Monstera house plants. Monstera in nature - description of the plant. How to care for a monstera after transplanting, purchasing, so that it blooms and the leaves are large

Monstera house plants.  Monstera in nature - description of the plant.  How to care for a monstera after transplanting, purchasing, so that it blooms and the leaves are large
Monstera house plants. Monstera in nature - description of the plant. How to care for a monstera after transplanting, purchasing, so that it blooms and the leaves are large

Monstera(Monstera) unites about fifty varieties of tropical evergreen vines with thick climbing stems and shrubs that are part of the Araceae family. Some types of these decorative foliage plants have very beautiful carved leaves. The wide, dark green leaves of Monstera reach a length of 50 cm and are decorated with intricate slits and holes. different shapes. Many lovers of indoor plants are happy to grow monstera at home, caring for which will not cause difficulties even for beginners. Photos of domestic species of these luxurious indoor plants can be found below. A useful tips on growing and propagating indoor monsteras will help you care for the plant yourself, preserving the decorative value of the luxurious leaves.

Some types of monstera can grow up to twenty meters in a large greenhouse or winter garden. But there are unpretentious ones indoor views, reaching 1-2 meters in height at home. For example, the popular attractive monstera (delicacy, Monstera deliciosa). This fast-growing vine has very attractive dark green, pinnately dissected, heart-shaped leaves with symmetrical slits that can grow up to half a meter wide over time.

Many phytodesigners are happy to use this homemade monstera to form a floral composition when decorating the interior. Together with the lush monstera, such popular indoor decorative foliage plants as rubber ficus or Benzhdamina, palm-shaped dracaena marginata or yucca with long leaves, bamboo palm chamedorea, as well as unpretentious bush-like or tree-like plants (chlorophytum, zygocactus decembrist with beautiful flowers, Zamioculcas Dollar tree or Crassula Money tree, flowering Kalanchoe).

- photo: M. delicacy

Indoor subspecies:

Such popular subspecies of Monstera deliciosa (see photo below), such as Monstera deliciosa borsigiana, also take root well at home. small rooms, variegated monstera (Monstera variegata) with elegant cream-colored spots on the leaves, pierced monstera (Monstera pertusa) with holey leaves, unequal-sided monstera (Monstera oblique) with asymmetrical leaves. Against the background of these large-leaved plants, small flowering indoor plants will look interesting - phalaenopsis or dendrobium orchid, indoor hydrangea with bright flowers, gerbera with daisy flowers, hibiscus Chinese rose, European cyclamen, tuberous begonia.


The Monstera deliciosa flower is a bit similar to the popular spathiphyllum (Women's Happiness) flower. Small white flowers are collected in an inflorescence-cob, around which there is an elegant cream-colored blanket. Indoor monstera flowers appear quite rarely, which usually indicates proper and careful home care behind the plant. By the way, it is not by chance that this monstera was called a delicacy. Fruit purple They ripen for quite a long time (about a year) and have a unique taste that can be compared to the taste of ripe pineapple.

- photo: flower and fruit

This is interesting!

Monstera is not only a very beautiful, but also a useful indoor plant. For example, certain features of this plant can tell you whether it will rain during the day or not. The fact is that monstera meets cloudy weather with large drops that fall from the leaves.

According to the Taoist practice of symbolic exploration of space (feng shui), growing monstera at home helps absorb the energy of disorder and chaos. There is a person living with you who does not value order and can never find the right thing, throws clothes around the apartment? Monstera - the best choice for your home. In addition, this indoor plant helps a person become more flexible, collected, and restrained.


Location and lighting.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

The soil mixture can be made in several ways. First option: mix humus, garden soil, peat and sand in equal parts. The second option is to mix humus, peat, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:3:1:1.

An adult monstera needs feeding. In spring and summer, organic and mineral fertilizers must be applied once every two weeks.


For replanting, choose a not tall, but wide pot, on the bottom of which you need to pour a drainage layer of expanded clay. Until the age of three, Monstera is replanted annually. Then it is enough to replant the plant once every 2-3 years. An adult plant needs support. Many gardeners install a wooden support next to the vine stem, which can be wrapped in sphagnum moss, wrapped with strong threads around the moss. The moss can be moistened and a solution with fertilizing can be added to it, which will allow the aerial roots to additionally feed the monstera with moisture and fertilizer.


Popular ways to propagate monstera at home - air layering shoots, apical cuttings and cuttings from the middle part of the stem.

First you need to cover the stem with moistened moss and then wrap it cling film, secured with threads or thin wire. We separate the wrapped part of the stem after the roots appear and plant it in a prepared pot with soil mixture.

The apical cuttings should have a stem fragment with several leaves and an “eye”-bud. You can root the cuttings in sand or sphagnum. We moisten the substrate and cover it with a jar, ventilating and moistening the cuttings daily. Rooting will occur within a month.

About the plant

Monstera - tropical plant, found in eastern India and South America. They can be gigantic in size; the leaves alone grow up to a meter in diameter, while the plant blooms and bears fruit.

The domestic monstera is much more modest in size, although large for indoors, does not bear fruit and blooms very rarely. There are two types of monstera: attractive with large leathery leaves of dark green color with cuts, sometimes with light stripes or spots; unequal-sided (oblique) with asymmetrical leaves.


Monstera tropical plant, requires high humidity and abundant watering, but there should be moderation in everything. There should also be no swamp, otherwise the leaves will become covered with dark spots or rot.

The water must be boiled or settled. In winter and autumn, the plant should be watered moderately, the soil should have time to dry out, in summer and spring - much more often. The leaves also need to be moistened all year round.


Monstera does not tolerate excessive shade, but the light should be diffused.

The ideal option would be rooms with windows facing west or east. Also, the plant cannot be constantly moved from corner to corner, as this will cause it to wither. The place must be permanent.


The monstera tolerates small changes in temperature, but it should not be allowed to drop below 15-16° in the cold season; optimally the temperature in the room should be about 25°.


Like any other tropical plant, Monstera needs additional moisture at home. Therefore, the plant must be sprayed regularly, otherwise the leaves will dry out. In this case, the air temperature should be quite high. In winter, it is better to refrain from additional moisture.


Young monsteras do not need feeding, adults need to be fertilized once every 2 weeks from late April to August. Without feeding, the monstera will stop growing normally, the leaves will lose their bright and juicy color.

In addition to timely application of fertilizers, the stems of adult monstera need to be supported or tied. Typically, sticks or special decorative supports are used for this.

How and when to transplant monstera

Young plants grow actively and are replanted annually. The soil is prepared from turf, sand, humus and peat (2:1:1:1). Mature plants do not need to be replanted frequently if they change upper layer soil every year. Monstera is put in large containers“with a reserve”, tubs or buckets are often used for this.

During transplantation, aerial roots that extract additional moisture from environment, tied towards the ground so that over time they will produce new shoots.

Reproduction methods

Propagation by seeds

The method is unpopular due to its high labor intensity and complexity. The sown seeds are kept warm and in good light.

The first shoots will appear within a month. After which the seedlings are transplanted into a larger container, and replanted every year.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is usually carried out in the spring. The lateral shoots from the lower part of the stem or the top of the stem with one or two leaves are separated from the mother plant.

The cuttings are planted in prepared pots, in which drainage must be placed in advance and sprinkled with soil (peat and sand). To create a greenhouse effect, the plant can be covered with film or a jar until the roots grow.

Young plants are kept at a temperature close to 25° and watered twice a day. As soon as the cuttings germinate, they will need to be transplanted into a larger container. In the future, replanting is carried out once a year; an adult plant needs it once every 4 years.

Diseases and pests

At proper care, suitable temperature conditions, regular watering and optimal humidity, the monstera does not get sick. But, like any plant, it can become a victim of pests.

  • Spider mite appears when the air becomes too dry, killing leaves. To get rid of it, the leaves must be washed with soapy water, treated with an insecticide after drying, and the air must be humidified regularly.
  • Thrips invisible to the human eye. Their colonies settle on the reverse side of the leaf, feed on its juices, which leads to a color change from yellow to gray. In such cases, the leaves are also treated with an insecticide.
  • Shields leaves spoil, they lose color and fall off. To combat these insects, each leaf is washed with soapy water and treated with an aqueous solution of an insecticide.
  • Mealybug. It feeds on plant sap, which causes leaves to fall off. Control methods are standard - treatment with a soap solution, after which the leaves are sprayed with an insecticide.

Popular growing problems

Monstera feels great indoors, but it must be spacious, with enough light and suitable temperature conditions.

Drops of clear liquid that resemble tears may appear on monstera leaves. This is a normal phenomenon, the so-called harbinger of rain.

Problems with leaves are always associated with violation of maintenance conditions or pest damage. If they dry out, it means there is not enough fertilizer, humidity, or the room temperature is higher than normal. Withering leaves are a sign of pest damage, rotting due to high humidity or non-compliance with temperature conditions.

Monstera is amazing beautiful plant, but at the same time capricious and requires constant attention. Contrary to popular myths, the plant is not poisonous to people and pets.

Monstera is one of the prominent representatives tropical fauna. It is especially popular among flower growers due to its unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance. However, many believe that keeping it in the house is dangerous for humans. The question of what harm the monstera causes and why it cannot be kept at home is asked by everyone who wants to grow this vine. In this article we will try to answer it.

Monstera description, photo

Monstera is an evergreen perennial tropical vine. Belongs to the arum family. Initially it was assigned to the genus Philodendron. However, in 1763, based on a combination of characteristics, it was identified as a separate genus.

It is a giant climbing vine that grows in humid tropical and subtropical jungles. Currently, science knows about 50 of its varieties.

As an ornamental plant suitable for indoor use, it gained popularity at the end of the 18th century. It was then that the fashion to grow exotic species flora in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Important! Scientific research continue to this day. At the end of the 20th century, tropical fauna researcher Thomas Croatt described 6 new species.

Distribution area

Natural habitat - Southern Mexico, rainforests Brazil and Guiana. In addition, in the 19th century it was introduced into the South East Asia. In wild jungle conditions, its height can reach 30 meters. The long aboveground stem usually twines around tall trees, attaching to the trunk with the help of adventitious aerial roots.

When grown in artificial conditions, it has a more modest size - in greenhouses it can reach a size of about 10 meters, in apartments - a maximum of 5.


The leaves are large (up to 0.5 meters in diameter), round in shape, pointed at the ends with long flexible stalks. The leaf plate is dark green in color and covered with slots of different shapes and sizes over the entire surface. The leaves of young representatives of the species are whole and heart-shaped. After reaching a size of 10 cm, deep cuts begin to appear on them.


The root system consists of a large number of aerial and adventitious roots. The seeds usually germinate in the bark of large trees, on which it grows slowly, like an epiphyte. As it grows, long aerial roots are produced from the base of the main stem, several from each large leaf. Having reached the earthen surface, they bend and release lateral roots covered with small root hairs.

When the roots become stronger in the ground, the vine begins to grow quickly, twining along the tree on which it sprouted.

Important: adventitious aerial roots are additional organs of the monstera. With their help, it is able to obtain the necessary moisture from the air.

Flowers and fruits

The flowering process occurs annually. The flowers are small, bisexual, united in the shape of a spadix, and are formed at the nodes. The color of the buds is white or beige, the core is colored yellow and has cylindrical shape. Fruit ripening time is 10 – 14 months. The fruits are edible and have the shape of a cob. The fruits are called berries.

When grown indoors, it is almost impossible to create favorable conditions for flowering. Therefore, almost all photos blooming vine made in natural conditions.

Monstera origin

There are 2 versions of the origin of the name. According to the first, the name comes from the Latin monstrum - monster. The first tropical forest exploration expeditions mistook the vine's dangling aerial roots for monstrous tentacles. The roots often grew through the skeletons of animals or careless travelers. This created the impression that it was the plant that killed people and animals, piercing them through.

According to the second version, the liana got its name from the Latin monstrosus, which means amazing, bizarre. Supporters of this version believe that this name was given for its beautiful and unusual appearance.

Interesting! Another name for monstera is crybaby. When air humidity increases, drops of water appear on the leaves, and it seems that the flower is crying.

Is it true that monstera is a poisonous plant?

The aroid family is very numerous and has 9 subfamilies. Among them there are many species that are classified as poisonous. For example, philodendrons have a poisonous milky sap.

Monstera does not have laticifers, but in the intercellular spaces there are microscopic needle-like formations of calcium oxalate, called raphides, which, when they get on the mucous membrane, can cause a short-term burning sensation.

This usually happens when trying to chew leaves or unripe fruits. If the plant juice comes into contact with the skin, a burning sensation may also occur. Otherwise, this decorative foliage plant does not pose a danger to people.

Remember! If you have children or pets at home who can chew the leaves, you should be careful. Serious problems The juice does not cause health problems, but discomfort is guaranteed.

Monstera flower - signs and superstitions, myths and reality

There is a widespread belief that monstera should not be kept in residential premises. The only place suitable for her is office rooms. This point of view is based on numerous mythical properties that are attributed to this representative of the exotic flora.

The unusual appearance - huge dissected leaves of a strange shape and hanging roots, caused people to feel anxiety and fear. A liana, mistakenly taken for a predator, was named Latin name Monstera, and this main reason the emergence of most fears and superstitions.

The plant is not capable of providing Negative influence and does not emit any volatile compounds harmful to health - this is a superstition. There are some of the most persistent misconceptions that have existed for several decades.

Why do many people think that monstera should not be kept in the house?

The most famous myth is the poisonous properties of the vine. According to most people, absolutely all parts are poisonous. A person whose skin or mucous membranes get the plant juice gets severe poisoning, burns the esophagus and oral cavity. Which can even lead to death.

Why is this version popular? This is due to poor knowledge of the basics of botanical classification. Indeed, quite a lot belong to the aronaceae family poisonous plants. However, not a single authoritative botanical reference book contains information about poisonous properties monsters.

Know! The calcium oxalate contained in the leaves is not poisonous. And the fruits can be eaten.

Other common superstitions about the monster:

  1. He is an energy vampire. Capable of absorbing positive energy, destroy the aura, personal life and negatively influence fate.
  2. She cannot stand male energy and drives men out of the house. For this reason, it should not be kept by unmarried women. Young girls will not be able to get married, and married couples are likely to break up.
  3. Absorbs huge amounts of oxygen. It cannot be grown in a residential area; it is especially dangerous to place it in the bedroom - this can cause attacks of suffocation. This statement is based on the erroneous belief that large plants During the day they release oxygen by absorbing carbon dioxide, and at night it’s the other way around.

In addition to the negative properties, Monstera is also credited with a lot of positive qualities:

  1. Is a keeper hearth and home: doesn't let me into the house bad people, attracts wealth, good luck and ensures longevity.
  2. Capable of absorbing disease. To do this, it must be placed at the bedside of a sick person.
  3. May cure headaches.
  4. Helps organize the space around you.
  5. Has the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation.

Curious! Droplets of water appearing on the leaves are the first sign of imminent rain.

Whether or not to believe in the extraordinary properties of the vine, everyone decides for themselves. However, if a person is influenced by superstitions, then it is better for him not to get a monstera.

Feng Shui and monstera in the house

The Chinese practice of symbolic exploration of space is very popular in Russia. It is believed that placement ornamental plants according to all the rules of this teaching, it promotes energy balance and proper distribution of energy flows, creates comfort and enriches the space with oxygen.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, flowers used in decorating a room should be unpretentious and have a pleasant appearance. Monstera has both of these qualities. The apartment where this flower grows will have a healthy energetic atmosphere. It stabilizes energy flows and puts thoughts in order.

It should be located in rooms with big amount yang energy. The best place would be the hallway, corridor, living room and kitchen. The vine will also show its useful qualities (the ability to organize space) in the office.

Know! The bedroom is the least good place flower location. Monstera reduces libido, which leads to a deterioration in family relationships.

Conditions, care and reproduction of monstera

To successfully maintain any plant, it is necessary to provide conditions that are closest to natural. Monstera is pretty unpretentious plant, but nevertheless it needs special care. This is especially true for maintaining the required level of humidity and temperature.


You can grow a liana in 2 ways - from seeds or from plant cuttings. The most favorable time for purchase is spring. During the warm summer period, the plant will be able to adapt to the environment and will more easily endure the period of lower temperatures.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the condition of the leaf blade and aerial roots. The leaves should be intact and the roots should be strong.


The optimal temperature for keeping in the summer will be 22-24 degrees. At higher temperatures, active growth begins to occur. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 10 degrees.


The soil should always remain slightly moist, but not soggy. In summer, watering must be done daily, standing warm water. During the winter period, watering should be done 2 days after completely dry top layer of soil.

In addition, regular spraying of the leaf plate is necessary. In summer - daily, in winter it is enough to spray the leaves every 3 days.

Important! The earthen lump should not dry out.


Pruning is necessary in 2 cases:

  1. The presence of damaged or rotten parts of the trunk or leaves.
  2. The desire to create more lush crown. After removing the upper part, growth in width occurs.


Favorable conditions will be diffused sunlight or partial shade. The liana does not tolerate frequent movements, so a place for a permanent location should be chosen very carefully. Placing it on the north side will not allow the leaves to develop normally - they will be weakly colored, small in size, and without characteristic slits. Direct sunlight will cause the leaves to dry out and turn yellow.


The most common growing problem is lack of moisture. This may lead to the following consequences:

  • darkening and dryness of the leaf blade;
  • the appearance of pests - spider mites and scale insects.

If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to increase watering and the frequency of spraying the leaves. It is recommended to control pests using pesticides.

Too much watering is no less harmful. Yellowed lower leaves and the appearance of rotten areas are the first sign of excess moisture. If these signs occur, watering is temporarily reduced and the affected leaves are removed.

Know! With proper care, Monstera rarely suffers from pests and diseases.


The time of active growth is summer and early spring. During this period, it is recommended to use fertilizers (mineral or organic). Without this, the growth of the vine slows down. Young plants do not need additional food sources.

If in winter the room is maintained heat, then you can use fertilizers at this time, but in smaller quantities.


The most popular and easiest method of propagation is stem cuttings. To do this, take a small part of the stem. For successful rooting, there must be at least 2 buds on it.

The cuttings are placed horizontally in a container with special soil. One kidney should be on the ground. The optimal soil composition will be: a drainage layer and 2 cm of humus or peat soil. You need to pour a few centimeters of sand on top. To preserve moisture, cover the top of the container with a glass jar.

The constant temperature in the room should be at least 20 degrees. Watering is carried out regularly 2 times a day: morning and evening. When the first leaf is formed, you can transplant it into a permanent pot. No less popular is propagation by apical cuttings. To do this, cut off the upper part of the stem with the formed leaf and aerial root. Such cuttings can be immediately planted in a permanent pot.

Remember! The seed propagation method is practically not used. This is due to the fact that under artificial conditions flowering is a very rare occurrence.


During the first 4 years, the vine actively grows, so replanting into a larger pot is recommended annually. Then, the frequency of replanting can be reduced to 1 time every 3 years. But it is recommended to replace the topsoil annually.

The optimal soil mixture looks like this:

All components are taken in equal proportions. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot.


Under favorable conditions, the first flowering can begin in the 2nd year of life. Although in our climatic conditions this happens very rarely.

Root system

Aerial roots are an important part of the root system. The more roots, the more nutrients the plant can receive. Under no circumstances should the roots be removed. They need to be directed along the trunk towards the ground. If this is not possible, the roots are collected in several pieces and placed in a separate pot with soil.

They are also necessary to keep the vine upright. For these purposes, tubes, gratings or ropes are used, on which adventitious roots can get caught.

Useful properties of monstera

In addition to unproven superstitions and signs, the plant has very real beneficial qualities:

  1. Thanks to large area The leaf plate enriches the air with oxygen and aerons and absorbs carbon dioxide.
  2. Absorbs harmful impurities in the house.
  3. It has bactericidal properties and inhibits the activity of fungi, viruses and bacteria.
  4. Dust accumulates on wide leaves.

Important! Monstera is able to absorb formaldehyde, which is emitted by some modern building materials.


In addition, the exotic beauty of the plant with large shiny leaves and many hanging aerial roots brings home interior new colors and creates a tropical corner of the house. We hope that we were able to dispel the misconception about why the monstera flower cannot be kept at home.

Video: is it possible to keep a monstera flower in the house?

In order to grow a rare plant on your windowsill, you must follow the subtleties of its maintenance. Gardeners love colorful plants. In this collection, the authors tried to provide several secrets in order to avoid mistakes when growing rare plant. Every flowering creature requires careful care. Subtleties of care large species colors are no different. It seems correct to understand for useful actions, which family the desired plant belongs to.

How to propagate Monstera correctly?

For this method, the lateral processes, apical, stem cuttings, as well as pieces of the stem with an eye or sections of the leaf top. Produce reproduction better in spring or in summer. The cutting should contain several leaves, an “eye” or a bud. By the way, if the cuttings have aerial roots, the propagation process will speed up. Cuttings easily take root in water, sand, special soil or sphagnum moss.

To separate the cuttings you should use sharp knife. The cut areas should be treated with charcoal crushed into powder. The drainage of the first monstera house should consist of broken bricks, covered with 2 centimeters of peat or humus soil and several centimeters of sand.

Plant the cuttings in a pot and cover with a glass cap or plastic film. Until the roots appear young plant you need to water twice a day, and keep the temperature between 24-25 degrees Celsius. When is it formed root system

, the monstera is transplanted into an intermediate pot, increasing its volume with each subsequent transplant. Young monstera plants first produce whole, juvenile leaves, and only on the fifth or sixth leaf can you see the long-awaited slits. When growing a monstera from a cutting, you must immediately begin to form the plant, wrapping it around a support stick made of moss, a meter and a half long, and fix the stem with special pins, or tie it with strips of soft fabric. Over time, the stem becomes woody and gives the plant it won't be possible anymore. Tubes are available for sale as a support for monstera, selected in proportion to the size of the plant, wrapped in dry palm fiber. Spraying the vine and fiber support provides both moisture and nutrition for the aerial roots.


You should not place the flower on windows with north side. because it will grow poorly, suffering from insufficient light. On the contrary, on southern windowsills, the plant must be protected from bright sunlight, providing him with shading. The eccentric monstera grows well in bright but diffuse lighting, so optimal location for it are windows that have access to the east or west.

It is better to place the Monstera near a western or eastern window.

If the lighting is chosen correctly, the flower will thank the owner with large leaves that have unusual slits. With a lack of light, monstera leaves become noticeably smaller and the aerial roots become thinner.


Since the leaves of the plant are large, the evaporation area is large, so Monstera requires regular spraying. which has a positive effect on the condition of the flower. This procedure requires settled water at room temperature. You also need to keep an eye on the leaves if dust has accumulated on them. it should be collected with a damp soft cloth.

Another homemade one exotic plant- indoor decorative bamboo. In the East it is generally believed that it brings happiness and good luck to the home. Even a novice gardener can grow it.

More experienced flower growers You will certainly be interested in the beautiful azalea. Read more about growing and propagating this flower at the link.

The unique croton, with its colors reminiscent of an autumn forest, is also successfully grown at home. Read about it here


Monstera loves water. especially in spring and summer. During this period, the flower should be watered abundantly, guided by the drying of the soil layer. For this purpose, it is recommended to use soft, settled water. With the onset of autumn, watering is reduced. In winter, water the plant two days after the soil layer has dried. When watering monstera, you need to adhere to moderation; both waterlogging and drying out of the substrate are bad. By the way, leaf spotting and root rotting will indicate waterlogging.

This plant was watered too generously.

Top dressing

Like any house plants, monstera needs certain feeding. To avoid a slowdown in growth in adult specimens, spring-summer feeding activities should be carried out twice a month. For this purpose, fertilizers with mineral and organic composition are used. Young specimens do not need to be fed.

Support for a young vine.

Monstera is essentially a liana, so along with fertilizing, it is recommended to support the plant. and pull its leaves with a rope. Pruning is carried out if the old plant has stopped growing. After pruning, active growth of side shoots begins.

Aerial roots

A certain feature of Monstera is the presence of aerial roots. They grow from each leaf, but cannot be cut off. Florists recommend placing these roots in the pot where the plant grows or placing an additional container with nutritious soil nearby for them. These roots provide the plant with additional nutrition. If the aerial roots are short, do not reach the ground and develop poorly, then you can wrap them with moistened moss or dip the tips into a bottle filled with water.


If the plant is still young, replanting is necessary annually. For 3-4 year old monsteras, this procedure can be carried out once every two years. and for 5-year-olds and older - once every 4 years. But it is necessary to add fresh substrate annually. Young monstera grows well in neutral and slightly acidic soils, which are a mixture of humus, peat, and turf. For adult plants, a mixture of humus, peat, sand, deciduous land and turf. The mixtures can be purchased ready-made, or you can prepare them yourself.


Flowering monstera at home

This flower has many features. So, if you place a monstera in wet room, then after a while you will notice that water is dripping from its leaves. It is believed that this plant can even predict precipitation. If it rains, sticky sap will appear on the monstera leaves. Monstera usually has very long leaves. Their length can reach 35 cm, but sometimes the leaves of the flower are quite compact.

Simplified plant care

Monstera care at home will take you a lot of time. You can grow this flower only if you really love flowers and caring for them is a pleasure for you. The main thing you should consider is temperature regime. As mentioned above, monstera grows in the tropics. That is why it is so important to provide this flower the necessary conditions existence. The temperature of the room in which the monstera will be located should be within 18 degrees plus. This is a heat-loving plant.

Please note that the higher the temperature, the faster the monstera will grow, and the size of its leaves will directly depend on the temperature. The higher it is, the larger the leaves will be. Monstera care at home also requires adequate lighting. It should be remembered that Monstera does not tolerate straight lines. sun rays. Remember that in the tropics there is diffuse sunlight. You are required to imitate this feature of the tropical climate as accurately as possible.

Caring for Monstera - a beautiful plant

Monstera will also respond favorably to partial shade. It is also worth noting that Monstera requires a special watering regime. Especially in the cold season, it is very important to maintain adequate soil moisture. But don’t overfill the monstera. This flower does not tolerate excesses, both in lighting and watering. Only in hot weather should watering be active. For Monstera to grow actively, use warm water. Moreover, the water must be sedimentary. It is very important to know how monstera reproduces.

Plant propagation at home

This plant should be propagated in March or June. Reproduction of monstera involves several stages. To do this you will need its lateral processes. They usually appear at the bottom of the plant stems. You can also use stem or apical cuttings. In other words, you will need a piece of monstera stem and 2 of its leaves. It is necessary to take care of the cuts. They should be sprinkled with coal. Perfect for these purposes charcoal, it needs to be crushed properly.

Monstera propagation using the root part

The stems need to be planted in specially prepared pots. Moreover, their volume should be small. Place standard drainage at the bottom of the pot. Expanded clay drainage is perfect. Then place the shoot and cover it with a glass cover. The room temperature should be about 25 degrees. After this, after some time the flower should be transplanted into a tub and only after 3 years - into a pot.

When you purchase a plant, it is worth learning more about how to properly replant it. To do this, we have prepared for you some notes that relate specifically to monstera. The first thing you must remember is that this flower needs to be replanted every year. This is very important and therefore this transfer regime should be observed. This is especially important for young Mosters. For older monsteras, you can replant them at least every 3 years. This will not deteriorate the quality of their growth.

Proper transplantation of monstera

Replanting monstera involves replacing the top layer of soil, which should be done annually. To replant correctly, you need to buy a special soil composition. You can also create it yourself. To do this you will need humus, peat soil and sand. This mixture must be supplemented with turf.

If you have a fairly young plant, then you can leave it in a bucket for a year, but if the monstera is more than 3 years old, you need to transplant it into a pot. Perfect option for this purpose it is a wooden tub. The container cannot be too narrow or shallow. Since the plant will experience discomfort and grow poorly. Monstera requires mandatory support. We advise you to dig the trunk into the pot. It should have a height of approximately 1 m.

Growing Monstera may attract some pests. It could be thrips. To protect yourself and the plant from this insect, you need to spray it with insecticides. You should also clean the leaves of pests with a soapy sponge. Caring for this plant is a lot of work, but in return you will receive gorgeous flower, which will make the air in your apartment clean and can decorate your home in an original way.

Not everyone knows how to properly care for this plant, because the monstera flower requires specific, but not at all complicated, care at home. Such indoor flowers wonderful, suitable for any room, and the article also answers the question of whether it can be kept at home and what is its effect on a person.

The plant is not at all whimsical, but after reading the recommendations in this article, there will be no difficulties in planting it in a pot at home and doing everything possible so that it blooms and its sores do not appear.

Caring for monstera at home and diseases

Most problems with monstera maintenance occur due to excessive waterlogging of the soil. Weeping, yellowing and rotting foliage are signs that the plant is given too much water. For the same reason, stem rot can also develop. Pale leaves are a sign of lack of fertilizer or too much light. Small brown dots visible on the underside of the leaf are signs of activity. spider mite. Dark spots big size appear because the plant is too cold.

Caring for monstera in winter and summer

Montera loves warmth and in winter, if the ambient temperature is below +15°, it will stop growing. During this period of the year, watering the plant should be done less frequently; the soil should be allowed to dry out between waterings. In summer, the monstera feels “at ease”, so it needs abundant watering and intensive nutrition more than ever.

Its aerial roots help Monstera cope with this task - they provide additional nutrients. The gardener can only direct the roots in the desired direction - onto a damp support, or press them to the ground with a bracket. Fertilizer feeding in summer season It is carried out once a week, in winter – once a month.

Caring for Monstera scythe at home

Modern lovers of indoor plants love monstera with the reckless love with which their grandmothers once deified ficuses. Its huge cut leaves make the plant decorative. Over time, they become covered with dust and must be wiped with a damp cloth. You can give the sheets a special shine and chic by using special polishes, or, as is popularly done, by adding a little milk to the washing water.

How to properly care for monstera vine at home

Monstera likes it diffuse light and partial shade. Its temperature in winter is 12-16°. in summer 22-25°C. The most difficult thing in caring for this plant is choosing optimal humidity. Too dry air leads to the fact that the edge of the monstera leaf begins to dry out, and when high humidity Droplets of water form on the leaves (because of this, monstera is also popularly called crybaby).

Watering is carried out depending on the condition of the soil - it should always be slightly moist, but not soggy. Fertilizing is done in spring and summer. In the autumn-winter period, the plant is allowed to rest and there is no need to fertilize it.

Is it possible to remove aerial roots or leave them with aerial roots?

The aerial roots of Monstera cannot be removed. With their help, the plant receives additional nutrition. In addition, aerial roots serve as a support and help such a powerful plant stay in place. vertical position. For the same purpose, you need to purchase a special support for the monstera, entwined with sisal or other fiber, then it will be easier for the vine to rise up.

How to care for a monstera after transplanting, purchasing, so that it blooms and the leaves are large

Even a novice gardener can grow a monstera. The lifespan of this plant is more than 10 years. At home, the monstera can reach a height of more than 2 m. The purchased or transplanted plant is located at the eastern or western window; the monstera will have to be shaded on the south side.

This unpretentious vine needs to be watered moderately, but the soil must be constantly moist. Fertilizers for Monstera are applied twice a month, from spring to late autumn. In order for the monstera to bloom (except for the above conditions for care and maintenance) in winter, it must be kept at a temperature of 8-15°C, significantly reducing watering.

How to care for a monstera flowerpot

When growing a monstera in a flowerpot, you need to be especially careful about watering this vine. When there is an excess of moisture, its leaves begin to rot, and when there is a lack, they dry out. During the dormant period, it is allowed to water the monstera 1-2 days after the top layer of soil has dried, replacing watering by spraying the leaves with a spray bottle. Direct the growing aerial roots into the flowerpot - through them the monstera will receive additional nutrition.

How to care for the leaves of a young indoor monstera

The leaves of indoor monstera must be regularly cleaned of dust by washing them with warm water. Use softened water for washing and spraying the plant, otherwise unsightly stains may remain on the leaves. Some gardeners use polish to make monstera leaves shine, but the leaves of a healthy vine, with proper care, naturally shine without polish.