Instructions for using chalk “Mashenka” against ants and cockroaches. Does Mashenka chalk help against bedbugs? Reviews about the effectiveness of the product

Instructions for using chalk “Mashenka” against ants and cockroaches.  Does chalk help?
Instructions for using chalk “Mashenka” against ants and cockroaches. Does Mashenka chalk help against bedbugs? Reviews about the effectiveness of the product

Winning the fight against cockroaches is not easy, since these insects are very tenacious and easily adapt to various unfavorable conditions. But nowadays it has become easier to solve the problem, since there are many different drugs on sale to destroy these harmful insects. A popular remedy is cockroach chalk, called affectionately by its manufacturers. female name"Mashenka."

Cockroaches are the scourge of many homes; picky insects can also settle in country house, both in an ordinary city apartment and in luxury apartments. Insecticides, which come in a variety of forms, are successfully used to control insects.

One of the easiest to use and cheapest medications for cockroaches is the “Mashenka” chalk (pencil). At the same time, the product allows you to get a good result, especially if there are few insects in the house.

Description of the product

Chalk “Mashenka” is an insecticidal agent that has a contact effect, that is, in order for the insect to receive a dose of poison, it needs to come into contact with the surface treated with chalk.

The composition of the drug includes effective insecticide- chlorpyrifos, but the main substance of the product is a cementitious composition. When particles of the drug enter the digestive system of an insect, the cement blocks its functioning, resulting in the death of the insect.

Advice! You can buy Mashenka chalk in almost all hardware stores. The product is inexpensive, one pack is enough to treat 20-30 meters of area.

Packaging and appearance

Externally, the product looks like ordinary school white chalk, which does not have a distinct odor. Packaged in paper or polymer packs, decorated in blue tones. Instructions for use must be printed on the package. The weight of one package is 20 grams.

Storage conditions

To prevent the chalk from losing its insecticidal properties, it is important to store it correctly. Storage conditions:

  • room temperature;
  • lack of high humidity;
  • no direct sunlight.

Advice! Chlorpyrifos is unstable to ultraviolet radiation, so Mashenka’s pencil should not be stored in places exposed to direct sunlight.


The product belongs to the IV (highest) safety class, that is, the chalk is of low toxicity for humans, of course, if you do not start using it internally large quantities. However, you should not neglect basic security methods:

  • The chalk should be stored in its original packaging away from food products;
  • When using, it is not recommended to hold the pencil with bare hands; it is better to use gloves. You can apply the product by holding it through the packaging.


Let's look at how you can use Mashenka's pencil to carry out pest control in your apartment.

Three ways

There are three different ways carrying out disinfestation using chalk:

  • Drawing lines. This is the most popular and convenient way applications. The chalk is used for its intended purpose, that is, simply draw lines with it in those places where the paths of cockroaches pass, as well as near insect habitats.
  • Use in crushed form. If you crush the pencil to a powder, the product can be used as a dust, that is, scatter it near places where cockroaches accumulate.
  • Solution. Dilute one powdered chalk in five liters of water, use the prepared solution to wash surfaces - furniture, floors, plumbing items, pipes, etc.

Carrying out processing using the classical method

Since, most often, a pencil is used to draw lines in the habitats of cockroaches, let’s consider how to use this tool correctly so that the effect is maximum.

  • Holding the chalk by the free edge, you need to draw continuous (not dotted!) lines. Remember, this is an insecticide. contact action, so you shouldn’t give insects a chance to pass through the line without getting dirty.
  • The following places need to be treated: thresholds, window sills, baseboards, ventilation grilles, places near sockets and switches located on the walls adjacent to neighboring apartments. It is imperative to treat the places where public pipelines pass (sewage risers, heating system, water supply).
  • It is useful to treat furniture from the inside. It’s worth treating the shelves and drawers in cabinets and cabinets. It would not be superfluous to outline large furniture - sofas, chests of drawers, etc.
  • It is imperative to carry out the treatment in the bathroom, draw lines at the places where the pipes pass, treat the space under the bathtub, make a line around the toilet.

The completed lines retain their properties for about a week, then the treatment can be repeated.

Is this remedy effective?

If the infection is severe, you should not use the product; you will need to select a more concentrated and effective insecticide and carry out a total treatment. As a preventative measure, Mashenka's pencil is very convenient. For example, if neighbors start poisoning cockroaches, then the insects will begin to actively crawl into adjacent apartments.

To protect yourself, it is worth drawing and regularly updating lines at places of general building communications - ventilation, pipelines, electrical wiring. You can use a pencil after a total treatment to prevent re-infection.

So, a cockroach pencil with the romantic name “Mashenka” is a fairly effective means of preventing cockroaches from entering your home. You can also use chalk if the premises are mildly infested. But if there are a lot of insects in the house, you should choose more “killer” products.

Crayons are among the cheapest, but enough effective means to fight cockroaches. Chalk "Mashenka" is a long-recommended remedy; it belongs to safe means, which can be used in homes where animals and small children live.

Unlike the last century, a huge selection of different drugs has appeared on the insecticide market, which are becoming more advanced every year. become not only more effective, but also safer for humans.

Composition of chalk

Mashenka chalk is produced in Russia, and the necessary toxicity tests were carried out before mass production and the appearance of the product on the market.

The composition of the chalk includes:

  • Gypsum;
  • Deltamethrin;
  • Zeta-cypermethrin.

Almost 95% of chalk consists of gypsum and chalk and only 5% of active substances. Deltamethrin and zeta-cypermethrin serve to destroy various insects. Gypsum serves as a base so that the drug can be applied to various surfaces.

Chalk "Mashenka" is sold in plastic packaging of blue color. There is a small pencil inside gray and weighing 20 grams. The packaging contains instructions for use and precautions; be sure to read them before use.

How does chalk work on cockroaches?

The pencil works when the insect walks along the chalk path. Once on the insect's paws, it gradually penetrates the body and begins to affect nervous system. The components that make up the chalk paralyze the insect and it dies.

The anti-cockroach pencil does not work immediately, but after a certain time. The pencil will begin to show results within a week, and you will notice half-dead crawling cockroaches. After 2-4 weeks, the pencil will completely destroy the cockroaches.

Instructions for use

The Mashenka chalk is easy to use; you just need to draw a line where insects are often found. Before applying chalk, you should inspect the apartment and determine the places where insects run. The main habitats of cockroaches are:

  • Sink for washing dishes;
  • Bin;
  • Dushnik;
  • Kitchen cabinets.

You should draw lines with a pencil along all baseboards and radiators so that there are no paths left for insects through which they can get around the chalk. How quickly cockroaches leave your home depends on your attentiveness. You should protect your apartment from the invasion of neighboring Prussians; to do this, just circle the air vent and the doorway with a pencil.

The duration of action of Mashenka decreases after 2 weeks, so you can repeat the procedure to achieve greater effectiveness.

To use the chalk, you need to open the package and start drawing lines. No additional safety measures are required; after treating the room, wrap the chalk in a bag and place it out of the reach of children and wash your hands with soap.

Also, “Mashenka” for cockroaches can be used as a cleaning solution. It is necessary to crush the chalk and pour it into five liter bottle with water and then shake well. The resulting solution is used to wipe floors, baseboards and other places where insects may accumulate. Plus this method is a significant increase in the treated surface.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the drug include ease of use, low toxicity and cost. Compared to other drugs that require preliminary preparation premises, as is the case with aerosol means, there is no need to ventilate the room after treatment. It should also be noted that there is no odor and safety for humans.

Cons this tool The duration of action is low, although the drug is effective for a month, its main activity decreases after the first week. If there are a large number of insects, destruction may take a long time. Manufacturers claim that Mashenka is a low-toxic drug, but you should make sure that the child does not start trying chalk, otherwise you may encounter unpleasant consequences.

Chalk "Mashenka" for cockroaches is one of the most popular remedies against crawling insects. This drug has many advantages. This concerns, first of all, a very low price and a convenient form of release. There is nothing easier than painting furniture and walls in inconspicuous places so that after a certain time the cockroaches simply disappear.

This product has not lost its popularity for many years. A chalk with a cute and good name kills domestic cockroaches mercilessly. But before purchasing Mashenka, you need to read the instructions very carefully and become familiar with the safety precautions. Many people believe that chalk cannot harm a person, but in fact it is a powerful insecticide that is dangerous to all living beings. Animals especially often suffer from poisons of this type, so treatment with chalk in a house where cats and dogs live must be carried out very carefully and in compliance with all safety requirements.

By appearance Pencil against cockroaches “Mashenka” is difficult to distinguish from ordinary chalk. Therefore, if the product has not been fully used, you should not remove it from the original packaging, so as not to confuse it with a harmless children's product. Insecticides in this form are also available Russian manufacturers, and Chinese. There is no difference in quality between them, and the crayons are very similar in appearance.

The main active component of the drug is chlorpyphos. In chalk against cockroaches, it is present in a concentration of 0.5%. In addition, “Mashenka” includes a special cementing substance that can provide negative impact on crawling insects.

People who have not previously used crayons against cockroaches in their own practice are often skeptical about this form of insecticide. But once you try to treat the room, there will be no live cockroaches in the house. True, at first you will have to sweep out their dead bodies, but this phenomenon soon passes.

Chalk "Mashenka" is not afraid of temperature

It should be noted that there is another important component of the drug. It's about about the cementing composition, which is the main one for the release of the product in this form. This component itself is not poisonous to insects, but can kill them, since when cockroaches consume it, they clog blood vessels, which leads to death.

This tool has a lot positive qualities, but this chalk is not without its disadvantages. Among the advantages, it is necessary to highlight the speed and efficiency of action, as well as the absence of the need to re-treat the room. “Mashenka” works for a very long time, so the house will be reliably protected from cockroaches, ants and even bedbugs for one to two months. An undeniable advantage this release form is easy to use and very low price drug.

But this type of insecticide also has disadvantages. First of all, you need to take into account that this is not just a piece of chalk, but a potent poison. Chlorpiphos belongs to drugs of the fourth degree of danger, according to the instructions for Mashenka. But other sources indicate that this poison belongs to the second class, that is, it is very dangerous for humans. This means that you need to use the chalk strictly according to the instructions and follow safety precautions.

Do not use chalk in a home where there are children or animals.

It is prohibited to use the Mashenka chalk to kill cockroaches in a house where small children and animals live. Sometimes even minor contact with the poison is enough for it to penetrate the stomach. In turn, this can cause severe poisoning.

Despite the fact that the remedy for cockroaches “Mashenka” is quite poisonous, when correct use there are no problems with it. In terms of efficiency and ease of use, the Mashenka chalk has no equal.

To avoid getting poisoned, be sure to use protective gloves and a mask when handling the room with chalk. After completing the procedure, you need to wash your hands as thoroughly as possible, or even better, take a shower to wash off all the toxic elements that could get on human skin.

Draw with chalk in the right places

The process of using Mashenka chalk is as simple as possible. It is enough to draw continuous lines in the right places so that cockroaches have no chance of survival. It is important that the streak is not interrupted. Otherwise, the insect may avoid the chalk.

The packaging of the chalk usually states that the active substance will remain active on the treated surface for one week. However, in reality, the poison will have a poisonous effect for much longer. Chlorpiphos works for up to 2.5 months. Of course, a week after application the chalk will no longer be so toxic, but still the strip becomes completely safe only after a couple of months.

The strip will become completely inactive only after two months

The danger of crayon for humans arises if active substances enter the body. This often happens when safety rules when working with poisons are not followed and the dosage of the insecticide is increased.

Mild poisoning can lead to sleep disturbances, general weakness, vision problems, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting. If you swallow part of the Mashenka chalk, you should definitely call an ambulance. Before doctors arrive, you should drink a glass of 2 percent soda water and try to induce vomiting. If the product gets on your skin, negative reactions such as itching and rash are possible. You need to wash off the chalk with alcohol, and then thoroughly clean the skin with soap and water. To avoid poisoning, you should not drink, eat or smoke when working with Mashenka.

Pencil "Mashenka" is a contact insecticidal preparation - it acts on cockroaches after they come into contact with the treated surface. The product comes in the form of a white pencil, packaged in blue cellophane packaging.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pencil

Chalk "Mashenka" has a lot of important advantages:

  • High efficiency;
  • Easy application;
  • Low toxicity - you will not have to leave your apartment during the treatment period, as the product is safe for animals and people;
  • Multifunctionality - acts not only on cockroaches, but also on bedbugs, ants, fleas, woodlice and other insects;
  • No smell;
  • Availability. Where to buy Mashenka chalk? It is sold in any hardware or specialty store;
  • Low cost.
Important! Despite its safety, it is better not to use chalk in a home with small children.

As for the disadvantages, there will not be many of them:

  • Limited exposure time - you need to regularly update the drawn lines;
  • Need for special conditions storage – low air humidity, dark place, room temperature;
  • Local exposure - the cockroach becomes infected only through direct contact with the line.

A cockroach infected with insecticides contained in Mashenka chalk carries the infection into the nest of its relatives and they also die

Important! Outlining the right places, make sure the line is continuous. This is the only way to eliminate all possible loopholes!

How to use chalk?

The Mashenka pencil can be used in several ways.

Method 1. Drawing

Involves applying a chalk line to the surface being treated. Perhaps this is the most convenient method that does not require special protective measures. The main thing is that the line remains continuous, otherwise insects will easily cross it. It is best to apply the stripes along the entire perimeter of the apartment, carefully circling the baseboards and doorways. One chalk is enough for about 30 meters.

Method 2. Powdering

In this case, the surfaces are covered with crushed chalk powder. This method is justified in cases where you have no way to draw a continuous line (solid irregularities or hard to reach areas). To the disadvantages this method may include an increased risk of poisoning. In addition, when dusting, the adhesion strength of the insecticide to the surface is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is justified only as a additional measure in hard-to-reach areas.

Important! When choosing this method, take care of protective equipment. To avoid contact with poison, put gloves on your hands and protect your mouth and nose with a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator.

Method 3. Aqueous solution

Chalk can also be used in liquid form. To prepare the solution, you need to grind the chalk to a powder state, and then dilute it in 5 liters of water (warm). The resulting liquid is used to wash floors and wipe other surfaces. This method allows you to significantly increase the treated area. But do not forget - the concentration of the poison will be an order of magnitude lower, reducing the effectiveness of the product. A solution prepared from one pencil is enough for an average 2-room apartment.

Dissolve one Mashenka chalk in a bucket of water and you will get an excellent solution for treating walls and floors

Advice! After about a week, the effect of the chalk begins to decrease, so the procedure will need to be repeated. Before doing this, be sure to remove any remaining product with a damp cloth. Carry out the treatment until the insects are completely gone.

Processing rules

  • Kitchen sink and washbasin;
  • Gas stove;
  • Fridge;
  • Inserting pipes into the riser;
  • Bin;
  • Dinner table;
  • Ventilation holes;
  • The back sides of the tabletop and kitchen furniture;
  • Garbage chute;
  • Walls under windows;
  • Skirting boards;
  • Thresholds;
  • Lockers with food supplies.

IN summer period It is necessary to treat the space behind the heating radiators or close to them. IN heating season This remedy will not give any results, because elevated temperature completely kills the insecticidal properties of chalk. All surfaces must be pre-washed and wiped dry.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to inspect your home and try to find all cockroach nests.

You also need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Do not take the chalk with your bare hands - release it from the packaging only up to half the length and hold it by the packaged end;
  • Apply a fairly wide line - 2-4 mm;
  • If you find cockroaches only in the kitchen, do not limit yourself to this area. Walk through other rooms with a pencil, otherwise insects will simply run there in search of shelter;
  • After disinfestation, wash your hands thoroughly with soap;

  • If there was contact with the skin, immediately wipe it with alcohol tincture;
  • If the powder gets into your eyes or mucous membranes, consult a doctor immediately.

With which it is difficult for outdated pencils to compete. But not all products created decades ago are ready to lose ground. Cockroach chalk Mashenka confidently stands on the same shelves with the latest developments in this direction, in no way inferior to them in popularity. You can purchase it not only in Moscow, but also in any city in the country.

Active substance

The cockroach remedy Mashenka, despite its many years of existence on the market, is a modern drug: the manufacturer regularly makes changes to the composition, adding new, improved insecticides.

Chalk, which can be purchased today, contains the following substances:

  • Deltamethrin. Poison of intestinal and contact action. It affects the nervous system when it comes into contact with the body, paws or stomach. Quickly leads to paralysis and death.
  • Zeta – cypermethrin. It differs from the previous component in the structure and composition of the molecules. A synthetic substance from the group of pyrethroids.
  • Chalk filler, which contains poison.

Cockroach chalk contains two different insecticides. This is done to prevent insects from developing resistance to the product.


If handled correctly, the likelihood of developing resistance to one insecticide is extremely low. To two at the same time - tends to zero.

Mashenka's cockroach pencil works in this way: the insect walks along the drawn strip, touching it with its paws, antennae, and abdomen. In contact with the smallest particles of water, the active components penetrate the insect’s cover and begin their destructive effect.

The main damage is caused by particles of the substance that enter the digestive system of the insect when it tries to clean the body parts stained with chalk with its jaws. Within a few minutes, the cockroach begins to behave unusually, after which it is paralyzed and death occurs. In order for cockroach chalk to fulfill its purpose, you just need to use it correctly.

We use Mashenka not only against cockroaches, but also against, and sometimes even helps. In general, we haven’t used anything other than chalk for many years. Cockroaches were removed many years ago and are no longer there. For prevention, we drew patterns from them in the kitchen in secluded places, and that’s all. Although there are crowds of neighbors. I was even ready to buy them these crayons myself - but no matter what, they think they are smarter.

Yadviga, Kazan

Why Mashenka is good

The Mashenka pencil against cockroaches has a number of advantages, thanks to which millions of customers choose this product:

  1. Chalk Mashenka against cockroaches, reviews of which may be mixed, effectively destroys cockroaches.
  2. The low price of the pencil makes it accessible to all groups of the population. Even the cheapest products of a different type will cost more than Mashenka chalk.
  3. This product does not generate dust, does not smell, does not emit toxins - it is safe to use. This is especially important for families with children or owners of furry pets.
  4. It is very easy to wash off pencil streaks, unlike other cockroach medications.
  5. Mashenka is well remembered from childhood. In those times when other means were unavailable or did not exist at all, it was Mashenka who helped get rid of cockroaches.

These reasons explain the fact that in many apartments today you can find chalk stripes around the sinks, behind the refrigerator, on the inside of the doors kitchen cabinets. Often, close to the line drawn, there are corpses of those who underestimated the cockroach chalk.

Since childhood, I remembered that we always had these lines and stripes behind the refrigerator, around the sink and trash can, around the kitchen furniture, and in the toilet. Therefore, when I myself needed to remove cockroaches from the house, I immediately ran to the store for Mashenka. I thought it wouldn’t work today, because cockroaches mutate and adapt. But no, Mashenka did not disappoint, just like many years ago.

Olesya, Novosibirsk


No matter how good the drug is, it has some disadvantages:

  • short validity period - strips must be regularly updated so that they do not lose effectiveness;
  • an insufficient effect is possible if the apartment is heavily infested;
  • by inhalation of particles insecticide Animals may be poisoned.

When applying chalk, you should wear a medical mask or respirator and gloves. After work, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

How to use it correctly

There is nothing complicated about using Mashenka to fight cockroaches. It is necessary to apply stripes in those places that are especially often visited by cockroaches: behind the refrigerator, around heating pipes or appliances, at the sink, near the trash can. All required places indicated on the chalk packaging.

Rules of application:

  • Draw lines on baseboards and back panels of furniture. This should be done especially carefully on kitchen furniture. If possible, mark the entire perimeter of the rear panel.
  • Enclose the trash can in a chalk ring. Make sure that the bucket always stands inside the circle.
  • Make markings around the entire perimeter of the sink. Mainly, it is from this source that cockroaches quench their thirst.
  • Outline the perimeters of all ventilation ducts.
  • Surround the legs of the tables with a chalk pattern so that an insect, crawling onto the table, is forced to walk on the chalk.

The stripes should be thick so that cockroaches cannot step over them, but pass with all their legs. The price of chalk is low, so saving is inappropriate here.

The number of Prussians destroyed by chalk depends on the timing of its use: the longer the “drawings” are left undisturbed, the longer they will destroy arthropods. You should not remove the strips until the cockroaches are completely gone. Treatment should be repeated until the cockroaches disappear. Only there can you be sure that man and means have won ancient creatures on the ground.

I still remember how my mother regularly bought a Chinese anti-cockroach pencil at the market. They died almost instantly. Now that I was faced with such a problem, I didn’t think that I would find a piece of chalk. didn't help. I was preparing to buy expensive sprays and gels, although I don’t really believe in their effectiveness. And suddenly in the store I see Mashenka’s pencil, similar to the one I remember! I was glad to see him, like an old friend. I immediately bought a year's supply. True, I used it very generously, so my supply was significantly reduced. I smeared everything possible, making sure not to apply it in the most noticeable places. And now I’ve been living peacefully for a month now. And there are no old cockroaches left, and I am no longer afraid of new ones.