Good man, bad man. A good person and a bad person, who they are - their properties and signs

Good man, bad man.  A good person and a bad person, who they are - their properties and signs
Good man, bad man. A good person and a bad person, who they are - their properties and signs

The peel is the first impression of you. This is what everyone knows about you, from the barista who sold you coffee this morning to an unfamiliar colleague at work. How do you know what it tastes like to you? It is not difficult. Remember whether you are polite to waiters, salespeople, and taxi drivers. Do people like you when they first meet you? Would your unfamiliar colleagues call you friendly? If you confidently answer “yes” to all these questions, then rest assured, your skin tastes quite good.

Now let's dig deeper. Pulp. Friends, family, those who know you well, everyone deals with it. Do you gossip often? Do you judge people? Don't stand up for your loved ones? Are you cowardly? Do you rejoice at your friends' failures? Do you like to talk only about yourself? Can't keep secrets? Don't pay back your debts? Don't mind telling a lie from time to time? If yes, then your pulp, alas, is no good.

Now we have reached the core. You reveal it only to those closest to you, but some people don’t show it to anyone at all. Test yourself: imagine that there is a button next to you that you can press, and then your cherished dream will come true. True, about 1000 will die at the same time in the world random people. But no one will ever know that you pressed it. Will you click? If your answer is yes, your core is hopelessly damaged.

If you divide a person into skin, pulp and core, and each of these three parts is called “bad” or “good,” you get eight types of people. Let's figure out what these types are (going from peel to core).


Saints to the core, who do not lose faith even in notorious villains. Most often they make friends among the “bad-good-good”.

Advantages: Without such people we would definitely be lost, and if we need to trust someone, then only them, they will not let us down.

Flaws: With their arrival, the fun goes away, because what is fun is not always right.


When you first meet them, they make a terrible impression, but dig a little deeper and you will discover their beautiful nature. inner world. People of the “good-good-good” series like to hang out with these people.

Advantages: They hate hypocrisy and cowardice, they are extremely principled. People respect them and often choose them as their leaders.

Flaws: Some of them are no strangers to star fever, because inside they are so wonderful, despite the outer shell.


At the first meeting they seem charming, but their friends, most of whom are the same “good-bad-good”, know that this is far from the case. “Good-bad-good” people often suffer from low self-esteem.

Advantages: It’s always fun to be with them, and in general their communication skills are at the highest level.

Flaws: They can be hypocritical and cowardly, but, in general, they are harmless.


The list of those they have wronged is long, but their friends will always defend them fiercely. And they are mostly friends with people like them, either with “good-bad-good”, or with completely “bad” people.

Advantages: Of course, they can be very unpleasant, but they have a good heart.

Flaws: They can be very unpleasant.


Such people are very dangerous, first you like them, gain your trust and even love, and then mercilessly break your hearts. They often agree with “good-good-good”, and then very painfully diverge from them.

Advantages: Of course, their main goal is only their own success, but while they are moving towards this goal, they manage to do something good, such people often go into politics.

Flaws: They are manipulators and hurt those closest to them the most.


This type of people is very rare. They are often deluded into thinking that their core is actually good.

Advantages: They often become successful in the criminal business. A bad skin produces the necessary intimidating effect, good flesh helps to establish contacts, and a bad core allows you to go over your head to your own goal.

Flaws: They are really very bad.


Everyone has fun with such a person, but only everyone knows that basically he is complete trash.

Advantages: Great candidates for Desperate Housewives.

Flaws: The most hypocritical of all those presented.


Here he is, a classic villain in all his glory. They do not understand people with a good heart and despise bad people trying to seem good.

Advantages: They are not hypocrites, they are who they are, they make excellent stand-up comedians, and also mafia leaders.

Flaws: Here, I think, everything is clear.


A bad or a good person is a relative concept. I am convinced that there are no bad people. There is a perception of a person because of his bad deeds, which others evaluate as bad deeds, since these actions are considered bad on the scale of their value system.

For example, for my children, I am the best dad in the world. If they lose me, their loss will be commensurate with the loss of the greatest thing that can be lost. To my enemies, I bad person, since my actions are assessed by them as unacceptable by good people.

Are the enemies bad? Why bad? They are people who are the best for their loved ones. Those close to them know their heart and perhaps understand their intentions. They accept them as they are.

What about those who kill another person? He doesn’t kill by accident, but consciously approaches this decision. He's probably a bad person. Yes, for our value system he is a very bad person. But we don’t know what guides his decision. Every decision has its own story. There are reasons why a person acts this way.

All people live in full automatic mode of their habits and beliefs.

For example, a mother beat her son as a child. She humiliated his manhood. As a result, he grows up to be very cruel and merciless. Perhaps not only his wife suffers from his actions, but also the fates of many other people. So who is to blame for this man’s actions? Mother? But why did she allow herself to humiliate this future man? Because, in turn, her mother was an abandoned woman and raised her daughter with the belief that all men are “assholes.” The girl grew up with the subconscious perception that her future chosen one would definitely leave her or offend her. And so it happened. He left, which broke her heart. She humiliated her son, deceiving herself with “love”, i.e. I thought that I would raise him good, not like his “goat” father.

How to judge the killer of many lives? Evil must be punished on its basis. Why do we punish only the one who ultimately committed the act?

I helped my father in our gardens for many years. Almost every day after school, I went with my father to cultivate land plot. There is no point in cutting down weeds with a hoe; they need to be pulled out by the roots, otherwise they will sprout again. To be honest, I was very proud when all the neighbors praised my father for the fact that our garden was always the best. Because my father’s harvest was 2 times greater than that of the most diligent summer residents.

Let's go back to the "murderer" who is being tried for the crime. Guilty. Maybe we’d better send his mother, or grandmother, or great-great-great-grandfather to prison? Of course not, because he died a long time ago. Therefore, we rely on a set of laws that punish actions (crimes).

Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, etc. All of them bathed millions of people in blood. Cruelty boils up in us when we read historical books or simply talk about their atrocities. But let's think, after all, they were all boys who played with cars, ran with a ball in the garden, or simply experienced immense joy while swimming in the sea on a hot summer day.

Who is to blame for their actions?

Perhaps you ask me: “So now you shouldn’t judge for your actions?”

Are you sure that you are worthy of judging someone? Isn’t your “evil,” which you hide, or maybe you don’t even know about it, become the cause of even greater evil? The fact is that you, of course, consider yourself a good person, since you know all the reasons and motives why you act the way you do. Knowing the truth, you justify yourself.

Perhaps you will say: “I’m not a murderer.” I agree, and in general you are a very good person...

The Bible, a book that is recognized by billions as a set of rules for what a person should do, says: “Do not judge.” Do you know why? Do not judge, because, firstly, you do not know the real reasons and the real culprits of the actions, and secondly, because you yourself are not much better than those who do this.

Judges, prosecutors and everyone who makes a guilty verdict. Who are these people? I believe that they must be the most worthy of the most worthy, so as not to succumb to the great temptation of power. But reality shows us something completely different...

Dear friends, do not judge other people, do not label them as bad. There are no bad people. There are reasons that led to bad actions. But if you did this bad deed, you would probably be able to justify yourself, try to do the same in relation to another person.

We live in a world where everyone judges each other and I am no exception. I also judge and get upset at other people's bad actions, calling them bad. But silence comes when I start to think and feel sad because I didn’t try to justify the other.

Give people another chance. Not the last, but another chance. Let's have one more chance every time, but don't lift the ax to cut off the head...

Perhaps someone will say: “Let’s see how you speak when they do evil against you.” Yes, perhaps you will hear from me, a “Judicial” verdict spoken in our hearts. But I’ll come to my senses and still look for the strength to give it another chance.

So, what cannot be punished? Do what you know. Everyone is responsible only for themselves. If you are worthy to punish, then who will forbid you.

Do you think there are bad people?

Whether a person is good or bad is a subjective opinion and a relative concept.

Perhaps it will be easier not to judge other people if we understand that we have attracted everything good or bad that is in our lives to ourselves - like a magnet. Read my article “”, where I talk about the force of attraction of energy. Simply put, only I am responsible for the events that are now happening in my life.

When you take responsibility for yourself, you don’t raise your hand to blame someone else.

I am writing this article, like all the others, for myself, since this is my personal blog, i.e. Personal diary. By writing down your thoughts, you better understand what you are doing, how and why, and if there is an edifying tone, then forgive me. I create my world around me the way I want and perhaps you are in my circle. If our thoughts are similar, then most likely we will be comfortable together, and if not, then there are many circles, as many as there are people on earth.

Essay: " Good man " And " bad person ": criteria differences .

Since ancient times, the question has been raised: who can be considered a good person and who is bad? And what are their differences? How can you tell if a person is good or bad? In order to answer these questions, people turned to fortune tellers and sages. And even now, in order to understand what kind of person is next to you, people resort to esotericism, psychology, or ask for advice from elders. But for my thoughts on how to recognize whether a person is bad or good, I would like to turn to ancient wisdom, namely, proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, etc.

I will begin my reflection with an aphorism. "A bad person is different from good topics one who repents of what he has done, and the other who repents of what he has not done.”

That is, let’s think about what the author wanted to say with this reflection? For example, a bad person committed an act that does not correspond to the norms of behavior in society, other people may condemn his actions, but he may repent or not, this will depend on his choice, in any case, he will be responsible for his actions himself. And who is the second person? If we continue this antonymic series, then we will consider only a good person to be the second. But why should he repent for someone else when he did nothing? The point is that a good person will think in advance whether my action is bad. Ancient philosopher Democritus said: “To be a good person means not only not to do injustice, but also not to desire it.” The thoughts of a good person cannot accommodate the circumstances and actions that a bad person has committed. He needs everything to be fair.

He will worry about this person as about himself, it is possible that he will even take his guilt, although he has not done anything. Why would a good person do this? Because he is a man with a broad soul.

Everyone gathered in it good qualities, for example, kindness, honesty, responsiveness, the ability to sympathize with others, tolerance, etc. One of the English catchphrases says: “A good person is kinder to his enemies than a bad person is to his friends.” From this expression we can say that a good person will treat everyone kindly, even if it is your enemy, and a bad person will treat everyone badly even to his friends. Similar in meaning to this statement is the Japanese catchphrase that “It is better to be the enemy of a good person than the friend of a bad one.” And, indeed, it is easier to be the enemy of a good person, since he is not vengeful, does not commit evil, and will lend a helping hand at any moment. And if there is a bad person next to you, and he is also a friend, then still expect trouble from him, since he can betray, do something on the sly. Perhaps simply out of envy or some other reason. And if you think about it, why are there bad people in our society? And what is the reason for their appearance? Perhaps this will depend on the upbringing of the parents, in what family they lived, in what environment. Or it depends on the temperament and character of a person what he is like. There can be many reasons, since everyone has their own truth. Maybe he was simply disappointed in people, he was surrounded by only bad people, and he had no one to follow as an example. Perhaps he made for himself such an attitude that good does not defeat evil and it is profitable to be a bad person. Since there is a lot of injustice, anger, etc. around. One can also assume that this person has some kind of mental abnormality, he is an incurable person, so he commits immoral acts and was not punished.

Uvarov Nikolai said that “a good person is not afraid of anyone, a bad person is afraid of everyone.” Why does this happen? Because a good person has a clear conscience, but a bad person will be in constant fear that he will be punished for his actions.

So, let's summarize what is the difference between a bad person and a good one. I think that a good person will always radiate light and joy, he exudes kindness and warmth, at any moment this person will support, give advice, be honest with another person and will not do harm. There is no envy, no deceit in him, no desire to hurt someone, he lives in complete harmony with himself. Good qualities predominate in him. Sincerely rejoices at other people's achievements. But a bad person lives in the darkness of his evil; this is his only source of life. Because he can’t, doesn’t want and doesn’t know how to do it any other way. He enjoys causing pain to others. He doesn't wish well for anyone. This is a selfish man. It’s not that he doesn’t think about others, he thereby destroys himself and his life.


Democritus “New Acropolis” philosophical school

http:// www. newacropol. ru/ Alexandria/ aphorism/ person

Podvodny A. Aphorisms and quotes.

http://www.e- -_Yapons...

Fomina N., Book: Japanese idioms, Genre, 2010

http:// www. litmir. me/ br/? b=226803& p

Often, with his evaluative position, a person divides other people into good and bad, forgetting that the concepts of “good” and “bad” are purely subjective, this is a relative concept. There is a perception of a person because of his bad deeds, which others evaluate as bad deeds, since these actions are considered bad on the scale of their value system. If we evaluate the people around us as bad, then we ourselves are worthy of this assessment. Just first understand why he turned out to be bad for us, what qualities of his made him bad for us? These are exactly the qualities that we have within ourselves. Well, if there are a lot of good people around in our opinion, for others they can be bad, then this is a direct indicator of our mental balance. The world sends us “good” and “bad” for a reason. Many events happen in our lives. And they are all different - joyful and inspiring us to new things and achievements, or sad and sad, leading us to apathy and despondency.

We live in a world where everyone judges each other and I am no exception. I also judge and get upset at other people's bad actions, calling them bad. But there comes a time of silence, when I start to think and feel sad because I didn’t try to justify the other. Every situation, every incident eloquently tells us many things, namely about what is happening to us at one time or another in our lives, what is happening here and now, in this moment our long or short life, the duration of which directly depends on ourselves. Only we extremely rarely listen to such prompts from life when we don’t like what’s happening to us and leave everything as it is without changing anything.

What do we start doing most often? We begin to blame others, curse what happened to us, and scold chance. So what? - you can say. Nothing, we’re just moving away from ourselves all this time. Only one who understands the fact that when you leave yourself, you constantly return to yourself, is able to realize many things happening in his life. We all like joyful and pleasant moments in life. This is understandable; moments of joy and happiness tell us that our soul is in complete balance with the world. The world tells us in these moments that we are who we really are and gives us spiritual harmony. But as soon as we are not aware of something, the Universe begins to send us accidents that are not random, which make us understand that we are doing something wrong. But we don’t hear the voice from above, we don’t want to hear it and close ourselves off. Thus, closing your thinking and, accordingly, yourself. This is characteristic of a person in critical situations. And we need to get away from this!

Otherwise, what do we have? We have a heaviness in our souls, which passes over time, as it seems to us. But this is an illusion. The heaviness remains and, moreover, over time turns into a heavy burden that we can carry throughout our lives. Where will she go? After all, the owner of this burden does not try to throw it off, but continues to make it heavier with his negative thoughts directed towards a person, for example, whom, to put it mildly, he does not like.

For example, for my children, I am the best mother in the world. If they lose me, their loss will be commensurate with the loss of the greatest thing that can be lost. For my enemies, I am a bad person, since my actions are assessed by them as unacceptable by good people.

Are the enemies bad? Why bad? They are people who are the best for their loved ones. Those close to them know their heart and perhaps understand their intentions. They accept them as they are.

We ourselves create our own world, forming our own worldview and based on this, we ourselves attract situations and people who become our teachers.
Our teachers, that is, the teachers in our lives, are those who give us life lessons, which we try our best to avoid. But everything in the Universe is interconnected. And exactly what (or whom) we run from is what we get.
Do we not like some of his qualities in a person or is his behavior annoying? What actually catches you? And what catches us is what we look for in ourselves. How else? After all, only what is in us is powerful. If we remain calm when interacting with a person, then everything is in order with our thinking.

Every person has a combination of certain qualities, good and bad. The predominance of some over others is possible and determines how bad or good a person is... Man differs from other forms of existence not by the presence of a mind, but by the ability to control it, as well as by qualities related to the nature of his heart. What is the essence of this nature? The rhythm of the heart sets a certain rhythm of activity, which, in turn, allows a person to fill up various forms life and thus feel life. That's the whole difference: a person is a being capable of governing himself. What is the beauty of being human, if not the ability to be one? If there is no skill, there is also no humanity.

Now many people understand this, but there are also those who do not accept it, justifying themselves. Of course, we should not consider the behavior of a person who is annoying as a complete copy of us, but only what “hooked” us. And this may not lie on the surface at all, but deep inside us, these are our hidden feelings and thoughts that we are afraid to admit even to ourselves. And in order to figure it out and get rid of internal fear, we are given a chance by “giving” us the right teacher. So what are we doing? We run away from this incident, afraid to look into ourselves, talk to our hearts, look at ourselves from the outside and are afraid of our own exposure. And nothing changes. But nothing goes away that easily. Problems and illnesses don’t just appear for us.

I think that no, you cannot be good to everyone all the time. Why? There are no clear criteria, but what exactly is included in the concept of “good”? Intelligence, honor and conscience? Not enough. Having integrity? Lack of meanness? I wish it were so. If there are any universal human qualities that characterize good people, then, in my opinion, they are too relative for different eras, systems and morals.

Now many people don’t care whether he is a good person or not. I can’t say what qualities define a “good” person, but I know for sure that the one next to me is a good person; the one with whom I can talk for hours about everything in the world is a good person; the one who never pushes away or betrays is a good person; the one who is on the other side of the monitor, being far away, is ready to help, at least by holding his hand, is a good person. For me, a good person is one who knows how to not only take, but also give. Able to feel. And most importantly, he knows how to love! A good person respects people and accepts them for who they really are. It seems to me impossible to be good for everyone. How many people, so many opinions. These qualities are enough for me for now.

In my opinion, just as there is no absolute goodness, there is also no good person for everyone. As they say, what is good for a German is death for a Russian. What is good for one is evil for another. Isn’t your “evil,” which you hide, or maybe you don’t even know about it, become the cause of even greater evil? The fact is that you, of course, consider yourself a good person, since you know all the reasons and motives why you act the way you do. Knowing the truth, you justify yourself.
In order to really not cause harm to people, you need to be very attentive and constantly focused on those around you. Because there are people around you, and everyone has something sick inside. Complexes, old grievances, problems with loved ones. And even with indifference we can cause harm and pain. In our hardened world, this has become more difficult, but possible. I believe in this, no matter what. I guess I'm an idealist. I will never consider a person who kicked a child or hit an old man to be good, no matter how many millions he donated to orphanages or nursing homes. I will also never consider a thief and a rapist to be good. And no one will convince me that the formula of relativity is applicable to good and evil, no matter how sophisticated they try to prove it to me and no matter how many minuses they give me.

The Bible, a book that is recognized by billions as a set of rules for what a person should do, says: “Do not judge.” Do you know why? Do not judge, because, firstly, you do not know the real reasons and the real culprits of the actions, and secondly, because you yourself are not much better than those who do this.

Don't judge other people, don't label them as bad. There are no bad people. There are reasons that led to bad actions. But if you did this bad deed, you would probably be able to justify yourself, try to do the same in relation to another person.
Perhaps it will be easier not to judge other people if we understand that we have attracted everything good or bad that is in our lives to ourselves - like a magnet.

When we get angry and irritated with another, we take these feelings out on ourselves. It's like pouring a bucket of slop over yourself. The only difference is that all this dirt, due to the inability to interact with others, and therefore with ourselves, ends up in our soul, settles and accumulates. And if we continue in the same spirit, then we simply will not get out of this garbage dump.

Here shining example“accidents” and teachers who meet us in our lives every day. I often hear conversations like this. One person says to another: “In our city we have such evil people. They always snap and grumble. Wherever I go, I’m sure to have a fight with someone.” And the other replies: “You know, I didn’t notice. Everyone always smiles at me. And no matter how I go into the store, the sales girls are so friendly, they will tell and show everything and always offer only high-quality goods. There are such smiling faces all around.”

And it is not by chance that we hear these conversations. They just tell us that the world can be looked at in completely different ways. And how exactly is up to us, or rather, each of us.

As soon as our goal is aimed at changing ourselves, and not another person, as soon as we learn to manage the situation we have created, and not be led by it, as soon as we learn to listen to the signs that periodically sends us the right people in the situations we need, the wheel of fortune will immediately turn to you.

And in the case when life throws you unpleasant situation or a “difficult” person, let’s learn to thank the Universe for giving us hints on the path to perfection and sending us wonderful teachers with the help of whom we can change ourselves and change our lives in better side! Our enemies are the best teachers!

Let's remember that everything in our lives does not happen by chance, that accidents are not accidental!

Having made a big mistake and made a qualitative mistake in people, you involuntarily begin to regret that they don’t have “Piece of shit” written on their foreheads. It would be much easier that way. Like in cartoons: good people are easy to recognize by their light clothes and clear eyes, and bad people by their horns and black hats. Unfortunately, nature did not take care of this. Or maybe it’s fortunate: if I’m objectively bad, I still don’t want to hang out with horns. So you can find the positive side in everything.

Still, sometimes good people can be identified without even knowing them. By what signs?

They are patient with salespeople and cashiers

As in geometry, here we will go by contradiction. Imagine a guy who easily loses his temper and lashes out at the cashier at the supermarket with venomous comments because he was slow or couldn't find his change. Nice view? Not good. Imagine a guy who, with a dissatisfied face, sends the sales assistant to hell, because he himself seems to be in a bad mood. All this is more like the behavior of spoiled ladies, daughters of rich parents, to whom everything was always presented on a silver platter - even an iPhone, even a dress for thirty thousand, even the head of a unicorn. Only bad people, to put it mildly, behave this way.

They leave good tips

In the vast majority of cases, waiters' salaries are so small that they seem to have none at all, so tips for them are the main source of income. If they brought you to a table, brought you food in a reasonable amount of time and didn’t spit in your coffee, show that you appreciate it.

They voice their good thoughts

If they see something good in a person, they do not hesitate to report it: kind word and the cat is pleased. But it’s better to keep negative and hypocritical comments to yourself.

They are honest if they don't reciprocate

There is no need to keep her at a comfortable distance for your own convenience. Yes, there are times when you are very lonely and really want someone to come to you after your sad SMS. But... is that good? Even if you have the opportunity to sleep under the same blanket with a warm friend, it’s cruel to play with other people’s feelings.

They treat others the way they want to be treated.

In bed - doubly so.

They call their parents

It's easy to forget about everything when you live in a fast and exhausting rhythm. Work consumes b O most of our lives, and we barely have time to just sit on our ass and think about our own things. As soon as you leave the office and head home, everything ceases to exist for you except your bed, the last bottle of beer in the refrigerator and the TV series. It's okay, you'll have time for yourself. You can remember the people who sacrificed this very time for 18 years for you, so precious. Get your ass together and spend half an hour talking.

They don't comment on other people's choices

Even your own choice, if you look at it. Did you choose broccoli? Congratulations. Sit down and eat your broccoli and shut up about other people's burgers. Next to people who behave in the opposite way, everyone will inevitably think: what if one day he does not please this guy and he is chopped to pieces in the same way for deciding to try the pie.

They know how to behave

There are times when our social skills are about equal to those of a six-year-old child, and that is nothing to be proud of. For example, when you are tired and in the mood to whine. Or when you're excited. “Thank you” and “please” have not been canceled; even people in wheelchairs say them when they have a reason.

They don't let alcohol speak for them

Well, you drank a couple of beers, that's normal. This does not give you any right to treat others worse than they deserve or say obscene things to them. What a sober man has on his mind is on his tongue, and good people there is no shame even after a noble drinking session: there is never a shame in voicing their thoughts.

They text back right away

I absolutely do not insist that you glue a phone to your hand and live like that from now on. People often make comments to me that I pay too much attention to him, I repent, I’m a sinner. But still answering SMS or calling back a missed call in two or three days is clean water idiocy. I should have called in a month, when no one will remember. When the answer is immediate, the interlocutor understands that he is important, and he is pleased.

They are generous

Don't lend a dude his only outfit when last time he puked on the white shirt you gave him for his brother's wedding, I have completely realistic expectations here. However, stingy people are most often unhappy. Never miss an opportunity to do a good deed for someone. It usually costs you nothing and will save the other person's day. Where have you seen a good man who takes ass?