The character of people with a double chin. What does the chin say. Retracted chin

The character of people with a double chin.  What does the chin say.  Retracted chin
The character of people with a double chin. What does the chin say. Retracted chin

If in the art of face reading the forehead is the sky, then the chin is the earth. Look closely at the chin if you want to know what a person's life will be like in old age. It is he who hides the secrets of time.

A Chinese proverb says: a beautifully rounded, smooth chin speaks of a prosperous old age. From the chin, one can learn about working capacity, endurance and vitality, that is, about the method and manner of action with which a person copes with the requirements of life until death itself.

The chin gives us general information about how things are with physical and mental strength, whether there is enough vigor until old age, and, finally, whether it will be possible to maintain the joy of life. They say about the ideal chin if it describes an even arc, without being either angular or round. In addition, the chin should not dominate the face, all parts of the face should be in harmony.

round chin

A person with a round chin is distinguished by a pronounced sense of family and an even friendly temperament. He has a positive influence on others. In controversial cases, he is great as a peacemaker. These people willingly take responsibility for the work performed and have high moral principles. By no means can they be called ambitious.

round chin

They seem to lack purposeful career planning. However, their career starts early enough. Sociability brings them almost always success at work. Women with a round chin are considered emphatically emotional and willingly work for their family. In China, they say: women with round chins are fertile. Erotically, they are easy to satisfy: acrobatic exercises are not for them. Most of all they are concerned about the happiness of children and prosperity in the house, family happiness often becomes the center of their lives. The prospect of being surrounded by a dozen grandchildren in old age is the dream of a woman with a round chin.

A pointy chin

People with sharp chins are highly intelligent, but they are overly sensitive and prone to mood swings. They are said to be fond of gossip and have a penchant for treachery.

The worst thing that can happen to such a person is loneliness. This fickle character requires constant movement and an audience to satisfy his great need for communication. Often these people also have the ability to perceive the supersensible. Relying on this gift, they can sometimes benefit for themselves.

A pointy chin

Professionally, they are not only excellent workers, but also have the ability to make decisions quickly. If women with sharp chins reach heights in social activities, then men with this type of chin are distinguished by outstanding technical abilities. Women and men with this chin shape sometimes experience difficulties in their personal lives, they cannot cope with their own feelings. This leads to misunderstandings, for example, someone with a sharp chin, due to their gullibility, sees more in flirting than it really is. Women with a sharp chin often have excellent vocal abilities, which is especially admired by men. However, these ladies are gullible and enthusiastic, they are ready to rush headlong into marriage, the stability of which is in great doubt.

wide chin

This strong chin indicates a correct, honest person who has great self-confidence and finds satisfaction in work. Everything he starts is brought to an end. It seems that a wide chin has inexhaustible reserves of energy. The business and social successes of these people are a matter of course.

Their sense of justice brings them much sympathy. Not without envious people here. Negative traits: pronounced stubbornness and a tendency to aggression. True, these traits of character appear, as experience shows, only in rare cases.

wide chin

Such people defend their honor very resolutely, in this case the jokes stop instantly. The palette of their feelings is diverse - from a pronounced protective instinct to a deep love for their own children and the ability to sympathize with others, but in relation to a partner they often cannot show their feelings, perhaps for fear of losing control over themselves.

If ever a man with a wide chin is deceived by his mistress, then he will be consistent to the end and will never forgive such an insult.

Angled chin

Looking at a person with an angular chin, one can immediately say that this is a fighter, energetic and active, sometimes even prone to bitterness and rudeness. Such a character does not tolerate defeat. Such a person never forgets disrespect and insults, because he can be incredibly vindictive. People with this chin shape are unlikely to rush headlong into professional or personal life, but will usually act according to a carefully designed plan. But, it is known that life does not always go according to plan, and sometimes surprises. Despite their vitality, a person with an angular chin does not feel the joy of being. His penchant for exaggerated discipline makes him a dry pedant. For full communication, he lacks flexibility.

Angled chin

If the energy and fighting spirit of such a person are directed in the wrong direction, then he can easily fall into a criminal environment. This form of chin is often found in criminal cases in the economy and even rapists.

People with an angular chin like to live in a big way. If, against expectation, they ever find themselves in cramped financial circumstances, they will never confess their misfortune, but rather write a bad check. A love affair due to a series of misunderstandings can easily turn into chaos for them. They were not born to love and be loved. Because of their rude manners, a possible partner would rather run away than go to bed. Women of this type usually dominate in a partnership, and not of their own free will, just the main role is imposed on them by fate. But experience proves that such a situation can suit them.

Protruding chin

This predominantly male form of the chin indicates great self-confidence, sometimes overconfidence and aggressiveness. Having a strong will, the owner of such a chin can direct negative character traits in a favorable direction. Success very early accompanies such a person. He is considered a born entrepreneur or manager. Often these people have a special sense of language that helps them reach leadership positions in the service.

In their restless nature lies a danger to both their business and their personal lives. They may suddenly quit a good job and do something completely different, such as a career in the arts. It is worth noting that they often have a pronounced creative talent and know how to make friends.

Protruding chin

They hardly need to worry about their physical health. Their physical strength and strong physique tend to cause envy. Women with a protruding chin are considered very purposeful in achieving a career and are endowed with conspicuous beautiful breasts. They have a reliable instinct to find the right man who can satisfy their various needs.

Women involved in science usually experience financial difficulties. But if they have enough money, they scatter it right and left, although some of them are as poor as church mice.

long chin

A long chin indicates a very emotional, often mentally unstable person. Due to their inherent instability of character, they are sometimes prone to gambling. When excited, they are capable of uncontrolled risk.

Surprisingly, it seems that people with a long chin always have money, and it is not clear whether they got it legally. But their wealth can be used by others. Positive traits are organizational talent and the ability to make friends. Professionally, they do not strive to reach leadership positions, as they are completely devoid of vanity. But thanks to their bright abilities, they often occupy a high position.

long chin

Happiness, which does not always accompany them in the game, they find in abundance in love. Women and men with this chin shape can show a lot of tenderness towards their partner. Usually they enjoy a lot of attention of the opposite sex. Their vibrant love life is able to compensate for some of the difficulties in their lives.

Receding chin

People with a sloping chin, according to XiangMing, do not have great ambition, so promotion is not the main thing in life for them. However, they are very popular because of their peacefulness. Their interests are mainly focused on creating for themselves the most peaceful life possible.

Receding chin

The period between 35 and 50 years old can be very hectic, and there may be blows of fate. They must reckon with a dramatic turn in their lives. The problems that have arisen can be solved by these people only when they learn to overcome their passivity, indifference and vigorously fight for happiness.

cleft chin

People with a cleft chin are captivating with their passion for adventure, and it seems that they are constantly waiting for a new challenge of fate. Cheerful disposition and balanced, they have the image of good comrades. This assessment is fully consistent with reality.

Ambition and panache are alien to these people, although they like to be in the spotlight. They undoubtedly enjoy the sympathy of others, so they rarely appear alone. Such people enter into numerous relationships, and each time they fall deeply and seriously in love. They know how to enjoy love and sex with their beloved (beloved). But don't expect loyalty from them. The constant search for perfect happiness makes them tireless. It seems that they are full of boundless vitality, which helps them to maintain spiritual youth until old age.

cleft chin

30 years, 60, 65 and 75 years are the most eventful years in the life of these individuals. Success in professional activities (both men and women) contributes to their attractive appearance. But they must show their readiness to achieve something themselves. If there is a dimple in the middle of the bifurcated chin, then this person, according to interpreters, has a more serious character. In love, he will be lucky to find a permanent and reliable partner. However, on his part, accidental betrayals are not excluded, but this will not lead to a quick break in relations.

Double chin

Regarding the double chin, XiangMing says: late happiness, after 60 years - double happiness. A double chin is a predominantly female form of the chin. It is not difficult to assume that these people know how to enjoy life, especially food. They can withstand extremely heavy workloads and skillfully conduct dialogue in discussions. Obviously, their cheerful nature is appreciated, as their company is always welcome. Surprisingly, people with a double chin sometimes have a passionate temperament.

Double chin

Men with this chin shape often have a penchant for unusual professions, but in any case they show a special talent for making big money. However, the accumulation of wealth does not satisfy these people. They can be unusually generous and easily part with money.

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What can be said about the chin? Actually a lot. On it you can trace the stages of evolution, learn about the nature of man. Each person is special, and can tell a lot.

chewing theory

Scientist James Pumpush from the University of Florida said that this body part appeared only after the separation of human ancestors from other primates.

The evolution of the chin took place at an incredible speed (about 77 times faster than the average level of genetic drift).

The collection was formed in the interval of six million and 200 thousand years ago, most likely about two million years ago. The reason for this was the transition to "ready" food - boiled, fried, stewed in the fire. The load on the jaws and teeth, accustomed to the processing of coarse and solid food, has decreased. This theory, which has the right to exist, but is not the only theory, competes with other options for the development of events. Probably, we also owe the appearance of the chin to an increase in the brain part of the skull, which led to the divergence of the branches of the lower jaw while shortening the length of the palate and upper jaw.

Theory is sociable

New Zealand scientists have constructed several three-dimensional models of the lower jaw, with and without a chin.

By carefully examining the variations under various stresses to which the muscles and bones were subjected, the scientists noticed that when the tongue is at a 45° angle in the jaw without a chin, the lower jaw experiences significant tension and tension.

The bones did not immediately, but over time, change their shape under the pressure of the tongue, which intensified in the process of evolution. According to scientists, our ancestors began to actively speak about 50 thousand years ago, around the same time the chin formed. It is curious that the chin is fully formed when a person reaches 30 years old, after which one can judge its real shape.

Theory is hormonal

Nathan Holton, an anthropologist at the University of Iowa, initially agreed with the theory of American scientists, but later changed his point of view. Together with a group of university colleagues, the scientist looked at many x-rays of people aged from three to sixty years and compared them with pictures of Neanderthal skulls.

The conclusion was unequivocal: a pronounced chin may simply be a side effect of the evolutionary changes in our faces.

Scientists have noticed that our ancient ancestors do not have a chin, it is weakly expressed in children and at the same time becomes more developed with age. But children's jaws can withstand loads better than the jaws of an adult! The fact is that in the process of development, the genus Homo (which includes humans, Neanderthals and our other ancestors) has experienced evolution with a distinct decrease in the face. Holton believes that the reason for the decrease in faces is hormonal changes, which have been associated with a decrease in violence and the emergence and growth of cooperation between people.

The theory is attractive

Traditionally, a prominent chin was considered a sign of sexuality and masculinity. Allegedly, the chin has evolved to serve as an indicator of sufficient testosterone and to distinguish the male as a profitable match, like peacock feathers.

Such heroes were portrayed in cartoons and films, which are only worth the pronounced chin of Superman and the prominent lower jaw of Arnold Schwarzenegger. Alas, this assumption is not true, because women also often have noticeable and prominent chins.

A small note on this issue was published by National Geographic magazine, where the author of the article claims that there is no precedent in nature for the dominant sex trait to be present in both males and females, from which we conclude that the chin is in no way related to sexuality and human capabilities. (unless subconsciously).

Physiognomy and perception

The chin plays a huge role in the perception of the image of the interlocutor, hence the common phrases “strong-willed chin” and “limp chin” appeared.

If you believe the results of statistical studies, then you can distinguish several types of chins and the psychological qualities of the owner corresponding to them.

For example, a pointed chin in a woman indicates the difficulties of a communicative nature, while in men it betrays cruelty and vindictiveness. A rounded shape often indicates not only a lack of strong character, but also the ability to organize work around oneself.

An oval chin, especially among the fairer sex, is considered the standard of beauty, hence the qualities attributed to its owners - artistry, sexuality and attractiveness.

A square chin in men, in turn, indicates a strong and independent character. If the chin protrudes forward, then this speaks of lust for power, pride and the desire to benefit from everything.

A weakly defined chin, which has a slight bifurcation, indicates a passionate nature, and a stronger bifurcation indicates a love of seclusion. A forked strong chin is a sign of increased sexuality of its owners. But the presence of a dimple on the chin indicates the benevolence, stubbornness and unpredictability of the owner. By the way, popular rumor interprets this feature as a sign of sensuality, and in ancient India and Persia, a dimple on the chin was considered a bad sign, and such “marked ones” could not become courtiers and priests.

"Double chin"

In fact, this is not a chin at all, but a fat fold under it. The defect visually distorts the proportions of the face and gives it heaviness. In addition, it is almost impossible to disguise it (although a beard comes to the rescue for men).

The causes of this defect can be hereditary and age factors, a sharp weight gain, high pillows and the habit of slouching and keeping your head down. By the way, in order to gain an “extra” chin, you need to add about 2-3 kg in weight to a woman up to 165 cm and about 5-7 kg to women taller.

If in the early years you have a second chin, then the mass of adipose tissue in the body is at least 10%. You can fight the deficiency both surgically and in a public way - through gymnastics, massage, sports and proper nutrition.

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The chin is an indicator of stamina, endurance and concentration. The larger the chin, the more expressive the person's face. We are all advised to “keep your chin up” from time to time. Its shape indicates our ability to persevere when times get tough and bounce back from trauma or shock. The chin also shows how well we perceive criticism in our address.

Consider the value chin in physiognomy in more detail. At the first visual contact with a person, it is easiest to assess the size his chin. If he is pretty large, powerful and well-defined, this indicates that a person is self-confident, stubborn, his survival instinct is well developed, and he does not shy away from a fight. Little same the chin indicates that its owner is very sensitive to criticism, it often hurts him. Such a person does not need criticism from the outside, because he is already constantly criticizing himself. From those around him, rather, moral support and encouragement are needed. Such a person is not aggressive and does not like to compete.

Chin Width, as a rule, indicates the manifestation of the volitional qualities of the individual. So, people with a wide chin have great physical endurance and do not stop at failures. They are not as vulnerable and sensitive as people with a small chin. wide chin often seen in managers and directors of large corporations. A very wide chin indicates incredible resilience and the ability to easily bounce back from a severe setback or loss that would break many others. The owner of a very wide chin loves to show off, and sex in his life is of great importance. narrow chin, on the contrary, indicates a soft and delicate personality.

Next, the physiognomist evaluates chin shape. round shape usually inherent in people who are sympathetic, generous, hospitable. They are interested in other people and care about them. It is believed that such people have a "good heart". Angular outlines chin they say that its owner is motivated by ideas and high goals in which he believes. In his actions, such a person follows his own ideals, which he is always ready to defend, which often leads to disputes. We considered this feature in more detail in the article "". For a person with pointed chin the main thing is to be your own master. He is able to achieve anything, but in his own way, and really does not like it when someone tries to command him. Before giving orders to such people, it is extremely important to thoroughly explain the task. You will find more information in the article "".

It is also important to evaluate the chin human in profile. So, receding chin often belongs to not very hardworking people who do not have an inner core. Such people can easily cheat, tell the incomplete truth. They avoid conflict and rarely challenge other people directly. They prefer consensus and compromise to open struggle. speaker forward the chin we see in those who are distinguished by perseverance in achieving the goal, work hard and efficiently on the way to success. These are tough nuts who never say “give up”. These people are not easily intimidated. Read more about this in the article "".

And, finally, let's say a few words about the so-called " double chin". Physiognomists of the past considered such a trait a sign of stinginess and greed, as well as the result of an excessive amount of calories in food. However, today we understand that these judgments are most often unfounded. If you have a double chin, a facelift is not for you. A double chin symbolizes power and inspires respect. It indicates the strength of your character and the ability to apply that strength. Looking at your double chin, others are imbued with respect for you and your judgments. A double chin can often be observed in the directors of large corporations. But if a double chin is represented only by hanging loose skin, this may be evidence of both weakness of character and physical weakness.

Types of chins

Protruding chin

A protruding chin indicates great willpower, a focus on success. These character traits are especially strong if the chin is prominent, long and wide. The owners of such chins are always leaders, they can count on comfort and peace of mind in old age, professional success and financial stability. Such people crave pleasure until old age. Holders of a double chin and in adulthood are not averse to eating well and hitting on representatives of the opposite sex, and not without benefit for the latter. People with a double chin are always happier: they know exactly what they want and know their “ceiling”, so they achieve their goals. In other words, their desires always coincide with their capabilities.

Square chin

If the chin is square and wide, then its owner was born under a lucky star. A person with such a chin has great willpower, he is decisive, rich, power-hungry and sexy, he always achieves what he wants.

cleft chin

Such a chin in the middle is crossed by a visible straight line. He betrays dissolute people who bring distress to families with their romantic adventures. They marry a large number of times.

Chin with "tubercle"

The chin has a characteristic tubercle, the top of which "looks" straight into the nose. The owners of such a chin can both earn money and spend it effectively. A chin with a “tubercle” is an indicator of increased sexuality, but its owner will have difficulty in personal relationships, so he (or she) will have to marry several times.

Double chin

It is a common misconception that only overweight and obese people have double chins. This is absolutely wrong, often a double chin can be seen in thin people. Its presence is the best guarantee of a happy old age.

Pointed chin

If the chin is short and pointed, its owner will not be lucky. He will hardly cross the seventy-year mark, and in recent years he will live in poverty. People with such chins either suffer from long painful illnesses, or become victims of accidents, and there is a high probability of ruin. At worst, they face violent death.

Old age will not bring joy to a person with such a chin; in advanced years, his life will be full of troubles. In accordance with the traditional ideas of Chinese physiognomists, a woman with a pointed chin, most likely, will be left alone at sunset.

Retracted chin

Such a chin means that its owner in old age will be prone to pessimism. He will lose all interest in life, including sexual. Wealth will leave him, relations with relatives and friends will be upset.

long chin

A long chin is an indicator of practicality, sharpness of mind, business acumen and long life. If it is also sharp, this is a sign of vindictiveness and pretense.

round chin

A round chin indicates material wealth, a good appetite, a love of travel and a comfortable, secure old age.

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You probably remember from books that when describing heroes, authors often draw the reader's attention to the chin of their characters: "strong-willed", "solid", "outstanding", etc.

For example, d "Artagnan from The Three Musketeers had an elongated chin and a "developed lower jaw", which, according to Alexandre Dumas, testified to the sharp mind and cunning of the hero.

But let's get back to the people around us. Once again, let us make a reservation and remind you: character can only be determined by the facial features that a person “inherited” from nature. If, for example, the chin is twisted as a result of an injury (say, the lower jaw was displaced), you should not determine the disposition of its owner by it, a mistake is inevitable.

This is evidence of the wit and cunning of man.

The ability to "cover up traces" is often accompanied by a tendency to adventurism. Interesting personality! It is possible that such a person scares you a little, but at the same time you cannot refuse the attractiveness of this person.

Such people are very fond of "pinning" their friends. In newspapers and magazines, they are primarily looking for columns with jokes and jokes, and the first of April is exactly the day when they get an excellent opportunity to “turn around” with might and main, showing all their wit and ringleader talents. However, they are capable of joking literally without a break, which is why many people really like to communicate with them.

It is possible that the owner of a sharp chin is an experienced intriguer who experiences pleasure when he manages to circle someone around his finger or lead by the nose. It mostly applies to guys.

But a girl with such a chin is a person “on her mind”, who knows exactly what she wants. It is as if she carefully listens to the advice and instructions of her elders or friends, but then she does everything in her own way anyway.

The person is most likely a cold-blooded pragmatist. These people have a penchant for the exact sciences, and their knowledge in this area is truly deep.

Both boys and girls of this type are characterized by prudence. Their desire to benefit from everything often worsens relationships with others. They rarely have close friends, although in search of "the right people" they tend to easily make numerous acquaintances.

However, practicality in moderation is a wonderful quality that helps you emerge victorious from many situations.

If you are romantic and dreamy, communication with such people will most likely bring you a lot of disappointment, their cold mind and pragmatic thinking will probably not be close to you. Although it is possible that an "ice and fire" relationship will suit both you and the person with a flat chin. Think for yourself.

Meaty or double chin.

If one of your peers already has such a wonderful chin, you can ask if its owner likes to eat. You'll see, for sure food is almost the main pleasure in his life.

But, however, do not judge a person so unambiguously. A plump chin is rarely a congenital feature of a person associated with an exorbitant appetite. Very often, the causes of the appearance of a second chin are not associated with gluttony at all. Often the owners of this not very attractive detail of appearance are people whose work is related to reading or, say, checking notebooks, any work in which a person often has to lower his head. Perhaps a person with a double chin simply spends a lot of time reading books or, say, sewing.

In addition, people with a plump chin are extremely sensual and are real life lovers. They get sincere pleasure from all earthly joys.

And who said that it's bad to enjoy life as it is?

It is believed that a neat chin speaks of the timidity and modesty of a person, his dislike of being in the center of everyone's attention. Modesty, of course, suits a girl: the opposite sex usually has a desire to patronize such a cutie.

However, it often happens that timidity plays a cruel joke: because of your catastrophic shyness and unwillingness to be in the spotlight, you will remain in the shadows. It is sometimes difficult for others to see the best qualities of such a person, kindness and the ability to sympathize with others.

If a guy has such a chin, and you can be called a decisive person, then you may not be able to find a common language. Of course, timidity is not very suitable for a representative of the strong half of humanity, and weakness, even more so. However, don't judge too harshly! Perhaps this person is a typical romantic, secretly writing wonderful poems and keeping a diary, each page of which is full of bright hopes and wise thoughts.

If you have been to museums or art galleries, you have probably seen how such a chin adorns the faces of Russian beauties. A soft, round chin with a dimple is evidence of inexhaustible kindness. In this man's big warm heart there is room for everyone, from a loved one to a little sparrow or an abandoned kitten.

It is quite possible for a girl and a young man of this type to trust their secrets, being sure that all of them will remain only between you.

People with this form of the chin are very fond of patronizing others and are often capable of self-sacrifice without any show or narcissism. Realizing the need to help someone, they just do it, without any conditions.

The one who has this type of chin is a reasonable and cold-blooded person. He has a very strong logical mind. He thinks through every action a few steps ahead. In addition, always rely only on himself.

Bold, prudent and decisive, this person does not need the advice of others.

Such a person's philosophical mindset makes it easy to endure life's difficulties, and not because he is inclined to look through "rose-colored glasses." On the contrary, he very soberly assesses reality, realizes that life is not an eternal holiday, and is ready to accept it.

A girl with this type of chin is most likely a rational person, she is not impulsive and in making decisions she is guided not by emotions, but by common sense, she does everything with feeling, sense, arrangement.

They make excellent housewives. You can be sure that the girl will perfectly cope with all household chores without outside help.

And one more note.

It is believed that a person whose chin is very strongly bifurcated is prone to solitude. This is a typical "loner hero", who believes that it is very difficult to find a soul mate, but what is difficult, simply impossible.

However, the loneliness of this person, as a rule, does not depress. He feels very well, spending the evening in almost complete seclusion from the outside world. Books or a set of favorite audio recordings can make him a great company (as a rule, such people are passionate about music).

Most likely, the owner of such a chin is a proud, arrogant, and sometimes cruel, rude person. Of course, self-esteem is an excellent quality of character, but when it goes beyond reasonable limits, it already greatly harms a person in the eyes of others. Such a person has few friends, only the most persistent and faithful remain, who are able to endure his arrogance.

A girl with such a chin is too demanding of others. Seeing herself as a role model, she considers everyone around her not deserving of her special attention. Very often, this prevents her from really getting close to good people (although she does not realize this in most cases).

As for life priorities, it can be said with a high degree of certainty that such people are always looking for that “niche” that will allow them to advance, stand out from others and once again prove their exclusivity.

Their desire for leadership is highly developed.

Common features of the owners of such a chin are prudence and caution.

Most likely, a young man with this type of chin carefully weighs every step he is about to take. Any of his statements is weighty and significant, being prudent and careful, he scrupulously selects them so as not to offend anyone inadvertently. His diplomacy deserves all respect.

As for a girl with this type of chin, then, most likely, she appreciates peace and harmony. Sometimes it seems that she is too calm, although in fact she cares about a lot and does not leave her indifferent.

Due to her innate penchant for discretion, such a girl sometimes “changes masks”, and not everyone can see her true face, the face of an impulsive and not very self-confident person.

Prudence makes such people strive by all means to avoid quarrels. For the conflicting parties, they act as reconciling mediators. They are drawn to because they are able to find the good in everything.

However, often their caution turns into a real reinsurance. They shroud their lives in a web of secrets because of their reluctance to be invaded by those who, they believe, will not be able to understand them.

Such people prefer a measured life. As a rule, they do not seek leadership, because if you are not in sight, no one will know what kind of person you are, the safety of the secret is guaranteed. At the same time, they love a change of activity, this is another reason to create a new image.

As a rule, it is believed that the owners of such a chin are very determined and strong-willed people. However, often their perseverance reaches the extreme, turning into outright stubbornness.

Usually these are active people and they try to achieve their goals in any way, and to realize their desires one hundred percent.

A heavy, strongly protruding chin indicates that its owner is characterized by an overestimated conceit. The self-esteem of such a person is so high that he categorically denies that he has at least some weaknesses and shortcomings.

It is quite possible that in his soul he realizes that he is not sinless, but more than anything in the world he is afraid to show it.