Cutting board how to choose. Wooden cutting board. How to care for wooden boards

Cutting board how to choose.  Wooden cutting board.  How to care for wooden boards
Cutting board how to choose. Wooden cutting board. How to care for wooden boards

Wooden cutting board is an ideal choice for the kitchen

A kitchen board is an indispensable attribute of any kitchen, without which no self-respecting cook can do. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of cutting boards made from various materials and having different configurations. The boards can even be built-in and move along the edge of the sink. Every effort is made to ensure that the cooking process evokes only positive emotions. Despite the huge number of different materials, wooden cutting boards remain the most popular, safe and convenient.

Why is wood the best material?

Wood has always been considered the best natural material for the production of kitchen utensils. What is the reason for such popularity? First of all, wood products are distinguished by a special living warmth that gives positive energy and has a beneficial effect on human health.

Products made from natural materials are environmentally friendly and do not emit harmful substances, which is very important for preparing quality food. Some tree varieties have an antibacterial effect. Bacteria and fungi do not grow on cutting boards made from such wood.

Wooden cutting boards serve as an excellent decoration for the kitchen interior and create a cozy atmosphere. A decorative look is given to such products by painting or a new type of decoration - decoupage. You can buy beautiful decorative wooden boards for gifts.

What wood is used to make kitchen boards?

There are more than a thousand tree species growing on the planet. People use the wood of many of them for personal purposes. Each tree has its own properties and is used for specific purposes. What species are used to produce cutting boards?

  • Pine

    - inexpensive, but quite soft material with a healing effect. Phytoncides released by pine wood kill microbes and have a beneficial effect on human organs. The release of useful substances does not stop even after processing the pine. The disadvantage of this lumber is its fragility.
  • Larch

    - a valuable and durable material, resistant to dampness and the proliferation of various putrefactive fungi. Beautiful color and good structure make larch one of the best materials for making wooden cutting boards.
  • Beech

    - hard wood, distinguished by its pink color and unusual pattern. However, beech also has a drawback - it absorbs moisture well. That is why beech products are varnished. Cutting boards made from this lumber are used only for cutting dry products.
  • Oak

    - the most durable and durable material. Oak kitchen boards are not afraid of dampness and will last a long time. During operation, the wood does not emit harmful substances, does not lose its attractive appearance and does not crack or dry out.
  • Nut

    - a moderately hard material that is easy to process and has a smooth and coarse texture. Kitchen boards made of walnut are not afraid of moisture and are highly wear-resistant.
  • Ash

    - a material that is not inferior in strength to oak, but has its own characteristics: expressive texture, moisture resistance, resistance to deformation.
  • Cherry

    - a beautiful material with high density, which in its decorative qualities surpasses all lumber used for the production of kitchen boards.

Regardless of the type of wood, all absorb odors perfectly, so it is recommended to have several boards: for meat, fish, bread and vegetables. It is recommended to purchase a set of cutting boards and use each element strictly for its intended purpose.

A few secrets for choosing a wooden cutting board

There are several secrets that will help you make the right choice. First of all, when purchasing such a kitchen attribute, you need to carefully look at its appearance. This will allow us to draw some conclusions. Thus, cutting boards made of natural solid wood have a solid wood grain.

Kitchen boards made from narrow strips - plots - have become widely popular. Such products will last much longer in the kitchen than solid wood boards if properly cared for. They should not be left in a humid environment for a long time, which can lead to delamination and wood particles getting into food.

Professional chefs in most cases use so-called end cutting boards, in which the fibers are not parallel to the cutting surface, but perpendicular to it. This surface is more durable and strong. Knives using an end board require sharpening less often, which is very important for chefs who prepare dishes all day long.

Olive oil is the best material for impregnating kitchen boards

To increase their service life, you should impregnate cutting boards with vegetable oils. Olive oil is the best option for impregnation, the use of which will achieve the following goals:

  • the appearance of the kitchen board does not deteriorate;
  • no harm to health;
  • the service life of the product increases.

With proper care, wooden cutting boards will serve their owners for many years and make the cooking process enjoyable.


A cutting board is a necessary attribute of a modern kitchen, without which it is difficult to imagine the process of cooking. Usually there are minimum requirements for a cutting board; it must, first of all, be clean and durable. But there are many very original and non-standard models of boards that are designed to make kitchen work simpler and more convenient, and also serve as a striking accessory among traditional kitchen utensils.

Number of cutting boards in the kitchen

According to hygiene standards and standards, one board for all products is not enough. Ideally, each type of product should have its own kitchen board. In catering establishments and professionally equipped kitchens, the number of boards reaches 10-12, or even more. In ordinary apartments there should be at least two cutting boards, but the acceptable and safe number of boards in the kitchen is four.

The basic concept of separation is this: foods that we eat raw (vegetables, fruits, bread products) cannot be cut on the same board on which we cut meat and fish. The reason is that meat may contain pathogenic bacteria. When cooking meat, they die and the prepared dish is harmless to humans. But bacteria can live on a board for quite a long time, even if you wash it well. Accordingly, by cutting bread on such a board, you can become infected with a dangerous infection. It is also advisable to separate the board for meat and fish, because a strong fishy smell is not so easy to remove.

In total, it is advisable that in your kitchen arsenal there are separate boards for raw meat, fish, bread and everything else (vegetables, cheese, herbs). At home, it is convenient to use boards of different colors and shapes or carefully label them so as not to confuse the purpose.

Types of cutting boards

Cutting boards are usually divided according to the material they are made of.

The traditional material for kitchen boards is tree. Wood has a rough texture, food on a wooden surface does not slip, and knives do not become dull so quickly. The quality of wooden boards depends on the type of wood. The cheapest and shortest-lived softwood boards are pine and birch. Boards made of oak, beech, and acacia will last longer. They are more expensive, but they practically do not absorb moisture and odors. It is also worth paying attention to whether the board is glued together from fragments or cut from a solid piece of wood. Oddly enough, choose the first option, as it is less susceptible to deformation.

The main disadvantage of wooden cutting boards is considered to be their unhygienic nature and high absorption of odors and moisture, but as mentioned above, it all depends on the type of wood and the quality of workmanship.

After each use, the wooden board should be washed under hot water with a small amount of detergent and left to hang to dry. It is not recommended to wash the board in the dishwasher, as this will quickly deteriorate it.

Unlike a tree, glass It is considered the most hygienic material; it is easy to clean, including in the dishwasher. Special glass is resistant to abrasion, deformation, and is difficult to break. You can even easily pound meat on a glass board. Neither odor nor moisture are naturally absorbed. It is glass models that most often abound in decorative design; various patterns and designs, bright colors make such boards a real decoration of the kitchen space. When choosing a glass cutting board, pay attention to the rubberized legs, which will ensure a tight grip on the table surface. It is desirable that the glass be heat-resistant, then the kitchen board can also be used as a stand for hot frying pans or pots.

Among the disadvantages of glass cutting boards, one can note the unpleasant sound from the contact of a metal knife with glass, as well as the need to catch escaping products from the perfectly smooth surface of the board. When working on such a board, the knives quickly become dull.

Plastic boards have become increasingly popular lately. They have all the advantages of a glass board, that is, they are durable, resistant to abrasion, do not absorb odors and moisture, are easy to clean, but at the same time, products do not slip on a plastic, slightly rough surface, knives do not fail so quickly and there is no unpleasant sound. In addition, plastic is lighter than wood and glass. But all this applies only to high-quality certified models, the cost of which is sometimes comparable to expensive wooden or designer glass boards. Typically, polyethylene or polypropylene is used for production.

The disadvantage of even expensive and high-quality plastic boards is that they cannot withstand high temperatures, so they should not be used as a hot stand for a long time. We do not recommend buying a cheap board, the chemical composition of which is unknown and there is no information about certification. Such a cutting board quickly becomes covered with cuts, and harmful toxic substances can penetrate into food products.

Original cutting boards

The cutting board can be of any shape, but rectangular ones are traditionally used as the most convenient. The standard thickness of the board is from 0.5 to 1 cm, although for cutting meat it is better to take a thicker one 1.5-2 cm, in case you need to chop the meat. It is also better to select the sizes of cutting boards for the products, for example, for bread - a little larger than a standard loaf, and for rolling out the dough you will need a long and wide board.

And now - the fun part!

Modern cutting boards can be very different from generally accepted standards. Despite the apparent simplicity of the board, manufacturers and even famous designers continue to work wonders and modify this kitchen accessory in every possible way, adding new functions and experimenting with shape, color and design. Basically, the most original cutting boards are made of wood, although there are also unusual plastic models. Glass boards are practically not modified in any way, since even without modifications there are a huge variety of decorative design options - from photo printing to stained glass.

Cutting boards for sinks are usually made of plastic. The board has a built-in colander for washing fruits and vegetables. You can also put chopped food there. In most models, the colander is removable, so the cutting board can also be used on the table surface.
Many housewives dream of a special hole in the working surface of the table, where they can immediately dump cleaning and waste. This function is fully realized in cutting boards, where there is a hole for cleaning, and containers for chopped products, and the ability to conveniently place a plate where you can throw salad ingredients with a slight movement of the knife. This is perhaps the most useful improvement to a regular cutting board.

The opportunity to use the cutting board as a place to store knives was also not ignored. The kitchen board turns into a drawer, where tools for peeling vegetables or cutting cheese are stored in the corresponding slots.

You already know that the kitchen should have at least two, and preferably four, cutting boards. Obviously, different original models may be present in a single copy, but there are also convenient sets of boards just for different products. They are usually made of plastic, labeled and do not take up much space.

Many manufacturers are moving away from the standard rectangular shape and carving unusual boards from wood in the form of different shapes, animals, and even the outlines of countries and continents!

Other designers are experimenting with patterns on the surface of the board. On plastic ones the image is applied with paint, on wooden ones the burning or carving technique is used. The drawing can be either purely decorative or have very practical purposes, for example, a table of weights or a ruler.

The jigsaw puzzle is also reflected in cutting boards. Indeed, different board sizes are needed for different purposes. For a French baguette, you can assemble a long board from separate parts, and for dough, a wide rectangular one. Plus, the notches in the puzzle boards double as a glass holder!

For slicing baguettes, the French came up with a special board with slots.

Cutting boards can serve as trays during buffets and banquets.

A board with built-in scales is a very useful and convenient invention not only for professional chefs, but also for those who like to cook exactly according to recipes. With such a cutting board, cutting 35 grams of pepper and 216 grams of meat will be very easy.

Glass kitchen cutting boards can also surprise. Imagine the horror of your guests when you cut cheese on a brand new iPad. The built-in LED lighting will only enhance this similarity.

Glass cutting boards can cover the cooking surface. This is very important in case of limited space in the kitchen.

A transformable plastic cutting board will greatly simplify the life of a housewife in the kitchen. The board has the ability to fold along the folds, which is very convenient for pouring chopped products into a plate. You can also wash vegetables, herbs and fruits in it.

The edge of the table can also be used.

This cutting board is an excellent option that takes advantage of that awkward corner corner of your countertop. A round board eliminates the right angle and adds some work space.

A cutting board is not the most important tool in the kitchen, but without it it is difficult to prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner. We always have to grind something, shred it, cut it, chop it, plan it and perform many other necessary actions, but a good kitchen board makes it easier to prepare a dish and affects its taste and appearance.

How many cutting boards are needed in the kitchen?

In some kitchens you can see one cutting board on which all food is usually cut, but this is very unhygienic. If you cut vegetables for salad after eating raw food or fish, then where is the guarantee that germs and bacteria will not end up in the stomach, even if the board is washed thoroughly with hot water and detergent? There is another reason why it is advisable to have several cutting boards. If the smells of different products mix, the taste and aroma of the finished dish can be greatly affected. Agree that cheese with the aroma of herring or fruits that smell of garlic are unlikely to create an appetite during a family dinner. You can, of course, wipe the cutting board with a slice of lemon or rinse it with vinegar, but the best solution is to buy several boards for different products. Catering kitchens usually use at least twelve boards, but the minimum set for a home kitchen is three boards. The first is for baked goods, the second is for cutting fish and meat, the third is for herbs, vegetables, fruits, cheese, sausage and other prepared foods. Ideally, of course, it is better to work with fish on a separate board, and also have a small board for onions and garlic and a separate one for dough. The number of boards largely depends on the quality of the material, and we will now talk about how to choose a cutting board for the kitchen, what to look for in the store and how to care for this kitchen accessory.

How to choose a cutting board?

The variety of materials from which kitchen boards are made makes it difficult to choose, so you need to understand how the materials differ from each other and what types of food they are intended for. Choosing a cutting board is a whole science that can only be mastered in practice, so we recommend buying several different boards and experimentally determining which suits you best.

Eco-friendly wood

Wooden boards make the kitchen bright and homely. This is a classic, relevant at all times, although such kitchen appliances have their drawbacks. The cheapest and most short-lived option is boards made from soft types of wood (birch, pine and linden); they quickly wear down and become deformed from moisture, but do not dull the knives. Knife marks easily appear on these boards, through which germs penetrate. Hardwood (beech, oak, ash, acacia) is not afraid of water, lasts longer, but damages the edge of the knife; oak boards are ideal for chopping meat.

The best modern materials for cutting boards are bamboo and Hevea rubber wood. Such boards are very practical because they do not absorb food odors, are not deformed by water and temperature changes, and do not develop scratches or cracks.

When choosing a suitable board, pay attention to its side surface, from which you can conclude whether it is made of solid wood or glued together from separate bars. The presence of a wood grain indicates that you are holding a board made of solid wood. If the board is thick enough, the fibers go not across, but along the board, which means it will last much longer. In general, it is believed that a glued board is more durable and does not deform if it is not left for a long time in a damp environment. However, many housewives are wary of boards made of glued bars, plywood and chipboard - and rightly so, since if the gluing is poor, the board may delaminate and glue particles will get into the food.

Strong and durable plastic

Plastic and polypropylene are worthy competitors to wood - they do not get wet, do not absorb odors, do not delaminate, do not wear out and are easy to clean. However, plastic quickly dulls knives, and over time small cracks form on it - loopholes for bacteria, unless, of course, the board has an antibacterial coating. The significant disadvantages of plastic boards are that they are very unstable on the table, and vegetables are difficult to hold under the knife, as they slide on the plastic surface. For this reason, many manufacturers produce boards with a corrugated coating and a rubber backing on the back side.

In this case, we are talking about high-quality certified plastic, which is preferred by restaurant chefs. It is better not to use cheap plastic cutting boards for cooking, especially if there are children in the house. Plastic cutting boards also, thanks to their different colors, easily fit into any kitchen interior.

Beautiful and practical glass

Kitchen boards made of glass ceramics are durable, beautiful and very hygienic. Their disadvantages are heavy weight, fragility, a not very pleasant sound when cutting food, and very rapid wear of the knife blade. There should be anti-slip rubber pads on the inside of the board, otherwise it will constantly stick to the table.

And... other materials

Very unusual materials are also used to produce modern cutting boards. Silicone boards resemble a soft mat that does not absorb odors, is easy to clean and does not dull knives. It rolls into a tube, and chopped products can be easily poured into dishes. A silicone board is indispensable for picnics and travel - it can be folded compactly and will fit even in a small pocket of a bag.

Stone boards made of marble and granite, which have bactericidal properties, are the most durable and very expensive. They are ideal for rolling out dough that is smooth and thin. On sale you can see kitchen boards made of ceramics, acrylic stone and Japanese paulownia wood, which is popular due to its lightness and ease of use.

New generation cutting boards are often made in combination - for example, a wooden base coated with mesh polyethylene combines the advantages of wood and at the same time keeps knives sharp for a long time. There are boards containing silver nanoparticles that destroy bacteria - they do not absorb odors, so they do not require thorough cleaning with detergents.

A few more subtleties

Good housewives have boards of all sizes in the kitchen for different quantities of products, and the shape of the board (rectangular, oval, square, round, trapezoid) depends on personal preferences. The optimal dimensions of the board are 20 × 30 cm, for meat and fish - 30 × 50 cm, for dough - 50 × 75 cm. It has been experimentally established that if the size is “correct,” then it is convenient to cut food, and the knife glides smoothly over the surface. Thin boards up to 1 cm thick are suitable for light loads, while meat, steaks and chops are best cooked on a board 3-4 cm thick.

Nowadays, boards are sold in the shape of fruits, vegetables, fish - and not only for a beautiful kitchen interior, but so as not to confuse which board is intended for which type of product. Boards manufactured to strict standards (they are usually purchased for catering establishments) are marked accordingly: SM (raw meat), SK (raw chicken), SR (raw fish), VM (boiled meat), VK (boiled chicken), VR (boiled fish), SO (raw vegetables), VO (boiled vegetables), RG (fish gastronomy), MG (meat gastronomy), M (butter), X (bread and pastries), C (cheese).

Many boards have convenient handles, a ring for hanging and grooves for collecting juice. In stores you can also see sets of several boards on a convenient stand. Choose what makes your life comfortable!

How to care for a cutting board?

Proper care of your cutting board not only increases its lifespan, but is also part of food hygiene. The fact is that the board can become a source of bacteria that penetrates small cracks, which jeopardizes the health of the entire family.

Plastic, plywood and glass boards should be washed with hot water and soap, and then wiped dry and dried thoroughly. Wooden boards should be periodically scraped with a knife and scalded with boiling water to disinfect. Under no circumstances should they be placed in the dishwasher, as moisture will cause them to swell. Do not store wooden boards near the stove, otherwise the wood will crack.

It is recommended to lightly clean a new wooden board with fine sandpaper and thoroughly coat it with food-grade mineral oil (vegetables deteriorate over time) - several times every three hours. The oil will gradually fill the pores of the wood and will protect the wood from bacteria and moisture, and such a board will last longer.

Food vinegar perfectly disinfects the surface, which effectively removes all extraneous odors, as well as lemon, salt and baking soda. Cutting boards cannot be stored in a dish dryer due to high humidity - it is better to find a place for them on the wall or on special kitchen shelves with compartments. At the same time, make sure that the boards do not touch each other and that water does not accumulate under them, otherwise mold will appear. With proper care, your cutting board will last a long time and retain its attractiveness.

Wooden cutting boards, decorated with carvings, paintings, ornaments, burning or an artificial network of small cracks (craquelures), are more decorative accessories that make the kitchen cozy and warm. The one where you want to gather with the whole family, drink tea and pies, remember the past day and enjoy life.

Today you can find kitchen utensils to suit every taste, and cutting boards are no exception. We hope that our advice will help you make the right choice.

If you have never bought a cutting board in your life, most likely someone in your family can handle wood very well, and a DIY kitchen board is not a problem for you. Meanwhile, this is the accessory that has changed the least over a long period of time.

Naturally, home boards come in various shapes, decorative and “semi-decorative”, with and without patterns.

Materials for making a kitchen board

  • Tree:
  1. pine,
  2. birch,
  3. acacia,
  4. bamboo,
  5. Hevea
  • stone;
  • plastic;
  • glass ceramics;
  • silicone

Now let's briefly look at all types of material.


Wooden kitchen cutting boards seem to be the most popular. Often, in stores you can find beech or pine, but they absorb moisture very much, crumble, and food residues accumulate in chips and slots. Therefore, pine and beech boards are preferably used for slicing bread and dry foods.

Bamboo and Hevea are considered impeccable materials:

  • they have high strength;
  • do not swell in water and do not absorb moisture;
  • wash well;
  • knives do not become dull;
  • do not absorb odors.

Such boards are the preference of professionals! The price for natural ones, from hevea and bamboo, is quite high, and from oak and acacia - even higher, but you can overpay for the quality.

TIP: If you want to choose a good board, pay attention to its side surface. The drawing should be clearly visible on a solid board. The greater the width, the greater the thickness should be so that it does not deform from moisture.


Kitchen cutting boards made of stone, marble or granite look very beautiful. And besides, marble has bactericidal properties. A stone board is useful for working with the dough; it comes out thin, even and cool.

When purchasing it, remember that the stone is a breathable material. Such products must be constantly cleaned and polished.

There is no need to put hot things on marble; it also does not like acids. Well, if you work a lot with dough, then, accordingly, a marble countertop in your kitchen will be simply irreplaceable.

Such accessories are durable and, with proper care, can last for decades.


High quality plastic:

  • heat resistant,
  • hygienic,
  • durable,
  • moisture resistant.

In addition, plastic allows the manufacturer to fantasize with:

  • shape,
  • color,
  • design

But all these definitions apply to quality things. Cheap plastic quickly becomes dirty, scratched and loses its attractiveness.

Note! When buying plastic kitchen cutting boards, pay attention to their color: bright dyes are very likely to contain toxic substances.

But remember that you cannot cut meat, bread and vegetables on the same board! I am sure that after reading this article you will make the best choice, and the attached video visualizes the information received.

A properly selected cutting board makes working in the kitchen much easier. Today, the range of these products is wide and varied, including in terms of material. Among the boards, the predominant ones are made of wood and plastic. But besides them, there are also bamboo, steel, marble, and glass devices. What are their properties, which cutting boards are the most durable and suitable for the kitchen?


Modern range of boards

Wooden boards

Wood has antibacterial properties - this is its main advantage. In addition, scratches that appear during the cutting process are to some extent capable of “healing” themselves. The disadvantage of wooden boards is the absorption of odors, difficulty in keeping clean and low resistance to high temperatures.

It is recommended to choose boards from good quality hardwood: oak, ash, pear, acacia, cherry. The wood of beech, hornbeam, and yew is even harder. There are no equals to black and guaiac trees and coconut. You should not choose products from soft wood species, for example, aspen, spruce, cedar, willow, poplar, alder, birch, pine. Medium hard wood (walnut, black pine, elm, linden) is better than them, but not as good as hard wood.

Plastic boards

The second most popular are plastic boards (usually made of polyethylene). Their advantages are ease of maintenance, resistance to temperature changes and absorption of odors. The disadvantages of plastic boards include the lack of antibacterial properties and the ability to self-heal cracks and scratches.

You should buy several plastic cutting boards at once and use them for different groups of products, i.e., some for meat, others for vegetables and fruits, etc.

Glass boards

A glass cutting board is inexpensive and easy to keep clean. However, when cutting vegetables and hard foods, tiny particles of glass can form as a result of intense contact of the knife tip with the surface. In addition, a sharp blade sliding across a glass board is not the most convenient or safe option. Such products do not have antibacterial properties and are not capable of regeneration.

Marble boards

Marble boards have the same disadvantages and advantages as glass boards. They are not intended for cutting hard products and are not able to self-repair. But a marble cutting board is very good for serving dishes (for example, table setting). When purchasing such a thing, you should immediately buy a ceramic knife - this will help somewhat compensate for the shortcomings of the material.

Stainless steel board

It is very easy to keep clean and does not create any problems during operation. However, it quickly gets scratched. The device does not have antibacterial properties and the ability to self-heal.

Bamboo board

Bamboo cutting boards give the impression of being made of wood. But this is absolutely not true: they are made from grass compressed under great pressure. Bamboo is as hard as hardwoods. The transverse arrangement of the fibers means that liquids resulting from cutting are not absorbed into the material. These products are inexpensive, which compensates for their relatively rapid destruction. Bamboo dries faster than wood and has all its advantages, but none of its disadvantages.

Which cutting boards are best?

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that boards made from hardwood and bamboo are best suited for the kitchen. They can be used to cut different types of foods. They work well as a stand for hot kitchen utensils and protect furniture from damage.

Traditional wooden planks now come in a variety of shapes and types. They have holes, handles, and grooves in them to make cooking easier. Some products have additional legs.

In order for a wooden or bamboo item to serve as long as possible, you need to provide it with a kind of “maintenance”.

How to care for wood and bamboo boards

Before first use, it is advisable to rub vegetable oil into the board. This must be done at least twice, waiting until the substance is well absorbed after the first treatment (after about 12-24 hours). This board can be used on the second day. This preserves it for longer use.

You can soak the board with vegetable oil once every one to two months. A good choice is coconut oil, which has antibacterial properties. But it should be mixed with a more liquid one.

The disadvantage of a wooden board is that if left in water or generously soaked, it loses its antibacterial properties. In addition, boards made of wood or bamboo should not be soaked, as they quickly absorb water and can easily burst when dry. Therefore, it is necessary to clean them immediately after use, place them vertically after washing so that the water drains, and then preferably wipe them dry.

After each use, rinse the board well with lemon, vinegar or soda - this will keep it even cleaner. It is better not to use detergents for washing, for example, for dishes.

When cutting fruits and vegetables that produce a lot of juice, the excess should be wiped off with a paper towel so that a minimum of it is absorbed into the board.

These kitchen appliances should be kept away from heat sources (stoves, radiators).

Wooden boards quickly absorb odors, but this effect can be avoided by periodically sprinkling the surface with baking soda.

To get rid of odors and stains, you can sprinkle the washed board with coarse salt and leave it overnight. Salt perfectly disinfects, eliminates “odors” and dirt, slightly lightening the wood and at the same time drying its insides. The next day, the salt must be washed off and the board dried. For “difficult” stains, you can soak it overnight in water and vinegar. After drying in both cases, the product is impregnated again.

And so, to summarize:
  • Wipe the boards with vegetable oil once a month, and always before the first use and after treatment (with salt, for example).
  • After use, wash with lemon, vinegar or soda, without detergents, and wipe dry.
  • Do not keep near heat sources, place vertically.
  • To get rid of odors, periodically sprinkle the surface with baking soda.
  • Coarse salt eliminates both odors and stains. Even more effective is to soak it in water and vinegar.