A natural garden is a piece of living nature on your site. Landscape garden: natural style in landscape design The most beautiful gardens in natural style

A natural garden is a piece of living nature on your site.  Landscape garden: natural style in landscape design The most beautiful gardens in natural style
A natural garden is a piece of living nature on your site. Landscape garden: natural style in landscape design The most beautiful gardens in natural style

The Naturgarden style originated in Germany in late XVIII century as a result of the discussion about the English landscape garden. The German nature garden had to be different from English version more functionality, scientific approach and less idealization of nature. In the 20th century, naturgarden gained particular popularity in Western and Northern Europe and is now being transformed into an eco-garden, in which the entire design of the site, including buildings, is carried out taking into account maximum environmental friendliness.

General principles

Naturgarden is designed to unite man and nature. “Native” plants are especially welcome here, the design is focused on the native landscapes of the area, but differs from wild nature in that the space is planned and created by people, who also take care of it. Use excluded chemicals, plant diseases and pests are combated using organic farming methods.


Paths can be gravel or covered with mulch, platforms - in the form wooden flooring, but in any case not paved. They should allow water to pass through and not contribute to soil compaction. The place of the lawn is usually taken by a lawn with native grass species.


Sometimes in the descriptions of plants there is a note “for creating flower beds of a natural appearance, naturgardens.” The latter is an attempt to grow on the site natural views, having decorative properties. Such flower beds should subsequently require minimal care, since, if everything is done correctly, the plants themselves will regulate growth and development, as in the forest, in the field, in the meadow - depending on which naturgarden was chosen as a model. The site is divided into miniature ecosystems depending on the conditions: swamp, meadow, rock garden, forest - where the corresponding plant species are planted.

At the heart of the garden is correct selection plants, in strict accordance with the existing environmental conditions on the site. The main factors are light, moisture and soil fertility. The amount of herbs and grains is strictly regulated. flowering plants, annuals and perennials so that they can ensure natural regeneration. Plantings must be mulched with wood chips, bark or other natural materials. In the first few years after creation, such gardens require careful care: weeding and watering. In the second or third year, as a result of the plants gradually closing together, care work will be reduced.

Play an important role native trees and shrubs, ferns, grasses, bulbous plants of natural appearance (for example, if tulips are botanical).

3 useful ideas from the creators of the Naturgarden style

1. Smart planting scheme. Ideally, plants should be selected and placed so that the garden does not need watering or weeding at all.

In practice, this is rarely possible, but it is enough to implement the idea at least partially, this will already make the maintenance of the garden easier.

Divide it into sections depending on environmental conditions: note where it is hot and sunny all day, where moss grows and feels damp, and where snow blows away in winter. Make lists of plants for each location using a reference book. Consider their lighting and soil requirements. It's better not to give too much of great importance flowering time, foliage shape and other decorative characteristics. Plants are always harmonious, and even unexpected combinations can be extremely successful. You may want to replace some types later, but there will be only a few of them.

2. Water-permeable coatings. Stone and concrete paths They do not allow water to pass into the lower layers of the soil, but redistribute it so that in some places it is too dry, in others it is damp. Microbiological processes in the soil are disrupted, it loses its porous structure and cakes. It becomes more difficult to care for plants, and compacted soil can become an obstacle to the movement of groundwater.

Try to use more filtering, that is, water and air permeable coatings for paths and playgrounds. Wooden and composite decking, gravel, and lawns do not disturb the ecology of the site.

3. Local materials. Take a closer look at finishing and landscape materials that are traditional for your area. They are, as a rule, the most inexpensive, and in addition, they look most natural in a natural garden.

Greetings, dear friends! Sometimes in summer cottages you can find a garden in a natural style, or in other words, an eco-garden. After all, not all owners country house They are interested in creating a vegetable garden or garden using exotic crops. Some people are much closer to the natural beauty of nature.

In part, this landscape resembles a corner of the wild nature characteristic of the area. But this is only external appearance. A natural garden is a combination of well-chosen crops according to natural conditions. And it also requires human attention. But in response to care, an ecological garden gives comfort, natural beauty and much more free time than an artificially created one. personal plot. How to make a garden in a natural style and how to care for it?

Natural gardens first came into fashion quite a long time ago - back in the 19th century. And they still continue to captivate with their natural charm, organically combined with modern landscape details. Trees, bushes, herbaceous plants, including - all types of forms can advantageously decorate a site.

The concept of “ecosystem” is reflected not only in textbooks on ecology and biology, but also in real life. Creating an ecological design at the dacha is not only a tribute to fashion. It is based on much more significant patterns and features than just the aesthetic perception of the garden.

Advantages of ecodesign

All living organisms, including plants, are in close relationship with each other and with abiotic conditions. And, although the vegetable garden and garden are agricultural systems, they also exhibit spatiotemporal and biological relationships. And the stronger these relationships, the more resilient the community. It is this principle that underlies natural garden.

Plants planted in such an area exhibit much greater resistance to infectious diseases, pests and extreme factors (temperature changes, high or low, dry substrate, excess moisture, drafts). Their high life potential allows them to successfully compete with weeds for food and light.

Sometimes the concepts of “ecodesign” and “landscape design” are confused. This is far from the same thing. The difference lies not only in the degree of decorativeness. When creating a natural garden, you also have to expend some effort and time to maintain a certain garden structure.

Of course, watering, light corrective and sanitary pruning, weeding, mowing grass and performing other agricultural practices. But in the case of ecodesign, they are required in a much smaller volume. Plants in a natural garden are more hardy and unpretentious.

Creating a garden in a natural style

Preparatory work

Before you start practical actions To implement the idea of ​​eco-design on a site, a comprehensive study of the conditions is required. It is necessary to have accurate soil data ( mechanical composition, pH, degree of moisture, amount of nutrients, etc.), relief, illumination, original vegetation. All this data is taken into account when developing a new natural-anthropogenic community. At the first stages of work, information on arranging a summer cottage with your own hands may be useful.

Relief of the eco-garden

When creating a garden in a natural style, it is desirable to preserve the existing topography on the site, even if it is not ideal from an agricultural point of view. All existing “flaws” in the form of depressions in relief, ravines or, conversely, hills are left in their original state and played up, placing additional emphasis on them.

Ponds in a natural garden

A pond in the garden always looks advantageous: it not only enhances the decorative effect of the site, but also introduces complexity and additional stability into the structure of the community. Therefore, if there is already an aquatic community on the territory (stream, pond, swamp), then it is advisable to preserve it. If there isn’t one, then it’s worth making an effort to create one. Landing aquatic plants- the occupation, although unusual, is rewarding. Even small pond on the site will benefit both the garden community itself and the person.

Vegetation for the garden in a natural style

It is advisable to preserve the original vegetation existing on the site. This primarily concerns trees. They are the ones who determine the ecological features of a natural garden and “dictate” the direction of development for it. But herbaceous plants that can grow safely in both natural and natural conditions are also important. A striking example is ivy, hoofweed, etc.

Planting new crops is also encouraged. But it is worth considering one nuance. It is advisable to choose plants characteristic of a given climate zone. Firstly, they will quickly adapt to a new place, and, secondly, they will naturally support this ecosystem.

Herbaceous plants are also selected according to the principle of compliance with the conditions of the eco-garden. In this case, they will not disappear from the crops and will not require additional care efforts. Often there may be a problem of choice, but their assortment can be successfully supplemented with cultivated species.

Another principle that underlies ecodesign is continuous flowering garden To do this, you need to select flower crops With different terms flowering. Don’t forget about decorative foliage plants. In this case, the site will always be attractive and beautiful.

To reduce the number of weeds and make it easier to maintain a natural garden, it is recommended to use it in landscaping ground cover plants. They compete well with weed species and, in addition, maintain a stable level of soil moisture. It is not forbidden to use in some areas.

And finally, the third principle of selecting green inhabitants for the eco-garden. It is strictly not recommended to dig up plants from “wild” conditions and replant them in your garden. All crops that fill the space of a natural garden must be from a nursery. This is precisely what guarantees decorativeness and resistance to diseases and pests.

Orient in great abundance flora and this video will help you choose specific suitable crops for your natural garden:

Garden inhabitants in a natural style

An eco-garden is unthinkable without the presence of birds, amphibians, reptiles, and insects. Therefore, feeders, birdhouses, old stumps and snags are highly desirable on the territory. Pruning is recommended in early spring, Bye migratory birds did not have time to choose a place for their nest.

Herbs and twigs with seeds and fruits are left untouched in the fall. They will be food for those birds that remain in the garden for the winter. This is another small difference between a natural garden and a cultural one.

Construction and finishing materials

When arranging any garden you cannot do without using building materials. They are needed for constructing buildings, garden furniture, paths and paths. Eco-design requires the use of natural materials. Currently, their choice is wide and includes various breeds wood and natural stone.

Natural material can be used not only in processed form, but also in natural form. For example, original garden compositions (rutarium, rock garden) are obtained if you use creative ideas and natural "gifts".

A garden in a natural style combines two elements - decorativeness and naturalness. And any caring owner can do this own plot, who loves eco-design and natural beauty.

Good luck in job! Nadezhda Goryunova

Natural style

The main condition for designing a site in a natural style is the presence of large land areas. This style is in many ways similar to the landscape one, but the natural style is based on a natural forest, which is subject to improvement.

Plot in forest natural style

In essence, the forest is a complete composition, and the main tasks when creating a natural style are removing plant and other debris, adding certain touches in the form of specially planted trees and creating paths and paths.

When designing a site in a natural style, you need to try to maintain a balance between naturalness and the aesthetic component of the landscape. Although some elements of the site (for example, rotten trees) may look unsightly, this is natural for the forest and adds a certain color to the landscape.

The design of plots in a natural style is often used for boarding houses and holiday homes in Central Russia, as well as for any holiday home.

Rockeries in natural style gardens

A rock garden will look great in a garden decorated in a natural style, but the area must be large in area. A rock garden in appearance resembles a rocky wall, but it is more complex because it must fit harmoniously into the existing terrain. A rock garden cannot look deliberately artificial; this is unacceptable on a natural-style site. The rock garden must be combined with all natural objects located on the territory.

If there is a natural slope on the site, then you can arrange it suitable species plants and stones. A place for a rock garden must be chosen that corresponds to the idea - dry stream beds, gorges, slopes of ravines and hills, and it is also possible to install a rock garden on screes. If you follow this advice, the rock garden will harmoniously fit into the overall picture of the area.

The most suitable continuation for a rock garden created on a natural slope is scree. Scree is a collection of small and medium-sized stones at the foot of a cliff, among which larger specimens can occasionally be found. Plants on screes are not planted very densely, giving preference to stones.

– resin;

– penstemon;

– some types of ornamental grasses, for example gray fescue;

- Douglas phlox.

It is desirable that plants planted on scree be drought-resistant.

Stones and blocks are the most important part of a rock garden. The choice of material determines the mood that is created when walking through the garden. The material must be of the same rock composition not only for large blocks, but also for gravel and small crushed stone. If you choose blocks of limestone, then the gravel and crushed stone should also be calcareous. If large boulders are used, then rounded cobblestones will make excellent company.

The use of large granite boulders and pebbles when decorating a rock garden will allow you to recreate the harsh nature of the northern regions of Russia. The range of plants should be represented by species growing in these places:

– various types of ferns;

– heathers and ericas of various colors;

– low-growing forms of common juniper.

Sublime beauty Caucasus mountains light blocks of sandstone of various colors, porous tuff or limestone are emphasized. The choice of plants is already richer, but it must also correspond to the characteristics of the flora of the mountain ranges of the south.

When choosing plants for a rock garden, their growth and size, as well as the need for light and moisture, must be taken into account. It is better to plant ground cover crops on slopes:

– sedum;

– heathers;

– periwinkle;

- pachysandra.

At the foot of the rockery, a variety of bulbous plants (muscari, crocuses, tulips) and other perennials are planted, and at the top, low-growing mountain trees and shrubs or compact varieties of coniferous plants will look natural.

Rockeries also include artificial rocks. During their construction, the main role is played by decorative fake diamond, plants play a secondary role.

The stones used to create artificial rocks range in size up to several meters and weigh 10 tons or more. Heavy equipment is used to install them, and such structures will not look harmonious on every site. However, if the size of the site and the means allow for the creation of such a rock composition, then in terms of its monumentality it will become the main asset and main attraction of the site, so a place for it must be chosen in a space open to view, and from several viewpoints.

Small architectural forms in natural style gardens

In nature-style gardens, priority is given to naturalness in everything - untouched forest landscapes, natural materials and colors. Despite the fact that the main idea of ​​such gardens is to create them miraculously, many of them contain small architectural forms in the form of gazebos, benches, benches, where you can sit down after a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature. Wood is most often used for their manufacture, since it natural material. In addition, small architectural forms made of wood look most harmonious in gardens in a natural style. They carry warmth, and therefore it is more pleasant to sit on a bench from a local natural material than on a metal or stone bench.

Natural style gazebo option

Often placed in natural style gardens wooden gazebos– buildings intended for decoration and recreation. Gazebos come in all sizes and shapes, they can be in plain sight or hidden from prying eyes, resembling a cozy hut or a log house. But in any case, the gazebo, like all small architectural forms, must meet three basic rules - beauty, strength, functionality.

Gazebos vary in their purpose. Some gazebos are created for privacy in the lap of nature, others - for noisy meetings with friends. A gazebo located on a hill can be a place for contemplating the surrounding natural beauty, and some gazebos are combined with an oven or barbecue for preparing barbecue. Depending on the functional purpose and choose the size and location of the gazebo.

A gazebo in the garden is also protection from wind, sun and rain. Therefore, the location of walls and openings must be clearly thought out and planned - the walls must hide from the wind, the openings must open up views of beautiful places.

In addition to gazebos, the following small wooden architectural forms can be placed in a natural-style garden:

– benches – simple, traditional in Russian style;

– sculptures, wooden figurines;

– decorating the area with driftwood, from which they make unique “ alpine coaster» – rutaria;

circular benches around an old tree;

– wood carving;

– fences made of boards;

– flower beds in logs and stumps;

– composing compositions involving antique objects peasant life;

– tree bark for paths and mulching;

garden furniture– simple wooden, a lot of homemade ones, varnished or tinted;

– hammocks, swings, various hanging seats.

Natural style garden levels

Because the natural style reproduces a natural corner of forest nature, then most of the elements are similar to the natural landscape. In gardens designed in a natural style, zoning is carried out naturally.

Zones in natural gardens are connected by a network of paths and paths. They can be paved with wild stone or old natural brick. Forest-style reservoirs are swamps, small reservoirs where rainwater accumulates.

Unlike traditional gardens, which are usually laid out horizontally (the most common plants in them are lawn grass and flowers), natural gardens include all 7 levels characteristic of a real forest.

1. “Canopy” formed by peaks tall trees. Such trees include:

– birch;

– hazel;

– rowan;

– juniper.

Trees should be predominantly growing in Middle lane Russia. For these purposes, you can use large trees - mature trees that, when correct processing will look like they have been growing for a long time.

The role of planting large trees is also great for creating a microclimate in the garden. Immediately after landing, you can enjoy the picturesque landscape. The goal of planting large trees is to visually and from an environmental point of view improve your site.

2. Flatness more low trees, for example miniature fruit trees. For example:

- Apple tree;

– apricot;

- sea ​​buckthorn;

3. Shrub level, usually consisting of fruiting bushes. Can be used the following types:

– honeysuckle;

– currants;

– gooseberries;

– raspberries;

– blackberries;

– jasmine.

4. Herbal level, formed by herbs and even greens - such as:

- parsley;

– basil;

– fern;

– astilbe;

– bergenia;

– buttercups;

- chamomile;

– cornflowers;

– oregano;

– valerian;

– sage;

– St. John's wort.

5. Ground level consisting of creeping plants such as thyme.

6. A vertical level formed by climbing grapes, which can also entwine trees.

7. “Rhizosphere” - an underground level formed by shade-tolerant root plants, such as potatoes.

All plants should be selected in such a way that they can grow well together. This will allow you to minimize garden maintenance and get maximum benefits from it.

From the book Six Acres Makes You Happy and Feeds You. Summer cottage design author Kizima Galina Alexandrovna

Chapter 2 GARDEN STYLE IS DETERMINED BY ITS CONFIGURATION AND YOUR TASTE Let's consider garden design options, which depend primarily on its configuration and natural landscape.1. The plot is on a slope. You will have to place it on the terraces and use it to strengthen

From the book Garden Gazebos author Yurina Olga Pavlovna

Style When developing a site plan, all elements of the garden composition must be united by a common artistic design. The house, fencing, small architectural forms and plantings must form a single ensemble. To do this, all elements of garden design must be made in

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Regular style The regular style of landscape design is also called French. He has rich history dating back more than 1000 years. Initially regular style originated in Ancient Egypt and Babylon, and was developed in ancient Greece and Rome. IN Middle Ages,

From the book Conversations about household author Nikolskaya Evgenia Japanese style Japanese culture, as you know, is distinguished by its originality and originality. Developing for more than one millennium in conditions closed from Europeans, it acquired those unique features that are manifested in everything that concerns this country. Japanese culture

From the author's book

Chinese style The Chinese garden is not like other gardens in the world. Its arrangement is based on a special philosophical worldview. Chinese-style gardenChinese gardens have existed for many millennia; they were created along with the first gardens of the Egyptians and Sumerians. According to

The first natural gardens, or naturgardens, arose in Germany and the Netherlands, when the local landscape designers decided to experiment with a park landscape. Gardens became very popular and soon they began to be created on private plots.

Gardens in a natural style can be made in the form of a forest grove, steppe, mountain area and contain several zones (if the size allows), for example, a gravel flower garden, wet banks of a reservoir, etc. The site is populated with suitable wild plants that belong to the normal flora of the selected climate zone.

Features of a natural garden

Creating a natural garden with your own hands is an activity that is feasible for almost every gardener; the main thing is to be patient and give time to natural forces to do the main work themselves. The peculiarity of such gardens in a natural style is the variability of their appearance, the dominant plants replace each other from year to year.

Such changeability and naturalness of the processes occurring in the garden appeals to many nature lovers.

Garden microclimate

When creating a natural garden with your own hands, you need to know its microclimate well so that the new plantings take root well. Experienced gardeners They know that southern slopes are warmer, while lowlands and flat areas are cooler. The hedge will be better positioned if gusts of wind break against it, which will protect the pond from drying out excessively. Stones scattered near a pond accumulate heat during the day and release it at night.

Plantings in a natural garden

The style of a natural garden and, accordingly, the plants for it must be suitable for the climate and soil of the site. Therefore, to begin with, it is recommended to study how nature itself prefers to design the site and follow in this vein. Those plants that grow near the site will most likely take root on it.

When starting to build a natural garden with your own hands, you should first tackle the large elements, which are most often trees. The presence of oak, birch, pine, linden or other trees in the garden will make your task easier and eliminate the need to wait for the moment when your plan garden composition will take on its final form.

If there are no large trees, then in the first years the garden will look like a lawn.

Shrubs (rhododendron, wild rosemary, etc.) are planted under the tree crowns, as well as shadow lovers ferns. On open places In Naturgarden, it is better to plant perennial plants such as bellflower, lungwort, daisies, and cornflowers. These plants are unpretentious, grow well and bloom beautifully.

You can add several bright areas to the wild mosaic of plants using sunflowers, hollyhocks, nasturtiums and other cultivated species with bright colors.

Wet and shady banks of a pond or stream - appropriate place for wintergreen, marsh iris. Free space between perennial plants on open area can be occupied with ground cover plants (thyme, sedum, periwinkle).

Landscape tricks (video)


Your natural garden may also appeal to some wildlife, such as lizards or hedgehogs. Hedgehogs will love it wooden house, placed in a secluded place. To attract birds and squirrels to your site, nail birdhouses to trees.

Paths and lighting in a natural garden

To walk around the garden, you will need to lay paths and paths, preferably dirt ones, or stone ones in extreme cases. Concrete or brick are completely incompatible with the design of a natural garden and will destroy the atmosphere of a wild corner. Place it in the shade of trees wooden bench, where you can sit and enjoy the sounds of the garden and birdsong.

Naturgarden will be greatly decorated with lighting for plants, for which you can use lamps operating on solar powered. Their diffuse light V dark time days will give the garden a flair of mystery and fabulousness.

Of course, such a blessed natural corner cannot be created in one year; it will take several years for plants and animals to coexist in conditions of stable equilibrium. This will not require large financial costs, but mostly patience, and the reward will be the opportunity to spend time in the lap of nature.

Gardens of the World (video)

Natural garden (20 photos)

Reviews and comments

Igor 11/13/2014

It may seem only at first glance that “natural” is the simplest style. Nothing like this! Here you have to go between Scylla-artificiality and Charybdis-neglect - look carefully at the landscape English style and to the combination of plants: .

Nadezhda 10/31/2015

Oh yeah! There is a big difference between naturalness and neglect, as they say in Odessa. 🙂
In fact, it is a lot of work to create such well-groomed landscapes as in the photographs for the article.
It’s a good idea to know which plants combine with each other in nature and use this when planting. This way they grow better and complement each other.
This is exactly how they tried to plant plants on garden plot my parents, when they began to design the site in a natural “style”.

Irina 01/14/2017

Interesting trend. At first, people sought to cultivate all available space, but now they are beginning to appreciate natural corners of nature. I heard that in England even competitions are held among Naturgarden gardens. I would really like to have such a corner on my site. And so that various wildflowers replace each other throughout the season. I know that there are even special sets of seeds for such a “wild” lawn.

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  • A romantic wild corner, and even more so a whole natural style garden involves a minimum of work in the beds, berry gardens or flower beds and at the same time a maximum of rest. At the same time, gentle human intervention will not spoil the charming picture of wild nature.

    To implement such a project, in fact, nothing is required except patience.

    By the way, you can just as easily re-register old garden, as well as laying a new one in a natural style. True, these transformations will take time.

    What is a natural garden

    Natural gardens change their appearance from season to season and exist only as long as a harmonious balance is maintained between all its parts, including between wildlife and crops interspersed into the overall picture by the will of man.

    Plants that dominated last season will not necessarily dominate next season. And those flowers that bloom faithfully and reliably from year to year, for some reason suddenly appear in a completely different place.

    However, it is precisely such changes that attract wildlife lovers. Sometimes all it takes is buying a few packets of wild flower seeds to change the overall look of your natural garden.

    How to make a garden in a natural style

    By planting additional crops in a natural garden, take into account the microclimate of the garden. For example, south-facing slopes are often much warmer than flat and low-lying areas. A hedge located across the direction of the winds prevents the reservoir from drying out excessively, and the stones serve as heat accumulators on its shore.

    In a garden that imitates a natural landscape, you can create many different habitats: from a dry gravel flower bed to the wet banks of a pond.

    You can lay it out along the slopes stone walls, on which to plant dry- and heat-loving cushion-shaped perennials and shrubs. A group of trees can simulate an entire grove. Can be planted under trees ground cover plants and spring flowers, which will resemble forest edges.

    A lawn with wild flowers can be divided into small groups of bushes. Create a swampy area, a wet lawn and an area with perennials around the pond.

    Herbs and berries can be planted in hilly and spiral beds that imitate miniature hills and mountain slopes. And leave certain areas of the garden completely to your own devices - for example, a pile of brushwood or a pile of stones. Perhaps they will settle there wild animals- hedgehog, lizards and others.

    In a natural garden imitating wildlife, there should be a place for everyone.

    Mostly local species are chosen from plants, which significantly reduces garden maintenance. Feeders and houses are provided for animals. And they definitely arrange it a place to relax and admire nature.

    For bright spots, the wild-growing mixture can be interspersed with cultural species - sunflowers, stock roses, nasturtiums.

    Stock rose (mallow)

    Meadowsweet ( ) dwarf

    The soul of a natural garden will be hedge, formed from native bushes. A hedge can separate you from the “cultural” part of the garden or frame a bench on which you like to relax.

    IN big garden you can plant such spreading and large bushes as hawthorn, lilac, jasmine or euonymus. In small gardens, a few bushes will serve as a hedge. rosehip, barberry or dwarf meadowsweet.

    Among the thickets wild plants Birds love to nest, so don't prune the plants until September, when the chicks have fledged.

    Natural Garden Ideas

    Mixtures of multi-colored wild seeds and wildflowers fills up very quickly large areas, and they bloom for a very long time.

    They are generally inexpensive and can be used to fill in part of your lawn or area that you haven't yet worked on.

    Do not sow seeds too often, otherwise individual species the flowers just won't sprout.

    Nivyaniki and vespers

    Nivyanyky(Leucanthemum), commonly called daisies, and very fragrant, especially after dark, Evening girls(Hesperis) formed a not very bright but elegant mixture.

    True, plants have different needs, so they are unlikely to be able to live together for a long time.

    Eschsolzia - border for the path

    A gravel path leads from the garden gate to the house.

    However Eschsolzia(Eschscholzia) turned it into a narrow, overgrown forest path.

    Eschscholzia can be sown even in very dry and windy areas.

    An old root is like a house for fairies and gnomes

    Old tree root will give the garden in a natural style some mystery and even more romance.

    It will also serve as a shelter for beetles and other insects. Mosses and lichens will also decorate it well.


    Children, unlike adults, love bright yellow dandelions, and even more - their fluffy white heads with parachute seeds.

    Once you get dandelions on your lawn, in a couple of years it will turn into a bright yellow, and then into a silver-white carpet.

    Shore of a reservoir attracts with the variety of manifestations of life.

    The pond is the easiest part of the garden to maintain.

    A man-made pond, in which everything is coordinated with each other, will independently maintain biological balance. It is only important from the very beginning to correctly correlate the number of plants and animals and the size of the water garden.

    Plants should feed themselves without additional feeding. To maintain balance, no fertilizer is added to the pond, and the fish are given only enough food to eat within a quarter of an hour.

    To get rid of algae starting to multiply, underwater plants are planted, which are taken from the algae nutrients. Work in the pond itself limited to thinning overgrown plants, as well as removing fallen leaves and dying parts of plants in the fall.

    Sweet Buddleia Attracts Butterflies

    Pink, fragrant flowers buddleia(Buddleja) are very rich in nectar and therefore attract many pollinating insects, including beautiful diurnal butterflies. Buddleia variety "Pink Delight" blooms with strongly fragrant flowers starting in June.

    The spicy-sweet scent of flower clusters is reminiscent of a mixture of nutmeg and vanilla.

    The plant, native to the slopes of the Tibetan mountains and in the northern hemispheres, prefers a wide variety of wastelands. In some countries it is called summer lilac or butterfly bush.

    Heavy pruning of spent shoots increases the flowering time of buddleia. There will still be more than enough seeds for propagation. Individual seeds germinate on their own.

    Taming the Blackberry

    Wild blackberries are often found in deciduous forests, along clearings or along the edges of fields. Cultivated varieties of blackberries spread very quickly in the garden.

    Regular pruning of blackberries it is simply necessary, otherwise within a few years these thorny climbing bushes will form a completely impenetrable thicket, strewn with thorns on all sides.

    However, you can leave blackberries to your own devices, but keep in mind that you are not growing them for yourself, but for birds and other animals. Birds love to eat and cultivated varieties of blackberries. Then the bushes are pruned only in the spring, and not very much.

    Available for sale garden varieties without thorns, bred not to please birds, but for human needs. True, these berries are so juicy and aromatic that the birds will not refuse the treat. The upright, early-ripening variety "Wilsons Fruhe" can be grown without supports, giving the bushes a place near a fence or fence.

    Plants for rock gardens

    Rock garden stones, accumulating heat, attract many plants and animals.

    Build a wall of natural stones not difficult at all.

    The main thing is to lay the foundation.

    Several plants can be sown directly while laying stones on top of each other - later they will spread in all directions, looking for the slightest crack in the masonry.

    As soon as plants grow here, a variety of small animals will immediately appear - butterflies, beetles, lizards, spindles.

    As the name suggests, these lovely poppies with bright red flowers they reproduce by self-sowing.


    And here are the seeds aconite, fragrant sage, and foxgloves you still have to sow - they are not self-seeding.