Eustoma purpurea. Eustoma flower, photo, cultivation. Eustoma planting and care in open ground

Eustoma purpurea.  Eustoma flower, photo, cultivation.  Eustoma planting and care in open ground
Eustoma purpurea. Eustoma flower, photo, cultivation. Eustoma planting and care in open ground

Easy growing of a complex plant

“When everything blooms, you can lose your mind!” - here is an example of reviews about eustoma on FORUMHOUSE. We will tell you how our gardeners grow eustoma - perhaps you will want to have this amazing plant in your garden.

  • Biological features of eustoma
  • How to sow seeds for seedlings
  • How to care for eustoma seedlings
  • How to transplant eustoma seedlings into OG
  • How to care for eustoma in the garden
  • How to organize wintering of eustoma

Eustoma is a perennial flowering plant with flowers that resemble paper clouds. It comes from Central America, but also grows in our latitudes. It is believed that eustoma is difficult to grow, but FORUMHOUSE gardeners succeed - moreover, on our portal this plant is considered quite unpretentious, the main thing is to grow seedlings. Eustoma is grown in the garden, in pots, as an indoor plant; it stays cut for a long time. Many parents of schoolchildren grow it by the first of September, for a bouquet as a gift to the teacher.

In flower beds, large-flowered eustoma (Russell's lisianthus) is usually the most spectacular. One plant produces up to 20 bushes, each up to 15 centimeters in size. Another advantage: eustoma blooms for a long, long time, one flower on the plant replaces another.

How to sow seeds for seedlings


If you simply water the seedlings from above, they will most likely die, because a drop of water knocks over the young eustoma and mixes it with the ground.

You need to water the seedlings very carefully; It is generally recommended to reduce watering after germination, and it is advisable to reduce the temperature. Be prepared for the seedlings to grow slowly.


Probably no other plants have such small shoots. I looked at it with a magnifying glass... Here in the photo they were one month old (17.01), two months old (20.02) and now - finally (pah-pah), they began to grow before our eyes.

Eustoma does not tolerate picking well, and it is recommended to do it only when two, or preferably three, pairs of true leaves appear. Seedlings are planted in separate cups or peat tablets. Then you will have to be patient again, now for three months. After this period, the plant is carefully transferred to a large pot for growing indoors, or together with a lump of earth, carefully so as not to damage the root system, it is planted in the garden (the distance between plants should be 15-20 cm). Since eustoma, as our flower growers say, is “very southern,” it is planted after the end of return frosts, at the end of May or beginning of June.

There is no consensus among FORUMHOUSE gardeners on the issue of pinching; some pinch seedlings, others do not; Perhaps the answer to this question can be found experimentally.

nadejda53 Member of FORUMHOUSE

Still, I decided to pinch a couple of bushes for an experiment, and in the photo, the first two that were pinched gave off side shoots, but the third, which was not pinched, did not grow.

Ariadna Member of FORUMHOUSE

I planted them in crumbs; if I had pinched them, I wouldn’t have waited for them to bloom at all. After the first wave of flowering, it is worth cutting the stem, leaving 2-3 leaves.

In the garden, eustoma loves about the same thing: a lot of light or partial shade, moisture and good, fertile soil. If growing indoors, choose a large pot and do not allow any discomfort to the roots.

Caring for eustoma in open ground

From the moment you plant it, growing this beautiful plant will be easy. Soon it will bloom and will bloom almost until frost. The beauty of flowers will justify all our dances around seedlings a hundredfold. In principle, you can skip all these difficulties altogether and immediately buy ready-made seedlings. If you live in a warm region, then at the end of summer radically trim the eustoma so that two pairs of leaves remain on the stump, and in a month it will delight you with new flowers. It is better to place supports near each plant so that the bushes do not fall when they bloom. Not everyone dares to disfigure this beauty with ordinary sticks, and decorative supports for orchids come into play.

frosik Member of FORUMHOUSE

I didn’t have the courage to tie such beauties to sticks, so I used holders for orchids, somehow they still look nobler and more delicate.

Two weeks after planting in the ground, the eustoma is fed with complex fertilizer and then the feeding is repeated twice a month.

How to transplant eustoma into a pot for wintering

At the end of August, the shoots can be pruned, leaving two pairs of leaves on the stumps, then at the end of September - beginning of October a new flowering will begin. And, if you grow eustoma as an annual, this project can be closed until the new season. Almost no one does this at FORUMHOUSE: the bushes are dug up and replanted in pots. For the winter, eustoma becomes a houseplant. Eustoma has fragile roots, and in order for the transplantation process to be as painless as possible for the plant, some gardeners immediately plant the seedlings in large pots and dig them into the exhaust gas.

It is believed that eustoma can withstand frosts down to -2. In reality, everyone tries to replant it before frost, in early September. This is also correct from the point of view of plant adaptation: it is better to replant while the temperature in the room and in the garden is approximately the same.

Ariadna Member of FORUMHOUSE

Eustoma or lisianthus is a plant that belongs to the Gentian family. There are also popular names such as: Japanese rose, Irish rose, Texas bell, Chinese rose, thornless rose.

General information

It came to us from the south of the continent of North America. The Indians have a legend about the origin of eustoma, which says that this flower appeared on the grave of a beautiful girl who refused to become the wife of the Spirit of War, and he killed her for it.

This plant has strong shoots reaching almost a meter in height. Starting from the middle, the shoot branches. The foliage of eustoma is slightly bluish, lanceolate, matte. The flowers are funnel-shaped, and there are double varieties. The colors come in a variety of colors - white, purple, pink and other colors.

While the flower is not fully open, it looks a little like a rose, which is why it is often called a “rose,” but when it is fully open, it looks more like a poppy.

In the wild, this plant exists as a biennial, and cultivated species are usually grown as annuals. If you want to have a perennial eustoma, then this can only be done by growing it in a pot.

In general, there are approximately sixty species of eustoma, but only one species is grown as a houseplant - Russell's eustoma, and as a garden plant - grandiflora eustoma.

In culture there are low-growing varieties that grow up to half a meter and are grown in rooms or on balconies; and tall ones, which are used in gardening.

Eustoma planting and care at home

Growing eustoma, especially indoors, is quite a difficult task. In order for the flower to be healthy and bloom, you need to follow all the rules for caring for it.

First of all, eustoma needs strong diffused lighting and a warm temperature around 21 degrees. It is also important that the air does not stagnate, but is constantly ventilated.

Watering eustoma

You can water the plant only with settled water. The soil should not be too dry, but it should also not be over-watered. It is better to water when the soil is dry a couple of centimeters deep.

The flower does not need spraying - it will only damage it.

During the growth of green mass and budding, the plant needs liquid complex fertilizers (10 ml/10 l bucket). Also, after flowering, you need to remove wilted flowers.

Transplantation and soil for eustoma

A good substrate for the plant would be a mixture of rotted bark and peat in the same ratio.

Eustoma simply does not tolerate transplants. It is only formally considered perennial when grown indoors, but in fact it will die if the procedure is not carried out in a timely manner. Transplantation is allowed only after wintering and must be done very carefully.

Eustoma planting and care in open ground

To grow eustoma in the garden, you need to plant it in a place where drafts will not reach the flower at the end of spring, when you can be sure that there will be no frosts, and also give it drainage. Lighting, like for a houseplant, needs strong but diffused lighting.

Eustoma should be planted in gloomy weather or in the evening. You need to pour a sufficient amount of water into the hole and place the seedling there along with the pot. A distance of at least 15 cm must be maintained between specimens, since eustoma bushes.

Keep the eustoma under a jar for 15-20 days after planting. During this period, you can stop watering the flower. With the appearance of seven leaves, the top of the plant is pinched to enhance branching.

30 days after planting, you can fertilize the flower with mineral fertilizer. At the beginning of summer, means are used to enhance growth, and in August to enhance the formation of buds. It is advisable to dilute the products stronger than indicated in the instructions.

If flowering has ended too quickly, try cutting off any dead flowers - this may help encourage new flowering in a month and a half.

After flowering, indoor eustoma needs to cut off the shoots so that a pair of internodes is preserved. Then it is kept in a place with a temperature no higher than 15 degrees. The flower is rarely watered at this time; it does not need feeding.

In the spring, when new stems begin to appear, you need to extremely carefully, along with the soil, transplant the flower into new soil. Eustoma from the garden is dug up and the same steps are performed as for the indoor one.

Eustoma growing from seeds at home

Reproduction of eustoma is possible only by seed, since the cuttings refuse to germinate, and the rhizome of the flower is so fragile that it cannot withstand division.

If you want to grow eustoma in the garden, then you need to sow it at the end of winter. You just need to pour the seeds onto the ground and press them a little. Cover the container with glass, but so that air can flow to the seeds.

The sown material needs a long daylight hours - at least 11 hours, so you will need to use phytolamps.

The temperature must be maintained around 20 degrees during the day and not allowed to drop below 15 at night. For the first couple of months, watering may not be required at all, and if you notice a lack of liquid, then simply spray the seeds occasionally.

After about 15 days, the seeds will germinate. Immediately after this, they need to be sprayed with phytosporin and this procedure should be carried out from time to time in the future.

With the formation of two leaves, the plants dive into separate containers, and with the arrival of warmth, if you want, you can transplant them together with the soil into open soil.

Diseases and pests

Various pests are dangerous for eustoma. She might get hit slugs, whitefly , if it’s hot outside, then it appears spider mite .

There are also known cases of powdery mildew, furasiosis and rot .

  • Sometimes it happens that the plant does not germinate . There may be two reasons for this - either you did not follow all the rules for growing a flower, or you received seeds with low germination.
  • There is also a problem like yellowing of eustoma leaves , and even in flower seedlings. This usually happens if the acidity of the soil is not correct. For eustoma, the acidity should be neutral.

A very beautiful flower, currently gaining popularity among many indoor plant lovers. Eustoma (“Irish rose”, “Texas bell”, “beautiful mouth”) has strong stems up to a meter high, one can have up to 35 flowers. The color of the petals is varied, from almost white to purple, from monochromatic to with various combinations. In the ground, flowers can be grown as biennial or annual plants. At home in pots, the flower feels great for several years.

Before you start growing a flower from seeds, it will be very useful to get acquainted with its biological characteristics. Such knowledge will allow you to avoid some mistakes and increase the chances of success in your business. We will give one piece of advice to novice flower growers - if your seeds do not germinate in the first year, do not lose heart. Carefully analyze your actions, find mistakes and start over. Be sure that the result will justify all your efforts.

  1. Plants love uniform, diffused light. Do not keep it in the shade or in the sun. Sunlight is useful only during seed germination; its rays stimulate the awakening of sprouts.
  2. The optimal soil is equal parts mixed humus from the bark of deciduous trees (you can use coconut shavings) and peat.

Important. Check the acidity carefully, it should only be neutral.

How to test soil acidity at home? Very simple. Place a few drops of table vinegar on the lump of soil being tested. If bubbles begin to appear, it means that a chemical reaction is occurring between the vinegar and the lime in the ground; the soil is neutral or slightly acidic. In acidic soil, the presence of “intrinsic acid” has already used up all the lime; chemical reactions with the release of hydrogen oxide do not occur.

  1. Do not try to propagate eustoma by cuttings, they will never produce a root system. The method of dividing one bush into several will not work either. Even on large plants, the root system is so underdeveloped that it will not tolerate any division; both bushes will certainly die. For the same reason, the flower cannot be replanted.
  2. In order to increase flowering time at home, the plant should be kept in a cool room.

Take these features of plant development into account and avoid annoying troubles.

There are more than 60 plant species in nature, but only a few are used for breeding. For indoor breeding, it is recommended to take low-growing species with a height of no more than 45 centimeters, and for a garden or flower bed you can also take tall ones with a height of 60–120 cm.

It should be noted right away that this is a painstaking task; the seeds may not always sprout. Reason: violation of recommended agricultural technology or low-quality seeds. It is very important to buy seeds only from verified, trustworthy distributors. One of the difficulties is that the seeds are very small; on average, one gram contains more than 20 thousand pieces. In addition, they have a very low germination rate; if approximately 30% of the planted seeds germinate, then this indicator is considered a great success.

Important. The germination rate of treated seeds does not exceed 40%, although manufacturers claim that this figure is 60%. In many cases, untreated seeds will not germinate at all, do not purchase them, do not waste your time.

If you plan to plant plants in the garden, then you need to start seeding in February or early March. Specific dates are selected depending on the climatic characteristics of the area, with the expectation that flowers will appear in July–August.

How to achieve maximum results when growing from seeds?

Step 1. Substrate preparation. There is only one recommendation here - use a store-bought one. It must be sterilized, neutral or slightly acidic in acidity.

You can also use peat tablets, but before doing this you need to soak them for at least a day.

Step 2. It is advisable that the seeds be processed by the manufacturer and sealed with a special gel. This not only significantly increases the germination rate, but also allows the seeds to be sown evenly in the soil.

Step 3. Sow the seeds into the prepared substrate. The soil should be moist, but not soaked, and soft in structure. Do not sprinkle the seeds under any circumstances, just press them lightly to the ground. You only need to water with a sprayer, making sure that the seeds do not “fall” underground.

Step 4. Cover the container with film or a plastic bag. It is recommended to leave small gaps through which air will circulate. Seeds sprout in 14–15 days, be patient.

Important. The germination of eustoma is greatly influenced by light; it serves as a natural stimulant for the awakening of life processes. In this regard, the use of artificial light is mandatory; the duration of the light period should be approximately 12 hours a day. Place the containers in a place where the daytime temperature is at least +20°C, and at night at least +14°C. Temperature parameters are very important when growing plants from seeds; their violation often causes a complete lack of seedlings.

Step 5. As soon as the shoots appear, immediately remove the film, and as the substrate dries, spray with a solution of phytosporin.

Step 6. After one and a half to two months, the plants should have several pairs of true leaves, at which time you can start picking. The height should be at least 4–5 centimeters. Do the procedure very carefully, the root system of plants is underdeveloped, the roots are easily injured or torn off.

Step 7 Two weeks before planting eustoma in open ground, you should begin the hardening procedure. Do this gradually; in the first days, expose her to the open air for only a few hours. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight. Hardening should only be done in warm weather.

Step 8 If plants are planted in open ground, then you should first prepare the place: loosen the soil, weed, water.

If you want eustoma to bloom in a room in winter, then the time for sowing seeds should be postponed to July–September. The growing technology is no different from that described above.

Important. The amount of water during irrigation should be carefully monitored. Make sure that the leaves dry out in the evening.

Rotting of the root system (black leg) is almost untreatable and in most cases causes the death of plants.

Tips for caring for plants at home

The plant is quite capricious and reacts very quickly to deteriorating conditions. Fresh air is always needed, but drafts should not be allowed. In addition, flowers do not like direct sunlight; choose the location of the pots so that the light is diffused. The optimal temperature is approximately +22°C.

As for irrigation, water from city networks should be left for at least a day. The root system reacts poorly to the presence of large amounts of calcium ions in water; it is recommended to water it with soft water. Waterlogging and drying out of the soil become stressful for plants; such situations should not be allowed to happen. During intensive growing season, especially during the period of bud formation and flowering, plants need to be fed. It is better not to experiment on your own, but to use purchased liquid fertilizers. Follow the instructions for use, do not exceed the recommended limits. If all care recommendations are followed, there is hope that in about three months you will be able to enjoy new flowers.

How to grow eustoma in the garden

Only move plants when the risk of frost has completely disappeared. The place should be cozy: without scorching sun rays and drafts. The soil should not have excessive moisture. It is better to water the soil; these problems are easier to deal with, but excessive moisture is much more difficult to deal with.

Immediately after planting, it is recommended to cover tender and weakened plants with cut plastic bottles. During replanting, do not tear the lump of old soil from the roots under any circumstances. Very carefully remove the eustoma from the container; before doing this, moisten the soil a little. The plant sits in the prepared hole along with a lump of earth. The distance between individual plants is approximately 15 centimeters. If you have taller varieties, then the distance needs to be increased.

There are several “secrets” with which you can increase the number of flowers on one stem and extend the flowering time.

Each piece of advice should be used wisely, and be sure to take into account the growth characteristics of the plant. If you decide to grow flowers for sale, then the technology changes somewhat. The closest attention is paid to compliance with watering and fertilizing regimes. Breeding in greenhouses makes it possible to regulate important microclimate parameters, and control soil moisture and the frequency of watering to be fully automated. Flowers are cut down to the roots, and then new generations are grown.

Rest period

In winter, the plant significantly slows down its life activity. After the flowers have completely fallen off, the stems should be trimmed, making sure to leave up to three internodes. There is almost no need to water; pots with plants should be kept in rooms with a temperature no higher than +15°C. In spring, the plant begins to awaken. As soon as the first signs of resumption of vital activity become noticeable, the eustoma must be carefully transplanted into a new container and the normal care regimen must be resumed.

Unfortunately, bringing flowers out of the dormant period will not always be successful, especially for novice gardeners. To always have beautiful flowers in your room, keep some seeds in stock. Plants have not come out of winter - start growing from seeds.


Aphids and spider mites are dangerous for indoor plants. These pests can appear from other plants located in the same room. If you carefully monitor their condition, then the eustoma will be healthy. Prevention measures are well known to everyone: plants are treated with drugs with an antiseptic effect.

Video - How to grow eustoma from seeds

Eustoma, from the Gentian family, is also called lisianthus; this plant is both annual and perennial. The natural habitat of the culture is the countries of the southern USA, Mexico, the northern part of South America, and you can also meet the flower on the Caribbean islands.

Experienced gardeners are happy to grow eustoma both outdoors and at home. Cut flowers have a long shelf life of up to three weeks and still remain attractive and fresh. Artificial conditions for growing lisianthus began to be used back in the last century.

Types of eustoma and popular varieties

This plant can be tall or short; consider the most popular varieties.

Tall eustoma

The flowers are large, bell-like, and the color of the petals is red. This variety is ideal for cutting into a bouquet.

Petals color yellow, pink

The flowers look like roses. The height of the peduncles is about a meter, the petals are yellow-light green in color.

In terms of color, eustoma can be light purple, white, yellow, pink. The height of the peduncles is 0.5 m.

Included in the group of early varieties, the color of the petals is white-pink, the height of the flower is about 0.7 m.

The following varieties are also popular:

Flamenco. An early flowering variety, the petals can be pale blue or pale yellow, the plant reaches a height of 0.7 m.

Echo. It is one of the most popular varieties; the petals can be light pink, yellow, purple, or white. Plant height up to 0.7 m

Low-growing eustomas

During flowering, the crop produces many snow-white flowers. The height of the variety is 0.2 m.

Petals are purple, pink, white. The variety can be grown in a pot.

Other varieties of eustoma are also popular:

  • Mystery. The color of the flowers is soft blue, the height of the plant reaches 0.2 m.
  • Terry rosie. The height of the crop is 0.25 cm, the color of the petals is pink, blue, white.
  • Mirmaid. The color of the petals is pink, purple, white. Plant height is 12 cm. Due to its compact size, it is suitable for growing at home.
  • Tenderness. The color of the petals is pink, the plant height is up to 0.2 m.
  • Mermaid. The color of the petals is white, with a pink or blue border along the edge. The height of the variety is no more than 15 cm.
  • Florida blue. The flowers appear in large numbers and are blue in color.

When to sow eustoma for seedlings

A very important aspect when growing any plant is the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings. This also applies to eustoma. The fact is that this crop has a long growing season before flowering.From the moment the first shoots appear until the plant begins to flower, it takes from 150 to 210 days; a lot depends on the varietal characteristics and growing conditions.

In order for the plant to please the eye with beautiful flowers at the beginning of the summer period (June - July), planting seeds to obtain seedlings occurs in winter (December - January), the deadline is February.

In the absence of additional lighting, seeds are planted in March-April, but in this case flowering will begin in late summer - early autumn.

Note to the gardener. In the middle zone (Moscow region), North-Western regions (Leningrad region), it is better to choose early-ripening varieties for planting, otherwise the crop will not have time to enter the flowering phase, or it will not last long. Plants, for the most part, belonging to this category are quite miniature in size. .

How to properly plant eustoma seedlings at home

If from the very beginning you choose the right containers for planting, soil, process the seed material and become familiar with agricultural technology, then no problems should arise with growing eustoma.

Preparing the soil and container

At the initial stage, you need to take small containers, not very deep, but of sufficient width. Transparent plastic containers are suitable. In any pot for planting, you need to make drainage holes so that moisture does not stagnate in the ground.

At the picking stage, you will need a container with higher sides with a volume of 0.1 - 0.2 liters, and at the very last stage a 0.5 liter container.

It is imperative to take clean containers for planting; ideally, the container is treated with a manganese solution.

The soil requirements for seed material are as follows: looseness and lightness. It should allow moisture and air to pass through well. Soil acidity – neutral 6.5 – 7.0 pH.

As for the soil, some gardeners use ready-made mixtures (they choose a universal type with the desired acidity level, or the option in which Saintpaulia is grown is suitable. Additionally, they dilute the soil with river sand or perlite to ensure lightness and looseness.

If you want to make the soil yourself, then you need to stock up on the following components:

  • peat – 4 parts;
  • garden soil - 2 parts;
  • sand – 1 share.

You will also need a small amount of wood ash so that the soil is not acidic. The fact is that high-moor peat is quite acidic.

Eustoma seed material cannot boast a high germination rate. Out of 100 seeds, it’s good if 30 germinate, and then this is a very remarkable indicator for this crop. To increase the chances, pre-sowing preparation is carried out, which consists of the following:

  • soaking the seeds in a dark-colored manganese solution, leaving them there for half an hour. After that, take it out and dry it. Treatment consists of disinfection, which reduces the risk of losing seedlings if they have any disease;
  • The following solution is also suitable: “epin” - 1 drop, water - 100 ml (boiled, warm). The seeds are placed for 6 hours, then removed and dried. The solution stimulates the growth of seed material, which increases the likelihood of germination.

Some companies may offer coated seeds due to their small size. This option is called panned. In this case, there is no need to carry out processing, it has already been carried out.

Sowing methods

There are several options for sowing seed.

The first method involves the use of peat tablets.

Important point. Here you will need not only peat tablets, but also a container of sufficient depth (you can take a tray or disposable cups for the number of tablets. Peat has the property, after soaking, to increase its size several times.

Planting of seed material occurs according to the following scheme:

  1. To maintain optimal moisture, the bottom of the container (where the tablets will be installed) is covered with vermiculite (1 cm).
  2. Place peat tablets in the required quantity in the tray. It must correspond to the amount of seed material.
  3. The container is filled with warm, settled water. This needs to be done gradually.
  4. Liquids are added until the tablets stop growing in height.
  5. Leave the container and tablets until completely absorbed (15 to 25 minutes).
  6. If there is a small amount of water, it does not need to be drained; if there is too much liquid, then it is carefully removed from the pan.
  7. If there is vermiculite at the bottom, water is added gradually, monitoring how the tablets increase in volume.
  8. The seed material is poured onto a plate and carefully, using tweezers or a damp toothpick, the seeds are moved to the central part of the tablet.
  9. The granule is gently pressed into the ground.
  10. The seeds are not covered with anything.
  11. A transparent covering material is installed on top of the containers.
  12. The tray is placed in a warm place (+21 - +24°C) with sufficient light.

If the tablets were placed in disposable cups, then they are soaked in the same way, and after sowing the seed material, the cups are closed with plastic bags.

In the second option, plastic containers are used, and planting is carried out as follows:

  1. Part of the soil prepared for planting is sifted through a fine-mesh sieve.
  2. The container is filled ½ of the total volume with earth, which must be compacted tightly.
  3. At the first stage of growing seeds, you do not need to make holes for drainage. Eustoma seeds need a lot of moisture to germinate.
  4. The soil is properly moistened with a spray bottle so that the ground is very wet, but not to a swampy state.
  5. Half a centimeter of sifted soil is poured on top and compacted a little.
  6. The seed material is laid out and lightly pressed into the ground.
  7. The seeds are moistened by spraying.
  8. All that remains is to cover the container using a transparent lid.

Proper sowing of eustoma - the best ways: video

Features of caring for seedlings

After the seedlings begin to appear en masse, you need to remove the covering materials and treat the plants with “phytosporin” in the form of a solution. This measure will not allow mold to develop and rot to form.


If the growth of seed material required a fairly high temperature regime. Now you need to reduce the readings to +16 - +17°C. A lower temperature will not allow seedlings to develop well, and a higher temperature will cause the soil to dry out, which is not very good for plants.


Young plants need additional lighting. Eustoma needs 12 hours of daylight. Lack of lighting leads to weakening of seedlings, their elongation and the appearance of various diseases.


Watering is carried out very carefully so that the roots of the seedlings do not become exposed. Some gardeners, at this stage, spray with a spray bottle when necessary. The procedure is performed quite often, because... Without covering material, moisture evaporates faster.

The soil should not be too dry or flooded; it is worth choosing a middle ground.


After the seedlings are 60 days old, it is necessary to carry out the picking procedure according to the following scheme:

  1. Preparing containers in the required quantity and treating containers with potassium permanganate for disinfection. The bottom is laid out with a drainage layer (broken brick, expanded clay, pebbles). An earthen layer is poured on top; the same mixture is used as for sowing seed material.
  2. Watering seedlings.
  3. The healthiest and strongest seedlings are selected from the total mass. They need to be carefully removed using a small stick or toothpick.
  4. Shallow holes are made in the soil (new container) into which the seedling is transferred. The plant needs to be buried down to the leaves.
  5. Soil moisture.

Picking eustoma - video

After picking, for faster growth of lisianthus and adaptation to a new place, it is recommended to use any rooting stimulants for watering: “kornevin”, “epin”, “zircon”. All products are used in the form of solutions.

On the 5th - 7th day, fertilizers are fully applied for the first time, for example, calcium nitrate can be used at the rate of 20 grams of product per 10 liters of water.

Then regular (every 7-14 days) feeding with mineral fertilizers with a high nitrogen content is applied; it must be alternated with the addition of calcium.

Before the beginning of the flowering phase (before planting in an open area), complex fertilizers with a high potassium content are used.

"Growth blaster" for seedlings. Eustoma is growing by leaps and bounds - video

When planting seedlings in the period from December to January, the eustoma will have real leaves in the amount of 4 - 6 pairs, in the second half of June - early July. This is the time frame for transplanting the crop to an open area.

If the seedlings are ready earlier (May–June), you should also not delay planting. Only one point is important here: the presence of stable, warm weather with a temperature of at least +20°C during the daytime (preferably +25°C) and at least +15°C at night. Lower rates entail a stop in plant development.

After the culture adapts to the new place, flower stalks will begin to appear, and after a few weeks the eustoma buds will bloom, which will fall off only with autumn frosts.

Choosing a place and soil for planting eustoma

A windless part of the site with a small amount of shade is best suited for lisianthus. Plants respond well to light, but prefer diffused rays rather than direct sunlight on the leaves. If the shade is too abundant, then flowering simply will not occur. A good place for a garden bed is next to a chain-link fence or greenhouse.

It is preferable to take soil for the crop that is loose, fertile and moisture-absorbing (but water should not stagnate in it). Before planting seedlings, add mineral fertilizer, for example, you can use nitrophoska and humus.

Eustoma requires neutral soil; ideal indicators have already been written about. A very acidic environment inhibits the growth and formation of flowers in the plant. Dolomite flour or wood ash is added to such soil.

Now it’s time to talk about which place is best to choose for the crop, how to organize proper watering, when to apply fertilizer, etc.


Eustoma is a moisture-loving plant, and therefore regular but moderate watering will be needed, both before the formation of buds and at the moment when the flowers bloom. Dry soil delays the flowering period, and if it has already begun, the plant may simply drop its buds. Overwatering is also harmful, so it is best to try the following tactics: watering is carried out as soon as the top soil layer dries out.

On a note. You should not use sprinkling to water eustoma. When water gets on the foliage, the crop begins to develop various fungal diseases.

To avoid loosening the soil after watering and to reduce the likelihood of weeds forming, it is recommended to mulch flowers. Decorative mulch delays the evaporation of liquid from the soil layer.


After 7 or 8 leaves are formed, it is recommended to pinch the top to stimulate the growth of new shoots and form a beautiful and lush crown of the plant.

30 days after the eustoma is planted in open ground, fertilizing begins to be introduced. Here you can use mineral fertilizers that dissolve in the aquatic environment. Flower lovers recommend taking the Plantafol series. A one-time spraying is carried out in June with “plntafol growth”, which contains large quantities of nitrogen.

July-August, another one-time spraying with “plantaflom budding” for lush and long-lasting flowering.


Carrying out this event is advisable for those who grow tall varieties of eustoma. Often the stems cannot withstand the abundant mass of inflorescences, begin to bend or even break. To avoid this, as soon as the first signs of lodging appear, you need to make a garter. Several pegs are stuck into the ground near the plant and wrapped around the bush using a rope. Some gardeners use decorative supports for this purpose.

It will be possible to collect seed material only from varietal plants. Hybrids are not suitable for future reproduction, because Parental properties are not inherited.

The seed is collected at the moment when the box is properly dry, but remains closed. Most often this moment occurs in mid-September. There are recommendations that seed boxes should be kept until frost sets in, and therefore collected and, if necessary, dried at home.

It is best to choose a sunny and dry day for collection. In rainy summers, you can remove it earlier and dry it at home. For convenience, faded buds are collected in small bouquets.

Seed material is stored in paper bags or a cloth bag; you can also use a matchbox. A plastic bag is not the best place to store seeds; an ideal environment for decay is formed inside it, and then the seeds lose their viability.

Before storing the bags, it is recommended to label them with the date of collection of the material and the plant variety. It is best to put the supplies in a dry and cool place so that they are not exposed to sunlight. You can use the bottom shelf in the refrigerator or put it in a cool loggia.

Growing eustoma from seeds at home - video

As a conclusion, we can say the following. Growing eustoma at home will require a lot of patience from a person, but the effort is worth it. The magnificent flowering of eustoma will be a reward for your work and anticipation. The main thing is to clearly carry out all the agrotechnical measures necessary for this crop, especially for the seedling period.

Eustoma (as well as “Irish rose” or lisianthus) is considered one of the most beautiful houseplants. To some gardeners it resembles a miniature version of a rose, to others it looks like a colorful poppy. In this material you will learn about the features of growing eustoma at home.

Indoor views

Today, flower growers actively grow about 5 species and varieties of perennial eustoma at home. A brief description of these varieties will be given below.

  • Eustoma grandiflora. This is the most common variety, characterized by oblong or oval leaf blades, large bell-shaped flowers, and bright colors of white, red, blue or orange.

The species includes the following varieties: Wonderus Light Brown, Colorado Purple, Roccoco Marine White, Advantage Green.

  • Eustoma "Mystery". It is characterized by a small height (up to 20 cm), as well as large double petals with a bright cobalt or blue color.

  • "Little Bell" It also has a small height of up to 20 cm and is distinguished by a large number of green shoots. The inflorescences are small, funnel-shaped, most often light in color.

  • Eustoma "Loyalty". It is distinguished by its small height and many small white buds.

  • "Florida Pink". It is characterized by large pink buds that lighten and decrease in size over time.

Among house plants, eustoma is considered a very picky lady. Not all conditions are suitable for growing this flower indoors. Here are the main points that those who want to grow such a flower should pay attention to.

Temperature and humidity

Unfortunately, eustoma cannot be called a frost-resistant flower - these plants can get sick and dry out even from minimal drops in temperature. In addition, the room temperature, as well as the level of humidity, affect not only the immunity of eustoma, but also the development of dangerous fungal diseases.

If we talk about optimal temperature values to grow seedlings of this plant, they should not fall below +22–23 degrees. If we are talking about the night time, then minor fluctuations in temperatures are allowed here - not lower than +18 degrees Celsius.

The same requirements apply to water for watering eustoma - it must be exclusively at room temperature. If we talk about the humidity level, it should be moderate - no more than 50–60%. To increase it, containers with water are placed near the pot with the plant; as an alternative, you can resort to regular spraying of the soil near the flower, without touching its leaves and buds.

In any other conditions, and especially with high or low humidity levels, the eustoma’s immunity becomes defenseless against fungal diseases that love large amounts of moisture.

The soil

If we talk about the type of soil for growing healthy and beautiful eustoma at home, then the purchased option is best suited - ideally, this is soil for growing violets.

You can create a substrate for growing eustoma yourself. The composition of the optimal soil for growing lisianthus at home should consist of peat, humus, river sand and meadow soil in equal proportions.

Particular attention should be paid to the acidity of the selected soil - it is better if it is weak or neutral. To neutralize high acidity, lime or chalk is added to the soil.

If you don’t know how to determine the acidity of your soil, you can use the following scheme: just drop a little table vinegar on a piece of selected soil. If after this the soil begins to bubble a little, this means that it contains some amount of lime and you are dealing with slightly acidic or neutral soil. If bubbles are absent or weakly visible, you are dealing with acidic soil, where there is practically no lime and reactions with the release of hydrogen oxide are impossible.

Regardless of the type of soil chosen, a layer of drainage made of pebbles or expanded clay must be placed at the bottom of the container. Since eustoma does not tolerate stagnant moisture, drainage is needed to remove it from the roots.

Selection of containers

Choosing a container when growing eustoma too is very important and includes several subtleties, which will be indicated below.

  • To grow a healthy and beautiful eustoma, plastic pots are best suited. It is in this case that the use of clay pots is not necessary.
  • Regarding the size of the container for these plants, it is better to choose medium containers with a shallow depth. In this case, the depth must be sufficient to install a high-quality drainage layer at the bottom of the container. Such requirements for the size of the pot relate to the special preferences of this flower. The flowering period of eustoma begins only when the root system of the flower touches the walls.
  • Choose only containers with holes to drain moisture. If we are talking about plastic containers, these holes can be made manually.

Plant growers believe that peat pots or peat tablets are best suited for growing eustoma at home. The latter are small pucks of tightly compressed peat, which swells with moisture.

The advantages of such tablets are obvious - they contain essential vitamins and minerals for flower growth and can later be planted in large pots without picking.


In order for eustoma to feel comfortable, this flower requires a lot of sunlight. In addition, the flowering period of this crop occurs precisely in winter, and therefore eustoma will require excellent lighting even in winter.

When choosing a place to install pots with eustoma, you need to focus on open spaces on the south side of the apartment.

If we talk about lisianthus seedlings, then for its active growth it requires at least 10 hours of good lighting. When choosing a location, it is best to select window sills or loggias, however, the place should be free of drafts, and direct sunlight should not fall on the plant. They can burn the leaves of the plant and make its buds pale.

Despite the light-loving nature, indoor eustoma prefers coolness rather than heat, so in the summer it is recommended to take such plants outside in pots, place them on an open loggia or balcony with good ventilation, but without drafts.

Features of care

Indoor eustoma can hardly be called a picky plant - caring for this flower includes many small but important nuances, if not followed, the eustoma may simply wither.


In the case of lisianthus seedlings, watering should be moderate rather than abundant. It will be better if the plant does not receive enough moisture than to suffer from stagnant water. When watering the eustoma, you need to focus on drying the soil in the circle of the flower. Watering is carried out if the soil has dried to a depth of 2 cm.

It would be best to carry out the watering procedure in the evening or in the morning. When watering, try not to get water on the leaves of the seedling, so as not to cause burns.

Particular attention should be paid to the temperature of the water - it should be warm and settled.

As for very young eustoma seedlings, watering is carried out at least once a week - the container with flowers is covered with film or glass to create a favorable microclimate and temperature. After abundant watering, condensation will form on the film, which must be removed immediately.

If seedlings are grown in peat tablets, water is added specifically to the container with the tablets, and not to the plates themselves. Since the tablets are a thin layer of soil, watering is carried out immediately after they dry.

When the flower enters a dormant period, the number of waterings should be reduced to once a month.

Top dressing

For abundant flowering and strong immunity, eustoma simply needs nutritious and regular fertilizers. Liquid types of fertilizers with large amounts of potassium and phosphorus are best suited for feeding this crop.

When applying a certain fertilizer to the soil, determine the required doses, which should be indicated on the packaging.

The very first feeding of this plant is carried out at the moment of the first emergence of seedlings - this occurs approximately 2 weeks after planting the seeds in the container. The first fertilizing must include fertilizers containing nitrogen - it stimulates root growth and increases the amount of greenery. Potassium and phosphorus fertilizers should be applied to the soil after transplanting into a permanent pot (after picking or when the seedlings have 5-6 full-fledged leaves).

All other feedings of this flower should take place only during certain important periods of growing seedlings: during flowering, after an illness or during active growth. During the dormant period, fertilizers cannot be applied to the soil.

Rest period

The dormant period is considered to be the time period after the eustoma blooms. During this process, the flower is cut and then transferred to a room with a reduced temperature (not higher than +15 degrees). The frequency of watering at this time is reduced to once every 3 or even 4 weeks. Any fertilizing and fertilizers are not added to the pot with the plant during this period.


Not all plant growers carry out this procedure, which is a serious mistake. Timely pruning of eustoma helps to get rid of dry branches and buds, which stimulates the growth of new flowers and will have a positive effect on the decorativeness and appearance of the plant.

When pruning this flower, it is important to leave several shoots with internodes intact. Pruning is carried out after the onset of the dormant period.

How to grow from seeds step by step?

Most often, eustoma is grown from seeds using peat tablets, and therefore it would be useful to consider this planting method step by step. From the point of view of plant growers, this method is considered the safest, since in the future such tablets can be transferred directly to a permanent container without picking. Below we will discuss the features of lisianthus transplantation.


For this procedure, you will need a plastic tray and a metal grill with small windows. The lattice is needed to hold the peat tablets directly above the water and prevent moisture from retaining at the roots of the sprouts.

  • The tray is filled with water or a solution containing a growth stimulator. You can also add other mineral or nitrogen fertilizers, as well as protective preparations that disinfect the soil.
  • The tablets are placed on the grid so that the grid itself barely touches the surface of the water. The tiles should be placed on the grid at a distance of 5–7 cm from each other - this is necessary so that the fungus from diseased flowers does not spread to other shoots.
  • As soon as the peat tablets swell with water, planting material should be sown. You can plant up to 3 potted eustoma seeds in one tablet.
  • The first shoots should appear in about 2 weeks. Strong sprouts with developed leaves remain in the tablets, weak, diseased or underdeveloped ones are removed.
  • The container with the grid is installed in a warm room with diffused light and covered with film or glass on top to create a favorable humidity level.
  • Every day the container with seedlings is ventilated, while drafts and sudden temperature changes should be avoided. Watering is carried out only if the tablets dry out.
  • The cover is removed from the container as soon as the seedlings have 4 full and healthy leaves. As soon as there are 5, 6 or more leaves, the sprouts are placed in separate containers for permanent storage. In this case, peat tablets are transferred to a new place along with the plant.
  • The procedure for planting seeds and subsequent transplanting to a permanent place is carried out in the evening.

Transplanting from a temporary pot

Unfortunately, eustoma transplantation is very painful and cannot take root in a new place for a long time. In addition, these plants are usually grown at home for no more than 2 years, and therefore replanting as such is impractical. Typically, eustoma transplantation is performed only in 3 cases.

  • When purchasing eustoma in a store, the flower will need to be replanted within the first 3 days.
  • In rare cases, the root system of an adult flower fills the entire pot or container, forcing the owner to look for larger pots for further growing the flower.
  • If eustoma seeds were planted not in pots, but in peat tablets or large common containers, replanting is also required.

In any case, the transplantation procedure should only be carried out using the transshipment method - this means that the plant is transplanted to a new place along with the mother lump of earth from the previous pot. In the new location, the same conditions of care must be observed (the same lighting, the same regular watering and the external temperature of the room), while fertilizing the soil is mandatory to make it easier for the plant to take root.

To make the transfer the least painful, the flower is removed from the pot using a garden spatula(remember to hold the bottom of the roots). To make it easier for the plant to come out of the pot along with the lump of earth, it should be watered abundantly.

During transplantation and removal of the mother's coma, try to have minimal contact with the flower trunk and root collar.

How to propagate by cuttings?

There is a very common myth that lisianthus can be propagated by cuttings. Unfortunately, cuttings of these flowers are not able to germinate in a new place and do not form an independent root system. The same problem applies to propagation by dividing the bush - the separated parts of this plant do not take root in new conditions and rot.

You should not trust sellers who guarantee that it is their variety of indoor eustoma that is propagated using cuttings - most likely, this is the most common deception that only inexperienced gardeners fall for.

Diseases and pests

In addition to increased care requirements, eustoma does not have a particularly strong immune system, which is why it becomes a frequent target for pests and fungal diseases. Most often, the plant is affected by the following ailments.

  • The flower withers. A wide variety of reasons: from insufficient watering and irregular feeding to the development of a fungal disease.
  • Gray spots. The reason for the appearance of gray spots with a characteristic fluff may be the so-called gray rot - a fungal disease that very quickly spreads throughout the flower and infects nearby plants.
  • Lack of flowering. A small number of buds or their complete absence indicates a lack of sunlight.
  • Sharp fading and yellowing. Excessive sunlight or regular drafts.