Engelmann spruce ornamental trees and shrubs. Weeping conifers for the garden. Kidney decoction for pain in muscles and joints, bronchitis, tuberculosis

Engelmann spruce ornamental trees and shrubs.  Weeping conifers for the garden.  Kidney decoction for pain in muscles and joints, bronchitis, tuberculosis
Engelmann spruce ornamental trees and shrubs. Weeping conifers for the garden. Kidney decoction for pain in muscles and joints, bronchitis, tuberculosis

Engelman spruce – evergreen tree pine family. The tree is quite beautiful, with decorative blue needles - it is the Engelmann spruce that decorates the parks and squares of our cities. The tree is native to North America, but is now distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

In the photo there is an Engelmann spruce

What do we know about spruce?

Spruce, bearing the name of the famous German naturalist Theodor Engelmann, comes from North America, where it is found in the forest belt of the Rocky Mountains, at an altitude of up to 3.5 thousand meters above sea level.

In nature, spruce grows in pure or mixed forests, but not with deciduous trees, but with other evergreen coniferous fellows - fir, hemlock, pine, spruce of other species.

In Europe and Russia, decorative blue spruce has been cultivated since the 19th century, and can live up to 500 years or more.

An adult spruce reaches 50 meters in height, the trunk grows up to 90 cm in diameter. Its crown is lush, cone-shaped, with gentle branches. The bark, like all representatives of this family, is scaly, thin, red-brown in color.

The needles are not too long - up to 2-2.5 cm, tetrahedral. Cones up to 7 cm long, cylindrical, light brown. They ripen by early autumn, and then the seeds can be extracted from them.

The tree is highly frost-resistant and can survive winters with temperatures dropping to -45 degrees.

Agricultural technology

Spruce is undemanding to climatic conditions and soil. It grows well on calcareous soils with sufficient moisture, but will also take root on a dry mountain slope.

It is better not to plant a tree in the shade of buildings, but to find a more spacious and illuminated place for it. In the planting hole you should arrange drainage system, then pour a little fertile land, install the seedling and cover it with a soil mixture of leaf and turf soil, sand and peat. The root collar should be at ground level. Trees are planted at a distance of 3-3.5 meters so that when they are mature they do not interfere with each other. The soil around the roots is sprinkled with a small layer of peat.

Caring for a spruce tree is not at all difficult, the main thing is that it takes root in a new place. After planting, it is fed with nitroammophoska at the rate of 100-150 grams per plant. As for watering, they are carried out once a week, but in dry summers you will have to water more often.

The crown must be sprinkled with water, washing away dust and refreshing the needles. From time to time, the ground next to the spruce is loosened without removing the mulching layer of peat.

Only young seedlings less than 1-1.5 meters high are prepared for winter. To do this, install shields on the north side, wrap the branches with agrofibre in several layers, and sprinkle the roots with leaves or spruce branches.

Engelmann spruce grows slowly, growth is 20-30 cm per year. At this time, the crown is formed by pinching the dominant shoots and shortening the lateral ones.

Spruce, especially young plants, must be protected from spider mites, spruce aphids, spruce budworm, fusarium, stem and root rot, cone rust, and bark necrosis.

Tall slender spruce trees with a pyramidal crown are common coniferous plants of forests, which can often be seen in park area, both in urban landscaping and among homestead landscapes. A bunch of various types and varieties, the presence of dwarf and slow-growing forms allows these plants to be successfully planted in a flower garden, rock garden and on, in mixed compositions with other woody plants.

Types of fir trees

The genus Spruce (Picea) has up to 45 species, which natural conditions grow in cold and temperate climates, on sandy and rocky soils, less often in wetlands. The center of origin is considered to be the harsh mountainous terrain of China. The plants are quite unpretentious, drought-resistant, most tolerate the harshest winters without loss, some species are quite tolerant of excessive soil moisture and air pollution.

As soon as you decide on the type and variety of spruce, we recommend reading our article “”, it will help you grow an excellent tree from a spruce seedling.

Norway spruce (Picea abies)

A large tree, growing up to 50 m in height, characterized by a pyramidal crown with a pointed apex. The branches are directed to the sides or obliquely downwards, raised at the ends. The needles are juicy green, glossy, tetrahedral in shape, up to 2.5 cm long. The cones are oblong, greenish or purple when immature. The hardy local species is widespread in the European part up to the Urals, and usually does not cause problems in acquisition and care.


A bright, slow-growing variety that appeared in late XIX century in Finland. The crown forms a wide pyramid, is located low, reaches a height of 4 m, with a diameter of 2.5–3 m. Young plant compact, round in shape. The difference between Akrokona is early, abundant and very colorful fruiting; immature lilac-crimson cones appear in abundance at the ends of skeletal branches and wonderfully decorate the plant.

The needles are dark green in tone, with delicate hanging young growths of a herbaceous hue, which makes a striking contrast. An excellent choice for landscaping small gardens and solitary plantings on the lawn.


Dwarf spruce with a compact crown comes from Germany. By the age of ten it reaches 1–2 m, develops slowly, and grows 3–6 cm annually. The crown is wide, first round, then pyramidal in shape, multi-peaked. The branches are dense, spread to the sides and raised at the ends, densely covered with fine green needles, sometimes with a golden tint. The variety is shade-tolerant, unpretentious, suitable for making mixborders or decoration rocky slides.


Swiss original weeping spruce with a straight, slender trunk. The plant is medium-sized; by the age of ten it can grow up to 2–4 m. The branches are sloping, fall to the ground, and spread with age, forming a kind of lush trail, which looks unusual and attractive.

The needles are light green in color, short and stiff. Immature cones are greenish-crimson, growths are emerald green, oblong-round in shape. A stunning variety for solitary plantings, it gives compositions an elegant vertical accent and is of interest to lovers of unusual ornamental plants.

Serbian spruce (Picea omorika)

A tall tree with a narrowed conical or columnar shape with a pointed top. The needles are flattened, glossy, dark green in color, marked on the reverse side with two silvery-white lines. The cones are small, bluish-black in color.

This beautiful, stable species is unpretentious to soils, tolerates air pollution well, and under natural conditions is distributed in the mountainous areas of the Balkan Peninsula.


The dwarf variety is characterized by dense rounded crown in young specimens, then the crown becomes broadly conical with a pronounced pointed apex. The height of an adult plant is no more than 3.5 m and a width of about 2 m; it develops at a pace that is moderate for low-growing varieties; by the age of ten it reaches one and a half meters.

The main branches are directed obliquely upward, covered with radially directed glossy needles of emerald color with a distinct bluish tint and light stripes on the underside. Planted in oriental gardens, thanks to its spectacular blue tint and compactness, it is successfully used to create contrasting woody compositions.

Peve Tijn

The undersized sport of the previous variety was selected by Dutch breeders. The cone-shaped wide crown is very dense, with a smooth, dense surface. It grows by 5–6 cm per year, reaching just over one and a half meters in height by the age of ten. The needles are golden-green with a blue or silver tint. Attractive color combination It is especially pronounced in annual growths and in plants planted in open sunny areas.

Canadian or gray spruce (Picea glauca)

A powerful tree reaches a height of 25–30 m; in cultivation it grows moderately – no higher than 10–15 m; in nature it is widespread in the forests of North America. The crown is dense, the main branches of young plants are raised, and those of adults are directed downwards. The needles are thick, bluish-green. The cones are small, light green, turning brown when ripe.

Alberta Globe

The miniature, round-shaped plant becomes dome-shaped in maturity. By the age of ten, the diameter of the dense crown is about 30 cm, with annual growth of 2–3 cm; over the years, the lush conifer grows in width up to 0.7 m and reaches 1 m in height.

The needles are light green, elegant, densely covering the dense side branches, forming a bumpy continuous surface. A wonderful variety for planting in rockeries or flower beds, it looks good in homogeneous groups.


A slow-growing variety of Canadian selection, it is distinguished by a dense conical crown of regular shape. In adulthood, it grows no higher than 2 m with a width at the base of about one and a half meters. The surface is smooth, dense, the branches are directed upward. Spiny elastic needles of juicy green color are located radially.

Konica does not require formative pruning and is wonderful for arranging mixborders, decorating rocky hills and growing in containers. The plant is resistant, prefers sparse partial shade, growths are susceptible to spring burns.

Sanders Blue

Canadian spruce variety Sanders Blue (Sander's Blue)

The famous blue variety is one of the best in its color group. It develops slowly, growing 4–5 cm per year. By the age of ten it reaches 0.7 m in height and 1.3–1.5 m in diameter. The crown is conical, regular, and becomes loose in the shade.

The needles are bright, fresh silvery blue color, on young growths the color is more saturated, on old branches it is bluish-green, which is why the surface appears unevenly colored, which is especially noticeable on specimens growing in the shade. Sometimes reversions may appear - completely green branches that in early spring carefully cut out at the trunk so as not to spoil the overall impression.

Engelmann spruce or weeping spruce (Picea engelmanii)

Slender conifers up to 50 m high naturally grow on the poor soils of the Rocky Mountains of North America. The crown is cone-shaped, wide, with sloping branches covered with sharp bluish-green needles on the growths, darkening at the base of the branches. The cones are small, oblong-conical, up to 7 cm long, burgundy in color when ripe.

Bush's Lace

A beautiful unusual variety with a straight trunk and a pyramidal loose crown. The young plant actively produces growth - 20–30 cm per year, growing up to 7 m in height and about 1.8 m in diameter. The skeletal branches are raised at the base, drooping at the ends, the lower branches lie on the ground, forming a lush trail.

The main color is bluish-green, the spectacular large growths are bright, contrasting, silver-blue. It looks best solitary in open areas; in the shade it loses its richness of color and attractive shape, growing unevenly.


A tall tree with a sparse crown and bluish-green needles, silvery on growths. The skeletal branches are practically without lateral branching, characterized by growth from the apex, horizontally directed, spread out, slightly raised at the ends. The variety is rare, mainly grown by exotic lovers, excellent as a tapeworm, adding sophistication to oriental and rocky gardens.

Prickly or blue spruce (Picea pungens)

A common cultivated species, beautiful and frost-resistant, tolerates air pollution well. Distributed in the mountainous areas of North America, grows up to 30–40 m in height, characterized by a dense, wide-pyramidal crown, evenly developed. The skeletal branches are directed horizontally, spread out and raised at the ends.

Young shoots are bright Brown, naked. The needles are gray, becoming more and more clear with age. green color. The advantage of the species is its tolerance to excess moisture and the ability to develop well in low-lying areas.

Hermann Naue

A dwarf, spectacular, cushion-shaped variety, without a pronounced central stem, with numerous lateral branches directed towards the different sides. By the age of ten, the compact plant reaches half a meter in height and up to 0.7 m in diameter. The needles are bluish-gray, bright. Numerous oblong cones of light brown color appear in abundance at the ends of the shoots already in early age and serve as a wonderful decoration.

The Blues

A stunning blue sport of the Glauca Pendula variety. The plant is medium-sized - no higher than 2.5 m and up to 1 m in diameter, with a straight stem and drooping top. The branches are horizontally spread, the ends are directed downwards. The needles are long, silver-blue in color, as if covered with frost, the growths are bright blue. Successfully grafted onto a standard.


The classic form of gray spruce was developed in the USA in 1958. The lush beauty does not require a huge plot, growing up to 10–12 m in height and no more than 3–4 m in width at maturity. It develops quickly - 15–20 cm per year, the branches are strong and elastic, and do not break during snowfalls. The crown is harmonious, pyramidal, with outstretched, densely packed skeletal branches and multiple lateral branches, diversified.

The needles are large, up to 2.5 cm long, rich blue in color; the growths are light blue. Small purple cones provide an additional color accent. Looks great in single plantings and walkways, as well as colorful compositions conifers.

Black spruce (Picea mariana)

A large tree with a narrow pyramidal crown, in natural conditions it grows up to 20–30 m, in cultivation by the age of ten it is no higher than 3 m. The needles are short, bluish-green, and dense. The branches are brick-brown, covered with reddish pubescence. The winter-hardy, unpretentious species does not have a huge selection diversity, numbering only 6–7 varieties.


The dwarf plant is characterized by a dense rounded-flattened crown with flat surface. The main branches are horizontally directed, completely covered with lateral branches directed in different directions. It develops slowly, growing 3–5 cm per year. In adulthood, it reaches no more than half a meter in height and about 1 m in diameter.

The needles are short, bluish-green, on the shoots of the current year they have a spectacular bright green color, contrasting. An unassuming compact variety will serve as a wonderful element of a flower garden and rock garden; it grows well in container culture.


A slow-growing tree of a pyramidal shape grows no higher than 1.5–2 m by the age of ten, then growth accelerates, and mature plant reaches 5–7 m. The branches are outstretched, drooping at the ends, densely covered with short bluish-green needles with cream tips. The growths are much lighter, golden yellow. The elegant conifer looks great both in colorful, diverse compositions and as a solitaire.

Siberian spruce (Picea obovata)

A slender spruce with a narrow cone-shaped crown growing low to the ground is considered one of the most resilient species. Growing shoots are light brown in color, with slight pubescence. The glossy needles are sharp, up to 3 cm long, dark green in color. The species is in many ways similar to Norway spruce, but develops more slowly, reaching a height of no more than 35 m. It is distributed in the forests and mountainous areas of Siberia, China, Mongolia and northern Europe.

Glauka (Var. glauca)

The medium-sized variation with a pyramidal crown 10–12 m high grows intensively – 20–25 cm per year. The skeletal branches are widely spread, directed obliquely upward, the central stem is smooth and clearly defined. The needles are elastic, linear-needle-shaped, tetrahedral, silver-blue, very impressive. Glauka is highly frost-resistant, unpretentious and quite shade-tolerant. Used as a tapeworm, for group plantings and alleys.

Eastern spruce (Picea orientalis)

A common species grows in the mountainous areas of the Caucasus and northern Turkey. The tree is large, up to 60 m in height. The dense pyramidal crown is symmetrically developed, with branches raised at the base and sloping at the ends. It grows up to 20 cm per year, young trees develop much more slowly.

The needles are short, hard, thick green in color. The cones are a striking reddish-purple hue, oblong, narrowed in shape, 6–8 cm in size. Spruce prefers light soils, does not develop well on heavy soils, and freezes slightly in harsh, dry winters.


A beautiful tree in the shape of an uneven pyramid, formed by unevenly growing branches, horizontally spread and raised at the ends. The side branches hang down. At first it grows moderately, in adulthood it grows more intensively, growing 20–30 cm per year. Mature trees can reach 18–20 m in height, with a diameter of 7–9 m.

The needles are needle-like, very thick and short, about 1 cm long, dark green, glossy. Young shoots are bright green in color. Immature cones are showy, reddish-purple, mature ones are brown. A fairly large conifer requires sufficient space; it is usually grown in a single planting.


The magnificent oriental spruce was obtained by German breeders at the end of the 19th century. A medium-sized tree in maturity reaches 10–15 m, characterized by a wide pyramidal crown, slightly loose. The drooping branches are located unevenly, raised at the ends, the side branches hang beautifully.

The needles are thin, very short, dark green. The greenish-yellow bright growths, as well as small crimson-colored cones, make the conifer especially attractive. The elegant tree is rightfully considered one of the best representatives of the species.

Spruce mariorika (Picea x mariorika)

Obtained by crossing black and Serbian spruce in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century; later, a few but very interesting varieties were bred. Represents large plant up to 30 m high, with a wide pyramidal crown. The branches are horizontally directed, covered with flat bluish-green needles, with distinctive silver stripes on the underside. The cones are small - up to 5 cm long, purple in color when immature.


Czech dwarf variety, up to half a meter high and about 1 m wide, cushion-shaped. The branches are diversified, horizontal, dense, raised from the base. The spiny needles are up to 1.5 cm long, silver-blue in color, lighter on the inside. The origin remains the subject of heated debate - various sources claim that the interesting variety was obtained not from Serbian spruce, but from Iez or, according to another version, Sitka.

Iezskaya or Ayanskaya spruce (Picea jezoensis)

A wonderful coniferous tree, in nature reaching 30–50 m in height, in cultivation by the age of thirty it grows no higher than 8–10 m. In natural conditions, the species is distributed over Far East and the Korean Peninsula, in China and Japan, it is considered extremely winter-hardy, grows near rivers, loves sprinkling of the crown, and is shade-tolerant.

The crown is pyramidal, the skeletal branches are directed obliquely upward. Flat needles up to 1.5–2 cm long, blunt or with a small point, dark green, with bluish-white stripes below, last up to 10 years. The needles fit tightly to the branches; in good lighting they tend to puff up, which gives the plant a light silvery tone. The cones are oval-oblong, up to 8 cm long, in an immature state, purple-crimson or light green.

Nana Kalous

A dwarf, squat plant without a pronounced central conductor, round, about 1 m in diameter. The skeletal branches are evenly spaced, directed horizontally and obliquely upward, the lateral branches are short and grow in abundance. The tousled needles with a bluish underside are bright and attractive. Very nice shape, looks good on alpine slides, in the foreground of mixborders.

Groups of spruce varieties by growth vigor

In natural conditions, the overwhelming majority of spruce species are large trees up to 30–50 m high. Over hundreds of years of cultural cultivation, breeders have obtained luxurious tall varieties ideal proportions, as well as many very decorative medium-sized and dwarf forms.

Low growing varieties

Blue Pearl

A dwarf conifer with a rounded crown, which over time becomes cushion-shaped or broadly conical. By ten years it reaches half a meter in height and 0.8 m in diameter, growing slowly - 2-3 cm per year.

The branches are dense, multidirectional, the side branches are located vertically, forming a convex textured surface. The needles are radially arranged, hard and prickly, bluish-blue in color, creating an attractive contrast with the red bark of the shoots.

Lucky Strike

A charming dwarf Christmas tree with a pyramidal crown reaches 1.2 m in height and 0.8 m in diameter by the age of 10, and does not exceed 2 m in adulthood. Dense branches are unevenly located, directed horizontally or obliquely upward. The glossy needles are dark green, the growths are bright, yellowish. Purple cones appear early and in abundance, they are large, directed vertically, and over time they turn brown and droop.


Attractive dwarf form Norway spruce resembles a bright green lush tussock. The central conductor is not pronounced, the short skeletal branches are covered with many vertically directed lateral branches, completely covered with short protruding needles of a juicy green hue, especially bright on young growths.

It develops slowly, growing 2–2.5 cm per year, and reaches a height of 0.4 m by the age of ten. The variety was obtained from the famous cushion-shaped variety Nidiformis.

Medium-sized varieties


This stunning “red” variety of Norway spruce is winter-hardy and drought-tolerant. It develops at a moderate pace, reaching 2–4 m by the age of ten. The crown is dense, of a regular pyramidal shape, with skeletal branches raised obliquely upward and drooping side branches.

A notable feature is the purple-crimson large growths, which over time acquire a green color. Immature buds are bright, raspberry-purple. The spectacular combination of crimson and green tones makes this ephedra exceptionally elegant, invariably attracting the eye.

Pendula Bruns

An original plant of medium size, growing up to 4–5 m in height, less often up to 10 m, develops at a moderate pace - annually 7–10 cm in height and about 3 cm in width. The crown is narrowed, about 1.2–1.7 m in diameter, with a straight central conductor, curved upward to varying degrees. The branches are directed downward, pressed against the trunk and slightly raised at the ends, growing from the ground itself, forming a wide, dense trail.

The needle-like narrow needles are dark green in color, with two silver stripes on the reverse side. The cones are small, reddish-purple when immature. To maintain a spectacular, even and narrow shape, the trunk is tied up until it reaches a height of 1.5–2 m. The variety does not develop well on dense soils that are too moist.

Christmas Blue

A slow-growing tree in maturity reaches a height of 3–4 m with a width across about 1.5–2 m. The main difference is the ideal proportions of the conical crown with a flat surface. The skeletal branches are directed horizontally, evenly covered with lateral branches growing in different directions.

The needles are elastic, radially arranged, silver-blue, exceptionally pure in tone. It grows best in open areas and is successfully grown in groups and to create dense blue hedges.

Tall varieties

Iseli Fastigiata

A beautiful prickly spruce grows up to 10–12 m, the growth rate is intense - about 20 cm per year, by the age of ten it reaches 3 m. The crown is neat, harmonious conical shape, does not tend to grow too much, the base width of an adult tree is about 3 m. The branches are directed obliquely upward, lateral branches and growths directed vertically.

The needles are bluish-green, with a pleasant, fresh tone; in sunny areas the blue tint is more pronounced. One of the best tall narrow varieties that allows you to successfully grow a luxurious blue spruce even in limited space.


The tall natural form of Norway spruce is found in the wild in Scandinavian countries. The narrow columnar crown is formed by short skeletal branches and horizontally located lateral branches densely covered with dark green glossy needles.

The plant is large, reaches 12–17 m in maturity, develops quickly, and gives growth of up to 30 cm per year. Young trees tend to freeze and burn in the sun. Used to create alleys and solitaire planting.

Video about the variety of types and varieties of spruce trees

Various varieties of spruce trees are widely used in landscaping, for decorating front entrances, arranging dense emerald or blue hedges, single or group plantings, in mixborders and rockeries. The incredible variety of varieties will not only satisfy the most demanding demand, but can also seriously captivate the gardener, turning him into a passionate collector of wonderful evergreens.

Coniferous trees have long been the object of attention of landscape designers and this is not surprising. Evergreen slender spruce trees are beautiful at any time of the year, in addition, their needles can purify the atmosphere. In this article we will talk about Engelmann spruce, the features of growing a tree on your own site.

Botanical description

Engelmann spruce is an evergreen coniferous tree that grows up to 50 meters; the trunk diameter with such growth can reach 90 cm. Every year the tree increases its growth by twenty centimeters. This species is long-lived, natural conditions lives up to five hundred years, although the needles last no more than fifteen years.

Spruce has a dense crown in the shape of a cone, drooping branches, most often growing symmetrically. The trunk has scaly bark of a red-brown color, with small cracks. On young branches the bark is yellowish, with a fringe.

The buds of a representative of the species have the same elongated shape as the crown. Young needles have a more blue tint in color, old ones have more green, the needles are tetrahedral, sharp, but not hard. The length of the needles is up to 2 cm.
In August, the cones ripen, large, egg-shaped, up to 7 cm long, brown in color (young ones are burgundy). Winged dark brown seeds are hidden under scales with sharp edges.

Distribution and ecology

The homeland of the Engelmann spruce is the forest of the Rocky Mountains of North America, also the Canadian province of British Columbia. Trees grow in groups along rivers and mountain slopes, preferring shady areas.

As the groups grow, they “climb” to a height of up to 3,500 thousand meters above sea level. They coexist perfectly with related species: fir and pine; with some species of larches, forming dense mixed or pure coniferous forests.

Did you know? The Indians of North America, knowing about the medicinal properties of pine needles, built wigwams from spruce, pine and fir branches for patients with pulmonary diseases. Patients remained in such a hospital until complete recovery. The fact is that needles contain phytoncides that can kill germs and viruses.

Application in landscape design

Most often, spruce trees are used as living protection from wind, snow drifts and to suppress noise. Such plantings can be found both outside the city and in urban environments, in the form of alleys and mini-parks. The tree looks good in single and group plantings with coniferous and deciduous plants.

Low-growing varieties decorate rock gardens, fence flower beds, and are used in bonsai compositions. The beautiful shape of the crown and pliability to shaping haircuts make it possible to successfully use Engelmann spruce as New Year tree, which is used by many owners of private houses.

Ornamental types of Engelmann spruce include:

Planting and care at home

When planting, it should be taken into account that many varieties react poorly to contaminated external environment. They are not recommended to be planted in areas with heavy industry, near busy roads, or near gas stations.

Selecting a location

The species is not afraid of winds and tolerates both high and low temperatures equally well. Drought is also not a problem; only young seedlings require careful watering. Since in natural conditions the Engelmann variety forms dense plantings, it will develop just as well in a shaded place as in a lit one.

It is not recommended to plant the species in areas where moisture stagnates, with groundwater close to the surface. This can be detrimental to the root system.

Substrate and soil

The plant is not picky in choosing soil; in nature it grows well on limestone. It is advisable to provide the culture with a drained, moderately moist substrate with a neutral reaction, for example, loam.

Diseases and their prevention

Let's look at the main diseases of the species and how they manifest themselves:

Disease control involves treating plants with fungicides, usually by watering the tree at the root.

Preventive measures:

  1. It is advisable to plant on sunny area, prolonged shading develops humidity, which bacteria love.
  2. Choose seedlings carefully.
  3. When planting, treat root system fungicides.
  4. Carry out timely sanitary pruning, treat the cuts with garden varnish.
  5. In the spring, spray with preparations containing copper.
Video: how to properly prune coniferous plants

Pests and their prevention

The main pests of Engelmann spruce are:

The spruce leaf roller, according to its name, destroys the needles of the plant. The affected areas are treated with a soap solution, damaged needles are removed using a fan rake and burned. In advanced situations, systemic pesticides are used.

The spider mite settles and breeds voracious offspring, most often on young plants; due to its activity, the tree loses its needles. Pest control involves spraying with colloidal sulfur; you can use traditional methods: dandelion infusion, garlic infusion. In case of severe insect infestation, acaricides are used.

Important! Avoid large settlements of ants (they breed aphids). In severe drought, spray the branches so as not to create favorable conditions for spider mite habitat.

Aphids and their numerous offspring suck out all the juices from the green parts of plants, which leads to the death of the tree. It is better to trim branches that are densely populated with aphids by treating the cut. The remaining areas need to be treated with a soap solution, having previously covered trunk circle plants so as not to damage the soil microflora.

Preventive actions:

  1. Carry out timely sanitary pruning.
  2. Take special care of young seedlings.
  3. Avoid overwatering.
  4. Carry out preventive spraying with insecticides.

Features of the care and planting process

As already mentioned, spruce prefers moist, drained soils, so when planting, prepare the most suitable mixture for it:

  • turf land - two parts;
  • leaf soil - two parts;
  • peat - one part;
  • sand - one part.

A hole for planting is dug with dimensions of 50x70, brick fragments are placed on the bottom as drainage in a layer of up to 20 cm. In the case of group planting, the distance between the holes is at least three meters.

Engelmann spruce description photo varieties Glauca pendula snake bush leys, leys, Jasper blue harbor burns in spring what to do

Latin name Picea engelmannii Engelm.


Engelmann spruce tree up to 30 - 50 m tall and trunk diameter 90 cm.

The crown is dense, pyramidal, the branches are slightly drooping. Durable, lives 300 - 400 years.

The needles are gray, sharp, softer than those of prickly spruce, and remain on shoots for 10-15 years, in cultivation only 7-8 years.

The bark is red-brown when young, later light brown.


Engelmann spruce. It has been cultivated since 1862.


Agricultural technology


Those presented in a separate article are based on many years of experience in growing various types and decorative forms of spruce in Moscow, in the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting.

Engelmann spruce Varieties

Glauca, Gray (“Glauca’) Tree 20 - 40 m tall, with a dense cone-shaped crown, without a clear horizontal layering of branches. The needles are less prickly, more flexible and less spaced than those of prickly spruce, bluish-blue; the color is especially clear in early spring. In winter, the needles are not so attractive, but still decorative. Grows quickly. Winter-hardy. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting. Cultivated since 1874. Very often found in gardens abroad. Recommended for single, group and alley plantings in large gardens.
After getting acquainted with the assortment, it is important to learn the features of planting and growing spruce in conditions middle zone Russia.

snake snake

blue harbor blue harbor


Use in landscape design

In decorative terms, it is somewhat inferior to the prickly spruce, but remains a beautiful tree.

Engelmann spruce is a representative of the conifers of the Pine family.

This tree is widespread in the wild in the forests of the Rocky Mountains of the North American continent, climbing to a height of 1.5 to 3.5 thousand meters above sea level. The range reaches the upper border of the forest belt, but primarily includes shady valleys and slopes. Tolerates low temperatures well.

Engelmann spruce prefers the proximity of other representatives of its family: fir, larch, pseudo-hemlock, various types of hemlock, pine. Together with these trees, it forms huge forests. Cultivated in Europe as an ornamental plant since 1863. The first samples came to Russia at the end of the 19th century, this moment it can rarely be found in the vastness of our homeland. To date, more than a dozen varieties of this plant have been bred.

This Christmas tree lives for about three to four centuries. Its height is 30-50 m, the trunk width is up to 90 cm in diameter. Appearance very decorative, similar to prickly spruce, differs from the latter in softer needles and less spreading branches. The crown is cone-shaped, dense, often asymmetrical, the branches droop slightly. The bark is very beautiful, with a large number of scales and cracks, thin, reddish-brown in color. New shoots are light brownish with rusty pubescence.

Engelmann spruce needles are 1.5-2 cm, with four sides, each side has 2-4 stomatal lines, the color of the needles is bluish-green. The needle lives on the branch from 10 to 15 years. The cones of the Engelmann spruce are round-cylindrical in shape, from 4 to 7 cm long, with a diameter of about 2.5 cm. Until they ripen, they are painted in a beautiful burgundy color, after ripening they become light brown. The scales are thin and flexible, loosely located along the edge. They ripen in late summer - early autumn. Shedding occurs in the spring of next year.

Chemical composition

Spruce needles contain an impressive amount essential oil and phytoncides - volatile substances with bactericidal, prostitocidal (killing protozoan pathogens) and antifungal (antifungal) effects; it also abounds in tannin compounds, vitamins E and K, carotene, ascorbic acid, polyprenolic alcohols, resins and microelements. There is also a lot of essential oil in the buds and cones - from 0.2%. There are also wood vinegar, ester bornyl acetate with a characteristic camphor odor, and also salts of manganese, copper, aluminum, chromium, and iron. Zhivitsa, in addition acetic acid, contains turpentine, turpentine and rosin. The seeds contain a lot of fatty oil, and the bark contains up to 14% tannins (tannins).

Medicinal properties

Since time immemorial, the majestic forest beauty gives people health, protects from illnesses and saves from wounds, being:

  • antimicrobial;
  • fungicidal;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • against rheumatic;
  • anti-cold;
  • painkillers;
  • warming up;
  • hemostatic;
  • diuretic;
  • fixing;
  • choleretic (increasing the flow of bile to 46.6% of the original, with an increase in the production of bilirubin);
  • disinfectant.

Medicinal use

The use of any type of spruce is the same. Pine needles are a high-vitamin product and have saved many people from scurvy. Young shoots, cones and pine needles are used to prepare infusions and decoctions. They are taken against prolonged colds, dropsy, skin rashes, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, and asthma of any type. They are used for inhalation for runny nose and cough. In the form of baths, adding salt, they are used for rheumatism, radiculitis and hypothermia. A decoction of the buds and an infusion of young shoots with vodka are useful for pulmonary tuberculosis. From resin boiled with beeswax and lard, they get an effective ointment for furunculosis.

For use in medicinal purposes Immature female (containing seeds) cones are used. Male cones are smaller and contain pollen. To avoid mistakes, choose the largest and most beautiful ones. The collection is carried out in early autumn, until the cones open. For some recipes, young cones collected in June are used. The resin is harvested from June to September.


A decoction of young cones or shoots (ARVI, influenza, pneumonia, asthma):

Boil 30 g of spruce raw material in 1 liter of milk for 20 minutes, then strain. Reception - three times a day.

Bark decoction (diarrhea, food poisoning, internal inflammation):

1 tbsp. Boil spruce bark fibers in half a liter of water for 10 - 15 minutes, let sit until cool, drain the liquid. Drink the decoction as the discomfort recurs, half a glass at a time.

Ointment (abscesses, abrasions, burns):

Take spruce resin, wax, honey and sunflower oil in equal volumes. Heat over low heat with constant stirring until smooth. When hot, filter, removing all large particles that could further injure the affected area.

Vitamin drink (vitaminosis, scurvy, colds):

Pour a glass of boiling water over a handful of spruce needles. Wait for it to brew, remove the greasy film that forms on the surface with a spoon, add the juice of a whole lemon or orange, a pinch of cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey.

Bath infusion:

Boil spruce spruce branches with the addition of sea salt for 5-10 minutes. Add burdock root, ground into a pulp, to the slightly cooled solution to create a soapy environment. Use to wash and rinse the body between sweat sessions.

Syrup from pine needles against cough, to reduce appetite and stimulate brain activity:

Fill a 0.5 liter glass jar with pine needles forest tree(growing far from roads, industrial enterprises) by a quarter. Pour the remaining volume with liquid honey. Insist on room temperature 3 weeks. Strain the composition. For cough, eat ½ tsp. 5-6 times a day. Take ½ tsp against appetite. 5-10 minutes before meals. During preparation for exams, increased mental stress, eat 1 tsp. of this syrup per day.

A decoction of kidneys for pain in muscles and joints, bronchitis, tuberculosis:

1 tbsp. Scald fresh Christmas tree buds with boiling water, add 200 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes. Filter through 3 layers of gauze. Sweeten the slightly cooled broth with honey. Drink the resulting volume in several doses throughout the day.

Tincture of spruce resin for impotence:

1 tsp pour 0.5 liters of vodka over oleoresin and leave for a week. Take 30 ml before bedtime. Course of treatment: 30 days of admission - 10 days of break - 30 days of admission.


People suffering from peptic ulcers or gastritis with increased acidity stomach, are deprived of the opportunity to take medicinal drugs from spruce orally. People with an individual reaction to the camphor smell or other individual components in the plant should avoid it altogether.