Ephemeroids are herbaceous perennial plants. Types and description of ephemeroids. Ephemera - what are they? Which plants are called ephemerals and which are ephemeroids? Ephemeroids examples of plants

Ephemeroids are herbaceous perennial plants.  Types and description of ephemeroids.  Ephemera - what are they?  Which plants are called ephemerals and which are ephemeroids?  Ephemeroids examples of plants
Ephemeroids are herbaceous perennial plants. Types and description of ephemeroids. Ephemera - what are they? Which plants are called ephemerals and which are ephemeroids? Ephemeroids examples of plants


(ephemeroida), perennial herbaceous plants, which are characterized by autumn-winter-spring vegetation. They bloom in early spring. In summer, above-ground shoots die off completely, leaving only underground storage organs with buds - bulbs, tubers, rhizomes. Typical for arid regions where they rest during periods of drought (species of tulip, sedge, bluegrass bulbous), as well as for forest-steppes and broad-leaved areas. forests where they use a wet and light period before the leaves bloom on the trees (Siberian scilla, species of corydalis, buttercup anemone).

.(Source: “Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary.” Editor-in-chief M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial Board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected . - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


Perennial herbaceous plants that have the ability to suspend life processes during drought (summer) and begin growth and development in favorable time, i.e. They are characterized by autumn-winter-spring vegetation. These are mainly bulbous plants. So, in spring numerous types of tulips and goose onions bloom. In summer, the aboveground part dies off completely and no traces of the plant are visible, and the bulbs rest in the ground. Some bulbous ephemeroids (e.g. colchicum, saffron) bloom in autumn.

.(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)

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    Perennial herbaceous plants, the above-ground organs of which develop from autumn to spring and die in the summer, while the underground organs (bulbs, tubers) persist for several years. Characteristic of steppes, semi-deserts and deserts (types of tulip, sedge, bluegrass), and... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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    Perennial herbaceous plants, the aboveground organs of which develop from autumn to spring and die in the summer, while the underground organs (bulbs, tubers) remain for several years. years. Characteristic of steppes, semi-deserts and deserts (types of tulip, sedge, bluegrass), as well as... ... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

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Ephemeroids are perennial herbaceous plants, which, like ephemerals, are characterized by a very short growing season.[...]

EPHEMEROIDS [from gr. ephemeros - one-day, short-lived and eidos - species] - perennial (as opposed to ephemerals) herbaceous plants with a short (2-8 months) period of autumn-winter-spring growing season (tulip, sedge inflated, bulbous bluegrass, anemone, scilla).[ ...]

Ephemeroids (from the Greek - one-day and form, type) are perennial herbaceous plants, which are characterized by autumn-spring vegetation. In summer, above-ground shoots die off completely, leaving only underground storage organs with buds (bulbs, tubers, rhizomes). They are especially characteristic of arid regions, where they rest during periods of drought (bluegrass, tulip, sedge, scilla, etc.), but are also found in forest-steppes and deciduous forests.[...]

EPHEMEROIDS - perennial plants with very short period growing season. They spend most of the year in a dormant state. A typical example of E. is the well-known snowdrops in our forests.[...]

Ephemera and ephemeroids predominate where from spring to summer there is a sharp change in growing conditions associated with the provision of plants with water or light. An example would be the lush development in early spring plants such as bluegrass and sedge in some areas of Central Asia, when moisture and temperature conditions are favorable for their life. In aspect, such communities at this time resemble meadows. But as soon as drought sets in high temperature, from ephemerals only seeds remain that have managed to crumble to the surface of the soil, and in ephemeroids only underground organs are preserved, remaining in a state of rest until the onset of favorable conditions for their growing season. What previously resembled a meadow takes on the appearance of a desert.[...]

For early spring ephemeroids, the so-called “snowdrops,” heating of the leaves provides the opportunity for fairly intense photosynthesis in sunny but still cold weather. spring days. For cold habitats or habitats associated with seasonal temperature fluctuations, an increase in plant temperature is ecologically very important, since physiological processes thereby become, to a certain extent, independent of the surrounding thermal background.[...]

In spring, ephemerals and ephemeroids develop widely, which predominate in the grass stand in sandy deserts. The most common shrubs here are juzgun, cherkes, sand acacia, white saxaul, etc. In clayey gypsum deserts, wormwood, boyalych, tamarix, etc. predominate, and the soil surface is often covered with algae and lichens. The latter form the basis of vegetation in clay takyr desert areas. In general, the vegetation cover is very sparse.[...]

On sandy deserts, the grass stand is dominated by ephemerals and ephemeroids. The most widespread are sandy sedge (Carex phusodes), bulbous bluegrass (Poa bulbosa var. vivipara), annual brome (Bromus tectorum, etc.), from the bulbous family - goose onion (Gagea reticulata); umbrella (Ferula foltida), etc. [...]

This perennial herbaceous plant develops a dense basal rosette leaves, among which the outer ones are spring, soft, thin and narrow, almost linear, quickly die off, and the inner ones are summer, fleshy, almost succulent, wide, rounded-spear-shaped, initially smaller than the spring leaves, continue the growing season for quite a long time .[...]

One of the most characteristic features oak forests in general and complex oak forests in particular is the presence of a group of early flowering plants in the grass cover herbaceous species- oak forest ephemeroids. These include a significant group of bulbous and corm plants that bloom in oak forests before the oak unfolds its leaves: scillas, corydalis, anemones, gossamer and toothworts. In early spring, these plants form decorative flower carpets in oak forests.[...]

Brown semi-desert loamy soils are dominated by wormwood, fescue-wormwood, wormwood-biyurgun and biyurgun-kokpek associations with a significant admixture of ephemerals and ephemeroids.[...]

In the zone it is very thinned out. Projective coverage does not exceed 30-40% (in some places 20-30%). The soils were formed under fescue-wormwood associations with an admixture of ephemerals and ephemeroids. When the grass stand is thinned, lichens and blue-green algae develop on the soil surface.[...]

In the central part of the zone (in the subzone of chestnut soils) wormwood-fescue steppes predominate, and in the southern part (in the subzone of light chestnut soils) - fescue-wormwood steppes, with a significant admixture of ephemerals and ephemeroids (poa bulbous, tulips, irises, etc. .). On chestnut solonetzic soils in the grass stand there are different kinds wormwood (white, black, Austrian), as well as chamomile, prutnyak and kermek. Lichens and algae appear on the surface.[...]

Synusia of annual plants and lichens, and partly ephemeroids, are absent or very weakly expressed. Subshrubs are almost completely absent.[...]

The seasonal dynamics of desert phytocenoses is clearly expressed. Phenological changes in communities are easily observed visually, expressed in changes in aspects: from bright yellow and lilac flowering in the spring, to pale naked indifference in summer and autumn.[...]

It is characterized by a certain species composition and the ecological and biological unity of its species. In the wormwood-hodgepodge desert, there are synusias of summer-autumn shrubs (wormwood, hodgepodge), early spring ephemera and ephemeroids.[...]

Chernozems were formed under herbaceous vegetation, which was dominated by perennial grasses. Currently, most of the black soil steppes are plowed and natural vegetation is destroyed. In the composition of natural vegetation, from north to south, forbs decrease and the content of spring ephemerals and ephemeroids increases.[...]

The vegetation cover is characterized by the dominance of wormwood-feather grass steppes. Among the turfgrasses, Stipa sareptana, St. lessingiana, Festuca valesiaca. The obligatory co-dominants are semi-shrub desert-steppe wormwood (Artemisia gracilescens). Artemisia pauciflora, Art. are common on solonetzes. schrenkiana. Here they play a more active role than in the dry steppes. spring plants, ephemeroids and ephemera.[...]

The vegetation of gray soils is defined as subtropical steppes, or low-grass semi-savannas (L. E. Rodin). This vegetation arose during the process of increasing climate aridity since the Pliocene in connection with the uplift of the mountain systems of the Middle and Central Asia. Its composition is dominated by cereals, with giant umbelliferous plants (ferula) being very typical. During the period of spring moisture, ephemerals and ephemeroids grow rapidly - bluegrass, tulips, poppies, etc. According to the change of the wet and short-term spring phase to the dry and long summer phase, the vegetation changes sharply. In spring, bright and lush, but short-term associations of ephemerals are characteristic, in summer - associations of xerophytes that are stable throughout the hot period.[...]

In evergreen plants, in addition to restoring turgor (if it has been lost), very good sign The beginning of the growing season should be considered the clearly marked acquisition of wild rosemary, lingonberry leaves and juniper, pine, and spruce needles of a dark color typical for summer. In forests, the beginning of spring weeping in birch and maple is the first sign of the beginning of the growing season. The same informative feature is the unfolding of the first leaves of spring ephemeroids.[...]

The importance of individual environmental factors in the complex action of the environment is unequal. Therefore, among the latter, the leading (main) ones are distinguished environmental factors and secondary (related). The leading factors are those that are necessary for the life of the body. For different types Usually different driving factors are required, even if the organisms live in the same place. At the same time, it should be noted that in different periods During the development of the organism, there is a change in leading factors, which is especially typical for plants. So, for example, for ephemeroids during the flowering period the leading factor is light, and during the period of seed formation - sufficient moisture and minerals.[ ...]

According to R. Whittaker, the dominant life form of plants in the steppes is hemicryptophytes ( perennial herbs) - 63% of the total flora; followed by therophytes (annual grasses) - 14%, chamephytes - 12%, etc. Phanerophytes (trees) make up 1% of total number plants. Plants steppe zone are characterized by the following ecological features: narrow-leaved xerophytic turf grasses (feather grass, fescue, bluegrass, fescue, etc.) are widespread, the root systems of which form branched bunches that go to a considerable depth; the presence of ephemerals and ephemeroids (irises, cereals, forget-me-nots, buttercups, tulips, crocuses, etc.); There are also succulents.[...]

To the south, meadow steppes were characterized by forb-feather grass and fescue-feather grass associations. Xerophytic plants took a relatively greater part in their grass cover, the main background of which in the forb-feather grass steppes was narrow-leaved feather grass, fescue, thin legged grass, steppe oats, drooping sage, Volga adonis, bluebells, sedge, steppe plantain, spurge, mountain clover, etc. In the type-chakovo-feather grass steppes, low-stemmed feather grass, tyrsa, fescue, wheatgrass, and sedges predominated. Moisture deficiency contributed to the development of ephemerals and ephemeroids in these steppes - mortuk, bulbous bluegrass, tulips, alyssum, wormwood with a degree of projective cover of 40-60%.[...]

One of the adaptations of plants to life in arid areas is a shortened life cycle. Among the parpolystaceae, there is a group of ephemerals - annual herbaceous plants that survive the dry period in the form of seeds, and after sufficient rainfall they germinate, quickly bloom, produce seeds and then die. They go through the entire development cycle in 5-8 weeks. In arid climates, perennial plants - ephemeroids - also strive to complete the growing season in the shortest possible time.[...]

Air humidity determines the frequency of active life of organisms, the seasonal dynamics of life cycles, and affects the duration of development, fertility and mortality. For example, plant species such as spring speedwell, sand forget-me-not, desert alyssum, etc., using spring moisture, manage to germinate in a very short time (12-30 days), develop generative shoots, bloom, form fruits and seeds. These annual plants are called ephemerals (from the Greek “ephemeres” - fleeting, one-day). Ephemera, in turn, are divided into spring and autumn. The above plants belong to spring ephemera. Certain species of perennial plants, called ephemeroids or geoephemeroids, also show clear adaptation to the seasonal rhythm of humidity. Under unfavorable humidity conditions, they can delay their development until it becomes optimal or, like ephemerals, go through its entire cycle in an extremely short period of early spring. This includes typical plants of the southern steppes - steppe hyacinth, poultry plants, tulips, etc.[...]

Not only does the growing season change appearance communities, but also (more importantly) quantitative relationships between species, the impact individual species and the community as a whole on the environment, community productivity. Depending on the composition of the plant community, the quantitative ratios of its components change more or less noticeably during the growing season. Changes in the quantitative ratio of plant species in herbaceous communities and herbaceous layers are especially large forest communities. In some of them, the dominant plants change during the growing season. This is especially noticeable in such communities, which include species with a short growing season, confined to spring: either annual - ephemerals, or perennial - ephemeroids. [...]

Melastomes can also be found on sea coasts, on coral reefs, and in mangrove swamps. Many plants of this family are found in arid conditions - on dry and sunny places, on salt marshes, in savannas, on rocks. Some species grow in volcanic craters, on old lava flows, and near hot springs. On the dry plateaus of the interior regions of Brazil, the campos are abundant in low, heavily pubescent, rigid-leaved shrubs or dwarf shrubs, often having an orycoid appearance, or herbs with small scale-like leaves, often imbricated on the stems. Among the plants of the African savannas, the species of the genus Dissotis, which numbers about 140 species in tropical and South Africa, are especially remarkable. They are mainly herbaceous plants, but also shrubs or shrubs, usually hairy, with purple or purple flowers. Some species of dnasotis are ephemerals, small annual plants that manage to go through the entire development cycle in the wet season before the onset of the dry season. Other species are ephemeroids. During the dry period, the above-ground organs of the ephemeroids completely die off, only the tubers or rhizomes equipped with buds remain alive.

And each type of plant adapted to life in the desert in its own way. Ephemera- annual plants with a very short life cycle. Their life lasts only about a month in May.

Such plants ephemera, like poppy, cereals awaken in early spring and have time to bloom and produce seeds one month before the onset of heat. In the spring, while the top layer of soil is well supplied with water, ephemerals actively absorb it from the soil, but also evaporate a lot.

The leaves of some ephemerals almost lie on the ground, covering it with themselves and preventing the sun from quickly drying it out. Like this in an unusual way ephemeral plants have adapted to life in the desert. By the end of the life cycle, ephemeral plants die off completely, even the roots. In one month of the growing season, they manage to leave behind only seeds to resume life in the next growing season.

But ephemeral plants can be found not only in the desert. Ephemera grow in conditions where growing conditions from spring to summer change sharply for the worse, associated with providing plants not only with water, but also with light. Therefore, even in deciduous forests middle zone In Russia, for example, in oak forests, where there is not enough light in the summer, ephemerals are also found.

In early spring, when most of the leaves on the trees have not yet blossomed, ephemerals quickly grow and have time to produce seeds. As the leaves bloom on the trees, the ephemerals gradually or quickly die off. Ephemera that can be found on the territory of Russia: oak grouse, desert alyssum, spring stonefly, northern breaker, African malcolmia, sickle-shaped hornwort.

In addition to ephemerals, annual plants, there are ephemeroid plants similar to them in nature - perennial plants in which, with the onset of unfavorable conditions Only the above-ground part dies off. Usually in nature they grow side by side, and having learned the differences between annual and perennial plants, you can accurately determine which plant it is: ephemeral or ephemeral.


Ephemeroids- perennial herbaceous plants with a very short growing season, which occurs at the very favorable period. After that life cycle The ephemeral growth of plants begins to stop, the above-ground part of the plants begins to gradually die off. Due to nutrients, accumulated in the underground part of the ephemeroids, their life resumes when favorable conditions occur.

Ephemeroids include tuberous, rhizomatous and bulbous. Representatives of ephemeroids - the well-known lumbago (sleep-grass), scilla, scilla, tulips, hyacinths, spring-flowering crocuses, anemones, daffodils, muscari, chionodox, ranunculus, corydalis, hazel grouse, eremurus, as well as such indoor plants as amaryllis, clivia .

U early spring ephemeroids Even under the snow, sprouts and buds of renewal buds are formed. During flowering ephemeroids form a bright and colorful carpet of flowers that are clearly visible to pollinating insects. After the fruits have ripened and the seeds have dropped, in early June, with a change in conditions (little water or light), the above-ground organs of the ephemeroids die off. Underground organs with renewal buds and starch reserves are in a state of deep dormancy for about ten months until next spring.

Representatives of autumn ephemeroids are autumn-blooming crocuses and colchicum, or colchicum. They are blooming late autumn, when the leaves from the trees have already fallen off and do not block the light. For an active life, ephemeroids only need a short daylight time in the forest.

All ephemeroids are conditionally divided into groups:

The first group includes ephemeroids, in which the buds of growth and renewal are located above the soil level;

The second group includes ephemeroids, in which the buds of growth and renewal are at soil level and are covered with snow in winter;

The third group includes ephemeroids, in which the buds of growth and renewal are located very deep in the soil. Even with insufficient snow cover and partial freezing of the root part, ephemeroids from this group are quickly restored. Almost all spring bulbous plants belong to this group of ephemeroids.

Man knows more than 300 thousand plant species. Some of them grow in unsuitable conditions. One of these plants are ephemeroids. To survive in a difficult environment, they had to use tricks and develop special devices. What are ephemeroids? You will find the definition and examples in our article.

What are ephemeroids?

Ephemeroids are perennial herbaceous plants, but this is not their peculiarity. They have learned to live where there is access to water or sunlight There is not all year round, but only in certain seasons. In such conditions, many plants die, because they regularly need these elements to maintain the body.

Ephemera are, in their own way, unique plants. They adapted to difficult conditions thanks to a short growing season. When there is enough light and water, they grow and bloom rapidly. With the onset of an unfavorable season, their ground parts dry out and fall off. The underground parts (tubers, rhizomes, bulbs) remain to grow new shoots next year.

Ephemeroids have very little time to develop. Sometimes plants only have a couple of weeks left. Their underground organs contain many nutrients. They accumulate there to nourish the plant during hibernation.

Ephemeral plants also have similar properties. But, unlike ephemeroids, these are annual plants. In a short time they manage to produce seeds, but they themselves die completely.

Where do they grow?

Ephemeroids are inhabitants of deserts, steppes and semi-deserts. There is always a lack of moisture there, and the hot sun literally burns out all living things. But in spring it often rains, and the light is soft and gentle. At such a time, poppies appear in the steppes, astragalus grow, and tulips bloom on the sands of Turkmenistan.

From September to November, climatic spring begins in the Atacama Desert. There may be no precipitation there long years, therefore it is considered one of the driest places on Earth. But due to the influence of El Niño, some areas are sometimes irrigated by downpours, and lifeless spaces are covered with colorful flowers.

You can also find ephemeroids in ordinary forests. In dense deciduous forests there is enough moisture, but on the contrary, there is not enough light. Ephemeroids grow in oak forests and other groves. They appear when there is no foliage on the trees in order to make the most of solar energy.

Depending on the time of appearance, they are divided into spring and autumn ephemeroids. Example autumn plants serves crocus. Spring ones are: tulips, crocuses, snowdrops, goose onions.


Anemone or anemone is an ephemeral plant from the ranunculaceae family. The flower is distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere, even covering some areas of the Arctic. About 170 species of anemone are known, most of which are poisonous.

Anemones are neat large flowers with at least five petals. They come in yellow, red, white, blue and pink flowers. They usually grow in the tundra, on rocky hills and slopes, in steppe meadows and on shady forest edges.

Goose onion

It is also called yellow snowdrop, yellowflower, viper onion or gooseberry. In April, the plant appears on mountain slopes, steppes and forests. Him yellow flowers with elongated petals and tall narrow leaves.

The height of the goose onion is approximately 30-40 centimeters. It does not grow as single flowers, but in small groups. Boiled it was once eaten, and was also used to treat asthma, ulcers, and wound healing. Yellowflower is found in North Africa and in the temperate zone of Eurasia, for example, in Ukraine, in Far East and Central Asia.


They are the ones who announce to us the arrival of spring, appearing even before the snow has completely melted. The snowdrop or “milk flower” is common in the South and Central Europe, in Asia Minor, on the Black Sea coast. About 16 of its species grow in the Caucasus.

Its flower consists of six petals, which are arranged in two circles. Unlike many other plants, it does not reach up towards the sun, but is lowered towards the ground. The snowdrop dies in May. The duration of its flowering depends on the area where it grows, as well as the altitude above sea level. Due to its unpretentiousness, the flower is often grown in garden beds. However, some of its species are listed in the Red Book and are considered endangered.

The air is transparent, permeated with a warm cobweb of the first sun rays, the trees are openwork, and the backdrop for this gentle awakening is the colorful forest canopy. Needless to say, everyone is looking forward to spring with impatience and hope. The sun has warmed up a little, and nature comes to life, everything begins to grow. And early spring ephemeroids will be the first to delight us in the garden and forest.

This is the name of a group of perennial herbaceous plants, the above-ground organs of which develop from autumn to spring and die in the summer, while the underground organs (bulbs, rhizomes and tubers) persist for several years. These include snowdrops, scillas, corydalis, anemones, tulips, chives and many others.

The group of early spring ephemeroids is extensive and includes representatives of many families. All of them are united by a very short - ephemeral - flowering period. The supply of nutrients is located in rhizomes, tubers or bulbs and has been stored since the previous year. If you dig them up in the fall, you can find not only reserve substances, but also large buds already formed. This allows plants to be very short term develop a shoot, bloom and even bear fruit. Ephemeroids reproduce by self-seeding and vegetative propagation rhizomes and bulbs. So the anemone is often called a traveler. Due to the growth of the rhizome on one side and its death on the other, it moves through the forest and blooms in different places from year to year.

Ephemeroids are quite hardy. They live everywhere: in deserts, steppes and deciduous forests. They live well in our climate. Moreover, it has been scientifically proven that for the normal formation of flower buds they vitally need low temperatures in winter.

And in the spring - white, yellow, blue, purple meadows lie like gentle shadows under the still bare crown of trees. Broad-leaved forests free from foliage are well warmed up by the sun, melted snow and rotten leaves make the soil fertile - what not ideal conditions for active growth and flowering? The rich colors of the corollas of primroses and their abundance actively attract pollinating insects. To spread their seeds, ephemeroids even attract soil insects, such as ants. On the fruits or seeds, special, oil-rich, fleshy appendages are formed, which ants like so much.

All early spring plants short. For example, the early flowering gooseberry (Gagea) is the smallest lily on the planet. Bulbs or rhizomes of ephemeroids should be planted in the fall - usually in September, to a depth of about 6–8 cm. Mass plantings (as in nature) in groups or larger clearings around trunks look impressive tall trees, bushes, on boles or in rockeries.

The requirements for growing conditions in the garden are the same for all species. These should be well-lit areas with well-drained soil. Bulbous plants are replanted only after the leaves turn yellow, once every few years.

Chionodoxa - translated from ancient Greek means “glory of the snows”. In nature it grows in the alpine and subalpine zones on the islands Mediterranean Sea and on the western coast of Asia Minor (from Crete to Izmir). Small perennial bulbous plant. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, reproduces well by dividing bulbs. There are from 1 to 12 flowers on the peduncle. The color of the petals is blue, white, pink, blue with yellow eye in the middle. Prefers any well-drained soil. Pale blue flowers Chionodoxes look good in rock gardens, in combination with crocuses and hyacinths that are more luscious in color. For example, with bright blue muscari inflorescences.

The genus Muscari, or mouse hyacinth (Muscari), has about 30 species, distributed in Europe, North Africa and Western Asia to Central Asia, but mainly in the Mediterranean, on grassy slopes, in the mountains, in the forest belt and near melting snow. Muscari are pollinated by bees or small dipterous insects. To attract them, some species with inconspicuous brownish-greenish fertile flowers have large sterile upper blue-violet flowers on long colored pedicels, forming a pappus at the top of the raceme. Since the 16th century, muscari (M. moschatum), which has a strong aroma, has been cultivated.

Scilla, or Scilla, prefers partial shade and well-drained soil. Has white, blue and pink flowers. Scilla reproduce well vegetatively: they grow up to 6 bulbs per year. They quickly grow into a colorful carpet. If they reproduce by self-sowing, they bloom in the 3-4th year. Transplantation is required after 3–5 years, during which time an adult bulb forms 8–12 bulbs. The planting depth is about 6–8 cm, but the bulbs can tolerate significant depth.

Corydalis (Corydalis) accumulate starch and alkaloids in the tuber. It is thanks to the alkaloids that these plants have medicinal value. They usually bloom in the 5th year of life. Flowers purple or yellow color collected in tall inflorescences. Corydalis respond to soil moisture and require good moisture.

And then you can continue this list yourself. It's quite extensive. Take a closer look at the colorful carpet April forest- nature itself will tell you how to increase aesthetic appeal summer cottage when the snow has barely melted. And most importantly, the first spring flowers will cheer you up in your awakening garden.

Olga Mirgorodskaya, biologist