A good company for metal entrance doors. Review and rating of entrance door manufacturers. The best double leaf metal door

A good company for metal entrance doors.  Review and rating of entrance door manufacturers.  The best double leaf metal door
A good company for metal entrance doors. Review and rating of entrance door manufacturers. The best double leaf metal door

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Products in this category perform important aesthetic, insulating and protective functions. To make the right choice, the rating of entrance doors to the apartment and reviews of current owners must be studied carefully. The information below will help you make a correct comparative analysis yourself.

It is difficult to create a reliable barrier against an orc invasion. However, a durable steel door with reliable locks is quite capable of preventing the illegal actions of modern intruders

How to choose the right entrance door to an apartment: determining individual requirements

To narrow down your search, you need to make a list of important criteria. If the apartment is located in a standard building, then favorable temperature conditions are assumed. However, in some architectural projects the exit is made directly to the street. This means that additional protection from atmospheric influences, vandalism, and noise will be needed. The first correct conclusion can be made about the need for a thorough preliminary check of the actual conditions of future operation.

For the sake of objectivity, we note the disadvantages:

  • weighting of the structure;
  • difficulty in installing standard fittings (eyes, handles);
  • additional difficulties during repairs;
  • increased cost and additional responsibilities to maintain the perfect appearance of the surface.

Rating of the main manufacturers of entrance doors to apartments 2017-2018, reviews


Products from this manufacturer are affordable. The Russian enterprise organized the production of its products in China, which made it possible to optimize costs. Careful control allows us to ensure good quality, consistency of technical parameters and appearance in each batch.

xumuk032, Bryansk: Advantages: Durable coating, good insulation, looks decent. The outer side is made of steel 1.5 mm thick with weather-resistant coating. Those. This door is suitable for installation directly outside. There are 4 hidden hinges that are theoretically adjustable. The opening angle is about 100 degrees.<7p>Disadvantages: The keys to different locks are almost the same in shape and color. More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2983317.html.


This manufacturer has been producing specialized products for more than a quarter of a century. Solid practical experience allows us to create entrance doors to apartments with good consumer characteristics without extra costs. The range includes models that are designed to solve fire safety and other special tasks.

Arbuzik, Kazan: Advantages: Factory control. The door is equipped with 2 locks: the main Border - 4th security class and additional - 2nd class. The door frame is powerful, filled with mineral wool by default (some other manufacturers add it optionally). Disadvantages: MDF panel is easily soiled, different number of keys for locks. More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_1302491.html


This company has been operating since 1976. Nowadays, after comprehensive modernization, production capacities fully correspond to the modern level.

pavel753, Krasnoyarsk: Advantages: Elbor has its own unique design. The fact is that they have an additional sheet under the internal decorative panel. The decorative panel itself is enclosed in a collapsible “frame”, which allows you to easily change panels. Disadvantages: The Premium model does not have it. Lux has problems with locks, Optimum and Economy have low sound insulation. More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2552102.html


Products of this brand are highly expensive. However, the consumer characteristics in this case also belong to the premium class. The company has been operating since 1994. Entrance doors to the apartment meet the strict requirements of international/domestic industry standards.

Gretta, Moscow: Advantages: Reliable, safe, high quality, beautiful. Guardian has many options for interior door decoration. And here, too, everything is limited more by your financial capabilities than by the imagination of the manufacturer. Disadvantages: Expensive. More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_401213.html


This group of companies offers custom-made metal doors from the manufacturer. For equipment, the manufacturer cooperates with Cisa, Mottura, Kaba and other specialized enterprises. A special feature is concreting, which strengthens the fastening of the box and prevents leakage.

Volcko, Moscow: Advantages: Quality of all work. We installed a metal entrance door about seven years ago, and I can only evaluate that period of the company's work. But then everything was very, very good. What impressed me most was the work of the door installers themselves. Just European service. Disadvantages: Prices. More details on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_2264253.html

Analysis of the rating of entrance doors to apartments 2017-2018: advantages and disadvantages of manufacturers

1 OutpostLeading positions in sales statistics confirm customer satisfaction. Claims can be made against the cheapest models, which are created using too thin steel sheets (less than 1 mm).
2 TorexOne of the most experienced domestic manufacturers. The assortment includes models for professional use, which indirectly corresponds to high technical potential.
3 ElborThis manufacturer produces all entrance doors to the apartment according to the burglary protection class 4 standard. The expanded range of finishes is commendable.
4 GuardianThis position is explained only by the relatively high cost. In terms of aesthetic and individual technical parameters, the entrance doors to the Guardian apartment can be placed in first place in the ranking.
5 BecameDespite the overall good quality, there are negative reviews about the installation work performed by the company’s dealers.

How to install a metal entrance door to an apartment: price, important features of professional services

Some manufacturers define performing installation operations independently as a violation of standard rules. This automatically deprives the buyer of official guarantees, so it is necessary to clarify the relevant point at the stage of product selection.

Using the following table, you can determine the approximate costs of hiring a professional team:

Work steps performedUnit measurementsCost, rub.
Dismantling old entrance doors to the apartmentPC.500-1200
Lifting a new producton the 1st floor200-400
Installation using one can of polyurethane foamset2500-4600
Reinforcement using anchor boltskit500-1200
Panel/platband installationPC.1500−3200/ 400−1100
Expansion of the doorwaykit900−1800

Some sellers offer entrance doors to apartments at a price including installation. The conditions should be clarified. Preferential offers apply to a certain distance from the service (trade) enterprise. Sometimes the calculation does not include measurements, removal of old products and garbage, and other additional costs.

Repairing entrance doors in an apartment: troubleshooting technologies with useful tips

Qualified restoration of the functionality and appearance of apartment entrance doors (wooden and metal) is required in the following cases:

  • after damage by burglary attempts;
  • in case of breakdowns of locks and deadbolt drives;
  • if it is necessary to eliminate the distortion of the door leaf;
  • for replacing hanging panels, improving insulation characteristics.

Review of price offers for entrance doors on the market, additional recommendations

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PhotoBrand/ModelWidth x Height in cm.price, rub.Features, Notes

Outpost/53088/96 x2058700-11200 Polymer coating, mineral wool insulation, two sealing circuits.

front door Forpost 530

Outpost / 128 C88/96 x 20518200-22500 2 mm thick steel, built-in peephole with 180° viewing angle, four sealing contours, four hidden hinges on bearings.

front door Forpost 128 C

Torex/ SUPER DELTA SD Steel86-100 x 197-21516500-25800 The thickness of the steel sheets is 1.5 mm. The hinges provide 180° opening. Gate valve as standard. Filling with foamed polyurethane.

entrance door Torex SUPER DELTA SD Steel

Guardian/DS-388-98 x 205-21028200-31400 Locks of our own production, improved sound insulation, three-way locking using bolts.

entrance door Guardian DS-3

Condor/ 2 Walnut86 x 20510100-12500 The thickness of the steel sheet is 1.2 mm. Two sealing circuits. Basalt insulation.

It is rather stupid to explain the functionality of the front door - this is a thing that no private house or apartment can do without; perhaps the most important attribute of personal home security. Of course, the degree of reliability of such doors greatly depends on the price segment. The cheapest models can only boast of a pleasant appearance - the protection functions here will be performed purely nominally.

In the case of more expensive doors, developers bother with both the design and reliability parameters, supplementing the design with stiffening ribs, and also using sheets of two millimeters and higher as a base.

The market segment of entrance doors is very extensive and includes a huge number of manufacturers. We decided to focus only on the best time-tested companies. We present to your attention the top 10 best manufacturers of entrance doors in two main categories. The final list was formed based on the following criteria:

  1. customer reviews about use experience;
  2. opinion of professionals;
  3. extensive range of models;
  4. degree of fame of the company.

The best manufacturers of entrance doors in the budget price segment

5 Outpost

Best price for products
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Rating (2019): 4.6

A company that was very popular until 2009. It began its thorny path not so long ago - production was launched in 1998. For 11 years, Forpost fought hard for profit, but in the already mentioned 2009, the management realized that the only way to reduce the cost of the door manufacturing process was to move production to China. From that moment on, things went uphill - products began to be “stamped” at 500 thousand copies a year.

In general, users are satisfied with the Chinese origin of the doors, but cases of break-ins or unexpected breakdowns overtake some at the most inopportune moments. This can be explained very simply - since the company moved to China, counterfeit copies under the “Forpost” trademark began to appear on the market.


  • low cost even for luxury doors;
  • good concentration of service centers throughout the country, adequate service;
  • A good choice is a wide range of entrance doors.


  • the fittings are suitable and supplied only from the factory;
  • Sound insulation fails in some models;
  • the presence of low-quality fakes on the market.

4 Groff

Premium quality at an average price
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

Groff is one of the official trademarks of the Bravo manufacturer, specializing in the sale of metal entrance doors. It is strikingly different from the classic products of the management company in the use of exclusively thick steel, a reinforced structure with additional stiffening ribs, fire-resistant mineral wool produced by Knauf, as well as complete fittings (handles, locks, hinges, awnings, etc.).

The aesthetics of Groff doors match the high nominal quality, and are laid out in the early stages of design thanks to the work of in-house designers. Ultimately, consumers receive ready-made solutions for installation in apartments and private houses, the guarantee of long service life of which is confirmed by a ten-year period of mandatory maintenance from the manufacturers themselves. Of course, one of the most worthy candidates for a place in the ranking, both according to user reviews and expert opinions.

3 Bravo

Availability of products for various market segments
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

An indispensable leader in the domestic segment of entrance doors in recent times, the model range of which includes over 350 units of the original product. This catalog specifically presents doors created using modern 3D-Graf finishing technology, the cost of which is significantly higher than the market average.

However, there is an alternative option, the cheapness of which is due to the use of veneer. In terms of execution, the entrance doors of the manufacturer Bravo are not distinguished by abundance, but this is fully compensated by reliability and quality. The products of this company are successfully sold under other brands, such as Bravo Lux and BelDver, bringing the owner a good profit. Regarding user reviews, we can conclude the following: a number of models in the company’s budget segment have mediocre sound insulation, but all of them, without exception, provide reliable protection from drafts, which is determined by the use of good seals and insulating material with pronounced thermal functions.

2 Neman

The best combination of price and quality
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

A company that knows a lot about true security. It has a wide range of models and a very good price for its products. They care not only (and not so much) about safety, but about the appearance of the doors - their product clearly does not lack entertainment value.

In terms of reliability characteristics, everything is good - the doors are made of thick sheets of alloy steel and, without exception, are equipped with a double lock. But the number of locking elements can be increased at the request of the user. It is also striking that the buyer can choose accessories from other manufacturers - Neman’s sense of pride is far from off the charts (unlike some competitors).


  • availability of quality certificates for all main safety parameters;
  • reasonable cost of product lines;
  • abundance of design solutions.


  • not detected.

1 Became

The choice of users and professionals
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

From a purely technical point of view, the Stal company is similar to the premium manufacturer Elbor - their doors also have progressive burglary protection and good reliability characteristics in general. However, the main difference lies in the price category: if Elbor is focused on producing doors for all three price segments, then Stal does not have very expensive models in its arsenal. But there is well-deserved love from users, who all speak positively about the company’s products.

Professionals do not lag behind happy consumers, noting that although the company has some “flaws” in the form of unsuccessful models for apartments and private houses, it is still an exemplary mid-level manufacturer.


  • a variety of options for external door decoration;
  • compliance with all preferences and wishes of the buyer;
  • good service;
  • wide range of goods.


  • Some models are not of brand quality.

The best manufacturers of entrance doors in the mid-price segment

5 Fortus

Huge selection of do-it-yourself entrance doors. Over a thousand different style combinations
Country: Germany
Rating (2019): 4.7

The German giant in the production of entrance doors has one interesting trend that differs from the vast majority of its direct competitors. Instead of selling ready-made solutions, they accept orders for the manufacture of an individual product, assembled according to all the canons of their favorite childhood designers. Thus, consumers have access to a wide range of choices in terms of the number of door leaves, the complexity of the locks, their degree of burglary resistance, the color and material of the door leaf (metal, wood, combined) and the shape of the fittings, as well as the type of finish.

Through simple mathematical operations, we found out that there are over a thousand options for combining the parameters of entrance doors from Fortus. Consequently, any user will be able to find a door for both an apartment and a private house. According to numerous reviews, the products of this company have a high degree of reliability and do not suffer from problems with noise insulation and heat retention indoors.

4 Dierre

Great product design. Fast-growing range with a focus on cutting-edge developments
Country: Italy
Rating (2019): 4.8

Dierre is an Italian company producing reliable entrance doors, which is in the elite segment and does not need unnecessary formal introductions. Its main feature is complete reliance on advanced developments, introduced at every convenient opportunity into the design of products. Thus, recent trends have led to the creation of “smart” doors, with the function of locking and unlocking the lock using a remote control (as an example, the Elettra model range).

The second important quality of Dierre doors is their adherence to a special style, within the framework of moderate chic and delicacy. Any design of the door leaf is accompanied by the selection of unique fittings, which gives the product a touch of exclusivity and exclusivity (model At-3). Yes, the cost is very high, but the quality, appearance and reliability completely compensate for this drawback.

3 Guardian

Aesthetic appearance
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.8

A Russian factory for the production of metal doors, which began operations in 1994. It deservedly enjoys the title of the best manufacturer of beautiful doors. Precisely beautiful, since the aesthetics of execution very often interests users in the first place. Regarding the reliability of the products, everything is also good - the door collections have a number of domestic and international quality certificates in the field of fire safety, sound insulation, burglary protection and operational strength.

But among the disadvantages, one can highlight the service that is not the most efficient: according to consumer reviews, malfunctions that arise during use (even minor ones) are eliminated over a long period of time.


  • fit of the door and door frame at the highest level (gaps are minimal);
  • a wide range of products in all price segments;
  • product compliance with high quality standards;
  • The main filling material is mineral wool board.


  • not the fastest service.


Optimal balance of security parameters
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

The company, whose head office and assembly shop are located in the city of Saratov. Production facilities were launched in 1989 - almost before the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, over just a few years, the company gained great popularity not only in the countries of the USSR, but also beyond their borders. At the moment, TOREX has eight warehouses in the CIS countries, from which, in fact, the main trade with the world occurs.

Among the positive features of the company, we can note good service, a huge variety of model ranges and the highest quality of each individual product. Of course, there is one drawback to all this, and it obviously lies in the high cost. But quality, and the peace of mind that comes with it, comes at a price.


  • excellent heat resistance (from 15 minutes to 5-6 hours);
  • compliance with all key safety standards;
  • wide range of goods;
  • in most cases - an attractive design.


  • high price and expensive service.

1 Elbor

High degree of burglary protection
Country Russia
Rating (2019): 4.9

You can hear a lot of flattering reviews about the doors of the Elbor company and, it is worth noting, very deservedly. The plant began operating back in 1976, but specialized far from the production of doors - in those days, all enterprises worked for the benefit of the defense power of the Land of the Soviets. It’s impossible to think of a better start - to reclassify the country’s defense industry as producing an almost defensive element of personal space. It is this fact that determines the high quality of metal entrance doors, the main merit of which is their almost complete immunity to burglary. However, in other aspects, the Elbor models also perform well. The only drawback is the high cost of the products, which essentially excludes the presence of doors in the lower price segment.


  • original design aimed at increasing the security of doors against burglary;
  • the main type of filler is mineral wool;
  • use of fire-resistant coatings;
  • excellent appearance in all five model series.


  • high cost of production.

How to choose a reliable entrance door

Choosing a good entrance door is a matter of responsibility and personal consciousness of each user. Of course, you can resort to the proven method “the more expensive the better,” however, if finances do not allow you to purchase a premium product, we recommend paying attention to the following characteristics to independently select an entrance door:

Basic number of locks. If you do not want to make an individual order, but have to choose from a limited number of models, give preference to doors with several installed locks. It is desirable that they represent fundamentally different mechanisms - if one of the locks is opened, there is a guarantee that the second will create a problem for a conventional burglar.

Availability of additional locking elements. The optional inclusion of locks such as an ordinary latch (or, at worst, a simple chain) will be a pleasant addition and a bonus to protecting the door during a break-in attempt.

Type of door hinges. Recently, hidden hinges, embedded under a decent layer of metal for the same security needs against burglary, have become especially popular. However, the installation of such elements increases the overall cost of the structure and work performed. Therefore, if you have limited budget, you can neglect hidden hinges (or save on other options).

Type of external finishing. A parameter responsible not so much for security as for the neatness of the appearance of the front door. Finishing with fabric and wood is acceptable for private houses, when safety is guaranteed already at the stage of entering the courtyard area. For apartments, preference should be given to metal doors with fire-resistant powder coating, which gives the doors additional strength.

Insulating material. The presence of an insulating filler determines the door leaf's ability to absorb noise and cold/hot air. The most optimal material is mineral wool, which almost completely absorbs external noise and ensures heat retention inside the corridor. Cheap doors have no filler at all.

Sections of the article:

Each buyer, in the process of choosing an entrance metal structure, strives for the ideal combination of reliability, safety and appearance of the product. However, quite often, various manufacturers still encounter shortcomings in one or another parameter. And in order to choose the best doors from all those on the market, you need to prioritize the requirements. In this case, choosing metal doors will be somewhat easier.

Manufacturers rating

Comparing many companies producing entrance doors, we can identify the four most popular, based on the number of customers and production volumes. Also, the products of these companies have the best ratio of price and quality of manufactured doors. This list includes:

  • "Outpost";
  • "Torex";
  • "Elbor";
  • "The Guardian".

Forpost products mainly occupy the niche of budget products. The range includes 7 lines of metal entrance doors. In addition, the company produces door fittings, steel canopies and mailboxes. Metal structures from Forpost have a price range of 4,000 rubles and are the most affordable entrance doors on the market.

Metal doors produced by Torex have a huge range that allows them to satisfy almost any customer requirements. The price range is quite wide and includes designs from middle class to luxury metal doors. Torex also produces certified fireproof entrance doors.

The Elbor production company was formed on the basis of several former enterprises of the military-industrial complex. The range of products is quite wide and includes not only metal entrance doors. The company produces metal molds, as well as independently developed locking mechanisms with an increased level of security. Among the companies represented, Elbor is the leader in the production of burglar-resistant door structures.

Among the companies represented, the Guardian company occupies a niche in terms of pricing policy as a manufacturer producing premium metal doors. A significant advantage is the provision of full customer service support. Doors from the Guardian company can easily be called the most beautiful and one of the most reliable on the market. In addition to entrance doors, the company produces decorative elements, locking mechanisms and fittings.

The best budget doors

Based on the price-quality ratio, the best option is the door from the Forpost company, model 128 C. The door leaf on the outside has a layer of anti-vandal powder coating. The inside of the door is equipped with a polymer coating with wood imitation. The door has a rather pleasant and useful addition in its arsenal in the form of key illumination.

The company itself has been producing entrance door structures since 1998. The development of door structures, locking mechanisms and the design of all of the above is carried out directly by the company’s specialists. Initially, the production of all metal structures was carried out at the production facilities of the Kaliningrad plant “Masterlok”. However, since 2009, the entire product line has been produced in China. In parallel with this, the quality control system for manufactured products is being significantly improved at the plant itself.

According to statistics, the company installs 500,000 doors annually. This popularity is due to the availability of products for all segments of the population. Based on this, counterfeits of Forpost products are often found on sale. To avoid troubles during the purchasing process, it is important to pay attention to several nuances.

Locks installed in Forpost doors are produced exclusively by the Masterlock plant. The original door always has a certificate of authenticity and compliance with the stated characteristics. An official dealer must have a certification document certifying the right to sell and carry out installation work for these doors.

The advantages of metal doors from the Forpost company include:

  • Availability of prices;
  • Pleasant design appearance;
  • Wide range of products;
  • Convenient function of closing the door leaf without using a key;
  • Keyhole illumination;
  • Internal polymer coating, which ensures ease of care of the canvas and high resistance to various climatic conditions;
  • Equipped with locking mechanisms of class 4 burglary protection;
  • The presence of multi-circuit seals that allow high-quality protection of housing from the penetration of drafts and foreign odors;
  • Quite a widely developed network of service centers.

However, as with any other product, Forpost metal entrance doors have their drawbacks. These products have an insufficient level of sound insulation. The most common design defect is noticeable play in the handle. If it is necessary to replace fittings, in most cases suitable mechanisms can only be found from the manufacturer itself.

The safest doors

The “Ultimatum” design from Torex is rightfully considered the safest door. This metal entrance door is quite durable due to the use of high-quality solid sheet steel. In addition, it is equipped with new generation locking mechanisms with an improved secret lock.

The production of doors by Torex dates back to 1989. During this time, the company managed to gain a significant market share due to the high reliability of its products. The plant has several large warehouse complexes located in different cities of the CIS.

If you need to choose which metal door is best for placement in the emergency exit area, you won’t find a more suitable door than Torex. Fireproof equipment of doors and their production technology make it possible to contain the spread of a flame from 15 to 360 minutes. This ensures sufficient time to carry out basic evacuation measures.

Locks installed in Torex doors quite effectively resist temperature changes and do not fail even in extreme cold. In addition, the entrance metal structures of this company have a number of advantages:

  • They have a high degree of sound insulation;
  • Beautiful appearance of the doors;
  • High-quality breathability, exceeding standard indicators by 20%;
  • Effective protection against drafts and foreign odors entering the house.

The disadvantages of the products include the rather high price for additional installation and finishing services. Finding suitable fittings, if replacement is necessary, also causes significant difficulties.

The best anti-burglary systems

Elbor Lux door designs have the highest degree of protection against burglary.

The door leaf is equipped with two locking systems, each of which can be locked by 4 turns. The door has additional protection against knocking out locks and special pins that prevent the door from being removed.

Among the companies presented, Elbor is the longest-established manufacturer of entrance metal structures. The history of the holding, based on former enterprises of the military-industrial complex, dates back to 1976. And at a minimum, this fact is indisputable proof of the reliability and quality of the products.

Currently, the plant has its own production facilities. Quality control of manufactured products is carried out using high-precision Japanese technologies. The company's product line contains both economy class products and luxury metal doors.

The advantages of Elbor products can confidently include the following indicators:

  • Availability of classic design models and external representation of products;
  • A wide range of materials and finishing methods for both external and internal finishing of the canvas;
  • Ease of opening and closing, despite the weight of the structure;
  • Availability of locks with a high level of burglary resistance;
  • Large margin of safety;
  • Highly effective thermal and sound insulation;
  • Internal filling with environmentally friendly mineral wool;
  • The presence of additional metal elements that provide increased rigidity of the door leaf;
  • The use of anti-removal pins, which greatly increases the reliability of the structure.

The disadvantages of a manufacturer of metal entrance doors include the rather high price of their products. There are also frequent customer complaints about the work of service centers and dealer branches regarding service issues.

The most beautiful and reliable doors

In order to understand which metal doors are better in terms of reliability and aesthetics, it is enough to pay attention to the Guardian DS-2 model from the Guardian manufacturing company. The door leaf is made of a single sheet of metal and supplemented with three stiffening ribs. Inside the door structure there is a layer of mineral wool, which provides fairly effective noise and thermal insulation of the room. The canvas is equipped with additional fixing elements in the form of 3 anti-removal pins.

The choice of external door design is almost unlimited. Both the internal and external finishing of the canvas can be decorated with anti-vandal powder coating, a glossy laminated MDF panel (with the ability to choose a suitable color scheme), or using natural solid wood.

The Guardian company plant is one of the first door manufacturing enterprises opened in Russia in the 90s. Only high-quality steel is used in the manufacturing process. The products of this manufacturer have repeatedly won the highest awards in the form of quality marks at international exhibitions.

The advantages of the entrance structures of the Guardian plant are:

  • Presentable appearance;
  • Wide range of products and related products;
  • Availability of structures of varying degrees of security, including the possibility of equipping the front door with an armored package and the latest technological protection elements;
  • Increased durability of the canvas due to trapezoidal stiffeners;
  • The presence of minimal gaps between the door frame and the leaf, which is achieved thanks to high-precision production machines;
  • Double-circuit seal that effectively provides protection against drafts and the penetration of foreign odors.

The only significant disadvantage of Guardian products is the insufficiently developed service system. There are frequent customer complaints about poorly installed doors.

Trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, many buyers today strive to purchase the most reliable metal entrance doors with maximum burglary resistance. Unfortunately, not every door that is sold on the market today meets such high reliability requirements.

Many manufacturers are often let down by the desire to save on materials for their products. Too thin metal, simple locks, door hinges without anti-removal bolts, lack of door elements that provide additional reinforcement and protection of the structure - these are the main signs of a low-quality and unreliable door.

Bench tests have shown that the minimum thickness of the fabric for reliable doors must be at least 70 mm, and the thickness of the steel sheet - up to 3 mm. At Torex production, safety and reliability doors. Therefore, Torex products are especially popular among interested buyers.

Your choice is the most reliable metal doors!

Even the appearance metal input Torex doors are an important criterion reliability . They are designed in such a way that they deprive potential attackers of all hopes and illusions. Durable powder-polymer coating protects the canvas from scratches, impacts and negative external influences. Even with an inexperienced eye, it is easy to determine that under such a coating there is a powerful protective mechanism. Besides:

● Torex doors are equipped with locks that correspond to the 4th (highest) burglary resistance class. These are Blockido locks with an increased warranty from the manufacturer - 7 years. Blockido locks are tested and recommended by leading experts in the lock industry. A number of door models from TM "Ultimatum" use a two-system Italian Cisa lock with a variable code New Cambio Facile (two mechanisms in one body - lever and cylinder). This lock corresponds to metal entrance doors of the highest segment.

Metal doors are used to equip apartments and houses. Such products are highly durable, wear-resistant, resistant to moisture and retain heat well.

When choosing models, pay attention to the security system and technical reliability.

How to choose a metal door

  • The base of the metal door is made of aluminum or steel. Steel structures are more durable and provide high-quality noise and heat insulation.

Aluminum sheets are lightweight and therefore easy to install. This material allows for many finishing options.

  • Pay attention to the way the door opens. It is better to choose designs that open on both the left and right sides. Whether you choose external or internal doors depends on your taste preferences.
  • Take into account the technical characteristics of the model, because it will constantly be under mechanical and temperature influence. To ensure the product retains its appearance longer, choose powder coating or oak paneling.
  • The level of noise and heat insulation are important criteria. As a rule, a metal door is insulated using mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and corrugated cardboard.

Mineral wool is best suited for the internal filling of the product; it is an environmentally friendly material with high thermal insulation properties. Other materials are cheaper, but can crumble quickly.

  • The door must have a reliable security system against unauthorized entry. Locks of 1-4 burglary resistance classes are built into metal structures that are used for domestic purposes.

By type, locks are divided into lever locks with increased security and cylinder locks, which must be recoded in case the keys are lost. As a rule, modern models are equipped with these two locks.

  • Pay attention to the quality of the fittings. This includes door hinges, handles, chains, eyes, and other decorative elements. The aesthetics and beauty of these parts also testifies to the reliability of the accessories.

  • Pay attention to the door hinges. Do not buy products that have fewer than three loops. Consider the opening angle of the structure: 90, 120, 180 degrees. The higher this indicator, the better.
  • It is better if the model is made from a one-piece profile.
  • When choosing a door, check the thickness of the door leaf. The minimum value is 40 mm, but the structure will not be protected.

The thicker the fabric, the more reliable the protection and the higher the thermal insulation characteristics. In severe winters and constant frosts, the optimal option would be a thickness of 80-90 mm.

  • Pay attention to the thickness of the sheet, the optimal figure is 2-3 mm. Do not purchase products with a steel thickness of less than 0.5 mm; such structures are susceptible to dents and have a short service life.

The thickness of the door frame must be twice as thick to withstand the fastening of the fittings.

  • The most vulnerable places of the door leaf should be sealed with stiffeners. This improves the performance characteristics of the product and reduces the risk of deformation.
  • Please note whether the product is equipped with an armor plate; this is a mandatory component of the kit.
  • Choose models with ball hinges and anti-cuts that are attached to the hinge side.
  • The tightness of the structure is ensured by a double-circuit seal, which protects against foreign odors, drafts and retains heat well.
  • The diameter of the locking bolts must be at least 16-18 mm.

    • The design and decoration of the door depends on your preferences. A popular finishing option is plastic panels, which are wear-resistant and impact-resistant.

With the help of polymer painting, the structure acquires a new color and protective characteristics. Varnishing is a type of coating with a high level of resistance. Wood finishing is the most environmentally friendly and effective way of decoration.

  • When choosing a color, be guided by your taste, but keep in mind that dark fabrics will retain their presentation longer.
  • It is advisable that all fittings be made by one manufacturer.
  • The presence of a manganese plate will prevent the door from being drilled.

The best metal door with a thermal break

NORTH used in harsh winter conditions, withstands temperatures down to -39 degrees, vulnerable areas are reliably sealed with contours. The thickness of the canvas is 80 mm. The design is reliable as it is equipped with 10 locking points.

The average weight of the model is 100 kg. The stylish design and beautiful appearance are ensured by the polymer powder coating of the model. The door is simple to install, easy to maintain, wear-resistant and durable if used correctly.


  • weight – 100 kg;
  • dimensions – 860 by 2050 (960 by 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing circuits;
  • 10 locking points;
  • canvas thickness – 80 mm;
  • polymer powder coating.


  • the structure does not freeze, there is no ice;
  • reliable protection system against penetration;
  • multilayer insulation system;
  • functionality;
  • thermal resistance;
  • wear resistance and durability;
  • average weight, transportability;
  • high-quality fittings, reliable fastenings;
  • convenient installation and maintenance of the door.


  • high price.

The best metal door with thick leaf

Canvas Trio Metal, insulated with mineral wool, thickness – 80 mm. The model is sealed with three contours in places that wear out quickly. Hinges on bearings ensure the door opens 180 degrees, and the peephole provides a wide view.

The design includes 2 locks and a night bolt. For interior decoration, a moisture-resistant PVC coating in the color of bleached oak is used. A product with reliable burglary protection, high heat and sound insulation.


  • canvas thickness – 80 mm;
  • dimensions – 2050 by 880 (980) mm;
  • the canvas is filled with mineral wool;
  • three sealing circuits;
  • MDF panel finishing;
  • door with special powder coating;
  • fittings (2 locks, night bolt, hinges, peephole, handle).


  • resistance to mechanical damage and atmospheric influences;
  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • convenient equipment, reliable fittings;
  • Stylish and high-quality interior and exterior decoration.


  • weighty and large-sized product.

The best metal door made in Belarus

Design Вeldoors Chocolate Available in two sizes. The door opens from both sides. Beautiful design and high-quality finishing using PVC. The simplicity of geometric shapes and dark chocolate color give the design elegance and special charm.


  • dimensions – 860 by 2060 (960 by 2050) mm;
  • 2 sealing circuits;
  • filler – ISOVER mineral wool;
  • covering – structured MDF panel;
  • accessories (2 hinges with bearings, 2 locks, night bolt, anti-removal pins).


  • Possibility of opening from the right and left sides;
  • environmentally friendly insulation;
  • external and internal finishing of MDF;
  • compaction of vulnerable areas of the metal sheet;
  • the main lock is protected by an armor plate;
  • stylish design;
  • quality headset.


  • difficulty in care;
  • accumulation of dust.

Best metal soundproof door

Design LEGANZA FORTE ideally combines aesthetic appearance and high quality: sound insulation, insulation. Adjustable hinges prevent the door leaf from sagging. The product has reliable burglary protection, the external finish is powder coated.


  • modular layout;
  • canvas thickness – 60 mm;
  • 5 stiffeners;
  • double porch;
  • weight – 85-115 kg;
  • maximum opening size – 1020 by 2300 mm;
  • fittings (hinges, locks).


  • anti-corrosion protection;
  • locks with recoding;
  • built-in protection against the most popular hacking methods;
  • high sound and heat insulation;
  • equipped with adjustable hinges that prevent the fabric from sagging;
  • convenient and practical design.


  • large door;
  • low transportability.

The best apartment metal door

Design Akron 1 reliable, wear-resistant, durable. The doors are made of metal sheet 65 mm thick and provide good sound insulation. In vulnerable places they are sealed with special contours.

Reliable protection is provided by fittings: hinges, locks, anti-removal pins. The door has a Guardian 10.11 main lock with a second class of burglary resistance.

Mineral wool is used as a filler; the material is environmentally friendly and safe for health.


  • canvas thickness – 65 mm;
  • filler – mineral wool;
  • 2 sealing circuits;
  • reinforcement of the canvas in unreliable places;
  • accessories (locks, anti-removal pins, hinges).


  • burglary resistance;
  • dense fabric provides excellent sound insulation;
  • reliable fastening of accessories;
  • strength and wear resistance;
  • durability subject to operating rules;
  • high sound insulation.


  • difficult to transport.

Best metal door with MDF finish

Design Profdoor-MD10 weighty and large in size, suitable for decorating the entrance and front doors of an apartment. Thanks to the built-in stiffening ribs, the elastic metal sheet becomes reliable and durable.

The door is equipped with a reliable security system, there are lower and upper locks and a peephole. The noise and heat insulation of the model is at the highest level; this design will bring comfort and coziness to the house. MDF finish is used to create a natural effect.


  • dimensions – 200 by 80 cm;
  • weight – 70 kg;
  • 2 pyramidal stiffeners;
  • MDF finishing;
  • reinforcement with profile pipe;
  • noise and thermal insulation of the door vestibule;
  • accessories (two locks, peephole).


  • the structure is protected from outside penetration;
  • high-quality insulation of the model;
  • high sound insulation;
  • Stiffening ribs ensure wear resistance and reliability of the structure;
  • MDF finishing brings the model closer to a natural design.


  • weighty design.

The best metal door for a private home

Wear-resistant Arma Standard-1 Tight design with two sealing circuits. To make the door, a bent metal profile with stiffeners is used. The product is equipped with a cylinder and lever lock, a peephole, and chrome-colored fittings.

Reliable protection against burglary is provided by anti-removal pins. The metal door is powder-painted and resists corrosion and mechanical damage. Although the design is heavy, it opens easily and without unnecessary sound effects.


  • canvas dimensions – 880 x 2050 mm;
  • thickness – 80 mm;
  • filler – mineral cloth “URSA GEO”;
  • MDF finishing;
  • external powder copper coating;
  • fittings (sealing contours, hinges, pins, night bolt).


  • large thickness of metal sheet;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • high-quality filler, high-quality insulation;
  • reliable protection against burglary;
  • Possibility of opening on both sides;
  • beautiful appearance, stylish design;
  • convenient equipment.


  • heavy construction.

The best metal door for technical rooms

2DP-1S installed in buildings and public places, made from high-quality and wear-resistant materials.

The door is designed taking into account the latest technologies, equipped with reliable burglary protection and fire resistance. Two types of seals are used. Stylish design and beautiful powder coated finish.


  • dimensions – 1400 by 1000 (2350 by 1750) mm;
  • external finishing with powder-polymer coating;
  • two contours of rubber seal, thermally expanding seal;
  • design of the box (with or without a threshold, in the overhead or in the opening);
  • equipping with fire-fighting mechanisms;
  • fittings (crossbars, locks).


  • high technical safety;
  • several design options;
  • high-quality external finishing, beautiful design;
  • reliable insulation;
  • supply of fire safety system.


  • quite heavy design;
  • difficulties during transportation.

The best double leaf metal door

DZ-98 Designed for wide doorways. The weight is distributed approximately equally on both parts of the door leaf, so the load on the hinges is significantly reduced.

The design is strong, wear-resistant and durable. The fittings include two locks and a peephole with a 180-degree view.


  • type – front double doors;
  • dimensions – 2000 by 800 mm;
  • finishing (powder coating);
  • equipped with top and bottom lock;
  • number of loops (2);
  • insulated with mineral wool;
  • equipped with a peephole with a 180 degree view.


  • uniform load distribution;
  • reliable protection against penetration;
  • wear resistance, durability;
  • stylish design and good finish;
  • the structure is insulated;
  • convenient equipment.


  • Only suitable for large openings.

The best metal door with internal opening

DS-7 Designed for installation in office and residential premises. The structure is made of one-piece bent door leaf (two metal sheets, 4 stiffeners). The product is equipped with locks of burglary resistance classes 3 and 4.

Wear-resistant design with two sealing contours, insulated with environmentally friendly mineral wool. Stylish design, wide choice for decorative finishing. High-quality fittings will provide reliable protection, comfort and coziness.


  • 4 stiffening ribs;
  • dimensions – 2000 by 880 (2100-980) mm;
  • two seal circuits;
  • the structure is insulated with mineral wool;
  • fittings (hinges, peephole, lining, handle).


  • wide range of decorative finishes;
  • environmental Safety;
  • high-quality fittings;
  • insulation with mineral wool;
  • 5 available sizes;
  • the design is wear-resistant and durable;
  • burglary protection (class 3 and 4);
  • durability and reliability.


  • there are no anti-removal clamps.

Which metal door is better to buy?

Let's compare the main technical characteristics of the models to find out which of them are best suited for equipping an apartment or house.

  • The thickness of the metal sheet must be at least 2-3 mm; the designs presented in this rating correspond to this indicator.
  • Let's pay attention to the thickness of the canvas; there are models with high (80-90 mm) and medium (60-70 mm) parameters. To support the shape of the metal sheet, sealing contours and stiffeners are used.

Among the best doors are North, Trio Metal.

  • An important criterion is the level of heat and noise insulation, which depends on the thickness of the door leaf and the insulation used. All structures from the rating are insulated with environmentally friendly mineral wool.

The anti-corrosion model LEGANZA FORTE has excellent sound insulation.

  • We pay attention to the quality of the fittings: locks, hinges, door handles. Buy models Akron 1, Arma Standard-1, they are equipped with the necessary accessories.
  • The security system determines how protected the structure is from hacking. Products with high-quality protection – LEGANZA FORTE, North, Profdoor-MD10.
  • The finish of the products is varied, models with powder coating (LEGANZA FORTE) and MDF (Trio Metal) are available.

All models are distinguished by a stylish design; the most original is the Veldoors Chocolate.

So, among the best models are North, Trio Metal, Veldoors Chocolate, LEGANZA FORTE. These are products with high wear resistance of the metal sheet, good sealing and insulation, a reliable protection system and good external finishing.