooms profusely. The variety has 15 colors. Can be grown at home.
  • FloridaPink. Perennial with pale pink flowers.
  • littlebell. Compact variety, grows up to 15-20 cm in height. Simple flowers have a funnel shape and a variety of colors. Ideal for growing in flower pots.
  • Mermaid. Branched variety of Eustoma, reaching about 15 cm in height. At the same time, the diameter of the flowers themselves is 5 cm. The color scheme is represented by purple, blue, white and pink colors.
  • Flamenko. It has a strong and tall stem (about 1.2 m), and large flowers.

Growing at home

The process of growing a Eustoma flower begins with the acquisition of seeds. They are small in size, so for convenience it is better to use granular seed. In the future, you can independently collect seeds for subsequent sowing. This applies to all varieties, except for some hybrids that are not able to transfer parental properties.

Flower propagation: seeds and cuttings

There is a method of reproduction by dividing the bush. However, this plant is extremely difficult to tolerate disturbances in the root system. Attempts to carry out this kind of reproduction can lead to the death of the plant itself and its cuttings.

Planting Eustoma seeds for seedlings can be done in peat tablets or sterile soil. They are placed on the surface of the soil and lightly compacted to prevent them from moving during the watering process. The containers are covered with polyethylene and located in a well-lit place, but not in direct sunlight. To ventilate and eliminate accumulated condensate, it is recommended to open the film 1-2 times a day.

Read also about planting and caring for Eustoma flowers.

Sowing dates

The flowering period occurs 15-20 weeks after planting. Therefore, it is better to start laying seeds from the beginning - the middle of winter. When planted in spring, the plant does not have time to bloom before the onset of frost.

Easy to use disposable cups. As a substrate, take peat soil mixed with sand or perlite. Plant 3-4 seeds in each container.

Optimal conditions for seedlings

To grow Eustoma, it is necessary for the seeds to create optimal conditions in the first 2 months. They will need a warm spot with diffused lighting to avoid overstretching the seedlings. You can organize such conditions with the help of fluorescent lamps. In the following months, the plants are placed on the windowsill on the sunny side. Natural lighting has a beneficial effect on the growth of shoots. Seeds germinate best at only 20-25°C. Active growth begins from the second month.

Features of planting in open ground

When the seedlings grow 2-3 leaves, they can be transplanted. To do this, it is necessary to carefully handle the root system and immerse it in the ground when planting along the lower leaves. Transplantation is best carried out according to the transshipment method. When the fourth sheet is shown, it is recommended to pinch the top. This procedure will make the plant more branched.

Fertilizers can be applied 2 weeks after picking seedlings. In open ground, planting is carried out after warm weather is established without the threat of frost.

For cultivation and care in the garden, Eustoma is planted in a bright place that is protected from drafts. It is better to replant the plant in the dark or in cloudy weather by transshipment. The distance between flowers should be at least 20 cm for several weeks after planting, the plant should be protected from direct sunlight. To organize this, each flower is covered with a glass jar during the daytime activity of the sun (you can use a plastic bottle).

Once a week, seedlings are treated with Fitosporin solution. Such preventive measures minimize the risk of developing a black leg. For better growth, you can use specially designed stimulants.

The plant begins to bloom depending on the sowing of planting material. If this procedure was performed in December, you can see the first flowers in early July.
In autumn, before frost sets in, the plant is carefully dug up and brought into a warm room. Until the beginning of spring, it is grown at home at a temperature of about 10-13 ° C. This temperature regime is available in glazed loggias, gardens and other premises.

plant care


Since in the first 1-1.5 months the containers in the seedlings are covered with polyethylene, watering is carried out as the soil dries out (usually 1 time in 2-3 weeks). A regular supply of moisture occurs through condensate.

Disease prevention

A good prophylactic against many diseases is "Fundazol". A solution is being prepared, where 1 tsp. of this substance is diluted with 1 liter of water. It can be used instead of watering.

In order for the sprouts to develop successfully, they are sprayed with "Epin" or "Zircon". Thanks to these substances, seedlings are rapidly gaining growth and getting stronger. Also, these drugs protect Eustoma from black night.

Disease and pest control

In order to reduce the risk of developing diseases, you should regularly spray the flowers. For these purposes, you can use any fungicides. If a large amount of precipitation falls during the summer months, it is recommended to spray the flowers with Ridomil Gold or Fundazol preparations. Thus, preventive measures are taken to prevent the occurrence of gray rot, fusarium wilt, powdery mildew and other diseases. It is possible to carry out spraying with several preparations 2-3 times.

The main pests that Eustoma is susceptible to are: slugs, aphids and whiteflies. To combat them, you can use drugs: "Aktara", "Aktellik" and "Confidor".


For more secrets of growing perennial Eustoma, see the video below.


Eustoma is gaining more and more popularity in our country. And this is understandable: beautiful flowers, bright colors and the possibility of using in the formation of bouquets. Given the simple recommendations for its cultivation and care, you can create an unforgettable beauty flower garden.

For the second year, eustoma (lisianthus) are growing on my windowsill - rose-like chic flowers. Got me already in the form of seedlings as a gift. Six roots, four colors: purple, white, pink and lilac.

If you have not heard of eustoma yet, I will introduce you to this beautiful flower, and everyone will want to have one at home. If you want to learn important details from personal experience, this article is for you.

This year I also purchased seeds of a two-color eustoma (white with a blue border), and planted it for seedlings. Seeds do not germinate too well, but further care for mature plants is not difficult.

Lisianthus or eustoma came to gardening from the warm, humid latitudes of South and Central America. Under natural conditions, it is a biennial shrub, in our latitudes an annual in the open field and a perennial plant at home.

Attention! Do not fall for the tricks of sellers if you are offered a perennial eustoma for outdoor conditions.

Translated from Greek, eustoma means “beautiful mouth”, there are other names confirming the value of the flower in different countries. Everywhere it is called a rose (Irish, Japanese, French).

Some representatives of the genus resemble the outlines of poppy or mallow buds. The stems are powerful, they contain many peduncles (sometimes up to 30). The leaves are medium in size, regular in shape, narrowed on both sides.

From experience! On my one-year-old plant, 12 flowers bloomed at the same time, and more than a dozen were in the form of buds.

It can be noted long flowering, compactness of the room form of the plant. The bush does not fall apart, it is upright, the height of my bushes is 45-50 centimeters.

The color of the flower can be any: red, all shades of blue, pink, eustoma white, yellow and greenish. There are cream and two-tone varieties.

In the cut, the Irish rose stands for a long time, suitable for bouquets and decorating rooms, halls for any celebration.

How and when to plant seedlings

Eustoma is grown only in seedlings, its shoots are not cut, and the bush is not divided. Small seeds are sold in the usual form and granulated. The second option is preferable, it is convenient to seat them immediately in separate cups.

Attention! Look for the explanation “processed seeds” on the bag, otherwise you risk being left without seedlings.

Seeds do not have very good germination (I bought in granules - 100% sprouted), only half or even less can germinate. We are preparing to sow lisianthus in February, early March (for open ground). If you plan to grow a flower at home, choose any time of the year to plant seeds.

  • Seeds in the form of dragees are sown directly in cups or tablets from peat;
  • We fill the containers with a special mixture from the store, put drainage on the bottom;
  • Loose seeds are laid out on a moistened surface and pressed;
  • Top sprinkle with soil should not be;
  • We cover with a landing film, leave holes for ventilation, sometimes we pour the soil from a spray bottle;
  • After 15-17 days, when the sprouts hatch, remove the film;

It is necessary to strictly follow all the rules, because the seed material of this flower is very whimsical.

In the future, we lengthen the daylight hours, highlight the landings. Avoid strong temperature fluctuations during the day. Watering (spraying) is carried out only with warm, settled unboiled water.

When to plant in separate pots

After 2 months, the seedlings will gain the necessary strength for transplanting or picking. They will reach a height of 4-5 centimeters, let out several pairs of leaves.

We take pots with the same or similar soil, at the bottom there should be holes and drainage in the form of expanded clay or gravel. We take the seedling together with a clod of earth and put it in a recess. We press the earth around the plant.

Advice! We accompany the procedure by digging up the roots with a narrow object in order to protect the roots as much as possible.

At first, the pots need to be covered again with polyethylene in order to speed up the survival process.

Planting in open ground

Seedlings are preliminarily dived, placing them in intermediate pots (again, it’s good to take peat ones) when they grow up to 5-6 centimeters.

Harden off the seedlings before planting outside. This is a mandatory procedure. In two weeks, we begin to accustom the seedlings to coolness, taking them out to the veranda or balcony for several hours.

Important! We plant the plant in the garden only when the return frosts recede.

  • We place the bed in partial shade or a place with diffused light;
  • The soil is dug up, loosened, the hole is watered very abundantly;
  • Loose, drained land is the key to planting success;
  • The distance between the holes is 20 centimeters;
  • We put the plants in peat pots or carefully roll them over with a clod of earth;
  • We sprinkle, compact the soil and refrain from watering.

You can immediately install supports for weak plants, and you can also cover with plastic containers.

Flowering outdoors will begin in July or August. Believe me, all these transplant procedures will justify themselves - a spectacular plant will become a source of pride.

We take care of eustoma at home and on the street

It is preferable to place pots with lisianthus on the eastern windowsills or on the western side. Room conditions should not be too dry.

Watering is moderate, as the soil dries. The temperature regime is maintained up to 22 degrees. We cut off faded baskets as needed.

In the winter dormant period, the stems are cut, leaving a few internodes. Keep the pots cool and reduce watering. As soon as the awakening of the shoots begins, we put it back on the windowsills and create favorable conditions.

Outdoor care consists of watering and loosening, fertilizing and weeding. So that the soil under the Irish rose bush does not dry out, it should be mulched with humus (thin layer).

Top dressing is carried out with special fertilizers, first with a nitrogen composition. At the stage of growth and budding, phosphorus supplements are added.

Important! The proportions of fertilizers must be carefully controlled and slightly reduced dosage.

Splendor blooms, called eustoma, from July. Buds appear within 60 days. Cut off the ones that are faded. If the plant grew in a flowerpot, you can bring it home, the one that was in the garden is destroyed.

Advice! The downside of outdoor conditions for eustoma is the change in temperatures at night and daytime, as well as rainy weather. Therefore, in the conditions of the middle lane, I recommend growing this beautiful and spectacular plant at home.

Problems and diseases

As mentioned earlier, eustoma can cause trouble only at the stage of seed germination. The right elements of care: regulation of humidity, illumination, moisture permeability of the soil, will give a good result.

Like other plants, Lisianthus can sometimes be affected by powdery mildew, rot. It is attacked by pests: slugs, aphids, whiteflies. If problems are identified, we treat the bush with fungicides, insecticides.

Eustoma is a very elegant plant, once you get to know her, you will not want to leave.

A riddle flower or an Irish rose, that's what they call eustoma, will be a great addition to the design of the house adjoining area. The plant has a luxurious appearance, it seems that it is difficult to grow it. But this is a mistake.

Lisianthus, as it is also called, is available to anyone who has the patience. Since planting eustoma seeds for seedlings, and then caring for the future decoration will require a lot of effort and time.

Advantages of the seedling method

The Irish rose grows long and slow. At the same time, green peaks appear after about 2 weeks, then you have to wait up to 40-45 days before picking.

But it is allowed to transplant the plant 75-90 days after distribution into individual pots.

Before you make a choice: to sow the seeds yourself or buy ready-made seedlings, you need to know for sure:

  • plant a flower as a perennial or annual. A perennial culture, eustoma is grown as a houseplant. Annual - in open ground;
  • having determined the quality of the rose, you can proceed to the choice of species. Large-flowered varieties will take root better in the garden, and Russell's eustoma on the windowsill;
  • understand the principle of seed breeding. This company is always considered more profitable and more convenient. First of all, in terms of cost. When buying seedlings, a grower spends two to three times more than when growing seeds;
  • during the development of the sprout, the main substances are introduced to strengthen immunity, protect against infections, fertilizer mixtures.

Depending on how correctly the preparatory work was carried out, the processing of seed material, one can judge the future flowering and development of eustoma after planting in open ground.

Often purchased seedlings from an unverified supplier stop growing in just a few weeks, and then die or are unable to bloom. Therefore, experienced gardeners and designers prefer the seedling method of obtaining a flowering garden, flower garden.

How to grow seedlings of eustoma

While a person is thinking about which growing method to choose, at the same time, the study of possible options is taking place.

Read also: When to plant a catharanthus for seedlings: optimal planting dates, cultivation and care technology

If we stopped at seedlings, an involuntary question arises: when should seeds be sown so that eustoma blooms in a timely manner? It is also important to carry out the correct preparatory work, to provide the seedlings with proper care.

When breeding a plant as an indoor flower, sowing can be done at any convenient time.

When to plant

Since the development of eustoma is long, and it should be transplanted into open ground in April-May, sowing is carried out in January. If the permanent place of growth is in Siberia, the dates can be shifted to February.

But you can’t delay either: from the emergence of seedlings to flowering, it takes about six months. When sown in March, budding takes place at the end of August.

Need to know! For early flowering of eustoma in the southern regions, it is allowed to sow seed material in late November - December. You need to be sure that the weather conditions for early planting are suitable. There is also a minus of such seeding: a long additional illumination is required for improved development of seedlings.

Tank and soil preparation

Eustoma prefers light soil with a neutral reaction. It is recommended to buy a special soil mixture for violets. If you want to create home soil, you will need certain skills and abilities.

For home soil mixture mix:

  • perlite and sand;
  • peat, humus;
  • finely ground bark;
  • land from a permanent landing site (from a garden, front garden, vegetable garden).

These components are taken in equal proportions, taking into account future picks. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, the soil is sent to the oven for roasting for 7-10 minutes.

Disinfection allows you to destroy infections, fungal spores. After the procedure, the earth is left to cool. You can use it after 5-7 days.

A container for eustoma seedlings is selected according to the following parameters:

  • shallow;
  • with drainage holes;
  • disinfected with manganese solution.

Read also: How to grow tomato seedlings at home: favorable planting days, subtleties of care

The container for planting can be originally a food container, a box. Picking involves individual pots, disposable cups, peat pots or tablets.

Selection and preparation of planting material

Eustoma seeds are very small, tight-looking. They do not have a high percentage of germination and, as practice shows, only 30% out of 100 are able to sprout.

You can increase the percentage of germination by simple measures during the preparation of seed material:

  • soak in dark manganese solution. The duration of the procedure is 30-35 minutes;
  • dry and send to Epin's solution. Soaking in a special liquid reaches 6 hours. Allow to dry again.

When buying coated material (in a special shell), additional disinfection work is not carried out. Manufacturers took care of increasing germination in advance.

Ordinary seeds are subject to verification at the time of purchase. To do this, check the integrity of the packaging, expiration dates and packaging, legal data of the manufacturer. It is important to trust the seller who offers the product.

Sowing seeds

You can start sowing eustoma when the soil, container, and seed are fully prepared. Schema used:

  1. At the bottom of the container, pour a layer of 1 cm of vermiculite, 2/3 of the soil mixture.
  2. We install the container in the pan, fill it with settled water at room temperature.
  3. Eustoma grains are placed on the soil surface with tweezers / toothpicks. Press gently. Filling with a new layer of soil is not recommended.
  4. Humidify with a spray bottle. Cover with a covering material (food film or transparent glass).
  5. The container with seeds is installed in a room where the temperature is at least 21 degrees, well lit.

Rules for the care of seedlings after sowing

Using the tricks of specialists, seedlings will develop intensively. The first thing to remember: after removing the shelter (when massively green peaks appear), the sprouts need to be processed. This procedure helps to prevent the appearance of mold, rot.

The second golden rule: compliance with temperature, lighting, humidity. Eustoma needs a lot of heat and light. At the initial stage, the temperature regime does not exceed 24 degrees. With the advent of seedlings, the temperature is reduced to 18 degrees.

Additional illumination will be required unequivocally, regardless of the time of sowing. In total, daylight hours for a plant should be 12-14 hours. With insufficient lighting, the seedlings get sick, stretched.