Kyiv City Council hotline. 24-hour housing and communal services hotlines - what they are needed for, main numbers and type of assistance. What is fsrzhkh

Kyiv City Council hotline.  24-hour housing and communal services hotlines - what they are needed for, main numbers and type of assistance.  What is fsrzhkh
Kyiv City Council hotline. 24-hour housing and communal services hotlines - what they are needed for, main numbers and type of assistance. What is fsrzhkh

Problems in the field of utilities housing sector occur quite often. Job utilities causes a lot of complaints from the owners of the premises being serviced, as well as ordinary residents.

In some cases, the reluctance of housing and communal services workers to fulfill their duties can lead to unpleasant consequences for residents. That is why it is important to know how to defend your rights, in what ways to influence housing and communal services employees. One of these ways may be hotline, which receives complaints about housing and communal services.

Is it possible to complain about housing and communal services? Photo No. 1

The work of housing and communal services employees, unfortunately, satisfies few. However, not everyone is eager to understand the problem and hold negligent utility workers accountable. Some people don’t want to get involved with housing and communal services, believing that there will be no point anyway.

Others prefer not to do it themselves. And still others don’t even know where to turn to such services. At the same time, there are many opportunities to defend your interests.

If you encounter problems with housing and communal services, you can contact the following authorities:

  • management of the service organization itself;
  • local housing inspection offices (HHI);
  • branches of Rospotrebnadzor;
  • courts;
  • prosecutor's office

It is better to leave the trial for last, when all other instances have already been passed and the violations have not been eliminated. When considering the dispute, all circumstances, presented evidence and explanations of the parties will be studied. If violations are detected, he will oblige the service organization to eliminate them. Other organizations can conduct checks upon receipt of an application.

Based on the results of inspections, housing inspections can issue orders to eliminate violations and hold people accountable. Rosoptrebnadzor can also issue orders and file claims in court to protect residents. In addition to the listed authorities, you can also complain to the Federal Tariff Committee, RosZhKH, and local administrations.

Housing and communal services hotline

How to call the housing and communal services hotline? Photo No. 2

Along with other methods of elimination in this area, there are “hotlines” for housing and communal services. They receive any complaints by phone from citizens who are not satisfied with the work of public utilities.

By decision of the Russian Public Chamber, a single line was created for all residents of the country. You can call her at 8 800 700 88 00. You can do this every day from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. completely free of charge. Similar hotlines are being created at the local level.

Local administrations also provide city (region) residents with the opportunity to file a quick complaint by phone or e-mail. Phone numbers Local “hotlines” should be found by calling or visiting the websites of these authorities. Calls are made free of charge.

This measure is intended to improve the condition of housing and communal services and eliminate any violations of the rights of residents in this area. The presence of such phones helps in some cases to quickly respond and take the necessary measures to solve the problem.

Regional control centers for housing and communal services

How to contact regional authorities for monitoring the activities of housing and communal services? Photo No. 3

The basis for ensuring public housing and communal services was Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 600. It is called “On measures to provide citizens of the Russian Federation with affordable and comfortable housing and improve the quality of housing utilities" Its provisions prescribed the creation by June 2013 throughout the country public organizations for control over housing and communal services.

Currently, such organizations have been created in almost all regions. They monitor the housing and communal services situation in their region, consider complaints, and take appropriate measures to eliminate problems. In addition, they carry out self-control over the work of housing and communal services enterprises in the region.

You can contact such centers by hotline or email, in person or with a written application.

Online requests

Citizens' complaints about housing and communal services. Photo No. 4

You can make complaints about housing and communal services not only in person, by sending applications or by telephone. Any complaints can be submitted through the websites of the body (organization) to which the dissatisfied tenant applies. Electronic requests help to significantly save time and speed up the resolution of the problem.

In addition, there are special services with which you can complain about. These include the website of RosZhKH. On the website of this resource, you only need to fill out the form corresponding to the problem at hand. RosZhKH will do the rest.

Complaint Forms

When you discover a problem in the housing and communal services sector, it is worth deciding on a method to solve it. The legislator does not establish specific rules here. Each owner (tenant), dissatisfied with the quality of the housing and communal services, decides for himself where and in what form to apply.

As mentioned above, you can submit your complaint to several authorities. However, this can be done both in writing and in in electronic format. When drawing up a written application, you should indicate the name of the body (organization), your data, the essence of the problem, and the requirement to eliminate it. It would not be superfluous to prescribe the legal justification. In addition, you need to sign your application and date it.

A complaint can be sent by one person or several. If the application is sent electronically, you should fill out the form provided on the organization’s website or simply send your application by e-mail. You don’t have to submit any applications, but simply use the hotlines.

Time limits for consideration of applications (complaints)

Within what time frame should a complaint about the actions/inaction of housing and communal services be considered? Photo No. 5

For applications and complaints to various bodies (organizations), established different terms consideration. For government agencies and officials it cannot exceed thirty days.

For organizations in the housing and communal services sector, the period for consideration of complaints (applications) regarding the quality of services provided by public utilities should be three days. The prosecutor's office may consider the received application from fifteen to thirty days. Trial may last longer. This will depend on the position of the parties in the case and the evidence they present.

After the expiration of the specified period, the applicant must be sent a response. It can be received by mail, in person or electronically.


The nuances of filing complaints about housing and communal services. Photo No. 6

When faced with poor quality public services, you need to demand that the deficiencies be corrected. Exactly how to do this should be decided depending on the situation and the problem that has arisen.

To achieve maximum results, you can contact several authorities at once. If the problem affects several people, it is better to write immediately collective complaint.


Violations in the housing and communal services sector should not be ignored. Property owners and residents should know their rights and learn to assert them. Moreover, there are plenty of opportunities for this today.

You can find out what questions are most often found in complaints about actions/inactions of housing and communal services by watching the video:

Write a question to a housing lawyer in the form below see also Phone numbers for consultation

30 Jul 2017 159

Discussion: 5 comments

    If we hadn't written a collective complaint, we probably wouldn't have been dealt with. interpanel seams in the house. No amount of talking will help if you do nothing. I would also like to note that the housing and communal services hotline is not anonymous, and therefore it is better to correctly file a complaint rather than call.


    A friend of mine has accumulated a debt utility bills. He was unemployed for 3 months, paying off a loan, barely having enough to buy food, so there was simply no money left to pay the payments. Having nothing else to do, I went to investigate. We made a recalculation. It turned out that the calculation was incorrect. Not only did he not pay the debt, but he was also exempted from payment for 2 months. Conclusion: be careful!


    You can always find somewhere to complain. I think there are no problems with this. The housing and communal services themselves will tell you the numbers. The question is: will your complaint be satisfied? It often happens that a person complains on emotions, without justification; here you need to understand and evaluate your complaint yourself from the point of view of jurisprudence.


    It is important to realize that now there is no abstract housing and communal services, there are specific providers of utility services with whom the tenant has an agreement directly or through management company. You should try to look for the text of this agreement, because there should be direct instructions on what to do if a party fulfills its obligations improperly.


    With us, everything is much simpler, first we call the control room and if “it bounces off like a pea off the wall,” we contact the District Administration and the person on duty. If this does not achieve any effect, then the next step is to call the duty dispatcher in the District. After this, the “stirring” begins with increased speed, although it resembles Brownian!
