Egyptian pyramids. Pyramids of Egypt: who built the Egyptian pyramids - hypotheses, facts

Egyptian pyramids. Pyramids of Egypt: who built the Egyptian pyramids - hypotheses, facts

Monuments of bygone civilizations - pyramids and other grandiose structures - are scattered in different parts of our planet. Facts indicate that they were built by representatives of a highly developed civilization that had a unique culture...

There are literally hundreds of megaliths and pyramids of various sizes and styles on Earth - in Europe, Africa, the Middle and Far East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands, North and South America, and even on the seabed and in Antarctica. Megalithic structures in different parts of the world have a very similar construction technology. The kinship of highly developed civilizations on different continents can be judged by the use of polygonal masonry from complexly shaped blocks, the production of stylized human heads and other facts.

The answer to the question of how megalithic structures were built is given footprints, left by tools on processed stone blocks and the blocks themselves, their shape, structure and chemical composition.

Tool marks. There are many traces. Moreover, such traces that cannot be left by a copper tool. These are marks from a drill with a cutting edge of 1.5-2 mm, cuts made with circular and flat saws. Such stone processing is possible only with tools made of carbide steels, the presence of which in the hands of builders indicates the absurdity of the ideas of modern scientists about the low level of development of earthly civilization in the past and its very limited technical capabilities.

The characteristics of the equipment used in the construction of megaliths amaze specialists even today. In Aswan there is a quarry where gray granite was mined. There was a half-cut block with weight left in it about 1200 tons! If you pay attention to the side effects of block cutting, the high level of technical capabilities of the quarry developers immediately becomes obvious. When making a block, the surface of the quarry wall (not a block!!!) is very smooth, the corner of the quarry is processed with a constant turning radius in height, and the height of the quarry wall is about 5-6 meters...

Such side effects from working in the quarry could only appear with the use of high-tech machines that could easily cope with hard gray granite.

The great technical capabilities of megalith builders are also indicated by the sequence of operations during the construction of the pyramids. On one of the faces of the Menkaure pyramid, traces of the alignment of the face after laying the blocks have been preserved. Leveling large surface areas is a technical challenge. If the pyramid had been built using primitive manual technologies, then the sequence of operations would have been reversed: first, the production of finished blocks, and only then their laying.

Block shape. Quite a lot of blocks have a complex geometric shape, which requires precise movement of the processing tool in three planes. These are clearly the “fruits” of a highly developed civilization that had complex machinery at its disposal!

Very often, ancient builders used huge blocks. Even at the current level of development of our civilization, small bricks are very often used. Only a civilization for which the production and movement of such blocks does not present any particular difficulties can use huge blocks for construction.

Structure and chemical composition of blocks. During the construction of megaliths, blocks of both natural stone and concrete were used. The use of concrete is confirmed by many facts.

On the upper blocks, which were not eroded by sandstorms, the imprints of the mat left when the blocks were cast are clearly visible. The mat was used as a spacer between the formwork and the cast block. In addition to visible imprints on the blocks, there were also hairs stuck to the surface layer of the blocks. These facts clearly indicate that the blocks are made from concrete. In addition, on the faults of the blocks their layered structure, which arose as a result of the filling of the blocks in parts, is clearly visible. Chemical analysis of the blocks showed that the ratio of chemical elements in the blocks does not correspond to their natural content in natural stone, which indicates their artificial origin.

The volume of concrete used to build megaliths amounts to millions of tons, and such concrete was made from ground natural stone. This indicates that in the production of such concrete, special machinery was used, and not primitive manual technologies, with the help of which it is fundamentally impossible to do this.

When were megalithic structures built?.

The pyramids in North and South America were built no later than 13 thousand years ago, i.e. even before the start of the world war between Antlan and Great Asia, before the destruction of Atlantis and the subsequent resettlement of the Antes who lost the war to other continents.

The Egyptian pyramids were clearly built during a period of history when the area experienced heavy rainfall, as evidenced by the gutters for drainage and signs of erosion on the Sphinx from flowing rainwater. This is at least 8-10 thousand years ago. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas indicate a period of 12-13 thousand years ago, that is, after the resettlement of the Antes to the territory of Ancient Egypt...

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There are several hundred pyramids on Earth - from relatively small ones to buildings the size of a 30-story building. But scientists still have questions about their functionality.

Common features

Despite the fact that the pyramids scattered throughout the planet vary in size, shape, and also in the time of construction, they have much more common features than might seem at first glance. Researchers note a largely similar style in the construction of the pyramids. This applies to both stone processing and its installation. Some pyramids, in particular the Mexican ones and those located in the depths of the ocean, are united by the presence at the foot of a “stylized head” carved from a monolith.

Scientists at the University of California recently mapped all known pyramids and found that they are located approximately on the same line. If we take the Giza pyramids as our starting point, then this line ends at the Guimara pyramids, built on the Canary Islands.
According to the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl, the similarity of ancient megalithic buildings is explained by the fact that there was an exchange of experience between the islands and continents. With his expeditions, Heyerdahl proved the possibility of ancient people swimming over fairly long distances.


The most popular hypothesis for the construction of pyramids is the desire of contemporaries to perpetuate the name of an earthly ruler by building a tomb for him. For these purposes, according to most historians, special burial chambers were created in the Egyptian pyramids, which were equipped for the posthumous life of the pharaoh: he was left with jewelry, household utensils, furniture, and weapons. And false corridors and stone doors, according to popular belief, were supposed to protect the pharaoh from uninvited guests.

However, according to archaeologists, mummies have never been found in the pyramids. Burials took place in necropolises. For example, the mummy of Tutankhamun was found in the Valley of the Kings, Ramses II was found in rock tombs, and the mummy of Cheops, the “owner” of the largest Egyptian pyramid, was never discovered.

Knowledge Repository

One of the latest versions of the functional purpose of the pyramids suggests that they were built as a repository of knowledge of previous civilizations, in which astronomical and geographical information is expressed in the language of geometry.
Domestic and foreign scientists, including the British mathematician John Legon, carried out numerous calculations of the length of the faces and bases of the pyramids, their volumes, areas and even the distances between the pyramids, and discovered strict patterns of multiplicity of series of numbers.
In particular, the ratio of the perimeter of the base of the Cheops pyramid to its height is equal to the number 2Pi. Based on this fact, scientists conclude that the pyramid serves as a map projection on a scale of 1:43200 of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

Navigation station

French researchers A. de Belizal and L. Chomery made an unusual assumption that the Great Pyramid of Egypt served as a transmitting station. According to researchers, thanks to the enormous mass of the pyramid and the peculiarities of its shape, which was a “false vibrational prism,” the possibility of powerful radiation was created.

Radiesthetic studies conducted by French specialists, in their opinion, showed that radiation could be detected at a very large distance using a reduced model of such a pyramid. This allowed ancient people to orient the route of a ship at sea or a caravan in the desert without a compass.


Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Olga Dluzhnevskaya suggests that the Mexican pyramid of Kukulcan could serve as a calendar. Along the entire perimeter, the structure is surrounded by stairs: on each side there are 91 steps - a total of 364, which is equal to the number of days in a year of the Mayan calendar. The stairs are divided into 18 flights, each of which corresponds to a month - that’s how many the Mayan calendar counted.
Moreover, the location of the pyramid is very clearly oriented to the cardinal points, which on the days of the equinox creates the opportunity for an unusual visual effect. When the rays of the sun fall on the steps, something similar to a huge snake is formed: its head appears at the base of the stairs, while its body extends up the entire pyramid.

Energy Transformer

According to one hypothesis, pyramids are powerful generators that are capable of converting negative energy into positive. Thus, it is assumed that the accumulated energy of the Cheops pyramid is focused in the royal room at the location of the sarcophagus.
Russian engineer Alexander Golod indirectly confirms the functional purpose of the ancient pyramids by building so-called energy pyramids, which, in his opinion, harmonize the structure of the surrounding space and have a positive effect on humans. However, official science is skeptical about the theories of the Russian researcher.


Recently, scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that the ancient pyramids were observatories. In particular, this is indicated by the “astronomical orientation” of the pyramids: to sunset during the summer solstice, and to sunrise during the winter solstice.
Egyptologist Nikolai Danilov says that the Great Pyramid as an observatory was mentioned by Arab historians. However, for a long time it was not clear how astronomers could climb the smooth walls of the pyramid, or how the internal structure of the pyramid corresponded to the tasks of the observatory.

The answer was found by English astronomer Richard Proctor while studying the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Proclus. It noted that the Great Pyramid was used as an observatory when it was built to the level of the Great Gallery, which opened onto a square platform.

Modern researchers are puzzled by one fact: why does the ascending tunnel of the Great Pyramid suddenly give way to a gallery whose height exceeds 8 meters? Proctor explains this as a convenience for stargazing. “If an ancient astronomer needed a large observation slit, precisely bisected by a meridian across the North Pole, in order to observe the passage of celestial bodies, what would he have asked of the architect? A very high tunnel with vertical walls,” the researcher concludes.

Scattered in different parts of our planet are monuments of bygone civilizations that stun the consciousness of the common man: pyramids and other megalithic structures. There are literally hundreds of megaliths and pyramids of various sizes and styles on Earth (See William Saylor's article "Gods Architects") - in Europe (photo 1, photo 2 - Bosnia), Africa, the Middle and Far East, Southeast Asia (photo 3, photo 4 - China) and on the Pacific Islands, in North and South America (photo 5 - Mexico), and even on the seabed (photo 6, photo 7, photo 8), and in Antarctica (photo 9, photo 10 ).

The official version about the authors and methods of construction of such structures does not stand up to the slightest criticism and crumbles to dust upon an impartial consideration of the accumulated facts. Despite this, modern “scientists” zealously support the inventions of their predecessors. Why do they support? Some of them do not know the true history of civilization and are sincerely mistaken, some are afraid of losing their regalia and authority, and some are fulfilling order by falsifying history.

Among the majority of supporters of alternative history who are trying to understand the questions raised in the title of this article, there is also no unity, but only a desire to lead people interested in true history away from reality. But to substantiate their half-true theories, they have to show people a small part authentic facts. This is what we will use.

Let's take a closer look at the most famous megaliths: the pyramids and other structures of ancient Egypt. Before you set your sights on the megaliths one countries, we note that megaliths in different parts of the world have very similar"handwriting" of construction technology. The kinship of highly developed civilizations on different continents can be judged by the use of polygonal masonry made from blocks of complex shapes (of course, simpler, rectangular blocks were also used).

Compare for yourself, photo 11 and photo 12 were taken in Sacsayhuaman (Peru), photo 13 in Cusco (Peru), photo 14 in Abydos (Egypt), photo 15, photo 16 Temple of Apollo in Delphi (Greece). The close connection between different cultures can be concluded if you look at the stylized head of a man carved from a monolith at the foot of the Inca pyramid (photo 17), and a similar head near the pyramid on the ocean floor (photo 18 and photo 19)! The same continuity in stylized stone figures is observed among the Maya Indians (photo 20).

How were megaliths built?

The question of how megaliths were built will be answered by the traces left by tools on processed stone blocks and the blocks themselves, their shape, structure and chemical composition.

Tool marks. There are many traces. Moreover, such traces that cannot be left by a copper tool. The marks on the blocks were preserved for more than 10...12 thousand years and were not erased by precipitation, winds and temperature changes, which suggests that the blocks were either made of very hard stone or high-quality concrete (which will be discussed below). On the site "Alternative History Laboratories" There are plenty of high-quality photographs, by looking at which you can draw interesting conclusions not only about how they were built, but also about who built the ancient, monumental objects.

Look at photo 38, this is a mark from a drill with a cutting edge of 1.5-2 mm! Can a copper drill leave such a mark? No, he can not! It is generally impossible to drill stone with a copper drill! And it is completely impractical to make tubular drills from copper or bronze... Photo 39 shows a cut made with a circular saw (not copper, of course). Such stone processing is possible only with tools made of carbide steels, the presence of which in the hands of builders indicates the absurdity of the ideas of modern scientists about the low level of development of earthly civilization in the past and its very limited technical capabilities.

The characteristics of the equipment used in the construction of megaliths amaze specialists even today. In Aswan, there is a quarry where gray granite was mined. There was a half-cut block left in it weighing about 1200 tons(photo 40)! If you pay attention to side effects from chopping a block, it immediately becomes obvious high level of technical capabilities quarry developers. When making a block, the surface of the quarry wall (not a block!!!) is very smooth (photo 41), the corner of the quarry is processed with a radius of curvature that is constant in height (photo 42), and the height of the quarry wall is about 5-6 meters...

No one would specifically level the walls of the quarry; this is absolutely unnecessary! In addition, the bottom of the quarry is pierced by numerous pits (photo 43, photo 44) of unknown purpose. Perhaps these are holes for installing equipment, or simply the machine crashed into granite more than the required depth due to the mistake of the person operating it... Such side effects from working in a quarry could only appear when using high tech machines, which easily coped with hard gray granite.

The great technical capabilities of megalith builders are also indicated by the sequence of operations during the construction of the pyramids. On one of the faces of the Menkaure pyramid, traces of face alignment have been preserved after laying blocks photo 45, photo 46. Leveling large surface areas is a complex technical task. If the pyramid had been built using primitive manual technologies, then the sequence of operations would have been reversed: first, the production of finished blocks, and only then their laying.

Conclusion: megaliths were built using machinery for processing level stone, least, modern civilization.

Block shape. Quite a lot of blocks have a complex geometric shape, which requires precise movement of the processing tool in three planes (photo 47, photo 48). When processed manually achieve such a result impossible, these are clearly the “fruits” of a highly developed civilization that had at its disposal complex machinery!

Very often, ancient builders used huge blocks (about a thousand tons or more). The question is, why? Do you think that for semi-wild people, as our ancestors are portrayed, it was easier to build from what size blocks: large ones, weighing tens and hundreds of tons, or small ones, weighing tens and hundreds of kilograms? Obviously, relatively light blocks are much easier to both manufacture and move. Even at the current level of development of our civilization, small bricks are very often used.

So For what Do history textbooks diligently support the myth that megaliths were built by primitive people who, like ants, clung to the blocks and moved them with levers and pulled with ropes? Apparently, so that we continue to believe that quite recently our ancestors climbed out of the trees, crawled out of dugouts... And so that we never make the obvious conclusion that only that civilization can use huge blocks for construction, for which production and movement such blocks do NOT pose any special difficulties.

Structure and chemical composition of blocks. During the construction of megaliths, blocks of both natural stone and concrete were used. The use of concrete is confirmed by many facts.

On the upper blocks, which were not eroded by sandstorms, the imprints of the mat left when the blocks were cast are clearly visible (Photo 53). The mat was used as a spacer between the formwork and the cast block. In addition to visible imprints on the blocks, there were also hairs stuck to the surface layer of the blocks. These facts clearly indicate that the blocks are made from concrete. In addition, on the faults of the blocks their layered structure is clearly visible, resulting from the filling of the blocks in parts (photo 54). Chemical analysis of the blocks showed that the ratio of chemical elements in the blocks does not correspond to their natural content in natural stone, which indicates their artificial origin.

The volume of concrete used to build megaliths amounts to millions of tons, and such concrete was made from ground natural stone (and grinding stones is much more difficult than grinding grain). This indicates that in the production of such concrete a special car equipment, and not primitive manual technologies, with the help of which it is fundamentally impossible to do this.

Conclusion: megaliths were built using machinery to prepare concrete and lifting equipment to move large blocks of stone. The level of development of the technology used was not less modern, and some of its characteristics are significantly superior modern analogues.

When were megaliths built?

Megaliths were built for a variety of purposes on virtually all continents and over a very wide time range, spanning tens of millennia. According to the Russian scientist Nikolai Levashov, one of the main purposes of the pyramids, built after the planetary catastrophe that occurred as a result of the fall of fragments of the second moon of Fatta to the Earth and which resulted in a shift of the poles 13 thousand years ago, is to stabilize the Earth’s rotation axis. Various large objects have fallen on the Earth before, such as fragments of the third moon Lelya, destroyed about 113,000 years ago, and large asteroids, so there were enough problems with the movement of continental plates before. They were solved as best they could at that time in the development of civilization. It is worth noting that we cannot resolve such issues today!

The Egyptian pyramids were clearly built during a period of history when there were heavy rains in this area, as indicated by gutters for drainage (photo 55, photo 56, photo 57) and traces of erosion on the Sphinx from flowing rainwater (photo 58, photo 59). This is at least 8-10 thousand years ago. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas indicate a period of 12-13 thousand years ago, that is, after the resettlement of the Antes to the territory of Ancient Egypt:

“...The Gods of the Race will save righteous people and the Heavenly Power will transport them to the east, to the lands of people with skin the color of Darkness... and the Beardless people, with skin the color of the flame of the Holy Fire, will be transported by the Great Power to the boundless lands at the setting of Yarila the Sun.. .

7 (71). People with skin the color of Darkness will honor the descendants of the Heavenly Family as Gods... and will learn many sciences from them. People from the Great Race will build new Cities and Temples, and teach people with skin the color of Darkness to grow grains and vegetables... Four Clans of the Great Race(Four Clans of the Great Race - it has now been scientifically proven that the first four dynasties of the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt were White) replacing each other, they will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests... and build Triran-Tombs, in the form of man-made, tetrahedral Mountains...”

To manufacture a carbide tubular drill, it is necessary to have developed technology for processing such materials and energy level, at least of our civilization, to provide energy for this technology, that is, to use energy much greater than that provided by the muscular strength of humans or animals... and so on.

Such technical devices have not survived to this day or are carefully hidden, but interesting images remain. One of the vessels of the Mayan Indians preserves a curious image of representatives of an ancient civilization with circular saws (photo 64), and in the Temple of Seti I in Abydos there is an image of a helicopter, a tank and aircraft (photo 65). There is a temple in Edfu (Egypt) that is famous for the “texts of the builders of Edfu”, a significant part of which is devoted to the description of “the times when the gods ruled Egypt”. Some of the images on the walls of the temple resemble objects of various technical purposes: from electric batteries to “flying saucers” and nuclear bombs (photo 66). In the temple of Dendera, also located in Egypt, there are many images of devices interpreted as electrical photo 67, photo 68, photo 69, photo 70.

Thus, we have come to the clear conclusion that in ancient times there was a highly developed civilization on Earth, the level of development of which in some aspects significantly exceeded the level of development of the current civilization.

It remains to answer the last question: what people created this highly developed civilization on Earth?

To answer this question, it is necessary to look into the depths of centuries through the eyes of people who lived in those distant times, to compare the legends and traditions of various peoples about this or that event, and then we will get a more complete and correct view of historical reality than the view imposed modern "scientists".

If ancient traditions and legends of peoples, seemingly unrelated to each other, tell about some historical events in the smallest details, and if these details coincide, it means that the event preserved for centuries is part of true History.

There is an ancient Egyptian legend according to which Ancient Egypt was created by nine White Gods (See the article by Czeslaw Wanger “White Pharaohs”), four of them came from the north, and five from the west from the land that sank into the depths of the Great Waters. The most important of them was called Ra by the Egyptians; he came with his Brother Gods from the northern land. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas also tell about how White people appeared in Ancient Egypt and about their relationships with the local population:

“...People with skin the color of darkness will honor the descendants of the Heavenly Family as Gods and will learn from them many sciences. People from the Great Race will build new cities and temples, and teach people with skin the color of darkness to grow cereals and vegetables. Four Clans from the Heavenly Clans, replacing each other, will teach the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests and build Triran-Tombs in the form of Man-Made Mountains, tetrahedral..."

Presence of the white race in China is also confirmed by archaeological finds - mummies of people of the white race, Tocharians (Photo 71 reconstruction of one of the famous Tocharian mummies (photo 72), known as the “beauty Lulan”). The estimated age of the mummies is 3,500 years. The first mummy of a white man in the Taklamakan desert in China was discovered by accident in 1977, after the sand disappeared, the corpse of a woman was discovered, whose body was badly damaged, presumably during military operations. Excavations around her corpse subsequently revealed 16 mummies, so well preserved by the desert that traces of tears were found on the face of the mummified baby. The bodies found were dressed in Celtic woolen fabrics, leather shoes and jewelry. In one grave, excavators found a saddle cover and a pair of pants with drawings of people on them. On one pant leg there was a face with blue eyes.

The civilization that the Tocharians built consists of large cities, temples, centers of learning and art - they were also the builders of the Great Silk Road - a route for trade between the West and China. The Silk Road was originally thought to have been built by the Chinese, but the discovery of the remains of the region's original inhabitants now reveals that it is the remnant of a great lost White civilization.

In the early 1990s, more than a thousand Tocharian corpses were discovered in the region, but by 1998 the Chinese government banned further archaeological expeditions to the area, quite possibly for fear of exposing Chinese legends. Excavations of the Tocharians prove an unpleasant fact for the Chinese that they were not the discoverers of iron, saddles, they were not the first to domesticate horses, but representatives of the White race...

Pyramids, structures scattered throughout the planet - their purpose is one of the great mysteries of planet Earth, because scientists still cannot reliably explain the purpose of the pyramids.

Why are pyramids interesting? - many researchers who visited the pyramids located inside these structures of ancient people for a long time, note a curious fact - the mind seems to embrace unity with some other mind. It’s as if there is a connection to some alien network, not earthly.

According to researchers, the generally accepted opinion that the pyramids were tombs for ruling dynasties is false. Why build such megalithic structures for burial. As experts note, this could only be done by a highly developed culture - the legacy of which, we can see in the form of pyramids.

And one more curious fact in the history of the pyramids is that they appear on our planet in different places almost simultaneously. It’s as if the construction engineers receive the blueprints for building the pyramids at the same time. But how can this be? - after all, at the time of the construction of the pyramids, and this was more than ten thousand years ago, there was no global network. Communication between continents was at a very, very weak level. How could the ancients independently build a single structure without intercontinental contacts?

Many people believe in the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence - maybe in the case of the appearance of the pyramids, there is also the influence of extraterrestrial intelligence? Yes, the researchers think! They believe that building almost identical structures on five continents - 155 in Egypt, 300 in Bolivia, and even 10 thousand pyramids in Central America - this, according to the theory of paleocontact specialists, could not have been accomplished by the ancient inhabitants of the Earth. They were clearly helped by extraterrestrial intelligence specialists.

When building the pyramids, the engineers had the same knowledge in mathematics, astronomy, and also knew well about the geophysical properties of the earth. Despite the fact that the pyramids still have some structural differences, they nevertheless have one very important fact - all the pyramids (from the first) are located in the so-called places of “output of power”.

On the Giza Plateau, in Egypt, lies the Pyramid of Khufu, the most studied and researched pyramid on the planet. But what can scientists say about it? – strange as it may seem, but very little. Only that for about 4,500 years the pyramid was the tallest structure. Why it was erected, what the purpose of such a huge structure is, remains a mystery in our time.

Explorer Christopher Dunn is a 145 meter high structure consisting of 2,500,000 blocks, the heaviest of which weighs 70 tons. Thousands of tons of granite were delivered from a quarry located 800 kilometers from the construction site. An amazing structure, it is impossible to imagine how people could do such work. What kind of technology was used for this? This is a huge scale of work.

According to most archaeologists, the pyramid of Khufu was built around 2500 BC as the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. That's what the legends say about it. However, the pharaoh's body was not found in the burial chamber of the pyramid. There were no human remains there at all.

Since the beginning of the last century, archaeologists have conducted a thorough study of the Egyptian pyramids. As a result of research, by 1960, archaeologists noted an interesting fact. Sealed, untouched pyramids are empty, there are no remains of those buried in them - they are empty. But how can this be? – why are the burial chambers empty if they were intended for burial. And the assumption that tomb robbers are to blame turns out to be unfounded - the pyramids studied by scientists were untouched.

As researchers suggest, our ancestors built pyramids for other purposes, and built pyramids according to drawings received from extraterrestrial intelligence. According to fans of the theory of paleocontact, our ancestors, building miracles of engineering, received inspiration from an extraterrestrial source.

Ancient legends speak about this - which came from the ancient Mayans, from the Egyptians - the gods descended from heaven and ordered them to build pyramids. The Egyptian god Thoth, or as he is called the “Creator of the Universe,” as local legends say, it was he who gave the “project” for the creation of the pyramid complex in Giza.

Pharaoh Amenhotep, under whose government the first pyramids were erected, also said that he received the necessary information from the gods. As ancient legends say, the pharaoh discovered a certain source of information from unknown spheres. After which the construction of the great pyramids began.

Now many researchers say that the ancient civilizations that existed on Earth could not independently come to the construction of structures in the form of pyramids. How could ancient cultures that did not communicate with each other develop uniform drawings for the construction of pyramids, with almost the same dimensions? In compliance with all engineering requirements. Carefully maintaining the technology of construction - it was so carefully developed and sustained that the pyramids stand for thousands of years, not being destroyed by time.

According to researchers who support the theory of paleocontact, there is a single pyramid between thousands of pyramids located throughout the planet. This can be proven by looking at the pyramids from the air.

At sunrise and sunset, on the days of the spring and autumn equinoxes, an extraordinary mystery was noticed at the Great Pyramid. It turns out that it has not 4 sides, but eight. And this can only be noticed from above - which is what happened in 1940, when a British Air Force pilot flew over the complex at this time of year.

1940 - A British Air Force pilot notices an unusual feature of the Great Pyramid, it does not have 4 sides.

This suggests that our ancestors not only knew about these days and what effect they could have on the sides of the pyramid, but suggests that the engineers had greater knowledge of mathematics. And as experts note, it follows from this that the Great Pyramid of the Giza Plateau stands out from the crowd of similar structures. Her true form can only be seen from above, and only on certain days and times.

How could the ancients create such a form, visible only twice a year on the equinoxes? According to proponents of paleocontact, the pyramid was built in the center of the earth's landmass. And it is almost ideally located on the cardinal points. And the shafts laid out inside the pyramid are aimed at the constellations Orion and Sirius.

Scientists believe that the shafts had a functional purpose - ventilation of the pyramid. But there is a different opinion among scientists. They are also called “star mines” - through them it gets to where it came from. And as the local residents believed, through them the soul of the ruler would go straight to the constellation Orion, where it would become a star.

- The Temple of the Moon, the Temple of the Sun, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, have a common definite plan. On one of the plans of the pyramid complex you can see the structure of the solar system. And also among these complexes a single feature can be seen, not only are the complexes similar to each other - they are also located like stars in the constellation Orion, and the Pyramids of Giza correspond to this.

Looking at the pyramids, you come to the conclusion that they had a common engineer. But who was the engineer? - a person of earthly culture? – or is it a representative of alien cultures. Now researchers are increasingly inclined to believe that the pyramids were erected at the behest of an extraterrestrial culture. They served as cosmic beacons, and were once united into a single network.

The magical pyramids of Egypt have attracted the attention of the scientific world for hundreds of years. It can be difficult for modern people to realize that such monumental structures were built by primitive people who were at the origins of the development of civilization. This is what gave rise to many different hypotheses, the authors of which sought to unravel the mystery of the construction of the pyramids.

The mystery remains unsolved and the collection of theories, hypotheses and facts is annually replenished with new versions, often absurd, and sometimes quite logical and realistic. This concerns many mysteries of humanity, the Earth and the Universe. What are the assumptions about the end of the world worth?

Modern Egypt has preserved enough pyramids: now, in addition to the three great colossi that attract thousands of tourists - the pyramids of Cheops, Khafre and Mikerin in Giza, on the territory of the mysterious country there are more than 30 complexes of smaller pyramids. Who built these majestic structures - the pyramids and why?

Traditional hypothesis for the construction of the Egyptian pyramids

The version that the pyramids of Egypt were built by the inhabitants inhabiting this area themselves is taught in school and is recognized as correct in official science. And confirmation is found in the works of the great scientist of the past, Herodotus. This researcher traveled around the world, leaving records, copies of which have survived to this day and are considered one of the reliable sources of information about bygone civilizations.

The information is indeed true, but it is important to consider that Herodotus himself lived after the construction of the pyramids was completed and could not describe what he saw with his own eyes. The scientist wrote down from the words of the priests, for whom it was important to emphasize the significance and power of Egypt, so he could become a victim of deception.

Controversial issues

Traditional science, based on the stories of Herodotus, assures that before the construction of the great pyramid of Cheops, a road was built along which stone blocks were transported. It took about 10 years to build it. But I can’t wrap my head around how exactly ancient slaves managed to transport blocks weighing about 2.5 tons over such an impressive distance!

Science makes the following assumptions:

Drawing blocks using special drag sleds. The fresco, however, from a later time, depicts the use of this method of transporting heavy objects. Research shows that this method was quite suitable for moving blocks of 2.5 tons. But what about blocks weighing about 35 tons (that’s how much the heaviest element of the Cheops pyramid weighs)?

Rolling blocks using a special mechanism. Practical experiments prove that the method made it possible to move a block weighing more than 2 tons with the help of 18 people, but there is no evidence that the Egyptians were familiar with this method.

Using a road consisting of elements - quarters of a circle. If the block is square in shape and has the same perimeter as the circle, then rolling it along this road will not be difficult. Rope loops could be used for lifting.
But at the moment, the method of transportation still leaves many questions.

Disadvantages of the theory

It can be difficult to imagine how people who do not have even the most primitive technology were able to work with huge blocks of stone, connecting them with amazing precision.

It seems almost incredible how slaves, even thousands of them, were able to lift heavy blocks to a height of more than 100 meters using rather precarious structures.

When building the pyramids, the Egyptians did not use mortars: neither concrete nor clay, but there were practically no joints between the stone blocks. The slabs weighing several tons are perfectly laid and polished.

The three giants at Giza differ significantly from the first pyramid of Pharaoh Djoser, which was built using a rather crude method from poorly processed stone using clay mortar. No one doubts that this structure is the work of ancient Egyptian slaves. But the great pyramids are too different in the manner of construction from this and other lesser pyramids, while they are separated by only about a hundred years. It seems as if the unique technology was used only a few times and then faded into oblivion.

For what reason did the unique construction technologies that the ancient Egyptians allegedly managed to master cease to be used? A hundred years after the construction of the great pyramids, architects returned to crude and primitive techniques for constructing tombs for the pharaohs. The abundance of blank spots in the official theory gave rise to alternative hypotheses.

Theory about a pre-existing civilization

Many people believe that humans are not the first inhabitants of our planet. Long before the first people, a race of highly developed creatures lived on Earth, whose technologies made it possible to build such majestic structures as the pyramids. Perhaps it was the representatives of this ancient civilization who became the prototypes of the Egyptian gods, distinguished by their incredible strength and power, and they built these pyramids of Egypt.

The theory adheres to the position that the age of the pyramids is much older than is generally believed in official science. These giants managed to survive the collision of the planet with a certain cosmic body, which led to the death of the ancient civilization, causing a global flood, which became a key moment in biblical history. This catastrophe caused a shift in the earth's axis, which resulted in a slight change in the location of the pyramids relative to each other.

Evidence for the hypothesis:

The construction of the pyramids in Egypt required amazing precision, and the facts are as follows:

  • The Egyptians became familiar with measuring instruments much later than the construction of these tombs of the pharaohs.
  • The Egyptians simply did not have the appropriate equipment to process huge stone slabs; the strongest metal of that period was bronze, but working with granite using a tool made from this metal was quite problematic.

Minus hypothesis:

There is no official evidence of the presence of an ancient highly developed civilization on the planet.

Atlantean theory - pyramids of Egypt

Many believe that the construction of the pyramids was the work of the Atlanteans, a semi-mythical race of people (according to another version, demigods) who managed to achieve a level of technical development that was incredible even by modern standards. Thus, the pyramids appeared long before the Egyptians themselves settled along the banks of the Nile. Advanced technologies helped the Atlanteans build creations that managed to survive thousands of years, and the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt only slightly restored these monuments and began to use them as the boundaries of kings.

Among those who believe in the Atlantean civilization, the idea is often heard that these supermen enjoyed the support of the gods, who gave them knowledge unique to antiquity, and then destroyed the civilization, which was plunged into pride. So the mysterious Atlantis forever plunged into the dark waters of the ocean, forever taking with it its secrets.

The famous novelist Arthur Conan Doyle, who reflected his ideas in the novel “The Abyss of Marakot,” adhered to the same hypothesis. Shortly before writing the work, the writer visited Egypt, looked at the great pyramids with his own eyes and doubted that the ancient Egyptians could have created them.

Alien influence - the pyramids were built by aliens

Those who believe that humans are not the only intelligent inhabitants of the universe suggest that the great pyramids were built by aliens from other galaxies. Aliens have mastered more advanced technologies than modern people, not to mention the ancient Egyptians.

Proof of the hypothesis

From space it can be seen that the tombs of the pharaohs are located in a clearly defined sequence relative to each other and the cardinal directions. Hence, it was hypothesized that their purpose was to serve as ground communication stations with a mysterious object in deep space.

The bravest were able to use as evidence the figure of Imhotep, an outstanding architect who managed to be significantly ahead of his time. This man managed to go down in history as an expert in the exact sciences, medicine and architecture; his wisdom and knowledge were too amazing for an ancient civilization. Therefore, it was suggested that this genius arrived in Egypt from space and, in order to establish communication with his ship, supervised the construction of pyramid stations.

Earth is not the only planet where there are pyramids. Satellite images made it possible to verify that there are similar structures on Mars.

The location of the pyramids at Giza coincides with the position of the stars in the constellation Orion. Namely, this constellation is considered as one of the options for finding planets on which intelligent life is possible.

Hypothesis flaw

There is not a single official proof of the existence of alien intelligent life.

In conclusion, I advise you to watch a very interesting film.

Exploring the pyramids in Egypt - theories and facts, reflections

The truth about who actually built the grandiose and mesmerizing pyramids remains unsolved to this day. Everyone has the right to choose for themselves the hypothesis in which they want to believe. All you have to do is think for yourself and accept one of the hypotheses. Let's hope that someday we will hear from scientists an exact statement about who built the pyramids of Egypt, and this will be confirmed by new facts and clearly substantiated.

Or maybe we're not supposed to know this? There are so many secrets in the world.

Good luck and all the best!