How to care for blue spruce in a pot. Decorative spruce in a pot: care, indoor spruce in a pot care. Is it possible to grow a spruce tree yourself?

How to care for blue spruce in a pot.  Decorative spruce in a pot: care, indoor spruce in a pot care.  Is it possible to grow a spruce tree yourself?
How to care for blue spruce in a pot. Decorative spruce in a pot: care, indoor spruce in a pot care. Is it possible to grow a spruce tree yourself?

If we talk about house plants that fit perfectly into the interior of any apartment and delight the eye with delicate greenery, then, first of all, it is worth mentioning asparagus.

This fluffy Christmas tree with long hanging stems looks great both on the windowsill and in a flower pot on the wall. Asparagus is also suitable for equipping the recently fashionable phytowalls.

Origin of the curiosity

There are more than 200 types of asparagus, but as an indoor decorative flower Only a few of them are grown. This plant is essentially an asparagus, although it sometimes resembles a fern.

The shoots of some types of asparagus are even edible, just like regular asparagus growing in the garden.

Asparagus – perennial with long branches resembling vines. Its leaves take the form of shoots called cladodes.

It is these needle-shaped formations that give it such an attractive decorative look and make it look like an unusual Christmas tree with soft needles.

This plant blooms with small, inconspicuous, although pleasant-smelling flowers. But small bright red or dark blue berries look original in the greenery of asparagus and decorate it very much.

Asparagus is native to the subtropical forests of the Mediterranean, Asia and South Africa. Therefore, the plant is thermophilic and does not do well with a lack of moisture.

True, some of its species may well winter in open ground in fairly cool climates.

For every most sophisticated taste

Despite the variety of species of this plant, only a few are grown at home.

The most popular varieties of asparagus include the following:

  1. Pinnate has the appearance of a branching shrub and is more similar to a fern than all other varieties. It has thin branches, sometimes more than a meter long, and black and blue poisonous fruits. Although at home it blooms, which means it rarely bears fruit. Of all plant species, this is the most shade-loving; it can even grow completely in artificial lighting. But still in winter period It is better to move the plant closer to the window.
  2. Dense-flowered or asparagus Sprenger very impressive beautiful plant with small leaves-needles. Its long branches descend like vines, so it is better to plant it in a flower pot. This species bears fruit; its bright red berries look original in the dense greenery. It is one of the most heat-loving species of indoor asparagus and does not tolerate temperatures below 15˚.
  3. Ethiopian (Meyer) It is less common among amateur gardeners than the first two species, although its long fluffy stems look very elegant. The fact is that this species is demanding on temperature conditions and does not tolerate temperatures below +12˚ and above +18˚. Therefore, it is grown more often in winter gardens, greenhouses and glassed-in loggias.
  4. Crescent native to the mountain forests of India. It is not even a shrub, but rather a fast-growing vine that can reach 6 meters in length. It is called so because its leaves (cladodes) are crescent-shaped. This species is quite unpretentious and does not tolerate hot sun rays and too cold temperatures.

In the photo, sickle-shaped asparagus

This is what pinnate asparagus is like - a selection of photographs of the handsome man:

First acquaintance - first mistakes

Asparagus is quite popular indoor plant, which is not surprising. Its delicate fluffy greenery can charm even a person who is not too keen on floriculture.

Although this plant is not too capricious, if you want to get one, you should still pay attention to a number of important points:

  1. Selecting a location. Decorative asparagus is a light-loving flower, so you need to choose a well-lit place. But at the same time, bright sun harmful for many species. If the window of the room in which you plan to place the asparagus faces south, then the window sill is not suitable for the plant. It should be placed at a distance, for example, in a flowerpot on the wall adjacent to the window.
  2. Optimal temperature. On the one hand, as a plant of the subtropical zone, asparagus (at least most of its species) does not tolerate cold well. However, he also does not like heat, especially if the air in the apartment is dry. Therefore, the plant must be protected from drafts and placed away from heating devices. The optimal temperature for this plant is 15-20 degrees.
  3. Soil Features. So that asparagus is comfortable and always pleases the eye with fresh and juicy greens the soil for it should not be too acidic, loose and 2/3 consist of sand and humus. It’s also good to add a little bone meal to it.

What you need to know about planting a plant

If the plant has just been brought from the store, then you should not immediately replant it in a new bowl. Firstly, asparagus must adapt a little to new conditions. Secondly, you should water it well to soften the soil.

Features of care

Asparagus is not considered a capricious plant that requires any specific methods of growing at home and care.

But, nevertheless, some of its features should be taken into account:

  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight;
  • observe temperature regime so that the flower does not suffer from either cold or heat;
  • like any tropical plant, loves moisture, so it should be watered often, especially in summer, and sprayed;
  • the soil needs to be loosened from time to time;
  • drying branches should be pruned, this stimulates the growth of new greenery;
  • Once every two weeks it is recommended to apply fertilizers, both mineral and organic.

The beauty blooms and smells

Seasonal features of cultivation

Caring for asparagus in summer and in the cold season differs, since winter for almost any plant is a time of rest.

Summer time

In summer, watering should be as abundant as possible - twice a week. It’s okay if water accumulates in the pan.

Of course, the plant cannot be flooded, as this will cause rotting of the roots. In summer, it is also recommended to spray the flower once a week, this also helps to humidify the air.

If the room is sunny, or the windows face south, then you need to take care of shading the asparagus. It's better to move it to summer time away from the sun.

In the warm season, plants can be taken out to the balcony or open loggia, but in the event that there is shadow.

Asparagus pinnate

Features of winter care

Winter is a dormant period for flowers, and watering should be reduced to once a week, preventing the soil from drying out. In February, when young shoots begin to appear on the asparagus, watering can be increased.

At this time, the main danger to the plant is from heating devices, and in winter it is necessary to place the flower away from them.

Spring is transplant time

Since asparagus grows quickly, it is recommended to replant young plants once a year, and older ones after 2 or 3 years.

To do this, choose a more spacious pot and fill it with fresh soil mixture. During transplantation, you should carefully examine the roots of the flower and cut off any diseased or rotten ones.

When replanting, it is recommended to divide heavily overgrown plants and place them in different pots.

Meyer's asparagus

Why does he get sick and die?

The causes of flower disease are the same as in most indoor plants: overwatering or insufficient watering and pests.

The most dangerous spider mite for domestic asparagus is a real problem for many gardeners.

It's too small to notice right away and difficult to get rid of. Moreover, spraying with substances that kill the pest can destroy the plant itself.

However, it should be remembered that the danger of asparagus damage spider mite increases in dry air, so spraying is a good preventative measure.

How can you propagate a plant?

Propagation of asparagus is possible both by seeds and cuttings.

The seeds sprouted

Seeds are usually sown in the spring, when the plant begins to grow rapidly. For this they do soil mixture from peat with sand.

It is better to keep the box with the sown seeds in a dark and fairly warm place before the first shoots appear. When the seeds sprout, you need to transfer the seedlings to light, but not to the sun. As soon as the plants grow, they are transplanted into separate pots.

At home, asparagus is often propagated by cuttings, separating them from the general bush when transplanting in the spring. Young shoots from last year are better suited for this.

In order for the plants to take root well and take root, it is necessary to cover them with glass, such as a jar, for the first time. After 2-3 months, the seedlings will take root and can be opened.

If these simple requirements for caring for asparagus are followed, the flower will live for at least 10 years and will decorate the house with its delicate delicate greenery and delight its owners.

Date of publication: 11/10/2015

Another question immediately arises: is it even possible to grow a Christmas tree at home? Yes, it is possible if suitable conditions are created for it. But for this, desire alone is not enough; correct and regular actions are also needed. However, the result will justify all your efforts: for the New Year you will have a real, living, homely beauty.

New Year is just around the corner. When we see that Christmas trees are on sale, we buy them. Most often, of course, you want the real thing, live Christmas tree. Our idea of ​​the New Year's holiday. For many people, after celebrating the New Year, the tree stands until March, until it crumbles; it’s such a pity to part with the symbol of all that is most pleasant and bright.

But this tree has no roots; it was cut down, so it crumbles. But you can grow a real living one - at home. She will delight us and our children for several years in a row. Such a Christmas tree can be remembered by children for the rest of their lives. They will always remember what a wonderful Christmas tree they had in their childhood.

If you decide to grow a Christmas tree at home, you can start by collecting seeds from a common spruce tree in our forests - the common spruce. There is also a prickly spruce, there is a blue spruce - from its seeds a blue spruce will not necessarily grow again, an ordinary spruce may grow.

First, the cones are collected from November to the end of February. You can collect cones in the forest and in the park. They need to be dried in a warm place until they open. The cones of the spruce will open, whether the seeds in them have ripened or not. Therefore, not all seeds will be viable.

Based on this, you need to sow several seeds (or even a lot), but so that later, when thinning, you do not disturb the plant that you choose for further cultivation, that is, you need to sow it rarely, not in a crowd.

Before planting, spruce seeds must first undergo stratification. Therefore, after treating the seeds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, mix them with wet sand and keep them in a closed container in the refrigerator for 2 - 3 months. For stratification, you can take the pots with seeds outside under the snow. In nature, spruce seeds germinate in early spring, even when the snow has not yet melted everywhere. Therefore, if the seeds were in the refrigerator for stratification, you can sow them at the end of April.

The soil for sowing is prepared in advance. It should be slightly acidic. To do this, either buy special soil for conifers, or you can prepare it yourself by mixing equal parts ordinary soil with soil from a coniferous forest.

For sowing, nuts are soaked for a day in warm water. They sow shallowly - 1 - 0.5 cm, that is, they crush the soil. The soil must be well moistened and maintained, without over-wetting or drying out. You can cover it with film for a while, this makes it easier to maintain humidity.

For the entire period of seed germination, pots and boxes with sowing should be kept in a cool, ventilated place. Shoots may appear in 20 - 30 days. But it happens that the seeds can hatch and sprout only next year.

As soon as the shoots appear, all attention is paid to light, watering and temperature, that is, to caring for the Christmas tree.

Young seedlings should be kept in a well-lit place, but so that direct sunlight does not burn the plant. It's better when the light is diffused. If the lighting comes from one side, then you will have to turn the pot once a week so that the branches develop evenly.

The Christmas tree should be watered regularly, abundantly, but should not be over-watered. The lump of earth must be constantly moistened. Overdrying is also harmful.

It is good and necessary to regularly spray with a fine sprayer. For spraying, use soft water; coniferous trees do not like lime. The water can be settled, boiled or used from rainwater. In addition, ventilation must be done.

From autumn to winter, it is necessary to create conditions for the Christmas tree under which it will go through a period of rest. The Christmas tree should then be in a cool place. It is believed that winter temperature for it you can keep +5 - + 10 degrees C. The tree can easily withstand temperatures dropping to sub-zero, but the lump of earth should not freeze.

During the dormant period, watering is reduced. At a temperature of +5 - + 10 degrees C, watering is allowed once every 2 - 3 weeks. If the temperature is about 0 degrees C, water up to once a month. If the room is heated, do not stop spraying.

For better growth You can feed the Christmas tree with universal fertilizers.

It happens that when growing a Christmas tree, the needles begin to turn yellow and fall off. The branches become bare, and new needles will never grow in place of the fallen needles. This means that these are errors in care: it may be due to sunburn, or improper watering, or the temperature regime is disturbed somewhere. Then you need to slightly change the growing conditions. You can spray with bio-regulators to increase the plant's immunity. If the needles lose their shine and wrinkle, it means the soil is not acidic enough. Can be removed upper layer soil without exposing the roots, and add soil from under coniferous trees. The soil is added so that the soil around the root collar remains at the same level as it was.

You can grow a Christmas tree at home for 2 - 3 - 4 years, but the time will come when it will grow so big that you will have to part with it. In nature it is a big tree and he needs space. In order not to throw the Christmas tree into a landfill, you can try replanting it near your house or in your country house.

Spruce is difficult to transplant. The lump of soil near the spruce must be well moistened. Try not to expose the roots, do not shake off the soil from them. The roots do not need to be cut or torn off. Replant at the end of spring. Well watered. When replanting, you need to place the tree so that the root collar remains at the same ground level as it was.

If you want to quickly have a homemade Christmas tree, you can buy it at a nursery. Of course it will be more expensive. In the nursery you can choose coniferous dwarf spruce trees. Eat Canadian spruce Conica, height 10 - summer plant about 50 cm, there is a Nidiformis spruce - 30 cm. These spruce trees can fit in an apartment, but they appearance somewhat different from what we are used to.

You can buy araucaria, it grows naturally in Chile and Argentina. Araucaria grows in the form of a small tree with a pyramidal crown, but does not tolerate dry air. Therefore, the pot with it is placed in a tray with moistened expanded clay or the ground is covered with moss and periodically moistened. The plant itself is often sprayed.

Good luck to you in choosing and growing Christmas trees!

Latest tips from the “Home and Cottage” section:

Spruce belongs to the pine family. It grows in Asia, America and Europe. Growing a Christmas tree at home is not so easy, as it requires careful care. The most common species grown in pots at home are common spruce and silver spruce. In addition to these varieties, you can also grow araucaria (indoor spruce). Araucaria can be grown at home in a pot all year round, if the tree is given proper care.

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In order to grow a Christmas tree at home in a pot, you need to properly care for it. The tree loves bright light. It is necessary to grow young specimens in a bright and warm place, while the pot of spruce should be protected from the rays of the sun. Otherwise it may have a negative impact on further cultivation trees.


During the cold season, spruce needs coolness. During this season, the temperature should range from +6 to +10 °C. Forest beauty can be easily tolerated negative temperature, only in this case you need to monitor the soil lump so that it does not freeze.

Watering mode

To grow a Christmas tree in a pot, you need to provide it with proper care. Watering is the main component in growing a forest beauty. The tree should be watered abundantly from March to September.

The soil should not be too wet or too dry. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced to once every 20 days if the temperature in the room is +6 - +10°C. At a temperature of 0 degrees, the tree is moistened once a month. Professionals advise spraying the tree from time to time, especially during cold weather.

Top dressing

Spruce does not need regular feeding. In summer, spruce is fertilized only about three times with universal fertilizers.

Earthen substrate

If you want to grow spruce from seeds, then you need acidic soil. You can purchase an earthen mixture for coniferous plants or prepare it yourself at home. You need to take universal soil and soil from a coniferous forest in equal proportions, and mix it all.


Spruce undergoes transplantation quite painfully. It is recommended not to disturb the earthen lump and not allow the roots to be exposed. The tree needs to be replanted 2 times a year around May.


To grow a Christmas tree at home in a pot from seeds, you need to take seeds from cones, which are collected from mid-autumn until the end of winter. At home, seeds are sown no deeper than half a centimeter. During the rooting period of seedlings, the container should be placed in a well-ventilated room.

Seedlings that are one year old grow from 15 to 25 centimeters, it all depends on the type and conditions.

The most common problems

In order to grow a Christmas tree at home in a pot, you should adhere to proper care, otherwise there may be problems during cultivation.

  1. The needles turn yellow and fall off. This usually happens due to improper care ( sunburn, low or heat, wrong mode watering.) Damaged branches cannot be restored. You can only make changes to the conditions of detention and use drugs that increase the immunity of plants. The products are purchased in special stores.
  2. The needles are wrinkled. This indicates that the earth is not completely oxidized. Soil from under coniferous plants should be added to the top layer of soil. The roots of the tree should not be exposed, and the soil level should not be changed.

If you follow all the tips listed on how to properly grow a Christmas tree at home in a pot, then you can get a beautiful and lush spruce without much difficulty.

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Do you think that Christmas tree Is it better to be in a pot, cut down or artificial? We agree with you and are ready to talk about choosing such a spruce and caring for it, because the question of how to care for the tree will certainly arise before you when the holiday bustle subsides.

The good thing about living spruce is that you don’t have to throw it away. In the spring you can plant it in the garden, country house or yard. However, in order for the tree to survive until spring, it is necessary to create certain conditions for it.

Spruce takes quite a long time to take root: about three years. All this time it needs regular watering. But in the future, you will be able to decorate this living Christmas tree on your site and not worry about buying a New Year’s tree.

Live spruces in pots New Year- of course, classic version. But you can experiment and dress it up (follow the link, we have previously written about caring for this tree). Araucaria is one of the few coniferous plants that can be grown in room conditions, since it comes from subtropical regions.

In addition, cypresses and cypress trees can replace live spruce. They usually cost less, and in indoor conditions they feel better than Christmas trees. Cypress (Cupressus) in winter, however, also requires cool maintenance (at +5 - 10 ° C), but (Chamaecypris) winters normally at 18 - 20 ° C and only needs regular watering and spraying.

Lawson's cypress

Thus, a live spruce in a pot (or its substitute) is a very environmentally friendly option for decorating a house or apartment on New Year’s Eve, although a little troublesome.

This plant is native to Australia. New Zealand and South America. Luxurious coniferous tree, is the only coniferous among indoor plants. Araucaria is easy to grow and attractive for home decor.

The genus Araucaria (Araucaria) of the Araucariaceae family unites 19 species in Australia and on the islands of New Guinea, New Caledonia and Norfolk and 2 species in America. This conifers with needle-shaped or linear-lanceolate rigid leaves. Distributed, as already noted, in Australia and South America. The seeds are edible, and the wood is used in construction and furniture production.

Several species are bred as ornamental plants. Black Sea coast Caucasus.

Araucaria is one of the few evergreen conifers that can be grown in a pot at home. Grown as an ornamental foliage plant. Used in pot culture and in winter gardens in solitary plantings. In indoor conditions, flowering of araucaria is difficult. It is believed that araucaria, like many coniferous plants, purifies the air.

Araucaria © Lusitana


Temperature: At any time of the year, for this plant it is necessary to choose a cool place in the room, the desired temperature is 10-12 °C, the plant does not tolerate temperatures above 15-16 °C, the needles begin to turn yellow.

Lighting: Bright diffuse light, light partial shade. In summer it feels better outdoors in the shade.

Watering: The plant needs constant abundant watering and does not tolerate drying out of the earthen clod at all. It is also not recommended to water with hard water. Therefore, water the araucaria with well-settled, rain or boiled water.

Fertilizer: To feed araucaria, use the usual complex mineral fertilizer at half the dose, i.e. less than twice as much as for other indoor plants. Feeding is carried out from April to August every 3 weeks. Organic fertilizers not used for araucaria.

Air humidity: IN warm rooms the plant needs to be sprayed 2-3 times a day. The soil in the pot is covered with sphagnum moss, which is regularly moistened.

Transfer: Replanting is carried out at least once every 4-5 years; up to half of a peat-containing substrate with an acidic reaction (sold as soil for rhododendrons) can be added to the usual soil mixture for indoor plants. When replanting, try not to damage the roots.


In rooms with central heating and it is quite difficult to grow araucaria in dry air. Araucarias grow best in greenhouses. When purchasing this plant, you must keep in mind that failure to comply with the conditions for keeping the araucaria can lead to the death of the plant or to its disease.

The plant loves bright diffused light, however, from direct sun rays In summer it is better to shade araucaria; Can grow in the shade Can be exposed in summer open air, but should be protected from direct sunlight and precipitation. Adult araucaria plants are installed in bright places in medium- and large-sized rooms. It is best to place araucaria in rooms where light falls from two sides. Otherwise, the araucaria will need to be constantly rotated around its axis - about 90 degrees once a week. This is necessary in order to ensure symmetrical growth of the plant.

The plant needs Fresh air and a cool room. In summer, the temperature can be room temperature, the optimal temperature is within 20°C. It is advisable that in winter the temperature in the room where the araucaria is located does not rise above 14-15°C, and optimal temperature about 10°C.

Araucaria should be watered all year round using settled water. In winter, more moderate watering is required, especially when kept in a cool room, and in spring and summer, more active watering is required; at this time, overdrying of the earthen coma is especially dangerous, however, water should under no circumstances stagnate in the pot.

During growing season(in the spring-summer period) araucaria must be fed every 2 weeks with fertilizers with a low calcium content (the plant reacts poorly to it), and the fertilizer solution is made weak. You can feed it with mullein infusion once a month.

Replant in March-April and in summer. Plants are replanted as needed, when the entire earthen ball is entwined with roots. Only overgrown specimens are transplanted, since araucaria does not tolerate transplantation well. Large araucaria will need replanting every 3-4 years. The pots must be wide, with a good layer of drainage; growing araucaria in small pots inhibits plant growth.

Soil for araucaria requires a slightly acidic reaction. They make up the substrate from turf, leaf, peat land and sand (1:2:2:1), or clay-turf-leaf soil and sand (2:1:0.5). A mixture of equal parts deciduous, turf and coniferous land, humus, peat and sand, with the addition of 0.5 parts of coniferous soil.

Araucaria - beautiful plant for hydroponic culture.

Kurt Stüber


Propagated by seeds and semi-lignified stem cuttings.

Seeds are sown immediately after collection, as they quickly lose their viability. They are sown one at a time in pots filled with a mixture of peat soil and sand, with the addition of a small amount charcoal or from leaf, peat, turf land and sand. Moisten, cover with a layer of sphagnum on top, and place the pots in a room with a temperature of 18-20°C. Periodically spray and ventilate. Shoots appear unevenly, from 2 weeks to 2 months. Seedlings are picked after the appearance of the first bunch of needles, but if the seedlings are planted one at a time in a pot, then they are not picked, but are left until the roots of the plant have entwined the entire lump, after which they are transplanted into large containers.

When propagated by semi-lignified cuttings, they are rooted in March-April. The semi-lignified tops of an adult plant are cut into cuttings, 3-4 cm below the whorl. Before planting, the cuttings are dried in a shady place for 24 hours. Then the sections are cleaned of resinous juice and powdered with charcoal powder. Also, before planting, cuttings can be treated with a root formation stimulator (heteroauxin). Cuttings are planted for rooting one at a time, in a moist substrate consisting of peat and sand (1:1) or simply in sand. Cover the top with a transparent cap (jar, plastic bottle). Rooting occurs faster in a mini-greenhouse with bottom heating. Maintain the temperature within 24-26°C, constantly spray and ventilate regularly. Rooting of araucaria cuttings is a long process, it occurs after 2 months. If the temperature at which the cuttings are kept is low, then rooting can take up to four to five months. After entwining the coma with roots, the rooted cuttings are planted in a substrate suitable for an adult plant.

Possible difficulties

The top of the araucaria requires very careful handling - there is a growth point there, if damaged, the plant stops normal growth and development.

In indoor conditions, the plant usually suffers from dry air, low temperatures in winter, and lack of lighting.

Excessively warm placement or excess water may cause plant branches to droop.

If the air is too dry and there is a lack of moisture, the shoots turn yellow and dry out, and the needles may fall off.

With a lack of nutrition, new shoots grow thin.

When there is an excess of calcium in the soil, plant growth generally slows down.

Damaged by: aphids, mealybug, can be damaged by specific pests of conifers.



Araucaria varifolia or indoor spruce(Araucaria heterophylla). The island's homeland is Norfolk. These beautiful majestic trees with a pyramidal crown reach up to 60 m in height, with brownish flaky bark. The branches are arranged whorled, extending horizontally at right angles to the trunk, forming a generally pyramidal crown. The leaves are soft, awl-shaped, slightly curved upward, tetrahedral, small, up to 2 cm long, needle-shaped, light green, arranged densely in a spiral. In culture it is often confused with another species - high Araucaria (A. excelsa).

This type of araucaria is a widespread indoor plant (indoors, especially in cramped pots, plants grow much slower than in nature).

Araucaria angustifolia(Araucaria angustifolia), or Araucaria brasiliensis(Araucaria brasiliana). Grows in the mountains of Southern Brazil. These are large trees, reaching 50 m in height in nature. The branches of this plant are thin and drooping. The leaves are linear-lanceolate, up to 5 cm long, bright green. Suitable for growing indoors, since araucaria rarely grows more than three meters in indoor and greenhouse conditions.


Araucaria columnar or Araucaria Cook(Araucaria columnaris), distributed in the southern tropical zone in the New Hebrides and on the Pine Island (New Caledonia). The trunks (photo) of these majestic trees are uniformly covered, from the very base to the top, by a narrow crown, vaguely reminiscent of the crown of a pyramidal cypress. It is formed by relatively short branches, collected in whorls and extending from the trunk almost at a right angle (in cypress the branches are pressed to the trunk). On Sosnovy Island, columnar araucaria forms dense coastal forest stands that amazed the first travelers with their appearance, who compared them either to basalt columns or to smoking factory chimneys. At the very top of the tree, the crown is usually somewhat expanded. Araucaria cones are columnar-shaped, up to 10 cm long, have a bristly appearance due to the tops of the scales, drawn into a long (5-6 mm) awl-shaped appendage, which is bent downwards.

Araucaria chilean(Araucaria araucana) grows not only in Chile, but also in western Argentina. Araucaria Chilean is a very large tree, reaching a height of 60 m with a trunk diameter of up to 1.5 m. The crown of young trees is broadly pyramidal, with its lower branches lying directly on the ground. With age, the lower branches usually fall off. The lateral branches of mature trees are located 6-7 in whorls, they are horizontally extended or slightly hanging in old trees; the crown becomes flat-umbrella-shaped, located only at the very top of the trunk. The bark is resinous, thick, longitudinally fissured. The leaves of Araucaria Chilean are hard, prickly, dark green, spirally arranged, covering the branches very tightly to each other. Araucaria Chilean is light-loving, grows in humid climates, evenly moist, but not swampy, fairly rich nutrients soils. It tolerates dry conditions well, as well as light frosts. The large seeds of Chilean Araucaria are nutritious and tasty.

Araucaria Muelleri © Liné1

Araucaria is a wonderful plant that will delight you and your loved ones! We are waiting for your advice !