Emotional quotient test. Test to determine the level of Emotional Intelligence (Hall). Goleman Emotional Intelligence Test

Emotional quotient test. Test to determine the level of Emotional Intelligence (Hall). Goleman Emotional Intelligence Test

Scales: emotional awareness, emotion management, self-motivation, empathy, recognizing other people's emotions

Purpose of the test

The technique is proposed to identify the ability to understand personality relationships, represented in emotions, and manage the emotional sphere based on decision-making. It consists of 30 statements and contains 5 scales:

1. emotional awareness;
2. managing your emotions (more likely emotional responsiveness, emotional non-rigidity);
3. self-motivation (rather just voluntary control of one’s emotions, excluding point 14);
4. empathy;
5. recognition of the emotions of other people (rather, the ability to influence the emotional state of other people).

Test instructions

Below you will be offered statements that in one way or another reflect various aspects of your life. Please write a number to the right of each statement based on your rating of your answers:

Completely disagree (-3 points).
. Mostly disagree (-2 points).
. Partially disagree (-1 point).
. Partially agree (+1 point).
. Mostly agree (+2 points).
. Completely agree (+3 points).


1. For me, both negative and positive emotions serve as a source of knowledge about how to act in life.
2. Negative emotions help me understand what I need to change in my life.
3. I am calm when I feel pressure from others.
4. I am able to observe changes in my feelings.
5. When necessary, I can be calm and focused in order to act in accordance with life's demands.
6. When necessary, I can evoke a wide range of positive emotions, such as fun, joy, inner excitement and humor.
7. I pay attention to how I feel.
8. After something upsets me, I can easily cope with my feelings.
9. I am able to listen to other people's problems.
10. I don't dwell on negative emotions.
11. I am sensitive to the emotional needs of others.
12. I can have a calming effect on other people.
13. I can force myself to face obstacles again and again.
14. I try to approach life's problems creatively.
15. I respond adequately to the moods, motives and desires of other people.
16. I can easily enter a state of calm, alertness and focus.
17. When time allows, I address my negative feelings and figure out what the problem is.
18. I am able to quickly calm down after unexpected upset.
19. Knowing my true feelings is important to staying in “good shape.”
20. I understand other people's emotions well, even if they are not expressed openly.
21. I can recognize emotions well from facial expressions.
22. I can easily put aside negative feelings when action is necessary.
23. I am good at picking up signs in communication that indicate what others need.
24. People consider me to be a good judge of other people's experiences.
25. People who are aware of their true feelings manage their lives better.
26. I am able to improve other people's moods.
27. You can consult me ​​on issues of relationships between people.
28. I am good at tuning into other people's emotions.
29. I help others use their motivations to achieve personal goals.
30. I can easily disconnect from experiencing troubles.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Key to the test

Scales Questions
Emotional awareness 1, 2, 4, 17, 19, 25
Managing your emotions 3, 7, 8, 10, 18, 30
Self-motivation 5, 6, 13, 14, 16, 22
Empathy 9, 11, 20, 21, 23, 28
Recognizing other people's emotions 12, 15, 24, 26, 27, 29

Levels of partial emotional intelligence according to the sign of the results:

14 or more - tall;
. 8-13 - average;
. 7 or less - low.

The integrative level of emotional intelligence, taking into account the dominant sign, is determined by the following quantitative indicators:

70 or more - high;
. 40-69 - average;
. 39 or less is low.


Diagnosis of “emotional intelligence” (N. Hall) / Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuylov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. – M., Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy. 2002. P.57-59

Present Continuous - present continuous tense
Band Times Continuous indicate a process, an action that continues at a certain moment in the past, present or future.
Time Present Continuous usually indicates a process that continues immediately at the moment of speech. This may be indicated by context or words such as now, at the moment, etc.:
Sally is doing her homework at the moment.
Sally is doing her homework now.

Dad and me are fishing now.
My dad and I are fishing now.
Education Present Continuous
Affirmative sentences:

I am playingWe are playing
You are playingYou are playing
He / she / it is playingThey are playing
Interrogative sentences:
Am I playing?Are we playing?
Are you playing?Are you playing?
Is he / she / it playing?Are they playing?
Negative Suggestions:
I am not playingWe are not playing
You are not playingYou are not playing
He / she / it is not playingThey are not playing
To put a verb into tense form Present Continuous, auxiliary required verb to be in the present tense and present participle(Participle I) of the semantic verb.
To be in the present tense has three forms:
  • am- 1 person, unit. h. (I am shaving.)
  • is- 3rd person, unit. h. (He is reading.)
  • are- 2nd person unit. h. and all plural forms. h. (They are sleeping.)
Personal pronouns and the auxiliary verb are often shortened to I’m, he’s, she’s, it’s, we’re, you’re, they’re.
The present participle (Participle I) can be obtained by adding the ending to the initial form of the significant verb -ing:
jump-jump ing, live-livi ng
IN interrogative sentence The auxiliary verb is placed in front of the subject, and the significant verb remains after it:
Why are you laughing?
Why are you laughing?

Are you using this dictionary?
Are you using this dictionary?
IN negative sentences the auxiliary verb is followed by a negative particle not. Forms is And are in this case can be reduced to isn't And aren't respectively.
Radio is not (isn’t) working.
The radio does not work.
Cases of using the Present Continuous

  • An indication of the process occurring directly at the moment of conversation:
The doctor is conducting an operation now.
The doctor is now performing an operation.
  • Description of the characteristic properties of a person, often with a negative connotation:
Why are you always interrupting people?
Why are you always interrupting people?

He is always shouting at me.
He always yells at me.

  • A planned action in the future, often with verbs of motion:
We are landing in Heathrow in 20 minutes.
We land at Heathrow in 20 minutes.
English verbs associated with perception (notice, hear, see, feel ...), emotions (love, hate, like ...), mental processes (think, believe, understand ...), possession (have, possess .. .) are not used in Continuous tenses because they themselves denote a process. Time is used instead Present Simple:
I hear you, don't shout. I hear you, don't shout.
I love pancakes. I love pancakes.

Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to decipher emotions, their own or those of others, and use them to solve life’s problems. Rarely do people know how to use their own feelings to achieve goals.

Finding like-minded people is not easy for everyone. Sometimes it is difficult for an adult or a child to make friends. He does not find compromises, does not get acquainted, does not communicate, does not support and does not sympathize. This indicates low levels of emotional intelligence. To develop them, you first need to find out the real level.

An emotional intelligence test is a survey that shows how much you control your own feelings, understand the feelings of other people, control them and know how to apply them to solve practical problems.

N. Hall developed a test that determines the ability to control emotions and their application in life. At the same time, the technique takes into account the attitude towards oneself and others, the ability to make friends, communicate, and feel harmonious in the company of people.

Hall confidently states that emotional intelligence can be improved. This is what distinguishes it from mental development. Emotional development is more responsible for a person’s well-being, his future, and harmonious relationships with others than mental abilities.

The test that Hall developed presents statements that do or do not apply to a person's life. By marking the appropriate answer, you will calculate the points and determine your level of emotional development so that you know what to work on.

Level of development according to the Goleman test

Goleman believes that emotional intelligence is the ability to use people's emotions and your own to achieve goals.

  • The Goleman test is based on checking whether a person has the following qualities:
  • Self-awareness is awareness of one’s own feelings and the reasons that cause them.
  • Self-control is the ability to control emotions and not allow them to dominate.
  • Empathy is the ability to sincerely sympathize with a loved one and a distant acquaintance.
  • Ability to build harmonious relationships.

Ability to motivate yourself and others to achieve goals.

The test consists of 10 questions that determine the degree of emotionality. It is used primarily to determine the level of emotionality required for business.

Level of development according to the Lyusin test

  • Lyusin's method for determining intelligence is based on independent analysis of emotions. A high level according to the Lucin test implies:
  • The ability to determine what feelings a person is experiencing.
  • The ability to recognize the reasons that contributed to the emergence of emotions.

The test questions are easy. You don't have to answer honestly to get a result that lists your IQ as high. The correct answers are easy to guess, so to get a true result, answer honestly. No one will see your answers, so feel free to find out the result.

Thus, it is easy to determine the level of intelligence; take one of the tests and get a true result, on which the need for further development of this indicator will depend. For development, special techniques, methods and exercises have been developed, which also replenish vocabulary and teach you to be self-confident.

The N. Hall Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire allows you to understand how you apply emotions in life and work, and also helps you see how you manage emotions in decision-making.

N. Hall Questionnaire

The questionnaire consists of 30 statements, each of which reflects different aspects of life. Opposite each of the expressions you need to put a sign with a suitable score, which reflects the agreement/inconsistency of your agreement.

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Completely disagree (–3 points).
Mostly disagree (–2 points).
Somewhat disagree (–1 point).
Partially agree (+1 point).
Mostly agree (+2 points).
Completely agree (+3 points).


Score (degree of agreement)

For me, both negative and positive emotions are a source of knowledge about how to act in life.

Negative emotions make it possible to understand what I need to change in my life.

I am calm when I feel pressure from others.

I can see my feelings changing.

When necessary, I am able to be calm and focused in order to act according to the demands of life.

When necessary, I can evoke many positive emotions in myself, such as fun, joy, inner inspiration and humor.

I keep track of how I feel.

If something upsets me, I can easily curb my feelings.

I can listen to other people's problems.

I don't dwell on negative emotions.

I am sensitive to the emotional needs of others.

I am able to have a calming effect on other people.

I can force myself to face an obstacle again and again.

I try to approach life's troubles creatively.

I respond appropriately to the moods, motivations and desires of other people.

It is not difficult for me to enter a state of calm, readiness and concentration.

When I have time, I address my negative feelings and figure out what the problem is.

I am able to calm down quickly after unexpected upset.

Being aware of my true feelings is important to staying in “good shape.”

I understand other people's emotions well, even if they are not expressed openly.

I can recognize emotions well from facial expressions.

I can easily push aside negative emotions when action is needed.

I am good at picking up signs in communication that indicate what others need.

People consider me to be a good judge of other people's experiences.

People who are able to recognize their true feelings have better control over their lives.

I have the ability to improve other people's moods.

You can consult me ​​on issues of relationships between people.

I am good at tuning into other people's emotions.

I help others use their motivations to achieve personal goals.

I can easily disconnect from experiencing troubles.

Key to the Hall Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire

“Emotional Awareness” scale – items 1, 2, 4, 17, 19, 25.

Scale “Managing your emotions” – points 3, 7, 8, 10, 18, 30.

“Self-motivation” scale – points 5, 6, 13, 14, 16, 22.

“Empathy” scale – points 9, 11, 20, 21, 23, 28.

Scale “Managing the emotions of other people” – items 12, 15, 24, 26, 27, 29.

We calculate the results of the EQ test

In each scale, the sum of points is calculated taking into account the sign of the answer (+ or –). The higher the plus score, the more clearly this emotional manifestation manifests itself.


Levels of partial (separately on each scale) emotional intelligence in accordance with the sign of the results:

14 or more - tall;
8–13 - average;
7 or less - low.

The integrative (sum of all scales) level of emotional intelligence, taking into account the dominant sign, is determined by the following quantitative indicators:

70 or more - high;
40–69 - average;
39 or less is low.

1. Emotional awareness - awareness and understanding of your own emotions; to achieve this you need to regularly expand your vocabulary of emotions. A person with high emotional awareness has a high degree of knowledge about his own internal state.

2. Managing your emotions - emotional responsiveness, emotional flexibility, in other words, voluntary control of your own emotions

3. Self-motivation – the ability to manage one’s behavior by managing emotions.

4. Empathy - understanding the emotions of other people, the ability to empathize with the emotional state of another person and the willingness to help. Understanding occurs through “reading” gestures, facial expressions, and posture.

5. Recognizing the emotions of other people - the ability to influence the emotional state of another person.

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The famous American psychologist Daniel Goleman came to the conclusion that people with high emotional intelligence (EQ) are often more successful than people with high IQ. It is EQ that improves a person’s quality of life and makes him more adaptable to life.

website has created a simple 10-question test to test your EQ level.

4. At a meeting, a friend behaves irritably: she is nervous, sarcastic, snaps. You:

5. A disgruntled conductor on the bus was rude to you or insulted you. What's your reaction?

6. You are walking in the park with a group of small children, one of them starts crying because they don’t want to play with him. Your actions?

7. Your colleague dressed strangely. You noticed it. What will you do?

8. My husband comes home late. You are sitting at home with your child. You suddenly feel irritated and it increases. What happens next?

9. You got a job as a sales manager. But for 2 months nothing has worked out for you. What will be your actions?

1. “I guess I'm just not suited for this job. I’ll work for another 2 months. If nothing changes, I’ll change jobs.”

2. “I’ll analyze why I can’t do my job effectively. I will identify the reasons for ineffectiveness. I’ll improve my sales skills and try to change my approach to work.”

10. Your friend asked you to lie to her boyfriend that she was with you last night. You lied to him. What do you feel?

1. “I just feel bad, that’s all.”

2. “On the one hand, she is my friend and I must protect and support her in everything. On the other hand, I am ashamed of my actions and my senseless lies. I feel sorry for her boyfriend. And, frankly, I’m angry at myself for doing this to him.”


If you have the majority of answers under No. 1, then you should learn to better understand other people’s emotions, control your feelings and react correctly. This will help you become happier both at work and in your personal life.

According to research by famous scientist Travis Bradberry, 90% of successful people have high emotional intelligence.

If you have the majority of answers under number 2, then your emotional intelligence is already at a high level. Then dare to conquer the world, because you already have all the cards in your hands.