Game make a sentence from words online. How to write a proposal correctly. What are active and passive voices?

Game make a sentence from words online.  How to write a proposal correctly.  What are active and passive voices?
Game make a sentence from words online. How to write a proposal correctly. What are active and passive voices?

Lesson of a speech pathologist teacher on the formation of coherent speech in 1st grade

Lesson topic:

“Composing sentences from individual words given in disorder”

We looked to the left, we looked to the right.

They lowered their eyes down. And now they raised it up.

We looked at each other…..set to work!

1.- I’m reading a quatrain to you, and you can guess from the description what letter we’re talking about and find this letter on the table:

The letter is very important, I imagined it was terrible.

The chest is a wheel, the stomach is inflated. As if there is nothing more important here. / IN

This letter is like a bookshelf…..shouts after everyone:

Friends, don’t rush, you put the books on my shelf...”/ E

The crescent moon was melting in the sky, the crescent was bending towards damage.

And that’s why the letter shone for us from heaven.../ WITH

I suddenly developed a song about this letter:

NNNNNNN - it turned out to be a song / N

Everyone knows the letter..., the letter is very nice.

And besides, this letter is the main one in the alphabet/ A

- What word can be made from these letters?/ SPRING

Today we will talk about spring, perform interesting tasks with letters and words.

2. Game for auditory attention “Rattle…”

And now we’ll play, I’ll tell you the words, if the word matches the description of spring, you’ll rattle it with a rattle, if not, you’ll rest: affectionate, warm, gloomy, sunny, frosty, dark, noisy, talkative, babbling, vociferous, boring, cloudy , snowy.

One of the signs of spring is the return of birds to their homes. And I suggest you build a birdhouse. And who will live in it? (starling)

3. Task for the development of fine motor skills: “Building a birdhouse”

We will build a birdhouse from colored lids: thumb and index finger, thumb and middle finger, thumb and ring finger, thumb and little finger.

Physical min. "Birds"

Ding dong, ding dong

Dili-dili, dili-dili

The bells woke up all the bugs and spiders

And funny worms.

And the little sparrow woke up and the little jackdaw perked up.

Ding-dong, dong-ding.

Good morning, new day!

4. Word game “I, you, we, you, they”- changing a sentence by adding a pronoun:

I'm building a birdhouse. You are building a birdhouse…….

And now say the opposite with passing the ball:

In winter the snow is clean, but in spring it is…..dirty.

In winter the days are cold, and in the spring they are…….. warm.

In winter the sun is dim, and in spring –……. bright.

In winter the weather is often cloudy, and in spring it is…….. sunny.

5. Dynamic pause. Vision correction “Birds” /on a computer.

6. Working on a proposal:“Make a sentence from the given words.”

I have many different words. Are you ready to understand them?

Whether you read a story or a poem, I am definitely in them!

But if you mix up all the words, you won’t be able to understand me.

A strong, gusty spring wind blew and mixed up all the words.

(An early, warm spring has arrived, long-awaited.

Nests , hatch, chicks, and, birds, hatch)

B) Make a sentence diagram (magnetic strips).

C) Find the main members, determine what questions they answer, put the appropriate symbols (m.r, zh.r, action word + underline with 2 sticks, attribute word)

7. -And now a minute of penmanship: add letters to the words of the sentence you composed. Read the sentence (printed on the card)

Which tasks in the lesson were interesting to you and which were difficult?

This is a surprise from the starling in gratitude for the birdhouse you built. Thanks for the lesson.

N__st__p__la d__long__waited in__n__.

Birds It's in the nest and it's high in the middle.

Flightbirds return to their nest.

The rivers came down from the mountains r__ch__yk__.

    excellent day, July.

    and, above, circling, motley, white, butterflies, moths, flowers.

    on, there is, pollen, flowers.

    butterfly, twigs, sat down, tip, motley, on.

    and, among, flicker, bugs, spiders, stems.

    there are so many of them here.

1) excellent, day, July.

6) here, how many of them are there.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

1) excellent, day, July.

2) and, above, circling, motley, white, butterflies, moths, flowers.

3) on, there is, pollen, flowers.

4) butterfly, twigs, sat down, tip, motley, on.

5) and, among, flash, bugs, spiders, stems.

6) here, how many of them are there.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.

Make up sentences and write them down in your notebook.

    path, forest, through, led, straight, pine.

    Vanya looked, walked, and, on, on, sides.

    here, with, shaggy, resinous, trunks, bark.


3.Make sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    plot, small, dacha, Tanechka, walking, around.

    sees, fragrant, girl, lilies of the valley.

    these little flowers are so beautiful.

    butterfly, here.

    she sat down on a board bench.

    at, okay, at the dacha.

    Make up sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    worth it, great day.

    woke up, ray, duck, sunny.

    she entered into the river.

    looks like a boat, a duck.

    She grabs bugs with her beak.

    Make up sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    Look, the rain, small droplets, fell.

    rings, waves, water, scatter.

    Soon, the downpour came, strong.

    on, he, field, stems, nailed, with flax.

    Make up sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    at home, around, garden, grandfather, fruit.

    trees, in, grow, what, garden.

    plum trees, nearby, apple trees, and growing

    fragrant, and, raspberries, what, and, large

    Make up sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    hedgehog(s, i)k, w(s, i)vet, Mash(s, i).

    hedgehog(s, i)ku, girl, in, porridge(s, i), put(s, i)la, ladle(s, i)k.

    hurry(s, i)t, on, animal, already(s, i)n.


    Make up sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    roof, on, rain, knocking, plank, beginning

    swaying, branches, wind.

    gulch(a, i)ta, in, squeak(a, i)t, nest.


    Make up sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    Solves, Kolya, problems (y, y), Shch (y, y)kin.

    birds, behind, chirping(u, yu)t, window.

    found, ring(u, yu)gu, in, prince, ch(u, yu)lan.


    Make up sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    h(a, i)sh(a, i), in winter, very (a, i)rovanna.

    similar(s, s), fluffy(s, s), ha, swan(s, s), snow, fluff.

    this is, in, life, time, in, h (u, ju)d, forest.

    Make up sentences. Write it down. Highlight the spellings.

    dacha, kitty, porch, sitting, on.

    fur, licks, tongue, she.

    along, runs, the site.

    wash, kitty, finishes, tongue, runs, into, and, wool, house.

Sentence from the assignment Child's answer Point
Boy open the door The boy opened the door
Girl, read, book Girl reading a book
Doctor, treat, children Doctor treats children
Draw, pencil, girl Girl draws with a pencil
In, garden, grow, cherry Cherries growing in the garden
sit, titmouse, on, branch A titmouse sits on a branch 0,5
Pear, grandmother, granddaughter, give Grandmother giving pear to granddaughter
Vitya, mow, grass, rabbits, for Vitya mows the grass for the rabbits
Misha, give, dog, big, bone Misha gave the dog a big bone
Petya, buy, ball, red, mom Mom bought Petya a red balloon
Average score 0,85

Conclusion: in the third task, where the ability to compose sentences from words in the initial form was studied, Artem made two mistakes: in the 6th sentence the word order was violated, in the 7th sentence there was a semantic inadequacy. As a result, he received 8.5 points out of a possible 10.

Exercise for task 3

Making sentences from words in initial form

Compose the sentence correctly:

The girl dresses the doll.

Sveta's dog is walking.

The doll has a red bow on it.

Boy walking on the street.

Boys catch fish.

Boy chopping wood with an ax.

Driving down the street in a car.

Girl writing with pen.

The goat is nibbling grass.

Grandmother gives apple to granddaughter.

The boy spills water on the tablecloth.

kitten small closet to climb high on.

Sentence from the assignment Child's answer Point
Lena pours tea... cups Lena pours tea into cups
The buds have blossomed... in the trees The buds have blossomed on the trees
The boat is sailing... on the lake Boat sails on the lake 0,5
A seagull flies... with water Seagull flies over the water
The chick fell out... nests The chick fell out of the nest
The trees are rustling... the winds The trees are noisy in the wind
The last leaves are falling... birch trees The last leaves fall to the birch tree. 0,5
The puppy hid... on the porch The puppy hid under the porch
The dog is sitting... in a kennel The dog is sitting in the kennel
A large crowd the theater A large crowd gathered under the theater 0,25
Average score 0,83

Conclusion: with the fourth task, where the ability to add prepositions to a sentence was studied, Artem generally did well, with the exception of 3 sentences. In the 3rd and 7th sentences the correct answer was given after stimulating help (Wrong, think again), in the 10th sentence the child gave the correct answer after help of the second type (The crowd gathered where? In front of what?). Thus, he received 8.25 points out of a possible 10.

Exercise for task 4

Adding Prepositions to a Sentence

Listen to the sentence and add the missing word:

The book lies... on the table.

The shoes are standing... like a chair.

The boy ran up... to the fence.

The car is driving... on the road.

The fox crawled out... of the hole.

Boy runs... tree

...mushrooms grew like a tall birch tree.

...a tall birch tree grows at home.

The school where Seryozha studied was far away... from his home.

The boy is climbing... a fence.

The sun is setting... clouds

The sun comes out... clouds

The nanny takes out a ball... the bed.

Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases

Conclusion: with the fifth task, where the ability to form plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases was studied, Artem did generally well, with the exception of the 5th noun, in which the plural form. Part I.p. was formed incorrectly. As a result, he received 9.25 points out of a possible 10.

Series IV

6. Study of vocabulary and word formation skills

Conclusion: with the sixth task, where vocabulary and word formation skills were studied, Artem did a generally good job, with the exception of 2 incorrectly formed forms. Accordingly, the boy received 8.5 points out of 10.

Exercise for task 6 of series IV

Study of vocabulary and word formation skills

Exercise “WHO HAS A CHILD.”


1. Teach the child to clearly pronounce words when using plural nouns in the nominative case.

2. Expand and activate his vocabulary.

Progress of the game exercise.

The speech therapist asks the question: “Who has such a cub?” The child answers the question according to the model.

Speech therapist: Child:

“Who has whom?”

The horse has foals.

The pig has piglets.

The frog has baby frogs.

The boar has young hogs.

The deer has fawns.

The crow has crows.

"Who with whom?"

Goose with goslings.

Cow with calves.

Fox with cubs.

Cat with kittens.

Conclusion: with the seventh task, where the ability to form nouns in a diminutive form was studied, Artem did generally well, with the exception of the 2nd and 5th sentences, where he incorrectly formed the forms of nouns. Thus, the boy received 3.5 points out of a possible 5.

Exercise for task 7 of series IV

Formation of nouns in diminutive form

Goal: formation of diminutive forms of nouns.

Lexical material: table, ball, house, bed, birch, doll, spoon, closet, bowl, ear.

Visual material: object pictures (table, ball, house, bed, birch, doll, spoon, closet, bowl, ear).

Instructions: what objects are shown in the pictures? How to speak kindly about these items?

Exercise Child's answer Point
Straw hat- Straw
Cranberry jelly- Cranberry
Ice slide- Ice 0,25
Carrot salad- Carrot
Cherry jam- Cherry 0,25
Mushroom soup- Mushroom 0,25
Apple jam- Apple
Plum jam- Creamy 0,25
Raspberry jam- Raspberry
Strawberry jam- Strawberry
Blueberry jam- Blueberry
Oak leaf- Oak
Maple Leaf- Maple
Aspen leaf- Aspen
Spruce cone Christmas tree 0,25
Average score 0,75

Conclusion: with the eighth task, where the ability to form adjectives from nouns was studied, Artem coped satisfactorily, making mistakes in the formation of five adjectives: in the 3rd, 5th, 6th, 8th and 15th he formed the wrong form. In accordance with this, Artem received 11.25 points out of a possible 15.

Exercise for task 8 of series IV

Formation of relative adjectives from nouns

Lotto “Name the object”.

Didactic material - pictures and word combinations (for example: a robe made of silk, a boat made of rubber, a nail made of iron, a spoon made of wood, a blanket made of down, a house made of snow, a wall made of brick, a roof made of straw, a glass made of crystal, a jug made of clay, a bucket made of iron, etc.). The child has pictures depicting various objects. The speech therapist names the object and the material from which it is made, for example: a glass glass, the child finds an image of this object on a card and names a phrase of an adjective and a noun, glass glass, covers the picture with a chip.

Forming adjectives from nouns

Conclusion: with the ninth task, where the ability to form adjectives from nouns was studied, Artem did well, making 4 mistakes in which the form of the adjective was formed incorrectly. As a result, he received 7 points out of a possible 10.

Exercises for task 9 of series IV

Forming adjectives from nouns

Exercise “WHOSE, WHOSE?”

1. Learn to clearly pronounce words of type 14 syllable structure when forming possessive adjectives.

2. Practice agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender and number.

3. Expand and activate your vocabulary.

The speech therapist reads the sentence and asks a question. The child responds using possessive adjectives.

Speech therapist: Child:

Duck egg duck egg.

Quail nest quail nest.

A flock of pigeons a flock of pigeons.

Swan neck swan neck

Rooster beard rooster beard.

flock of geese flock of geese

Chicken egg chicken egg.

Mouse mink mouse mink.

The child encounters sentences already in the early stages of learning, when he begins to read and write. However, it takes quite a long time to master the concept of “supply”. In oral speech, the child uses a phrase without dividing it into component sentences. A sentence is a unit of written speech.

What are the common mistakes children make?

1. A capital letter and a punctuation mark at the end (period, question or exclamation mark) are not always relevant for a child.

2. In written work, some children forget to mark the end of a sentence with the necessary sign.

3. The first word of a sentence is often written with a small letter.

4. In oral speech, there are difficulties in composing sentences on a given topic from the proposed words.

5. Particular difficulties arise when trying to read a text expressively. Intonation in oral speech always corresponds to the situation in which the child is. As for the text for reading, the child often finds it difficult to convey the implied intonation, since he does not sufficiently analyze the meaning of a single sentence.

6. Breaking a sentence in a dictation and combining different sentences into one are caused by difficulties in recognizing the boundaries of a sentence and insufficient speech memory.

Of course, “he who never learns makes no mistakes.” In the early stages of learning, such mistakes are acceptable. However, in some cases they persist for a long time. They are especially common in presentations and essays, sometimes in dictations.

Of course, if errors of this kind are observed, it is advisable to consult a specialist. But parents themselves can provide the necessary help.

How can you help your child understand that a sentence expresses a complete thought?

This can be done through a series of exercises.

Eliminating extra words

Exercise: Eliminate the extra word to make a sentence.

  1. Nadya and elephants Dima's dads are divers.
  2. At the bottom zoo ocean star.
  3. Helpful Denis firewood on the fence.
  4. Along the rivers water ships are sailing.
  5. Tima's dad river works at a factory.
  6. We were in galloped park.
  7. The squirrel took the bagels from aspen us out of our hands.
  8. White sheep beat bison drums.
  9. Linden and pine trees grow in the park, compote, aspen.
  10. The guys imprisoned hammered currants, plums and apple trees.

Completing the missing word

Exercise: Add words to make sentences.

  1. Glittering in the sky...
  2. The children drew...
  3. Tima has skillful...
  4. After lunch, Lida washes herself...
  5. Denis blushed like...
  6. On Saturday we were...
  7. Beavers have razor sharp...
  8. Beavers in a swamp of aspen trunks...
  9. Cat Barsik ball...
  10. Jumped from branch to branch...

Compiling sentences from given words that do not require changes

Exercise: Make a sentence from these words.

  1. And, Slava, he will grow up to be a captain.
  2. The cat dipped the paint into the paw.
  3. Lettuce, Polina, onions, grown, dill.
  4. Victor will become a tractor driver and grow up.
  5. Klava got up early this morning.
  6. S, Klava, I washed my hands with soap.
  7. We will visit the zoo soon.
  8. Various, in, animals, zoo.
  9. Ivanovna told us new fairy tales, Nina.
  10. Saturday, in, we, in, the circus.

Making sentences from words, some of which need to be changed

Exercise: Make sentences from words. Change words if necessary.

  1. Sister, poured milk, brother.
  2. Zoo, we saw a zebra.
  3. Squirrel, children, in, park, seen.
  4. We collected mushrooms in the forest.
  5. On, rivers, fishermen, shore, sat.
  6. On, beavers, dam, built, river.
  7. In, were, we, Saturday, library.
  8. Euonymus, outskirts, forest, on, grew.
  9. Behind, river, waterfall, turn.
  10. Volga, in, sailing, Moscow, on, ships.

Correction of coordination and management errors

Exercise: Correct mistakes.

  1. Masha went out to the edge and saw cuckoo
  2. Children at the edge of the forest blinded snow woman
  3. In the morning walked snow, Misha and Zhenya rode by ski.
  4. Girls of our class is engaged sports.
  5. She pinched Bug's nose and ran away in its place.
  6. Installers performs important work.
  7. Sun came out because of the clouds
  8. There are textbooks and notebooks on the shelf.
  9. Masha brought fish for our aquarium.
  10. On forest clearing blushed strawberries

Finding sentence boundaries in text

Exercise: Find the boundaries of sentences. Label them.

A bus arrived at the school entrance, we entered the city, the train stopped at a siding, a puppy shrank from the cold, an elephant was attacked by an angry tiger, goats were eating leaves from bushes and flowers, the guys went on an excursion, the climb up the mountain was steep, they announced boarding

Children usually enjoy doing these types of tasks. Difficulties are gradually disappearing. The main thing is to be patient.

Game “Make a proposal”: speech game with cubes. Pictures for the game for downloading, descriptions of game options.

Game "Make a proposal"

Every family and every kindergarten has old blocks. You will learn how to give them a new life and make an educational game in this article. And if there are no cubes, you can make them from cardboard according to the pattern given in this article.

Author of the game and this article: reader of the site “Native Path” Olga Germanovna Makhaneva, winner of the educational games competition of the Internet Workshop of educational games “Through the game - to success!” — 2013, teacher-speech pathologist of the highest qualification category, Non-state private educational institution for children of preschool and primary school age “Progymnasium No. 63 of JSC Russian Railways.”

The editor is me, Asya Valasina, author of the “Native Path” website. And I am very glad that on my website I can introduce you not only to my developments, but also to the ideas of my regular readers and subscribers :-).

Game “Make a sentence or it may or may not happen.”

Making such a game is very simple, at the same time, there are a huge variety of task options, as much as your imagination allows.

How to make a "Make a Sentence" game.

Cube with images of objects.

Step 1: The Make a Sentence game is based on blocks. You can make them from cardboard or paste over old cubes.

Step 2. Select pictures-objects (nouns) for each face of the cube. This could be a selection of words on various topics, for example, on the topic “toys” - ball, pyramid, doll, spinning top, ball, train. The easiest way is to select pictures on sites with coloring books, then the pictures will be approximately in the same style, you won’t need a color printer for printing, and the child will be able to take part in making the game - color them.

Step 3. Next, we print it on thick paper (you can glue it with tape or laminate it to last longer), glue it together and start playing - throw it and ask the question: “What is this?” or “Who is this?” (if animals are drawn on the edges).

Action cube.

On the edge of the next cube you can put pictures illustrating actions, for example - stands, lies, walks, sits, runs, flies. When playing with such a cube, we ask the question: “What does it do?”

How to play a sentence making game (object + action) with two dice.

We connect two cubes in the game - an object and an action. We combine the dropped pictures into a phrase: “What is this? What is he doing?”, at the same time we ask the child if this happens.

For example: two dice rolled - deer + flies. We made up a sentence: “The deer is flying.” Does this happen or not? A deer flies through the air - does this happen or not? A deer flies through the forest - does this happen or not? When can you tell that a deer is flying? (if he runs fast). How else can you say - what does a deer do: it flies like an arrow, it flies quickly, it rushes, it flies like a bullet.” This way we can introduce the child to the literal and figurative meaning of the word.

How to play a sentence game with two dice (numeral + noun)

We make another cube, on the edges of which we put dots and circles from 1 to 6. The game continues - we roll this die and ask the question: “How much?” (How many nesting dolls? Five matryoshkas. How many balls? Two balls).

The next stage of the game could be like this - we throw two dice - with an object and with dots: “What is this? How many?". We teach the child to agree between numerals and nouns: two matryoshas ki , but six matryoshas ek . One me h , two ball A , five ball to her .

You can also make a cube with numbers and invite the child to replace the cube with dots with a cube with numbers, indicating the number of dots that appear.

Another version of the cube for playing sentence making

You can make similar cubes:

A) with geometric shapes(round clock, round moon, round table, round saucer),

b) with flowers: red th ball, red and I matryoshka, red oh apple, red s tomatoes, red nose.

Word combinations and sentences for the game:

We make up the phrase object + color, object + quantity, figure + color, figure + quantity, object + action, object + form. Don’t forget to clarify every time: “It doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen?” When does it happen?

The next stage of the game is we combine three signs and three cubes:

- subject + quantity + form,

- object + color + shape,

Let's introduce intonation in the game “Make a Sentence”.

If “it doesn’t happen”, we introduce the interrogative intonation, then you can play with the exclamation: “Red banana?” (interrogatively), “Red banana!” (exclamation sentence, surprised, delighted, amazed).

We wish you interesting games!

You will find more ideas for interesting speech games with children in the articles on the site: