Good kitchen renovation 6 meters. DIY small kitchen renovation. The final stage of repair

Good kitchen renovation 6 meters.  DIY small kitchen renovation.  The final stage of repair
Good kitchen renovation 6 meters. DIY small kitchen renovation. The final stage of repair

Premises less than 6 square meters, of course, can be furnished so that it is comfortable to be in them, but this requires certain knowledge, skills, a clear understanding of space and accurate calculations. Small kitchens 6 sq. m., usually available in Khrushchev, is no exception. In such a limited space, it is necessary to place areas for cooking and eating and arrange all household appliances. To avoid mistakes in the arrangement, trust the renovation of a 6 sq. m kitchen. m to us. We will prepare a project for you and implement it, creating a functional and beautiful room.

How much does it cost to renovate a kitchen of 6 sq. m?

In each case, the price is calculated individually and depends on many factors. Among them:

  • complexity of the task. It is cheaper to develop a design project or carry out cosmetic finishing of a kitchen than to order a major renovation of a room with replacement of communications, assembly and installation of furniture and decor;
  • type and quality of materials required. For example, kitchen set made of natural wood will cost more than similar furniture made of MDF;
  • period of execution. The faster the repair needs to be completed, the more expensive the work will cost.
  • Need to produce turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow or the Moscow region?
  • Do you need a responsible, experienced contractor at an affordable cost?

The Rem Project company repairs apartments professionally, promptly, providing long-term guarantees of high quality results.

We are construction industry specialists with extensive experience in carrying out a variety of finishing and repair activities. We carry out any type of repairs, ranging from complex major repairs, VIP repairs and ending with simple apartment cosmetics.

What does Rem Project offer to its customers?

Our rich and successful experience, high level The qualifications of our employees allow us to cope with the most difficult tasks. Whatever home renovation you undertake, you can always count on our professional help.

  • We repair and install utility lines.
  • Performs all types of repairs.
  • We work with any decorative finishing materials.

We have favorable price You can order repairs both in the apartment and in individual rooms.

If you need apartment renovation in Moscow and are looking for specialists to carry it out, pay attention to our offer. We have big choice craftsmen who are highly qualified and perform a wide range of construction, installation and finishing works. With our help, your home will become stylish and comfortable.

We offer clients a high level of service and provide turnkey repair services in a new building, using the latest technologies and modern materials. We have necessary approvals and permissions, and technical base and professionalism of employees allow us to implement the most complex architectural and design ideas. We transform housing in accordance with a pre-developed project, which can include both minimal changes at low cost and luxury renovations.

Features of turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow

To order an apartment renovation from us, you will need to contact us and leave a request by selecting convenient way- on the website in a special form or by phone.

Then the following steps are performed:

  • The time of arrival of the measurer is agreed upon. Our employee will visit the apartment at a time convenient for you and perform all necessary operations free of charge. The surveyor travels to all districts and districts of Moscow and does not require financial investments from clients.
  • Inspection of residential premises. During this stage, our specialist will assess the condition of the apartment and, together with its owner, determine a list of proposed changes. He also takes the necessary measurements using tools and equipment.
  • Drawing up a contract. It indicates the deadlines for completing renovations of an apartment in a new building at each stage and a list of work to transform the housing.
  • Project preparation. Technical specifications are drawn up and developed project documentation, on the basis of which the renovation of an apartment in Moscow in a new building will be carried out. This uses information collected by the surveyor.
  • Execution of construction and finishing works provided for by the project and the contract. It is carried out in compliance with technology and under the supervision of our specialists who have approvals and the necessary qualifications.

At the final stage of repair, construction debris is removed and cleaned up. You will be able to enjoy comfortable housing with an interesting interior design, without wasting time and effort on removing the remaining dirt after renovation.

Photos of European-quality renovation of apartments

Benefits for clients

By contacting us and entrusting the work to our specialists, you can count on impeccable results and additional bonuses.

Why will cooperation be beneficial for you?

Firstly, we create stylish and comfortable housing, embodying all the wishes of clients and taking into account modern trends in the field of apartment design. Other benefits that come with working with us include:

  • Documenting services provided and guarantees for all types of technological operations performed.
  • High quality construction, installation and finishing works carried out to renovate the apartment on a turnkey basis. This is achieved through the use latest technologies, professionalism of craftsmen and the use of certified materials, which are purchased from trusted suppliers.
  • Flexible pricing policy. Individual approach to the formation of the final amount required to pay for the renovation of an apartment in Moscow, allows our clients to save significantly.
  • Transparent pricing. The cost of upcoming work to change the interior of your home is determined when drawing up an estimate, agreed with the client and does not change during the provision of services.

We carry out all types of work, observing sanitary and hygienic standards, safety precautions and requirements regulated by GOST and other documents.

How we achieve perfect results

Having decided to use our services and enter into an agreement for apartment renovation in Moscow, you will receive 100% embodiment of your ideas about ideal interior. Your apartment will become functional, comfortable and stylish. To achieve this result, we do the following:

  • We select necessary materials with special care. Used for housing conversions quality products, which is environmentally safe and certified in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • We use tools and high-tech equipment. Thanks to our technical equipment and the professionalism of our craftsmen, it is possible to carry out construction repair work of any complexity.
  • We strictly follow the developed technologies. As part of a turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow, all technical operations are carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the material manufacturers. In addition, our employees use latest developments in the field of sound insulation and waterproofing of residential premises, and when laying internal engineering communications.
  • We provide the customer with the opportunity to control the repair at every stage. You will be able to observe the implementation of construction and finishing works, checking their quality and compliance with the list reflected in the estimate.

When providing apartment renovation services in a new building, we strictly adhere to the schedule specified in the contract and do not violate deadlines. Through the use of modern equipment and optimal work organization, conditions are created that allow saving time without compromising quality.

How to place an order for renovation of an apartment in a new building from scratch or a secondary building p44t?

To do this, you will need to call the specified phone number or leave a request on the website. Our employees will respond to your request in the most short time, and specialists technical department They will provide all the information you are interested in and provide free advice on renovating an apartment in a new or secondary building. Based on the application, further actions will be carried out, which can be adjusted by the customer.

How to get decent quality without huge costs?

When choosing contractors to renovate an apartment in a new building, is it understandable that the client wants to reduce his costs? Is it possible to reduce the amount required to transform a home and get a perfect result? Yes, if you use the services of our specialists. We can choose the optimal design solution for each client and will realize your wishes for transformation and decorative design premises at minimal cost.

Apartment renovation in Moscow from scratch without problems or hassle

During the process of construction and finishing work to transform housing, problems may arise. various difficulties. To avoid problems with neighbors and regulatory authorities, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • Repair work in Moscow is regulated by law and provides for particularly noisy operations from Monday to Saturday inclusive from 9.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 19.00. On Sunday and holidays works that are accompanied increased level noise is prohibited.
  • All changes in the apartment that involve redevelopment must be carried out after approval from the regulatory authorities. In the absence of permits and relevant documents, housing will be difficult to sell or exchange.
  • Since repairs take a certain period of time, neighbors should be informed about it, thereby avoiding misunderstandings and conflicts.

Our specialists also develop competent technical design documents, including original ones, stylish design projects. Professional design project taking into account all the requirements and wishes of the customer, it will greatly facilitate the implementation of a turnkey apartment renovation and will help to give the result the client needs, taking into account absolutely all the nuances and details of the interior design of the apartment. Therefore, order the creation of a design project from our company. We:

  • we will choose the interior style that suits you;
  • Let's think through the design of the rooms in detail ( color solutions, light, decor, etc.);
  • We will select beautiful and reliable decorative building materials.

We will create a 3D model of the design project and clearly show what your apartment will look like after renovation, and if necessary, you will make the necessary additions and changes to the project plan.

We repair (install) engineering systems

, which is especially important for the bathroom and kitchen.

After completing such major repairs, you can begin rough and final renovation of the apartment.

We carry out roughing and finishing activities

  • They will eliminate all imperfections (irregularities, cracks, chips, etc.) of surfaces (walls, floors, ceilings). To do this, screed is performed, plastering and puttying work is carried out.
  • If necessary, they will additionally insulate, soundproof the premises, and waterproof the floors.
  • If necessary, at the stage rough repairs we can replace old window structures.

After such preparation for the final renovation, you can decorate the interior of the apartment with finishing decorative building materials. We work with all types modern renovation. You can choose any materials based on your tastes and financial capabilities.

Contact us, order turnkey apartment renovation in Moscow and very soon you will receive excellent result By affordable price. We work quickly and at the same time very high quality. We carry out major repairs, cosmetics, European-quality repairs, VIP repairs. We develop any projects, create spectacular interiors. We always meet the customer halfway. We are able to work within small budgets. We prepare adequate estimates and provide guarantees. All our specialists are very responsible, qualified, and professional.

You can always trust us with even the most complex reconstruction.

10 minutes to read. Small-sized kitchens often create a lot of problems for owners. It seems that in such a room there is no place to turn around. But here you also need to prepare food and place the whole family at the dining table. And we can’t forget about kitchen appliances. Stove, oven, refrigerator – minimum set

devices that must be in any kitchen. But knowing some design tricks and showing a little creative imagination

, you can transform your tiny kitchen into a stylish and functional space. How to do it? This will be discussed later in the article.

Rules for designing mini-kitchens

Before talking about the styles that are suitable for a 6x2 or 6x3 kitchen, you need to decide what is acceptable in such an interior and what is absolutely not allowed. Design rules small kitchens

  • are: Light palette. Pastel shades visually increase the space. Bright colors , dark, rich colors - all this will narrow it down not too much spacious kitchen
  • . Milky, beige, cream shades will not only visually expand the room, but also give comfort, lightness and good mood; If you plan to stick wallpaper, then the pattern should be blurry and not too small. It doesn't have to be massive either. Only light, airy decor will help solve the problem of shortage of square meters;
  • Color division into zones. When combining several types of wallpaper, you should avoid bright, contrasting transitions. It is better to use zonal color division - delimiting the room into dining and kitchen areas. This is done using wallpaper different colors, harmonious and well combined with each other. Transitions between colors should be smooth;
  • Mirror surfaces and light. It is advisable to include more mirror and reflective surfaces in furniture and small kitchen design. They create an “optical” illusion by expanding tiny kitchenettes. Good lighting will also add extra volume to the space.

Design “taboos” for small kitchens

Not every creative idea can be realized in such compact spaces. Some solutions for kitchen design with an area of ​​6 sq.m. aggravate the situation and bring it down small spaces almost to zero.

For small rooms you should not use such creative ideas as:

  • Large, heavy furniture;
  • Wallpaper with bright photo prints;
  • Long, heavy curtains and curtains;
  • Textiles for windows with many layers, large patterns;
  • Dark tones of walls and floors;
  • Colored ceiling. It must be exclusively white.

What style is suitable for a 6 m2 kitchen?

Of the variety of styles offered by designers today, only a few of them are suitable for small-sized kitchens:


The style was borrowed from the Japanese, who are distinguished by their asceticism in everything, including interior design.

Its main features:

  • Minimum furniture and decor;
  • Use no more than three colors;
  • Colors are calm and light;
  • All kitchen appliances– built-in;
  • Abundance of light. And both artificial and natural.

It is this design that will solve the problem of lack of space, namely:

  • Increases space;
  • Fills the room with light;
  • Makes the most efficient use of kitchen space and built-in cabinets.

High tech

Its features are minimalism, simplicity, functionality. The main advantage is the practical use of every square meter. Geometry and versatility reign in this style. The main materials are chromed iron and glass.

They will help visually increase the space. Hi-tech furniture is a combination of modular elements. They can be ordered for any layout, even the smallest.

Eco style

It is also called Scandinavian. Its main concept is harmony with nature. Three basic principles– a lot of light, natural materials and decor natural elements. A wonderful choice for not too spacious rooms.

Furniture in Scandinavian style - light, light, simple design, made of natural wood. The windows are not weighted down with thick textiles. It is either absent altogether or appears in the form of short curtains. It is often replaced with Roman blinds, roller shutters made from bamboo or linen and cotton.


The style is in many ways similar to minimalism. But it differs in that it allows the use of a wider palette of natural colors and a small number of plant patterns. In general, the style is also laconic, not overloaded with decor, and functional.

Mixing geometric and smooth lines, as well as using glossy surfaces, will help visually expand a small kitchen.

Interior designers most often use large spaces to demonstrate the advantages of a particular style. This is how they try to emphasize all the advantages of the chosen design. To ensure that an idea taken from a beautiful, glossy photo does not disappoint in reality, you need to adhere to some recommendations for bringing it to life:

Introduction to style and sketch

Before choosing one style or another, you need to know its main features:

  • Concept;
  • Color spectrum;
  • Organization of space;
  • Materials and textiles;
  • Furniture;
  • Decor elements.

After familiarizing yourself with the principles of design, you need to sketch a sketch with measurements and try to imagine how it will look in reality. Now you can start implementing the idea.

Emphasis on style, not on individual elements

Any style can be adapted to a small kitchen if you feel the style and don’t try to exactly copy the image from the picture.

For example, you can choose pastel colors in cream, beige, blue tones to decorate the walls - and you will already have a feeling French Provence. It will intensify if you put several flower arrangements in pots made of ceramics or snow-white porcelain.

To complete the design in the Provence style, several beautiful bottles with olive oil or candied candied fruits on the shelves, as well as a bouquet of lavender.

What color should I use for a kitchen with an area of ​​6 sq.m?

Property white visually enlarging objects is ideal for the interior of small kitchens. But completely white room may cause unpleasant associations with a hospital ward.

Plain white interior in itself it is uninteresting, and it is quite difficult to care for it. Adding bright colors is also inappropriate. They will quickly “eat up” the space. But there are still several ways to liven up a white kitchen space.

Method No. 1

To solve this problem, you can soften the snow-white kingdom with warmer, but no less light, tones. Pearl, milky, color Ivory, beige or cream. They will delicately dilute bright white colors and help place accents.

Method No. 2

You can combine white with almost any color. However, to save space, you need to select only pastel shades of colors, and not the entire palette is suitable for a room of 6 sq.m.

It is better to opt for these options:

  • Pearl gray. In combination with white tones, it makes the kitchen noble and sophisticated, and also imparts rigor and asceticism.
  • Pastel blue, light green, yellow and green. Muted, light and soft shades of these cheerful colors combine perfectly with white. But they should be a splash of color, not the main tone. For example, in a white kitchen you can decorate pale green furniture fronts.

Method No. 3

An apron using the skinali technique will help breathe life into monotonous white decoration. It is a glossy plate. On its surface you can apply any image that is in harmony with general style kitchens.

Method No. 4

A chandelier, matched to a colored facade or apron, will also add its own color touch to the overall light design.

Method No. 5

By selecting warm shades beige colour for the floor, you can also make the room more comfortable.

How to correctly arrange furniture and place equipment?

Depending on the layout you can choose suitable way place furniture.

In line

This option is suitable for kitchens with rectangular shape. All furniture and appliances are lined up along the longest wall. On the other side there is a table and a refrigerator (if it doesn’t fit into the “ruler”).

Letter "P"

IN in this case All fixtures and fittings are placed near three walls. One of them, with a doorway, remains unoccupied.

L-shaped placement

On both sides of the “letter” there is a kitchen furniture wall. The dining table is placed by the window or in the center.

In two rows

If one of the walls in the center is interrupted by a door, then you can use a two-row arrangement of furniture. Then all cabinets and appliances are distributed along two opposite walls.

Where to put the refrigerator?

This question is most often asked by residents of cramped “Khrushchev” apartments with equally compact kitchens. Most often, this irreplaceable device in everyday life migrates to the corridor, and sometimes to living rooms.

To prevent this from happening, you need to choose suitable model, designed specifically for small kitchens. Such refrigerators are narrower and taller and are designed for corner placement.

Furnishing features

When choosing furniture for a compact kitchen, it is better to give preference to sets with small hanging cabinets. In one of them you can “hide” a gas water heater - a common attribute of Khrushchev apartments.

To do this, you need to cut holes for the pipes or completely remove the bottom wall cabinet. Corner modifications to cabinets will also allow you to fill the space as efficiently as possible.

Some useful tips for choosing furniture:

  • Shelves can easily replace cabinets on the walls. They will significantly “unload” the upper part of the room;
  • It is better to select tables with built-in drawers - some of the kitchen utensils will fit there;
  • Nowadays, transformable tables and folding chairs are becoming fashionable. Such compact furniture also saves square meters.

Lighting is a source of light and space

In small kitchens the principle applies: the more light, the better. Moreover, this applies to both artificial and natural lighting.

The best “lighting solution” for mini-rooms is diode spotlights. They should be located above every work surface. A regular lamp is also used with them. It is better to place it above the dining table.

Advice: Shelves illuminated by LEDs from below will add volume to the room. Then you can achieve a double effect - the open shelf does not weigh down the space, and the lighting makes the kitchen visually larger.

In addition to the listed rules for expanding the area of ​​small kitchens, there are other design tricks.

They will help increase space without redevelopment and costly investments:

  1. The space under the window. Nowadays it is important to install a sink under the window. In this way it not only deals free area, but also produces a light work surface with a beautiful landscape.
  2. Bar counter. Instead of a table, a bar counter is often used. It can become a separate part of the furniture or continue the line work surface. The main requirement for such a design is lightness. It should not be too wide and massive, perfect color– light wood. Shelves with shelves can be placed under the bar table.
  3. Folding table. It will completely replace any dinner table. It is lightweight, compact, and can be removed if necessary.
  4. It is better to choose built-in equipment. It can be easily installed in kitchen cabinets. If in Everyday life don't need an oven then hobperfect solution for compact conditions. It takes up minimal space, and you can place it almost anywhere.
  5. Unusual doors. Even the door opening mechanism sometimes plays an important role in saving space. Some of the extraordinary models can be opened by sliding them up, sideways, or unfolded like an accordion. The price of such doors is much higher, but they eliminate the feeling of crampedness and small size.

By choosing the right colors and materials, arranging the furniture rationally, and making the most of every square meter of the room, you can effortlessly turn an ordinary small-sized kitchen into a masterpiece of design art.

Kitchen 6 sq. meters real photos

Many families long years huddle in a small apartment, where, moreover, the layout of the kitchens leaves much to be desired. Decide current problem maximum effective use square meters kitchen space help fresh ideas modern designers.

The shortage of meter square footage inspires the implementation of a 6 square meter kitchen design, in which every free centimeter of space should be used as usefully as possible. Especially if you are going to do your own repairs in a small Khrushchev-era building. In this case, the advantage is that decorating an interior of 6 m2 will result in a low cost.

It is important to carefully consider ideas and options to create a detailed renovation project, including furniture placement.

First of all, it is useful to familiarize yourself with visual examples of how to renovate a 6 sq. m kitchen with your own hands. The projects that the Internet is full of will dissuade you from the idea that the layout of a small kitchen cannot be comfortable and attractive.

Layout options for a small kitchen (video)

Preparatory work

Before renovation work begins, furniture and household appliances are removed from the kitchen. Not only will they get in the way, but they may also become damaged or dirty. building materials. When the space is freed, the work plan is as follows:

  • remove old wallpaper;
  • the walls are cleaned of paint and plaster;
  • if necessary, get rid of linoleum and screed.

Often the layout of older kitchens included storage space or other niches. If you take them apart, this place will allow you to further increase the space for bringing your creative ideas to life.

Start of renovation

When the surfaces of your 6 m2 room are prepared, you can begin to implement the main idea. The first stage of repair is the installation of the floor, walls and ceiling.

  • To perform the screed, on concrete slab The floors are first laid with a layer of sand. Extruded polystyrene foam is placed on its leveled surface and covered with film on top. Only after this can the screed be poured. Instead of linoleum or wood, it is better to put ceramic tiles on the floor. This one is easy to clean and easy to care for.
  • There are various options for ceiling design. For the kitchen, the most suitable ones would be those made of plasterboard or tension ones. They easily fit into any interior, are easy to install and have an affordable price.

  • The walls are leveling thin layer plaster. The wall where the project involves placing furniture is made of plasterboard. It is convenient to hide the pipeline in drywall. In those places where it is planned to hang cabinets, horizontal profiles are installed as fastenings. Apron in work area It is recommended to lay out tiles.

Very functional projects that involve abandoning the door to the kitchen in favor of an arch. It’s easy to build it with your own hands aluminum frame from plasterboard. And to isolate from strong odors from the kitchen, install a hood above the stove.

Kitchen renovation 6 sq m (video)

Layout and interior design

Interiors largely depend on what kind of room layout you get - where the windows and doorways are located, geyser and a stove. Based on this, the design of a 6 square meter kitchen can be very diverse. Let's look at the main types of conventional small-sized kitchens and suitable species kitchen furniture:

  1. Kitchen set in one line- classic and most a budget option. This interior ensures maximum use of useful meters in the form of spacious cabinets and a wide workspace. Good idea for such furniture - a built-in hob;
  2. Corner kitchen– saves not only space, but time, as it minimizes the space between the classic kitchen triangle of the housewife “refrigerator-sink-stove”. Corner furniture differs from the linear one by an additional wing at a right angle, in which it is convenient to place a sink;
  3. With a refrigerator or a water heater at the entrance- so that the column does not spoil general form kitchen, it fits into the interior, hidden with your own hands in one of the wall cabinets. This idea also applies to the refrigerator. However, this results in the loss of several centimeters of free space.

Built-in furniture, adjusted to the size of the kitchen, will not only fit most successfully into the interior, but will also save square meters.

The meaning of color and lighting

Helps create the illusion of a few extra meters correct use colors and lighting:

  • maintain a balance of light and dark tones, the latter should be no more than 60% in the interior;
  • It is better to make the walls monochromatic, avoid large patterns and ornaments - this makes the space visually seem smaller;
  • It is not advisable to use lamps in the kitchen daylight, and it is recommended to additionally equip work areas with spot lighting.

Kitchen interior 6 sq m (video)

Takes ~2 minutes to read

Tiny kitchens in apartments are not uncommon. The room is small, and the number of necessary interior items is the same as in a large one. Here you need to approach repairs creatively and follow modern trends and use the space 100%. Let's try to analyze in more detail all the stages of transforming a space of only 6 square meters.

In order to start renovating a 6-meter kitchen with your own hands, you need to clearly understand the desired result. It would be best to draw the room of your dreams on paper, and only then transform the kitchen - photos of the most various options presented below throughout the article.



The interior of a small kitchen should be aimed at visual expansion space. Construction experts have come up with many techniques for this. To compensate for the small area will help:

  • mirror panels;
  • light colors;
  • one or two main accents;
  • proper lighting;
  • functional built-in furniture;
  • glossy surfaces.

Popular design 2018-2019 in modern or high-tech styles is perfect would be better suited for small spaces. In both directions, straight lines, light colors, glass and chrome surfaces are used. Modern design should be performed according to all the rules of minimalism, avoiding overloading the kitchen with many small details.



Repair stages

Any apartment renovation is a clear sequence of actions. Reconstruction of kitchen 6 sq. meters can take place according to the following plan:


So, it's time to bring your ideas to life. Some people think they can do a great job keeping all the details in their heads, but memory is an unreliable thing. Drawing up a clear work plan will save not only time, but also budget.

Most affordable way design - a drawing on a regular sheet of paper. Be sure to sign all dimensions and adhere to the selected scale.

No matter how hard you try, no plan will help you make small room huge. Therefore, you immediately need to set specific and realistic goals. For example, creating a comfortable, albeit small, work surface and a place for comfortable eating, designed for two.

Communication planning is important. In conditions where every extra centimeter of space counts, installation gaps should be avoided. To do this, you need to think about how to install protruding pipes into the walls.

At the planning stage, the location must be taken into account gas meters, electrical networks, places of increased fire danger or possible leakage water.

Layout types

There are the following options for planning a 6-meter kitchen:


The preparatory stage of renovating a kitchen of six square meters may include:

  • purchase of necessary materials;
  • removal of furniture, removal of lamps;
  • dismantling the previous coating;
  • surface leveling;
  • installation or replacement of a door;
  • creating an arch;
  • replacement of windows;
  • installation of communications;
  • preparing surfaces for the chosen type of finish.

All work must be carried out from the bottom up: starting from the ceiling, the wall (see), and then the floor.

There shouldn't be any problems with dismantling. But leveling the surfaces can be the first serious test. The easiest way is to use drywall. However, a frame of such a design will steal precious space. small kitchen. The “wet” method fits better into renovations in a 6 sq. m kitchen. m. The photo can be seen below.


As for communications, you should know that in panel house laying channels is strictly prohibited. Pipes and wires will have to be hidden with plaster, cladding or other available means.


Finishing work

The kitchen is a functional room. Expressive photos from 2018-2019 demonstrate that successful examples renovations combine the practicality of the materials used with the beauty of design.

Regardless of the chosen style, do-it-yourself kitchen renovation of 6 m2 is aimed at visually expanding the space. A simple rule will help to achieve this: the top of the room should be lighter than the bottom.

If you are renovating a high-end kitchen, any type of ceiling will do. For heights less than 2.7 meters, it is best to use tension structure. In such a room it is mandatory Preliminary processing surface with antifungal putty. A square ceiling will benefit from the use of several ceiling levels.


Usually the kitchen, especially its apron, is tiled ceramic tiles(). Seam cutting is carried out using a composition for baths or external use with 10% water-polymer emulsion. Using a special trowel will help to avoid microcracks during this process.

The following materials are used for flooring:

  • Parquet;
  • Laminate;
  • Tile;
  • Linoleum;
  • Marmoleum;
  • Skirting board.

An environmentally friendly and cheap solution would be a designer concrete floor. Kitchen renovation 6 sq. m in this case it will be much easier.


The main mistake in lighting a small kitchen is installing only one light source. Small size The premises have absolutely nothing to do with it. Typically, a chandelier (see tips on choosing in the article) is hung in the center of the ceiling, and the work surfaces are located around the perimeter of the room. That is, despite the small area of ​​the kitchen, the hostess always has her back to the light source, which is completely inconvenient.


Modern renovation of such a functional space involves the use, in addition to the main lamp, additional devices. The most popular and convenient solution today is spotlights.

Rays of light in small room should always fall from the ceiling to the walls, and not vice versa.

Video: DIY kitchen renovation