Eco-parking at the dacha. Eco-parking at the dacha: lawn grid for parking and garden path. How to make an eco-parking system from a concrete lawn grid

Eco-parking at the dacha. Eco-parking at the dacha: lawn grid for parking and garden path. How to make an eco-parking system from a concrete lawn grid

However, if a parking lot is created, so to speak, in nature, then you want to “fit” it into the surrounding landscape beautifully. So that it does not take away precious acres from the surrounding dacha landscape, it does not look like an asphalt or crushed stone area, which are already an eyesore in the city , but like, for example, a lawn. But how can you arrange parking on a lawn without damaging it?

Such technology exists today. And some summer residents are already familiar with such a concept as eco-parking.

Parking lots of this type are increasingly being attempted in Moscow. But no grass can withstand the amount of harmful substances settling in the city. Therefore, in Moscow, maintaining parking on the lawn requires significant and constant effort. But in a suburban area, such projects are almost always successful, which is what we suggest you take advantage of.

Lawn grates

When organizing ecological parking, lawn gratings are used - durable modules made of plastic or concrete that have a protective function: they protect the lawn from damage by car tires and protect the soil from washing out. Lawn gratings are resistant not only to mechanical loads, but also to temperature changes. Some manufacturers indicate the permissible load on the grille markings, but almost all grilles can withstand a passenger car.


Before starting construction, it is necessary to assess the amount of load that it will experience. Will only cars or trucks be parked in such a parking lot, what kind of soil is at the base of the parking lot, how close are the groundwaters. In connection with the answers to these questions, you need to choose the right lawn lattice and properly prepare the base.

1. Marking boundaries.

It is advisable to mark the parking lot so that the car moves along it in a straight line, that is, so that you do not have to turn around and spin the wheels in place. The wheels of the car rest on thin ribs of the lawn grid, and if you turn the wheels in place, these ribs get into the tire tread and experience critical loads. On a car with power steering, they can be broken quite easily. The less such loads there are, the longer the service life of the parking lot. If the car will turn around in an eco-parking lot, make it larger, turn the wheels smoothly and only while moving, and not while standing still.

2. Preparing the pit.

Lawn grates, together with the grass planted in them, can be considered as cladding (paving) of a parking lot. The grate itself on the ground, despite the existing horizontal and vertical locks, will not provide the necessary strength, will begin to bend, sink into the ground and eventually turn into a dirty puddle. Parking on a lawn, like a site made of paving bricks, must have a load-bearing layer, which is installed in a pit (trough). Its depth is calculated simply: sand cushion 10 cm + load-bearing layer + height of the lawn grid. If the parking lot is on a slight slope, you need to make the pit with a slope. The main thing is that the surface is flat and does not cause deformation of the lawn grates.

3. Backfilling of a leveling sand cushion.

A sand cushion about 10 cm thick is poured onto the foundation of the pit. Its purpose is to level the bottom of the pit. And not only level it, but also bring it to the required level. This way we avoid unnecessary costs for expensive crushed stone. After leveling, it is compacted or spilled with water, then leveled again. The finished pillow is covered with geotextile with a density of about 200 g/m in one layer, with stripes overlapping by 10 cm. Geotextile stabilizes the lower layer of soil and prevents clay from swelling.

4. Construction of the load-bearing layer of the parking lot.

The supporting layer is filled with crushed stone or AGS (sand and gravel mixture). Layer thickness - 20 cm for cars, 30 cm for heavy cars (over 2 tons), 40 cm for trucks. These are the layer parameters for crushed stone. For PGS, it is recommended to increase everything by 5 cm. If we fill it with crushed stone, then we fill it in 2-3 layers: the bottom layer or two layers with a fraction of 40-60 or larger, the last layer is 5-20 or leveled with sand. Each layer is compacted with a vibrating plate. After leveling (with sand or small crushed stone), we cover the supporting layer with the same geotextile as the sand cushion. In this case, geotextiles do not so much stabilize as prevent fertile soil from seeping into the load-bearing layer.

The growing number of cars every day makes it necessary to find free parking space. But setting up a parking area in a dacha is often an unaffordable luxury for the average owner of standard suburban property, which is characterized by small size.
Since not everyone is able to leave a car outside their own territory, there is a need to park the car on their own plot, taking up precious meters.
Eco-parking is the optimal solution for car owners
But the problem associated with the lack of parking space has a fairly adequate, from a practical point of view, solution, the essence of which is the creation of an ecological parking lot.
It is a reinforced lawn that is resistant to increased loads and can withstand the weight of a standard passenger car, while remaining an ordinary lawn, pleasing to the eye with the appearance of emerald grass. By creating such a parking lot at their summer cottage, car owners have the opportunity to leave their iron horse on the site without fear of damaging the soil.
What materials should I purchase before setting up the eco-parking?
A brief overview of materials for eco-parking, which you need to buy immediately before installing it:
Geotextile is a moisture-permeable fabric consisting of many polymer threads that give the fabric significant strength. As practice shows, it is often used to create a separation and drainage layer during the construction of foundations, strengthening the banks of reservoirs and other types of work.
Lawn gratings (eco-parking cannot exist without them), which are a green honeycomb material in design, are used both on construction sites and in landscape design. They are characterized by high resistance to moisture, low temperatures and chemical agents.
The design of eco-parking at the dacha is extremely simple and involves the presence of several layers.
The main ones are a layer of sand and crushed stone, a reinforcing mesh, the role of which lawn grates can handle, and fertile soil sown with lawn grass seeds.
Crushed stone is necessary to ensure effective drainage of the site, and the reinforcing material, the presence of which is implied by the design of the eco-parking, allows you to create an elastic base that promotes uniform distribution of the load.
Sequence of actions during the construction of a parking lot
Like any type of road surface, a lawn lattice requires the construction of a solid base, which allows you to calculate the permissible load on the modular surface. Therefore, having decided on a place for eco-parking, the price of which depends on its area and the cost of materials, the required area is calculated, taking into account not only the departure of the car, but also its turns and other maneuvers. Next, mark the area and remove the top layer of soil. The depth of its removal is calculated based on the height of the sand and gravel layers, as well as the height of the lawn grid.
The next stage of the eco-parking installation involves laying a sand cushion, the role of which is to level the territory and hide all unevenness. In this regard, the height of the sand layer is determined by the initial slope of the site and averages 20-30 cm. The sand is thoroughly spilled with water and compacted.
Then crushed stone and reinforcing material are laid. If the soil on the site is clayey, additional adjustments are required to the structure, according to which geotextiles are laid. It prevents crushed stone from sinking into overly moist soil.
Often geotextiles are placed between layers of sand and crushed stone to prevent them from mixing. The height of the crushed stone layer depends on the load placed on the future parking lot, and for a passenger car a 20-centimeter layer will be sufficient.
Before proceeding to laying lawn gratings for eco-parking, the crushed stone layer is again covered with geotextiles, and then the lawn gratings are laid. This event does not present any difficulties. Having installed the first cell, you can mount subsequent ones by simply inserting them into the grooves of the previous ones.
To increase the strength of the structure, experts recommend strengthening each module with L-shaped pins on two opposite edges. Soil mixed with lawn grass seeds is poured into the grid cells and finally watered.
Main advantages of ecological parking
The advantages of ecological green parking, due to which it cannot be replaced by concrete eco-parking:
The creation of ecological parking, which is carried out in the shortest possible time, is accessible to everyone;
Ecological parking is resistant to deterioration in the off-season, which is facilitated by the use of crushed stone and geotextiles;
The parking area does not pose a danger to children playing on the green lawn;
Caring for the parking lot does not require any specialized measures and is carried out using ordinary garden tools;
Using reinforcing mesh is cheaper than building a garage, laying asphalt and paving with tiles;
Lawn gratings and moisture-resistant geotextiles, the presence of which is implied by the eco-parking design, are safe from an environmental point of view and do not interfere with the growth of plants existing on the site;
If there is no car in the parking area, it can be used as an area for relaxation, games and barbecue.
Measures to maintain green parking
If the grass has reached 5 cm, it must be mowed in a timely manner;
Watering the lawn and applying the necessary fertilizers must be carried out in accordance with the type of soil;
Aerating the soil by piercing the area using a fork or other tools equipped with a point;
Weeding the lawn from weeds and cleaning up household waste;
Timely replacement of failed lawn grate segments;
Carefully clearing ice from parking lots in winter using tools that do not have sharp edges.
Regular holding of such events contributes to the long operational life of the ecological parking, which will be at least 10-15 years.

The lawn grid is a cellular module used to protect the root system and strengthen the soil. They are used in various places: eco-parking lots, children's play areas and walking paths in parks, golf courses, on the slopes of road embankments to retain soil. Depending on the material from which they are made, the gratings can withstand loads of up to 200 tons per square meter. They are usually made from two materials: concrete or plastic.


A lawn grid is perfect for arranging eco-parking. Previously, it was believed that green plastic gratings were only suitable for temporary parking lots, while concrete gratings were used for larger loads. This statement is partly true, because if the installation is carried out without additional preparation, the soil will inevitably be pressed under the weight of the car. Thus, in the places where the wheels come into contact with the ground, holes are formed in the eco-park. The fact is that the concrete grate will also go into the ground if the site is not prepared in advance. But given that the concrete does not bend, the load is applied to the entire tile at once, parking on the lawn does not damage the root system and grass stand.

If you have stone paths on your property, eco-parking made of concrete gratings will perfectly complement the composition and fit perfectly into the landscape. Honeycombs occupy only 50% of the laying area. For rainy weather and lovers of good shoes, this is rather a plus. The disadvantages of concrete lawn tiles are rapid wear and tear with frequent use and, of course, weight. Frequent temperature changes and the ability of concrete to absorb moisture cause cracks and chips.

Lawn gratings made of plastic

Plastic grating has many advantages over concrete grating:

  • weighs much less and is less noticeable, which creates a wider range of applications;
  • more durable and wear-resistant;
  • resistant to frost and ultraviolet rays;
  • prevents soil leaching and weathering;
  • 90% of grass stand from the laying area;
  • non-toxic.

There are several types of plastic cellular modules. The differences are in cell shape, color and load capacity.

Plastic lawn modules sag under excessive load. They are placed on slopes and embankments of roads. The canvas, joined from many pieces, perfectly replicates the small radii and unevenness of the slopes. Functional service life is more than 25 years. Modern materials make it possible to use plastic cellular modules in parking lots and places with increased soil loads. It is also worth noting that plastic can be easily sawed with a jigsaw, making it possible to create more complex landscape compositions.

Disadvantages of plastic lawn modules:

  • the edges cut off grass crushed by the car;
  • it is necessary to periodically move the car, as the grass withers under the wheels;
  • technical fluids draining from the car will fall into the soil;
  • For parking, site preparation is required.

Do-it-yourself lawn grating installation

Laying a lawn lattice is quite easy for those who are used to doing everything with their own hands. The technology of laying cellular modules is a quick and easy process. The most time will be required to prepare the site.

First, you need to decide for what purposes the place will be used. There will be people just walking there, or cars will periodically drive by, or there will be heavy equipment parked there. The load determines the thickness of the layers of sand and gravel poured.

The installation site is marked with pegs, and a pit is dug. The depth of the pit is calculated as follows: the height of the sand and gravel layer is from 15 cm to 45 cm; leveling layer of sand 2 – 4 cm; the height of the lawn grid is 5 cm.

Pit depth for different types of loads:

  • For pedestrian areas – 25 cm;
  • For entering the garage - 30-35 cm;
  • For parking cars – 40 cm;
  • For trucks – 55 cm.

To avoid crumbling, it is necessary to compact the soil on all sides in the dug pit. The bottom and walls are filled with a small layer of concrete. The walls can be reinforced with brickwork.

Pour in the supporting layer. Gravel or crushed stone mixed with sand in a 4:1 ratio creates a dense cushion. For greater density, compact the layer.

We place geotextiles on a flat bed of gravel, which will prevent the layers from mixing.

Next comes a leveling layer of sand and gravel of a small fraction (5-10 mm). Layer thickness 20-40 mm.

After thorough compaction, you can proceed directly to laying the lawn grating for the parking lot. The modules are laid out one at a time, joining them together, gradually filling the entire area allocated for the lawn.

Pour soil onto the installed grate. It is best to use a mixture of sand and peat (or rotted compost). Distribute the soil evenly over all honeycombs. To prevent the soil from being washed out, leave 0.5 cm to the edge of the cell unfilled.

When sowing the area with grass, carefully ensure that the seeds are distributed as evenly as possible and do not remain on the plastic bridges of the honeycombs. Watering should be done in the morning and evening using a sprinkler attachment.

In general, caring for a lawn or parking lot created from lawn grates is no different from caring for a regular lawn. It also needs to be mowed, watered and fertilized regularly.

How to make an eco-parking system using a concrete lawn grid?

Eco-parking areas with grass cover successfully compete with tiled and concrete ones. Another option is offered to your attention - this is a hard covering of a lawn lattice made of weather-resistant concrete. Sidewalk eco-parking can be an original solution for decorating a home’s interior or designing an entire site.

Lawn grate, advantages and disadvantages

Features of self-installation of lawn gratings

Laying a concrete grate does not require special qualifications from the contractor. To control the quality of installation, a building level is sufficient. Work skills are acquired as you work. For convenience, the entire scope of work can be divided into several stages.

  • Preliminary work includes marking the area, removing roots, stones and other foreign objects. To compact the soil, manual tamping is often used; the main requirement is that the surface is treated over the entire area of ​​the working area. The slabs are not connected to each other, so experts recommend installing a border frame to prevent the outer slabs from moving under horizontal loads. The creation of the border can be postponed to a later date before intensive use of the coating begins.
  • We begin the installation of lattice panels from the far corner. At the first stage, it is recommended to check the evenness of the horizontal slabs especially carefully. The material is freely cut with a grinder with a special attachment, so there are no problems with adjusting it to the configuration of the working site.

A gravel sand cushion can increase the load-bearing properties of a lattice coating by one and a half to two times, therefore, on weak, sandy and sandy loam soils, such structures are used everywhere.

To arrange it, soil is excavated on the site. The basic depth of the mini-pit is determined by the thickness of the compacted crushed stone and sand filling, 200 and 150 mm thick, respectively. These indicators can vary depending on the density of the soil and the planned loads.

The grille is installed according to the standard scheme. If geotextiles with a density of 150-200 mm are laid between crushed stone and sand fill, the likelihood of operational shrinkage of the coating will decrease several times.

The volume of the lattice is filled with a soil substrate, which previously contains seed material of lawn grass zoned for the climate of the region. Young grass will appear by the end of the second month after completion of the work, but it is advisable to operate the coating with maximum load from the beginning of the next warm season.

Tiled sidewalks and paths can be an excellent addition to lattice coverings. The range includes different types of paving slabs; recommendations from a landscape designer will help you choose the right option.


Eco-parking is a successful invention of Western countries, which allows you to combine the advantages of a green lawn and parking. It is especially relevant in conditions of lack of free space within a large metropolis.

In Moscow and Moscow region, eco-parking (eco-lawns, eco-parking lots) first began to appear in 2006. Initially, they were organized near large business centers and shopping and entertainment complexes. As a result, the parking lot here did not seem like a gray concrete space: it simultaneously performed a functional, decorative and environmental role.

Later, eco-parking lots began to appear in the courtyards of public institutions and apartment buildings. Nowadays, they are not inferior in popularity to traditional locations for motor transport. This is due to the presence of a significant number of advantages over traditional parking lots.

  1. Efficiency of installation. The process of constructing an eco-parking in terms of labor and time costs, as well as the quantity and cost of materials used, is more economical than the construction of a standard parking lot with a concrete surface;
  2. Nice appearance. The sight of a lush green lawn is much more attractive than a concrete area covered with oil and gasoline stains and riddled with cracks.
  3. Soil conservation. Since the soil during the construction of an eco-parking area is strengthened using plastic and concrete gratings, the soil does not sag or crack during the use of the site. The grass cover that has become firmly established in the soil also contributes to this.
  4. Ecological cleanliness. In the 21st century, when megacities are filled with smoke and fumes, the construction of such green oases seems very relevant.
  5. Long service life. If properly maintained, the grass cover of the eco-parking will have to be renewed every three years. A lawn grate can last 20-25 years.
  6. Easy to use. Eco-parking does not require complex maintenance at all. All you need to do is water your lawn on time, sometimes add fertilizer once a year, and trim the grass as it grows. In winter, eco-parking lots are cleared of snow manually (without the use of snow removal equipment or chemicals to remove ice).

Prices for eco-parking

Materials and services

units measurements

Concrete lawn grid 60x40x10cm

Plastic lawn grid “rhombus” 60x60x4cm

Lawn grid TTE 80x40x6cm

Preparing a “trough” at minus 20-30cm with soil removal

Setting up a 10cm sand base

Installation of a lawn grate

Filling the cells with fertile soil

Sowing seeds of lawn mixtures into cells

Border (side stone) 100x20x15cm

Installing a curb

Appearance of lawn gratings and technical description

Currently, when constructing eco-parking lots, two types of lawn gratings are used: plastic and concrete. They differ in their ability to withstand a particular weight load. Ultimately, the quality and service life of a parking space will be determined by the correct choice of lawn grating, which depends on factors such as:

  1. Soil type;
  2. Type of vehicle being parked (truck, passenger car);
  3. Installation of curbs, fences and other similar structures;
  4. The need for additional structures (security, lighting, barriers, etc.)

If we consider concrete and plastic lawn gratings used in the construction of eco-parking areas, the following should be noted:

  • Concrete lawn grid “Super” (600x400x100mm) gray color is ideal for parking lots organized for trucks or heavy vehicles. The number of individual sections of such a lattice that fit per 1 square meter is 4.16 pieces.
  • The green plastic lawn grid “Rhombus” (595x595x40mm) is used for arranging standard eco-parking lots for passenger vehicles. Its modules are made of flexible polyethylene, which eliminates the possibility of sagging. To cover one square meter of soil, 2.82 sections will be required.
  • The TTE “Extra” plastic lawn grating (500x500x60mm) in gray color is one of the most popular lawn grating options, which is characterized by increased strength. Exactly 4 sections are laid per 1 square meter of parking.
Type of lawn grate Dimensions and specifications

Concrete lawn grate

Actual size, mm:

Weight, kg: 32.7

Quantity, pcs. in m2: 4.2

GOST, No.: 17608-91

Concrete class for compressive strength: M400 (B30)

Water absorption of concrete, no more: no more than 6%

Frost resistance: F200

Plastic lawn grid "ROMB"

Frost-resistant plastic

from -30С° to +40С°.

Module size: 600x600x40mm,

color – green, black.

quantity per 1m2 – 2.82 pieces,

for load 200 t/m2

weight 1 piece – 1.6 kg.

Lawn grate TTE

Compressive strength: over 1200 tons/m2,

Module size: 800x400x60 mm with 32 cells measuring 83x83 mm each,

in 1 m2 - 3.125 modules.

Weight: ~14 kg/piece (~ 44 kg/m2)

Color: dark gray

Material: sand polymer,

In general, eco-parking includes the following elements:

  • Leveled soil with built-in drainage system;
  • Borders and decorative stones that form the boundaries of the site;
  • A load-bearing layer consisting of crushed stone 10-30 cm thick (depending on the expected load on the eco-parking);
  • Geotextile fabric that prevents soil erosion;
  • A layer of carefully compacted sand 5-20 cm thick;
  • Plastic or concrete lawn grates;
  • Fertile soil where lawn grass seeds are planted.

The layers of crushed stone and sand that form the base for the eco-parking are carefully compacted to prevent subsidence and slopes during the operation of the parking lot.

Our works

Scope of application of eco-parking

Eco-parking is used not only for arranging parking spaces for vehicles, but also for organizing children's and sports grounds. The use of lawn gratings helps to form protection for the grass root system. This prevents the gradual yellowing and death of the lawn.

Children's and sports grounds covered with lawn grass not only provide an aesthetically pleasing appearance to the area, but also contribute to taking care of the environment in conditions of high levels of air pollution within the metropolis.

There are often cases when eco-parking technology is used to arrange courtyards of private houses and recreation areas. This is a very successful alternative to pouring cement and laying paving stones.

In all of these cases, the following positive effects from the construction of eco-parking are observed:

  • Firstly, the areas covered with green spaces are expanding without compromising parking lots, children's and sports grounds;
  • Secondly, an effective airbag against exhaust emissions is created;
  • Thirdly, it provides a natural barrier to erosion and subsequent soil degradation;
  • Fourthly, eco-parking effectively absorbs drops of automobile fuel and prevents their evaporation into the atmosphere.

Winter operation of eco-parking and lawn grilles.

Lawn gratings easily withstand the winter period, incl. mechanized snow removal with tractors and special cleaning equipment.

How to arrange an eco-parking?

Installing an eco-parking system comes down to more than just laying a lawn lattice and planting grass: this is a labor-intensive process that consists of a number of important stages.

  • Marking the territory. First of all, it is necessary to outline the boundaries of the future green parking lot and carefully study the internal structure of the soil: establish where cables, hatches and other communications lie. In addition, the number of curb stones for arranging eco-parking is determined.
  • Carrying out earthworks. They are expressed in excavating soil by 10-30 cm (this is best done using a tractor), leveling the site and laying crushed stone on it. In this process, it is important not to affect underground communications. After laying the crushed stone, the eco-parking drainage system is installed.
  • Compacting crushed stone. This is one of the most critical stages, since an insufficiently dense layer of crushed stone can subsequently lead to subsidence of the eco-parking lot. Typically, compaction is carried out with a roller or vibrating plates.
  • Installation of eco-parking curbs. Eco-parking curbs play an important role: they prevent the lawn grid from moving.
  • Laying geotextiles and sand. The geotextile fabric prevents sand from being washed away during the operation of the eco-parking. The density of the material must be at least 160 g/m2. m. A layer of sand 10-20 cm thick is poured directly onto the geotextile and carefully compacted.
  • Installation of lawn gratings. Lawn grates are laid out on top of the sand close to each other. Their honeycombs are filled with fertile soil (chernozem from the Moscow region and Tula). The finished site is thoroughly watered.
  • Planting grass. Lawn grass seeds are carefully added to the prepared moist soil and watered again.

After 2-4 weeks, the lawn grass sprouts well and the eco-parking can be put into operation.

In fact, the most basic aspect in the process of arranging green parking lots is the formation of a load-bearing layer. Its thickness depends on the future load on the eco-parking. For freight transport, a layer of crushed stone of 20-30 cm is required, and for passenger cars 10-15 cm is sufficient.

If all work on the installation of eco-parking is carried out correctly, it can last at least 20-25 years. In this regard, the construction process should be entrusted to specialists who will perform the work efficiently, quickly and at a high professional level.

Rules for the operation of parking spaces and the care of eco-parking made from a concrete lawn grid

  • Park only within the assigned identification number.
  • Place the car in the middle of the boundary lines.
  • Do not carry out auto mechanic or other work in the eco-parking area.
  • Park the car, cleared of clods of dirt.
  • Enter and exit the eco-parking area in a calm (smooth) manner.
  • Do not store foreign objects (fuels, rubber and other property) in the eco-parking area.
  • Carry out measures for timely replacement and repair of eco-parking covering elements, including lawn grates.

Eco-parking care

  • Water the lawn thoroughly at least 3 times a week.
  • Constantly monitor the cleanliness of the cells (remove leaves, cigarette butts and other debris).
  • If necessary, add a plant mixture of soil and lawn seeds to the cells or contact the operating company to carry out the necessary work.
  • After adding plant soil and seeds to the cells, water thoroughly for 2 weeks, 2 times a day.
  • If the grass height is more than 20-25cm from the edge of the lawn grid, it is necessary to cut it to a level of 5cm. Remove any remaining grass clippings.
  • If for some reason a bunch of grass with soil is not in the cell, it is necessary to return it to its place and water it generously with water.
  • It is not recommended to leave the car for a long time (more than 20 days).


  1. From about May 25 of each year, it is necessary to top up (fill the cells) with a fertile mixture of plant soil, sow the seeds and water abundantly for 2 weeks.
  2. The lawn stone has cells 10cm deep, so be careful and careful when walking in high heels. Step only on hard surfaces (lawn bars).

Keep the eco-parking area clean and tidy.

Why should you contact our company?

Arrangement of eco-parking is one of the main activities of our company. Working since 2008, we have created a significant number of green parking lots in Moscow and Moscow Region. You can be confident in high quality and minimal deadlines for the completion of work, because:

  • In our activities, we rely on our own teams of qualified specialists with extensive experience and do not use the services of intermediaries;
  • When constructing eco-parking areas, we use modern technologies and certified materials;
  • At the request of clients, we promptly go to any district of Moscow and Moscow Region, take measurements, estimate the load on the future parking lot, study the geological map of the area and carry out the whole range of measures for installing eco-parking;
  • Our specialists advise clients on the operation of green parking.

The constantly growing number of cars necessitates the need to find free space for adequate parking. However, the arrangement of a parking area at the dacha is very often an unaffordable luxury for ordinary owners of country estates, which are characterized by small sizes. Since not everyone can leave a car outside their own territory, there is a need to park the car on their own plot, while taking up precious meters. That is, eco-parking is required.

Eco-parking is the best solution for car owners

True, the problem that is associated with the lack of parking space has a very adequate, from a practical point of view, solution, the essence of which is the creation of the so-called ecological parking.

The very first thought is to fill the ecological parking lot with crushed stone and stop there. But, if a parking lot is created in nature, then you want to fit it beautifully into the surrounding landscape. So that it does not take away precious acres from the surrounding beautiful countryside landscape, it looks not like a crushed stone or asphalt area, which are already an eyesore in the city, but like, for example, a lawn.

They are increasingly trying to construct parking lots of this type in various large cities of our country, for example in Moscow. However, unfortunately, no grass can withstand the amount of harmful substances that settle within the city limits. In this regard, in Moscow, maintaining parking on the lawn requires constant and significant effort. However, in a suburban area, such projects are almost always successful.

Eco-parking is a reinforced lawn that has good resistance to increased loads and can easily withstand the weight of an ordinary passenger car, while remaining an ordinary lawn, pleasing to the eye with the appearance of green grass. By creating eco-parking at their summer cottage, car owners have an excellent opportunity to leave their own iron horse on the site, without fear of damaging the soil itself.

A brief overview of various materials for ecological parking, which should be purchased immediately before its arrangement:

The design of an ecological parking lot at a dacha is very simple and involves the presence of a number of layers.

The main ones are a layer of crushed stone and sand, a reinforcing mesh, the role of which lawn grates can serve well, as well as fertile soil sown with seeds of special lawn grass.

Crushed stone is needed to ensure extremely effective drainage of the land plot, and the reinforcing material, the presence of which is implied by the very design of the ecological parking lot, makes it possible to form an elastic base that will contribute to the uniform distribution of the entire load.

How is eco-parking arranged?

Like any type of road surface, a lawn lattice requires the construction of a sufficiently strong base, which will allow you to calculate the maximum load on the modular surface. In this regard, having decided on a place for environmental parking, the cost of which depends on its area and the price of materials, they calculate the required area, taking into account not only the departure of the car, but also its turns and other maneuvers. Then they mark the area and remove all the top layer of soil. The depth of its removal is calculated based on the height of the lawn grid, as well as the gravel and sand layers.

The next stage of creating an ecological parking lot involves laying a special sand cushion, the role of which is to level the territory, as well as hide any unevenness. Therefore, the height of the sand layer is determined by the initial slope of the site and averages 20-30 cm. In this case, the sand is very carefully spilled with water and compacted.

After this, crushed stone and the necessary reinforcing material are laid. If the soil on the site is clayey, then additional adjustments must be made to the structure, in accordance with which the geotextiles are laid. It will prevent crushed stone from sinking into overly moist soil.

Geotextiles are often placed between layers of crushed stone and sand to prevent mixing. The height of the crushed stone layer depends entirely on the load that will be placed on the future parking lot, and for a passenger car a 20-centimeter layer will be quite sufficient.

Before proceeding to laying lawn gratings for ecological parking, the crushed stone layer is again covered with geotextiles, and then the lawn gratings are laid. This event does not present any difficulties. Having installed the very first cell, you can easily mount subsequent ones by simply inserting them into the grooves of the previous ones.

To increase the strength of the structure, experts advise strengthening each module with special L-shaped pins on two opposite edges. Soil, mixed with lawn grass seeds, is poured into the cells of all grids and watered at the end.

The main advantages of eco-parking

The advantages of green ecological parking, thanks to which it definitely cannot be replaced by conventional concrete eco-parking:

Eco-parking maintenance measures

Regular implementation of such events contributes to a very long operational life of the eco-parking, which will be at least ten to fifteen years.

Eco-parking at the dacha is, perhaps, the best way to organize parking in a suburban area today.

This technology has a number of undeniable advantages over traditional types of coatings (asphalt, concrete, garden tiles, crushed stone, etc.)

Firstly, the construction of eco-parking is simpler and cheaper than the construction of parking lots made of solid materials. Additional savings are achieved due to significantly lower costs for parking lot maintenance and repairs.

Secondly, an emerald lawn looks much more interesting than monotonous asphalt or paving.

Thirdly, unlike a “dead” covering, a lawn improves the microclimate, traps dust and harmful substances.

Fourthly, water does not linger in the eco-parking area, so there is no need to create any additional drainage system.

Creating an eco-parking at your dacha begins with preparing the base, the so-called “pillow”, consisting of crushed stone and sand. The top layer of soil is removed from the pre-designated parking area and a pit of a certain depth is dug. Next, a layer of crushed stone or sand-gravel mixture is poured into the pit as drainage, and then a leveling layer of sand. The sand is carefully compacted, leveled and a lawn grid is laid on it. The grid cells are filled with fertile soil, into which lawn grass seeds are sown. When the lawn has matured and become stronger, you can safely park your car on the eco-parking area without fear that the wheels will push through the soil and damage the grass surface.

The thickness of the cushion depends on the planned loads, that is, the mass of cars that are planned to be parked in the eco-parking. So, for parking ordinary passenger cars, it will be enough to pour 15-30 cm of crushed stone and 5-10 cm of sand, and for heavy freight transport already 25-50 cm of crushed stone and 10-15 cm of sand, respectively. Any non-calcareous, clay-free crushed stone is suitable for drainage; clean, fine-grained sand is suitable for the leveling layer. You can compact the sand using a special tool (roller, vibrating plate, vibrating rammer), or with improvised means, periodically spilling it in layers with water.

For greater strength and durability of the foundation, geotextiles (density of at least 90 g/m2) can be laid at the bottom of the pit, between layers of crushed stone and sand and under the lawn lattice.

Laying a lawn lattice is not a complicated process. The technology depends on the type of geogrid, the size of its modules and the type of fastening. To increase strength, the modules should be laid in a checkerboard pattern, fastened together with special locks. To prevent them from moving on the sand, they must be fixed with pins (can be built into modules, supplied as a set or sold separately). To avoid troubles from seasonal expansion of plastic, compensation gaps must be left between individual modules (pre-built in most structures). Plastic lawn grates can be easily sawed with ordinary tools, so reducing the size and shape of the modules is not difficult. We also note that when installing eco-parking in summer cottages with complex terrain and problematic soil, a curb stone must be installed along the perimeter of the parking lot.

The choice of lawn grate type depends on the estimated parking loads, the taste of the consumer and his financial capabilities. Polyethylene gratings with thick walls of maximum height are preferable.

After the lawn grid is laid, its cells should be filled fertile soil so that the soil level coincides with the top edge of the grate. The soil must be thoroughly sifted and compacted (preferably in layers).

At the last stage, lawn seeds are sown in cells filled with soil. Grass mixtures with low-growing, shade-tolerant, trampling-resistant grasses are suitable. Before sowing and immediately after it, the eco-parking should be watered abundantly.

Now you need to be patient. It will take 1-2 months to form a lawn. All this time it will have to be watered regularly, and the car will have to be parked in another place. After the first mowing of the lawn, the eco-parking will finally be ready for use.

Caring for a lawn in a parking lot is no different from caring for a regular lawn; all the same watering, mowing, fertilizing, overseeding, etc. However, there are several natural limitations in the use of eco-parking itself.

Firstly, you cannot leave your car on the lawn for more than 3 days (in a row). No lawn can withstand such shading.

Secondly, you cannot build a rain shelter with an opaque roof over the eco-parking area. For the same reason.

Thirdly, you should not change the oil or refuel your car in the eco-parking area.

The service life of eco-parking systems deserves special attention. As many years of experience have shown, in the conditions of central Russia it is approximately 5 years. And the point here is not the quality of the lawn grate, the service life of which is approximately 20-25 years, and not in the “cushion”, which can properly serve for 50 years, but in the peculiarities of the development of grasses. The fact is that over the years, the root system of grasses rises above the walls of the grate, and they can no longer protect the grass from car wheels. Therefore, every 5 years, eco-parking areas require major repairs with soil replacement and grass reseeding.

So, despite all their advantages, eco-parking is not without its drawbacks. And yet they deserve a lot of attention as an excellent alternative to traditional methods of creating parking space.

In conclusion, we note that the cells of lawn grates in eco-parking areas are sometimes filled not with soil with herbs, but with crushed stone (bark, wood chips). This can be done completely or partially (along the wheel track), or even create an unusual pattern by combining materials of different colors. This simple technique allows you to reduce the cost of maintaining a parking lot and significantly increase its service life. However, at the same time, eco-parking loses its main advantage.

Our company’s specialists will be happy to arrange eco-parking on your garden or plot of land.

Don't delay, call right now!