Economic game for schoolchildren - city of business. Economic game "entrepreneur"

Economic game for schoolchildren - city of business.  Economic game
Economic game for schoolchildren - city of business. Economic game "entrepreneur"

A business game is an imitation of a real production (managerial or economic) situation. Creating a simplified workflow model allows each participant to real life, but within the framework of certain rules, play a role, make a decision, take actions.

Business game method

Business games (BI) are an effective method practical training and are used quite widely. They are used as a means of knowledge in management, economics, ecology, medicine and other fields.

DI has been actively used in the world for studying the science of management since the middle of the 20th century. Significant contribution to development gaming technologies brought in S.P. Rubinstein, Z. Freud and other scientists.

This method allows you to model an object (organization) or simulate a process (decision making, management cycle). Production and economic situations are associated with subordination to superiors, and organizational and managerial situations with the management of a department, group, or employee.

You can put in front of the players different goals, to achieve which they use knowledge of the basics of sociology, economics, and management methods. The results of the game will be related to the degree of achievement of goals and the quality of management.

Classification of business games

DI can be classified according to many criteria.

Reflection of reality

Real (practice)

Theoretical (abstract)

Difficulty level

Small (one task, small team of players)

High (large teams, many practical tasks, game in several stages)

Outcome evaluation

Evaluation by jury, expert



Rigid with a clear order of actions and time frames

Free (without strict regulations)

According to purpose and purpose they are distinguished the following types DI:

1. Educational (lays down knowledge, skills and abilities):

  • research (contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge);
  • For practical activities(build skills);
  • search (search for information or joint decision).

2. For professional guidance.

3. To evaluate and improve professional training.

4. To select specialists for a vacant position.

DI can be classified by the number of participants (team, personal) and by the interests of the parties:

  • partner game (working out team skills with common or opposing interests);
  • confrontation between parties, teams;
  • competition between individual participants, the assessment of whose results are not interrelated;
  • DI with unpredictable external environment or participants without goals.

Types of business games

Business game forms


Examples of business games

Group discussion

Forms group work skills. Players perform the same task, following the rules of the discussion. After time has elapsed, the answers are sorted out and scored.

“Shipwreck”, “Flight to the Moon”, “Meeting”, “Coordination Council”

Role-playing game

Everyone will have to play an individual role and simulate situations. The roles are neutral and do not evoke emotions.

“Customer Relations Manager”, “Trade Union and Employees”, “Manager and Subordinate”

Parlor game

It is held in an organized space or field and has strict rules. The results of the game and the scores are recorded.

“Field of Miracles”, chess, “Monopoly”, “Own Game”

Is a form of training, simulates a situation human relations no strict rules.

“Conflict” and other imitation of competitive, partnership, dependent relationships

Blitz game

A game with elements of discussion, brainstorming, role playing games And

“Battleship”, “Auction”, “Crossword”, “Who knows more”, “Presentation”

Imitation game

Imitation of practice. Participants solve a problem together or individually.

“Manager’s ethics”, “Gossip at the company”, “How to keep an employee from quitting?”, “Blackmail”


Aimed at generating new ideas in a non-standard situation.

Self-organization training, brainstorming


Collective creation of a picture of the future development of the situation.

“Creation of a new product”, “Entering new markets”

All of the above technologies and examples of business games are interconnected. It is recommended to use them in combination for effective practical activities of participants and achievement of assigned tasks.

How to organize the game?

Games are played according to certain rules.

  1. The topics of business games are varied, but their conditions should be relevant and close to life situation, problem. Players may not have the experience to solve it, but they have basic knowledge, imagination and other abilities.
  2. The end result common to the entire team, the achievement of a goal, a developed solution.
  3. There may be several correct solutions. The ability to look for different ways to solve a problem must be included in the condition.
  4. Participants themselves choose roles and behavior patterns to successfully solve the problem. An interesting and quite complex situational task encourages creative search and application of knowledge.

Stages of implementation

  1. Preparatory stage. Identifying the problem, choosing a topic and defining tasks. Choosing the type and form of the game, working on the game strategy, preparing materials.
  2. Introducing participants into a game situation. Attracting interest, goal setting, forming teams, mobilizing participants.
  3. Group or individual work By established rules or without them.
  4. Conclusions and analysis of results independently and/or with the involvement of experts.

Carrying out a business game can involve a large number of stages. During the game, participants will have to identify the problem, consider and analyze the situation, and develop proposals for solving the problem. The work is completed by discussing the progress of the game and wishes.

Business game “Production meeting”

In production management, an active business management game is modeled. The example includes the characteristics and scenario of the business game “Production Meeting”. Conducted at the end of the “Management” course, when students already have an understanding of the principles of management and the role of the production process.

Game participants:

  • employees of the enterprise (7 people). The meeting is attended by the director, deputy for production, chief technical department, head of the assembly shop, head of the turning shop, foreman, secretary;
  • group of experts (10 people).

Steam locomotive repair or machine building plant (an organization of any profile with a medium or small number of personnel). The owners of the company recently appointed a new director. He was presented to the staff and managers of the plant. The director will have to hold an operational meeting for the first time.

Production Meeting Game Plan

Business game scenario

Introductory part

Introduction. Goals and theme of the game.

Game situation

Familiarization with the situation at the company.

Meeting preparation plan

  • Distribution of roles (7 employees and 10 experts)
  • The presenter organizes information for the game participants at the meeting.
  • removal of the director for a while to another office “due to production” needs.
  • then the presenter conveys to the participants information about the behavior of employees at the meeting (from the characteristics). Those present at the meeting treated the new management with skepticism and distrust.


Speech by the director, reaction and questions from superiors.

Discussion and

collective discussion of issues.

What will the director's behavior be like at the meeting?

What can he say or do to improve business relationships with employees?

What decisions can he take when summing up the results of the first operational meeting?


Conclusions from experts and game participants. Self-esteem. Have you solved the tasks and achieved your goals?

Role-playing game

Entering a production situation in a certain role is an interesting business game. Examples for students can be very diverse. You just have to use your imagination.

  1. Role-playing game "Interview". conducts an interview in the form of an interview with the applicant. Vacant position - sales manager. Before the game, participants read the biography and characteristics of their hero. After studying the documents (10 minutes), the manager begins the interview. When summing up the results, it is assessed how the boss conducted the interview, analyzed the information in the documents, and what decision he made. The applicant evaluates the work of the manager.
  2. Role-playing game “Conflict client”. The game is played in pairs. The department head answers a phone call from an angry customer. The client makes complaints about the quality of the product. It is assessed whether the manager can cope with conflict situation and structure the conversation properly.
  3. Role-playing game “Assessing the professionalism of an employee.” The player, from the position of a manager, evaluates the employee’s performance using information about the team’s performance. Based on the data, he fills out an attestation form and prepares for an interview with the employee. Thinks about how to build a conversation, what questions to ask. The role of the employee may be a young specialist, a woman with two children, an advanced employee, and others. As a result, the way the player formulated the questions and highlighted the main thing is assessed.

Strategic business game. Examples for students

Strategic game “Knitting Factory “Style””. The management of the knitting factory plans to expand its sales markets. This requires producing higher quality and more in-demand products. In addition, it is planned to launch several new technological lines.

It had long been planned to replace equipment in several workshops. The problem was the lack of financial resources associated with large accounts receivable. Which strategy is appropriate in this situation? What can plant management do? Forecast based on table data. It is recommended to present several indicators of financial and economic activity for three years.

Sample topics for management games

Examples of business games

Group discussion

"Adoption management decisions. Selection of a candidate for the position of director"

"Organizational Culture of College Students"

“The management cycle in an educational institution”

Role-playing game

"Personnel certification"

“How to ask for a salary increase?”

"Telephone Negotiations"

"Conclusion of a contract"

Emotional-activity game

"Ethics business communication. Love affair at work"

"Conflict between department heads"

"Business conversation. Dismissal of an employee"

"To handle the stress"

Imitation game

"Control effectiveness"

"Development of a business plan"

"Business letter"

"Preparation of the annual report"

Game method and case method

When planning a business game, it is recommended to combine its different forms. The game may contain cases (situations). The case method differs from the business games method, as it is focused on finding and solving a problem. Examples of business games are related to the development of skills, the formation of skills.

Thus, a case is a model of a certain situation, and a business game is a model of practical activity.

The business game method allows you to clearly present management principles and decision-making processes. The main advantage of the games is the active participation of the group, the team of players.

Extracurricular activity


Name of extracurricular activity: Economic game "Business start"

Form of organization of educational and cognitive activities of students: work in groups.

Purpose of the event:

    summarize and systematize the knowledge, skills and abilities of students acquired in the process of studying the course “Economics”



    Organize student activities to primarily consolidate previously learned concepts

    Promote the systematization of students’ knowledge of the material studied


    Develop skills to work in a group


    To promote student activity and independence during the lesson.

Teaching methods:

    Verbal – frontal conversation

    Practical – analysis of proposed situations

Didactic materials and equipment: handouts for each group [Appendices 1-11], 2 bags of small change for the 9th competition.

Progress of extracurricular activities.

1. Organizational stage(1 minute).

Hello guys! Today we have an unusual lesson! Today we will conduct an economic game “Business Start”. Now you need to divide into 2 teams, each of which is a representative of a company.

The team that gets the most wins large quantity points. Maximum score 5 points. Go!

2. Progress of the game.

Task 1. Presentation of teams(5 minutes).

Now you need to divide into 2 teams, each of which will represent a specific company, and which one you will decide for yourself. So the first task is as follows:

    come up with a name for your company,

    what the company will do (production or services)

Task 2. Barter(6 minutes).

As you know, barter is a non-monetary exchange. We offer to exchange points for knowledge of company employees (team members). Now you will receive cards with questions that you need to answer. ( Participants receive task cards) [Appendix 1].

Task 3.(8 minutes).

Now each group of workers will have their own task:

    Human Resources Department: They are working on developing a TEST for those entering the workforce, so that they can then practically apply it. (10 questions) (Get to work).

    Managers: needs to be drawn up business letter, with all suggested words [Appendix 3].

Task 4.(4 minutes).

Now I will read the questions to you, and you will have to write down the answers on pieces of paper and give them to my assistant as quickly as possible. The team that answers the question quickly and correctly will receive one point for each question. (List of suggested questions in Appendix 4).

Task 5.(4 minutes).

Now you will be offered pictures depicting economic terms, your task is to determine what kind of term is encrypted in the picture [Appendix 5].

Task 6.(4 minutes).

Now you will receive a test with questions. The team that answers the most questions correctly will receive greatest number points [Appendix 6].

Task 7.(8 minutes).

It is necessary to restore the correspondence between the country and its monetary unit.

(Participants receive task cards [Appendix 7]).

Task 8.(6 minutes).

Come up with and write as many proverbs about money as possible (sayings, idioms, phraseological units)

For example: don’t have 100 rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Task 9.(4 minutes).

Investors have decided to invest money in the development of your companies. You need to count the amount of money (for speed and accuracy). ( Participants receive a bag of small change).

Task 10. Task for captains(4 minutes).

    Your employees have gone on strike. Your actions?

    Your company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Your actions?

    Due to problems at the power plant, electricity was cut off at your company. There has been no light for a week now. Your actions?

Task 11.(1 minute).

Participants receive task cards.

Continue with a few words:





consumption-… .

Task 12.(2 minutes).

Which of the following economic concepts can be called positive and which negative? (Participants receive task cards [Appendix 8]).

Task 13.(2 minutes).

(Participants receive task cards [Appendix 9]).

Task 14.(6 minutes).

Now I will read the questions to you, and you will have to write down the answers on pieces of paper and give them to my assistant as quickly as possible. The team that answers the question quickly and correctly will receive one point for each question. (Questions in Appendix 10).

Task 15.(4 minutes).

(Participants receive task cards [Appendix 11].

On the cards in front of you are sample phrases. You need to use one of them to come up with a funny incident from your possible entrepreneurial life.

Task 16. (4 minutes).

The following concepts must be defined in writing:

    Export (export of goods from the country for sale on the foreign market).

    Import (import of goods from abroad for sale within the country).

    Management (management, organization of activities.

    Issue (issue of money and valuable papers.




    License (document)

Task 17. (2 minutes)

Your company made a profit of 2 million rubles. How will you manage it?

3. Summing up. (2 minutes).

(Summing up, counting results. The team with the most points wins).


Questions for task 2.

    A means by which you can pay for a purchase, measure the value of something, and even make a fortune. (Money)

    One of the forms of trade, but not with any goods, but only with particularly valuable or rare ones, when there are many people who want to buy a particular product and they compete with each other for the right to purchase. (Auction)

    Lending money for a certain period of time. (Credit, loan)

    Insolvency due to lack of funds. (Bankruptcy)

    An agreement under which one party provides the other party with something for temporary use for a specified fee.(Rent)

    Any type of business activity that generates income or other personal benefits. (Business)

    An institution where they buy and sell wholesale, make deals and sign contracts. (Exchange)

    An intermediary between the seller and the buyer. (Broker)

    What is an investment? (property and intellectual values ​​invested in objects of business and other activities)

    Know-how. What is this? ( scientific, technical, commercial and other information that provides certain benefits to the enterprise or person who received it).


Task 3.

    Shampoo “Cruise”, which needs to be exported to France.

    Watches “Slava” - we will sell them in Switzerland.

    Tape recorder “Romantic” - export to Japan.


For the first command:

Sausage, carriage, dog, comrade, tractor, patience.

For the second command:

TV, Christmas tree, mirror, snow, help, scissors.


Questions for task 4.

    Which bazaar has the biggest noise? (At the poultry market.)

    The face of the outlet what's this? (Showcase.)

    Name the hero I.S. Turgenev with a “trade” surname? (Bazarov - “Fathers and Sons.”)

    One man bought three goats and paid 1000 rubles for them. The question is, why did each goat go? (On the ground.)

    "Economic breed" of dogs this... Which one? (Dachshund, after all, dachshund is also a set price.)

    Which country is called the “banker” of the whole world? (Switzerland.)

    Name an event where the price is hammered. (Auction.)

    Where do people who receive the Golden Mask award serve in Russia?

    (In the theatre.)

    What liquid mineral is called “black gold”? (Oil.)

    "Coca-Cola" in relation to "Pepsi-Cola" who is this? (Competitor.)


Task 5.

1. Joint venture

2. Rent


Questions for task 6.

1. How do they figuratively talk about low incomes?

A) Modest; b) Shy;

c) Shy; d) Indecisive.

2. Who, according to the proverb, pays twice?

a) Kind; b) Generous;

V) Stingy; d) Forgetful.

3. What epithet is awarded high prices?

a) Fabulous; b) Anecdotal;

c) Poetic; d) Epic.

4. What is a certain quantity of goods called?

a) Block; b) Party;

c) Sect; d) Gang.

5. Continue the famous Russian proverb: “ Good product myself


a) Purchases; b) Eats;

c) Praises; d) Delivers.

6. What, according to the proverb, loves a product?

a) Submission; b) Out;

c) Goal; d) Foul.

7. What creates demand?

a) Word; b) Offer;

c) Phrase; d) Paragraph.

8. What does the accountant hand over at the end of each quarter?

a) Delivery; b) Office;

c) Balance; d) Exams.

9. What important economic abbreviation exists in our country?

a) MNOS; b) minimum wage;

c) MLOB; d) MUHO.

10. What is made of gold by a hardworking craftsman?

a) Fingers; b) Hands;

c) Teeth; d) Calluses.


Answers to task 7.

Lithuania (lit.)

Azerbaijan (manat)

Kyrgyzstan (som)

Kazakhstan (tenge)

Estonia (kroon)

Latvia (lat)

Ukraine (hryvnia)

Moldova (lei)

Armenia (dram)

Uzbekistan (sum)

Bulgaria (Leo)

France (euro)

China (yuan)

Poland (zloty)

India (Rs.)

US (dollar)

Japan (Jen)

UK (pound sterling)

Belarus (ruble)

Czech Republic (koruna)

Iraq (dinar)

Canada (Canadian dollar)

Argentina (peso)

Brazil (real)

Chile (peso)


Which of the following economic concepts can be called positive and which negative?

  • inflation

  • stabilization


    increasing labor productivity,

    rising production costs

    cost reduction


Find synonyms:

  • management

    market research







Task 14.

Take the first note

And you add the word “move” to it,

You will get what you dream of

Anyone who starts a business. (income)

Timofey knitted socks

And sold them at the market

Cheaper than the threads cost,

Got one... (losses)

To consume food

Show off in bright dresses,

To eat and drink deliciously,

We need all this... (buy)

The shoemaker made the boots,

The cake maker baked the pies,

And flour for pies

The miller made five bags.

We met at the market

We exchanged and said goodbye.

Every master was at that moment

Seller and... (provider)

A ship sails on the lake

And he carries a heavy load,

But it’s worth replacing the letter -

You can buy shares there.


The product must have

Required... (price)

Kohl worked all year round,

It will be round... (income)

Streams are babbling, feet are wet,

It's time to pay in spring... (taxes)

He is a financial fakir

The bank is waiting for you... (Banker.)

Like a child without a mother,

Both the doctor and the acrobat

They give it away for work... (salary)

How many sausages did you buy?

The arrow will show you exactly...




“And at eight I need to be in the Kremlin.....”

“That’s when I did my internship in America...”

3. “….and Mr. Kudrin then answered me…..”

“And this tie was given to me by Madonna...”

“And I had to call Anatoly Chubais...”

“…..well, what can I do, I called Bush……..”

Scenario of the economic game “On the steps of business”

Target: expanding economic knowledge and range of interests of students.


1. The class is divided into two teams.

2. Audio cassettes (CDs, DVDs) with recordings of songs containing the words “money” and “gold” are prepared in advance.



Progress of the event

Presenter 1. Birth economic science covered in the shadow of centuries, like the birth of the economy itself, which, however, occurred many millennia earlier. Primitive farming did not require special scientific knowledge.

For a long time people have been trying to understand the secrets of the economy. The world knows the names of the great economists Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Antoine Montchretien and others. Maybe soon your name will be among the great ones?!

Presenter 2. But first let's check yours basic knowledge in economics, without which any business is impossible. Do you know what business is? (Team answers. Answers are scored according to five-point system, this takes into account not only factual knowledge, but also a sense of humor, resourcefulness, and ingenuity of the players.)

That's right, business is economic activity that generates income or provides other benefits. A businessman enters the zone of risk and adventure, where courage is needed no less than a thorough knowledge of market conditions. And our participants need to show all these qualities, because perhaps today they will take the first step into Big world economics and business. So, we present the teams and our esteemed jury.

Presenter 1. One of the commandments of a businessman is: “Luck favors the educated.” After all, today a real businessman is a highly educated specialist. So, our first competition is a warm-up.

Economic ABC

The presenters take turns asking questions to the teams, and tokens are awarded for correct answers. If a team does not know the correct answer, the question goes to another team.

1. What is the transfer of land, buildings, property for rent by their owner, owner for a certain period for a fee called? (Rent.)

2. A security issued by a joint stock company. The person who buys such a paper becomes one of the owners, the owners of this company and acquires the right to receive a portion of the income from its activities. (Promotion.)

3. Special institution, an institution designed to carry out a variety of operations and actions with money. Very often these institutions burst (Bank.)

4. This word translated from English means business. In general, this is the activity of a person or group of people, carried out at their own expense, under their own responsibility. (Business.)

5. What is the name of the profession of a person who facilitates transactions between a seller and a buyer? (Broker.)

6. The monetary unit of any country, used and legalized in the country. (Currency.)

7. What is the name of a security containing an unconditional monetary obligation to pay a certain amount within a certain period? (Bill.)

8. Monetary remuneration paid to authors of literary and musical works published in print. (Fee.)

9. Voluntary agreement of two or more persons, each of whom assumes certain obligations. (Agreement.)

10. Import into the country of foreign goods or other valuables purchased abroad for their use. (Import.)

11. An increase in prices for goods, leading to a decrease in the number of goods that can be purchased per monetary unit. (Inflation.)

12. Property and intellectual values ​​invested in objects of business and other activities. (Investment.)

13. A document, an official receipt given to a person to confirm that cash payments, goods or other valuables have been received from him. (Receipt.)

14. A storage facility in which you can pledge property assets and things and receive a temporary loan, the amount of which depends on the value of the pledged things. To get your things, you need to repay the loan and pay for storage of things and interest for the loan. (Pawnshop.)

15. Complete system activities to manage production and sales activities, based on market research in order to maximize customer satisfaction. (Marketing.)

16. An employee of a company or firm who manages people, labor, production and sale of goods. (Manager.)

17. Mandatory payments established by law that citizens and organizations (individuals and legal entities) are required to pay periodically, usually quarterly or annually, to the state. (Taxes.)

18. Open notification by the company of possible buyers and consumers of the goods and services it produces about the quality, merits, and advantages of these goods and services. She should not discredit the goods and services of other companies, otherwise she is dishonest. (Advertising.)

19. Income received by the owner through the use by others of land, property, capital or other property belonging to him. Receiving such income does not require the owner to exert any labor effort. (Rent.)

20. Money lent or material values to be returned within the specified period. For using it, the borrower who receives it is obliged to pay a fee, which is called interest. (Loan.)

21. Civil service, which controls the import and export of goods across the country’s border. She still collects fees. (Customs.)

22. A company performing fiduciary functions for individuals and organizations. (Trust company.)

23. Cash in the broadest sense of the word - both all cash and non-cash money and checks, and all types of securities. (Finance.)

24. Money document established form, which plays the role of money and can be used instead of money as a means of payment. (Check.)

25. Relationship, interaction of a person with his environment natural environment, rational economic use natural resources. (Ecology.)

Presenter 1. While the jury is evaluating our first competition, we want to find out from you what proverbs and sayings you know about money. For each proverb the team will receive one point.

The teams take turns calling Proverbs and sayings.

Presenter 2. And now we invite you to plunge into the history of economics. Our next tour is called...


We open a conditional account for one thousand rubles for each team. Our auctions will be unusual. You buy a question and answer it correctly, then the amount for which the question was purchased is credited to your account. If the answer is incorrect, then only half of the question amount will be credited to your account. Let's start trading!

The initial price of the first question is 100 rubles. Place your bets, gentlemen!

1. When did paper money appear in Russia? (In 1768, they were introduced by Catherine II to replace bulky copper money, and they were called banknotes.)

Let's buy the second question. Initial price 80 rubles.

2. In 1776, publisher William Strahey published in London “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations” - biggest work classical political economy. Name the author of the book. A little hint - he is Scottish by origin. (Adam Smith.)

Let's buy the third question. Initial price 120 rubles.

3. By whose decree and when was the position of an accountant first officially established in Russia? (By decree of Peter I in the early 1700s. The word “accountant” came to us from German language together with the reforms of Peter I.)

Let's buy the fourth question. Initial price 100 rubles.

4. Why was the penny called a penny? (The first easy money - kopecks - were issued with a picture of a horseman with a spear. From the word “spear”, which was in the hands of the horseman on the coin, it was called a penny.)

Let's buy the fifth question. Initial price 100 rudders.

5. What word did the word “ruble” come from? (In Rus', heavy silver ingots - hryvnias, which had the shape of bars, were used for payments. If whole piece was too large for calculations, it was cut down. It is from the verb to chop that the word “ruble” comes from.)

Let's buy the sixth question. Initial price 200 rubles.

6. In Rus', the profession of a cattleman was very respected. What did the cattlemen do? (Money used to be livestock in Rus' - sheep, cows, bulls. The larger the herd you owned, the richer you were considered. Later, animals stopped serving as money, but the name “cattleman” means “keeper of money”, “tax collector” and “cowwoman” in the meaning of “treasury” were preserved for a long time.)

The economic training of modern schoolchildren is one of the most important for the normal development of market relations in the country.

Nowadays, the lack of economic knowledge is acutely felt by the majority of the country's population, and giving this knowledge to students is the most promising direction for shaping the economic culture of the entire population.

The country's transition to a market has confronted schools and children's associations with tasks of social significance - to effectively prepare teenagers for life in a society based on a market economy. This involves making significant adjustments to the entire education system. Today's school needs to help them adapt and survive in a market economy.

Most effective methods teaching economics are game forms training. Their use activates children's cognitive activity. Games make it easier for children to learn different ages complex economic concepts.

The educational purpose of the games is to deepen, consolidate and generalize knowledge, in addition, to develop such qualities as attention, memory, logical thinking, and the ability to act collectively.

Increasing interest in business games is explained by a number of factors:

– when using business games, the learning process is as close as possible to real practical activities, to life, simulating real life, allowing children to get involved in the practical activities of organizations and firms, try themselves in the role of a manager, accountant, economist, etc.

– the game is a collective teaching method that promotes the development of students’ communicative abilities. And one cannot fail to note the special emotional mood that is formed during the game, which helps to intensify the learning process. Researchers have found that when presenting material in a lecture, no more than 20% of the information is absorbed, and during a business game - about 90%.

– every business game is a simulation method that helps prepare students for life. During the game, participants perform a role and make decisions based on the interests of this role.

The proposed game is a version of the game “Show Exchange - V, VI”, held at the Children's and Youth Center and adapted to the conditions of a secondary school.

Purpose of the game: To introduce students to the work of the stock exchange.

1. Create an active playing field, an atmosphere of business interaction between the participants in the game.

2. Train teenagers who participate in the game in basic management skills.

3. Organize and conduct a series of competitions and trading sessions.

4. Continue to develop students’ communicative, organizational, and creative abilities during the game.

Purpose of the game

The game is played with students who have studied the topic “ Financial market. Securities".

The number of participants is not limited to one class. Several parallel classes from (9-11 grades) one school or several schools can take part in the game.


Teams called companies (firms) are created from students in grades 10-11 before the start of the game. They choose a name, a manager, and distribute other roles (deputy, juror, etc.)

Each participant in the game wears a badge (plate) with his name, team name, and class letter.

General provisions for the game.

The game being played will be not just a business game, but a business game with

elements of the show. This was introduced due to the need to create an atmosphere of mutual trust and relaxedness among the students participating in the game, since other options for the game are possible. This will allow achieving greater results in the tasks assigned to companies (firms).

The game is conducted as a comprehensive test for companies.

All firms are equal players on the stock exchange. Their primary goal - “earn” as much game currency as possible.

The game is played by 11th grade students, under the guidance of a teacher(s).

Relations during the game are regulated by documents issued by the Organization (Appendix 1). The main document is the Judicial Code (Appendix 7).

The game is being implemented in stages.

Stage 1. Preparing for the game.

Target; design of the working environment (creation of companies, tokens, game package).

Stage 2. Adaptation of students in a gaming situation.

Goal: Creating a favorable psychological and activity atmosphere during the development of the game.

Stage 3. Implementation of the game.

Purpose: tracking the development of the plot within the script.

Stage 4: Summing up. Reflection.

Goal: analysis of the activities of companies and individual participants in game situations.

Reflection of the participants and organizers of the game (questionnaire, round table) in order to identify acquired skills in management and gaming activities; consolidation of acquired knowledge, formation of communication skills.

Requirements for companies

The total number is 10-11 people.

Before you start, you need to prepare:

  • shares of the company (the number of shares is determined by the formula: 100*n, where n-
  • number of team members).
  • creative performance “Business card”
  • tokens for the show “Hello!” quantity 50-80 pcs.

First day (preparatory) - date, Friday, evening.

Show “Hello!”

A “Business Card” competition is being held. Each team must prepare a speech of no more than 10 minutes, in the form of a greeting. The team produces tokens with which they evaluate the performance of the contestants; tokens can be given or exchanged. Based on the results of the competition, each company receives a starting amount of game money, depending on how many more tokens they have collected than others.

Start - 16.00 to 18.00 (no more than 2 hours).

Second day (beginning of the first game day) - date, Saturday, evening.

Before the start of the game, each company must register and transfer all its shares to the stock exchange. As a result of trading and participation in competitions, the share price of each team will change (the starting price of all shares is 1:100).

The company's goal is to earn as much game money as possible.

Starts at 16.00 to 19.30 (no more than 4 hours).

Third day (second game day) - Sunday, all day.

Competitions and trading on the stock exchange. “Rent” of premises. Work of the court. At the end of the game day there is a musical marathon (disco). The results of the game are summed up by the companies themselves under the supervision of the Game Organizers. The company that earns the most “real money” wins. The winners will be determined in several categories.

Start - 10.00 to 18.00 (19.00).


The results are summed up after each of the 3 days:

After first day The number of tokens for each company is counted and the team's share rate on the second day (the first game day) is determined.

After second day the company's profit is determined (the difference between the company's income and expenses is determined by the formulas (P=D-R) and the amount of tax paid by the company.

After third day The results of the amount of “real money” are summed up. All remaining promotions after the end of the last one trading session are not taken into account.

Awarding teams with certificates and prizes.

Economic games are a mandatory component in economic education and education of high school students.

A business game is joint creativity, joint search, which can provide a high effect on learning the basics of economics. The difference between business games and traditional training is that participants play out a practical situation in an accelerated mode of its development. Students are involved in analysis, discussion, decision-making and, as a result, find the necessary solutions themselves. practical actions in a simulated situation. During business games new knowledge is not transferred from teacher to students, but is developed by the participants in the process themselves.

We held our first school game on January 28-30 2000. Pupils of 11th grades took part in it, and during the preparation they came to the conclusion that 10th graders should also be invited, i.e. the total number of participants was 96 people! (7 teams) and 2 teachers.

The organizers were students who participated in 2 city games held at the Youth and Youth Center in 1999

The results, interest and unusualness of the games caused such vigorous activity among the students that they began preparing for school game independently: they developed a document, Regulations for the game, came up with game money, made cost calculations, distributed responsibilities and actually confronted me with the fact that the game could be played in a school building.

The second game was held on January 30 - February 1 2004 year. School word of mouth spread alumni stories about previous game and the people “also wanted to play.” This time, in addition to the 11th graders, only 1 tenth grade took part, and then we decided to invite students from school No. 3, who not only accepted our proposal with great enthusiasm, but also very quickly got involved in the preparation. Option interschool All the participants really liked the game, as it introduced new nuances that had to be thought through and solved, and it was great. 6 teams (106 people) and 4 teachers took part in the game.

Questionnaire game participants showed, that the majority came to the game voluntarily, to gain skills and abilities, to test themselves in a specific matter, although 29 people came just to “hang out.”

The game was rated “simply cool” and “good” by 60% of participants

Due to the long time period, the game is best played in after school hours and coincide with Sundays, which will attract even more people to participate in the game. Strict rules do not imply the presence of fans, but this in turn helps the teacher not to worry about discipline and order throughout the game. The teams themselves control their activities, the behavior of the participants, and follow the rules of the game so as not to lose game money on fines. If in the first game violations were noticed such as smoking in the toilet, counterfeiting the Organization's money and fake shares, then in the second game these negative aspects were no longer present. The school was left in perfect order, which greatly surprised the school's technical staff.

Played a big role in a clearer organization and conduct of the game, and most importantly in quickly summing up the results. technical equipment- all the work of the bank and the exchange was carried out on a computer, for which we were very grateful to the computer science teacher.

This game can be used by teachers, class teachers and additional education teachers both in class and extracurricular activities. It can be a separate event or an integral part of an interactive educational block.

I believe that this game is of great interest also because students in economics lessons participated in the following business and role games:

Book Factory,

Coffee market,

Vegetable market,

Entrepreneurs and the unemployed

Natural resources market,

Profitable production

Meeting of managers “How to make people work better?”,

Family. Rational consumption. Budget of a socially mature family.”


  1. Baburin V.L. “Business games in economic and social geography”, M, “Prosveshchenie”, JSC “Educational Book”, 1995
  2. Gudkova N. F. (compiler), “Business games in economics”, St. Petersburg, Laboratory of Socio-Economic Education, 1995
  3. Merzlyakov V.F. “Problems and questions in economics”, M, “Prosveshchenie”, 1997.
  4. Prudchenkov A. S., Raizberg B. A., Shemyakin B. P. “Market? Market...Hurray! Market!”, M, “ New school”, 1994
  5. Prudchenkov A. S. “School of business game Stock Exchange”, magazine “School Technologies”, No. 5, 1998.
  6. Selevko G.K. “ Educational technologies based on the activation, intensification and effective management of educational institutions”, M, Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005.
  7. Strebulaev I. “ Stock market, or something about summer impressions”, “School Economic Journal”, No. 5, 1997.
  8. Trainev V. A. “Educational business games”, M, humanitarian publishing center “Vlados”, 2005.
  9. Firsov E. T “Economics. Mind games for schoolchildren”, Yaroslavl, “Academy of Development”, 1998.

Produce what sells, rather than sell what is produced.

Target: deepen the concepts of “specialization”, “export”, etc.; illustrate economic relations: instill skills in working with various sources information; develop Creative skills; professional development of the student’s personality.

Preparation period.

Marketing (translated from English as market) - studying the market, influencing demand in order to expand sales.

Students are divided into groups of 5-6 people (expert commission, city representatives). Selected for discussion Big City region, for example, Volzhsky (or city district). Various are selected for the game visual aids(map, paintings, photographs, product packaging, product samples themselves, herbariums, posters, advertising sheets, booklets, etc.). All this will help to visualize the city of Volzhsky.

Each group should have its own workplace. There are places for the expert commission, a table of non-trade agreements, on which whatman paper, a set of colored paper, scissors, glue, markers, maps, a directory, and prospectuses are placed.

Progress of the game

We welcome you to our Trade House. Marketing specialists have gathered here today.

The game is played in 4 rounds.

1st round. Preparatory.

In 20 minutes, using available materials, game participants create an advertisement for their city and place it in the designated area. There is collective, creative work going on.

2nd round. Presentation of a group project.

3rd round. Studying the sales market and demand for the city's products.

Representatives of each team report what and from whom they will buy. For food they pay 1 unit of “currency”, for raw materials - 2, for finished products - 3.

During the “bargaining”, experts quickly accept the “currency” and put it in special boxes.

The activity of “bargaining” depends on the presenter.

The expert commission, having counted the “currency”, reports which team presented the products that are in greatest demand.

4th round. Briefing.

Representatives of the groups report what non-trade agreements they have concluded (trade, tourism, scientific and technical exchange, construction, etc.).

The final word is given to the expert. He evaluates the work of each group comparative form. The results are summed up and the best players are awarded.

There are no losers in the game.