Encyclopedia of mechanical engineering XXL. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

Encyclopedia of mechanical engineering XXL.  Great encyclopedia of oil and gas
Encyclopedia of mechanical engineering XXL. Great encyclopedia of oil and gas

A shell that encloses concrete structures together with the formwork - columns, beams, floors and serves to retain steam during steaming

(Bulgarian language; Български) - parna riza

(Czech language; Čeština) - vnější propařovací bednění

(German; Deutsch) - Dampfmantel

(Hungarian; Magyar) - gőztarto zsaluzati burok

(Mongolian) - uuryn tsamts

(Polish language; Polska) - płaszcz parowy

(Romanian language; Român) - cămaşă de abur

(Serbo-Croatian language; Srpski jezik; Hrvatski jezik) - parna košuljica

(Spanish; Español) - camisa de curado a vapor

(English language; English) - steam jacket

(French; Français) - chemise de vapeur

Source: Construction Terminology Dictionary in 12 languages

  • - A method of processing food, where one saucepan is filled with water, and a second, smaller one contains food that is slowly cooked thanks to boiling water...

    Culinary dictionary

  • - Place cleaned, scalded, washed and chopped fish in a shallow pan. Place peeled, washed and sliced ​​mushrooms between the pieces of fish...

    A book about tasty and healthy food

  • - a shell that encloses concrete structures together with the formwork - columns, beams, floors and serves to retain steam during steaming - steam chaise - vnější propařovací bednění - Dampfmantel - gőztartó zsaluzati burok - uuryn tsamts...

    Construction dictionary

  • - steam engine - a thermal piston engine for converting the energy of water vapor into mechanical work...

    Encyclopedia of technology

  • - Vapor plating - .Applying a metal or compound to a heated surface by restoration or decomposition of an energy-dependent composition at a temperature below the melting points of the applied and base material...
  • - Steam treatment - .Treatment of iron parts with steam at temperatures between 510 and 595 ° C to obtain a layer of dark gray oxide on the treated surface in order to increase hardness and wear resistance...

    Dictionary of metallurgical terms

  • - the space between the double walls of the cylinder of a piston steam engine, which serves to heat the cylinders with steam in order to reduce steam condensation inside the cylinders...

    Marine dictionary

  • - excavator, machine for excavating soil and loading it onto vehicles or to the dump. To P. l. Only machines with a bucket mounted on a rigid handle apply...
  • - a piston engine that converts the thermal energy of steam into mechanical energy. work...

    Technical railway dictionary

  • - cm....
  • - a practical unit of performance...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - primary piston engine, in which potential. the energy of compressed water vapor is converted into mechanical energy. work...

    Big Encyclopedic Polytechnic Dictionary

  • - a piston prime mover designed to convert the potential thermal energy of water vapor into mechanical work...
  • - a chamber surrounding the body of a heat exchanger or the cylinder of a steam engine, through which heating steam passes. In heat exchangers P. r. ensures a constant temperature of the housing walls...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - thermal piston engine for converting the energy of water vapor into mechanical work. Steam entering the cylinder of a steam engine moves the piston...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - about the poor Wed. These are the beggars. Until then, Palashka’s shirt was torn, now, look, what rich women she’s fallen into! Melnikov. On the mountains. 2, 13...

    Mikhelson Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

"STEAM SHIRT" in books

Blue shirt

From the book Dead "Yes" author Steiger Anatoly Sergeevich

Blue shirt 1. “It’s hardly just imagination...” It’s hardly just imagination: Through insomnia and darkness I remember every movement, Every gesture and every feature... An eternal cigarette

Nemtsov and shirt

From the book Cream [Portraits of outstanding contemporaries by Alexander Nikonov] author Nikonov Alexander Petrovich

Nemtsov and the shirt - Listen, you are such a strict pragmatist. Have you never encountered the unknown and inexplicable? With predictions, for example. A gypsy told curly-haired Pushkin that he would be killed by a blond boy at 37 years old. And to you, young, curly-haired, no one cares

IV. Red silk shirt

From the book Wild Horses. Every story has a beginning by Walls Jeannette

IV. Red silk shirt by Helen Casey. Red Lake Many cars have appeared in Santa Fe. I noticed cars in the countryside, but little had changed on the Casey ranch, except that Buster and Dorothy had two children - the third generation of Caseys,

Moonlight Shirt

From the book Legends of Lviv. Volume 2 author Vinnichuk Yuri Pavlovich

Shirt made of moonlight Count Tishkevich had two daughters. The youngest, Galshka, was the most beautiful girl throughout Galicia, and the eldest, Marina, as if out of spite, was completely ugly. Probably because of this, the sisters differed in their characters, because how Galshka

Your own shirt

From the book Bomb. Secrets and passions of the atomic underworld author Pestov Stanislav Vasilievich

Its own shirt Already in 1953, when the entire zombified population of the USSR was mourning the death of a cruel and cowardly tyrant, the complex he ordered called S-25 was tested at the Kap'yar training ground. Based on radar guidance, Semyon Lavochkin’s anti-aircraft missiles were easily shot down at large


From the book Pearls of Wisdom: parables, stories, instructions author Evtikhov Oleg Vladimirovich

SHIRT FOR THE MASTER To the great joy of the students, the Teacher informed them that for his birthday he would like to receive a new shirt. The students bought the best fabric and invited the village tailor. A tailor came, took measurements and promised that with God's help he would cope

35. Enchanted shirt

From the book The Enchanted Shirt author Kalma Anna Iosifovna

35. Enchanted shirt “Sovereign! The cry of “help” that rang out in Sicily touched my heart and the hearts of several hundred of my former soldiers. I did not advise my brothers in Sicily to rebel; but since they rebelled in the name of what you represent

XV. Shirt Hecca

From the book The Myth of the Holocaust by Count Jurgen

XV. Hecca Shirt The Greek myth tells of the centaur Nessus, who, dying from the arrow of Hercules, advised Hercules' wife Deianira to collect blood from his wound, soak Hercules' shirt with it and, if he committed treason, put it on him. Deianira did just that. Shirt

Your own shirt...

From the book Calling the Living: The Tale of Mikhail Petrashevsky author Kokin Lev Mikhailovich

His own shirt... In March, the imperial court was preparing to leave for Moscow for the solemn ceremony of consecrating the new Kremlin palace. When the king was informed that completion was near, he decided to honor the consecration of the new palace with his presence on this bright holiday.


From the book Protocol and Etiquette of Diplomatic and Business Communication author Kuzmin Eduard Leonidovich

Shirt A shirt is the most intimate thing in a business wardrobe, almost completely hidden from view by the armor of a jacket. But in the comfort of the owner, its role is one of the main ones. In order to feel “in your own shirt” all day, you should choose models made exclusively from natural materials.

From the book Poverty (February 2008) author Russian life magazine

Linen Shirt Chesterton saw the gaping gap between journalism and writing in the fact that the writer is interested in the poor, but the journalist is not interested. But at the same time, both the writer and the journalist are sure that they see right through the poor man. Venerable age is an illusion. Supposed,


From the book How to Give Real Pleasure to a Woman. Realization of sexual fantasies by Hodson Phillip

STRAITJACKET Another variation of the missionary position is to stretch your legs straight and close them after inserting the penis. If your friend has particularly sensitive labia majora, this position provides them with maximum stimulation due to the increased tightness.

Russian-English translation STEAM JACKET


Voskoboynikov B.S., Mitrovich V.L.. Russian-English dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation. Russian-English dictionary of mechanical engineering and manufacturing automation. 2003

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More meanings of the word and translation of STEAM SHIRT from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.
What is and the translation of STEAM SHIRT from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for STEAM SHIRT in dictionaries.

  • STEAM JACKET – steam case
  • STEAM SHIRT – steam jacket
  • SHIRT – Shirt
    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • SHIRT - 1. (men's) shirt; (women's) chemise nightgown - (men's) night-shirt; (women's, children's) ...
  • SHIRT - 1. (men's) shirt; (female) slip, chemise; night ~ (men's) night-shirt; (female) night-dress, night-gown; bottom ~ underwear, pantislip; 2. tech. jacket...
    Russian-English dictionary of general topics
  • SHIRT – Shirt
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
    Russian-English dictionary
  • SHIRT - w. 1. (men's) shirt; (women's) chemise nightgown - (men's) night-shirt; (women's, children's...
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
  • SHIRT – can, jacket
    Russian-English dictionary of mechanical engineering and production automation
  • SHIRT - women's 1) shirt (men's); chemise (female) 2) tech. jacket; casing, lining water jacket - water-jacket 3) (in cards) back ...
    Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary
  • SHIRT – case, (water) jacket
    Russian-English dictionary on construction and new construction technologies
  • SHIRT – Shirt
  • SHIRT – Folder
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • SHIRT - SHIRT, -i, f. Packaging (usually factory, branded). Opened shirt. Don’t take equipment to a komkom (thrift store) without a shirt.
  • SHIRT - Condom.
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • SHIRT - 1. (men's) shirt; (female) slip, chemise; night ~ (men's) night-shirt; (female) night-dress, night-gown; bottom ~ underwear, pantislip; 2. tech. jacket
    Russian-English Dictionary - QD
  • SHIRT - w. jacket - water jacket - cooling jacket - cylinder jacket
    Russian-English automobile dictionary
  • SHIRT - women's 1) shirt (men's) chemise (women's) 2) tech. jacket casing, lining water jacket - water-jacket 3) (in cards) back || ...
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • SHIRT - shirt shirt
    Russian-English Dictionary Socrates
  • STEAM-JACKET - noun; those. steam jacket (technical) steam jacket (cylinder) steam-jacket technical. steam jacket
  • WATER-JACKET - noun; those. water jacket (technical) water jacket; water cooling casing water-jacket tech. water jacket
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • VAPOUR BATH - steam bath, steam bath; steam room Syn: vaporarium steam bath or sauna; steam room
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • VAPORARIUM - noun. steam bath, steam bath; steam room Syn: vapour bath (rare) steam bath or bath; vaporarium = vapor bath
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • VAPOR FILM - 1. vapor film 2. met, vapor shell (when hardening)
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • STEAMPIPE - tech. steam pipe; steam pipe (technical) steam pipe; steam line
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • STEAM BATH - steam bathhouse steam bath steam room, steam room steam bath (laboratory)
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • STEAM-TURBINE - noun. steam turbine n steam turbine steam-turbine steam turbine
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • STEAM-ENGINE - noun. steam engine, steam engine (technical) steam engine steam-engine steam engine, steam engine
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • SHIRT - noun 1) shirt; blouse; shirt to have not a shirt to one's back ≈ live in extreme poverty to get ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • SHIFT - 1. noun. 1) change, movement, shift to bring about, produce a shift in ≈ to produce, make changes 2) a) change, ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • SELF - 1. noun. 1) self, study of the self my own self my very self 2) commercial. myself, personally...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • POLO-NECK - noun. polo collar (high, tight-fitting turn-down collar); a shirt with such a collar polo-neck sweater/shirt ≈ knitted, knitted shirt, sweater, jumper...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • JACKET - 1. noun. 1) short outerwear a) Norfolk jacket ≈ wide jacket with an American sport belt, sports jacket ≈ ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • JACK-ENGINE - horn. small steam lifting winch (mining) small steam lifting winch
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • BATH - 1. noun. 1) sitz bath ≈ sitz bath steam bath ≈ steam bath Turkish bath ≈ Turkish bath Syn...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • STEAM - 1. adj. to steam I steam boiler - steam-boiler steam engine, steam engine - steam-engine steam mill - steam mill ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • STEAM BATH - 1. steam bath 2. steam room, steam room 3. steam bath (laboratory)
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • SHIRT - shirt.ogg 1. ʃɜ:t n 1. 1> shirt, shirt a boiled shirt - colloquial. starched dress shirt - white shirt...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • VAPOR BATH - steam bath; steam bath
    Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • STEAM BATH - steam bath; steam bath
    Big English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary
  • VAPOR FILM - 1) vapor film 2) metal. steam shell (when hardening)
  • VAPOR BATH - steam bath; steam bath
    Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • STEAM BATH - steam bath; steam bath
    Large English-Russian Polytechnic Dictionary - RUSSO
  • STEAM - 1) steam cook 2) move with steam 3) steam 4) condensation 5) steam 6) steam 7) steam 8) steam 9) steam exhaust 10) steam generating 11) steam flushing 12) steam jet 13) steam 14) sterilization 15 ) ...
  • MAIN - 1) water supply 2) main 3) smoke 4) main 5) main 6) fender 7) front 8) supply wire 9) network 10) pipeline 11) node 12) feeder. dominant main diagonal - dominant main diagonal main ...
    English-Russian scientific and technical dictionary
  • STEAM-ROOM — 1) - steam-space 2) American. steam bath, steam bath; steam room Syn:vapour bath
    English-Russian Dictionary Tiger

A film of superheated steam that adheres firmly around the product and contributes to the formation of a steam jacket. The steam jacket conducts heat poorly, resulting in a decrease in the cooling rate. When quenching in oil, the steam jacket breaks slowly, but in water it breaks faster, this explains the different cooling rates. Water reused for hardening hardens more strongly than fresh water. In water mixed with caustic soda, cooling occurs very quickly due to the fact that particles of caustic soda, when they hit the surface of a hot metal, explode and contribute to the destruction of the steam jacket.  

During the cooling process during hardening, a steam jacket (steam environment) is formed around the parts. Since steam is a poor conductor of heat, the cooling rate of steel decreases. In addition, a steam jacket impairs the hardenability of steel. To remove the steam jacket that forms around the part immersed in the liquid, which prevents fresh air flow, the workpiece should be moved in the vertical and horizontal directions  

The essence of the cooling processes is as follows. When products are immersed in a cooling medium, a film of superheated steam is formed, and the temperature on the surface of the product drops to 700-600 ° C, after which cooling occurs slowly, since a steam jacket appears. When a certain surface temperature is reached (in accordance with the composition of the medium), the steam jacket breaks, the liquid boils on the surface of the parts and cooling accelerates.  

The tube is surrounded by a cylindrical casing, the wall of which, together with the wall of the heat exchanger, forms a steam jacket. The presence of a steam jacket virtually eliminates heat loss to the environment. The gap between the walls of the casing and the tube is large enough so that the steam entering the tube can be considered practically motionless.  

A stationary thermal regime is established 15-20 minutes after the installation is started. Before the start of each experiment, the steam jacket is purged, after which the valve on the condensate drain line is closed. This can be done because the experimental tube has thermal insulation, heat loss to the environment is small and, therefore, the amount of condensate formed in the steam jacket is small.  

It will probably be a fairly compact setup, like a closed, rather complex donut chamber. Inside this donut, a highly heated plasma cord will be burning, and around it will be surrounded by complex machines that supply current to it and also power the winding of the main magnetic field. There will obviously be several windings around the donut, including to create additional stability of the plasma cord. All this will be immersed in a water jacket that absorbs neutrons, cooling the walls of the donut. This heat can also be used in conventional thermal power plants with heat exchangers and steam turbines.  

Formation around a steam jacket being cooled. During this period, heat removal is carried out by film boiling, and the cooling rate is relatively low.  

Destruction of the steam jacket and nucleate boiling of the liquid on the surface of the workpiece. During this period, direct contact of the liquid with the workpiece is created, and cooling is carried out due to vaporization on the surface. Thanks to the fact that the majority  

In the case of using and quenching water and aqueous solutions of salts or alkalis, in order to avoid the appearance on the surface of the product of zones with a reduced rate of heat removal, they usually create either circulation of these coolers or move the products relative to the cooler. This destroys the steam jacket and speeds up heat removal. With a high degree of water circulation, the relative cooling intensity (R) in water reaches 4, in salt water 5, and in oil 0.8-1.0. An increase in cooling capacity is achieved by using jet or shower cooling, which is widely used, especially in the case of surface hardening.  

The use of coatings with high emissivity in the temperature range of 1000-1500°C in the furnaces of steam boilers, metallurgical furnaces and other heating devices is currently not yet widespread enough. It should be noted that a number of domestic designs use chromite coating, applied as an insulating material to the studded screens of boiler furnaces, as well as magnesium coating, recommended by ORGRES. In addition, there is fragmentary information on the use of coatings in combustion and furnace installations abroad. E. Kretschmar points out that in the GDR they successfully use a coating applied by plasma spraying, which significantly increases the heat transfer of a water-cooled copper lance and prevents the jacket from melting.  

As a result, the glory of creating the first universal engine went to James Watt, a laboratory assistant at the University of Glasgow. While repairing the Newcomen machine, he discovered a number of shortcomings in it and came up with ways to eliminate them: he created a steam jacket around the cylinder, separated the condenser from the cylinder and made steam elasticity instead of atmospheric pressure as the driving force, supplying the latter from above the piston. But it was still a water-lifting machine.  

The number of heavy-duty wagons increased by the mid-60s to 86.3% of the total freight wagon fleet. Car-building plants have mastered the serial construction of four-axle all-metal covered freight cars, four-axle tank cars with an increased volume of boilers and tanks with steam jackets for heating viscous petroleum products during discharge. Since 1958, the Ural Carriage Plant has been building six-axle all-metal gondola cars with a load capacity of 94 tons, and somewhat later it began building 125-ton eight-axle gondola cars, designed jointly with the Moscow Institute of Railway Transport Engineers (Prof. L.A. Shadur) and the All-Union carriage building. Prototypes of eight-axle tanks with a lifting force of 120 tons were manufactured by the Zhdanov Heavy Engineering Plant. For the transportation of heavy and large-sized cargo, transporter cars with a carrying capacity of up to 230 tons are produced. In the early 60s, the construction of isothermal cars with ice-salt cooling was stopped. To replace them, special 21-car refrigerated trains with machine refrigeration, 5-car refrigerated sections and autonomous refrigerated cars with automatic control of refrigeration units are being put into operation for the transportation of perishable goods.  

Fig. 4.5. Installation of a disintegrator and a drop eliminator 1 - rotor shaft 2 - rotating disks 3-blades attached to the disk 4 - gas inlet 5 - supply of washing liquid 6 - mesh cone 7 - fixed blades. attached to the casing 5 - casing 9 - injection blades 70 - droplet eliminator - support grid for Rashiga rings 72 - pipe with a steam jacket for removing resin from the disintegrator to the droplet eliminator W - steam line 14 - gas input from the disintegrator into the droplet eliminator 15 - gas outlet from the droplet eliminator 16 - safety valve /7 - inspection holes 18 - heating devices for resin /9 - pipe for draining resin 25 - water supply for cooling bearings 2i - motor.
When choosing various designs protective shirts and their production between inner tube through which feed water passes, and with a protective jacket it is necessary to ensure a tight connection. To eliminate local additional stresses arising in the body of the drums from the uneven distribution of feed water along the length and width of the drums, it is recommended that in boilers of old designs, in which devices for distributing feed water using recessed drain troughs are still preserved, the latter should be replaced with pressure water distribution pipes. - These pipes can be placed in both the water and steam spaces of the drum.  

The main considerations when choosing a method for introducing feedwater into the drum and distributing feedwater are to eliminate the possibility of local cooling of the drum metal with relatively cold feedwater, which is dangerous from the point of view of warping and brittle failure, and also to obtain the desired stable chemical imbalance used to increase the salt content of the blowdown water , and use the influence of one or another feedwater supply scheme on increasing the stability of circulation. To avoid dangerous local cooling of the drum metal, the feed water inlet fittings should be made with steam jackets. With a small number of water supplies to the drum, the rapiopalp device distributes the feed water not brought to a boil into

Steam jacket

a chamber surrounding the body of a heat exchanger or the cylinder of a steam engine through which heating steam passes. In heat exchangers P. r. ensures a constant temperature of the housing walls. Purpose of P. r. steam engine - maintain the temperature of the cylinder walls approximately constant, close to the temperature of fresh steam, which reduces heat loss due to the initial condensation that occurs when the steam entering the cylinder comes into contact with the less heated walls of the cylinder. Presence of P. r. It is especially important for machines operating with saturated steam, as it significantly increases their efficiency.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what a “Steam jacket” is in other dictionaries:

    - (Steam jacket) see Cylinder. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M.L.: State Naval Publishing House NKVMF USSR, 1941 ... Marine Dictionary

    steam jacket- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics: energy in general EN steam jacket ...

    A piston prime mover designed to convert the potential thermal energy (pressure) of water vapor into mechanical work. The working process of P. m. is determined by periodic changes in the elasticity of steam in its cavities... ...

    The space between the double walls of the cylinder of a reciprocating steam engine, which serves to heat the cylinders with steam in order to reduce steam condensation inside the cylinders. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M.L.: State Naval... ... Naval Dictionary

    steam jacket- A shell that, together with the formwork, encloses concrete structures of columns, beams, floors and serves to retain steam during steaming [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Subjects of construction. cars … Technical Translator's Guide

    Steam jacket- - a shell that, together with the formwork, encloses concrete structures - columns, beams, ceilings and serves to retain steam during steaming. [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Category... Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

    A shell that encloses, together with the formwork, concrete structures of columns, beams, floors and serves to retain steam during steaming (Bulgarian language; Български) parna riza (Czech language; Čeština) vnější propařovací bednění (German... ... Construction dictionary

    An apparatus for deep cultivation (cultivation) of microorganisms in a nutrient medium under sterile conditions, intensive mixing, continuous blowing with sterile air and constant temperature. F. represents... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Hardening view heat treatment products made of metals and alloys, which consists in heating them higher critical temperature(temperature of change in the type of crystal lattice, i.e. polymorphic transformation), followed by rapid cooling, as ... ... Wikipedia