Institute of Secondary Vocational Education named after. K.D. Ushinsky, College named after. S.Ya. Marshak. Sweet poison of praise

Institute of Secondary Vocational Education named after. K.D. Ushinsky, College named after. S.Ya. Marshak. Sweet poison of praise

Astrologer of the Avestan school, practical psychologist and trainer, coach, crisis recovery consultant (with more than 20 years of experience), founder of the International School of Self-Realization.

Success training

Together with her colleagues, she is the leader of trainings on love and success. The goal of her author’s trainings is to do everything in our power to bring love into the lives of each of us. Natalya is sure that the winner, whose “Life is a success,” is the one who knows how to cope with the assigned tasks, who is ready to keep given word who knows the rules of the game of success, love, financial well-being. These are the rules that are discussed in trainings and courses.


  • Cooperation with magazines: "Officiel", "Voyage", "VOGUE", "Women's Club", "Country of Love", "Sudarushka", "Evening Moscow", "Bulletin of Kipra".
  • Cooperation with radio stations: "Mayak", "Nadezhda", "Resonance", "Europe Plus", radio "Russia".
  • Participation in television programs: “Without Complexes”, “Let Them Talk”, “Date”, “Secret Signs”, “Secret Stories”.
  • Participation in the films REN-TV: “Himmler - the fate of a provocateur” and “The Curse of American Presidents.”

Natalya about herself and the School of Self-Realization

In October 1993, my journey began as an astrologer-consultant to overcome the crisis, where I had to not only give a forecast, but also advise using psychological techniques and methods. I have been coaching since the time when no one in Russia even knew this fashionable word, i.e. for more than 20 years. Previously, I called myself a crisis recovery consultant, now a coach, and essentially a guide between heaven and earth.

In 2008 I createdInternational School of Self-Realization. The school is based on a method of systemic (holistic) personality development, developed as my own intellectual product. The technique grew out of training in 2001-2004 at the Institute of Consulting and System Solutions (quality confirmed by the Professional Psychotherapeutic League) and my thesis, defended at Moscow State University on the topic “Socialization and adaptation as mechanisms for the formation of an integral personality” in 2005. The systematic development method is aimed at studying the structure and rules of social life using 10 steps (sessions) and focuses a person on achieving the result he needs in the format of personal or group personal effectiveness coaching.

IN International School For self-realization, anyone can:

  • Understand yourself and your goals, the meaning of your purpose on earth, find inner harmony;
  • Create successful relationships with people and the world around you;
  • Create a strong family and raise talented children;
  • Create a strong and happy marriage;
  • Discover new life opportunities and get answers to many other vital questions.

Together with the captains (coaches) of the School, we draw up a plan for achieving the goal of each student at the School (or solving a given problem). And then the captains and I “lead the person by the hand” to his goal, we help him independently complete all his steps personal plan. As a result, with the help of the School of Self-Realization, but with your own hands, everyone gets their own personal result. School captains (coaches) help participants complete homework, answer questions, helping them master the necessary information. The captains are always ready to provide free consultations for participants, giving everyone the opportunity to understand what is happening to them and the necessary support.

How does our identity affect our quality of life?

Identity is a feeling of one’s own truth, completeness, belonging to the world and other people. At each stage, the child develops his identity. If the identity is blurred, that is, I don’t really understand who I am, what I am, what I want, what I do and why in various life situations, then I will be very easily confused. Because with a blurred or diffuse identity, I have nothing to compare the information that comes from outside with.

They told me that I’m a pig - but in fact, I don’t fully know whether it’s true about me or not! And then, as if, I begin to believe in what is said and be offended by it. And hurt your soul.

And so main mistake which most parents and grandparents do. They talk about their children and grandchildren value judgments. That is, instead of telling the child that: " You're now jumping and running, excited and loud," they say: “Why are you running around the apartment headlong, like a madman!” Not descriptive, as it should be in order to form a healthy identity in a child, but with value judgments. Do you understand how the child’s identity will be formed in the first and second cases?..

A lot in our lives will depend on this - How we are reflected in the eyes of these people close to us and what was appropriated as a result.

In the first case, the child will remember the following about himself: I am active, running around, excited and loud. This is how they accept me. In the second case, something like this: “I’m crazy, when I run around the apartment, I can break my head, go crazy, and they will reject me for this and disapprove in every possible way.” So much for vulnerability.

Imagine that such words ( “Dumb as a Siberian felt boot!”, “You’re a dunce, you don’t understand anything!”, “Why are you smeared like a prostitute!”, “You have a pain in your ass” etc.) a child throughout his life hears millions of times from different people who are significant to him, to whom he trusts unconditionally! There you have it.

Of course, parents behave this way not because they have a good life, but because they were treated in a similar way. And then from generation to generation this wounded and blurred identity is passed on, all full of holes, like a sieve, into which everything that does not fall falls. All the trash that flies by.

Sweet poison of praise

By the way, the value judgments with which we are fed are harmful, even if they are positive. Let’s say they praised a child, they praised him for being so wonderful, skillful, everything always works out for him, a good student, an excellent student, first in class in skiing, chemistry and biology, always active, smart and witty... And then there’s the trap! After all, it is important for identity to be non-judgmental. After all, any assessment - good or bad - always implies some kind of norm. That is, some level, condition that needs correspond.

And if this praised boy suddenly becomes not the first in the class, but the second... his relatives will no longer praise him so much! They will clearly say: “But Vitka is now first!” And if the boy becomes no one at all in the class, completely stops studying and starts getting bad marks?.. How will he then be reflected in the eyes of his family?..

So we end up with a praised child who comes to psychotherapy as an adult: such an adult is anxious, controlling, thin and absolutely unhappy...

Copied from the site ""

- Here's a new twist! - Do you recognize yourself? A great time has come: love, adventure, entertainment or wonderful relationships with children and loved ones, or even all together... Things are looking up. If you've decided to go on a trip, the time to do it is this coming week. Do not be afraid to follow fate, because it leads those who obey it and drags down those who resist. After all, you know about this?

CALF - Try to understand what you really want. Your relationships with marriage or business partners, which are about to develop into a problem, will depend on this. Direct your energy to household chores, home improvement, and improving relationships with loved ones. Then commercial deals will work out, relationships with partners will improve, and mutual understanding will lead to success in all matters. There is an opportunity to become famous - both in a good and not so good sense...

TWINS - Health and work still require close attention. It is a great art to cope with both, while maintaining the strength to perform other duties. The solution is to work from home, otherwise the work will require material costs,

mental strength - and experiences.

It will take a lot of time and will not allow you to relax and do what you love. All you need is for your loved ones to understand and accept you, despite your weaknesses. - CANCER

So, ahead is a surge of strength and resources, creative successes and adventures, a revival of social activities and a craving for spectacular events, but not only... Women have a craving for motherhood, the possibility of pregnancy. In general, love and happiness. At the beginning of the week, this will overshadow everything else; harmony can only be disrupted by a family quarrel closer to the weekend. - Take care of your nascent feelings.

A LION - Is it worth spending energy and money on what you decide to bring to life? Yes, sure. This will likely bring success with the opposite sex, provide an opportunity to express yourself creatively, and implement an interesting project. Friends and like-minded people will help you with this. You can not only show yourself with the best side

, but also to have fun and have fun. - In any case, if you say that you don’t have money for an upcoming event, then most likely it’s not true. SCORPION The desire for internal changes does not leave, it gives an emotional uplift. Upcoming week -

good time - for the establishment and development of a creative cycle, a new life. You are at the head of a team, relations with which are very unpredictable today. Try to get out of the situation gracefully, otherwise a breakup and termination of the relationship is likely. You will regret it. SAGITTARIUS Try to be in in the right place at the right time. Then everything will fall into your hands. Don't believe me? As you wish! Time for reflection and getting rid of illusions,

bad habits - will be sufficient. There is a high likelihood of caring for the sick, being hospitalized, or being depressed or in a bad mood. Save strength - this is the best thing you can do for yourself this week. CAPRICORN

Professionally, the situation becomes dangerous and unpredictable. Success depends on your ability to understand and appreciate new opportunities, as well as your ability to stay afloat. The week is favorable for intense sex - who has a penchant for this... The rest will be occupied with relations with the tax police, inheritance issues, crisis and depression. Who likes what... Take care of your relationships with friends: they will probably be tested for strength, just like new projects

that you want to bring to life.- The upcoming meeting or acquaintance means a lot to you. However, should you be so worried? Everything will work out as it should, despite some inconsistencies in plans at the beginning. Show foresight and wisdom. Remember: best engine relationship is a compliment, especially when it comes to your loved ones. They are more vulnerable than we think. Even if you are very busy at work, pay attention to your family, home, and parents. Show maximum attention to your loved ones, put off disputes and showdowns until better times.

Disciplines taught

Theory and methodology of speech development in children, Theory and methodology environmental education preschoolers

Scientific and teaching experienceMerits, awards

5 Moscow institutional Grants in the field of education 2008-2010, Moscow Grant in the field of special special education-2004, Laureate of the competition “Teacher of the Year -2006” in the category “Heart given to children”, Expert of DE according to WSR standards in competence “ Preschool education"(2017), Regional expert in the competence "Preschool education" (2018), Honorary title "Honorary worker in the field of education Russian Federation"(2018)

Information about advanced training or professional training

2011, Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, 72 hours. Multimedia: creation of materials based on FLASH materials
2012 Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M.A. Sholokhova, 24h. " Actual problems training and education of persons with disabilities health"
2012 Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, 36 hours “Integrated approach to the preventive treatment of ENT pathology, orofacial and postural disorders in children: trio-pediatrician, ENT, orthodontist”
2013, Sweden, internship, 48 hours. “Implementation of the European standard for quality of education using the example of educational systems Sweden and Finland"
2013, GBOU SPO PK No. 6 72 hours “Introduction of health-saving technologies into the system of preschool general and vocational education»
2013, Israel, 48 h, “Technological approach to the organization of modern education”
2013, Israel, 48 h, “Psychoreflexology, how effective technique working with hyperactive children"
2014, Japan, internship, 48 hours, “Education system in Japan”
2015, Artidustria 16 h, " Modern materials and their application in artistic creativity"
2015, OJSC “Gamma”, 72 h “Features of teaching preschool and younger children school age, non-traditional methods of creating images in painting, sculpting and graphics based on materials from the GAMMA OJSC company.
2015, Moscow State Pedagogical University, 72 hours, “Quality management of natural science and technology education in the context of implementing the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard”
2016, Art Industry, 16h, “Unconventional techniques artistic creativity for children and adults using modern materials"
2016, Japan, internship, 48 hours, “Montessori system in Fuji Garden and practice-oriented approach at the Social and Pedagogical College of Japan”

About Me