wilo circulation pump operating instructions. Wilo circulation pumps for heating systems: efficient, affordable, reliable. Forced circulation equipment

wilo circulation pump operating instructions.  Wilo circulation pumps for heating systems: efficient, affordable, reliable.  Forced circulation equipment
wilo circulation pump operating instructions. Wilo circulation pumps for heating systems: efficient, affordable, reliable. Forced circulation equipment

For real efficient heating impossible without forced circulation. To do this, it is necessary to install pumps whose design is designed specifically for such operating conditions. And often it is a Wilo heating circulation pump: instructions, reviews, characteristics about which will help you choose the right one optimal model.

About Wilo

Why Wilo? Firstly, this company is the founder of all modern circulation pumps. Back in 1928, she developed the first system for forced movement of liquid in pipes. It was this company that made a serial pump for water heating Wilo with electronically controlled(1988). And despite the rather tough competition, Wilo still remains the flagship in its industry.

A feature of the company's products is A complex approach for solutions specific tasks– heating, air conditioning or refrigeration. Therefore, the characteristics of Wilo heating pumps meet the most stringent requirements, namely:

  • Wide range performance characteristicsmaximum pressure(up to 16 bar) and temperature (from -10°C to +110°C) of the coolant;
  • The centrifugal wheel ensures radial movement of water, which significantly reduces hydraulic resistance;
  • A special feature of the Wilo heating pump design is its “wet” stator. This engineering solution excludes use in construction air cooling engine (this is done by the water itself through the stator). The bearing is lubricated in the same way;
  • The choice of control system is three-stage, with an extended switching interface or with automatic power control.

But not only these indicators are decisive for the consumer. All circulation pumps for Wilo heating systems are distinguished by competitive prices and quality.

The pump in the heating system is designed to increase the speed of coolant movement. But you need to remember that exceeding this parameter can lead to a loss of heat transfer from the radiators, since their surface simply will not have time to heat up.

Wilo products

How to choose the optimal pump model for autonomous system heating? First of all, you need to calculate its power. Each Wilo heating circulation pump instruction is characterized by the following important indicators, as head (m) and flow (m³/hour). Approximate calculation in in this case incorrect. To do this, you should take into account all the features of the system - the height of the house, the volume of coolant, the length of the main line, the thermal operating conditions, etc. The best option Wilo water heating pump calculation – online calculator or a special program.

Only after this stage can you begin to select a specific model. Reviews of Wilo heating circulation pumps will help you form an objective opinion about the features of its operation. But you need to take into account that the quality of the device largely depends on correct installation and compliance of its parameters with the characteristics of the system.

Some reviews of Wilo pumps say they are ineffective during power outages. To do this, it is necessary to provide sources of emergency power supply - batteries or diesel generator. Fortunately, the pump’s electricity consumption is minimal.

Circulation pumps Wilo-Star-RS

The main characteristics of Wilo heating pumps of this class are simplicity of design and affordable cost. Its design is a zigzag pipe, in the middle of which there is a circulation impeller.

Models of this class have 3 gradations of rotor speed, necessary for uniform load distribution. Each circulation pump for Wilo heating systems has the following designation:

Wilo-Star-RS N/Q

Where N– size of the nominal internal diameter (from 15 to 30 mm), Q– pressure value (from 2 to 8 m).

In addition to these characteristics, you need to know the connection parameters to the pipeline and to the electrical network. The Wilo Star-RS heating pump device has a 4-position terminal box and an external threaded connection with dimensions of ½”, 1” and 1½”. Design features are also expressed in the following:

  • Possibility of installation in any position with a horizontal shaft;
  • IP44 protection;
  • Electrical network – 220V.

If, after first reading the instructions for the Wilo heating circulation pump, it becomes clear that this power will not be enough, you can purchase a paired Wilo-Star-RSD model.

Its maximum flow rate can be 7 m³/hour with a design head of 5 m. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the synchronous operation of the engines at the same shaft speed. Otherwise, not only will the efficiency of the device be reduced, but there will also be a risk of its failure. In some negative reviews there is no mention of Wilo heating circulation pumps improper use specific model. Therefore, their subjectivity should be taken into account.

The average cost of Star-RS depends on its parameters and can range from 2200 to 4500 rubles.

The price of a paired model ranges from 6300 to 6800 rubles.

The pump must be installed in front of the return pipe inlet of the boiler, but in front of the expansion tank.

Circulation pumps Wilo-Stratos

For creating automatic control water heating parameters, it is recommended to purchase Wilo pumps Stratos series. Their mechanical part is completely identical to Star-RS. The difference lies in the electronic control unit.

An LCD display is provided to visualize the current characteristics of Wilo pumps for a specific heating mode. It displays the rotation speed of the impeller. The switching part of the device includes the most common modules - CAN, LON, Modbus, etc. With their help, the Wilo pump device is connected to the heating elements - the boiler and the programmer.

It is noteworthy that the number of models in the Wilo-Stratos series is significantly greater than that of the Star-RS. They have the following ranges of main characteristics:

  • Maximum flow rate – from 5 to 62 m³/hour;
  • Pressure value – from 4 to 17 m;
  • Nominal pressure – from 10 to 16 bar.

Connection can be made using either flange units or threaded connections. The size of the latter varies from 1’’ to DIN-100.

Such a variety of models of Wilo circulation pumps for heating explains the wide range of their prices - from 11,700 to 67,000 rubles.

During installation, you should carefully read the instructions for the specific Wilo heating circulation pump. It will definitely indicate that, regardless of the chosen position, the shaft must be strictly horizontal. This is a prerequisite for normal operation.

Is it possible to repair the pump yourself if it breaks? The video shows an example of restoring its functionality:

Heating systems that use natural circulation of coolant are slowly becoming a thing of the past. This is due to their low productivity, narrow focus and lack of high pressure in the system, which is important for houses with a large area.

Gradually, natural circulation in heating systems is being replaced by forced circulation, where one of the main units is a circulation pump.

Circulation pumps from WILO: design features and main characteristics

Currently, the domestic market is extremely rich in all kinds of circulation pumps for installation in the heating system.

It should be noted that among them there are both really high-quality, well-designed models and outright Chinese fakes that are not capable of working for more than one season.

Naturally, if a heating system is chosen, as they say, “for centuries,” then all the units installed in it must be of high quality, reliable and efficient.

Circulation pumps for Wilo heating systems, produced by the famous German concern, are in great demand among domestic consumers.

As you know, the circulation pump for heating Vilo is the “heart” of the system modern heating and the manufacturing company understands this.

With over 100 years of experience, unique equipment and careful selection of materials, Wilo pumps are distinguished by their performance, power and reliability. Models are presented for both civil and industrial buildings.

Tip: Vilo pumps are presented in large assortment, and therefore before purchasing a specific model, it would be a good idea to consult with specialists. Only professionals will give specific advice and help you choose the best unit for each specific case.

Vilo circulation pumps – performance and quality

IN modern systems heating circulation pumps for Wilo heating perform extremely important task– ensure rapid movement of coolant in the network. As a result (and the instructions for Vilo pumps talk about this), heat transfer improves almost significantly, and the efficiency of the system increases.

Also, if the circuit contains a Wilo circulation pump for heating, you can significantly save on pipes, because the lines (due to forced pressure injection) have a significantly smaller diameter than if natural circulation were used.

As for the equipment itself, Vilo pumps are practically silent, reliable and practical, have compact dimensions and do not require any special maintenance.

Any circulation pump from Wilo SE is a modern and efficient unit that works for a long time and trouble-free. It should be noted that installing it yourself will not turn into some kind of complex and time-consuming operation. And the price for such equipment is much lower than for analogues presented on the domestic market.

A wide range of Wilo pumps – the ability to make your heating system efficient

The domestic market simply offers a huge selection of modern, reliable and high-quality pumps of this type. German company. In many photos and videos posted on the Internet, you can easily see the main range of equipment that the Wilo group really produces in abundance.

Among the most popular models Vilo circulation pumps can be distinguished:

  • WiloStar-RS And model WiloStar-RSD- low-power, but at the same time reliable pumps that are very inexpensive. Ideal for various home heating systems. There is a built-in manual speed switch that allows you to increase the efficiency of the equipment. Pumps from this series are suitable for heating rooms with an area of ​​200-750 sq.m;

Circulation pump

  • Wilo Stratos ECO effectively replaced the previous generation of circulation pumps, ideal for integration into large systems heating systems in which the power of the boiler installation exceeds 25 kW. These are electronic pumps, the power and performance of which are adjusted through a special system. Circulation pumps of this class are suitable for small cottages (more than 80% of existing heating systems). A feature can be called low consumption electricity and the ability to work with coolant even at subzero temperatures;
  • TOP-RL And model TOP-S from the manufacturer Vilo - circulation pumps designed specifically for buildings with an area exceeding 1400 square meters. meters. These are three-phase and dual pumps, the operation of which is possible in modes of increased efficiency and productivity;
  • Wilo TOP-Z– pumps that are designed for systems where deposits of magnesium and calcium salts are possible. Such equipment copes perfectly with any tasks, providing normal work heating even with low water quality.

Circulation pump Wilo TOP-Z

Advantages of using Vilo pumps in heating systems

Modern circulation pumps for heating systems Wilo – great choice for any property, no matter how small country cottage or industrial enterprise.

Using Vilo pumps for systems with forced circulation of coolant allows you to get a lot of advantages:

  1. Increasing the efficiency of coolant flow through pipelines, better heat transfer even in the farthest corners of the heating system;
  2. Reduced fuel consumption by boilers and, as a consequence, significant savings finance. Particularly relevant for large boiler houses on manufacturing enterprises and other objects;
  3. Extending the trouble-free operation of the heating system. Circulation pumps can create quite high pressure in the pipeline, which eliminates the deposition of salts from the coolant . In turn, blockages and narrowing of pipe diameters are eliminated.


As you can see from the above material, such pumps for heating systems (although their installation is also possible in hot water supply pipelines) can improve efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, and also eliminate breakdowns.

Pumps from the famous German brand are surprisingly well integrated into existing and functioning heating systems (due to light weight and dimensions). They provide fast current coolant and its circulation throughout all radiators.

However, their choice must be approached with all responsibility, taking into account the area of ​​the heated premises, as well as friction losses in the pipes.

Choosing WILO circulation pumps is a great opportunity to become an owner effective system heating Such equipment fully meets all quality standards and is made only from the best materials and on innovative technologies.

- look here.

The circulation pump is an integral element of any heating system with forced circulation. The stability of coolant circulation through the pipeline depends on this small device.

Pumps from the manufacturer WILO can rightfully be considered one of the best.

Why do you need a circulation pump at all?

In some cases, you can completely do without this element, when we're talking about about systems with natural circulation. In this case, the coolant moves through the pipes due to the pressure difference that occurs when water is heated in the boiler. When heated, the coolant expands, part of it is simply squeezed up the supply pipe, rising to the highest point, the water enters the radiators and, gradually cooling, moves back to the boiler ().

The only advantage of such an organization of home heating is absolute independence from electricity. This is important, for example, when heating country house or cottages in a hard-to-reach area. In addition, the absence of moving elements in the system extends its service life

But it is better to install a circulation pump for Vilo heating at the entrance to the boiler.

As for the advantages, installing such a device makes it possible to:

  • ensure stable circulation of coolant through the pipes. Modern models are able to reduce the speed themselves, making the heating of the house less intense. This quality is especially useful in terms of financial savings;
  • the pressure will not depend on the diameter of the pipe (in systems with natural circulation it is better not to use small diameters);
  • installing a pump does not reduce the durability of the system as a whole, modern models can work for 20-30 years.

The only disadvantages that can be noted are the small costs of electricity and noise. But the boiler is usually located in a separate room, and the price of electricity is not so high as to refuse the pump.

Classification of circulation pumps

As for the principle of operation, all devices of this kind can be divided into 2 types:

  • with a “wet” rotor;
  • with a “dry” rotor.

For heating comparatively small house Options with a “wet” rotor are preferable. They received this name due to the fact that the rotor (the part that rotates) is placed directly in the pumped coolant.

Wilo heating circulation pumps of this type have the following features:

  • almost completely silent;

Note! IN small houses Sometimes it is not possible to move the boiler away from living quarters, so noiselessness is an important advantage.

  • no lubrication is needed - the rotor is in water, so the coolant itself plays its role;
  • for greater reliability, the rotor chambers and stator are separated by a durable stainless steel sleeve;
  • the only one and quite significant drawback can be considered low efficiency - about 50%.

Note! The “wet” pump must be installed so that its shaft is horizontal.

To operate a powerful system, it is better to use a Wilo “dry” circulation pump for heating. Unlike its “wet” analogue, its rotor is not in contact with the coolant at all, and achieve high degree tightness is achieved due to the pumped liquid itself.

During work thin film liquid finally seals microscopic gaps between rotating surfaces. With time O-rings They grind down a little, but the problem is solved by the fact that they are spring-loaded and simply shift by the amount of wear, the main thing is that the grinding occurs evenly.

The main advantage of “dry” devices is an efficiency of more than 80%. And the disadvantages can be written down high level noise, which is why such pumps are used mainly in powerful systems.

Read more about modern circulation pumps

One of the main requirements for a modern heating system can be considered flexibility - that is, the ability to adjust its power over a wide range. Circulation pumps for heating systems from Wilo are ideal for this purpose.

In the distant past, circulation pumps were unregulated, that is, they were not able to reduce the rotor speed. This resulted in the heating system operating at approximately the same power at all times, even when there was no particular need for it.

Features of adjustable pumps

Nowadays, energy saving issues are paid Special attention, so into the new ones heating systems unregulated devices are practically not installed.

Usage adjustable devices allows:

  • change the rotor speed at any time, for example, to save energy at night the device automatically resets the speed;
  • set any operating mode manually, this is useful if the owner plans to leave home for a couple of days. In this case, heating can be left at a minimum level.

Note! German manufacturer Wilo produces models for working in very harsh conditions. If the lime content in the water is high, then you should pay attention to the Wilo Star models.

As a rule, a Wilo heating circulation pump can operate in several modes:

  • PP1 and PP2– in this case, the pressure in the system will change, and the designations correspond performance characteristics with maximum pressure (PP1) and minimum (PP2);
  • CP1 and CP2– in this case, the pressure remains unchanged, and the pump adapts to the coolant flow, changing the rotor speed;
  • operating modes numbered I, II and III. One corresponds to the rotational speed at the minimum operating characteristic, II and III – rotational speed at the average and maximum rotational speed;
  • It is possible to switch day/night modes.

Placement and installation rules

If it is not possible to invite specialists, you can do the installation yourself.

You just need to remember a few simple rules for installation:

  • It is forbidden to place the pump at the outlet of the boiler - hot coolant will reduce the service life of the device several times. It is considered optimal to place it on the pipe section in front of the entrance to the boiler;
  • the arrow on the body shows the direction of movement of the coolant, it should be directed towards the boiler;

  • when the pump is already installed and filled with water, air is removed from it;
  • the pump is installed so that, if necessary, it can be quickly isolated from the flow of water. For this purpose, a bypass is arranged and shut-off valves are installed.

The instructions for installing the pump are not particularly complicated; they use threaded connections, so that if necessary it can be quickly removed for repair or replaced. Before installation, the boiler must be cut off shut-off valves. Also during installation it is installed check valve(with the exception of open systems) and filter.