Interior in Korean style. Korean interior design: a great option for everyday life Daisuke Ikeda, Japan

Interior in Korean style. Korean interior design: a great option for everyday life Daisuke Ikeda, Japan

Who among you hasn't heard of the mysteriously popular "Gangnam Style"? But not many people know what this “Gangnam” is. In Russian, the already familiar “Gangnam” turns into the traditional “Gangnam”, which in turn is a fashionable district of Seoul, South Korea. It was here that specialists from the MVRDV company had to renovate one of the retail and office buildings.

Once upon a time there was a completely ordinary food court in one of the Lotte shopping centers in Seoul, South Korea. But one fine day, the famous designer Karim Rashid took it up and made the cluster of restaurants not just a place to eat, but a bright “techno-organic” space that allows people to communicate more and better with each other.

Near the new high-tech, rapidly developing area of ​​Incheon, South Korea, there is a modern golf course, the creation of which had a hand in the famous American golfer Jack Nicklaus. As in other golf communities around the world, villas were built near the courses. Also, the project was not left without the main club house, which was designed by specialists from the architectural company Yazdani Studio.

On the verge of cyborgs, technology, religion, sublimity and man. This is about the work of the South Korean sculptor Wang Zi Won. He creates bizarre mechanical sculptures of Buddhas and bodhisattvas, who find themselves in the very center of deep technogenic meditation, the goal of which is to achieve true enlightenment.

Specialists from the famous architectural company Zaha Hadid Architects have completed work on five new boutiques for Milanese fashion designer Neil Barrett. Four of the five boutiques opened in Seoul, South Korea. A good location was found for the fifth store in Hong Kong, China.

The Urban Boutique Hotel, built in Anyang, South Korea, was conceived as more than just a place to shelter visitors. It was intended to be a place where design, culture, art and entertainment meet and interact. Specialists from the architectural company BANG by MIN worked on the project.

Korean style in interior design

The sophistication and minimalism of the East - all this is united by the Korean interior style, which has recently become quite common in many European homes.

The walls can be decorated with plain wallpaper. The general background of the interior is not very bright: gray or brown. The walls and ceiling can also be plastered.

One of the main characteristics of furniture is its low height. Instead of a bed, ordinary mattresses are used, and a small lacquered coffee table becomes the center of the living room. Mostly the furniture is in black. Things and clothes are stored not in large closets, but in small chests of drawers and chests.

Special features of the interior include the presence of signs with hieroglyphs, floral ornaments, and screens, as in the Japanese style. Screens can reach a height of up to two meters, and they are used both for decoration and for zoning rooms. Fresh flowers refresh your home. Minimal accessories include figurines and figurines of animals and people.

At first glance, you might think that only Korean residents can decorate their homes in the Korean style, however, this is not entirely true. Of course, it will not be easy for a European to adjust his life to this style, but over time it will become more familiar with all its subtleties. Korean style is suitable for those people who appreciate the sophistication and depth of the East, as well as minimalism.







For the modern world, the relevant question is how exactly one can decorate a one-room apartment beautifully, originally and at the same time comfortably. When starting to develop a design, the designer is often faced with the limited space with which he is going to work. Sometimes it begins to seem that it is almost impossible to distribute zones in an interesting and convenient way in a relatively small area of ​​a modern apartment. In this case, you can use the Asian experience of Korea.

The Korean designer is accustomed to working with limited space, because in Korea it is precisely limited-area housing that is popular. That is why the design of an apartment in the Korean style includes a subtle ability to distribute space and take into account the smallest details in order to most comfortably accommodate several living areas in a small area.

Just like other Asian examples of design, a Korean-style interior does not imply either pretentiousness or a clutter of all kinds of objects. This is a kind of minimalism that suits people who do not need an overly complex apartment design and are demanding of conciseness and cleanliness.

First, we need to note the main principles of Korean design. In Asia, it is customary to preserve as much light as possible from the window. In Korean apartments, the windows are large and without a window sill. Russian windows are often not large at all and they always have a window sill, but in order to meet Korean ideals, you just need to give up massive curtains that weigh down the window opening.

Korean furniture is always black or very dark brown tones, low, rectangular in shape. If the color black puts pressure on your vision, shades of ocher or ivory are acceptable. It is also possible to use golden shades, especially for upholstered furniture. Unlike Chinese interior, Korean interior does not imply the presence of many decorative pillows on the sofa. The abundance of chairs is also not popular. However, this does not mean that there should not be chairs. One chair is often enough. The main thing is that it matches the style of the sofa.

Korean design suggests that the coffee table should be small, inlaid with mother-of-pearl. For the most part, it is not used for storing anything, but for design.

Original Korean apartments require the absence of a bed. At home, Koreans simply sleep on a mattress spread on the floor. Of course, even for the smallest Russian apartment such a design move may seem too bold to be copied. But in this case, you can simply buy a low bed, which, according to the principles of Korean design, should be placed not under the window, but opposite it, so that there is a sufficiently large distance between it and the bed.

It is necessary to remember that, like everywhere else in Asia, in Korea they use natural materials for apartment design. These are bamboo, silk, rice paper; Wallpaper of the same tone, restrained and muted, is used. The color of the wallpaper can vary within one or two tones, but not be bright. Most often in Korea they use tones that are close to natural, namely olive, ocher, beige, milky white, pistachio. In addition to wallpaper, ordinary plaster of the same tones, fabric wallpaper or fabric-like wallpaper without a pattern are also used.

The monotony in the design of the walls is diluted by the presence of decorative screens made of silk or materials matching the texture. These screens can decorate a wall. At the same time, they should retreat slightly from the wall. Screens made of fabric can be made with a small grassy pattern in an oriental style.

In Korean design, you can use fabric screens to zone a room. This way you can separate the relaxation area from the living room area. Due to the fact that such screens are low, the space appears separated from below, but is visible from above, especially if it is located opposite an uncurtained window. You can also use a screen to highlight the wall above or opposite the bed. In this case, it will replace a traditional carpet. Let us assume in this case a traditional tapestry with a plant pattern identical to the natural one.

Korean design, like Chinese design, widely uses calligraphy on rice paper for decoration, which can be hung on the wall or placed on a shelf.

In addition to geometric patterns, various types of images can be used in Korean design. Most of all in Korea, images of cranes, deer and pine trees, traditional for this country, are valued.

Doors for Korean design are always sliding. This helps to save space and save free space for any other useful interior items. Among the necessary interior items in the Korean style are comfortable shelves with open shelves, as well as small chests that open from the front like a bar in a closet. They are used to store clothes and thereby replace standard wardrobes.

In Korea, it is customary to sit on the floor. This is a tribute to the Eastern tradition, especially since in Korea there is heating built into the floor. In Russia, floors are not heated, but the floor can be insulated in another way. You should not put a carpet, because it will disrupt the stylistic unity of Korean design. It is good that the floor is wooden, in dark colors, and for sitting you can use small flat pillows with dense filling and a floral pattern on the pillowcase.

Lighting fixtures also play an important role in Korean design. It must be remembered that lamps cannot be bright and flashy. You need to focus on lamps of strict geometric shapes. You can often find a traditional Korean-style lamp that resembles a relatively small garden lantern. If the lamp is not hung on the floor or wall, it can be placed on a shelf or even on the floor, as is often done in Korea.

In this way, you can easily distribute the necessary pieces of furniture in a small space and decorate the interior of a small apartment strictly, functionally and comfortably, as suggested by the ideas of the Korean interior.

The Korean style is quite unusual for us, but is gradually gaining popularity in European countries, like other Eastern movements.

A Korean-style room is suitable for those who are already tired of the usual minimalist style, as well as for those who want to decorate their room according to all the rules of Feng Shui and give it special originality. This style is based on the traditions of home decoration in South and North Korea.

This interior style, like many other oriental styles, supports the idea of ​​minimalism, the essence of which is a large amount of air and free space. In such an interior there is only the most necessary things, while the room does not lose its aesthetics and beauty.

Korean-style interior and wall decoration features

It is precisely because the walls are decorated that the character of all other interior items in the room depends. If you decide to choose wallpaper to decorate your walls, then you should take into account the fact that they should be plain and without patterns. It is better to choose the usual white, light gray, cool pale yellow shade, as well as a pale pistachio tone, which will help create a calm atmosphere in the house.

Also, in addition to wallpaper, you can use decorative plaster or canvas that will look like natural fabric. It is best to use the same material for finishing walls and ceilings. Then the interior will fully correspond to this style.

Korean style houses and furniture for them

Furniture in a Korean-style room should be low, dark and have the same small legs at the base. The living room must have a small table made of wood, 30-50 cm high. The top of such a table is covered with dark varnish or inlaid with mother-of-pearl. Often furniture has animal or plant motifs. For example, images of pine trees, flying cranes or deer.

A Korean-style apartment has special chests of drawers for storing things, which are decorated with overhead metal corners and other elements made from thin metal plates. Also, chests of drawers can have decorative wood carvings and two doors. Instead of chests of drawers, shelves and chests are used for these purposes, which open from the front, and not, as we are used to, from the top. In addition, in Korea there is no such piece of furniture as a bed. Instead, a mattress with cylindrical pillows is used, which are stuffed with sawdust or sand.

We are all a little fascinated by the influence of the East on the quality of life. If you are interested in designing the interior of your home in an oriental style, then take a closer look at the Korean style. Widely known for its simplicity, elegance and functionality, it will give your home a natural, minimalistic and sophisticated look at the same time. So, how can you introduce this style into the interior of your home? Read more...

Keep it simple

One of the main principles of Korean design is simplicity. Traditionally, Korean interior designers focus on minimalism, using only the most basic elements in a room for their work. The rest of the space remains clean and uncluttered - all so that light and air can circulate freely. That is why, if you want to give your interior a Korean style, you should not “stuff” the room with all kinds of decorative items that you could find. You need to focus on just a few basic items that will become accents in the room.

Choose Color Wisely

Korean design style focuses on earthy tones, which means that it is hardly possible to do without brown in the interior. Make sure that you choose a shade of this color that is not too saturated so as not to create the illusion of a “space-box”; Remember that a spacious room is a key element of Korean style.

If brown is not your favorite color, then you can also choose between yellow and green, other natural colors that are often used in the decor of typical Korean homes.

Korean style places a strong emphasis on natural elements rather than man-made ones. That is why it is worth introducing wooden furniture into the space, thereby creating an atmosphere of naturalness and minimalism.

Low level furniture

Most Korean homes are furnished with low level furniture (not quality, but height) that seems to blend into the floor. Therefore, when designing your home, you can take this principle into account. Replace a tall stationary sofa with a low sectional; Between a huge four-poster four-poster bed and a low-level ottoman with a thin mattress, choose the latter option. This is the type of furniture that will help you imitate Korean interior design.

Give your room to the power of natural light

Korean style celebrates light, and especially natural light. The interiors of many Korean houses are literally bathed in sunlight that penetrates every room of the house. How to achieve this effect? Huge panoramic windows and glass sliding doors will do their job, letting light into the house, but keeping your personal space private.

Stuffing at home

Korean decorative style is renowned for its interior decoration, appropriate accents and thoughtful integration of art. Although the use of everything is simplified, accents and art pieces are not limited in size or placement in relation to the space. The most impressive elements that can be seen in a Korean home are sliding doors, painted ceilings, tapestries, shoji lamps, antique pottery, oriental vases and paintings of trees, flowers, animals and other elements of nature.

Creative use of limited space

Having set the goal of introducing Korean style into the space of your home, you will have to study and understand the functional advantages of this style specifically for your interior. Korean design focuses on simplicity and functionality, perfectly combining both of these aspects with an aesthetic side.

For example, if the kitchen in your home is small in size, you can make it look larger and more spacious by simply introducing a light palette and adding kitchen accessories. Multitasking different elements in the kitchen will help reduce the level of clutter in the space, giving it a tidy Korean style.