Build a house with a bathhouse. Bathhouse under the same roof as the house: projects, ideas, design options. Proper insulation of a house with a bathhouse and roofing work

Build a house with a bathhouse.  Bathhouse under the same roof as the house: projects, ideas, design options.  Proper insulation of a house with a bathhouse and roofing work
Build a house with a bathhouse. Bathhouse under the same roof as the house: projects, ideas, design options. Proper insulation of a house with a bathhouse and roofing work

From this article you can find out what advantages and disadvantages the owner of a summer cottage will have to face when building such an object as a bath house: projects and drawings of structures combined into one structure, variability internal layouts, the most successful and popular examples of combinations, descriptions and photos, average prices for professional services - the answers to all these questions are contained in this publication.

Projects in which a house and a bathhouse are combined into one structure are in high demand among owners land plots. This trend is due to the high functionality of the structure and the comfortable conditions it has.

In most cases, projects for bathhouses with a living room involve the construction of this structure separately from the residential building, since a separate communications system is required to equip the steam room. This approach is more common, but not always convenient.

Note! If the dacha plot does not allow compact placement of two buildings, you can use the only correct solution - to combine the bathhouse and the house under one roof. Thus, you can significantly save space on the territory.

Advantages of house projects with a bathhouse under one roof

Many owners summer cottages resort to building a bathhouse with their own hands; projects, photos and detailed descriptions There is enough information online that you can handle this task yourself. However, like anyone building object, a steam room combined with a residential building has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of houses and baths built under one roof:

  1. Convenient operating conditions. You do not need to wear warm clothes to visit the bathhouse.
  2. Reduces the risk of occurrence colds. The bathhouse can be used for preventive purposes, and not having to go out into the cold after the steam room reduces the likelihood of catching a cold.
  3. Affordable price. Construction of a bathhouse in a house will cost much less than its construction as a separate structure. In addition, installation work is simplified utility networks.
  4. Space saving. If the area of ​​the plot is less than 10 acres, it is not advisable to place several buildings on it.
  5. No additional maintenance costs.

The advantages of such projects are obvious, but they are not without drawbacks.

What are the disadvantages associated with the construction of a sauna house?

The main challenges that developers have to face are compliance with rules and regulations. The material on which the house with a bathhouse is built, as well as the construction area, must comply with the requirements fire safety.

If you ignore mandatory rules and SNiPs, you can attract the attention of inspection agencies. Fire, sanitary, electricity and other services may simply not issue permission to put the facility into operation. In such a situation, using a bathhouse is considered illegal and can lead not only to fines, but also to the disconnection of communications.

If engineering and technical standards, you can disrupt the microclimate of residential premises. The problem of high humidity is especially relevant for projects of bathhouses made of logs and timber, since wood under its influence is deformed and destroyed, and becomes covered with fungi and mold.

Helpful advice! Arrangement of a high-quality ventilation system in the bathhouse, as well as right choice and installation of steam and waterproofing materials will help avoid problems associated with high levels of humidity in residential areas.

In addition, the bathhouse needs a separate sewerage system. If this is not done, draining water from the steam room into a common pipe will significantly increase the load on the system, which may cause it to fail ahead of schedule. If it is intended to take out insurance for a home, companies consider such structures as objects with increased risks. In this case, the terms of the insurance policy will be less attractive, and the payment amounts will be much lower.

Features of the construction of a bathhouse: photos inside and outside

The construction of housing combined with a sauna under one roof has certain features.

The projects of bathhouses in the house shown in the photo, which can be found on the Internet, have several variations:

  1. The bathhouse is located on the first floor of a residential building. In this case, the layout of both structures is drawn up at the project development stage.
  1. Construction of a full-fledged log house as an extension to the wall of a residential building. To close the bathhouse, it is necessary to lengthen the roof of the building.
  2. The bathhouse and the residential building communicate through one wall. This project greatly simplifies the scheme of connecting the bathhouse and the house into one complex, and also facilitates the transition from one part of the structure to another.

The easiest way to move between structures is if the steam room is attached directly to the building.

In this case, several bath options are offered:

  • if the building is multi-level, it is possible to place a steam room on the ground floor;

  • the bathhouse can be used as an auxiliary room or an extension of a residential building;
  • The steam room can be combined with a toilet and a bathroom.

These options for placing a bathhouse are considered the most popular, but this does not mean that the design of a multi-level or one-story house with a sauna cannot look different.

Note! If the house and bathhouse are a single complex, there is no need to equip an additional recreation room. A living room or other room in a residential building is suitable for these purposes. It can only include a dressing room and a steam room.

Choosing the optimal design for a bathhouse and prices for ready-made solutions for a summer residence

If the owner does not want to build a non-standard structure on his site, he can get by with a ready-made turnkey bathhouse project during the construction process. The simplest layouts involve setting up a sauna or steam room in a separate room. Using an electric boiler to heat a room eliminates the need for firewood and increases the level of safety.

It would not be superfluous to organize a separate exit to the veranda or street from the bathhouse. If there is a veranda, it remains possible to install directly between the bathhouse and the residential building. In this case, the owner of the site also saves cash on, since it becomes possible to build one less wall. At the same time, the steam room remains separate from the general building.

Cost of timber bath house projects (without finishing):

Building dimensions, m total area interior spaces, m² price, rub.

Cost of projects frame baths Full construction

Construction of a bathhouse in a house: projects and layouts

The most important stage construction process is the design stage. How comfortable and practical the housing will be depends on the correct choice of layout. In addition, you need to decide on the placement of the bathhouse. You can combine it with a bathroom or arrange a separate steam room.

There are other layout options, where the bath room is created separately and divided into several functional zones:

  • washing room;
  • steam room;
  • rest room.

Note! For safety reasons, it is advisable to use the same material during the construction process. If a residential building is made of brick, then outside the bathhouse should also be decorated with its help.

Review of interesting projects of houses with a garage and a bathhouse

Classic projects, where the bathhouse is located separately from the building, are gradually losing their popularity, while cottages with built-in steam rooms, on the contrary, are becoming more in demand among developers. Such structures may also include additional components, for example, a garage. The main advantage of such projects is their variability.

The garage and bathhouse can be located on the ground floor, i.e. in the basement. In this case, the first floor is allocated for the arrangement of residential premises. In projects one-story houses With the bathhouse, all rooms are on the same level. The bathhouse and the house, united under one roof, may have different entrances. In this case, the buildings are connected using a passage that allows access to the steam room without using the main entrance to the residential building.

If a project is to be developed two-story house-baths, then there will be even more options for placing a steam room. Many developers prefer buildings " one and a half size", having an attic.

On attic floor can be arranged:

  • billiard room;
  • workshop;
  • nursery;
  • bedroom;
  • office, etc.

In addition, you can vary other parameters. For example, the size of the garage is selected taking into account the dimensions and number of cars that will be parked in it. Depending on his preferences, the owner of a summer cottage can increase or decrease the size of the bathhouse, equip it with a rest room, bathroom and other premises.

Project of a frame house-bath: Save space with corner design

For a combined project, a house layout in the shape of the letter “L” is ideal. In this case, the area of ​​the territory is used to the maximum. In corner rooms you can create comfortable conditions for the owners. To accommodate such a house with a garage and a bathhouse, an area of ​​10x12 m will be sufficient. If necessary, this space can be increased if the size of the summer cottage allows it.

To the project wooden house Other elements can be included with the bath:

  • terrace;
  • attic;
  • fireplace;
  • summer kitchen with canopy;
  • area for installing barbecue and barbecue.

Related article:

Types of devices. Calculation of the dimensions of the shelf in the bathhouse. Assembly and installation of a bath structure with your own hands. Care tips.

Bath houses measuring 9x15 m look quite interesting in the photo. Such layouts are in high demand among land owners. If the territory is not so large or the construction of a house with big amount elements are beyond the budget, you can settle on a project of 8x8 m. This option is considered average and allows you to create in the house all the necessary circumstances for living not big family, but only on condition that the layout is drawn up correctly.

Most budget option buildings measuring 6x8 m are considered. In this case, the layout is thought out especially carefully, otherwise it will be cramped inside. Such solutions are usually used as projects for guest houses with a bathhouse.

Helpful advice! Maximum savings space on the territory can be achieved by designing a house small size with two floors or . Free area on summer cottage can be used to create a greenhouse, vegetable garden, greenhouse or flower beds.

Guest house-bath projectwith entertaining elements

For guest house will do wooden cottage with corner design. Such a building can have a classic setting with all the necessary amenities or, conversely, be used exclusively for entertainment purposes to receive guests.

In the second case, the project of a guest house with a bathhouse with a total area of ​​133.3 m² may include:

  • terrace with barbecue oven;
  • steam room;
  • billiard room;
  • pool;
  • dressing room.

Even if the guest house will be used for entertainment purposes, we must not forget about the residential part.

On 25 m² you can compactly place:

  • bedroom;
  • kitchen;
  • living room;
  • cabinet.

IN in this case most practical way make use of limited space - get rid of partitions. The division of the residential part into functional zones can be conditional, as in small studio apartments. It is recommended to add a second floor or attic to such a project in order to increase the internal space.

Bathhouse project with a relaxation room and kitchenfor a large family

One building can combine a garage, a bathhouse, and a living space. Some developers go even further by creating an additional basement floor. The building project measures 230 m² and has everything necessary for a large family to live.

This area is quite enough to organize:

  • living room (common room);
  • three bedrooms;
  • hallway;
  • three bathrooms;
  • steam room;
  • large terrace;
  • additional rest room.

For construction modern bathhouse and at home it is advisable to use profiled timber. This material is suitable for the construction of one-story and two-story buildings with various layouts. Concerning interior decoration baths, this item, as a rule, is not specified in the project. The owner can develop the design independently, showing his imagination.

Helpful advice! It is not necessary to use one type of wood as cladding. The combination of several types of finishes will give the bath an original look. appearance. Of course, when choosing a sheathing, you should take into account the properties of the materials to avoid disappointment in the future.

How to build a bathhouse for a summer residence

When choosing a project for building a bathhouse, you need to carefully consider all the nuances. To avoid mistakes, it is advisable to entrust the development of the object to professionals who will perform all the necessary measurements and calculations.

Advantages of house projects with a bathhouse, which are developed by specialists:

  • the building design is drawn up on the basis of data obtained through a careful study of the conditions available on the site;

  • compliance with technical standards;
  • full compliance of the project with the wishes of the owner;
  • preliminary calculation of construction costs;
  • help in choosing optimal option and making adjustments without compromising reliability and practicality;
  • high quality of construction work.

On creating a project in construction company A whole team of professionals is working. Designers, planners, and engineers with construction specialization take part in the development. Thanks to this, projects wooden baths and buildings made from other materials are durable, comfortable and cozy, as well as technically correctly executed. High accuracy drawings allows you to speed up construction and eliminate the possibility of errors.

Features of working with projects of country houses with a bathhouse: construction of foundations and walls

In the construction of any building, and especially a full-fledged complex, the most important stage is the manufacture of the foundation. The durability and reliability of the entire structure depends on how well this element is made. If the bathhouse and the house are under the same roof, you should definitely take into account such a nuance as air humidity. In such conditions, it is more advisable to lay the foundation of the house and the bathhouse separately.

The type of foundation and its parameters are selected taking into account several factors:

  • the type of material used for construction;
  • structures of walls and partitions;
  • degree of bearing loads.

During the process of laying the foundation, installation is carried out sewer system. The parameters of all communications are thought out at the planning stage. The approach to wall construction also depends on the chosen material. If you intend to use wooden beam, you should definitely remember about the phenomenon of shrinkage.

Important! If the bathhouse is made as an extension to the main building, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the connection between structures. Otherwise, the bathhouse may become deformed, which will cause many problems in the future.

In projects one-story baths There must be windows that will not only guarantee comfort, but also provide access to natural light to the premises. The presence of vents in such structures is highly desirable.

Proper insulation of a house with a bathhouse and roofing work

If the bathhouse is manufactured in conjunction with a residential building, the roof structure must be integral. Ignoring this requirement can lead to destruction. The roofing project is created separately, since its surface will be large, which means that many nuances will have to be taken into account.

Particular attention should be paid to the following points:

  • height calculation;
  • development of a drainage system;
  • placement of ventilation and hoods;
  • laying the chimney system.

After this, it is necessary to insulate the building. There are many available on the market quality materials suitable for these purposes. Mineral wool, which has many advantages, is in high demand among developers.

Useful Features mineral wool:

  • fire resistance;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • affordable price;
  • simple installation system.

Insulating materials provide protection for the building both from the inside and outside. They prevent heat loss from the premises. When the insulation work is completed, you can begin finishing.

Design of a bathhouse with a relaxation room: photo insideHouses

Choice finishing material sets the overall tone of the environment. In addition to the decorative function, cladding can also perform other tasks:

  • waterproofing and insulation of the room;
  • extension of service life;
  • rendering healing effect on the human body (some materials under the influence high temperatures release useful substances into the air).

It is best to use pine as decoration for the rest room and dressing room. It is affordable, easy to process, and has an interesting structure. On the contrary, this material is not at all suitable for a steam room. Under the influence of high temperatures, pine releases resin, which creates many inconveniences.

Important! The use of linoleum and chipboard for finishing surfaces in the bathhouse is not allowed. These materials are not classified as fireproof. When heated, linoleum releases toxic substances into the air.

It is advisable to sheathe the steam room and washing room with larch or linden. Even with significant heating of these materials, a person who touches their surface will not receive burns. Both of these types of wood retain their decorative properties for a long time.

Other breeds are also suitable as finishing for the steam room:

  • birch;
  • alder;
  • cedar;
  • aspen.

All of the above materials have low level thermal conductivity, so they are not subject to extreme heat. Among beneficial properties These breeds are also prone to drying out quickly after bathing procedures. Other materials can be used to finish surfaces in the bathhouse. The main thing is to avoid using chemical coatings, which when heated can release toxic substances into the air.

To increase the level of tightness, lining is often used for wall finishing. It is fixed on top of a layer of insulation consisting of mineral wool and aluminum foil, used as a reflector. Siding (metal or vinyl), imitation timber, wood or plastic lining, as well as a block house.

The service life of the entire building will depend on how well the project is designed. In turn, the owner can create any design and conditions inside the premises that will ensure comfortable use.

You can find many on the Internet interesting ideas to create a unique environment, for example, install a jacuzzi or a small pool under a removable floor in the washing area, install a plunge pool made from a barrel in the room, replace the shower beautiful imitation waterfall, etc.

Reading time ≈ 11 minutes

One of the most sought after construction projects is a house with a bathhouse under one roof. This popularity is explained by the functionality and ease of construction. A bathhouse can be provided at the design stage of the house, or added to the house later as an extension. We have prepared for you the most good ideas steam room and living space projects under one roof.

Photo of a house with a bathhouse under one roof.

Pros and cons of combined construction

A complex in the form of a steam room and a residential building in one building has a number of advantages:

  1. Saving territory. For owners of small plots of land, combining a bathhouse and a house is sometimes the only opportunity to get their own steam room.
  2. During the initial construction of the complex, combining a bathhouse and a house allows you to spend less time and money on the construction of a building compared to the separate construction of two buildings. An additional plus is that you don’t have to spend money on building a relaxation room and a bathroom, but only on the dressing room and the steam room itself.
  3. More high level comfort. Placing a steam room within a residential building allows all family members different ages accept with comfort water procedures, which is especially important in winter time.
  4. Reducing costs for maintenance and maintenance of the bathhouse. Since the house is used year-round, you don’t have to spend a budget on maintenance separate room. In addition, due to the absence of temperature differences, the bath will last longer.
  5. Possibility of creating a unified communications system.

However, when building a combined bathhouse with a house, be prepared for these kinds of difficulties:

  1. Strict compliance with building codes and regulations, which require high-quality hydro- and thermal insulation of buildings and ventilation.
  2. The bathhouse will need to be treated with fireproof impregnations and antifungal and antiseptic drugs to prevent the development of mold.
  3. A building in the form of a house and a bathhouse under one roof has an increased fire hazard, so obtaining insurance may be difficult for home owners.

Important! If you do not comply building codes and rules, you can receive a refusal to put the building into operation, that is, using the house will be illegal. This threatens with fines and shutdown of utility networks. Under no circumstances should you add or combine a bathhouse with a house without the approval of the relevant services!

Video: Bathhouse at home: do it safely with your own hands.

Combination options

Let's take a closer look at the combination options; there are several of them:

  1. Extension. A very common, although not the most successful option in terms of convenience. However, often people build a house and only then think about building a bathhouse. In this case, the bathhouse has a separate entrance from the street. To make using the steam room (especially in winter) more convenient, the entrance to the bathhouse and the house should be combined by a common glazed veranda. This will entail additional expenses, but the result will be worth it. It is also possible to provide autonomous ventilation, water supply and sewerage.
  2. Bathhouse and house have common wall.
  3. The bathhouse is one of the premises of the house, located on the first or basement floor. In this case, the steam room is laid out at the stage of designing the house.

The combination of a steam room and a residential building can be laid out initially, then construction occurs simultaneously. But a more common option is that the bathhouse is attached to an already erected building. In the latter situation, it is worth paying attention to the following points:

  • site for the construction of the extension. Experts recommend building a bathhouse from the kitchen side;
  • engineering networks and communications: wiring and sewerage for two rooms will be the same;
  • ventilation system. Properly organized ventilation system will extend the service life of the building, because the bathhouse is a structure with high humidity, which means it is susceptible to faster destruction;
  • waterproofing. It is worth taking care that the room dries thoroughly.
  • Various options for bathhouses with a house: extensions and rooms inside the building.

    Projects of country and residential buildings from scratch

    If you are lucky enough to be the owner of a spacious private plot within the city, then a bathhouse can be combined with residential building. However, most people have private plots only in the countryside or even combine a bathhouse with a country house building. Therefore, we will consider the most popular turnkey projects for country houses and residential buildings with a bathhouse under one roof. Projects include both single-story and two-story buildings with an attic.

    Advantages finished project bath houses (with initial construction building):

    • Save time. You will have to spend many times more time developing an individual project than choosing a ready-made one. Although even in a finished project you will have to calculate the foundation and thickness of the walls, and separately consider the installation of utility networks.
    • Budget savings. The price of the finished project will be lower than the cost of developing it individually.

    Construction of a turnkey house includes design, construction and commissioning. The design of the room needs to be developed separately.

    Option 1

    The first version shows a house in rustic style from rounded logs.

    House with a bathhouse.

    On the ground floor there is a relaxation room (living room), a bathroom and a steam room itself, as well as a corridor with access to the terrace. On the second floor there are two bedrooms with a spacious balcony.

    Project of a two-story house with a bathhouse on the ground floor.

    Option 2

    The following version presents the project of a one-story country house with a bathhouse under one roof. The total area of ​​the building is more than 130 square meters. m.

    An example of a one-story house with a terrace and a bathhouse.

    Such country house IR quite suitable for year-round residence singles or couples without children. Its main emphasis is on entertainment and active recreation. Main rooms of the house:

    • studio room;
    • billiard room;
    • veranda;
    • pool;
    • bath and shower;
    • wardrobe.

    The studio combines several functional areas: bedroom, guest, cooking area, dining area, work area. The second floor can be converted into an attic.

    One-story project country house building with a bathhouse.

    Option 3

    This project presents a huge country house, ideal for permanent residence big family. Also, the house will appeal to a couple who likes to host often. big companies friends. The total area is 230 sq. m. m. The house has:

    • spacious living room with dining table and a seating area with a sofa;
    • kitchen;
    • steam room and shower;
    • 3 bedrooms;
    • Walk-in closet;
    • additional bathrooms near the bedrooms.

    Project of a spacious one-story house for a large family.

    Option 4

    This project also presents a full-fledged house made of profiled timber, suitable for permanent residence.

    Photo of a wooden house with a bathhouse in a traditional Russian style.

    On the ground floor there is a steam room with shower, a bathroom, a terrace and an entrance hall. From the guest room you can equip a kitchen-dining room. On the second floor there are bedrooms of equal size with access to a spacious balcony.

    First floor project.

    Option 5

    The comfortable, bright two-story house with an attic in the next photo is another project where the main focus is on relaxation and active pastime.

    Spacious two-story house with a bathhouse in white and blue tones.

    The layout of this project is interesting in that directly from the steam room there is access to a small porch. On the ground floor there is also a kitchen-dining room, a bedroom, several bathrooms, a recreation room and a technical room.

    Project of the first floor of the building.

    On the second floor there is a large billiard room, another recreation room and a spacious balcony.

    If you convert the billiard room into a children's room, and the guest room into a bedroom, you will get a cozy and spacious house for a large family with children.

    Second floor project.

    Bathhouse extension to the house: features

    As we mentioned earlier, adding a bathhouse to finished building- quite a popular solution. But it is important to know about some nuances.

    If you have doubts about the legality of such a decision, you can safely cast them aside. Adding a bathhouse to a residential premises is absolutely legal provided all construction and sanitary standards and regulations are observed.

    Extension of a bathhouse to a residential building.

    Types of connection to the house:

    You can run wiring through the vestibule to the bathhouse, heating pipes, water supply, sewerage.

    There is a small opening between the main building and the bathhouse.

    Material selection

    When choosing a material for attached bathhouse You should focus on those that give minimal shrinkage and are easy to install. Ideally, the bathhouse should be built from the same material as the house, otherwise it will result in different shrinkage various materials buildings can become deformed and crack. If the building is old, the bathhouse can be built from the following materials:

    • Logs. The significant advantages of timber are aesthetics, environmental friendliness, and low thermal conductivity compared to concrete and brick. Subject to the rules of wood harvesting and when proper care Once built, it will serve more than one generation. For the construction of a bathhouse, pine (characterized by a small number of knots and a straight trunk) and larch (more resistant to rot, but more expensive) are most often chosen.
    • Beam. It has the same characteristics as a log, but costs less. It is impossible to say which of the two materials is better, because the choice between them depends on individual preferences and wallet.
    • Important! Wooden baths made of timber and logs must be impregnated with a special fire retardant compound.

    • Brick. Fireproof, durable, environmentally friendly material. However, it has significant disadvantages: high thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity. For heating brick bath will require much more time compared to wooden building. You will also need to make high-quality vapor and heat insulation, otherwise the walls will become damp and deteriorate.
    • Foam block. Inexpensive, lightweight material with excellent frost resistance and thermal insulation. It is also characterized by strength, ease of installation, and minimal shrinkage. Significant disadvantage is low moisture insulation, so to protect the walls you will have to use high-quality waterproofing material.

    The foundation should ideally be the same as that of the main building. The best solution will be lighter strip foundation. For cladding the building, you can purchase lining, siding, block house or materials that imitate timber.

    Fire safety rules

    The bathhouse is considered an object of increased fire hazard, therefore, when constructing it under the same roof as the house, the following rules must be observed:

    Fire safety rules for bathhouses.

    • Wooden surfaces must be impregnated with fire-resistant impregnations and compounds, since wood ignites not only when directly exposed to fire, but also during pyrolysis.
    • Important! Impregnation should be renewed every two years.

    • If the bathhouse is located in a basement or basement, there must be two ventilation systems: natural and forced.
    • Doors and windows must open outward.
    • When installing wood-burning and electric ovens you need to maintain a distance of 20-25 cm from surfaces.

    Thus, we examined projects of houses with a bathhouse under one roof (made of foam blocks, timber, brick). A bathhouse and a residential building are often combined for economic reasons, as well as for reasons of comfort. Although for many such kinship is still new. However, the steam room and living space under one roof - it’s convenient, practical and modern!

    You can get more ideas for building a bathhouse at home from the video:

If you live in country house, then organizing your own bathhouse for health and pleasure is as easy as shelling pears. It's not limited opportunities city ​​apartment, where you have to be content with a bath or shower.

Moreover, if quite recently a residential building and a bathhouse were supposed to be separate buildings, today you can afford a house with a built-in bathhouse or sauna. Fortunately, modern materials and technologies allow this. Of course you can choose classic version and build separate bathhouse on personal plot. But let's try to understand the advantages of a built-in bathhouse.

Advantages of a house with a bathhouse or sauna

The first advantage is the opportunity to save money. If you do not need to separately lay the foundation, build walls and roof, then the gain is obvious. Add here also common utility networks. In total, the score is 2:0 - in favor of the built-in bathhouse.

And, in addition, by implementing such a project, you will save space for a garden or playground. Agree, for those who own small plots of land this is a very significant plus. Well, does it count? Then, 3:0.

The last advantage concerns ease of use. If you are not a walrus, then you are unlikely to enjoy running across the entire yard from the bathhouse to the house in the cold or in the rain. And if there are elderly people or children in the family, then this is not only a matter of your personal comfort, but also concern for family members. One more “pro” in favor of this option.

Let's summarize - 4:0 in favor of the house project with a built-in bathhouse.

Bathhouse location

It does not matter on which floor the bathhouse or sauna will be located. The main thing is to be closer to the bathroom and toilet. This greatly simplifies the installation of utility networks. And, therefore, it saves on installation and materials.

As a rule, a classic mini-bath consists of a steam room, a changing room and a shower. But, taking into account the individual wishes of the customer, it can be supplemented with a bathroom, rest room and toilet. But then it will look more like a bathhouse factory.

Features of the implementation of the project of a house with a bathhouse

When choosing a house project with a bathhouse, you need to pay serious attention to the installation of utility networks. Our company offers projects where the following standards are strictly observed:

  • For high-quality waterproofing of the floor, it is necessary to remember that first several layers of special insulation, insulation, and tiles are laid on top.
  • Thermal insulation . The steam room must be covered with wood. If for wooden houses this goes without saying, but in houses made of aerated concrete or brick, although this is additional, it is not necessary condition: wood retains heat well and protects from heat. Moreover, for plating you need to use quality wood to avoid the appearance of fungus. But you shouldn’t forget about special insulation of walls and ceilings either.
  • Ventilation should provide high-quality heating of the steam room, while removing excess moisture and preventing the formation of condensation. Therefore, it is worth taking care to select equipment capable of changing the air in the room at least 6 times per hour.

Another important point, which must be taken into account - fire safety.

First of all, everything wooden parts need to be treated with special flame retardant impregnations.

Usually a bathhouse is built separately from a residential building; it has its own functional area with an additional set of communications. However, if the size of the suburban area does not allow for expansion, you can build a single building under one roof structure.

From an economic point of view, this will be even more profitable - you will not have to spend money on organizing new utility networks. The correct design of a house with a bathhouse under one roof is a whole complex in which it is not only comfortable to live, but also to take wellness treatments.

The risk of fire or high humidity in residential areas is exaggerated. If all the nuances are taken into account, then even if steam enters the rooms, the humidity will increase by 1-2 hours. It is only important to organize vapor and waterproofing.

How to build a house and a bathhouse under a common roof


There are two options for building a bathhouse and a house under one roof: at the design stage of a residential building or after its construction, as an extension to the wall.

The second option is more common. For this, you dig a trench with your own hands using a shovel and lay a monolithic strip foundation.

It is preferable to construct the external walls of the bathhouse from the same material as the house - brick, timber, logs or foam blocks. This will eliminate the need to make additional connecting elements.

If you want to have a real Russian bathhouse made of logs, and your residential building is covered with siding, then this is not a problem. A heat-insulating layer of mineral wool is laid on the log, and the same siding is also covered on top.

What is important to consider if a bathhouse project with pitched roof will be part of the house:

  • Correct calculation of the ventilation system - more high humidity can lead to the destruction of load-bearing structures;
  • Need high-quality waterproofing– the bathhouse should dry well after all procedures;
  • Use the kitchen wall as an adjacent wall, then it will be possible to make a common stove, in addition, this contributes to more quick elimination excess moisture;
  • When the house has a centralized or autonomous sewerage, then it is permissible to combine a bathhouse with a bathroom. This will get rid of extra costs on organizing removal;
  • It is possible to lay common electrical wiring between capital construction and a bathhouse.

Subtleties of combining a house and a bathhouse in projects

There are three degrees of combining a bathhouse with a house:

  • The location of the bathhouse complex is on the first floor of a residential building, then the designs of the house and the bathhouse under one roof are laid out at the planning stage;
  • A full-fledged extension of the log house to one of the walls - then the steam room, dressing room and washroom are enclosed within their own four walls. Wherein roof structure the house is extended, closing, the newly acquired extension;
  • The third option assumes that the bathhouse has one common wall with the house, which greatly facilitates their joining and transition from one building to another.

She will become the link between them. The price of such a project is quite high, but in terms of ease of use it is significantly superior to other, simpler ones.

Gazebo for a bathhouse complex and a residential building

Combining three buildings, varying in complexity and purpose, is possible only after consultation with an architect. They require a special approach, primarily when designs for a bathhouse with a gazebo under one roof were not included as part of a residential building.

How to make a gazebo comfortable:

  • Since it will serve as a transition from the house to the bathhouse not only in summer, but also in winter, it should be made more closed and, if possible, glazed. Windows are made large for good natural light;
  • Floors should not be made of tiles or stone - the optimal solution is wooden boards. They are warm and non-slippery;
  • If, even at the design stage, all three structures were supposed to be combined into one, then one heating, water supply and electricity system would be needed. And this significant savings– the gazebo will be warm, you can sleep in it or arrange a summer kitchen.

Single monolithic foundation will serve as a good support for several buildings.
Therefore, when contemplating construction on suburban area several buildings, it is better to do them in the same style and under one roof.

Eat simple instructions How to make a bathhouse with a gazebo and a house safe and comfortable for use:

  • Organize good ventilation to eliminate excess moisture;
  • Use it rationally land plot– perhaps combining living quarters and a bathhouse will be a better solution than connecting them with a gazebo;
  • bathhouse designs with a pitched roof are well suited for joining a house, and attaching a gazebo to them will not be difficult.

Now it has become much easier to create a beautiful and original architectural ensemble.


And if there is also a residential building and a gazebo nearby, this will add to the joy of visiting the bathhouse. The video in this article will tell you in more detail about modern bath complexes under the same roof as the house.

If there is limited space on the site or it is impossible to separate the necessary communications into a separate system, a bathhouse can be built under the same roof as the house. A correctly created project will save space and costs for the construction of an extension. A plus is the comfortable movement from the bathhouse to the house if you make an entrance from the house.

Projects for a house with a bathhouse under one roof can be very different. For example, in two-story house 8x8 m, you can place a bathhouse, a swimming pool, a relaxation room and a living room on the ground floor, and a bedroom (or an additional relaxation room) and a balcony in the attic.

Given the large dimensions of the complex, the house serves not only as a dacha building, but can also be used as permanent housing. The recreation area is isolated from the main part of the house by a separate entrance. Up to 6 people can live in the room. On the second floor there are three bedrooms, a playroom or office, on the first floor there is a living room, a bathhouse with a swimming pool, a kitchen, and a utility room.

Small wooden house can be made functional and aesthetically original due to the ridgeless, gable roof. The part where high ceilings are not required, allocated for a bathhouse complex, and the rest for residential premises. There is a spacious veranda for relaxation.

You can build a small wooden guest house with a bathhouse inside a 6x6 m terrace and a balcony on the second floor according to the diagrams below.

In both cases, the rest rooms can be converted into a living room at any time small kitchen or a bedroom, and use the balcony and terrace as relaxation areas.

Foundations for a bathhouse are selected depending on the type of material: for a log frame or laminated veneer lumber, a strip foundation buried 50 cm with a width of 30 cm is suitable. Brick and block houses require a complete foundation.

In order for the extension to be under a common roof with the house, the roof is extended by required distance for closing bath rooms. However, for log houses and wooden houses, it is necessary to consider the presence of a bathhouse at the planning stage. small house 7x8 m with a bathhouse, a living-dining room, a terrace on the first floor, two bedrooms and a balcony on the second perfect solution for a holiday for two or three people.

If the house is properly insulated and supplemented heating system in areas with temperate and warm climates - this can become permanent housing. The only caveat: it is better to glaze the balcony and terrace, otherwise in winter it will still be uncomfortable to use them for relaxation.

One more thing, at the design stage, you need to clarify how long it will take to shrink and connect the necessary communications. If a house with a bathhouse inside will serve as the main residence, it will not be possible to move into it immediately after construction.

Advantages of placing a bathhouse in the house

The advantages of such an extension will be one system communications, which will allow you to use the bathhouse all year round. If necessary, it is easy to move from indoors to home without freezing or getting wet outside. For all amenities, only an entrance from the house is required. The entire extension can take up 26.3 m2. The area is enough for two people.

The bathhouse can be equipped according to several schemes:

  • engage ground floor, if it is multi-level;
  • make another room on the first floor;
  • placed together with the bathroom;
  • attach to the house (if a bathhouse was not originally planned in the project).

The extension can be framed, made of timber, blocks or bricks. A brick house will be the most reliable and durable; a wooden house is most susceptible to the effects of high humidity and temperature changes.

The house, if desired, is equipped with a built-in garage and balcony. The number of floors is also selected: one-story, with an attic or full two-story building. Examples in the photo below.

What inconveniences may you encounter?

The steam room must be placed in the farthest corner of the building relative to the living quarters. It is best to place a washing room or rest room between the steam room and the wall of the house. It is important to adhere to the current SNiPs, otherwise problems with registration cannot be avoided. The wall adjacent to the bathhouse is additionally heat and waterproofed.

Designing an extension requires good ventilation, waterproofing (external and internal), thermal insulation, the presence of a centralized or autonomous sewer system, treatment with antiseptics and fire-resistant impregnations. But even if all standards are followed, problems can arise.

Insurers are reluctant to take out insurance for houses with increased danger. If the construction technology is not followed, utility workers may also refuse to connect gas or electricity, as well as the authorities responsible for registering the structure.

When constructing the entire complex from wood, you need to take care of all degrees of protection, otherwise there will be dampness and mold in the room. If both the house and the bathhouse are large, you will need a high-power electric or gas boiler, which means heating costs will increase significantly. You will also have to tinker with the sewer system, the load on it will increase.

To remove gases, you will need two pipes, respectively, and two openings in the roof. The washing room must be equipped with tiles. Particular attention is paid to floors, ensuring complete drain, otherwise high humidity spread throughout the house.

When using a heater on wood, it is necessary to provide good traction. If the design is incorrect, smoke will penetrate into living spaces, and over time, soot will form on the ceilings.