Ideal protection in clash of clans. Base defense Clash of Clans. Military bases in Clash of Clans for KV

Ideal protection in clash of clans. Base defense Clash of Clans. Military bases in Clash of Clans for KV

Clash of clans is one of the most famous popular strategy games for devices with Android and iOS systems today. Its creators spared no effort on the magnificent colorful graphics, and the gameplay itself is far from boring. Therefore, many gamers around the world have already appreciated its fascination and richness.

Placement in Clash of Clans is very important, how you place buildings in the village will determine whether you win or lose when you are attacked.

The principle in Clash of clans is as follows: the player creates a prosperous and fortified city from a small village of two houses, where the main character was sent, while simultaneously protecting his creation from invaders. The most interesting thing is that the destroyers of the village are often other players who are not averse to profiting from other people's wealth. Therefore, in the game Clash of clans, the alignment of military forces is the most important attribute of successful gameplay.

Several types of fighters act as military power in Clash of Clans, each of which has a narrow specialization and can almost never replace a soldier of another profession on the battlefield. Such as barbarians, archers, magicians, dragons, goblins, giants, wall destroyers, balloons, healers and P.E.K.K.A - an impressive looking madam who demolishes everything in her path.

There are also representatives of the Dark Troops (minion, valkyrie, sorceress, boar rider and golem), but their crafting is very expensive (for Dark Elixir) and they can only be raised in dark barracks.

Each member of the army must be trained, and the training time for units differs. Some of the characters are not available at the initial levels and are unlocked only upon reaching a certain level of leveling up the village. There are also elixirs in the game to help in battle, their properties vary: from healing to destroying enemy walls.

Since the toy is essentially a strategy, placement plays a decisive role in Clash of clans. The well-being and wealth of the village, and, accordingly, the speed of its pumping depends on it.

Formation and style of play

In Clash of clans, the placement is carried out depending on the style of play: the gamer’s goal is either farming (that is, attacking other people’s bases with the aim of plundering resources), or pursuing defensive tactics and focusing primarily on strengthening the village. For each of these two lines of behavior, the position of buildings, buildings and troops will be different. But in any case, there are several elementary canons that beginners who are just starting to comprehend the Clash of clans universe should use.

As for the resource storage, it is best to locate it in the central part of the village. This is logical, because the farther the building with treasures is from the enemy, the more difficult it will be for the enemy unit to reach it and the more time and troops it will spend on it.

It would also be best to build additional fences around houses. This also applies to defensive structures. The logic in this move is the same as in the first point: the more precious seconds the enemy spends on the walls, the more units of troops he loses on trifles.

Clash of clans - a profitable move

It should also be noted that in Clash of clans, placing all sorts of fires, barracks, and so on in front of the constructed barriers is a very profitable move. This will give the defense even more time to extinguish the attack on the village and win the battle. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the better a structure is pumped, the more health it has and the more difficult it is to destroy it. So don’t forget about upgrading buildings if you don’t want to end up with a plundered base in ruins. Of course, we must not forget about the traps. A surprise in the form of a spring, shoved into the right place, will send the broken enemy squad flying to the next world, and the bomb will blow its remaining members to pieces. So traps are a very useful thing if they are positioned correctly.

Without forgetting about all these simple points, you can create a city that is unique in its complexity and entertainment for your opponent. And the owner of the village himself will not lose money. In Clash of clans, the more unique the formation, the more successful it is.

While there is no experience, you can use ready-made options for arranging a database from the Internet.

For Clash of clans, the arrangement at each level of the town hall is described by many experienced fans of this game on various sites dedicated to it. Just take into account the fact that these examples of villages have already been played and an experienced player knows all their weak areas.

In this toy, you have the opportunity to join clans and take clan troops to help repel an attack, or to seize other people's resources. So the game is socially developed: the developers managed to fit into it not only exciting gameplay, but also a note of communication between gamers and their fellow hobbyists.

To summarize this little article, we can say that you need to remember - this game is strategic. In Clash of clans, the placement of buildings and armies is the most important component for successful gameplay. You have to think about every step, you have to weigh every decision in order to succeed in turning a small village into a developed capital.

Many Clash of Clans players are fighting for a place at the top of the leaderboard and the opportunity to immortalize their name by proving themselves to be a true champion. Be that as it may, none of this is possible until we have a staunch defense that can withstand the onslaught of a prepared attack that has come to prove the same thing - that they are better. We all need not only a strong offensive strategy, but also a strong, resilient defense.

Wall Arrangement Concepts

Base placement can be divided into two most commonly used options: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Most bases have some symmetry, whether they are partially, bilaterally, or quadrilaterally symmetrical; the rest are two-way mirrored. They can be further divided according to their protective concepts. Here are a few of them:

  • Single wall: A single-layer wall surrounding all or most of the buildings. This wall concept doesn't work well against Bows, they can easily shoot it down. Also, she will not become a hindrance to the Wall Breakers. Overall, often a very simple base for complete destruction.
  • Double wall: Same as a single wall, differing only in the additional layer (separated by at least one empty strip) on the outside of it. It prevents Archers from shooting through it and prevents Wall Breakers from breaking through two layers at once.
  • Double or multi-layer wall: part or whole section of a wall made of several layers. It is worth noting that Wall Breakers have splash damage that can destroy up to three layers of a wall as well as a wall of one layer. It is not recommended to use this concept for an external wall or any that is accessible to the Wall Breakers in the first place.
  • Internal and external wall: As the name suggests, the inner wall protects the most important buildings. The outer wall completely or partially covers the inner wall and its protective structures. With this arrangement, it is advisable to place the Town Hall in the center of the base rather than outside it, which is more characteristic of farmers.
  • Eggshell defense: a multi-layer wall (usually 3 or more layers thick) in the center of the map with the bulk of the buildings behind the wall and the resources inside it (as well as the Town Hall if possible). This concept is often used for farming villages.
  • Sectional protection: This concept manifests itself in various ways. The basic idea is to create numerical sections for each or several buildings at once. This helps to break the base into several cells, which significantly slows down enemy troops, forcing them to break into each of them separately. It becomes more difficult for wall breakers to break through the walls to the center of the base. One not-so-clever type of wall arrangement is two walls with no space between them. This can stop the Archers, but the Wall Breakers' splash damage will destroy both walls.
  • Gaps and Traps: leaving gaps in the walls is correct with the desired arrangement. You can place spring traps in them, sending enemy troops into the air. But too many openings will allow them to easily move around the base. A few is enough, a lot is bad.

It's a good idea to upgrade your outer walls to level 7 to slow down invading enemies. The point here is that one Wall Breaker will not be able to destroy the wall, regardless of its level of pumping.

Defensive formation against the updated Wall Breakers

After the Wall Breakers update, they now target walls that cover buildings. This means that they ignore and run around free-standing walls. The updated Wall Breakers not only do not run towards the nearest wall, but instead head towards the nearest section. Use this to your advantage by directing them into gaps in the walls where you have placed spring traps. This method will also help when defending against other troops, such as Giants and hordes of other ground warriors. Additionally, the more time Wall Breakers (and other troops) spend moving around without attacking, the more opportunities your defense has to kill them.

What to place inside the walls and why

  1. Defensive buildings with splash damage. Why? Because in this case, during an enemy attack, enemy troops will constantly be exposed to fire from your Mortars and Sorcerer Towers. Splash damage defenses have an advantage over other defensive structures such as Cannons because they only fire at one target at a time, while Mortars and Sorcerer Towers deal damage to multiple troops in a given area.
  2. Air protection. If it is not protected, this allows attackers to easily destroy it with just a few Giants and then your main air defense will be gone. This allows attackers to call in units of Balls, Dragons, Minions and Healers without worrying too much about them being destroyed, because Air Defense is truly the only defense that works unsurpassed against air troops.
  3. Storage of gold, elixir and dark elixir. This is very controversial. If you are hunting for cups, then safely place your vaults outside the walls of the base, receiving a few easy cups from the farmers hunting your prey. It will also bring you a few more cups if you don't need any of the resources (for example, elixir). But since these vaults contain all (or almost all) of your resources, you'll probably want to keep them safe and secure. Without resources, you will not be able to train troops, upgrade buildings, or do anything else in the game.
  4. Town Hall. This is also a controversial statement to keep her under protection or not. Basically, always keep your Town Hall inside the walls and protected than if you are a farmer.
  5. Other defensive buildings. If you don't keep at least a few of your other defenses inside the walls, you'll be defeated relatively easily. It is clear that not everyone has a sufficient number of walls to cover all defensive weapons, but it is better to keep the most pumped ones inside.
  6. Wells of the Dark Elixir. Why? Because your elixir is stolen when you are not online. And it will be quite sad if you lose it (75% of the Dark Elixir can be stolen from the well).
  7. Clan Castle. Troops in your clan castle can defend various territories, giving Bows and Mages the opportunity to hide behind walls and making it difficult for your opponents to lure your troops into the open.

What NOT to place inside walls

  1. Military Camps, Barracks, Spell Factories and Laboratories. Why? Because these buildings have no power when you are attacked (other than a percentage to get cups/3 stars) in order to keep them in valuable space inside the wall.
  2. Gold Mines, Elixir Collectors (and potentially Dark Elixir Wells, see section above). If you log into the game regularly every day, your mines and harvesters will not have such a huge amount of resources. Therefore, there is no need to keep them inside your walls, even if you don't play often. If you're an avid farmer, you might decide to place them inside, but it makes much more sense to use walls to cover more important objects like Cannons and other defenses. Perhaps the only time you'll decide to place pickers inside walls is if you've sped them up.
  3. Place your Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors a short distance from the wall and better place a Mortar or Archer Tower inside it. Place a small Bomb a short distance from the resource collectors. This will confuse any opponent who usually uses Archers to lure troops out of your clan castle to destroy it. The main task is to leave as little space as possible at your base from which your enemy can pull clan troops away from defensive structures. Experienced attackers will land their troops gradually in selective parts of your base.
  4. Builders Huts. Your builders only sleep in them when they are not busy with something. Huts have no protective properties, so there is no point in placing them inside walls. One exception would be to place a hut inside the walls to reserve a 3x3 space for future construction on that piece of another building. And another exception is to protect these buildings in order to make it difficult for the opponent to get 1 star for destroying 50% of the base.
  5. Scenery. Why? Because they're just wasting your space, which could be much better used for something important. And in fact, they can create additional difficulties for enemies to place troops behind your protection if the decorations occupy at least 3x3 cells (see paragraph below).
  6. Town Hall (For farmers only). When the TX is destroyed, you will receive a shield for 12 hours and often lose only 4-11 cups.

Additional information on walls

Obstacles (trees, bushes, rocks, etc.) cannot be used as walls or barriers. Troops can be landed directly on them, in front of them, or behind them. The same goes for Decorations (flags, torches, etc.) and Traps (Bombs, Springs, etc.), and even Hidden Adzes. None of these have as much health as your other buildings. They also don't count as buildings when you're under attack (not even Hidden Teslas until they're revealed). For example, if you have a large area of ​​at least 3x3 with only decorations or traps, enemy troops can be placed directly on the area with these decorations, traps and obstacles while attacking your village.

  • Wall Breakers now have higher splash damage, so it is not recommended to use double walls as they will break both layers in one explosion.
  • If you decide that a building does not need protection, leave it outside the walls as bait. Most enemy troops will attack such buildings while your defense fires at them.
  • It's a bad idea to put all your storage in one place. If the enemy gets to this cell, everything will go to him. You may place them together at your own risk. For the same reason, do not place all Gold Mines or Elixir Collectors in one pile. Sorcerer Towers can work great when located next to storage facilities, as they can easily destroy large groups of Goblins in seconds.
  • It is recommended to protect your resource collectors when you work or sleep and keep them outside when you play frequently.
  • Upgrade walls at joints (where they meet perpendicular to each other) first. Why? Because they connect two base cells. This will make it difficult for your enemies to get to the second structure, forcing them to fight their way to the second cell separately.
  • Mortars are most useful when located in the center of your base. But don't place Mortars next to each other, as two well-prepared Lightning Spell hits will destroy them both. They also cannot attack at close range. So it is not recommended to place them on the edges of the base; they can be destroyed before they fire at least one salvo.
  • At high levels, Air Defense works better in the center of your base. But at low levels (where there is not much space and fewer attackers will use air troops) they are not as important as Mortars. It is still useful to place them inside in cells whenever possible.
  • Cover as many of your buildings as possible with protection. This also applies to other protective buildings.
  • Place your defenses not too close and not too far from each other. Closely located objects cannot adequately protect the entire village (there will be large areas without any protection). Objects that are very distant from each other will not be able to adequately protect each other and will be easily destroyed.
  • Town Hall location:
    • If cups are not important, place the TH in the corner of the map without protection or walls. While this allows your enemies to defeat you with ease, the main goal is to get the 12-hour shield with minimal loss of trophies. And also distract the attacker from your resources and weaken his troops. This will also attract lower level players who are only after trophies. These players will not be able to destroy your defense and your resources should remain relatively unharmed. Be that as it may, if you want to make the enemy sweat when destroying the Town Hall, place the TX next to your walls. This will likely force several of your defensive weapons to open fire. You can also place some traps and bombs around the TX as a surprise.
    • If you are more interested in cups, then this is a different tactic for placing TX. You will lose (often) if your TX is destroyed. A quick way to get cups with village defense is to place all your collectors (elixir and gold) and storage around the edges of the map, outside your defense, and place your TH in the center in the most defended area. With such a defensive base setup, you will have a better chance of winning cups.
  • Make good use of the space inside your walls. You should not place all buildings in one square. Your enemy will then have access to everything after breaking through the outer wall.
  • Collect Elixir and Gold regularly, as attackers can get 50% of what is in your collectors and mines and 75% of Dark Elixir. In addition, this can force the enemy to pass by your village.
  • Place the Sorcerer Towers close to each other. This way they will be able to destroy groups of enemy troops more easily and quickly.
  • If you are trying to conserve your resources, place Sorcerer Towers near the vaults, as they are very effective in eliminating Goblins.
  • Placing Sorcerer Towers next to Mortars is a bad idea, because 2 targeted level 3+ lightning strikes can destroy both of them at once.
  • Use non-defensive structures (Camps, Barracks, Spell Factories, Laboratories, Builder's Huts, etc.) to expand the borders where enemy troops cannot be landed.
  • Place Bombs in places where the first row of troops can be landed. A few bombs can destroy Goblins and Archers with relative ease.
  • Place a spring trap in the place where the Giants are expected to advance; one such trap can take out 3 Giants at once.
  • Place the Clan Castle closer to the middle of the base so that it is not so easy to lure out the clan troops.
  • When placing or changing the location of the Hidden Tesla, be careful, enemy troops can be landed in an empty place if the time period is quite long.
  • Try to make your base as symmetrical as possible, as the walls will separate the troops and prevent a large horde from concentrating on one section of the wall.
  • If you're upgrading your guns, pay attention to the following: Look at your base. Find the strengths and weaknesses in your walls. Let's say your gun covers both your strong and weak sides. If you want to upgrade your gun, do it on the strong side first, because it is protected by more than just the gun. If you start on a weak side (this is especially bad at high levels), you will leave an exposed area through which you will be actively attacked. Then place your upgraded cannon in a weak spot, strengthening it. A strong point does not require a pumped-up gun as a weak one.
  • When pumping up the protection, swap the pumped one with the unpumped one. Temporarily place traps around.

Clash of Clans is, first and foremost, a high-quality strategy that has managed to unite players from all over the globe in a harmless battle between villages for resources. Each player chooses his own tactics and placement of structures. However, if you approach this issue with maximum dedication and involvement, you can not only protect your village from enemy attacks, but also save a lot of resources.

In this article we will look at, how to build a village inClash of Clans so as to be a worthy opponent on the world stage!

Town Hall Level 1 and 2

The initial levels are the time when the gamer takes his first steps in this gaming universe. The player has absolutely nothing to do with participating in battles, and even if neighboring villages attack him, he is protected by a shield. The arsenal contains only archer towers and cannons; there is practically nothing to defend against, so the player can be conditionally called defenseless.

Layout planning at levels 1 and 2 doesn't make much sense or benefit. The village modification mode is not yet available, and you will not yet be able to rearrange all the buildings in the desired order.

Of course, you can change the layout manually and try yourself as a strategist, but as we said earlier, this brings virtually no benefit. The first two levels fly by as unnoticed as possible for the player. In order to accumulate resources to upgrade your town hall to the third level, you need no more than three hours of game time. The upgrade itself will take approximately the same amount of time. So think about it how to arrange a village inClash of Clans possible at subsequent levels. In the meantime, enjoy getting to know the game, and notice the details!

It is important! From the very first levels, pay special attention to prices and resources. Look how much the goods cost, think about how to use crystals economically and not lose your troops in battles.

Town Hall Level 3

So, if you are already at level 3, then you cannot be called a complete beginner and most likely you have already felt the taste of battles or survived attacks. In order not to remain “bankrupt” after each enemy attack, it is necessary to develop village diagram inClash of Clans according to which the base and defense will be set up.

Here players are in for a pleasant surprise - the fence becomes available! You can use it to protect your structures. However, here illiterate placement can equate to complete neglect of the barrier. Beginning players have a tendency to make the same annoying mistake - they simply fence off the perimeter of the base with a solid rectangle of a fence.

What's wrong here? It seems like a familiar picture to the eye - an area surrounded by a fence. However, here it is worth considering the following - if the enemy breaks through one cell of the fence, he will gain access to everything that you so carefully hid behind him.

The fence should be a combination of several cells, inside which the most important buildings are hidden - towers, cannons and warehouses. Secondary structures can be left outside the fence. But for what? It's simple: the enemy army will primarily spend its strength on destroying secondary buildings and fences, while the defensive forces of your village will reduce its numbers.

If you prefer farming mode, you can move the town hall outside the fence, but if you are not online that often, then hide all important structures behind a fence of secondary buildings and fence cells.

It is important! Despite its advantages over the first levels, the third level town hall is still considered a weak building. You should not provoke your opponents again. Better quickly go to level 4.

Town Hall Level 4

At level 4, the player gains access to new buildings and units. This is the level from which you can become seriously concerned about your offline protection strategy.

Before answering the question how locate the village inClash ofClans at level 4, you need to decide on game tactics. Defense or attack? But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Several new items are now available to the player, namely:

  • Air Defense Tower;
  • Spring trap;

However, these items do not bring a fundamental difference in the level of security - they can either be used or get by with guns alone. Now let's look at the tactics.

Resource protection

If you don’t plan to spend a lot of free time on the game and prefer to play mainly with bots, leave the town hall behind the fence. Strengthen the protection of gold and elixir. Place each resource in a separate cell. Place less important buildings outside the fence that will delay attackers.


If your goal is to collect all possible cups, then special attention should be paid to the security of the town hall. It should stand in the very center of the settlement behind a dense wall of fence and other buildings. Do not leave gaps for enemy soldiers to land.

Town Hall Level 5

Many players call the fifth level the conditional middle of the road. Starting from level 5, it becomes increasingly difficult to move up. We need more time, more resources. The gaming arsenal is being replenished; new items at the level are:

  • Sorcerer's Tower;
  • Air bomb.

Very useful innovations that significantly affect the level of protection of game resources.

The strategy remains the same as in the previous level. If your path is attack, the town hall should be the “heart” of the village. If you choose protection, take the town hall outside the fence.

This is interesting! If you choose a resource protection strategy, place your town hall outside the fence up to level 9. This arrangement will help preserve maximum resources after an attack by higher-level players.

Town Hall Level 6

As we said earlier, it becomes more difficult to advance to new levels, so not all players advance to level 6. But the arsenal owned by a level 6 player is worth all the effort and time spent. New items:

  • Spring trap;

The level of your protection is already respectable. Don't forget to make the perimeter of your village more formidable and impenetrable with the help of traps. While the enemies are trying to deal with the obstacle and secondary structures, guns and mortars will not leave a trace of them.

Town Hall Level 7

Most of the structures are open to the player. It becomes easier and more fun to play. 10 items are available - 2 new ones respectively:

  • Air search mines;
  • Secret adze;

The second new product will cost very much - 1,000,000 coins. However, it is completely worth the investment. The trap was developed by magicians for high-quality capture of enemies. At this level there are no special features of the base arrangement. Again, you start from the goals that you are pursuing.

Town Hall Level 8

Are you already at level 8? Well, that means you not only love to play, but also know how to do it, which is very important for strategies. The gaming arsenal already consists of 11 items, the new item is:

  • Skeleton in the closet.

Continue to ensure there are no gaps in your defense!

Town Hall Level 9

You are already on a par with the best players on the world stage. Your weapon and defensive arsenal is a dream and a fear for most opponents. Cups are easy to obtain at this level.

Town hall level 10

We are not sure that we have the right to give you any advice or tell you anything. Selected strategists reach the maximum level. You are probably already familiar with the game and know all the nuances, but let us remind you of the main changes. Level 10 players will receive a 1-lot addition to their arsenal, namely:

  • Hell's Towers.

After leveling up, the town hall will take on a truly terrifying look – it will turn burgundy. Streams of fiery lava, human skulls - how could someone be desperate enough to try to fight you? The strength of the town hall is an unimaginable 5000 units.

If you also want to reach the pinnacle of fame, then use our tips on how to how to build a village in Clash of Clans.

Clash of Clans is the most popular strategy game in the mobile world. Just imagine, more than 40,000 thousand people download this game every day!

This game draws its players in with its pleasant, calm world. The interface is cool, the genre is cool, the graphics are cool, everything is cool! All this gives Clash of Clans the right to be a “top” game in the App Store and Google Play.

Since the game has gained such popularity, players often have questions, in fact, this site should answer all of them. And for beginner players, we have collected the most common mistakes of players, the best secrets and a lot of tips.

Many novice players make a lot of mistakes from the very beginning of their development in Clash of Clans, thereby making it difficult for themselves to develop quickly and easily. Many players who consider themselves a “good player” also make simple mistakes. Let's look at them.

  1. If you just downloaded it, where do you go?

In no case, until your initial shield disappears on its own, do not press the “selection” button, even if you are very interested in what will happen. What will happen is that other players will begin to take you out, stealing very valuable resources for you, which are not easy to come by anyway. If you want to fight, go to a solo company and fight. It's too early for you to attack others. It’s not for nothing that the developers give such a long first shield.

  1. Don't let the builders sleep

This is not a secret or advice from Clash of Clans, it is a mandatory item that must be followed. If your workers take a lot of rest, you are unlikely to be able to develop quickly and for free. Constantly collect resources and develop, this is the key to success!

  1. Don't waste crystals on nonsense

At the beginning of the game it is very interesting to try and find out everything, so many players spend crystals to speed up barracks, mines or for instant buildings. In any case, later such players cannot buy themselves a 4th and 5th builder. But, if you don’t waste crystals on all sorts of nonsense, then the 4th builder is very easy to get, and the 5th will appear already at the 8th level of the town hall! And you won't spend anything!

  1. Don't buy gems at the beginning of the game

If you downloaded Clash of Clans and really liked it from the first minutes, there is a chance that you will want to frolic faster and show your friends “who’s daddy.” But to do this, you will have to spend money. According to statistics, 30% of players can afford it.

As a result, you buy a couple of thousand, quickly build, and then realize that the same players are taking you out. How can this be, you might think.

It’s simple, they’ve been playing all this time, they have more experience and knowledge, and you did everything in a couple of minutes. Thus, you lose interest in the game and, as a result, waste your money and time.

  1. Unite with the strong

Tip #5 will be about clans and their choice. If you find yourself in a strong, friendly clan, you will understand this immediately. In such clans, players are not kicked out for a small donation or an unsuccessful attack in clan battles. You are always happy to help, that’s what a strong clan is.

In such companies they are not greedy; they give you everything you ask for. As a result, the clan fortress is always packed, there is a good atmosphere, a great mood and a good income from clan battles.

  1. Place the clan fortress in the center

This is not a secret, rather a Clash of Clans tip. By placing it in the center of the base, you make the situation very difficult for the attacker. Agree, it’s not nice when someone leaves there when you attack.

  1. Always lure out the clan fortress

It is necessary. If you don’t do this, then either you’re not right in the head, or you have a powerful mix that will break through the defense anyway.

In Clash of Clans, it is very important to lure out the clan's fortress.

You can lure him out with a giant, letting him hit the fence while he stands and take the blows of the defense, the clan's fortress will come out. Here it is very important to understand the radius of the fortress; you may have to break through the wall, and perhaps with one barbarian you can check whether there is anyone there or not.

  1. Look for abandoned places, don't be afraid to lose a little more gold

When looking for farm, many players attack “more or less” profitable enemies. This is correct if you don’t have time to search; if you have time, look for a “juicy” base. You should see a bunch of tombstones, overflowing mines and empty vaults. It will be cool if the mines are maximally pumped.

  1. Rusher = trouble

This is probably the advice we demand you listen to. It is very important. The word “rusher” itself is, in principle, a new word in the game. It appeared not so long ago. It means a base that is very ahead of events, this is a base that has not pumped everything up to the end but is already improving the town hall. In general, see the example.

Typical "Rusher"

It is very important to improve everything in the game and build it to the end, and only then move on to the next level of the town hall.

  1. Town Hall in the corner

No matter how trivial it may sound, I don’t understand why you should put it in the center of the base; if they decide to attack you, they will demolish at least half of the base, you will lose a lot of resources and even more cups (especially if you decide to collect them).

When the town hall is in the corner, the player demolishes it, you don't lose any resources, and the cups you lose are quite insignificant.

Believe me, if the enemy wants to demolish the base, he will demolish it no matter where the town hall is, but if it is in the corner, then most players will only demolish it.

  1. Proper defense is just as important as a well-thought-out attack.

This is more of an advice, and maybe a secret for some, in general, for Clash of Clans newcomers.

Don't make stupid mistakes, when I first started playing there were countless such bases.

These are serious mistakes; foreign warriors can land inside your base and easily destroy it. You also need to know that if you build a base on the edge of the map, this will not help since warriors can be planted right on the grass, where you cannot build.

Build smartly, if you don’t have enough imagination, look at the layouts, don’t put all the buildings outside the fence.

  1. 30 second rule

When selecting an enemy, you are given 30 seconds to think about how to attack. This is not the time to scratch your nose or make a sandwich. These 30 seconds are very important. Believe me, if you think at least a little about where and how your troops will go, you will be able to demolish bases much stronger than yours.

  1. Revenge

Oh, that sweet word "revenge". When taking revenge, you can be 100% prepared, you can first look at the base, see if there is someone in the clan fortress, you can see how to lure out the clan fortress, in general, take revenge more often. This process was added to the game for a reason, take advantage of this advantage.

14. Vaults and clan var

Maybe someone else doesn’t know, but defending storage facilities in clan battle mode is stupid, to say the least. A lot of resources cannot be stolen from you, and storage facilities have a large margin of safety, and for the enemy to destroy them, he will need time, use this time.

  1. The secret to calling Santa

To find out how to call Santa, go here. (the article will appear one of these days)

  1. Don't be upset if something doesn't work out

No matter how strange it may sound, if something doesn’t work out, this is not a reason to give up. This is probably the main secret of life and Clash of Clans as well. 0 stars in apt? Well, at least you got experience, next time there will be at least one, but there will be. In general, there are no difficult situations, just know this.

  1. Be different from others

Everyone knows that if you cut down forests, bushes, etc., you can earn crystals, but not everyone knows that if you remove stones, they will no longer appear. If you want to be original at high town hall levels, leave the stones at the very beginning of the game.

  1. Changing the language does nothing

Many players say that when you change the language, the game server changes, and there are servers where it is easier to rob. This is complete nonsense.

  1. Lightning, how to use it now

This tip is for new players. Since with the latest updates it is no longer possible to rob resources, destruction would be an excellent solution. 2 lightning bolts can break a mortar, and farming without it will become easier.

By the way, if the mortars are standing together and touching each other, throw lightning in the center, then you can break 2 mortars at once.

  1. Where is the best farm

Many players ask every day where is the best farming in Clash of Clans, we will reveal this secret. Farm is absolutely everywhere if you look for it. But the best farming starts with the second silver and continues until the first gold.

If you have any tips, secrets or mistakes made by players in Clash of Clans, add them in the comments, let's help each other.

Most likely this article will be updated. If you want to correct something in the article, just write about it in the comments, we will not publish them, but we will correct the article.

Now no one will just give you a free shield. What should we do to protect our resources? This is a question that many Clash of Clans players are now asking. In this article, I'm going to give you the most useful tips to better protect your base.

Do not remove gravestones from your database

Before the update, it was important to remove the gravestones from your base after you were attacked to show attackers that the base was active and the traps were loaded - this was a turn off for many, and increased the likelihood that attackers would attack your Town Hall outside the fence, giving you free shield. Now, you want to quickly attract the attackers with bad troops before the attackers with good troops attack you. So save these tombstones.

If the town hall is not in the center, then make sure that the clan fortress is guarding it

You need to force the attacker to use as many additional troops as possible in order to get a shield. Otherwise, trophy hunters will try to save their troops and attack your Town Hall with only the Archer Queen. You have to make sure they use more than 1/3rd of their total troops to get the shield.

Place collectors and mines outside the walls

Do you want to get a shield? You want to be attacked by a weak hitter, don't you? Then you have every reason to place the collectors outside. For what? Because it attracts those who do not attack with top troops, and who will attack outside the walls of your base, mainly your collectors. You also need to keep a number of your collectors full and don't collect them all! They will attract attackers with weak troops and you will get your shield! It is much better to be attacked by archers and barbarians than by golems of mages and pekk.

Dark elixir wells must be protected in some way

Hide dark elixir wells behind your gold mines, behind elixir collectors, and behind other defensive structures. For what? Because weak attackers tend to target unprotected dark elixir wells and then complete the attack. At the same time, some don’t even know how to calculate how much dark elixir is inside the well, so they don’t even notice that it’s empty. Leaving the black elixir wells under some protection will force the attacker to use more troops and they will also be forced to simultaneously destroy a number of other buildings, so you will get your shield.

Don't worry if your gold or elixir vaults are not as well protected as your dark elixir vault or your town hall

It is impossible to have balanced protection for all your storages currently, with so many storages scattered throughout the database. Don't forget that vaults now hold less loot to steal, as some of it has been moved to the Town Hall. So they're a little less valuable. This means that you don't have to pay too much attention to protecting them. If you have a bunch of storage facilities and a town hall in the center, then I can already tell you that this will be a bad base. Why? Because this will mean that the attacker only needs to break through to the center and then take all your resources for himself, and this will also attract more experienced players with good troops (not barbarians and archers).

Builder huts should be placed outside the walls

Builder huts are small and fragile and can be easily destroyed. They are ideal for the attacker to deal as much damage to you as possible in order to gain the required 30% to give you a shield.

Well, I hope this helps you improve your defensive results and minimize resource wastage. Thanks for reading!