The form of the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation. Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

The form of the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation.  Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation
The form of the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation. Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation

On Friday, February 10, 2017, in the Separate Operational Division named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation (Balashikha, Moscow Region) held an exhibition modern designs military uniform clothing, special uniforms, shoes and equipment offered for military personnel and employees of the National Guard.

“The organizers and guests of the exhibition were especially interested in products made from materials with infrared remission properties (invisible in night sights), Phantom compression thermal underwear, Lynx special-purpose summer clothing for special forces, and a multi-purpose “raid backpack” with a removable module. »

The event was attended by Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation General of the Army Viktor Zolotov, First Deputy Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation Colonel General Sergei Melikov and representatives of manufacturing enterprises.

Leading domestic enterprises demonstrated more than 100 different samples of uniforms, outfits and equipment. MAGELLAN LLC, BTK Group JSC, NPP ANA CJSC, FARADEY Company CJSC and ZAVOD TRUD CJSC presented samples of ceremonial, casual and field uniforms (winter/summer season, for building and out of system) for all categories of military personnel, uniforms for performing special tasks and for extreme climatic conditions, uniforms and combat equipment for special forces.

The Russian Guard will receive a new uniform / Photo: Russian Guard, V. Grigoriev

“The uniform, uniform and equipment of the personnel of the Russian Guard must meet current international standards and ensure the effective performance of a wide range of service and combat missions. Specialists of the rear units carry out a careful selection of the proposed samples of uniforms and equipment. Promising samples of uniforms look beautiful outwardly, but before they are accepted for supply, they must be tested in various climatic conditions. Only after that will a final decision be made on what kind of products will be supplied to the Russian Guard. Convenience, comfort and versatility are the main requirements for uniforms and equipment,” said General of the Army Viktor Zolotov.

Attention is paid not only to the modernization of special uniforms, but also to the everyday and field uniforms of military personnel and employees. For example, there will be winter jackets with fur, windbreakers with zippers and hoods, and new wool sweaters. In addition, instead of the current field suits, the Russian Guard will be supplied with updated winter, demi-season (windproof) and summer field suits in green camouflage colors for most units of the National Guard troops, as well as in gray and dark gray camouflage colors for SOBR and OMON. The uniform will be comfortable, but at the same time retain distinctive features taking into account the specifics of the performance of service and combat missions by subunits.

The Russian Guard will receive a new uniform / Photo: Russian Guard, V. Grigoriev

Of particular interest to the organizers and guests of the exhibition were products made from materials with infrared remission properties (invisible in night sights), Phantom compression thermal underwear, Lynx special-purpose summer clothing for special forces, and a multi-purpose "raid backpack" with a removable module.

Servicemen of the Guard of Honor Company of the Separate Operational Division named after A.I. F.E. Dzerzhinsky demonstrated an updated dress uniform designed for the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. It is in this uniform that the parade crew will march along Red Square on Victory Day.

MOSCOW, Department for Media Relations and IGO of the Russian Guard

Forum of your city forums of the Russian Guard uniform BTK photo. What does the uniform for the National Guard look like. According to the plan for the formation of a new department state security, the formation of the National Guard will consist of three stages and will be completely completed. The presentation of the new form of the Russian Guard took place last Friday and attracted the attention of many manufacturers who hurried to present their own. Dzerzhinsky of the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, FSUE Okhrana Rosguard, what is more in this, pluses or minuses? Rosgvardia uniform and armament Rosgvardia uniform 2017

In this regard, the development of the National Guard of uniforms for employees of the relevant service took place. Now the uniform of the servicemen of the National Guard is exactly the same as that of the Internal Troops, police special forces and private security units. For the National Guard of Russia, the uniform, by order of the President of the Russian Federation, today is the uniform internal troops Ministry of Internal Affairs and police. Russian Guard uniform ovo. For the fighters of the Russian Guard, they developed a uniform with a maroon beret. Russian National Guard Rosgvardia new security standards

National Guard of Russia full name federal Service troops. Why is it created. He did not talk about the volume and timing of the supply of field uniforms to the troops of the Russian Guard, as well as the cost of one set. Who designs the uniform for the National Guard? Now you can find out a lot about the Russian Guard form of the certificate, but only we have such a huge number of unique facts! In addition, the troops of the Russian National Guard, whose dress code is similar to the RF VV, also have in their charge special equipment, namely. Balashikha, Moscow region There was a demonstration of samples of a new uniform for the Russian Guard 856 Views

As a matter of fact, the National Guard is being created on their basis, but what the devil is not joking when they say, the Russian Guard is the uniform of the ovo. Dzerzhinsky National Troops. National Guard last news clothing game for personal computer English What uniform does the National Guard department have? FGUP protection of the Russian Guard what will be the new form. The Russian Guard ensures, by decision of the President of the Russian Federation, the participation of military personnel. Photo National Guard uniform and insignia

What uniform does the National Guard department have? Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine Stepan Poltorak presented a new uniform. The background color for the office uniform is maroon. The army in the Russian Federation CANNOT be used against the population. And the chevrons have apparently already been changed, because it is POSSIBLE, unlike the army, to use in conflicts with the population. BTK group has developed for the troops of the National Guard of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Chevron for the Ural branch of the Central Security Service of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Protection of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation, the Russian Guard, the National Guard of the Russian Federation maroon. P Uniform of the National Guard, uniform of the National Guard. The National Guard of Russia. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main goal of the Russian Guard is countering terrorism, protecting borders and strategic facilities, therefore the main functional responsibilities everyone. Latest news about Russian National Guard uniform features

Orders for the printing of service certificates for employees of the National Guard and the production of tokens for. The Ministry of Education and Science will not introduce a common policy for all regions school uniform Ministry of Education and Science. This year, the personnel of the National Guard are starting to serve in the protection of public order and security in a new uniform.

February 10 in the Separate Operational Division named after. Dzerzhinsky Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation (Balashikha, Moscow Region) hosted an exhibition of modern samples of military uniforms, special uniforms, shoes and equipment offered for military personnel and employees of the Russian Guard.

Leading domestic enterprises demonstrated more than 100 different samples of uniforms, outfits and equipment. MAGELLAN LLC, BTK Group JSC, NPP ANA CJSC, FARADEY Company CJSC and ZAVOD TRUD CJSC presented samples of ceremonial, casual and field uniforms (winter/summer season, for building and out of system) for all categories of military personnel, uniforms for performing special tasks and for extreme climatic conditions, uniforms and combat equipment for special forces.

“The uniform, uniform and equipment of the personnel of the Russian Guard must meet current international standards and ensure the effective performance of a wide range of service and combat missions. Specialists of the rear units carry out a careful selection of the proposed samples of uniforms and equipment. Promising samples of uniforms look beautiful on the outside, but before they are accepted for supply, they must be tested in various climatic conditions. Only after that will a final decision be made on what kind of products will be supplied to the Russian Guard. Convenience, comfort and versatility are the main requirements for uniforms and equipment,” said General of the Army Viktor Zolotov, Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation.

Attention is paid not only to the modernization of special uniforms, but also to the everyday and field uniforms of military personnel and employees. For example, there will be winter jackets with fur, windbreakers with zippers and hoods, and new wool sweaters. In addition, instead of the current field suits, the National Guard will be supplied with updated winter, demi-season (wind and moisture protection) and summer field suits in green camouflage colors for most units of the National Guard troops, as well as in gray and dark gray camouflage colors for SOBR and OMON. Uniforms will be comfortable, but at the same time, they will retain their distinctive features, taking into account the specifics of the performance of service and combat missions by units.

What rank is this girl? Not really, Colonel General?

Already the Duma official was taken aback!

Servicemen of the Guard of Honor Company of the Separate Operational Division named after A.I. Dzerzhinsky demonstrated an updated dress uniform designed for the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. It is in this uniform that the parade crew will march along Red Square on Victory Day. They will be wearing dark green tunics, maroon berets and vests. In fact, a somewhat updated dress uniform of the Internal Troops.

Especially worth highlighting the equipment. For example, riot policemen, in addition to the so-called office and ceremonial uniforms, have three types of service uniforms: “blue”, “green” - for operations in field conditions and "black" - for special operations to capture especially dangerous criminals. “Black” is reinforced armor protection, especially a bulletproof helmet. Mandatory attributes - bulletproof vest of the 5th degree of protection, elbow pads, knee pads, thigh pads and other "bells and whistles".

Well, and a separate topic is, of course, camouflage!

I've seen this somewhere before, but in another galaxy, and it seems to me that the rebels on Endor were way ahead in terms of camouflage!

Let me remind you that this episode star wars” came out in 1983, i.e., long before Digital Concealment Systems created the camouflage pattern now known as .

Okay, jokes aside. It's just not clear what patent makes this camouflage "MAGELLAN".

Both developers and customers emphasized that the exhibition featured, so far, only prototypes, so to speak, sketches that will be tested in troops and institutions throughout the country for at least another year. And only after that, taking into account critical remarks and necessary improvements, they will change the clothes of military personnel. It is possible that some projects will have to be abandoned. The National Guard is expected to receive a new uniform by 2018.

Fighters will be massively dressed in new items next year

On Friday, the Russian Guard demonstrated samples of a new uniform and equipment for fighters and employees. The presentation was attended by the Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops Viktor Zolotov. Items of parade, everyday and field uniforms, as well as uniforms for extreme climatic conditions and combat equipment of special forces units were presented.

If fighters of the internal troops of the period of the first and second companies in the North Caucasus were placed next to today's guardsmen, it would be hard to believe that these are soldiers of one state. The new form is so strikingly different from what was before. Many traditional items of uniforms finally remain in the past. So, berets recently managed to displace boots, and today they are being replaced by new models of shoes, more like sports or trekking boots. The latest technology is used in their manufacturing process. multilayer materials to help keep feet warm and dry in all conditions. Helmets have little in common with the usual steel helmets. The main material for their manufacture is a special armid fiber, which provides much better protection against splinters than its predecessors. At the same time, the weight of the structure is only one and a half kilograms. Mounts are installed on the sides of the helmets for additional equipment- night vision devices and radio communication headsets. Instead of a single strap that goes under the chin, the new helmet is held on to the head by a system of straps.

Particular attention is drawn to the equipment of special forces. to their form special requirements, since the fighters, when performing their specific tasks, often have to stay in their clothes for days. In this regard, in addition to general functionality and convenience, uniforms for special forces must be strong enough, wash well and not “shrink” from wear.

The functionality of the materials themselves is also extremely expanded. So, domestic producers are ready to offer products with low visibility in the infrared range.

Some special forces soldiers have already evaluated the new items. According to them, they were satisfied with the new form. The main advantage - does not restrict movement and warms. Commander-in-Chief Viktor Zolotov himself appeared in a new camouflage with a standing collar with a zipper.

Among the interesting samples shown to the leadership of the Russian Guard, the exoskeleton prototype, which greatly increases the capabilities of a person, was of particular interest. The design consists of levers and servos attached to the legs and arms in such a way that compact electric motors give additional momentum when moving or working with your hands. So far, exoskeletons are at an experimental level, but this direction is recognized as interesting and promising, and work on it is actively going on not only in Russia but also abroad.

Employees of other divisions of the National Guard are not forgotten either. Winter jackets with fur, windbreakers and new warm sweaters will appear for them. There will be new field suits - winter, demi-season and summer.

The OMON and SOBR units, which became part of the Russian Guard troops, will retain their usual camouflage colors in gray and dark gray tones.

As Viktor Zolotov noted, all the presented samples look beautiful on the outside, but they must undergo mandatory testing. The tests will be quite tough and will take place in different climatic conditions. And at the upcoming Victory Parade, the squad of the National Guard will come out in an updated full dress. The process of mass dressing of the Russian Guard will begin next year.

The National Guard, there have been significant changes in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and private security has appeared. The uniform of the National Guard of the new sample photo The uniform of the National Guard of private security. Alarm system for a house or cottage that does not require telephone line. Chevron National Guard of the Eastern District. Dzerzhinsky Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation, Federal State Unitary Enterprise Protection of the Russian Guard, a sample of a new form of NG. The presentation of the new form of the Russian Guard took place last Friday and. I didn’t mean the new salaries of the Russian Guard, but. Ministry of Internal Affairs, and private security was part of the new unit. The main tasks of the service are the protection of public order in the Kirov region, non-departmental. The form of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Protection of the Russian Guard of the new model and now the Internet is already appearing. It is expected that the National Guard will receive a new uniform by 2018. For comparison, private security officers in Russia. About the 65th anniversary of private security, the new uniform and the National Guard. Samples of the new uniform for the fighters of the Russian Guard will be approved in 2018. Private security units of the National Guard troops Russian world phaleristics. Level 4 badge 65 years of the Private Guard of the Russian Guard troops. According to forecasts, the salary of private security in 2018 as part of the National Guard will become higher by about 1.5. What does the uniform for the Russian Guard look like

Forms of checklists for. The head of the department Viktor Zolotov said that the samples will be tested in different climatic conditions and shape. New form Federal State Unitary Enterprise Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the National Guard with photo. Here, no matter how it came to the adoption of the Law on the departmental protection of the National Guard on an emergency basis, and very much so. Balashikha, Moscow region Sleeve insignia of the Russian Guard SOBR PO of a new sample with Velcro. The uniform of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Guard of the Russian Guard of a new sample photo. The form of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Protection of the Russian Guard of the new sample photo 2017. The Russian Guard, and representatives of civil society. Private security structural subdivision National Guard of Russia, providing services for. Patch of the Ministry of Internal Affairs private security, educational institutions, operational work. A new everyday form of non-departmental security should solve this problem. Samples undergo thorough research and a series of tests both in the laboratory and. They plan to provide the servicemen of the Russian Guard not only with new ones. Representatives of the Russian Guard have extended powers that combine some functions. Federal State Unitary Enterprise Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia since November 2016 Further fate non-departmental PSB 2017 once again turned out to be. Moreover, as if the fact that they were forced to be transferred to the National Guard is not enough for the employees of the PSB, in 2018 a threat hangs over private security

MOSCOW, Feb 10 RIA Novosti. The National Guard consists not only of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who will become the basis of the new structure, but also of private security, and. The main purpose of this. Private security is a structural unit that is part of the National Guard. Federal State Unitary Enterprise Okhrana of the Russian Guard a sample of a new uniform. The main topic of the meeting with journalists was the transition of private security units, licensed. Chevron ROSGUARDIYA FSUE PROTECTION with an owl i. In this case, private security is waiting for further. The plan for the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard in the city. According to a person in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, one of the reasons for the transfer of private security and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise. By 2018, the National Guard will receive a new form of photo and video. There was a demonstration of samples of a new uniform for the National Guard. Hardware-software complex for the interaction of private security units with monitoring ones. Tariffs Services Private security. Forum Non-departmental security of the National Guard of the new form.