Spring cleaning before the New Year: what are you doing wrong? Cleaning for the New Year: how to maintain a festive mood General cleaning of the apartment for the New Year

Spring cleaning before the New Year: what are you doing wrong?  Cleaning for the New Year: how to maintain a festive mood General cleaning of the apartment for the New Year
Spring cleaning before the New Year: what are you doing wrong? Cleaning for the New Year: how to maintain a festive mood General cleaning of the apartment for the New Year

The heroes of the cult film religiously observed the tradition of going to the bathhouse with friends on the 31st. Of course, this is more pleasant than cleaning up the house on New Year's Eve. But someone must take care of the cleanliness of the home. How to get ready for cleaning before the New Year so that the necessary task does not turn into exhausting work?

Hard work - with a light mood

The closer you get to the holiday, the more often you let out a sad sigh at the sight of the chaos in your apartment. And how can you manage to remove all this! At least where to start cleaning before the New Year? My hands just give up.
Do not despair. Try to arrange a small psychological training. Convince yourself that cleaning the house before the New Year is not at all a heavy duty, which everyone strives to put on your fragile shoulders. On the contrary, it will benefit you. After all, by fussing around the house, you will get rid of extra calories and your figure will become slimmer. By methodically putting scattered things in their places, you will at the same time begin to put your thoughts in order.
At the same time, turn on upbeat music louder, and the question of how to get ready for cleaning before the New Year will be solved for you. Let your eyes be afraid, and your hands get to work.

We are drawing up a plan for the “harvesting campaign”

Think in advance about where to start cleaning before the New Year, and you will see how quickly the work will be done according to the plan. Chaotic bustle only gives the impression of boiling work. But you shouldn’t dwell too long on individual stages either. For example, cleaning the house for the New Year involves getting rid of a lot of old and damaged things. And here you are in danger of getting stuck for a long time, sorting through all the objects dear to your heart.
A detailed cleaning plan before the New Year will help you spend your time and energy wisely.

  1. Deal with scattered things and clothes. Wash the dirty stuff, throw away the old stuff, put the rest in its place.
  2. Remove dust and cobwebs from the walls.
  3. Wash chandeliers and sconces.
  4. Refresh leaves indoor plants.
  5. Change tulle and curtains.
  6. Wipe and polish furniture, clean upholstery.
  7. Clean out the closets and shelves.
  8. Wipe mirrors and glass doors.
  9. Wipe off dust from your computer and TV.
  10. Clean carpets and floor coverings.
  11. Vacuum and wash the floors.
  12. Clean shoes in the hallway and remove excess shoes.

Thorough cleaning of the house for the New Year should cover all rooms. Let's move now to the kitchen.

  1. Defrost and clean the refrigerator.
  2. Clean the stove and apron from grease stains.
  3. Wash the microwave and other kitchen appliances.
  4. Wash the holiday service.
  5. Polish cutlery.

In the bathroom, wash the tiles on the walls, polish all the plumbing fixtures until they shine, and finally New Year's cleaning At home, admire yourself in a perfectly clean mirror.

Preparation for the holiday

If you intend to invite guests, include additional items in your cleaning plan before the New Year. It will be necessary to make room for the festive table, for dancing and games. Take care of your children's safety in advance. Put away scissors, needles, small items and other dangerous things. Cover the sockets with plugs. And then, when the house is already clean, you can go to the bathhouse.

spring-cleaning: how to have time to shine?

General cleaning is an inevitable event on the eve of any holiday. And even more so before the New Year. Catastrophic lack of time large volume work and the pre-holiday bustle - all these factors delay the start of the cleaning process, and when there are already two or three days left before receiving guests, we will be guided by the principle “eyes are afraid, hands are busy.”

General cleaning before the holiday is a kind of home time management for sprucing up your apartment.

General cleaning: basic rules

Good mood. Pre-holiday cleaning is not an easy task, but you can prepare yourself psychologically for it. Firstly, treat work not as a duty, but as useful training or an intricate game. Secondly, involve household members and distribute the scope of activities. If you like to do it alone, then send family members to do the shopping and gifts. To set the mood, we turn on our favorite music or TV, but in the background. Cleaning, by the way, is a great opportunity to tidy up not only your apartment, but also your thoughts.

♦ When cleaning, it is important to make a plan of where to start and what to concentrate on. We don’t get scattered and don’t waste energy on everything. We divide the rooms into zones and begin to systematically clean out one closet after another. We remember that the feeling of order for outsiders, first of all, is clean horizontal surfaces, that is, there should be nothing superfluous on open shelves and tables. However, for internal comfort, cleanliness and order are also important in places hidden from view - dressing rooms, shelving.

It would be right if every adult member of the family spruced up their closets. We get rid of excess, unnecessary clothes - we collect them in bags, which, when appropriate, we distribute to friends or to help centers for those in need. During cleaning, we sort dirty things from clean ones. We put the first ones in the washing machine, and put the second ones in cabinets.

♦ Various containers and drawers will be helpful in the household; they perfectly store things that individually take up a lot of space or visually give a feeling of disorder. Boxes different sizes Suitable for both small things - pencils, laces - and bulky items - shoes, bags, etc.

Indispensable vacuum bags for seasonal clothing, they are put away on the upper shelves of mezzanines and closets. We also place additional sets of pillows, blankets and other bedding items in such packages. Wardrobe items packed in bags in this way take up much less space than in the usual form.

♦ We wipe off dust from chandeliers, cornices, upper shelves, that is, places that cannot be reached during daily or weekly cleaning. We clean leaves of indoor plants, polish furniture, wipe down upholstery upholstered furniture, chairs; get rid of dust consumer electronics– computer, TV, home theater. We use special sprays or wipes for them - they perfectly remove static dust and allow for a long time keep electrical equipment from being deposited.

♦ If possible, it would be a good idea to refresh the curtains and tulle - a lot of dust also settles on them. We wash mirrors and glass surfaces by special means. We change capes, bedspreads, and covers on furniture.

♦ Before general cleaning, we think about a place for seating guests, a recreation area and games for children. If small children are expected to be present at the party, then we carefully inspect the lower parts of the shelves and slides and remove them small parts, objects that can harm babies; We close the sockets with plugs.

♦ The kitchen is a very important place for the housewife, especially on the eve of any celebration. Even before the main cooking process, it is necessary to put things in order in the kitchen. We defrost and wash the refrigerator, clean stains and grease from not only the stove and microwave, but also other household appliances, facades, panels. We prepare the dishes necessary for the holiday: pre-polished cutlery and washed dinnerware will make it easier to set the table on the day of the celebration.

General cleaning of the kitchen is perhaps the most important moment on the eve of any holiday.

♦ Don’t forget about the hallway and bathroom. In the hall we clear space from shoes, clean them, put them in boxes; We do the same with other accessories, leaving only the necessary things for the coming days. We make sure to provide free hangers and shelves in the closets for the clothes of future guests. In the bathroom, we clean the plumbing fixtures and tiles from dirt and plaque, and clear the shelves of excess or empty bottles of shampoos, masks, and gels. Washing machine It's also better to clean it.

♦ At the end of cleaning the entire apartment, we once again wipe the dust from the surfaces, vacuum and wash the floors. After this, the room will be clean and pleasing to the eye. This type of cleaning will not take as much time as it seems at first. But only under one condition - if there are no distracting maneuvers: conversations, tea drinking, frequent moments of rest. It is better to immediately determine for yourself the end time of work. Such home time management will effectively distribute energy and time before the main celebration.

Approximation New Year's holidays is always associated with a lot of hassle, creating a menu, purchasing gifts and, of course, cleaning. However, today you can significantly simplify the implementation of all these tasks by entrusting them to experienced experts in their field. A cleaning company is your unique chance to get a perfectly clean home just before the holidays.
Experienced cleaners of our company will be able to cope with any task assigned to them. It is enough for our customers to express all their wishes to the company employees, and as soon as possible they will be implemented.

How to order cleaning before the New Year?

The answer to this question is as simple as possible: just contact the company’s managers and specify the essence of your order. However, on the eve of the New Year, it is important to take into account that many modern citizens want to take advantage of professional help in the matter of cleaning. Therefore, the sooner you place your order, the more confident you can be that you will celebrate the New Year in perfect cleanliness and okay. The cost of cleaning in our company will pleasantly surprise you. At a relatively low cost, you can get professional cleaning help and save your own time.

    Cleaning an apartment before the New Year by a cleaning company

    The list of works included in the cleaning service before the New Year is extensive. Moreover, it can vary depending on the wishes of the customer himself. As a standard, our company’s clients order:
  1. dry and wet cleaning of all residential and technical premises in a house or apartment;
  2. polishing furniture surfaces, mirrors and glass;
  3. cleaning upholstered furniture and carpets;
  4. preparing a site for the subsequent installation of a New Year's tree;
  5. sorting things into closets and sorting out other “deposits” of things that have accumulated in the house over the year.

On the eve of the New Year, everyone is busy preparing for the holidays up to their necks. What can we say about housewives who have so many worries: what menu to prepare for the holiday, fuss about buying gifts for children, and the like. While doing all this, don’t forget about cleaning the house. After all, celebrate the New Year with unnecessary things and being uncomfortable is not very pleasant. Of course, there will not be enough time to do everything as you want yourself, that is, to top level. Therefore, you can completely trust us to clean your home for the New Year. The Cleaning 25 company has been pleasing its customers with the quality and speed of work for a long time. Highly qualified cleaners know their business and by the end of the work you will be very pleased with the result. Your home will shine in cleanliness and comfort.

Prices for New Year's spring cleaning

up to 40 m 2 40 m 2 - 50 m 2 50 m 2 - 60 m 2 60 m 2 - 80 m 2 80 m 2 - 100 m 2 100 m 2 - 125 m 2 from 125 m2
4200 rub. 4850 rub. 5600 rub. 6650 rub. 7500 rub. 8600 rub. negotiable

Cleaning before the New Year is not an easy thing. It is necessary to think through every detail to ensure that the house looks in the highest possible light. In order to achieve the maximum when cleaning, our employees, together with you, draw up a cleaning plan for the new year. The cleaning plan, as a rule, includes the order in which the rooms will be cleaned, whether windows, furniture will be washed, and so on. The advantage of our company is that we approach every business with great responsibility. At the same time, in no case will you worry about the quality of work, since the workers are professional and careful in their work.
The company's offers cover cleaning not only in apartments, but also in cottages, offices (if you are planning a corporate event for the New Year), commercial buildings, and other premises.

What's included in the price

General cleaning of the apartment, and especially before the New Year, is a matter that must be approached with great seriousness. We can say with confidence that new Year's Eve there will be guests at home and the apartment simply must look in the most presentable form. You can get this look by turning to professionals. Our cleaning will include:

You can leave a request at any time and we will be at your doorstep at the appointed time. There are no places that are inaccessible to us. The workers treat your belongings with care while they clean up your apartment. Prices for our high-quality cleaning depend on factors such as the size of the house and the amount of work. Prices at Cleaning 25 are the most optimal in the cleaning industry.

Cleaning after the New Year

Sometimes after a stormy celebration, the apartment looks like after a small war. In order not to look like the boy in the picture and not to clean up everything left after the guests, call us.

Our specialists will put your apartment in order after the New Year's festivities and won't even wake you up.

Irina: | December 28th, 2019 | 2:12 pm

Dashenka, I never cease to admire you. You are extraordinary! You are smart! Everything is so sensible and thoughtful. Thank you very much for your work, for our inspiration!

Sultan: | December 27th, 2018 | 9:35 pm

I'm not celebrating New Year, but your advice helps me in organizing events at home. I read and take notes. I got a whole list. I will use it)))

Julia: | December 27th, 2018 | 12:16 pm

I have infant, so I decided to hand over the cleaning to a cleaning company. Professionals will cope with this better) And during this time we would rather go on a visit or take a walk))

Asel: | December 26th, 2018 | 2:59 pm

Just today general cleaning of the house according to plan

Oksana: | December 26th, 2018 | 12:00 pm

Good afternoon Thanks for the reminders!!! I try to complete everything on time!

Svetlana: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:38 am

And I have to move to a new apartment, in which only the cabinets and glass have been washed, and from December 27th I have to do everything, starting with arranging the bubbles in the bath, the bedding in the room, the supplies in the kitchen, and all the things(())) with my little one two children))
Answer: Svetlana, congratulations on new apartment!

Inna: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:27 am

It’s so good that I redid it all in the process of decluttering) all that’s left is the usual cleaning, which I’ll do this weekend

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2018 | 9:23 am

It is not possible to clean all the rooms in one day. Maximum 1-2.

Elena: | December 26th, 2018 | 8:54 am

And I can only look at the apartment with tears) Partial renovation. + today they will deliver and install a new wardrobe instead of the two old ones and all things in bags and boxes around)) I don’t know where to start)
Answer: Elena, there are circumstances in life, there’s simply nothing you can do about it. Rejoice at the new cabinet and the fact that when the renovation is finished, it will be beautiful))))

Larisa: | December 26th, 2018 | 7:56 am

My daughter and I started cleaning yesterday, today I will do half the cleaning according to your plan. Thank you

Anonymous: | December 26th, 2017 | 5:53 pm

I only cleaned one room because... not enough time.

Svetlana: | December 26th, 2017 | 5:41 pm

Plans are down the drain, my whole family is suffering from rotavirus (we’ll have to catch up after recovery(

Tatiana: | December 26th, 2016 | 11:53 am

I adopted to-do lists and started in the kitchen.

Natalya: | December 25th, 2016 | 4:22 pm

We are renovating((New Year with wallpaper and boxes

Elena: | December 25th, 2016 | 4:16 pm

Hello to those commenting and to you Dasha. Well done!!! This is the third year I’ve failed your marathon. Today is Sunday, I’m reading the week’s letters. Tomorrow is a matinee in kindergarten, the day after tomorrow at school - I have to take time off from work. And there will be three days left. And probably, as always, everything is 31. And the Christmas tree, and the cleaning and the table. The main thing is not to fall asleep before twelve. But the mood is still positive. Let's break through!!!

Julia: | December 25th, 2016 | 3:56 pm

I started cleaning last weekend. She took her husband as her assistant. I'm not trying to “eat the elephant” in one sitting. I wrote a list of things to do, roughly scheduled by day. During the week I do little things (wash the kettle, water filter jug, microwave, glass doors cabinets, refrigerator slowly in two days, etc.). On weekends, my husband did more serious and time-consuming tasks (washed plastic ceilings and tiles in the bathroom and kitchen, furniture in the kitchen on top). I have lists of dishes for various occasions in my duty notebook. Therefore, there are problems with the menu on festive table does not appear I open it and select what to this moment I want to cook, and I immediately write down lists of what products I have and what I need to buy. And I write down by day what and when can be defrosted, prepared and cooked, so that there is as much free time as possible during the holiday. And of course, I involve my husband in helping with cooking (clean, cut, open, wash, etc.). In general, the only thing left for cleaning today is to wash the closet doors in the room. And the finish.)

Nastic: | December 25th, 2016 | 3:28 pm

Cleaning on Sunday?... Well, no. And everyone is at home. I can’t do this, I need to be alone. I'll start tomorrow.

Irina: | December 25th, 2016 | 2:47 pm

I looked at the photo above and realized that I don’t have a mess yet))))))))))))))))))

Gulmira: | December 28th, 2015 | 4:42 dp

all areas in the house are put in order, lastly there is a bath with a toilet, I usually polish the tiles the day before the holiday

Love: | December 26th, 2015 | 6:55 pm

1. Today I finished all the areas in the dining room and started dismantling the guest bedroom (it’s a complete mess with children’s toys). I'll continue tomorrow. We set up the Christmas tree and decluttered the boxes with toys (threw out everything unnecessary). Of course, I deviated from the decluttering plan. But with benefit.
2. A cleaning plan has been drawn up. Thanks for the reminder about cleaning the kettle - for some reason I always forget about it

Olga S: | December 26th, 2015 | 3:31 pm

It’s easier for me to clean on weekdays than on weekends, because... I’m on maternity leave and during the day it’s just me and my daughter at home, and on weekends there’s also my son at home, who still won’t let me clean up in peace. Moreover, on Sunday I have an event planned outside the home. So cleaning will be on Mon, Tue and Wed.

Olga: | December 12th, 2014 | 9:14 am

1. “Declutter” the second zone of your home.

kitchen today!

2. If you find yourself thinking that it’s better to put off cleaning until later, use one of the self-motivation methods you learned about today.

thank you) I knew about them before. On the contrary, I’m in a hurry to clean up)

3. Continue to restore order in all areas according to plan.

Zhenya: | December 11th, 2014 | 9:38 pm

In between activities outside the house, I sort out the zones according to plan, next week I will also add more costume making...

Tanya: | December 11th, 2014 | 7:35 pm

Thanks to Marina Eliseeva and her Tam management and the marathon, all I have to do is keep it clean

Alena: | December 11th, 2014 | 5:49 pm

Today and last night I put things in order in the nursery, that’s where we have the hottest spot :), I collected a bag of garbage, washed and cleaned everything, now it’s a joy to the eye! I got used to turning on movies on my phone and moving around the apartment with it, ironing, loading the dishwasher, cleaning out the closet - all the boring things are now not boring at all :)

Nyura: | December 11th, 2014 | 11:44 am

And I started a Big House Cleaning in reverse order, that is, from the hallway. Yesterday I took out two bags of trash, sorted out out-of-season clothes, shoes and the famous Bag of Bags. Now you go home and you’re immediately so positive! And I want to continue tidying up. I haven’t had a horse lying around in my rooms yet, but I feel like there’s very little left, the hallway is in order.

ElenaB: | December 11th, 2014 | 11:24 am

I have dishwasher, such beauty!

Yulita: | December 11th, 2014 | 8:11 am

Today I will continue to declutter what I didn’t have time to do yesterday in the kitchen and grab the bathroom and hallway. I’ve gotten used to snatching a few minutes between watching movies online - the Internet is weak and the movie needs to load, I’m still waiting - so I’ll go wash the dishes for a few minutes or run around the room with a vacuum cleaner or have time to do the laundry. I still watch a movie - I'm ironing clothes or sorting out a closet, there's only one room for now - you can see and hear everything.

Julia: | December 11th, 2014 | 7:28 am

I really liked the Fly system. It turns out that I have already used some of it. For example, for many years I have been trying to free up weekends from household chores, doing a little in the evenings after work on the family calendar so as not to forget anything. I haven't been able to free up time for hobbies yet. I read about the time tracking system, now I will learn it.
My motivation for cleaning: “I am a princess, my apartment is my palace, my palace should be clean and cozy.” When I start doing household chores, I imagine how good, fresh, pleasant it will be when I get everything done, this helps.

Marina: | December 11th, 2014 | 6:34 dp

I couldn’t even imagine that such methods of self-motivation could be applied to the reluctance to clean. I even think that I need to print out and hang such a picture with a horror story on the door to the pantry or on the balcony, where I’m always reluctant to clean)))

Marina: | December 11th, 2014 | 6:20 am

Today I'm on the run all day, but I already have a plan for tomorrow!