Yoga retreat "Hatha yoga. The art of relaxation". What is a retreat? yoga retreats

yoga retreat
Yoga retreat "Hatha yoga. The art of relaxation". What is a retreat? yoga retreats

"Asana is a motionless and comfortable posture. With the cessation of effort and concentration on the infinite, asana is achieved ..."- Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, 2-46, 2-47.

Sometimes, faced in everyday life with a lot of important things and lack of time, we are in a hurry and experience nervous strain. Often this overstrain and haste becomes a way of life and is involuntarily projected onto everything we do, including yoga. Increasing psychosomatic stress leads to persistent muscle and psychological blocks, feelings of enslavement and anxiety, which reduces the quality of our lives.

However, everything can be different if we learn to release tension with the help of yoga and, spreading the rug, we will leave our worries, desires and thoughts outside the hall at least for a while. Yoga in this case can be an effective tool for preventing and eliminating the effects of stress, as well as a powerful incentive for further spiritual growth and unlocking the creative potential of your personality.

All this can be achieved with the help of the basics of yoga - by correctly performing yoga postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), as well as controlling one's sensory perception (pratyahara). At our retreat, you will be able to go through these three main steps of classical yoga and experience their practical results for yourself. In particular, you will master the methods of relaxation in asana set forth in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, as well as in the works of the famous Russian yoga teacher Viktor Boyko, learn about the work of neuromuscular reflexes in asana, as well as how asana affects the body, the activity of the nervous systems and mental activity. You will learn the basic techniques of pranayama and how to use them safely in asanas. And finally, thanks to the practice of yoga nidra, you will get a practical experience of pratyahara - control of your sensory perception, deep relaxation and release from accumulated bodily and psychological tension.

At our retreat, you will have four hours of full-fledged practice, the theory will be given along the way. You will receive simple and accessible recommendations for mastering the art of relaxation in yoga in order to independently use this experience in the future.

The practice of yoga nidra is accompanied by live meditative music - we have at our disposal gongs, bells and a whole set of Tibetan singing bowls. The velvet sounds of the gong, the bewitching singing of bowls, the tinkling of bells and the sound of rain will help create an atmosphere of comfort, peace and relaxation. At the end of the session, you will feel a complete renewal, a surge of strength, fullness of the blissful energy of healing, peace of mind, lightness and freshness in every cell of your body.

Retreat program:

  • Hatha yoga.
  • Pranayama.
  • Yoga nidra with gong and singing bowls.


  • The state of alcohol and drug intoxication.
  • Mental illnesses, as well as borderline states of the psyche.
  • Increased intracranial pressure.
  • Epilepsy.

Copied from the site ""

How can you understand the truth beyond words,
If you talk and talk
without your own experience?

In this article we will talk about retreat (reclusion).

Consider the following topics:

  • what is a retreat?
  • three types of suffering (suffering of pain, suffering of change, all-pervading suffering);
  • the meaning of the word retreat;
  • reasons for going into retreat;
  • what difficulties may arise in the retreat;
  • basic tips for behavior during retreat;
  • results and effects at the end of the retreat.

The state of happiness, joy, balance and fulfillment cannot manifest itself while the mind is dominated by attachment or the desire to achieve some material wealth. No matter how much you follow the desires clinging to this life, thoughts of material things or pleasures, there will be no end to it. Desires will arise again and again. The desire work is endless. You have to endure constant anxiety, depression and many other problems.

The material pleasures of the world of people and gods (another name for "samsaric" pleasures) are suffering by their nature. The human mind is deluded into considering them pleasures and real happiness.

Video about the retreat held by our yoga club:

You can sign up for the retreat at.

Moreover, without being aware of all the varieties of our own suffering, we will not be able to understand the suffering of other sentient beings and develop true compassion accordingly. In order to understand the suffering of others, you must first understand your own.

In our world suffering is divided into 3 types: the suffering of pain (sometimes called the suffering of suffering), the suffering of change and all-pervading suffering.

Suffering pain (suffering) are all physical and mental experiences considered unpleasant, including those associated with old age, illness, and death. This includes the suffering of birth, aging, sickness, and death; suffering caused by separation from loved ones, meeting with unloved ones; suffering arising from the inability to achieve the desired and the need to protect what has been accumulated or achieved.

The suffering of change- the second form of suffering, more subtle. It can be understood only with the help of correct analytical thinking. The pain of change refers to the fleeting pleasures that we happen to experience.

For example, if today we experience less pain than yesterday, we say that we feel good, but this does not mean at all that the pain has gone completely, just that its intensity has decreased.

If we sit too long, we will feel pain and fatigue. After standing up, after a long sitting, we feel an improvement (which we can call pleasure, especially if we have been sitting for several hours), but after a while we feel tired from being in a standing position. And here it is important to try to understand a very important detail that gives an understanding of this type of suffering: we say we feel better when our pain lessens, what we really call "pleasure" is what is really pain.

As soon as we get up, standing begins to accumulate in us the discomfort of standing. Although the discomfort of standing appears as soon as we stand up, at first it is so weak that we simply do not notice it. However, as we continue to stand, it becomes stronger and more obvious. After some time, when the discomfort of standing becomes intense enough, we notice it. At that moment it becomes the suffering of pain.

People often rejoice in change, perceiving such life situations as interesting and dynamic. But from the moment a person tries to retain pleasant impressions, his suffering is programmed. Nothing can last forever. Therefore, the Buddha's teaching draws attention to how painful it can be to expect lasting happiness from changeable, transient things.

All pervasive suffering this is our samsara - the connection of our body and mind, which is under the control of karma and disturbing thoughts, and the mind defiled or poisoned by the seeds of these clouded states. As the seeds of disturbing thoughts continue to poison our stream of consciousness, as soon as we encounter an attractive, disgusting, or neutral object, disturbing delusional thoughts are born in our mind and lay the foundation for the next conditioned body to emerge. If we remove the seeds of obscurations from the stream of our consciousness, disturbing thoughts will no longer arise in our mind, and in their absence, nothing will inspire us to commit negative actions. Having stopped the negative deeds of the body, speech and mind, we will stop laying imprints in our own consciousness that create our future samsara.

Thinking about suffering, and even more so (one of the main teachings of Buddha Shakyamuni) gives rise to confidence that it is possible to cope with all this and helps to establish yourself on the path you have chosen.

Everyday life is full of distractions, prejudices and illusions. Retreat is a withdrawal from harmful thoughts by leaving attachments.

Why does a person decide to go into seclusion, leave other people, decide to be alone - to go on a retreat? Maybe the reason is that all this is connected with the desire to calm down a little or take a break from everyday life, environment, family litigation?

First of all, it is a desire or even a need for the development of basic human qualities: love and compassion. Further, the opportunity to develop in practice those teachings that a person receives from a mentor. Equally important is the possibility of isolation from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It is in retreat that we have the opportunity to be without distractions, and only then we are forced to face ourselves, to look inside ourselves.

Retreat helps to lead our consciousness from illusion to reality. Discover our natural inner state, our nature. Only by realizing the illusions in which our mind is occupied, and by learning to distinguish the true from the false, it is possible to change our life for the better.

The retreat is important because it takes us away from ignorance, the unsatisfied mind full of attachments and from selfish thoughts, and these are the most important forces from whose power we must free ourselves.

Releasing them is the true meaning of meditation. Transforming the mind into a source of virtue, freeing oneself from suffering and its causes - this is the essential meaning of Dharma practice.

As long as we believe that the causes of happiness and suffering lie outside ourselves, there will always be problems and dissatisfaction. But the experience of our lives - as well as the omniscient mind - tell us that the source of happiness lies in our own mind. Therefore, the retreat and the practice of meditation are a universal solution to any of our problems.

Retreat is a departure from the non-virtuous, from the cause of suffering. From English "retreat" translated as "withdrawal, retreat, refusal, solitude, removal."

In Tibet, the word “tsam” is used to denote the concept of retreat and retreat, it is translated as “drawing the border”.

When deciding to go into retreat or go into retreat, we spend a certain boundary at the external and internal levels. The external aspect means that no one is allowed to cross the territorial border and intrude into the retreat site. This is especially true for social people or those who are far from the practices of self-knowledge and have no interest in them. The one who is in retreat cannot leave the retreat areas either. Depending on the severity of the retreat, meetings with the Teacher or like-minded people are acceptable to clarify any questions or ambiguities in the field of practice.

The boundary at the inner level means the complete cessation of all worldly activities of the body, speech and mind, that is, everyday affairs, everyday conversations and worldly thoughts. Shakyamuni Buddha spent six years in retreat in the Bodhgai area (in a cave now called Mahakala Cave by locals and pilgrims).

Our practice, both meditative and everyday, suffers from various distractions. Even if you have certain achievements in practice, you need to spend a lot of time in retreat in order to achieve stability in these realizations.

The meaning of retreat is to eliminate distractions and to be able to fully and completely devote one's body, speech and mind to the achievement of a certain realization or goal that the practitioner sets for himself at the beginning of the retreat.

Conversations are the main form of information exchange in this world. By stopping talking, you eliminate a major source of distraction. This is why the practice of silence is used both individually and collectively.

There is no eternal happiness in samsara. You will be beyond suffering only when you achieve stability in awareness and gain the experience of understanding that clinging thoughts produce samsara. If you really get this experience, you will clearly see the meaninglessness of all samsara.

People spend their whole lives alternating between liking pleasant things and rejecting unpleasant things, appropriating and avoiding things, in hopes and fears. Observe yourself, listen to the conversations of friends: what topics are mostly discussed? What worries and worries people? Often these are the same questions about uncertainty, dissatisfaction, unpredictability, injustice of some external or internal circumstances. People are constantly on the lookout for something that will change their lives for the better. And then, they can be calm and happy.

There is an interesting yogic saying:

"Realistically look at the present, seeing it, you will be completely free."

It is important to make an effort to make your mind clear by letting go of desires. If during the retreat you do not pay due attention to this, there is an imbalance in the internal wind element in a person (in Tibet this is called "lung"). There is tension, tightness, pain in the chest. The fight starts: you don't get what your attachment wants, your body is in retreat, in isolation, like in a prison. It becomes very difficult for you to study, you cannot recite the required number of mantras and you lose the ability to meditate. You develop anger towards those around you, for example, towards those who interfere with your concentration with their conversations or noise. It is important to realize in time that the root of the problem is that you have not cleared your mind of harmful thoughts.

If your retreat involves reading literature, good. Reading such texts develops devotion and contributes to the depth of practice.

It is important to be honest with yourself, to check your motivation, intentions and actions. If you only talk about the Dharma and the teachings, thinking about some benefits in this or future lives, it will be of little effect. The Dharma must first be practiced by yourself.

During intensive practices and especially retreats, the accumulated negative karma is activated by the power of deep instructions. So there may be barriers to practice. For example:

  • various samsaric deities may manifest in the place of your practice
  • they can give you prophecies
  • a variety of terrifying visions will occur in your dreams and experiences
  • you may be attacked or robbed by other people
  • you can get sick
  • in your mind, you can grieve for no particular reason, as well as become depressed to tears
  • you will be overcome by violent emotions
  • your devotion and compassion will decrease
  • your thoughts will rise you up, driving you insane
  • you will misunderstand useful advice
  • you get tired of being in retreat and want to break your vow
  • you will have erroneous thoughts about the Teacher
  • you will have doubts about the Dharma
  • you can be slandered
  • your friends can turn into your enemies

One must be ready to perceive these obstacles as a certain test. This is the very frontier where you either win or lose. If you overcome these obstacles, they will turn into your achievements. If you fall under their influence, they will become an insurmountable barrier to progress in your practice.

It is believed that it is much easier to pass the test of adverse circumstances. It is much more difficult to pass the test with pleasant conditions. There is a danger here that a person may imagine himself as a great highly realized practitioner and get carried away by various attachments. It is important to understand that this line separates the movement up and down. And develop modesty and devotion, watch your mind.

In order to cope with the difficulties that arise both during the retreat and in regular practice in everyday life, it is important to learn not to fight them, but to use them as a path and as favorable conditions for the practice of virtue. In the evenings, before going to bed, it is advisable to do small sessions of analytical meditation in which you review the entire day and examine your motivation for the day. To practice repentance for those actions that were not in line with the Dharma, one must sincerely admit one's mistakes and generate deep regret. If you have done many good deeds in a day, it is important to generate the determination to do the same tomorrow. Be sure to dedicate merit at the end of the day and all practices.

The biggest enemy is attachment to one's Self. If you don't get rid of it, it will create much more suffering and trouble than all other enemies. Under the influence of this selfish delusion and obsession with his emotions, a person constantly commits non-virtuous deeds.

You constantly have thoughts about food, pleasures, fame and spiritual accomplishments even during practice, don't you? It is important to realize that these and similar thoughts keep us in samsara. It is not permissible to follow their lead.

Once you realize how unbearable samsara is, the chaotic thoughts caused by attachment will become less distracting. The restlessness in the mind will decrease. The more you renounce the defilements and the suffering nature of samsara, the more contented and peaceful the mind will become.

Overcome delusions every day. Every time you conquer your delusions, even if it doesn't happen as often as you would like, you become the greatest winner.

As Buddhist wisdom says:

"Conquer yourself
And you will win a thousand battles."

There is no benefit in being only a Dharma scholar.

The most important thing is the complete disappointment in samsara, the development of an altruistic mind striving for Enlightenment and a perfect view. You should gain understanding by listening to a mentor. Then reflect on the essence of what you have heard and meditate. Meditation is the means to transform your mind according to what you have heard.

As the Buddhist Masters say: it is not enough to know the Dharma - you have to confirm the theory with practice.

With deep devotion to Gurus, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas! For the benefit of all living beings!

Used Books:

  • Revelations of Tibetan hermits.
  • Retreat Guide (Milarepa, Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa, Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche, Dudjom Rinpoche, Karma Chagme Rinpoche, Tenga Rinpoche, Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo)
  • Heart Tips for Retreat (Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Pobonka Dechen Nyingpo)

The increased pace at which a person lives today does not leave him a chance for a good rest. Worries overtake even on weekends, and the aggressive urban environment keeps you in constant tension. Increasingly, adherents of a healthy lifestyle are looking for a change of environment in order to give rest not only to the body, but also to the mind. Therefore, in recent years, yoga classes in the retreat format are gaining great popularity.

What is a retreat?

Retreat is solitude, removal from society in order to immerse yourself in some activity. There is a growing interest in yoga among yoga practitioners. The retreat can be collective or individual, last from several days to several years, have a broad theme or a narrow focus. A prerequisite for such an event is to draw a clear boundary between the outside world and the space where the practice takes place. Therefore, as places for retreats, they choose a picturesque area far from civilization.

In an effort to find out what a retreat is, one can turn to the main world religions, where this phenomenon is described as hermitage, seclusion, devotion to prayer and compassion. In Buddhism, there is an annual tradition of going on a three-month retreat during the rainy season. In the modern world, in a context free from religions and rituals, a retreat is a way to restore one's strength, relieve internal stress, and mental anxiety.

What does it give?

During the retreat, conditions are created under which a person stops, stops running, fusses. There is a relaxation and emancipation of the body, calming the mind. In this state, it becomes possible to see yourself from the outside, to understand your desires, aspirations, goals. There is a reassessment of values, a rational prioritization, the ability to use all your resources as efficiently as possible is acquired.

What is a retreat? This is a departure from the familiar environment. Such conditions do not allow attention to slip into the world of gadgets, the Internet, social networks, and a person directs all his efforts to work on himself. There is a meeting with those aspects of life that we intensely hide from ourselves and other people. The setting and atmosphere of practice teaches us not only to live with these emotions, but also to master them so that they do not control us.

Retreat and personal freedom

We are used to doing many things automatically without realizing it. This is how the unconscious works. The ability to act automatically was formed through life experience. We have a whole range of patterns according to which we act, speak, and react in familiar circumstances. It brings a sense of stability, comfort and security. But if the situation changes dramatically, ceases to correspond to the usual patterns, we suffer, we look for the guilty ones, we blame ourselves.

The desire to make everything around you familiar and familiar is one of the strongest instincts that helped ancient man survive. The world has changed, but we persist in making everything new "the same", it happens automatically. We cling to the old, considering it familiar, familiar, safe. But we do not realize that this or that situation not only does not bring benefits, but also spoils life. Psychologists call this the “comfort zone.” Moreover, it usually includes uncomfortable situations, which is why they are familiar and familiar.

What is a retreat? This is the creation of conditions under which thinking learns to be plastic so that non-standard situations do not cause stress. The essence of the method is an entrance beyond the usual framework, a change in everyday scenery. Then all mental and behavioral patterns are destroyed. The negative experience of the past loses its influence, opening the way to more rational thinking and behavior. This is how a new quality is acquired - freedom, the ability to independently give the necessary direction to the unconscious mind, which has tremendous power.

How are changes taking place?

All our feelings, emotions, behavior are determined by thinking. Limitations such as fears, doubts, insecurities exist only in the head. By changing our thinking, we change our lives.

The mechanism for triggering long-term change is usually standard in all situations and includes the following steps:

  • awareness of the problem;
  • look from a different point of view;
  • creating and achieving new goals.

Usually, a strong attachment to your habits leads to the fact that changes occur only under the strongest pressure. The attraction of the retreat is that this process is much faster. Instead of several years, it may take several days.

What is included in the program?

Most of the retreat is practice - yoga and meditation, a smaller part - theory and reasoning. This is what distinguishes this format from an on-site training or seminar. This pace allows you to quickly reach the state of "here and now", clear your head of erroneous concepts and ideas.

A high-quality retreat program involves a healthy daily routine - early awakening, timely going to bed. During the day - yoga, meditation, body-oriented practices; there may be short lectures, conversations. As a rule, certain norms of behavior are established, the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking is prohibited.

Meals during the retreat are negotiated in advance. Usually this is a vegetarian food with a rich fruit and vegetable diet, but this is not always the case. You should discuss your gastronomic preferences with the organizer in advance, especially if there are contraindications to certain products.

Why yoga?

To understand the full benefits of this type of physical activity, you should understand at the simplest level the structure and work of the brain.

Most brain activity is associated with a group of cells called neurons. They constantly "talk" among themselves, transmit to each other information about sensations, movement, emotions, thoughts and memory formation in the form of nerve impulses. When a connection is established between a chain of neurons, a habit is formed to transmit the same types of messages along it. This is how the biological basis is laid for many repetitive actions, bad and good habits, phobias, fears.

The combination of static postures, uncomfortable for an ordinary person, leads to a restructuring of the neural structure of the brain. Some neural circuits are replaced by others in the process of repeated repetition, as a result, his negative experience can easily be replaced by positive experiences.

Who is the retreat for?

The retreat is called a spiritual practice. Often such a designation scares off people who consider themselves insufficiently knowledgeable in theory. However, it is not necessary to re-read mountains of specific spiritual literature in order to undergo a retreat. Reviews of people say that, on the contrary, theoretical knowledge can only prevent you from focusing on your bodily sensations.

The average duration of retreats is from 7-10 days or more. It should be understood that it may be difficult for someone to withstand such a pace. But practice shows that the more a person focuses on himself, the easier it is for him to succeed even in the most difficult yoga asanas.

Since the retreat is solitude, removal from society, you should not take to this event those members of your family who can bring household chores with them. There can be no question of any immersion in oneself here. It is best to go through a retreat on your own, alone, but there may be exceptions.

Retreat in Russia

For those wishing to go on retreats in Moscow, there are special centers, for example:

  • Sarasvati Place;
  • Academy of Meditation by Ilya Bondarenko;
  • Buddhist center "Ripa";
  • "Swami Club".

However, the most complete immersion in oneself takes place away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Therefore, residents of the capital prefer to undergo a retreat in the suburbs. In this regard, many retreat centers organize outdoor events based on boarding houses, recreation centers, cottage settlements located in secluded picturesque places.

Separately, it should be said about the centers of meditation (Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, Avsyunino settlement), "Golden Hill" (Lodeynopolsky district of the Leningrad region). These are the only places in Russia where vipassana courses are held - the oldest meditation technique.

Retreats abroad

Retreats are especially popular in India - the homeland of a large number of teachers of spiritual practices. The city of Rishikesh bears the status of the world capital of yoga. Hundreds of pilgrims from all over the world flock here every year. Retreats here are held in ashrams - Buddhist monasteries built by monks in ancient times. In addition, Rishikesh is considered a unique place - it is located in the foothills of the Himalayas, from here the path begins to the sacred temple mountain settlements of Kedarnath, Badrinath, Gangotri and Yamunotri.

The retreat has a beneficial effect on a person, regardless of the time and place, religious preferences, physical fitness and other factors. But the decision once made to go this way changes life once and for all.

Increasingly, on yoga sites and forums, you can find invitations to retreat. When I see that the retreat is being held in a resort place on the sea, vague doubts begin to torment me. Doesn't retreat mean solitude and silence? And do we still have deserted sea shores that contribute to deep immersion in ourselves? Or has the word “retreat” been used in some other sense? I went on yoga tours, went on retreats and even once participated in a 10-day vipassana. And, it should be noted that the last two practices have nothing to do with recreation in the bosom of nature. Let's understand what is behind these words.

yoga tour is the simplest thing a beginner in yoga can sign up for. The tour can take place in one place - in the so-called place of power, or as a pilgrimage to several points, for example, in the footsteps of the great yogis of the past. A yoga tour is usually organized by one or two yoga teachers who offer a fairly standard program: asana classes, as a rule, twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, sometimes pranayama and meditation are added to this, the most advanced arrange lectures and seminars. This pastime can be easily combined with relaxation, so beach tours are very popular, allowing you to kill two birds with one stone: you can tighten your stomach and return with a tan. The tourism industry is putting yoga tours on par with other outdoor activities like ski tours. You should not expect grandiose insights from such trips, although, of course, you will return renewed, with new friends and impressions. And the first time after returning, you will probably wake up early, start your day not with sandwiches, but with a series of asanas, and generally start eating vegetarian food (if you are still not a vegetarian) and tell your loved ones about the benefits of Ekadashi. In general, a lot of unexpected and wonderful things can happen in a yoga tour.

For advanced yoga practitioners, there are other ways to spend a holiday. Retreat, as well as ritrit (from English retreat) is translated as “solitude”, “removal from society”, “reclusion”. It is assumed that the spiritual seeker is temporarily removed from the worldly bustle in order to calm the mind, take control of emotions and find answers to deep questions. The founder of this practice can be considered the Buddha Shakyamuni, who retired from the world to know himself and help other living beings in relieving them of suffering. Buddhist monks still have a tradition of going into seclusion for three months (during the rainy season) or longer. There are now retreat centers, schools, monasteries and ashrams all over the world that offer solitary practice for different periods of time depending on the goals - from a few days to several years.

Retreats are individual and collective. In a group retreat, there is necessarily a clear daily routine that combines, for example, static and dynamic meditations, as well as certain norms of behavior, for example, a ban on smoking, drinking alcohol, and eating lethal food. Breaking these rules is unacceptable. The practices performed during the retreat may vary depending on the schools and teachers. Retreats are often held in silence.

So what then vipassana? Globally, this word refers to meditative practices. In our country, most often, Vipassana is understood as a retreat, consisting of meditative practices, taking place in complete silence under the guidance of an experienced mentor. At the same time, all contacts with the outside world are completely stopped: phones and other devices are surrendered, communication can only be with the master, and then usually with the help of notes. This practice also has Buddhist roots. In general, vipassana (Pali) or vipashyana (Skt. vipaśyana) is translated as “insight meditation”, “seeing as-is” or “higher vision”. The bottom line is that as concentration develops (more often on breathing), the body and mind calm down, awareness comes, and with it a bright and sharp understanding of oneself and the surrounding things as they are. In Russia, you can go through a 10-day vipassana according to the method of the Hindu master Satya Goenka: the practice comes down to constant motionless meditation, which is interrupted only by food and sleep. There is also a Vipassana scheme from Mahasi Sayadaw, a Buddhist monk from Burma, who proposed to alternate static meditation sessions with the practice of meditative walking. I went through vipassana according to the second option, which also included asanas and pranayamas. I consider it more benign for a modern office person. If for you even 20 minutes of sitting still seems like a tough austerity, not to mention two hours, and then two more, and so on several times a day, then use the development of Mahasi Sayadaw. Well, or just go on a yoga tour so as not to suffer.

Why is there such a fashion for “retreats” now? The fact is that now the word “retreat” is increasingly used to denote a pastime dedicated to any spiritual practice. From the original meaning - the shutter, there is little left in this. Therefore, to get to where you need to, carefully read the description and program of the proposed practice. And - in a good way to meet with yourself!

The date of the:
Start: Saturday, 8 June 2019 - 17:00
the ending: Sunday, 16 June 2019 - 09:00

About the tour

We invite you from June 08 to June 16 to take part in the fifth annual seminar "Transformation", which will be held in.

In addition, everyone is waiting for:

- Boat trip.

On a comfortable boat we will go to the "lost world". The place, popularly called the "Lost World", is the most inaccessible corner of the entire Crimean coast. The local beach from the land side is reliably protected by sheer cliffs 500 meters high. Relic trees grow here among the bare stones. Along the way, we are waiting for the picturesque rocky shores of the Southern Crimea, flocks of dolphins and swimming in the open sea.

– Visiting the place of power of the “grand canyon”.

The Great Crimean Canyon is a natural phenomenon formed as a result of a tectonic fault in the Crimean Mountains. The height of the rocks hanging over the canyon reaches 320 meters. Our route passes through the forest along the fast mountain river Auzun-Uzen. Badgers, hedgehogs, weasels, robins, jays, small lizards are found in these places. Along the way, there are many natural bowls filled with water, in some of them you can swim. One of the largest forms a lake called Blue. At the top, we will rest and have lunch on the grass with a view of the canyon and the endless sky.

— Collection of Crimean medicinal herbs.

In the first half of the day we will go for fragrant herbs deep into the peninsula. It is there, far from roads and civilization, that we will be able to gather for ourselves a real fragrant tea collection, and after that we will stop on the shore of a clean lake, where we will sunbathe and swim.

Yoga program

The yoga program consists of an active morning Kundalini yoga class, which energizes you for the whole day, and an evening class that relieves stress and stress. In addition, we invite you to start the day with a pre-dawn sadhana, which will take place in a hall or on a cliff overlooking the sea, as well as attend additional afternoon classes. The yoga program will allow you to get a deep experience of Kundalini yoga, introduce you to the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, prepare your body for meditation - japa, which clears the subconscious from blocks on the path to prosperity. The program is suitable for both experienced yogis and beginners who wish to have a healing experience of Kundalini Yoga.

Daily schedule:
05.00 - 07.30 - pre-dawn sadhana of the Age of Aquarius
08.00 - breakfast
10.00 – 12.00 – morning active class of Kundalini yoga
13:00 - 14:00 - lunch
14:00 - 19:00 - free time**.
19:00 - dinner
20.00 - 21.00 - evening meditation with video recordings of Yogi Bhajan classes.

The yoga program starts on June 8 at 17.00 and ends on June 16 at 09.00. It is possible to stay in the house until June 8 and after June 16 (check in advance).

** In your free time, in addition to relaxing on the beach, you will have the opportunity to visit the healing sessions of Sat Nam Rasayan, as well as a general healing relaxing massage. In the daytime there will be additional classes in dance and movement therapy. For lovers of outdoor activities on the beach, kayak and sup board rentals are organized. The rental price is 300 rubles per hour. By renting a kayak, you can look at Fiolent from the sea, as well as see the curious Black Sea dolphins that often accompany inquisitive people on kayaks.

All classes will be aimed at cleansing and healing, prepare you for japa meditation with the mul mantra. “Mul Mantra destroys the fatality of fate. It redirects the line of fate from fatality to prosperity ”- from the teachings of Yogi Bhajan.

Japa means repetition. Since ancient times, this is a technique of monks and hermits seeking solitude for their prayers. Yogi Bhajan taught that japa is the practice that will be available and most effective for everyone in the Age of Aquarius. We will repeat the mool mantra 3200 times - these are the first words of Guru Nanak that he spoke after his realization. This is the highest of the mantras, it contains the root of sound, which is the basis of all effective mantras. With her vibrations, she carries cleansing and.

About the location of the yoga tour

The yoga tour will take place on the southwestern coast of Crimea, 15 kilometers from the center of Sevastopol at Cape Fiolent.
The cape is composed of rocks of volcanic origin. An ancient volcano was active here 150 million years ago, lava flows and tuff layers are visible on both sides of the cape in the coastal cliff. There is a clear sea with clear blue water and uncrowded beaches.

Our seminar for the fourth year will be held in the retreat house "Siyanie", the territory of which is fully rented for our group. All rooms are made in the original style. The house has hot and cold water around the clock, bathrooms are equipped with the necessary hygiene products, wet cleaning is carried out in the rooms every 3 days, bed linen and towels are changed every 5 days, centralized washing, Wi-Fi is available on site.

The house has two yoga areas - one cozy and bright on the ground floor with its access to the garden and views of the cliff, the second open-air on the roof with amazing sea views. Also on the territory you will find cozy places for solitude and relaxation.

"Siyaniye" is not just a hotel - these are people passionate about self-knowledge, united by a common dream and love for the Crimea. Everyone has their own history and practice here.

From the feedback of the participants of the previous groups after the seminar "Transformation":

“I am grateful for all the events that brought me to this point. Now I know that in lifeeverything is changing. Gonly guaranteed.”

“Every moment is valuable here, I feel this fullness as lightness and density at the same time”

“After the Transformation seminar, I returned home and found my old, started pack of cigarettes, it was hard to believe that I had been smoking 10 days ago. At the moment, more than 2 years have passed and I still don’t smoke”

“When I chant the mul mantra, I feel time stop.”

“After japa, I took those steps that I didn’t have the courage to do before”

“I have never eaten such delicious vegetarian food, never slept so soundly and have never seen such friendly and caring people in one place”

Crimea 2018:

You can get to the venue by plane (airport in Simferopol) or by land by car or train further through the Kerch Strait to Sevastopol and then by taxi or bus. By plane, the way is the fastest and easiest. The cost of an air ticket Moscow-Simferopol-Moscow is about 9,000 rubles.

From Simferopol airport you can get to the venue on your own by public transport (from 200 rubles) or taxi (from 1500 rubles). You can order a transfer (the cost will depend on the number of people in the car).

Travel budget

Discount for participants of previous tours - 2,000 rubles.

Included in cost: yoga program, 8 nights accommodation in the Siyaniye retreat center, 3 meals a day from seasonal organic products, group laundry,.

Flight, transfer, excursions, massage are paid separately. The cost of excursions will depend on the number of people who wish (last years from 400 to 1000 rubles).
If necessary, we organize a transfer from the airport.

To take part in the tour, you must register and make an advance payment of 6,000 rubles.

In case of refusal to participate, the prepayment is not refundable!


Retreat in Crimea - transformation

It was my first time at such an event! And you know, I'm delighted) This is a real transformation of the soul and body! Under the strict guidance of Evgeny Titov, the practice flew like a breeze! A 10-hour japa forever changed consciousness for the better!!! I didn’t want to leave;) I express my sincere gratitude to the organizers of the retreat, the guys with whom we walked this path to awareness together and low bow to Chef Marinochka for delicious vegetarian dishes!!!

Dmitry Kot

Yoga tour in India.

I always dreamed of visiting India and in October of this year my dream came true. Overall impression of the tour: it was just great! The tour program is very rich and varied, along with yoga classes, there was a very well-planned excursion part and tourist routes. I really liked the organization of the tour, from the very beginning Evgeny made it clear that the tour program is not rigid and unchanged, that changes are possible during the tour, taking into account the wishes of all participants, that the main task is to satisfy the wishes of the participants and everyone get maximum pleasure. During the tour, we got together many times and planned our next steps. For example, after we climbed to the foothills of the Himalayas in Kerdanath, we had a choice: to descend on foot / on mules or descend by helicopter, in the end we chose the descent by helicopter, which saved us almost half a day and at the same time we enjoyed a lot from flying!
There were a lot of interesting things on the tour: visiting Sikh and Hindu temples, ashrams, meditating there, swimming in the Ganges, its tributaries, climbing to the waterfall in Reshikesh, staying at the Nirvana ashram and camping, meditation on the roof in Delhi, at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, climbing on foot or on mules to the foothills of the Himalayas for 6-7 hours, helicopter flight, morning classes under the starry sky, dancing in nature, psychological training, as well as a great company and atmosphere of the tour! And much more, including beautiful views of the mountains, the Ganges and Indian exoticism, somewhere shocking, but somewhere impressive! There were so many impressions that it seems that the tour lasted a month! Many thanks to Evgeny!


Himalayas 2015

Zhenya and Tanya! Once again, thank you so much for this unforgettable, bright, full of magic, unreal beauty, exotic, adventure, and excellent yoga practice trip!!! Zhenya, you amazed me with the knowledge of an immense amount !!! interesting and informative information on Indian mythology, so much to remember and so exciting to tell!!! We have the warmest and most exciting memories from our trip! The only negative is that I really want to go back, but it’s always like this with India ... Anyone who dreams of joining Zhenya’s campaigns in India, but doubts for some reason, definitely go without hesitation !!!


Zhenya, thank you! For your prudence, sense of the world and us, the participants of the tour. For classes at dawn and under the starry sky.
Yoga, well-chosen kriyas, helped to physically transfer the body's adaptation to altitude easier, rethink oneself and start internal mechanisms for several months in advance. Mindfulness seminars wiped the glass of attentiveness to the world and to each other. We examined ourselves from the toes to the molars.
The organization is top notch, and a sign of this is that the trip was perceived not as a "tour", but as a journey of old friends. Living conditions for Nepal are excellent. Special thanks for the correction of the route and the variety of vehicles.
Zhenya, you are an unusual yogi. Along with hard work on yourself, you sincerely share experience and love with others. This is very valuable.

Tour to India

One of my best trips to India. Gokarna is great! The atmosphere is great, the beach is great! The hotel was right on the beach, cozy and new. All interesting and cheerful people gather under the coach. Various practices - 4 times a day (if necessary, you can oversleep). The trainer is top notch! Recommend.


Retreat in Crimea

Crimea. Seminar "Transformation" Campaign for herbs.
On the nose of the New Year and in my yellow tin box there was still half of the fragrant herbs. When I open it to make tea, the memory of that day escapes along with the aroma.
Break. We walk along the cliff, I walk along the edge and look down, according to legend, there is the bottom of an ancient river. I feel a slight thrill from the height and imagine how easily I take off and dive into invisible water.
Dandelion. I pluck a huge dandelion whose golden veins reflect the sunlight. To blow off his fluffy hair, I make an effort and the translucent parachutes slowly settle and lightly touch the ground.
Lake. The jade toad looks at me and fascinates me with its beauty. I dive in head first and feel the tiredness gently slip off my shoulders and dissolve into the water.
Table. I sit at a large wooden table and sort out the freshly picked herbs, twist them into bunches and tie them with twine. The king of the collection clary sage slightly sticks to my fingers, he is self-confident and persistent. The sad corollas of lemongrass are shyly entangled between the stubborn and lively stalks of St. John's wort. Wormwood itself goes into my hands to become a talisman.
I pour tea and in my cup that beautiful day splashes with a pink-purple field, the heat of the day, the buzzing of a black bumblebee, a rubbed foot and a princess frog on the shore of the lake.

Yoga tour in India

I have long been drawn to India, its mystery and spice,
variegation and unpredictability. And so, in December, the stars converged -
I'm flying to Gokarna!
The location is perfect. We lived in an amazing hotel, the sea is within walking distance,
amazing view from the window. Oh, and what sunsets - breathtaking!
Practices are gentle and incredibly powerful. Quite imperceptibly what happens
transformation. It was an interesting, rich program, immersion in yourself
and African dances. Zhenya will not let you get bored :)
During the breaks, we swam in the sea, went on excursions.
A wonderful beach with the same name Paradise, where you want to
just dissolve.
After the trip, it is possible to maintain peace and joy.
Thanks to Zhenya for organizing the seminar, sensitive approach,
and for the special atmosphere of goodness!

Yoga retreat in Crimea

There was a lot of yoga, they went to the sea to swim in between classes, delicious lunches and dinners. It was a mixture of spiritual and physical, fun and reflection, friendship and love, stars on the roof, the sea, the sun and Valeria's wonderful dishes) I fell in love with yoga immediately, deeply and I hope for a long time. Thanks to Zhenya and all the guys for such an experience and impressions!

Yoga seminars, Yoga tours, Zhenya Titov's regular classes

It so happened that one day, almost seven years ago, I got to Zhenya's class. Now I don’t vividly remember those feelings, but one thing remains — after this class there were many, many more regular classes, seminars, field seminars, tours. And every time it is yes, a new experience and a new breath. I still cannot understand and catch when this happens and how Zhenya manages to do this, but rebirth happens almost always, in the most ordinary regular class. Zhenya seems to always give the class what I really need right now, and this has been going on for quite a few years) How he “guesses” is still a mystery to me, especially since there are more than 20 people in the class ) It rarely happens that everything turns out favorably, being with a person for several days, practicing together, learning, traveling, remembering rejoicing, joking, arguing, everything happens together as if one wave for all carries us to a new, not always simple and easy, experience, opening up its own path for everyone. And, of course, I have no doubts about this, it was thanks to Zhenya, who once told me: “You need to go study and teach yoga,” now I also have many Students, the best and invaluable, precisely because each class, I pronounce exactly those phrases and create the same vibrations that settled in me from my best Teacher, Zhenya Titov) I sometimes say it with words of support, his soft penetrating phrases, his kind jokes, copying him sometimes consciously, and sometimes involuntarily)

yoga tour in india

Good day to all. just a chic tour. Everything is well organized. you can feel the attention and love for your work. Many thanks to Zhenya.

yoga tour in Nepal

Traveling to Nepal for several years was for me a dream beyond reality, and now it suddenly came true! There are no words, what a miracle it is for me! Due to a childhood knee injury and damage to the spine, I thought that hiking (and even more so mountainous) was a closed topic for me, but judging by the state after the trip, this is just what I need. Jenny, thank you so much for this! With you, I was not afraid to take some risks. Transfers, tracks, horses, time for rest and recovery, yoga were well organized. It was the most wonderful trip of my life. It was as if I fell into a harmonious stream, and all my fears and worries along the way were dispelled easily and quickly. I also want to thank the guide Lyosha Sokolovsky, who supported and helped me a lot, and our sincere group! Guys, it was so cozy, fun and cordial with you! Looking forward to new trips

Yoga tour in India

India. The word itself is spicy, ambiguous. I merged into her matter smoothly and organically. I did not have to think about time and schedule, I could completely go into contemplation, in the feeling of space and myself in it. During the morning sadhana, it was a pity to close your eyes, as you did not want to miss a single moment of the awakening of the mountains. I wanted to watch the first rays of the sun light up the snowy peaks. First with delicate pink streaks, and a little later with bright orange triangles. Unforgettable ascent to the mountains on horseback. Waterfalls, forests, streams, the sound of bells. This sound rolls between the chest ribs in the form of air bubbles and you physically feel how they tickle you from the inside. There was a lot of everything - cities, nature, people, food, smells, sounds, emotions. For me, this trip is like a big, colorful and warm ball of impressions, which I will consider for a long time, admire and be a little sad. It is important who opens a new place and new knowledge for you, I can’t imagine if it were other people and another time. Thank you so much for this incredible adventure!

Yoga tour to India Varanasi-Amritsar

This journey will forever remain in my heart. My dream came true and even more) Incredible impressions of the places where we were, a lot of new insights in the practice of Kundalini yoga. A wonderful group of like-minded people. Evgeny Titov, a low bow for everything - a very wise attitude towards people, gentleness of presentation. I especially liked the fact that students have the opportunity to get to the bottom of the practice to answer their questions on their own, there are no ready-made solutions, everything is individual. In my opinion, energy exchange took place in the group, which was necessary for everyone. Special thanks for the comfortable living conditions, I came across royal rooms in hotels. And I already have a sankalpa on Kailash!)

Retreat in Crimea

Awesome tour. Fabulous place. Excellent living conditions. The food is amazing. Morning practices on a rock overlooking the open sea change all the ideas about the world that were previously collected in the head. A deep understanding of yoga, meditation, practices, purification of consciousness - this is my result after the yoga tour. A low bow and many thanks for organizing and conducting the tour to Evgeny and Valeria. Friendly, sincere, sincere company, beautiful wildlife make the tour unforgettable. I was with my sister, a 10-month-old baby, my daughter, everyone was completely delighted. Well, upon arrival home, all my surroundings noticed my positive transformations. We look forward to new tours. Thanks everyone!

I am grateful from the bottom of my heart for my amazing acquaintance with Zhenya Titov and the world of Kundalini. Every practice I admire Evgeny's intuition, great patience, big heart! Classes are easy with sparkling humor, as if in one breath. I am extremely glad that, three years ago, I came to the seminar "Transformation". It started an exciting journey into Kundalini yoga. Now I can’t even imagine how you can live without this wonderful tool.

For me, this is a magical treasure for all occasions. There were a lot of things after the seminar. Interesting people began to come into my life, the space expanded, I boldly defended my boundaries at work, got a promotion, communication began to bring joy. There was a feeling that the world has changed, it has become friendly and open. Situations that did not let go for a long time disappeared! There was clarity. Fears and fears associated with them disappeared, just a miracle! Life has changed! And most importantly, I learned to catch the buzz from being in the present moment. And of course, I continue to learn from Zhenya.

Yoga tour to India

Fabulous, unpredictable, mysterious and… so close.. India.. I traveled a lot, but in India for the first time. Gokarna is an unreal place in terms of its energy. It was as if she lived there all her life, everything: smells, colors, sea, air ... turned out to be family. But the most important thing, of course, is people who are close in spirit, a leading teacher and strong, inspiring... it was very sad to leave... the energy and charge received in practice in Gokarna are so powerful that changes in life began to occur immediately upon arrival, which I was surprised and glad. Zhenya! Thank you so much for what you heard, for the fact that reality exceeded expectations. This journey turned my mind and life 180′. Thanks again!!!

Yoga tour in the Himalayas

To begin with, it was my dream to visit the Himalayas. When I looked at the photos on the sites of guys with backpacks, rugs against the backdrop of mountains, rivers, I thought: how interesting these people live, where they find each other, someone it organizes everything, where to get money? but when you go to your dream, everything starts miraculously to simplify, move apart, get closer and, in the end, it already goes to you. and now the Himalayas came to me, and already I stand among the brave, cool , cheerful guys with backpacks and rugs. In Delhi, in a beautiful and terrible Maine Bazaar. In agra. In a quiet and peaceful ashram, where you want to be silent or speak only in a whisper. Nirvana in the camp, where there is some special atmosphere of this place with the locals, bonfire, sunrise before your eyes. In kedarnath-powerful, stern, telling you "this is space, baby!!! don't even try to understand in what century you are, what are you, where are you!!!". And here are backpacks, rugs, a group, a heliport and sadness ... BUT, THANK GOD that the Himalayas are so huge and next time we will just see them in another beautiful FRIENDS!!! who needs to get out of his comfort zone, prove something to himself, do yoga seriously, cry, neigh, learn stories from the Indian epic - this is for Titov's wife. he will organize it for you. he is all in it, he is fully involved in you, in the group, he is not somewhere, he is always 100% here. Zhenya, thank you so much.!!! friends, do not sit at home, pack your backpack and you will be ... like those people in the photo! !!

tour to india

I am very glad and happy that I got into our group at this particular time in India, or so the stars were formed :)) It seems to me that I got a lot more than I could have hoped for!
I liked how competently the lessons were delimited, and most importantly, what information we received. There was no such moment that I really did not want to go to practice, on the contrary, I was afraid to miss out on some necessary information. And in general, this is the first time when I come back from vacation with such a sense of satisfaction, it’s not in vain, it’s not in vain that I spent these couple of weeks, worked on myself, rested and recharged with energy.
From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for the time devoted to us, for the lessons, for the practice, for the lectures, for the help in everything, in general, for everything, everything!

Yoga - tour to India

Tanya, Zhenya hello!
I wanted to thank you for such a magical and unforgettable trip! Friends say that I glow with happiness :)
In addition to the huge number of amazing places that we visited, I managed to take a deeper look into myself, to know sides that were previously unknown to me and myself in interaction with others, to find new wonderful like-minded friends. It was a journey to a new world for me, which will forever remain in my memory and heart! Despite the tight schedule and loads, everything was so easy and positive, the program was very well planned, and most importantly, it felt like everything was created with love. Thank you for adjusting to the mood and well-being of each participant! I would love to take part in the following tours :)
I wish you success and prosperity!

  • The publication was made on June 8, 2019