Ipomoea purpurea planting and care in a pot. Morning glory - gramophone flowers on vertical supports. Planting and care in open ground

Ipomoea purpurea planting and care in a pot. Morning glory - gramophone flowers on vertical supports. Planting and care in open ground

Morning glory, cultivation which is not difficult even for the most inexperienced gardener, for some reason it is not used in our gardens as often as it deserves. But this is an excellent liana not only for landscaping a veranda or terrace, but for quick landscape design. You can read more about this design on the landscapes website, and change your site in two days. A landscape website helps you make smart use of your available garden space. If there are not enough of them, container growing will come to the rescue.

How to grow morning glory in a container?

morning glory exactly the kind of flower that is easy to grow in a container. She needs a suitable potty and support. Grows from seeds. In full sun and partial shade.

To guarantee germination, you need to wet the seeds overnight. You can grow seedlings indoors to speed up the onset of flowering. To do this, you can sow morning glory seeds at home 6 weeks before the expected last frost. But!

This vine grows very quickly, and it may happen that you will not be happy that you have to install supports for it at home. After the last frost, plant the seeds in the soil and wait.

Choose a large pot for your morning glory. Fill the bottom with drainage, add good soil and plant morning glory seeds.

Don't overfeed the soil. Your vine will grow rapidly and bloom poorly.

Thin out the seedlings when the seedlings reach 3 cm in height. In a container, the distance between plants should be 12-15 cm.

You can make a wigwam out of bamboo as supports. Take some tall bamboo sticks. Bury them a few centimeters into the soil of the pot. Gather the bamboo sticks at the top and tie them together. You can make a decorative lattice from slats as a support, or buy a ready-made plastic one, weave it from willow.

Morning glory blooms almost from mid-summer until autumn frosts. Each flower lives only one day. There are many different varieties of this flower with different colors.

There are varieties that bloom at night. Nowadays, bags of seeds often contain another name for this flower - farbitis(Pharbitis Choisy).

Usually as annuals Farbitis purpurea- Ph. purpurea. The height of this plant can be up to 3 meters. The flowers are funnel-shaped, large, their color is purple, pink, red, white, dark purple. Terry forms are available. Flowering is abundant, from late June until the first autumn frosts. The seeds ripen at the end of September.

Farbitis ivy- Ph. Hederaceae (L.) Choisy, (Ipomoea hederaceae (L.). Jacq.). This plant has blue flowers, collected in twos or three on a long peduncle. There is a variety with large blue flowers with a white border, white or dark purple flowers with a white border.

Farbitis red-blue- Ph. rubrocaerulea (Hook.) (Ipomoea rubrocaerulea Hook.) Choisy. This type of farbitis has very large flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter. At first they are blue, and then lilac-pink. But this plant is only suitable for the southern regions.

Fast growth and the ability to shade desired areas of the garden or veranda make this vine desirable in many areas or when landscaping verandas, gazebos and terraces.

It remains to add that the Japanese were the first to grow morning glory back in the 9th century. And this plant was grown precisely as an ornamental. Later, the Chinese began to use farbitis seeds as a laxative.

Today we are planting the seeds of this vine to decorate our site and make it more comfortable.

Morning glory is a fast-growing annual vine with attractive funnel-shaped flowers. Almost everyone grows it in their garden, often even preferring it to petunias.

I have been growing morning glory for many years. This fast-growing annual vine makes a great addition to the garden as it quickly grows over a pergola and is in constant bloom. But this summer I tried to grow it as an experiment in a pot on my balcony, which gardeners usually don’t do.

First, I want to say that at the very beginning, my friends tried to dissuade me. It is believed that morning glory does not grow in a pot, they say, it needs a lot of space and it likes to have room for its roots. But I saw this vine in its natural environment in the Mediterranean, where it literally huddled in a crack on the rocks and bloomed beautifully. So I thought that she wouldn't need too much substrate and decided to take a chance.

Morning glory on the balcony. Inhuman experiment)

So, I took a mixture of morning glory seeds and soaked them in water for a day in a regular plastic cup. This is a common practice and allows the plants to hatch faster. Some gardeners soak seeds in Epin solution. This allows the seeds to start growing faster.

A day later, I placed the seeds in seedling pots. At the end of May, when the seedlings became stronger, I transplanted them onto the balcony in a 15 liter box. Before planting, I, of course, prepared a wall for the plant by placing a net there so that the vine could climb.

Now at the end of August we can sum it up. The experiment showed that morning glory grows well both on the balcony and in the garden. True, I was greedy, played it safe and planted too many seedlings in the box (8 plants instead of 5). Therefore, in the heat, I had to water it twice a day and double the amount of weekly flowering fertilizer.

But in general, morning glory took root well on the balcony and all summer pleased me in the mornings with its multi-colored gramophone flowers.

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September 14, 2016
You can talk at length about canons in design, but every day the existing canons are becoming less and less stable. Aesthetics and harmony, balance, colors, materials brought together in order to obtain such a long-awaited result are the essence of your knowledge, practice and self-development. My motto is to learn, see, touch something new every day, and I am sure that this is the only way to stay on the right course in “high design.”

Ipomoea on the balcony can replace curtains, decor and wall decoration? How? I hasten to tell you about this.

Morning glory or bindweed, as it is popularly called, belongs to the class of climbing garden vines. The plant was first included in the classification in the 18th century, but today there are more than 3,500 varieties.

An interesting fact is that, depending on the variety, morning glory can be a herbaceous plant, a bush, or even a low tree; in addition, it belongs to two classes: annuals and perennials.

Know morning glory by sight

A carpet of gramophone buds will decorate the balcony from the beginning of June until the first night frosts. The inflorescences have one stamen and surprise with an unusual color transition inside the bud.


Among all the varietal diversity, three varieties were and remain the most popular: Tricolor morning glory, Kaloniction and Batata. The latter variety is well known to gardeners; its fruits are grown in garden plots and are successfully used as food.

The Kaloniktion genus is known for its moon-flowering morning glory; it is distinguished from other species by its velvety white gramophones and long shoots, often reaching 8 m. This variety is ideal for creating a thick living “curtain” on the balcony and reliably covering the walls. Flowers can reach a diameter of 15 cm and have a pronounced, rich aroma.

Tricolor morning glory has more modest shoots, reaching 4-5 m. It got its name due to the variability of shades. The core of the flower remains invariably yellow, but the petals can change from white to deep blue; hybrids of crimson and purple hue are less common.

Instructions for selecting a variety:

Morning glory from seeds

Morning glory is grown on the balcony using the seed method.

Seeding time

Sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out in March or April. I don’t recommend starting work earlier, because morning glory grows very quickly and will be ready for transplanting in 15-20 days.

Think carefully about what the temperature on the balcony will be by this moment; the most comfortable temperature range is from +10 °C to +15 °C. The heat-loving vine will not tolerate frost; the minimum it can withstand is +2 °C.

Morning glory seeds can be sown directly at the main place of residence, bypassing the seedling stage. You should start working no earlier than the end of April.

Morning glory seeds are quite dense, so I advise you to soak them in water for 24 hours before planting. Sealing is carried out to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm.

The first shoots will appear in 4-7 days, then the morning glory will make a forced march, so immediately install a base twig on which the plant will “climb”.


If you choose the seedling method, remember that morning glory is extremely difficult to transplant into balcony pots or open ground. It would be optimal to carry out transshipment (transplantation with a lump of earth), this will be the key to preserving the integrity of the root system.

For better branching, the plant must be pinched regularly. Do this already with 4 real leaves. New shoots will make the plant thicker, and pinching will also speed up the process of flowers appearing.

If you miss the moment of installing full supports, the sprouts will quickly intertwine with each other.

Plant in tubs and pots in increments of 20-30 cm. The size of the pot for morning glory on the balcony depends on the variety; on average, each plant should contain at least 3 liters of soil.

Features of care

  • Morning glory needs vertical support, your choice can be twine, mesh, chain-link or wire.
  • Particular attention must be paid to the landing site. The ideal solution is a south, east or west balcony/loggia. When planted on the north side, you will get a lot of bright greenery, but will be left without gramophone flowers.

  • Morning glory is a tender plant that is afraid of wind. I would not recommend planting it on balconies above the third floor at all.
  • Fertilizer is applied once a week. The composition should include a maximum amount of phosphorus and a minimum of nitrogen. Such fertilizing will ensure abundant flowering of the plant.
  • Morning glory roots will not tolerate stagnant water, but they will not like drought either. Watering should be moderate, carried out with warm water.
  • The most common problem is spider mites, which have a special love for vine sap. Systematic inspections of the back side of the foliage will help to identify the enemy; you can cope with the scourge with the chemical acaricides “Aktellik” and “Fitoverm”.
  • If the plant is affected by aphids, spray with “Aktar”, “Akarin”, “Karbofos”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”.

Caudex morning glory

Separately, it is worth considering the issue of growing Caudex morning glory, which belongs to the category of indoor plants, but can also be loved by your balcony.

The sprouts do not grow from the ground, but from a huge tuber similar to a potato. This morning glory comes from Africa, so it tolerates direct sunlight, poor soil and forgetfulness of the owner when it comes to watering.

The plant goes through a dormant period, which occurs with a decrease in temperature in winter. At this time, the frequency of watering is reduced to 1-2 times a month.

You can determine the lack of light by light foliage and lack of flowering.

During the growth period (March-early August), fertilizing is applied once every 2-3 weeks. Fertilizers should contain a minimum amount of nitrogen, which can cause cracking of the caudex.

Transplantation is carried out annually at the end of winter. The plant is propagated by tuberous or seed methods.

Summing up

Morning glory is quite unpretentious, which is why it has received widespread popular love. If you love vines, be sure to take a closer look at this plant with fancy gramophones, and I can only offer you an educational video in this article.

September 14, 2016

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Morning glory is one of those plants that gardeners are happy to use for planting in the garden near summer gazebos. By entwining them with its long shoots, the plant not only creates a stunning effect during flowering, but also provides much-needed shade. You can grow this vine even in a metropolis, but as a potted balcony crop. There is no need to be afraid of long creeping shoots - having provided the flower with suitable conditions, not only the owners themselves, but also passers-by will admire its flowering throughout the summer.

What should you consider when planting morning glory at home in a pot, in addition to the usual growing conditions? First of all, there are three factors:

  • choose the right time for sowing seeds;
  • choose a suitable pot and soil;
  • provide good lighting;
  • take care of support for creeping stems.

When to sow?

Morning glory is characterized by very rapid growth, the seeds usually germinate well and grow quickly, so you should immediately decide: to grow seedlings in an apartment on the windowsill or sow the seeds directly into a pot standing on the balcony, where they will continue to grow.

You can sow at the end of March. If it is not possible to provide good lighting and support for the seedlings, you can sow the seeds directly into a pot and leave it on the balcony. In this case, this should be done no earlier than the end of April, and then the seedlings themselves should be thinned out.

When planting morning glory directly into a pot (or transferring ready-made seedlings to the balcony), it is necessary to take into account that it is heat-loving and the bushes will not survive temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius.

What kind of pot do you need?

For morning glory, you need to choose a large enough pot. One plant will need at least 3 liters of soil. A drainage layer must be placed at the bottom of the pot - the flower does not like stagnant water. Accordingly, it itself should be light and loose.

The role of lighting for morning glory flowering

The most suitable place for a flower pot is a southern balcony. It would also be nice to bloom on the east or west side of the house. But northern balconies, unfortunately, are not very suitable for growing vines. It is quite possible to get a green bush there, but the lack of light will have a negative impact on flowering: it will be very scarce or will not occur at all.

Features of caring for potted morning glory

You can plant several bushes in one flowerpot, making the distance between them at least 20 cm. When transplanting morning glory seedlings to a permanent place in a pot, you should know that it does not tolerate it well. This should be done using the transshipment method, being careful not to damage the roots.

In order for the vine to branch well and not stretch, the seedlings must begin to be pinched at the stage of 4 true leaves.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the support for the flower: it is installed at the seedling stage, when the seedlings are short, otherwise they will intertwine with each other. In the pot itself, you can build a structure from bamboo sticks, installing them in the form of a wigwam, or install a decorative plastic lattice.

Video about growing morning glory from seeds