Internet for older people: why it’s worth teaching your grandmother how to use it. Self-instruction manual for working on a computer: fast, easy, effective

Internet for older people: why it’s worth teaching your grandmother how to use it. Self-instruction manual for working on a computer: fast, easy, effective

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The main task of a computer is to provide the user with the most efficient performance of assigned tasks. Nowadays, many jobs require the ability to use hardware, but not everyone can handle it. This article will provide brief instructions on how to learn how to use a computer for free.

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You will need

  • computer;
  • teaching aids;
  • computer courses.


  • Learn to touch type (ten-finger touch typing method). In many cases, working at a computer involves typing, which is why it is important to type quickly without looking at the keyboard. People who master this method can type more than 300 characters per minute.
  • Try to avoid the “poke method”, this path is very tortuous: many programs cannot be understood on an intuitive level.
  • Make it a rule to read the built-in documentation for all distributions new to you. This way you can reduce the time spent studying programs and be able to work more productively.
  • Remember the hotkey combinations and then use them in your work. They exist in almost all software.
  • It's worth optimizing your virtual workspace. You can place shortcuts to the programs and folders that you use daily on your desktop.
  • Structure the data stored on your hard drive. Place text documents in some folders, photos in others, videos in a third. Make sure that finding the necessary information takes minimal time.
  • If you realize that you are not very good at computers, it is worth hiring a tutor or enrolling in computer literacy courses. This way you can get rid of the need to study from books and get the same amount of knowledge faster.


If you have managed to master a computer to the level of an ordinary user and want to study further, then you can study from books, you just need to avoid materials for beginners, since then you will have to filter more unnecessary information. Give preference to books for advanced users or professionals.

Don’t be afraid to introduce a virus into your computer or break it, constantly study unknown computer functions. Confidence is only half the battle.

If you decide to find a tutor or enroll in computer literacy courses, you don’t need to rely on them for everything: you should always take the initiative. Otherwise, you will automatically always wait for advice, and the necessary information will be more difficult to remember.

Video lessons

I'm glad you decided to take the initial video course - Computer Basics. This course is a textbook, which many who have completed it already call – Computer for Dummies.

If you want to start learning it right away, then first watch the video lesson about how to complete this tutorial, you can watch the video lesson (click on the word “here” once with the left mouse button), and then return here (it will tell you how), scroll down to the content of the video course, and start studying. Well, those who want to read the preface to the textbook are welcome.

A computer for dummies, or what is a computer and what do you eat it with?

For many people who are just starting to use a computer, this “usage” is a real problem. After all, this ill-fated PC (personal computer, means the same thing as just the word “computer”, so don’t be alarmed), has a huge number of functions, and as I already wrote on, after a person finds the answer to one question, fifteen more immediately appear in its place.

One day, while teaching my mother and aunt, I realized that if a person is taught certain, basic computer knowledge, then after such training, all other knowledge will be easily applied. But how can we determine this database, where can we find such words in order to present information to novice users in such a way that computer for dummies became clear.

I decided to take on this matter and wanted to create computer courses for beginners, so that they would learn from the simplest to the most complex. You will say that everyone does this. But no. Before making my course, I read three thick textbooks on teaching computers for dummies, looked at a bunch of sites with video lessons and articles, and noticed this thing - literally from the first lesson, beginners are told what a registry is, etc. But these “teachers” forget about one thing, that sometimes a person doesn’t know how to turn on a computer, and they already start telling him what a registry is, a terribly scary word for a “dummie” (By the way, if you get interested later, you can then read it, but only after going through the textbook).

My computer courses for beginners.

Let me tell you how my first course differs from others (I also have a second course, but I strongly recommend that you take it after completing the first). And it differs in that in the very first lesson (the first video is an Introduction, but it is not considered a lesson), we will learn, yes, exactly how to work with a mouse. Believe me, knowing this will save you from a lot of problems, one of which is when to click the mouse button once, and when to click twice (sometimes even the “old people” get confused). By mouse you will work the most, however, other “teachers” sometimes don’t even mention the mouse, but it’s what you’ll be “fidgeting” with the whole time you’re sitting at the computer.

After which there will be a deeper study of what is located on the desktop, because it is the one that opens in front of you after turning on the computer. We will talk in great detail about, which for many beginners is a rattling forest. After watching this tutorial, you will understand that the Start menu is one of the the most convenient tools, for quick work with programs.

In the next step, we will go through the tab (sometimes it is also called “My Computer”) and everything that is in it. More precisely, not everything, but what you need, since it is there some files and folders, into which even good masters “get into” due to a very urgent need. By the way, a couple of incomprehensible words slipped through - , and you will also be told about them in detail.

After which we once again back to the mouse, only now to, because it requires special attention and it is imperative to know how to work with it.

After we have mastered everything I talked about above, we will move on to more complex things such as: and. Do you think this is difficult and scary? But no, after completing the first five lessons, you will lose this very fear, which used to slow down your learning. Here another feeling will awaken - interest. This is exactly what we need. After all, what is interesting to learn will always encourage you to learn something new, and in the end, before you even blink an eye, you will understand the PC at a good level.

Well, in conclusion, I will show you how to write down anything. I think it is necessary to know this because learning how to write information to disk, with recording to a flash drive, you will not have any problems at all. A flash drive is a very necessary thing, and you need to know how to handle it.

Well, here is a brief overview of the textbook, its meaning is very simple:

1. At the beginning, we study what is the basis of the basics (mouse, desktop)
2. After which, the environment in which we will work (My Computer, Start)
3. Working with the program (Installation, and actually the work itself (using Word, Excel as an example))

As you understand, we are moving from simple to complex.

Well, all I have to do is wish you successful completion of this tutorial! To understand how to watch video lessons correctly, be sure to study this short article - (click once, left mouse button). And then you can start going through the tutorial. Good luck!

Computer - a pensioner's faithful assistant

Almost all older people know that computers are most often used for virtual entertainment and typing text documents. However, they are not aware of other PC capabilities. Moreover, retirees believe that they do not need to understand computers. This is a big misconception, since modern devices have taken strong positions in various areas of life. And if you don’t have the skills to use them, you can deprive yourself of certain benefits.

A good example is traveling by train. If you enter the carriage, you will notice that young people are comfortably located on the lower shelves. She purchased tickets in advance on a special website, having managed to reserve the most attractive seats. Well, pensioners have to be content with the upper shelves. How hard it is for them to live without computer skills! After all, they, too, would be able to purchase tickets online, sitting at home in a comfortable chair. Therefore, a computer is simply necessary for a pensioner.

What can a pensioner do using a computer?

Correspond by email (instead of paper letters);
Create an online diary (instead of using a notebook);
Find out current news (instead of purchasing newspapers);
Create photo albums (instead of using the services of photo salons);
Listen to musical compositions (instead of a tape recorder);
Watch your favorite movie (instead of the VCR);
Watch television programs (instead of TV);
Earn money on the World Wide Web (instead of working as a watchman);
Play computer games (instead of cards or dominoes in the yard);
Talk for free (instead of using a regular phone).

Virtual computer academy for pensioners

Many older people are not eager to learn how to use a computer on their own. They even find it difficult to perform such basic actions as finding the required information, registering an email or an account on a social network. And the point here is not in the mental abilities of the individual, but in the fear of making a mistake. Pensioners are even willing to pay their own money for a “computer specialist” to carry out a certain task. And they don’t even think that they can become such a specialist themselves.

Therefore, the idea arose to create a virtual computer academy - especially for pensioners. Our project is radically different from its analogues, which are intended for young people. They teach the basics of programming and other advanced computer science, and our academy allows you to learn the basics of using a personal computer. Moreover, the course was created taking into account all aspects that may appear during the learning process. Every pensioner at the academy will receive the necessary knowledge.

We admit that it was not easy to create a computer course for older people. After all, its main task is to obtain practical skills, not theoretical information. During training, the pensioner will try to independently send letters by e-mail, correspond on social networks and even create his own website! It took us a long time to develop such a teaching method that is most suitable for older people. But the result exceeded expectations.

Now a pensioner does not need to learn an unnecessary computer program. He will receive only the necessary skills that are useful in everyday life. This is the main advantage of our virtual computer academy. In addition, we constantly update the lessons presented to keep up with technological progress. After all, computer technology is constantly undergoing changes, becoming more advanced. Therefore, a studying pensioner can count on the most up-to-date information.

Remote work with high wages

Currently, electronic methods of communication between different categories of citizens are spreading throughout the world. So, even parents of retirement age are getting used to communicating with their children via Skype.

However, not all pensioners understand modern computer technologies. Therefore, local authorities prescribe special courses for older people. But how does learning happen? Let's find out right now in our material.

Computer courses for pensioners

Most young people easily mastered new computer technologies. But for retirees, computer is a complex science that requires skills and practice. Therefore, federal and regional authorities are developing computer courses for older citizens, with the goal of pensioners mastering basic knowledge.

These courses have many advantages, For example:

  • free access to computer equipment;
  • increasing the mobility of citizens;
  • learning new useful information;
  • communication with other representatives of retirement age;
  • the ability to communicate with loved ones through social networks.

To apply for such a course, a pensioner must call the local social security office, which organizes such events. For example, in Moscow, computer courses are held consistently and frequently, and the programs developed cover a wider range of topics.

Where can I take free courses?

Similar seminars are held regularly in different parts of the city. For example, in Moscow, computer courses are organized by companies such as MTS, Charitable foundations (for example, the Connection of Generations Foundation), the Earth Internet Club, and training centers.

But it is more convenient for a citizen of retirement age to attend courses that are located in the library. After all, modern libraries are equipped not only with exclusive books, but also with modern computer equipment. For example, in St. Petersburg, computer courses and consultations are organized in more than 100 libraries.

In this case, courses are most often divided into the following categories of citizens:

  • pensioners;
  • large families;
  • disabled people.

Computer Literacy Program

One of the most popular regional computer literacy programs is “Electronic Citizen”.

This educational course is completed full-time for at least 40 hours. The course is adapted to the capabilities and age of older people, therefore, any person who does not understand computer technology can easily learn new information.

Main objective of the course– train everyone to use computers and the Internet. In addition, the course allows you to learn the features of working in Word, Excel, and the citizen will also master the following skills:

  1. Making purchases online.
  2. Creating and using email.
  3. Setting up Skype.
  4. Communication through social networks and thematic forums.
  5. Payment of utility bills.
  6. Formation of questions in the Pension Fund of Russia.
  7. Downloading the necessary information.

At a more complex stage of training, teachers teach retirees how to create a personal account and do business through the World Wide Web.

Video lessons

For a number of reasons, not all retirees like to attend in-person computer skills classes.

Some citizens of retirement age prefer to learn new knowledge without leaving home.

For those people who already have some knowledge of new technologies, free online courses are suitable.

These seminars can be easily found on the Internet. To do this, simply enter one of the following phrases into the search bar:

  • Free computer courses.
  • Computer literacy training for pensioners is free.

Sometimes paid courses offer the first lesson for free - any pensioner can take advantage of this bonus.

In addition, every pensioner, when studying online lessons, must develop a schedule for their own learning, because older people take longer to learn new information. Therefore, stability and consistency are needed in this matter.

During the lecture, it is worth taking notes of all new information.

Watch a video on this topic.

When older people retire, they have a lot of free time that can be used to learn new skills. It's about mastering the computer. Now most regions of the country are developing special courses to improve computer literacy, therefore, every pensioner can attend these free classes. But how to apply? Where to contact? Read more in our material.

On this page, all the lessons on the site are arranged exactly in the order in which we recommend taking them. Unfortunately, at the moment there are gaps in the list of lessons that will definitely be filled. Topics that already have articles on them are links (highlighted in blue with underlining) - follow them and learn! The list does not include news and some articles (for example, on solving computer problems) because They are not useful for training, however, you will receive them if you subscribe to the newsletter.

You can freely write your wishes in the comments, this is most welcome. The proposed topics are included in the plan of articles.

Let's create the best free step-by-step training system together!

Target: create a list of articles on the website, studying which in a certain order, you will feel free when working at the computer.

Important! If you can write an expert article on any of these topics, write to us, articles are paid.

Course: Computer User - Basic Level

  1. What is a netbook
  2. What is an ultrabook
  3. What is a tablet
  4. What is a tablet phone
  5. USB port: what is it and what can be connected through it
  6. How to turn on the computer, what happens at this moment
  7. What is a driver? What is a graphical operating system shell
  8. Computer desktop.
  9. Mouse, cursor, how to use the mouse.
  10. What is a shortcut, file, program, folder.
  11. Basic file types. What is an extension
  12. What is a hard drive and how does it work ( On publication)
  13. Computer hard drive, partitions.
  14. Keyboard. How to work with her. Create a text file.
  15. Start menu, what's in it
  16. Turning off the computer. ( In progress)
  17. What is sleep mode and when to use it
  18. What is standby mode and when to use it
  19. Install the program. The main stages of installing any program. Where it will appear, how to find where it is installed, how to find it in the Start menu.
  20. We are working with the program. Standard program elements: settings, drop-down menu, quick access panel.
  21. Create a shortcut. All ways.
  22. How to view the characteristics of your computer.
  23. Computer screen. Resolution, settings, change the desktop theme.
  24. How to install a device driver. Where to download the driver if it is not installed automatically. ( In progress)
  25. Computer startup. How to disable a program from startup. How to disable autoloading in the program itself. ( In progress)
  26. What is an archive? Working with the archiver program
  27. How to open a video on a computer
  28. How to open an e-book (.pdf .djvu .pdf) ( In progress)
  29. How to open a presentation
  30. How to open a document (.doc, .docx, .fb2)
  31. How to find out what video card I have
  32. Blue Screen of Death - what is it?
  33. What is BIOS and what is it for?
  34. How to open.pdf
  35. How to open.mkv
  36. How to open.djvu
  37. On-screen keyboard - what is it and what is it for?
  38. How to change the language on your computer
  39. Hotkeys Windows 7.8
  40. How to increase font size on computer

Course: Computer Security

  1. How to set a password on Windows
  2. How to come up with a complex password
  3. How to protect your Google account
  4. What is antivirus
  5. What is a firewall
  6. How to block pop-ups
  7. How to Make File Extensions Visible in Windows
  8. How to protect yourself on the Internet using the WOT extension
  9. Review of Kaspersky Anti-Virus

Course: Computer programs

  1. Punto Switcher
  2. Alarm clock on computer
  3. Program for creating videos from photos

Course: Google Services

Course: Computer User: Intermediate Level

  1. How to create a virtual machine (virtual computer)
  2. How to transfer old photos to computer
  3. How to put a password on a folder
  4. How to clean the Windows registry
  5. How to enter BIOS
  6. How to format a hard drive
  7. How to defragment a hard drive.

Course: Laptop and Netbook User

  1. Features of working with a laptop and netbook
  2. Laptop, netbook device
  3. Laptop and netbook keyboard - operating features
  4. How to extend battery life
  5. What to do if your laptop (netbook) gets hot
  6. Computer stands: cooling and not so much.
  7. How to enable WiFi on a laptop

Course: Computer and near-computer devices

  • Body exercises
  • Trainer programs for monitoring computer time
  • How to properly arrange your workplace
  • What to do if you are overtired
  • Procrastination and how the computer is involved in it
  • How to protect your hands so that they don’t hurt if you have to type a lot (carpal tunnel syndrome).
  • Working at a computer while standing: benefits, pros and cons
  • Standing desks with height adjustment - overview.
  • Laptop stands for standing work - review.
  • Course: Computer and child

    1. Is it necessary to limit time on the computer for children and how to do it correctly?
    2. What can a child learn using a computer?
    3. How to protect your child from adult sites

    Course: Internet User - Basic Level