An effective way to remove cockroaches from your home. How to get rid of cockroaches quickly, easily, forever. Folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment

An effective way to remove cockroaches from your home.  How to get rid of cockroaches quickly, easily, forever.  Folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment
An effective way to remove cockroaches from your home. How to get rid of cockroaches quickly, easily, forever. Folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment

Cockroaches in an apartment are a problem that is not usually discussed openly. It is believed that “mustached” insects appear only where people live who do not maintain cleanliness and create real landfills at home. In practice, everything is completely different; cockroaches can appear in old and new houses, both in clean kitchens, and in new, recently renovated bathrooms. It is important to quickly understand how to remove cockroaches and highlight several options for controlling insects in order to find the best one.

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How to kill cockroaches

If the problem has already come to the house, and at least one cockroach has been noticed in the apartment, you cannot hesitate. It is important to quickly start a war against insects so that they do not have time to multiply, and the number of cockroaches that have colonized the kitchen, corridors, and rooms does not increase geometric progression. Today, many ways have been invented to get cockroaches out of an apartment, from folk methods to strong chemicals that kill insects.

Boric acid

Cockroaches, in addition to the fact that they cause disgust with their appearance, are dangerous for humans as carriers of infection. They reproduce quickly once they find a source of water. Prompt, inexpensive and one of the most effective ways insect control is boric acid. The powder can be bought at a pharmacy, it costs less than 50 rubles, and to treat an average-sized apartment you will need only 50-150 grams of acid. Often, cockroach infestations happen suddenly, which is why it is useful to keep some boric acid in your apartment.

This option is harmless to animals and people, so it is suitable if apartment residents are allergic to chemicals. Acid in the form of small paths is laid out in those parts of the apartment that lead to water. As soon as the cockroach touches the boric acid crystals, it dies after a while. In addition, an “infected insect” upon contact with relatives also dooms them to death.

The second method is to make a special bait for cockroaches from boric acid. When thinking about how to remove the hated cockroaches, every third resident of Russia turns to this method. To prepare the trap, raw egg yolks are taken and mixed with boric acid until a paste forms. They form balls that need to be placed in places where cockroaches appear. Insects definitely come to explore the “delicacy” and fall into the trap. It is important to clarify that getting rid of cockroaches with boric acid is a method that takes time, about 3-4 weeks.

Poisonous gels

Ready-made chemicals help kill cockroaches in a few days (up to a week). Gels in syringes with a thin spout make it easy to apply the product to baseboards and places where a person cannot set other traps. Such products include gels such as “Raptor”, “Globol”, “Liquidator” and others. Removing cockroaches using this method can last a week.


Special traps for cockroaches look like boxes, inside of which there is a substance that attracts cockroaches, as well as a sticky poison. When infected cockroaches touch the poison, they quickly kill their relatives. The most famous traps are “Combat”, “Raptor”, “Raid”. When thinking about how to defeat cockroaches, people turn to the following traps most often.

Velcro traps

Another method of combating infection carriers is sticky traps. They are boxes with bait, the walls of which are covered with adhesive tape. Curious cockroaches stick tightly to the floor of such a box and die in it. All of them are effective, but it can take a long time to completely collect all the cockroaches in the house. You can remove cockroaches from your apartment if you have time to fight pests.

Preparations with fipronil

Fipronil is an active substance found in many anti-cockroach medications. The poison affects the cockroach that comes into contact with it and leaves it alive for some time. During this period, the cockroach infects other insects, thereby increasing the affected area. It is important that fipronil acts not only on the adult, but also on the offspring, thereby stopping the reproduction of insects, which means that the invasion of cockroaches is stopped naturally.

Folk remedies

Cockroaches attacked apartments 10 and 30 years ago, when there were not so many products on sale that were different in their strength and effectiveness. That is why people had to look for simple and cheap ways to control insects, which can still be used today. As practice shows, in order to remove cockroaches, it is not at all necessary to spend several thousand rubles.

Many people become intolerant to strong chemical sprays, so “ traditional methods"fighting cockroaches can be useful for allergy sufferers. For example, they have proven themselves well ammonia, kerosene and turpentine. These compounds can be used to wipe baseboards - insects will be repelled by the pungent smell, and they will no longer appear in the kitchen. The problem is that the cockroaches will go somewhere, which means it’s additionally better to set up sticky traps. When deciding how to remove cockroaches from any apartment, it is important to consider by special means all the nooks and crannies.

It is equally effective to treat floors with a weak solution of ammonia. But even in this case, insects will move from one room to another.

These products are less effective than specially developed ones. chemical compositions, however, they are safe for both humans and animals, which in certain situations is more important.

Food and poison

The “biological” method of control is to prepare an edible bait with poison. It is laid out in prominent places - on the kitchen floor, tables, in cabinets. Insects happily take the treat, eat it, and then die. In this case, the apartment owners will have to spend a lot of time to find all the “corpses” and remove them. If boric acid is used as a poison, there is no need to be afraid to place the bait anywhere; it will be safe for humans. However, if ready-made chemicals are used to combat cockroaches, it is important to protect yourself from contact with active substances. When thinking about how to quickly remove cockroaches from an apartment, it is important to consider all control methods and try the next one if the first one does not give a positive result.

Tell your neighbors about the problem

Cockroaches do not appear “just like that”; in order for them to live well in an apartment, they must be created special conditions- access to food and water, high humidity, unsanitary conditions. You should not think that cockroaches appear only in dysfunctional houses where extremely unscrupulous people live. You can “add” a cockroach along with the purchase of a used sofa or new furniture if insects lived in the store. In this case, the invasion of cockroaches may be unexpected.

However, if a person has not encountered all the stories described above, but cockroaches have appeared in his apartment, it is important to speak intelligently with his neighbors in order to understand where the trouble came from and to warn people about the upcoming “war” against insects. They should definitely join it, because everyone wants to live without the threat of insects.

Otherwise, cockroaches that have begun to be poisoned in one apartment will “move” to live in the next one, where they will not be aware of their presence. If disinfestation is being carried out in one of the apartments, it is reasonable to invite neighbors to join in the treatment of the premises. Joint removal of cockroaches reduces the risk of them reappearance in the house.

Other reasons for the appearance of cockroaches include:

  • Formation of places with high humidity;
  • Cracks in the floor and walls;
  • Untimely control of neighbors against insects.

Cockroaches love to settle in cracks that appear in walls and floors, so they need to be puttyed immediately. In addition, cockroaches can come to new apartment through the ventilation hole, which must be covered with a fine mesh.

Residents apartment buildings Those who got rid of cockroaches in their apartment cannot be 100% sure that they will no longer encounter insects. There will definitely be an apartment in the house in which cockroaches will live comfortably, and if its owners do not begin to understand the current situation in time, history will repeat itself. Perfect option fight - agree with all neighbors to simultaneously begin fighting insects. In such a way that no apartment is left behind. It is much easier to remove cockroaches together than to fight a flock crawling from apartment to apartment alone.

If this cannot be done, it is important to protect your apartment from the invasion of mustachioed carriers of infection. They will periodically appear in the room, but their stay time will be reduced to a minimum.

Residents of houses where there are cockroaches are advised to use special aerosols that need to be sprayed in places where cockroaches appear most often - in door jambs, under cabinets, baseboards. It is important to consider that cockroaches quickly adapt to poisons, which means that aerosols need to be changed periodically.

Which method of struggle to choose?

In cases where traditional methods and compositions for fighting cockroaches sold in stores do not help, the only solution is to call specialists. They work with more complex and powerful poisons that kill insects. During such procedures, apartment residents are asked to leave the premises for several days. People and animals may develop strong reaction for chemical compositions. A cockroach infestation can be stopped in different ways.

Even if cockroaches have never appeared in the apartment or they were removed, we must not forget about prevention. It is this that will help to reliably protect the apartment and prevent encounters with uninvited guests. All preventive actions are divided into several large categories. You can remove cockroaches quickly enough if you tackle the problem in time.

  1. Eliminating the possibility of cockroaches moving from neighbors. To do this, you need to treat all places where pipes exit from the floors between floors. silicone composition, and on ventilation holes put on grilles with a medium-sized mesh;
  2. Do not leave drops of water on the bathroom or kitchen sink. Ideally, such surfaces should be wiped daily at night, because cockroaches are attracted to water, which allows them to live and reproduce;
  3. All products must be put away closed cabinets, bread bins and refrigerator. Do not allow crumbs to remain on the table or cabinet, open plates or pans;
  4. Weekly extensive cleaning of the apartment should become a habit, otherwise dust and crumbs accidentally falling from the table will accumulate. If you don't remove them periodically, they will get stuck in hard-to-reach corners, which are the favorite places for cockroaches.

As noted above, you need to choose one or another method of fighting cockroaches based on the situation. It is important to understand why insects appeared in the apartment and at what period they need to be removed. Knowing well how to remove cockroaches, it will be easier to understand unpleasant situation. If the apartment owners are willing to tolerate an unpleasant neighborhood, you can kill cockroaches over the course of several weeks. If all residents of the house agree to call specialists, professional pest control will reduce this time to a couple of days and give a more reliable result. It is imperative to inform your neighbors about the presence of cockroaches in your apartment, because every person has the right to live in safety and protect their apartment.

Even if you are a fan of cockroach racing, you are unlikely to enjoy this spectacle in your home and, especially, in your kitchen. Therefore, humanity has long been paying attention to the issue of “cohabitation” with cockroaches. Many have been invented and tested folk ways expulsion of these unpleasant "tenants". Science did not stand aside either. A cause-and-effect relationship was established between their appearance in the apartment and its condition. As you know, there is no useless fauna and flora on earth. Cockroaches are no exception. Cockroaches are a symbiosis of a nurse and an unsanitary person, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. By eating leftover food, they cleanse your home to some extent. But, at the same time, visiting garbage dumps, bins, cockroaches unwittingly become carriers various diseases, which causes a person’s anger and disgust. Therefore, the “lucky” person who has cockroaches in his apartment dreams of getting rid of them. It is clear that if you find a cockroach in a can of milk, you will not be delighted.

But, as you know, without knowing the cause, it is impossible to eliminate the problem itself. This is what we will talk about next.

Causes and prevention of cockroaches

There are many reasons why cockroaches appear in an apartment. This explains the difficulty of dealing with them, because eliminating one of the reasons given below will not solve the problem with “tenants”. Required A complex approach to her decision. So, let's get acquainted with these reasons.

1. Unsanitary conditions

This is the most “popular” reason for the appearance of cockroaches. This applies, first of all, to the kitchen, where you are likely to find leftover food on the floor, and not only that. By the way, this also applies to the other rooms. Surely you have more than once observed, and maybe even participated in, eating sandwiches, cakes while watching TV or reading a book, after which there were always crumbs left.

In this case, it is necessary to restore order, not momentary, but permanent. Eliminate confusion in choosing where to eat. All food products should be stored in a tightly sealed container.

Very often there is a pet in the apartment. In this case, you should carefully monitor the condition of the animal’s eating area. And it is precisely the main feeding ground for cockroaches. Therefore, it is necessary to take all measures to deprive them of this “raspberry”: constantly remove the cup with leftover food, collect crumbs, wipe the floor. Washing the floors is necessary because, even after sweeping away the crumbs, the cockroach still has enough food left for a “comfortable” life.

Do not “store” garbage in the kitchen, systematically throw garbage into the garbage chute every day, or take it to a special collection point outside the home. The trash can must have a sealed lid.

2. Presence of places of high humidity

Oddly enough, for cockroaches the presence of food remains in the kitchen is not as critical as the presence of water. Studies have shown that cockroaches can survive without food for a month, but without water - no more than a week. Well, they can’t eat dry food, give them water. Therefore, the presence of moisture in the room as a result of leaks in the water line, taps, and shower will be very useful for the reproduction of cockroaches.

An excellent source of moisture, and food too, can be the toilet drain. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent cockroaches from entering it by installing a mesh on the neck.

3. Presence of cracks

An excellent way for cockroaches to enter a room and subsequently “reside” are cracks in the walls and cracks in the floor.

To “block” the appearance of uninvited “neighbors”, you should carefully inspect the room for cracks. Identified areas of possible penetration of cockroaches should be carefully filled with putty.

The possibility of an invasion by “Prussians” from the ventilation hole cannot be ruled out. Therefore, it must be insulated with a special fine mesh.

4. Cockroach “landing”

Very often you can be “rewarded” with this disgusting household by unscrupulous neighbors and acquaintances. Of course, all this happens without malice on their part, but it won’t make it any easier for you. To prevent such cases, you should carefully check the apartment for cockroaches after visiting such guests (you will not inspect your neighbors and acquaintances). Such precautions will not be superfluous, because it is enough for one or two cockroaches to appear and this will be enough for them and their offspring to soon fill your kitchen and other rooms.

It’s good if you identified the uninvited “tenants” in time. But what if the moment was missed and now you encounter them everywhere? Declare war on them.

Let's start the fight against cockroaches

Eliminating the causes of cockroaches does not mean defeating them. Therefore, it is time to begin Operation Elimination.

There are many ways to get rid of cockroaches, and first of all, these are folk remedies that our grandfathers used. By the way, if someone tells you that now there is no problem fighting cockroaches due to the presence of a lot of all kinds of chemicals, do not believe them. This person just doesn’t know what it’s like to have cockroaches in an apartment.

So, let’s get acquainted with the “weapons” of fighting a serious enemy.

Currently, there are many chemical and technical methods fight against cockroaches.

1. Traps

It's a good thing if you started the war when the "enemy" was still few in number. You have a chance to defeat him, albeit a small one.

The main advantage of traps, in contrast to “chemistry”, is their environmental friendliness. Most traps are quite accessible to self-made. They are based on the “nipple” principle - the entrance to food in a trap is always available, but the exit is impossible. In the morning all you have to do is collect the “harvest” and destroy it. In this option, there is only one difficulty - removing the cockroaches from the trap without allowing them to escape.

2. Chemicals

Despite their effectiveness, you should know that chemicals are dangerous not only for insects, but are also far from harmless for humans. We can say with one hundred percent certainty that one “company” cannot win the war against cockroaches, although their number will decrease after the use of poisons. Therefore, you will have to use "chemical attacks" repeatedly.

A good way to control cockroaches are preparations containing fipronil. A cockroach, having become infected with this poison, infects other cockroaches, including their offspring, which is very important. Many drugs kill only the adult, without affecting the offspring. As a result, some time after your false victory, new hordes of insects appear in the kitchen, and everything repeats all over again.

Boric acid is an excellent and, most importantly, safe for humans. It can be used in pure form, in the form of a powder, scattered in areas of high concentration of cockroaches. Can be used as a “food” additive in bait.

It doesn’t hurt to remember the folk remedies for fighting cockroaches - ammonia, denatured alcohol, turpentine, kerosene. It is enough to wipe the baseboards with any of these substances for the cockroaches to leave your kitchen in droves. Floors washed with water mixed with a teaspoon of ammonia will certainly drive out these insects. True, this will have to be done until your neighbor also expels your fugitives somewhere far away.

Of course, folk remedies are inferior in effectiveness industrial drugs, but completely safe for humans.

3. Biological option

This method is not as radical as the chemical one, and requires some time and your patience. Be patient, and in a couple of weeks you will be collecting around the apartment and taking out a lot of cockroaches that died in this invisible struggle. What is this clean way elimination of cockroaches. More on this below.

Cockroaches are, at their core, very curious creatures. You can play on this perfectly by giving them something edible and bright, but mixed with poison. Boric acid - excellent remedy for this purpose. It is safe for humans and pets, but in cockroaches it causes excruciating pain. And if he doesn’t die after a while, he will probably run for his life from your kitchen.


Using chemicals Don't forget about your children and pets. They have a very high probability of poisons entering the body, and there are a great many ways.

1178 Administrator https://www..pngAdministrator 2014-10-04 10:34:56 2014-10-04 10:34:56 How to get rid of cockroaches once and for all

Cockroaches running around the house is not a pleasant sight. Fortunately, there are now many ways to quickly get rid of unwanted “guests”. Knowing how to remove cockroaches, you can return peace and cleanliness to your home again.

The most common ways to deal with unwanted visitors are the following:

  • establishing complete cleanliness and maintaining order for a long time;
  • use of folk remedies;
  • treating the premises with insecticides;
  • the use of special traps;
  • freezing the room.

Order and cleanliness in the house will repel cockroaches for a long time. This does not mean that after the first cleaning the insects will leave and never return. Simply putting things in order on a regular basis will create unsuitable conditions for their life.

The most effective professional means of struggle

There is no universal method of struggle. The choice of method and preparations depends on the area of ​​the room, the degree of infestation and other parameters.

In any case, a good product must meet the following criteria:

  • Safety. It is better to entrust the treatment of premises with highly toxic drugs to professionals. For independent work you can choose a less toxic product that does not pose a threat to households and pets.
  • Easy to use. Instructions for use should be intuitive.
  • Efficiency. If a product is low in effectiveness, there is no point in wasting money, time and effort on its use.

Based on these parameters, you can choose the most suitable scheme struggle. To kill cockroaches, special gels, aerosols, tablets and granules with insecticides are most often used. Don’t forget about aids, regular cleaning and preventive measures.

Traps, devices, store repellers

To choose a suitable trap, you need to get acquainted with their types and operating features:

  • Adhesive. The design of such traps is very simple: in a small cardboard box with holes on the sides there is bait located on a sticky area. Insects crawl on the scent and stick to the bottom. When the box becomes full of dead bodies, it is thrown away.
  • Electrical. Such devices look like a small metal box. There is a bait inside, following which the cockroach gets inside, where it is destroyed by electric current. The advantages are safety and durability.

Such devices should be located in areas where insects actively move. Unfortunately, it is not possible to get rid of eggs laid by cockroaches in secluded places in this way.

Poison traps, which are round boxes with poisonous bait (“Dohloks”, “Kombat”, “Raptor”), are considered more effective.

The insect gets inside, and through the holes made it can get out and spread the insecticide further. The advantage of such devices is that they can be safely installed in rooms with high humidity. As a rule, the prices for such traps are quite affordable.

Recently, ultrasonic repellers have appeared on sale. Manufacturers claim that the waves emitted by the device cause anxiety among the Prussians, and they try to leave such a place as quickly as possible.

Folk remedies for removing cockroaches

Folk remedies are less effective compared to modern insecticides, but they pose no danger to humans and can cope well with a small population of Prussians.

Geranium will help protect apartments from cockroaches from neighbors. This plant has specific smell, which scares away unwanted visitors. Knowing how to remove cockroaches, you can put them to flight while there are still only a few of them.

The modern market offers a lot effective means to combat these insects. Among them, the following drugs are worth highlighting:


This product is often used to control potato pests. It has also proven itself well as a fast-acting drug against cockroaches. The action begins within 2-3 hours. The insecticide is toxic, so you need to wear a respirator when working. From positive qualities– no odor.


The good thing about this drug is that it also works as a barrier agent. The solution is non-toxic, has no specific odor, and retains its properties for 6 months. It is enough for an insect to crawl across a surface treated with an insecticide, and within 4 weeks it will die.


The main active ingredient of this gel is amazing nervous system insects The product is inexpensive and significantly reduces the Prussian population within 10-24 hours. Among the disadvantages, quick addiction should be mentioned.

Boric acid.

The choice of product depends on the size of the cockroach population. If there are few of them, you can use simpler drugs, but if the apartment is teeming with them, you cannot do without “heavy artillery”.

Specialized services

If you don’t have the desire or time to fight the Prussians on your own, you can turn to specialized services for help.

The advantages of this option are obvious:

  • To kill insects, specialists use powerful drugs that are not available to ordinary consumers. Such products can only be purchased large companies, having the appropriate licenses.
  • Recently, home treatment has been carried out using hot and cold fog. This technology allows you to penetrate particularly hard-to-reach places.
  • Professional exterminators are well aware of the habits of insects, their habitats and routes of penetration.

The main advantage of this method is that civil service has the right to forcibly treat neighboring apartments whose residents fundamentally refuse to destroy harmful insects in their living space.

When choosing a service, you need to pay attention to companies that carry out pest control with a guarantee. If insects re-enter the house, they carry out re-treatment completely free of charge.

Timely prevention of cockroaches

The main thing is to maintain order.

To prevent cockroaches from living in your home, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Make sure that no exposed food is left in the kitchen. Leftover food should be tightly packed and hidden in the refrigerator, and all surfaces should be wiped with a damp cloth, removing crumbs, drops of fat and sweet drinks. A crust of bread on the floor, a scattered spoon of sugar - this is a supply of food for cockroaches for a long time.
  • Only available in the kitchen. You should not eat in the living room near the TV, as there may be unnoticed crumbs on the floor that will attract cockroaches.
  • Wipe sinks, bathtubs, and condensation accumulating on windows dry. Cockroaches cannot live without water. For this reason, in the kitchen you need to dry the dishes without leaving them to dry on their own.
  • Carefully clean areas where pets eat: wash dishes, collect crumbs, wipe the floor with a damp cloth.
  • Keep an eye on the trash can. It should always be tightly closed, and garbage should be thrown into the garbage chute daily.
  • Seal cracks in baseboards and parquet that can serve as shelter. Peeling wallpaper also falls into the category of their hideouts.
  • Ventilate the room more often.
  • Be sure to put nets on the windows and put grilles on the ventilation holes so that insects cannot get inside.

If, after applying the above methods, insects begin to visit the house again, you need to talk to the neighbors. It is possible that cockroaches come from them. Therefore, we will have to fight the unwanted guests together.

The presence of cockroaches is not only unpleasant, it disrupts basic sanitary standards. In addition, they contaminate food with their waste products and carry various bacterial and viral diseases. Therefore, they must be fought mercilessly.

Borax and sodium salt have shown themselves to work quite well in the fight against cockroaches. They are added to baits that are harmful to insects. Vinegar is often used to combat Prussians, which is used to treat baseboards, cracks, ventilation, thresholds, kitchen cabinets and other surfaces. Popular rumor recommends using odorous substances as a deterrent. essential oils cedar, geranium, mint, lemon balm, eucalyptus and other plants with a strong, persistent odor. They are used to catch insects.

It is advisable to combine the repellent effect of aromatic substances with poisonous baits.

Inna, Saratov

Maria, Perm

Physical techniques

Sticky traps with bait will not help get rid of cockroaches forever, but you can make them yourself and significantly reduce the population. Suitable for their manufacture carton boxes or stripes thick paper, onto which adhesive is applied or double-sided tape is attached. An appetizing bait is placed in the center of this design. Wanting to get to the treat, the cockroach will tightly stick to its base.

On a note!

Recently they have become popular. However, their effectiveness is constantly the subject of debate.

It is quite difficult to get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood. Cockroaches very quickly get used to different ones and stop reacting to them. Yes, and the use of poisons is not always safe for people or animals. But they can take advantage of this too.

There are many effective, harmless folk remedies for “” in the apartment. They are time-tested and are guaranteed to help get rid of uninvited guests. The only disadvantage of such methods is the duration of use.

Before you take up extermination seriously, you should do a thorough cleaning of the house, hermetically pack cereals, bread, securely hide all food products.

Important! During treatment, care must be taken to ensure that insects do not have access to water. Even a small drop left on the sink after washing dishes can ruin all your efforts.

Substances and methods

How to get rid of cockroaches?

Methods of application

Are cockroaches afraid of vinegar? Often from pests use vinegar. You can use both 9% table and essence.

They rub it on baseboards, floors near walls, cracks, and ventilation. A homemade spray based on water, vinegar and red pepper has worked well.

This mixture is poured into any bottle with a fine spray and treated walls, floors, kitchen cabinets, thresholds, and baseboards. You can pour vinegar into the kitchen sink and wipe the work surfaces with it.

Instead of vinegar or oils, you can use ammonia against cockroaches: a small amount (1 tsp) is diluted in a bucket of water and the floors in all rooms are thoroughly washed. The same product is used to wipe the sink, treat the trash can, toilet and bathtub.

The most important way to get rid of cockroaches is complete freezing of the apartment. These heat-loving insects do not tolerate low temperatures. In winter, getting rid of them is as easy as shelling pears, because they die already at t – 8-10C. For final destruction, 3-4 hours are enough.

Attention! Before the procedure, you must carefully cover heating batteries and pipes by any thermal insulation material to avoid rupture of radiators.

How to fight cockroaches in an apartment using folk remedies? One more universal remedy is Pyrethrum.

This drug based on chamomile flowers is used against bedbugs, cockroaches, and ants. It is safe for humans or pets.

The principle of preparing poisonous baits is the same as in the case of boric acid. Some craftsmen advise sprinkling dry Pyrethrum powder on areas where insects accumulate.

A lot has been invented tricky traps with bait inside. For example, you can take a small glass jar, pour a little beer or honey into the bottom, and grease the edges of the container with Vaseline or sunflower oil. Leave 2-3 of these traps overnight. In the morning all that remains is to destroy all the insects that come across.

A strip is glued onto a wide piece of cardboard double sided tape. A drop of honey is placed in the middle of the cardboard. In the morning, a lot of Prussians will stick to the trap.

Useful video

Video about all the folk methods of fighting cockroaches:

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