Where should the money flower be located in the apartment? How to plant a money tree to make money. Money tree - home care, plant flowering

Where should the money flower be located in the apartment? How to plant a money tree to make money. Money tree - home care, plant flowering


Regardless of whether you adhere to the principles of Feng Shui or not, designate a bright corner of the room. If you want to arrange your home according to Feng Shui, determine the angle in it so that it is in the southeastern part of your home. This advice is also suitable for those who simply want to provide the plant with optimal conditions, since there is always enough light in such a corner.

In addition to light, the fat woman needs fresh air. The corner where the plant will stand should be well ventilated. The money tree is a hardy plant, and an open window will not harm it even in severe frost. This plant will feel much worse in heat and stuffiness.

The corner where the Crassula will stand must always be clean. Dust clogs the pores on the leaves, the plant receives less moisture. It is best if you place the fatty on a stand that can be wiped down frequently. In general, the place should be such that every point can be easily reached with a wet cloth. Nearby you can place items to care for the plant - a watering can, a spray bottle, a sponge to wipe the leaves, etc.

The color scheme of the corner plays an important role. If you adhere to the principles of Feng Shui, it is better to choose wallpaper or carpet in dark blue, dark green or black. It is better to remove red objects. By the way, this is also relevant for those who do not share such ideas - Crassula looks better on a dark background, and red objects will distract attention from it.

A very good solution would be to place Crassula next to. In this case, both the color scheme and the humidity regime are observed. Water evaporates from the surface of the aquarium in an amount sufficient for the tree to feel good.

For feng shui adherents, the zone of wealth may be not only in the room or kitchen. It is possible that it will be in the bathroom or hallway. A real Crassula cannot live in a dark room, so it is better to make an artificial one. Topiary can be made from a variety of materials - paper, fabric, plastic. The general principles of its placement will be somewhat different. An artificial tree does not need sunlight or frequent ventilation. The corner should be in the south-eastern part of the zone and must be cleaned frequently. The color scheme of the room is the same as in the first case - that is, the wallpaper or tiles should be dark, and it is best to remove bright objects.

Helpful advice

When placing the tree in the bathroom, do not forget to replace leaking taps and faulty pipes, then, according to legend, money will not leak out of the house.


  • where should the money tree be?

Tip 2: Money tree - basic care and some signs

Money tree (crassula) is a fairly popular plant. There is a sign that the fat woman attracts money to the house. Try to get a fat woman, because caring for her is very simple.

How to grow a money tree

Crassula is easy to propagate by cuttings. Ask your friends to cut off a leaf or twig for you. The resulting shoot can be rooted into the soil immediately or placed in water until roots appear, and only then planted in a pot of soil (soil for cacti is suitable). In the spring, when the plant grows, it is worth transplanting it into a larger pot.

How to care for a money tree

Caring for a fat woman is very simple. While the tree is small, water it about once a week, and when the tree stops growing, watering once a month will be enough. Of course, care must be taken to ensure that the soil does not become waterlogged or dry out. Fertilizers for cacti are suitable for feeding. It is also important to regularly wipe the leaves of the Crassula to remove dust, since the Crassula loves sunlight (but direct sunlight can damage the plant, so if your Crassula will be on the south side, it is worth hanging a translucent curtain or otherwise protecting it from burns).

What Feng Shui says about Crassula

Feng Shui experts advise placing the fat plant in the wealth zone. Also try tying a red ribbon to a branch of a money tree, and on New Year’s Eve hang coins on bright ribbons from the money tree. Maybe the fat woman will really help increase family income?

There are many different names for the money tree: Crassula, monkey tree, crassula, tree of happiness... But regardless of the name, it has been proven that this plant brings well-being, success and prosperity to the house. How to properly care for this crop and what varieties exist? Let's figure it out.


Crassula leaves have a shape similar to coins. Foliage color varies from light green to rich dark green.

In accordance with the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, Crassula helps to attract wealth and money into the family. The flower pot is placed on the south or east side of the house.

According to another teaching, it is believed that a tree can attract positive energy into the house. Its rounded crown shape repels negative influences and fills the house with harmony.

I note that you cannot buy a tree, you need to grow it yourself, invest strength and emotions into it. You can purchase a sprout from friends or neighbors for a nominal fee.

Today, gardeners know certain varieties of Crassula. All species differ from each other in the shape of foliage, crown, flowering and color.

Some varieties have a silvery coating that forms on the leaves and trunk as the tree grows and matures.

What varieties are successfully grown on windowsills:

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Type 1. Tree-like

It has a lush crown with a lot of leaves.

The foliage is dark green and fleshy.

Flowering is numerous and is achieved with balanced feeding and sufficient light.

Inflorescences are white and beige.

Type 2. Silver

At home it can reach up to 1.5 m in height.

The species differs from others in its pronounced silvering of foliage. It blooms extremely rarely.

The leaves are light green in the upper part of the tree, and dark green in the lower part.

Excellent for decorative growing.

Type 3. Oval

The species is low, with a lot of foliage.

It is noteworthy that the fleshy leaves have a double color, which varies from dark green to light green.

Foliage with red border.

All types of money tree come from warm regions. At home, they can grow up to two meters in height.

Air conditioners, which literally take nutrient moisture from the foliage, have an extremely negative impact on the development and growth of the money tree.

Features of planting and growing

The money tree prefers an earthen substrate, which is made specifically for cacti and other succulents. If you want to make your own planting soil, you need to mix:

  • turf soil - 1 part;
  • leaf soil - 3 parts;
  • sand - 1 part.

If possible, brick chips, clay and ash are added to the soil in small quantities. An important condition for growing Crassula is the presence of drainage.

The monkey tree is replanted once every three years. The need arises as a result of the growth of the trunk and crown.

It is possible to regulate the growth rate of a crop using a flower pot. The larger the capacity, the more dynamic the tree will grow.

Reproduction methods

The money tree reproduces quite easily:

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Method 1. Leaf cuttings

Leaf cuttings are dried in the open air for two days before planting.

Then the prepared cuttings are planted in nutritious soil and watered.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the cuttings, since excess moisture can have a detrimental effect on the general condition of the future tree.

Method 2. With shoots

The shoot chosen is strong, with a low stem.

Rooting occurs in the ground.

A week after planting the shoot in a container with soil, it must be fed with mineral fertilizer.

The method of germinating roots using water is considered the most effective, but time-consuming. To speed up the formation of the root system, you can add a means to accelerate the growth of the root system to the water.

Growing: 5 rules

What are the principles of growing a money tree:

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Rule 1. Moderate watering

Watering the money tree is allowed once a week.

Do not allow water to stagnate in the flower pot.

It is also necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out.

During the dormant period, which begins in mid-November, the amount of watering is reduced - once every two weeks.

Rule 2. Spraying

It is not necessary to spray the bush regularly, but you should wipe the foliage with clean water weekly.

Such manipulations will remove dust and dirt formed on the leaves.

In addition, additional oxygen will be supplied to the leaves.

Regular ventilation will help increase the humidity level in the room.

Rule 3. Sunlight

Crassula is a fairly light-loving plant; it is not afraid of direct sunlight.

Excessive exposure to the scorching sun can cause burns on the foliage.

Rule 4. Air temperature

The optimal room temperature is considered to be from 20 to 25 °C.

Rule 5. Nutrition

The indoor flower loves a balanced diet.

It is necessary to feed the plant in sufficient quantities during the period of active growth - from May to September.

Pests and diseases

With proper care, pests and diseases are practically not found on the money tree.

It has been proven that the condition of a tree depends entirely on the condition of the person who cares for it. If the owner of a money tree falls ill, then the flower itself begins to fade.

Crassual encounters diseases due to improper care. Often the cause of illnesses is excessive watering.

  • The appearance of numerous brown spots on the foliage and trunk- indicates that a fungal disease has appeared. An antifungal agent will help cope with the disease.
  • Blackening of the trunk- This is root rot. First of all, the root system suffers. In this case, only surgery will help. The tree is twisted out of the ground, after which all damaged roots are removed. The cured tree must be replanted in new soil.
  • Trunk curvature- the cause of excessive winter watering. In addition, the reason may lie in insufficient lighting.

Crown formation

Crassula has a unique feature: its crown can be shaped according to your wishes. You can grow a straight and tall tree, or you can grow an elegant indoor bonsai.

It is necessary to form a decorative crown from the first day of planting. First of all, select a flower pot of the required size: the narrower the container in diameter, the lower and more compact the tree will be.

During the growth process, side shoots are removed; they also make it possible to reduce the growth rate of the trunk and give the shrub a decorative appearance. Most often, the height of the stem when forming a bonsai is 20–25 cm.

There are no leaves on half the trunk. At this stage, the top is pinched, after which the removal of side shoots continues.

The sun's rays play a very important role in the crown formation process. When there is insufficient lighting, the trunk of the money tree can stretch towards the light source, thereby creating a tilt and curvature.


The money tree is an unpretentious indoor plant that has an attractive appearance and unusual foliage shape. The name of the plant comes from ancient teaching. If your family lacks financial wealth, then this tree must be brought into the house and grown from a small cutting into a chic and lush shrub.

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There are more signs and superstitions around the money tree than around many other plants. Proper care of this plant in someone's home will bring wealth, prosperity and happiness to the family. Also, the fat woman is able to show what kind of energy currently prevails in the home and talk about what awaits the inhabitants of the house in the future in terms of financial stability.

It is believed that the closest energetic connection between the money tree and the inhabitants of the home is established when it is grown with one’s own hands from a seed or a small shoot. For this plant, attention and care are even more important than for others. It is worth adhering to the following guidelines:

  • You should really make friends with a fat woman so that she can help you maintain your material well-being. To do this, it is worth giving her maximum attention and care. This indoor flower loves communication - you should tell it about your financial problems and thank it for its help. The environment is best suited for this.
  • It is worth taking care that dust does not accumulate on the leaves of the plant - this is harmful both from an energy point of view and objectively has a detrimental effect on the health of the fat plant.
  • It is best to place a pot with this plant in the south-eastern part of the apartment. However, you should make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on it.
  • From time to time it is worth tying bills to the money tree or placing them between the leaves. From time to time it is worth replacing them with new ones.

Other care signs

It is believed that a money tree should not be placed next to electrical appliances, and vice versa. This especially applies to televisions, microwaves and mobile phones. The fact is that this technique takes away the positive energy of the plant.

This plant loves the color red - it enhances the energy effects of the money tree. An excellent solution would be to plant the fat plant in a red flowerpot. You can also tie it or the plant itself with a red ribbon.

For each change or money received in any other way, it is worth separating one coin and placing it on the ground next to the money tree for a while. This will enhance the beneficial effect on material well-being.

It's not just money that loves counting. Periodically counting the leaves of the money tree will help increase your chances of acquiring wealth. This process can be combined with dusting - thus, you will combine caring for the plant and raising money.

Burying a coin in a pot

There is a great way to significantly enhance the energy of the money tree in the long term. At the moment when you plant the crassula in a pot or flowerpot, you should place a few coins in the soil.

Several ways to perform the ritual:

  • Coins in any quantity are placed at the bottom of the pot before filling it with soil and planting a money tree;
  • According to another belief, there should be a fixed number of coins, namely three pieces. In this case, the energy of the plant will be the strongest and most focused;
  • If, there must be an even number of coins, namely eight;
  • Another way is to place three coins under the flowerpot itself.

Flowering money tree - meaning

Crassula is a plant that blooms quite rarely. It is worth taking the best care of this indoor flower so that this moment comes as quickly as possible, since during its flowering it has the greatest impact on finances. Flowering also portends imminent enrichment.

Another bonus that you can get the moment the plant blooms is the opportunity to make wishes that are likely to come true. Material dreams and ideas are best suited. During this period, the inhabitants of the house will receive profit from a variety of and often unexpected sources.

Why is the money tree dying?

Do not panic and worry prematurely, finding symbolic meaning and a harbinger of financial collapse in the death of the money tree. Such an annoying nuisance can happen to any indoor plant.

To begin with, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • How well the care was provided;
  • Maintaining optimal levels of moisture and temperature;
  • Fertilizer frequency.

It is worth adjusting your own care for the plant. If the changes made do not lead to anything and the plant continues to disappear, it is worth cutting off the healthiest shoot from it and replanting it, growing a new money tree.

If some of your Crassula leaves have dried out and fallen off, this is a good sign, as they symbolize precious stones. It’s worth collecting them carefully and carefully storing them in your wallet to attract additional profit.

If all the leaves have dried out and fallen off, this is a bad sign. However, its consequences can be prevented by carrying out such measures as replanting the plant and its additional fertilizer.

Money tree as a gift

A common question is whether it is possible to give a money tree. There is a clear answer to this: tea tree is an excellent gift, especially if it is presented for a wedding.

This plant will play an important role in the financial well-being of the future family. Tying it with a red ribbon will help to simultaneously give it a gift-like appearance and enhance its energy.

Also, using a scarlet or red ribbon, you should tie several banknotes, beautifully rolled into a tube, to the tree. It is important to give this flower with only the brightest thoughts and pure intentions. Wishes for prosperity and happiness should be sincere and joyful.

Many people believe that a money tree cannot be given as a gift and moved from house to house, since this action will lead to a deterioration in the financial situation of both the one who gives the plant and the one who accepts the gift. If you believe in this sign and are afraid of it, the person accepting the tree can pay the donor a small symbolic amount. This will protect both of them from all sorts of risks.

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The money tree can often be found in home flower beds, on window sills and balconies. It has several names - Crassula and Crassula. This tree-like succulent plant is native to Africa and therefore all its parts are able to accumulate moisture in order to survive drought.

This plant is called money because its leaves resemble coins, and for centuries many signs and superstitions have been associated with it. The theory of Feng Shui, which has become quite popular in Russia, describes its properties especially widely. It is often used when choosing a place for plants. It is believed to help attract money and wealth.

But for this it must be in the right place. Therefore, plant owners often face the question of where to place it so that it brings wealth. Those who adhere to Feng Shui can place Crassula in accordance with its rules, for example, it can be placed in the bedroom, but the plant must be in comfortable conditions for it.

Then not only a spectacular interior element will appear in the room, but also a living talisman to attract money to the family.

Choosing a place for a tree

The money tree prefers bright, warm rooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In an apartment, you can keep the plant not on the windowsill, but on a floor stand near the window. If there is such an opportunity, you can place the flower in a room located on the southeast side.

The plant does well on the south or southwest side. But in this case, you need to place the plant not right under the window, but a little to the side, and shade the glass for spring and summer. Compliance with these rules is the biological need of the plant.

But besides this, many are interested in Feng Shui, and in this theory, the money tree is a very popular subject. Therefore, in order for the family to receive wealth and for the plant to be comfortable, the place for it needs to be selected more carefully. Guided by the following rules.

Wealth Zone

First, you need to determine the wealth zone in the house. It is determined using the Bagua grid. It is a square divided into nine parts. The central square, which is responsible for health, is taken as the main landmark.

The wealth zone will be in the lower right corner of it. The grid is superimposed on a pre-drawn floor plan, with certain cardinal directions. The wealth zone is on the southeast side. But sometimes it turns out that the room where this zone is located is not suitable for keeping a flower there.

Then you can choose another room in the apartment that suits the parameters. If the bedroom is located in a place favorable for the money flower, in the southeast, then this means that there is a wealth zone in the bedroom. This tree can be kept in the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, and it will feel comfortable.

At the same time, it is advisable to make the right color scheme in the bedroom. Under no circumstances should you use red; shades of green, lilac and violet are suitable. The money tree in this case is the main item in the room and will bring not only wealth.

Fresh air

In addition to good lighting, the money tree loves clean, fresh air. Therefore, the room where they plan to place it should be well ventilated. The plant tolerates drafts well, but heat and stuffiness in the room affect it much worse.

Crassula does not do well in dusty rooms, so it should be removed to a place where the minimum amount of dust accumulates. Access to the flower should be open so that it is easy to care for.


A location near the aquarium will be an excellent interior solution and will benefit the plant. The flower can be kept near water and evaporation from the aquarium will create the necessary air humidity.


You can put a money tree in the bathroom. But before that, you need to fix faulty and leaking taps, then, according to the sign, money will not flow away.


Temperature conditions also play an important role in the question of where to place the flower. In private homes, the temperature in different rooms usually varies slightly, and there may be drafts here and there. Therefore, it is better to keep the tree in a room where there are no strong drafts and the temperature is from +19 to +24 degrees. The plant tolerates sudden changes in temperature, but poorly, and this affects its condition.

In an apartment, such a problem usually does not exist, but in such a room the disadvantage is dry air, which also affects the well-being of the plant. You should not place a flower near heating radiators, there is high temperature, dry air and more dust is attracted to this place.

Signs about the money tree

There are many different signs associated with this plant, most of them, of course, relate to material well-being, but besides this,...

  1. A bad sign is the leaves falling from the tree. It is believed that a place where it has bad energy can sometimes cause leaves to fall due to poor maintenance, but in some cases the problem comes out of nowhere. Then you need to put the tree in another place. According to the sign, such a phenomenon can mean a quick loss of money, a reduction in income and financial difficulties.
  2. Not all signs are related to money. The plant is also considered medicinal. According to signs, the plant, with the help of its fleshy leaves, promotes the production of vital energy and in a house where there is such a flower, all family members feel full of strength and more efficient.
  3. The condition of the plant in the house is considered to reflect the financial condition of the family. The more leaves on the plant, the more money there is in the family.
  4. It is recommended to plant a tree in a red pot, and put a few coins at the bottom. Some people place a saucer with coins near the pot, constantly adding them there.
  5. If there are bills hanging on the money tree, which many place there to attract wealth, then in order for money to be kept in the house, these bills must be changed periodically. Waste the old ones and hang up the new ones.

Where to put the plant if you want not only to create comfortable conditions for keeping the money tree, but also to take advantage of its magical properties and increase the well-being in the house.

Then the money tree should be placed in a well-lit, ventilated place where optimal temperature conditions are created for it, and at the same time. If these placement rules are followed, happiness and material wealth will definitely increase in the house.

Where to put the money tree (crassula) according to Feng Shui? Is it possible to keep a ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions Houseplant money tree (crassula): beneficial, medicinal and healing properties How to properly prune a money tree at home

Crassula has many names. They call her Crassula, money tree or monkey tree, tree of love or happiness. The plant belongs to the Crassula family and the Crassula genus, which has about 300 species of money trees.

Homeland of Crassula

An ornamental foliage plant native to Africa - the arid tropics of the South and South-West, Madagascar and Southern Arabia. Therefore, when choosing a place for a flower, choose the most warm and sunny side apartments.

Why is the Crassula called the money tree?

Money tree is the name of certain species of Krasulla that have round leaves that have coin shape. This concept arose in connection with the legend of the Solar Tree, which says that you can find yourself in paradise if you show generosity in earthly life.

The name was first introduced by the Chinese during the Han Empire. Evidence is provided by the excavated tomb of the emperor of this dynasty, decorated with bronze and earthenware.


Among the plant varieties there are common signs Characteristics of the Crassula are the appearance of the trunk, the shape of the leaves and crown, the structure of the root system and the characteristics of flowering.


It resembles a real tree - it is just as powerful, twisting and covered with a dense shell - bark. A significant number of branches extend from the trunk of the plant.

When kept indoors, the trunk of happiness reaches a height of one to two meters. The diameter of the trunk can be from 1.5 to 3 cm(in a fat woman of considerable age).


The monkey's foliage is thick, the leaves are arranged oppositely, and often grow together at the point where they emerge from the branch. Based on their species characteristics, the leaves can be called entire-edged and cartilaginous-toothed. They are painted in different colors - from green to silver or dark green. On the surface, the foliage is distinguished by a matte shine and a prominent red border, or reddish spots on the underside of the leaf. Their shape is round, and the leaves themselves are fleshy and dense, densely planted on the branch. Their length usually ranges from 2-3 cm, and width - up to 1,5-2 cm.


In the classic version, it has a tree-like appearance and a spherical shape. In order for it to be lush and thick, Crassula is planted with no more than one sprout in a pot. Then the plant will branch well.

The formation of the correct crown is achieved by pinching.

Root system

The roots are unable to maintain the balance of a large plant, so potty will have to acquire deep and heavy, commensurate with the dimensions of the flower.

The root system of Crassula is superficial and shallow, so it must be handled with extreme caution. The roots of the fat plant are very vulnerable and sensitive.


With proper care it blooms very profusely. The flowers of the Crassula are delicate, delicate and small - up to 1 cm, light(white, white-pink or white-green). They exude an aroma with sweetish and sugary notes, extremely persistent.

It blooms when it reaches ten years of age. Seeds are not formed. The flowers are collected in half-umbrellas.

The flowering period lasts up to 2-3 months, with the exception of the plant being in a place with an excess of heat - this can lead to a reduction in the fragrance of the flowers.

Crassula can bloom annually or at intervals of five years - it all depends on proper care for it.

Flowering usually begins in late autumn or in the winter months, but there are cases when this occurs in spring. Sometimes Crassula blooms after it has survived for a week drought.

Crassula in nature

It is represented by aquatic plants, creeping herbaceous species and tree-like shrubs. Mostly money trees grow in tropical latitudes African continent.

In their nature over 300 varieties. There are herbaceous (these include ampelous and ground-blooded) and bushy forms, similar to branched trees. Some prefer a humid environment.

Take proper care of the monkey tree, and it will definitely bear fruit in the form of financial well-being.


See more photos of the fat woman: