Do-it-yourself pencil case garage: from A to Z. Assembling a shell (pencil case) garage with your own hands: how to install, dimensions, drawings How to assemble a frame for a casement garage swing gate

Do-it-yourself pencil case garage: from A to Z. Assembling a shell (pencil case) garage with your own hands: how to install, dimensions, drawings How to assemble a frame for a casement garage swing gate
Do-it-yourself pencil case garage: from A to Z. Assembling a shell (pencil case) garage with your own hands: how to install, dimensions, drawings How to assemble a frame for a casement garage swing gate
July 22, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying the foundation, erecting walls, constructing the roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and fine finishing). Hobby: mobile connection, high tech, computer technology, programming.

You, of course, watched the feature film "Kin-za-dza" and you know that if you do not build a reliable shelter for the vehicle, there is a chance that you will be left without one at all. Or without the right parts.

In general, I am a supporter of the fact that your favorite machine should be in a reliable house. Even if he himself is located on the territory of a summer cottage. So the equipment will be reliably protected from rain, snow, wind, hail, bird droppings and other equally dangerous troubles.

Some people build capital buildings of brick or cinder block for their cars, or make a place for the car directly in the house. But I sincerely believe that it is better to make a garage frame from profile pipe with your own hands and sheathe it with any suitable sheet material (in my case, a profiled sheet). This will be quite enough for the building to fulfill the tasks assigned to it.

This is exactly what I did in my time. garden plot about which I want to tell you today. The instructions below provide comprehensive information needed for construction. You will only need to stock up on materials and tools, after which you can safely proceed to design.

Advantages and disadvantages of the design (article 1)

First, for doubting individuals, I will justify how much I consider profiled sheets and a frame from a profile pipe for a garage the best materials for construction.

For me personally, the determining factors in choosing a project were:

  1. Affordable building price. Thin corrugated metal sheets rectangular pipes cost much less than required amount or foam blocks. And this is not to mention other necessary materials.
  2. Inexpensive and lightweight foundation. The weight future design will be small, so it is not necessary to construct a powerful base. This will save you cash, time and effort to build a shelter for your beloved car.
  3. Ease of work. The process itself, with proper skill, is no more difficult than building a house from children's constructor. Especially if you strictly follow the advice that I give in this article.
  4. Strength. Despite the apparent fragility frame garage, thanks to the use of a profile pipe, the structure will be very strong and will withstand even hurricane wind. Well, a considerable layer of snow on top.
  5. Possibility of dismantling. If, like me, you will use detachable connections(bolts with nuts instead of welding), then this whole house can be easily disassembled and transported to a new location. Or sell.

I liked this design so much that later on my site I built many more auxiliary houses (a barn and Summer shower) from profile pipes. But I will talk about this later, now I will not break away from the topic.

I can not help but mention one drawback of the structure. Due to too thin metal walls, it will be cold inside the garage. Therefore, it will have to be insulated with mineral mats, fiberglass, foam or other similar material.

You can immediately make a room for the car, and a workshop. I have a home-made stove from a garage pipe, so there I can make something around the house or for work, even in winter.
Or sit still and watch TV. And what, and the wife does not distract.

Building a car house

In general, I think the previous section convinced you of the expediency of erecting the described structure. So let's move on to the description. necessary steps works.


For construction, you will definitely need a drawing of a garage from a profile pipe. It helps to calculate right amount materials for construction and allows you to correctly perform all stages of work.

You can choose the dimensions of the future structure yourself, depending on the brand of the car. Most often, I built garages measuring 3 by 6 and 4 by 6 meters. But if you plan to equip a place for storing spare parts or tools there, and even more so - a workshop, you need to increase the dimensions.

I will give a few tips so that you do not get into a mess after the end of the work:

  • the width of the room for the vehicle should be one and a half meters more than the car itself, then the door will open at least half (but since building, I would advise more spacious);
  • the length of the garage must be made 2.5 meters longer than the length of the car;
  • the height must be calculated so that the ceiling is higher than the top point of the open hood or trunk.

Let me remind you that I brought minimum dimensions, but it is better to make the garage more spacious. Especially if you do not have a Lada Kalina, but a Toyota Land Cruiser.

When designing, you must immediately take into account the features of profiled pipes. In order not to complicate your work. I advise you to immediately pay attention to such points:

  1. Room length. It is necessary to calculate so that the longitudinal pipes do not need to be twisted or welded. That is, for a 6-meter garage, you must immediately stock up on the same rectangular or square parts for support frame.
  2. Assembly method. It can be a welded garage or modular, with detachable connections.

In the first case, you will need welding machine and skills to work with it. In return, you save your time, since pipes can be welded very quickly, and money that would otherwise go to the purchase of additional connecting elements.

Despite all the advantages described, I preferred the second option. Yes, I had to buy a few dozen additional brackets, but in return I got a garage, which has many additional advantages for me personally:

  • easy assembly for one person;
  • the possibility of dismantling and transportation to another place;
  • the possibility of expanding the design by adding modules.

Necessary tools and materials

The project that I talked about in the previous section helps me personally in buying materials. Having made a diagram, I can always understand how many pipes, connecting elements, profiled sheets and so on I need.

Therefore, having completed the design, you can safely proceed to the purchase of materials.

It's hard to give specific advice here. For example, the section of pipes for the support frame of the garage depends on how large your structure will be (suddenly you are building a garage for a bus, I don’t know). In addition, you can take rectangular and square pipes. I prefer the latter as they are easier to connect to each other.

In general, I will tell about myself. I took rolled metal 10 by 10 cm in size for the main guides, which will withstand not only profiled sheets, but also a more massive body kit. The rest of the elements (stiffening ribs, roof trusses, and so on) were made from pipes 6 by 6 cm.

For the cladding and roof, as you already understood, I took profiled sheets in a cheerful green color. But, again, no one bothers to use metal tiles or something else.

The only thing I would not recommend is plywood or lining. It will have to be painted, protected from water and so on. Extra headache.

In addition to the materials themselves, you can not do without tools:

  • tape measure at least 10 meters long, since long pipes will have to be measured;
  • drill with drills for metal work;
  • grinder with a disc for cutting metal;
  • marker for marking;
  • locksmith wrenches for tightening bolts and nuts when attaching racks.

I always work with metal wearing goggles and gloves.
Once, a metal shaving hit his eye, so it hurt for more than a week. Since then, I have not risked my health. And I don't recommend it.

Foundation and floor construction

The construction of any building, including a garage, begins with a garage. I know this very well, so I did the same.

However, at first I puzzled over the choice of the type of foundation. Given the ease of construction, three types of foundation could be used here. I outlined the features of each in the form of a table.

Type of Description
Slab (from reinforced concrete) This is the most expensive and labor intensive option. It's about about a monolithic reinforced concrete slab, which is poured under the entire garage and plays the role of both the base and the floor in the room. If you do not plan to store a tank in the garage, a 10 cm thick slab is sufficient, which, however, must be reinforced with mesh or metal rods.
Monolithic (tape) The strip foundation is no less durable and it needs to be done only along the perimeter of the building. That is, where the support frame will be installed. Here, too, I would not advise getting too carried away, it is enough to go deep into the ground by 20-30 centimeters. This is enough to metal structure did not blow the wind. The foundation can be cast from concrete or folded from cinder blocks. In my practice, I have seen both options.
Pile (columnar) Most, from my point of view, an acceptable option. In this case, the frame will be supported by several posts or piles, which are enough to hold the structure in place. The advantages of such a solution for me personally are the speed of construction and low cost.

When constructing the foundation, I immediately recommend solving another issue - the floor in the garage. If you are making a stove, you do not need to worry about anything else. In all other cases, you will have to design something additionally, because you will not just put your precious car on the ground.

Two options come to my mind (besides the screed):

  1. Using monolithic reinforced concrete slabs. This is about finished parts, which are used as floors. They need to be bought from a specialized company, delivered to the construction site and laid in place with a crane, after leveling the surface.
    The option is quite quickly implemented, but very expensive. I would not advise the poem to resort to it, especially if you are building light garage from profiled pipes.
  2. Laying paving slabs. A very popular option. Firstly, you can handle its installation on your own, and secondly, the mobility of the structure is not lost. After all, the tile can be dismantled at any time, as well as the structure itself.

The only point is the cost. But here I can’t give advice, everyone decides to the best of his ability.

Regardless of the type of foundation and floor, care must be taken to ensure that the upper level of the base rises 20-30 cm above the ground so that rain and melt water does not enter the ground.

One more thing that I want to tell you, otherwise they didn’t tell me at the time, I had to suffer later. In the garage, be sure to dig a viewing hole for the car. Even if you are not very good at repairs. Believe me, it will be of great help, for example, when inspecting the chassis or changing the oil, or adjusting the cable.

Having told you my thoughts, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the scheme of my own work on the construction of the base for a frame garage. I chose columnar foundation, and the supports were made not in the form of piles, but in the form of columns made of bricks.

The sequence of actions was as follows:

  1. He cleared the site for the garage, removed all construction debris and vegetation from there. Took off the top fertile layer soil and moved it closer to home. Then from this land he made his wife.
  2. Performed site markings. To do this, I transferred all the calculations from the drawing to nature, using a white rope and pieces of reinforcement.

  1. I dug holes for posts along the edges of the garage and in the middle of the long walls. Considering that I was only building a small car shelter and not an airplane hangar, in more supports were not needed.
  2. In the depths of the pits he made pillows of sand and gravel. To do this, he poured several layers of this mixture there with intermediate tamping and moisturizing. If this is not done, during operation, the soil may settle, and your garage will skew.

  1. Performed waterproofing. To do this, sheets of roofing material were laid along the walls of the pits.
  2. posted supporting pillars from cinder block. I calculated everything so that these columns towered above the ground by exactly one cinder block. After the solution solidified from above, the pillars were also covered with roofing material. To rainwater, like the dirt one, did not spoil my foundation.

  1. Did inside concrete screed, and then (already a little later) laid a special rubberized coating on the floor so that the mineral surface would not dust. But that's a slightly different story.

As soon as I finished with the foundation, I took up the frame.

Wireframe creation

I made the supporting "skeleton" of the garage from a square section profile pipe. But no one bothers you to take a rectangular one, only connecting the parts to each other will be more difficult.

By the way, there are two technologies for building a garage:

  1. Modular build. In this case, the garage parts are assembled from cut pipes separately (in this case, all the necessary corners, slopes and stiffeners are immediately installed). Thereafter finished walls and roof trusses are assembled into a finished structure on a foundation.
  2. Assembly on site. In this case, the car house is built from pipe sections on the foundation.

To the last way I ran too. Worked like this:

  • first, from two long and two short pipes, he constructed bottom harness garage;
  • fastened it together with bolts, and then fixed it on the foundation (I used anchor bolts, which I inserted into holes pre-drilled in the cinder block);
  • installed vertical slats on the sides using special fasteners;
  • strengthened corner elements slopes from a profiled pipe of a smaller section;
  • installed top harness into four vertical elements;
  • screwed in right places(I marked them in advance on the drawing) stiffeners and diagonal braces;
  • fixed the upper trusses on which the roofing material will be installed.

I advise you not to save on installation additional elements rigidity when building a garage. If you make the frame too light, it may not withstand the load when hanging facing material. And in the future, it can collapse in strong winds.

Gate installation

I advise you to install the gate to the garage before you sheathe the frame with the selected material. They can be made independently from the same profiled pipe and profiled sheet without any problems.

The work goes like this:

  1. Two rectangles are made from parts of a suitable section (60 by 60 mm are enough), which will play the role of sashes.
  2. Naturally, in order to prevent them from being led during use, in addition to the details along the perimeter, it is necessary to strengthen the sashes with slopes and stiffeners.

In one of the wings, I recommend additionally making a gate for pedestrian passage. In this case, you will not need to open the gate, going inside for some detail, tool or preservation. This will protect the room from the formation of condensate.

  1. After that, you can hang the doors on the frame of the garage. Loops are used for this. Two pieces, in my opinion, are not enough, especially if heavy sheet material. It is better to install more to avoid problems in the future.
  2. Sheathing of shutters with profiled sheets is carried out with the finishing of the rest of the garage.

I did something a little different by buying sectional doors climbing on a special frame. There I put an electric motor controlled from the remote control. Now I drive into my garage without lifting my ass off the car seat. Naturally, if for some reason the electricity was not turned off at the dacha.

Structural sheathing

If you think that everything complex work behind and you can attach the corrugated board to the frame made without any difficulties, then you, by by and large are right. Screw the profiled steel sheets to the square pipes it’s not difficult, but in order not to bite your elbows later, complaining about mistakes, it is important to choose the right material.

There is corrugated board marked C8, 10 and so on. The number C indicates that such material can be used for wall decoration, and the number indicates the height of the ridge. So, I would not recommend using 8 and 10 for a garage due to their low strength.

If you really do, then buy a profile C 20 or C21.

In addition to height, pay attention to the width between the grooves. In general, I advise you to buy those wall profile sheets that have special grooves to remove excess moisture.

Understand the weight too. Too heavy outer coating you can’t buy, otherwise the frame will not withstand the loads. It is better to purchase corrugated board coated with polyurethane or polyester, which effectively protect the metal from destructive external factors.

As for color, then here I am not your adviser. Choose any option that suits your taste.

The installation itself is simple - apply sheets and fasten them with self-tapping screws. It is advisable, even during the design, to choose such dimensions of the structure so that later it would not be necessary to trim. That is exactly what I did.

You need to screw the screws into the deflection of the profile sheet. In this case, you will get a strong mount and do not break the tightness of the coating. For one square meter walls usually suffice from 6 to 8 self-tapping screws. In any case, arrange the fasteners so that the distance between them does not exceed 1 meter.

By the way, profiled sheets and metal tiles are not the only options for sheathing a garage. You can use siding, false timber, eurolining and so on. But in this case, first you will have to attach OSB sheets or plywood to the garage frame. I did not fool my head over this and I do not advise you.


I made the roof of the garage from four trusses, which I twisted on the ground in advance, and then, with the help of a partner, I hoisted it onto the upper trim of the structure. I did this before sheathing the frame in order to have free access to all the places where I had to tighten the bolts.

If you are not very good at building or don't want to mess with gable roof, you can make the roof shed. To do this, the front wall of the garage is made higher than the back, and the side walls, respectively, come with a bevel. The result is a slope from which rain and melt water will drain.

The material for the roof in my case was profiled sheets. But then I became disillusioned with this decision. It is better to finish the roof with the same material that you cover with other buildings on the site (in my case - shingles). Then it turns out a kind of architectural ensemble, and the cottage looks cozy and prestigious.

Do not forget that the edges of the roof should hang over the walls by 30-40 cm so that melt water flows off them and does not leak under the foundation of the building.

Garage insulation

Considering that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of thin metal walls leaves much to be desired, I personally do not consider the construction of a garage made of profiled sheet finished until its walls are insulated.

For this, mineral wool is suitable, which retains heat well and is fireproof.

The scheme of work on warming the house for the car looks like this:

  1. On the frame you need to stretch the waterproofing material. Can be used simply polyethylene film or buy polymer membrane used for insulation of residential buildings. You can simply glue it to the frame or use self-tapping screws with wide plastic caps.

  1. On top of the film, you need to fix the crate (slats), which are placed vertically. In some cases, the crate may not be done, since the garage frame will successfully play its role. But then the waterproofing must be laid before installing the profiled sheets on the outside of the frame.
  2. Insert between the details of the crate mineral mats. They tend to shrink under pressure and take their former shape. Therefore, they need to be cut so that the width is greater than the distance between the frame elements.

  1. Another layer of waterproofing is stretched on top of the insulation.
  2. Final stage - inner lining garage. Many people use plywood, but I put plastic. He has an attractive appearance, well washes and does not deteriorate in humid air.


As you can see, this seems to be simple process, as the construction of a garage from a profiled pipe, has many nuances that I tried to highlight in this material. If you have something to add or advise, you are welcome in the comments.

In addition, I advise you to watch the video in this article, which discusses other aspects of the construction of private houses and auxiliary structures.

How to make a garage pencil case with your own hands. The problem with the placement of the car was 20 years ago, and today, and it is unlikely that it will ever disappear. Because of this, the number of paid parking lots, parking lots and the number of Vehicle, and for this reason, buying a garage gives the owner difficulties in the form of its location, price and other things.

For this reason, many motorists opt for a conventional pencil case garage.

At first it may seem that there is nothing special about the device metal garage:

When calculating the mass of the garage, taking into account the frame, which weighs from 100 to 130 kg total weight with sheets of corrugated board will be approximately 340 kg. According to the final calculation, it is perfectly clear that the total weight, taking into account the foundation, will not be more than half a ton. If you're going to build a minivan garage, the structure can weigh a ton.

Note, that the size of the garage can be small, up to 9 m 2, or it can be huge, where a pickup truck or minibus can easily enter.

Many car enthusiasts big cities, who park cars near the house, changed the shell to a garage-pencil case.

Advantages and disadvantages

Each design, including a garage, has its advantages and disadvantages, and such a garage is no exception. You can look for flaws and problems when using such a steel box, but the demand for such designs proves that they are reliable protection from break-ins. The effectiveness of this design is best assessed from your own experience.

Conditions for storing a car in a metal garage-pencil case

For a number of reasons, this garage can be called the most the best way car storage:

Important! For this reason, it is not required documenting garage as capital construction only requires the permission of the owner of the land for installation.

But there are plenty of shortcomings - strong heating in the summer, a weak level of protection. Problems can be solved if you bring electricity to the garage.

Construction assembly

The price of a pencil case garage for assembly and installation is usually estimated at 10% of the value of the object. But many owners prefer to do everything with their own hands. First, you will need to prepare the site for installation, remove the sod and level the horizon with a tamper and check with a building level. The first layer is gravel and compaction with a wooden mallet. After pouring sand and then you can start assembling the garage-pencil case.

The first step is to assemble the base and side panels of the structure. Before assembly, you should calculate everything according to the drawing and make blanks in the form of segments steel profile or pipes. According to the installation scheme, we mark each element and sign it according to the location on the drawing. Ideally, if for different fragments (ceiling, walls, base) markers of different colors will be used.

Next, you need to assemble the bottom contour. To do this, hammer mounting pegs into the ground, and then lay out a rectangle of the contour from pieces of pipe, connect with bolts and grab with a welding machine. If everything came together exactly to the mm and with the corners, you can finally weld everything. After that, it remains to weld the transverse segments along the lower contour.

Construction drawings

After that, we weld vertical racks to the base. The position of each of them will need to be marked and set on a tape measure, building level and I'll take it. Next, you need to install horizontal pipe sections on the bolts that connect the middle of the vertical drains and grab them again with a welding machine. If everything was done correctly, the position of the racks will not change.

Now you need to weld the upper contour, but first we will do it. On vertical racks, install the side pieces and fix with bolts or welding. Perform the same operation with the jumpers of the rear and front walls of the metal garage-pencil case. It will take most of the time to align the upper contour of the pipes, but after this the joints can be welded welding inverter or semi-automatic.

When the frame is ready, all that remains is to attach the sheets of corrugated board and hang the gate. Decking is fixed only on self-tapping screws. On the recommendation of experts, the heads of the self-tapping screws must be welded, or simply cut off with a grinder. This will make life difficult for attackers, but keep in mind that in this case the design will no longer be considered collapsible.

Ideally, for a pencil case garage, order only lifting gate. This will reduce and even out the load on the frame wall of the garage. Yes, swing gates they will cost you less, but after they will need to be constantly aligned and folded from time to time, which means that the service life will be shorter.


Metal garage-pencil case can be insulated mineral wool, which will reduce temperature differences and make it better. Can be used

All summer residents who have wheels face the same problem: how to cover your iron horse standing on the site from bad weather and other natural tricks (well, for example, from pine resin)?

The question only at first glance seems insignificant. And indeed, to understand what is more profitable - to purchase a cover-awning, shelter with metal frame and polycarbonate sheets, or to build a more serious building - it will not work right away. At the same time, someone still refers to the lack of finance, someone - to the lack of construction experience, and someone - to the deficit free space.

I also went through all these stages and in practice came to the conclusion that it is best to build on suburban area canopy (with a frame made of timber and a roof of any suitable materials), which over time can be transformed into:

  • a) light garage;
  • b) insulated garage with viewing hole;
  • c) a utility room for storing agricultural machinery, equipment and firewood, with the possibility of arranging a cellar there as well.

At the same time, the costs for the construction of this structure are minimal, and it itself is quite simple, and any summer resident who has his hands in place can handle it. I have such a garage-pencil case turned out to be 3 × 6 m in size (the most optimal solution). I spent on it about 0.9 cubic meters of lumber and 14 asbestos-cement sheets roofing slate. Then (a year later) he put up the gate and sheathed the walls. What happened is clearly visible in the photo.

The procedure for the construction of a garage-pencil case

  • Assemble frames 1; 2; Z and Z on the ground.
  • Install supports under the frame along axes 1-1 (A, B, C) and 2-2 (A, B, C).
  • Install and close with temporary bevels of frames 1 and 2.
  • Mount and bolt to frames 1 and 2 frames 3 and 3'.
  • Install rafters (section 75 × 100 mm, pitch -667 mm).
  • Cover the roof with roofing materials.

That's all - the canopy is ready! Simple design, and most importantly - reliable and stable. After that, it remains only to install the gate (when the strength and time appear for this) and sheathe the walls (I personally used sheets flat slate size 300×150 cm). And, of course, you need to carry out fire protection wooden structures. And then the entire garage-pencil case will be assembled.

Do-it-yourself drawings for making a pencil case garage


  • To insulate the garage, you will need to lay rolled sheets on the roof thermal insulation materials, which should be fixed on a solid plank crate, and on walls with outside mount expanded polystyrene with a thickness of 75 mm, and inside they are upholstered with PLP plates with a thickness of 8 mm.
  • When changing the width of the garage to 350 cm (no more), you need to adjust the dimensions of frames 1 and 2, and also make the cross section of the rafters 150 × 75 mm.
  • Device viewing hole or cellars should be carried out, retreating inward 50 cm from the axes of the building.

Like many other pleasant innovations, shell appeared after the 91st year, when major changes in the legislation they made it possible to equate such a design with simple awnings, saving themselves from the need to draw up paperwork for it. Thanks to this, in short term, shells became mega-popular.

Compact, lightweight, they appeared in all cities and towns, and this was done without any coordination with officials, which was a joy for motorists, because it's no secret to anyone that one walk through the infinity of offices of bureaucrats can lead even the most patient person out of patience, let alone spending.

But ... a lot has changed and not in better side With 2006, when the new authorities thought about who else to pull a penny, another.

The decision came quickly: you need to make the owners pay shells, of which there are thousands of thousands.

In 2006, a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation was announced, according to which, the owner of a shell garage is obliged buy land on which the structure rests.

"Noble" officials even offered their own price - 300-360 thousand rubles for the site, otherwise, the garage can be demolished as an illegal building. Of course, such a decision became resonant in the society of motorists, but ...

Therefore, before putting shell think about the next course of events. It is best to put it on your own land, in private ownership, then no legal issues will spoil the mood.

So, the advantages of a garage-pencil case are the following:

  • protection of the car from vandals, rain, sunlight;
  • creation of a place for a warehouse of inventory, working tools;
  • ease of construction;
  • economy.

There are several points of cons:

  • unpretentious appearance;
  • since 2006, the problem has been the ownership of the site on which the pencil case stands;
  • also remember that you can not put a shell on manholes or on the way to passing special equipment (fire, ambulance, etc.).

We talked about history, laws, pros and cons, now let's get down to the main question: building technology. But first, you need to prepare a site for future shells.

Site preparation

Mounting pencil case does not take much time. But, as in the case of the installation capital garage, it is very important to prepare the site. First, it is necessary to clear the site of debris and level it, and then pour it with rubble and tamp it well.

To check-in was more comfortable, you can use reinforcement filled with concrete to make a convenient descent. The site is ready, now we are preparing the necessary materials and blueprints garage shells with their own hands.

Do-it-yourself garage pencil case - blueprints:


We will need:

  • drill with a drill for 12;
  • screwdriver;
  • 90° corner;
  • roulette;
  • Bulgarian;
  • welding;
  • electrodes;
  • discs for grinding and cutting.

From the materials you will need to prepare:

  • metal profile 50x50 mm marking not lower than C20;
  • fasteners (bolts, screws and nuts);
  • door hinges;
  • Styrofoam;
  • adhesive composition "liquid nails".

Sizes of shell garages and construction technology

How to install a garage pencil case (shell) - step by step instructions:

  1. First of all, set supports. There should be six of them: four - in the corners of the structure and two in the middle for balance and stability of the structure. Supports will help the shell be stronger, more reliable and avoid deformation. If you are thinking of moving the garage over time, then you should not fix the supports, if the garage is planned to stand still for years, then it is better to drive special fasteners, pins into the supports and concrete them.
  2. Next stage - laying out the base. To do this, we take two boards about 20 cm wide and at least 5 cm thick. To give the garage weight and strength, you can mount “kerchiefs” made of tin in the corners (can be made of plywood).
  3. We fasten the frames with hinges to foundation and pass the cord through the corners.
  4. When the design is ready, it's time to start sheathing. It is made from durable, waterproof fabric. Suitable fabric for making camping tents.
  5. The last stage of work is to install the side and rear walls, fasten the gate and install the roof, after which you can already improve finished garage, laying the floor in it and bringing comfort to your liking. If desired, you can also make the second floor of the structure.

Dimensions shell garage:

Pencil case garage assembly:

Collecting standard design tall pencil case 2.5 m, area 3x6 m. The slope of the roof, based on the difference in the size of the racks, goes to the back of the structure.

Before starting, mentally divide the future garage into seven elements. These are: side walls, each of which consists of two parts, the back wall, which is a solid element, the gate, represented by two wings.

The back wall is done as follows:

  1. Two sections of the metal profile of the appropriate dimensions and a cross member are prepared, with a length 2.9 m. The crossbar will make the garage strong and will become the attachment point for the foam plastic with the profiled sheet.
  2. Now we cook blanks. Be sure to check the right angles with a level so that there are no distortions, it will be difficult to correct the error after, so it is better to be extremely careful and careful right away.
  3. Departing from the top point of 1.1 m, in the middle we mount crossbar, the support of the entire structure. The side walls, as noted above, consist of two parts.
  4. The assembly of the first element consists in mounting the lower, upper rungs, vertical racks. Weld to the back wall vertical rack. Also, do not forget to mount a rack to the adjacent part for stability.
  5. Pledge of strength and reliability shell garage- these are well-placed racks. The lack of one element will lead to a distortion of the entire structure.

  6. After mounting all parts of the side wall, we weld another spacer, 2.9 m long. Without it, the garage will be shaky.
  7. Next, we assemble the frame of the side wall from the upper, lower crossbars, vertical and extreme rack, to which we will weld a little later gates.

After the walls are erected according to all the rules, it's time to take on the strengthening of the floor.

The upper part of the structure is strengthened at four points - only three.

Pre-cutting profiled sheet size 50x100 mm. and here it is very important that the thickness of the sheet is at least 5 mm.

All should be 14 blanks, and in ten of them holes are made for fasteners. These blanks then need to be welded on central axis to the crossbars.

The frame of the gate is also cooked from a sheet 50x50 mm. But for the manufacture of gates, you will already need two vertical-type posts, 2.6 m long and three cuts 1.4 m long: one horizontal, lower and upper posts. All elements are welded to the central part of the frame.

To make it easier for yourself the task of assembling a garage, it is better to first prepare separate sections , and only then collect them together.

ATTENTION: Metal parts must be cleaned with grinding disc . This procedure will reduce welding time. Frames need to be treated with an anti-corrosion mixture, and only after that you can proceed to painting garage pencil case, but not otherwise.

If possible, it would be good to conduct thermal insulation in the garage to create a comfortable atmosphere, because the garage is usually used not only as a parking space, but also as a warehouse for storing inventory, and auto repair shop. Installation of sockets does not take much time, double insulation wiring copper wire skipped in the corrugation.

As a heater, many motorists use polystyrene foam. It - universal material, characterized by very good thermal insulation characteristics and durability. In addition, the material easily takes any shape we need, it is easy to work with. Mounting thermal insulation layer carried out using ordinary building glue.

Assembly pencil case garages takes an average of about three days, and can be handled by two people. Compared to installing a major garage, this is an easy task. Now you know the main stages of installation technology, the main assembly rules. Well, we can only wish you good luck and a good day.

The question of the need for a house for a car sooner or later confronts the owner with an “edge”, and everyone strives to solve it at the lowest cost. To replace the whole - welded metal garages, which received recognition a few decades ago, today came garages - pencil cases. The modern analogue was developed taking into account the solution of all the shortcomings that were inherent in its predecessor.

What is a garage shed?

The basis of the construction of the garage-pencil case is the bearing galvanized corrugated board, which is a "corrugated" sheet of cold-rolled steel with a protective anti-corrosion coating as thin film zinc oxide. Despite the small thickness of 0.7 to 1.5 mm, the “injury resistance” index of this metal is several times higher than that of standard smooth steel. The wave profile increases the rigidity of the structure, gives it lightness and elegance.

Pencil garage successfully fits into any space without violating the general architectural solution. An additional advantage is the ability to choose desired color.

The name "garage-pencil case" is directly related to the compactness and ergonomics of the design. Due to the current shortage free meters on the land plots, the ability to order a house for a car strictly according to the size of the car is very relevant. The construction will not take extra centimeters and will fit exactly into the allotted place. When calculating the dimensions of the "box", all the wishes of the customer are taken into account. Places for storing spare parts, machine care products and tools will be provided taking into account effective use useful areas.

The most important arguments in favor of a garage canister are the collapsible design and the possibility of repeated assembly / disassembly of the garage without damaging it. structural elements. The timing of the construction of the building, which can be assembled in just a couple of hours, is also impressive. Just think! 2 hours and the shelter for the "horse" is ready.

The light weight of the structure is also important. Under the garage - "pencil case" is not required to build an expensive massive foundation. It is enough to pave the site with asphalt or arrange a platform from posts that do not need to be buried in the ground.

Manufacture of garages of cases.

There are several modifications of pencil garages with standard parameters on the market. At the request of the consumer, it is possible to make a “box” and a “stuffing” according to an individual order.
The simplicity of design and assembly, as well as the low cost, make the production of garages - "pencil cases" an affordable and profitable business.

Everything ingenious is simple! For the construction of the structure, you will need a steel corner, sheets of galvanized "corrugated board", blind rivets, spring mechanism for tilting up the gate and welding machine. And that's it!

First, a welded frame of the building is assembled from a steel corner, on which a “profiler” is attached with the help of rivets. In the same way, gates are made separately. Then a spring mechanism is attached to the finished “box” and the gate is installed. Garage ready!

If you take this matter seriously, then, even without seven spans in your forehead, you can understand that with the right calculation and clear planning, this can bring good income. The cost of materials is not quite high, and they are widely represented on the market. In Russia, garages - "pencil cases" are in sufficient demand in the conditions of modern cities and their prices are about 20 - 30 thousand rubles, which significantly exceeds their cost.

The thickness of the zinc oxide coating film can be offered in several options:
. elevated - from 40 to 60 microns (the most reliable)
. 1st class - from 18 to 40 microns ( medium protection)
. 2nd class - up to 18 microns

Garage firms use sheets high class double sided galvanized. Such a coating several times increases the service life of structures and their resistance. harmful effects various environments. AT this case the service life of the metal increases, and the products allow you to extend it for several decades.

The frame of the garage is made of a steel bent corner, and the frame for the gate is made of a steel bent channel.

In the manufacture of penitentiary garages, only the materials of the High Quality and the latest technology representing a single manufacturing process. These factors make it possible to ensure highest level quality and accuracy of designs.

An indicator of the strength of structures can be a guarantee that it can withstand a 2-meter layer of snow on the roof, which is not the limit.

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